
By NakedscribeKC

Published on Jul 31, 2020


Author's Disclaimer: The author has created fictitious persons in an effort to tell a story and as such does not reflect any actual person real or fake, living or dead. As always feel free to submit fan mail and constructive criticism to the provided e-mail address.

It had been a grueling year for twenty year old Travis. Every night was a new horrific nightmare of the misery that had befallen him. Each one seeming to be even more torential than the previous. It started the day the Black List laws were enacted and it never stopped. He was on his way home from the gym when he was jumped by a gang of black guys. Being half black himself he was confused as to why they would attack him. He screamed for help as they tore his clothes to shreds all the while laughing and mocking him. Naked and crying they left him in the fetal position as they ran off, laughing and calling him a Blacklister. After the shock wore off, he got to his feet and went to task of locating the nearest police officer to report the crime. With his left hand being used as a cover for his ten and a half inch member he scurried through the streets of the city, being careful to avoid exposure as much as possible. It didn't take long to find a police officer. The man was in his late twenties, with more muscles than Travis had ever seen in his life. The man smiled and nodded the entire time, staring at the nude athletic young male.

"There, there son," his smile covering his face from ear to ear, "just slow down and tell big Jim what happened."

"Again officer," Travis was annoyed by having to repeat his statement, "some hoodlums stole all of my clothes. I was walking on my home from work like I always do when this group of thugs jumped me and tore all my clothes from my body."

The officer eyed the stud up and down, "I bet they did. I don't know how they let such a luscious young thing like you go."

"Hold up - what did you just say to me? Are fucking you serious right now? GIVE ME YOUR BADGE NUMBER!" Travis hadn't noticed that the cop had unzipped his fly nor had he noticed when his eight inch nightstick had come out.

"Oh I'll give you something alright, and it won't be my badge number." Before the brown skinned hunk had time to react, the cop spun the kid around and slid his leaking dick between the two perky boy cakes.

"What - what are you doing? You're hurting me," he struggled with fear in his voice.

"I'm gonna relieve a little stress into your hole right here. Young men like you are always teasing me, being sexy as fuck and never giving it up. Ol' officer Jim is gonna get his right now." He thrust his tool deep within the nude punk's tight buns. A blood curdling scream ricocheted off the towering skyscrapers as pain assailed his body. Tears started falling from the athlete's eyes as his rapist started riding his tight hole. Never before had he experienced such levels of agony as he did right now. "Oh yeah," Officer Jim continued, "that's it. Big Jim is gonna make you feel so good. Your ass is so tight I almost blew my wad when I first went in." Travis could do nothing but cry and scream wishing someone would come help him. The man continued his assault, his body gyrating violently causing the naked youth's body to shake.

Just then, Travis heard a click and opened his eyes. Out of the corner of his vision he could see the man's mobile phone snapping pictures of the assault. "I can't wait to post this to Instagram. I'm gonna get so many likes; all my buddies will wanna hang with you."

"P-p-p-please don't," the young victim begged, his tears making it hard to form words.

"Huh?" the man thrust deep into Travis's guts forcing out another shriek. "I don't think I heard you," another scream as the man rammed even harder into his rape toy. "That's what I thought you said," he growled. The policeman continued to brutally sodomize the naked youth for a solid hour before he finally orgasmed into his rectum. "Next time you bother a police officer, make sure there really is a crime," he spat on the quivering mess as he zipped back up and walked away. Once again Travis found himself in the fetal position, his hole aching in torment. As he lay there one thing entered his mind: this probably wasn't going to be the last of these assaults by any measure.

Over the next several months, he was savagely and repeatedly raped by different men. When he went to his landlord to complain about a broken shower, the man laughed and forced his way up into his anus. If he ever left the apartment with clothes, someone was always there to tear them off before savagely sodomizing him. He went to both a therapist and a psychiatrist who not only went to town on him, but ended up charging him for the time spent getting nailed. Men who once respected him, only saw him now as a free piece of meat to relieve themselves into. Anytime he went past the construction site between his house and the gym where he worked, the men would hoot and holler at him, catcalling him as he hurried past. He even found a support group that turned out to be ruse to get others like him and gang rape them (he only made that mistake three times). Panic attacks overtook his days as night terrors filled his slumber making him wish he could just stay home. If it wasn't for the fact that he needed the money to live, he would have quit his job as a personal trainer.

