
By NakedscribeKC

Published on Jul 13, 2020


Author's Disclaimer: The author has created fictitious celebrities in an effort to tell a story and as such does not reflect any actual person real or fake, living or dead. As always feel free to submit fan mail and constructive criticism to the provided e-mail address.

"Our guests tonight are star of the stage Sarah Sampson, two time Academy award winner Marissa Goyez, musical performances by Bro 5, and Hispanic hear-throb Juan Padillo. So don't go anywhere!" Teddy threw on one of his award winning smiles as the camera panned out. Juan sat in the green room that he had been provided gnawing at the pile of fruit that Teddy's people had been so kind as to leave for him. It was his first interview since the Great Revelation and it promised to be a big one. His agent had booked him this gig in hopes of clearing up any reservations that people might have about his stance on the new laws. Someone had started a nasty rumor that he was against them and thus un-American. They had also said that he refused to follow the law except when on screen. He was going to have to move heaven and earth to convince everyone that all of this was a lie fabricated by someone in the industry that was most likely jealous of his success.

The soft velvet blanket grazed his bare, virile skin as he leaned over to grab another fresh strawberry. The Colombian could feel an all too familiar stirring in his loins as he glided back into a more relaxed position, legs spread apart placing emphasis on his enormous genitals. He watched with delight as his cock started twitching and throbbing as though it had just awoken from a centuries old nap. "Don't wurry mi cariño," he cooed to the savage beast, "jugaremos real soon but por now we wait." A teaspoon of slime oozed from his slit as if to confirm its complacency. Juan let out a slight chuckle as the he watched the spooge slide down his long veiny shaft. He desperately wanted to pop a fresh load while he waited, but knew two things:

  1. The longer he waited the bigger the blast.

  2. He had to do something to dispel the rumours of his rebellion against the new laws.

"Ay dios mío," he cried to himself, "me duele mucho." He gave his boytoy a slight pet as though it was some puppy he was trying to appease, but to no avail. If anything it furthered the frustration that he was stirring within his loins. Juan could feel his blood broil as his hormones screamed to be pacified. He tried grabbing his monstrous balls, teasing himself even further. "Ay, ay, ay," he pante, stimulating himself as much as he could. He soon realized that if he wasn't on top of his game when he went on stage, no one would believe his support of the New World Order. Juan continued teasing himself all the while making sure to pull himself back from the brink of orgasm. At one point in his attempts of achieving arousal, he laid down with his back up on, rubbing his crotch across the soft velvet blank while imagining he was making dry love to a redheaded güero. A knock at the door awoke him from his revery, turning his attention back to reality. "Jes?" he called out.

"Five more minutes, Señor Padillo," came a feminine voice. Juan sprung up and ran towards the door in hopes of catching the woman before she left.

"Porque, whhy?"

"Ms. Sampson and Ms. Goyez have both canceled bumping you and Bro 5 up in the queue. Additionally, your interview will last until the end of the show; so feel free to go wild."

"Gracias, Señorita," shutting the door, Juan picked up the false collar and cuffs his agent had selected for him to wear. His member once again ached for release as he got ready, sending down another large dollop of cream. Lesser men would have considered this a full blown climax, but for him... it was just the warm-up. He vacated the green room leaving streaks of prejizz in his wake. It had been smeared all over the couch and pooled up everywhere on the floorboards. He felt the smallest twinge of pity at the poor Jizz Janitor that would have to clean that up his mess later at the end of the show.

Juan scratched at the back of his neck as the Velcro tickled his exposed skin. He reached back to adjust the collar as the show went to commercial. Teddy took a swig of water preparing his notes for his next guest. Bro 5 had left the stage after a very energetic dance number with the only Blacklister in the group glistening with sweat (from top to bottom) under the fluorescent lights. Juan admired the young pup's thin, lanky body as it dazzled under the beams. The twink must have gone to great lengths to keep himself so tight and athletic. The Colombian watched as a droplet of sweat slid down his back right before one of his band mates dried it off. Juan licked his lips, his hormones surging through him. If his circumstances were different he might have just pounded one out into the kid's hole. It took every ounce of willpower that he had to not lunge at the youth and mate with him.

After fidgeting with the dancer's collar with the faux bow tie, the host called out "Ladies and Gentlemen, I present Señor Juan Padillo!" A thunderous mixture of applause and hooting erupted from the crowd as Juan made his way from backstage. His balls ached harder as his hefty man sword smacked against his body, a few strands of precum clung palpably from his chiseled abs. As the Colombian strode across stage flashing his pearly whites he blew kisses to the crowd. The hoots and hollers started to die down as Juan sat on the velvety loveseat. His rod twitched uncontrollably with every inch of fabric that would pet his large huevos, as he manspreaded his legs in a way that emphasized his crotch meat. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to let out a moan of delight but the audience could see his face contort with pleasure. "So I see the fabric made quite the impression on you. We did good, yeah?" Teddy questioned.

"Sí," Juan chuckled, "berry much so"

"Well that's great to hear! After the Great Revelation the producers decided it was time to get a new couch that had been treated with that new fabric protector that everyone was going on and on about. It's supposed to be made from that solvent that they use to clean up spunk stains."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah so if you feel the urge to let loose - and by the looks of it, ya do - then by all means man go to town."