One day he decided to ask his Hispanic coworker Tony what was going on. He too was naked like him, but always seemed to have a smile on his face despite being in the same situation. "Dude," Tony said, "Hasn't anyone told you?" Travis shook his head looking around for men in clothes who might want to take advantage of him. "We're on the Black List, bro."

"The Black List?"

"Yeah man, all sexually based offenses that anyone engage in with us are no longer to be considered a crime in this country."

"Really?" Travis was stunned by this revelation.

"Yeah bro; they made it all legally binding and shit like months ago. We can't wear clothes like ever but we can jack off in public. It's pretty tight dog!" Tony smiled like a kid in a toy store that had just been given a limitless credit card. "I tell ya man, I am getting laid like left and right. This is the best thing ever! Plus no one will say nuttin' if I decide to play with myself in front of a crowd. This shit is so liiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!"

"Easy for you to say," Travis spoke with a hushed tone, "you're gay; I'm straight."

"Dog, it don't matter; if you gay, straight, bi, tri, whatever, guys will bang us any time, anywhere, any how. Just the other day, I had a guy with three kids put five loads in me. The ladies love not having to put out anymore."

"What?" a stunned look crossed the Blacklister's face.

"Yeah man, turns out women were only having sex as a means to control men. Since men now have an outlet for their sexual nature, they don't long as they aren't being fucked."

"What about the women that like sex?"

"Oh them? They're lesbians!" he said it so bluntly that Travis had to stop and process what he just heard.

"Is that why Patricia dumped me?" Tony solemnly nodded to his friend as he watched Travis's heartbreak. "So - so you mean she was -"

"Yep a total lez-bee-in! Yo, you didn't know that she was cheating on you this whole time with Selma from her job?" Travis shook his head in response as he felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. "Tsssssss - my bad bro! Everyone thought you knew and just didn't care. Patricia even said that you encouraged her to follow her bliss." Tony reached between his legs, giving his one eyed cyclops a few tugs. A man from across the room tossed his head up signaling his desire for his services. "Later man, I'm gonna go get another load in me. Papi is hardcore thirsty for white guy milk and the bar just opened up. Ya know what I'm sayin?" Tony left as he chuckled at his own joke leaving his nude coworker to drown in his own sorrows.

Miraculously no one had bothered to rape him all afternoon. He decided to take a late shift and work the front desk. Travis figured that it best to wallow in self pity in a large crowd than in front of his TV at home. The fact that he probably wouldn't afford anyone the opportunity to rape him on his way home just sweetened the deal. Hours past as the grunts and moans of various men having sex turned into white noise. Nothing seemed to matter anymore and he just gave the same blase greeting to anyone that came through the doors. Men of all shapes and sizes walked in meeting with various other men in different states of dress. Each one would flash their member ID before he would hand them a towel before going back to thinking about Patricia. Closing time soon crept up and he was left in charge of getting things back in order before locking for the night. He went to the back door to allow the after-shift Jizz Janitors to come in and clean the various fluids that had been left in the last few remaining clients' wake. Tony had long since clocked out, leaving with a Black and Asian couple in their sixties for a night of wild passion and fun. Travis decided to make good use of this time spent by taking a shower as the cleaning crew went to work. After all, the super still refused to fix the shower in his apartment, opting each time to violate his tight little rectum.

"Why does it hurt anytime I get fucked?" he thought. "You'd think after awhile my body would've been stretched out permanently by now. Come to think of it, did anyone else experience this level of pain anytime they got taken?" He whipped his phone out his and did a quick search on Google. There, in black, blue, and whit were titles and snippets of various articles gazing back at him. He clicked the third link down as he haphazardly made his way to the men's locker room. The article reported how various men like him, known generally as Blacklisters, all reported the same levels of pain as they had when they first got assaulted or had made love. Not only were these men engaging in intercourse in differing levels of frequency as him, but they were also experiencing a lot of the same feelings of anxiety and depression as he was. He went back to the list and clicked on another article: a study that was done on men's anal sphincter sizes before and after assault. According to the study done at John Hopkins University, 100% of the men assaulted would have their sphincters return to their original shape in as little as eight hours irrespective of their immediate post-intercourse size. He poured through various forums and postings on Reddit as man after man of varying ages and ethnicities were complaining about nearly every rape as being as agonizing as the first... and in some cases more so. Putting the phone back in his bag, he turned his attention to getting cleaned from the day's sweat and grime.

The nudist scrubbed his smooth, virile lightly mocha flesh as the suds clung to him like a scorned lover. The warm pulses washed away the day's trauma, lulling him into a sense of peace and serenity. Whatever jizz that had been in him from this morning's attack had already found its way out and into a toilet. He decided to have a little bit of fun and whipped up a nice thick lather and then went to town stroking his now erect prick. He moaned and panted under the aquatic streams, pretending it was Patricia that was giving his aching loins the relief he needed. Just then a popping sound rang out against the empty, once silent, room. "Hello," he called out, "who's there?" only to find an empty sea of shut metal boxes. He shrugged his shoulders before heading back to the warm torrent of water that awaited him.

Right as he got close to the aquatic downpour, a shadow clocked him right in the face, sending him careening to the ground. He looked up in abject terror as the man stared down at the bloodied mess that lay before him. There, in front of the frightened stud's field of vision, stood what looked to be one of his older clients. He was a heavyset man with a white bushy beard and pepper grey body hair. "Well, well, well fellas," Travis struggled to focus on the other men in the room that accompanied the first, "seems that our little cocktease here thought it would be fun to turn us on once more!"

"What do you want from me," the trainer was still dazed as he gently caressed the black eye he had just been given. He pulled his hand back and stared in horror at the sight of blood on his fingers. He could feel a large gash where the side of his face had met with the tile as the river of blood ran down his naked form and ended up in the drain.

"What we want is for you to stop teasing us constantly and just put out already."

Ignoring this, Travis replied, "I - I think I might h-h-h-have a...ayy concussion."

"I didn't hit you that hard," the fat man rolled his eyes. "You're not gonna worm your way out of putting out, this time."

"Worm my way?"

"Yeah, you've been leading us all on for the past year now and we're tired of it."

"Yeah, tired of it!" another one sneered.

"So we're gonna take what we want," the first man continued. "We tried being nice, we tried being polite, but you just don't seem to wanna put out like your other buddy does."

"Tony?" Travis looked up again focusing on the other men standing around him. "He's gay...I'm straight; doesn't that matter anymore?"

"And I'm the frickkin' tooth fairy...personally I don't give a flying fuck what you call yourself. The point is we got needs and you got holes and we intend on making good use of them; better use than you ever will." With that, the man pulled his shorts down revealing a six and half inch angry pecker. A little tear of precum had formed on his acutely angled member as though it were eager to say hello. "Hold him boys," he barked as two of the men grabbed each arm, and another pinning his legs. Travis desperately tried to wrestle himself free as the bulbous man lay down on top of him; three other men pinned his legs and arms down. He could feel the old man's hard package pressed against his perfectly rounded bubble butt. The twenty two year old chastised himself in the heat of the moment for working hard at such an athletic body. A surge of pain resonated throughout his body causing him to scream again as flesh was torn asunder...the rectal intruder cutting its way through soft tissue. It felt as if an ice pick was being shoved into him with flagrant disregard for his safety. The older man continued his assault for about thirty minutes before his panting finally began to change. His breathing hastened, "OH FUCK, OH FUCK - I'M GONNA - OHHHHH - AHHHH - FUUUUUCK!" He slammed hard into the Balcklister's backside, releasing his love seed deep within. Travis let out a third scream as tears started to roll down his cheeks. As the first man got up, a second would soon take his place making sure, all the while, to keep him pinned to the sopping floor.

"PLEASE JUST LET ME GO," he pleaded as one of the other men came to his backside. "I w-w-won't t-tell anyone I swear!" The blood from his facial gash continued to leak in earnest, as the water kept it fresh. His eye would be swollen for a week if he could make it to the ER without being raped again along the way. That seemed more like a pipe dream at the moment as the second man began his intrusion into Travis's backside. He screamed again, "YOU'RE HURTING ME! PLEASE, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD - LET ME GO!" The second man just ignored his cries, instead focusing on the warm gooey pleasure that enthralled his seven inch penis. The man violently thrashed knocking the air from his lungs as Travis mentally begged for this nightmare to be over. It had taken the second man twenty minutes to purge his man-nectar into the kid's guts. By the time the third, fourth, and fifth men had a go at Travis, he felt as though he'd be leaking splooge for days. Every man would have his fair shake a couple of times over before the night's end, however

It wouldn't take long before he started feeling the effects of the late hours. It must have been one or two in the morning when the sixth and seventh men got a crazy notion to attack him with a double-penetration. First the sixth guy entered his anal ring (sliding up underneath him) then came the seventh guy from the top. Both laughed as the trainer's face contorted with anguish. This was a new level of hell for him as no one had ever done this before...not even the faux support group. "He Mikey," one of the guys chuckled, "I think he likes it." Travis looked down for a brief instant and was horrified at what stared back at him. His rager was stiffer than he had ever seen it before, leaking like a broken faucet. Cream came oozing out all over the sixth man's bulbous tummy. "Yeah, you like it slut?" The man's words rang in his head almost to the point of drowning everything else out. He shuddered as he started questioning his sexual identity right before another sharp pain bolted through him. He snapped back to the situation at hand, shrieking not from pain, but from the humiliation he had witnessed.

The first man rammed his pecker into Travis's gaping maw, gagging him with another of his ice-pick boners. "Oh my sweet heavenly lord," the man shut his eyes as he felt the vibrations on his member. "You guys have GOT to try this! His screams feel like a vibrator for my dick." The ones that weren't penetrating his cum cakes filed in behind the first man leaving the others to pin him down or keep on viciously thrusting into the Blacklister . Each time a man would shoot down his throat, he would climb off and another would take his place. Finally, every man had a turn at each one of his orifices flooding him with so much spunk that Travis thought it would be at least a full month before he got it all out.

Just then he heard a gruff "my turn" charge its way through the chaos. A big, barrel chested hirsute old man towered over his nearly spent athletic body. The others got up and released all of Travis's limbs freeing him to act. Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly learned why they had backed up: the weight of the bearded old fogey was more than enough to hold him in place. A thud hit his bubbly cheeks as Travis turned to see what had just hit him. The color in his face quickly drained as he beheld something even more nightmarish than he had ever seen before, came crashing down on his mounds. The penis that the man had was gargantuan and defied the laws of physics; he watched in terror as the thing sprung to life. It grew and grew and grew some any man could make that thing get hard was beyond his understanding. Travis started writhing as the man leaned in, "be gentle," he growled, "it's my first time with a guy."

The youth screamed two octaves higher than he had ever gone before as the pale python snaked its way through his rectal cavity. It ripped, tore, and cleaved a deeper schism into him as the man penetrated his rear entry. Over and over the man would slam and thrust into his captive grunting and growling the entire time. The others cheered him on hoping that somehow it would motivate their friend to do his best. "Yeah Frank," one called out, "give him hell!"

"That's it - show him what a real man feels like!" shouted another.

They soon encircled the couple, each one fervently pulling on their own various sized staffs. As each one blew a final load onto their victim, Frank would match by shoving deep inside the captive trainer. Frank's mighty member would spew a massive load inside Travis, matching his buddies' loads and flooding his boytoy's insides with more goo than the kid would know what to do with. It took another hour before the rest of the group had jizzed all over his brown body. As Travis lay there, his mind shattered into a million tiny little pieces, unable to move after all the trauma he endured, the other men started walking away. Grabbing towels, everyone dried themselves off...everyone except for Frank.

Frank got up after five minutes having spent nearly all his energy on his lover. He reached up and turned the faucet off, and smiled, "thanks kid. You're the best! Don't ever change!" Travis could do nothing but gurgle as he had finally surrendered to the purpose that had been literally thrust upon him: every man's favorite rape toy.

Next: Chapter 5: Carlos

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