"Whale, maybe later..." a boisterous oooo emerged from the crowd as the Latino let out another smile.

"So," the host continued, "balls out, how has the Great Revelation affected you? People are saying that you don't actually adhere to the new legal code that's been implemented unless it's on camera; you know that right?"

"Jes, but as you can plainly see that's not duh...duh...como se dice"

"The case?"

"Jes the case! I praferrr being naked alllwhays!" Juan chuckled with delight, his prick twitching again. A blob of goo streamed down his thick meaty shaft and onto its way to the cushion. "It's fun for me becauhse I can make duh sex with duh mens. I love duh mens and dhey love me."

"Well we can see that...but tell me what about all the pictures that are circulating online, though?"

"Ahhhhh jes, dhose are old pictures from antes deh new jaws; dhey are no good. I brought more pictures - nuevos fotos - pour jou."

Teddy turned to the small screened tablet that was interlinked with a larger screen. It allowed for the audience to see what was on the screen of the tablet as well as the people viewing the show from home. A frozen image appeared of Juan flashed onto the screen showing him in the same collar and cuffs that he was currently wearing onstage, but showed him standing on a red carpet caught mid wave with throngs of onlookers standing behind a white metal fence. "Hhere eye am at dhe, dhe saohpies - jes? An' here you can see me totally naked like I always am, somedhings jus' hanging out." His body, although technically not fully nude, had been draped in white foamy suds causing his muscular form to glisten in the flash from the camera. A few of the male viewers in the audience licked their lips salivating at the sight of such a blatantly erotic display.

"Ok, so it appears that you're wearing some kind of foam here. You wanna tell me why that is?"

"Oh, dat? Dat do jou say...espuma de baño de burbujas...uhhh como se dice..."

"Some kind of bubble bath suds maybe?" Teddy shrugged as he tried to help the stud out with his understanding of the English language.

"Sí - jes - jeah! Bubble bat'! It was a special occashion y the jaw mens said...uhhh...sí jou can wear the bubble bat's if jou quieres."

"Well that must've been fun!"

"Sí it was... all night mens would come to me y say `Hi - how are jou?' y dhen dhey would play with my - with my peenees. I had a lot of fuhn dat night."

The image had now changed and showed him sitting at home playing with himself, lost in the throws of ecstasy. What appeared to be large sparkles of pearlessence hung in mid air as the entire audience chortled with delight. "Ok, so what is going on here?" the host inquired pretending not to know what was happening.

"Pues...I like to play wit' me-self allot y my agent he say `jet mee take duh picture becouse jou look so boot'if'ool.' So he took my picture an' kept it for heemself. He really like duh picture."

"Soooo...about how often a day do you play with yourself?"

"Oh twenty ah treinta maybe treinta cinco dimes uh day"

"Reallllllly?!" Teddy had been flabbergasted by this response. Never in his life had he ever met a man so virile as the one that sat before him. "Well I got a special surprise for you then. Without the prior knowledge of my producers I did a little shopping in anticipation of tonight's interview." The host reached behind his desk, fishing out a metal basin that contained a sponge, and a pink plastic bottle within it. From the other side he pulled out a device that was shaped like an electric drill but with a whisk attached to it. A second later the man fished out jug after jug of water that would soon be poured into the steely container. "That's right folks...for the first time on live TV, Colombian hunk Juan Padillo is gonna bathe himself and orgasm as proof of his support for the newly enacted Blacklist Laws."

Juan could feel his balls ache and tingle at the prospect of bathing and jerking himself off on live TV. Another thick milky white blob slowly wept from his third leg, coating the fat veiny shaft in another layer of precum. Lustful urges started to ever so surreptitiously erode his sanity as his hormones started to envelope him in a lustful craze. He didn't care how he was going to orgasm, and it mattered even less with whom he was to do the deed with, it only mattered that he needed it more than anything else in the world. It had seemed as though time had slowed down to a lumbering and clumsy crawl, as if it had lost the knowledge in order to move to the next moment. With his eyes closed he hadn't noticed that the late night talk-show host had started pouring the warm water into the bin nor had he noticed the well dressed man mixing in the bubble bath with the newly purchased electric mixer. No, he didn't care that a large, frothy mound of suds had begun to form in the concoction like a soufflé rising inside an oven. The only concern Juan had was the throbbing in his loins and doing anything to placate them. "And we're back! Now tell us Juan - everyone wants to know - how big are you...I mean in numbers?" Clearly the host was relishing in the torture and discomfort that he was causing his guest.

"I am - como se dice - a foot? A foot long? Iz dat righ'?"

"Twelve inches...really...woooooowww!" the man in the suit let out a chuckle. "That's pretty amazing! I bet a lot of guys are envious of that! How big are your balls?"

"Dey are...dey are... dhe size is twice of wha' you caww...nueces brasileñas?"

"Brazilian Nuts you mean?" Teddy lifted his smart phone up as the camera tried to zoom in on the picture of the food stuff that he had just searched on Google. The normally large brown lump could barely be seen on the phone as staff members frantically tried to get an image sent to the tablet on the star's desk. It didn't take long for a much larger version of the brown shelled consumable pop onto all the appropriate screens showing the audience what these things would look like. Men gasped at the size of the edibles shifting focus to and from the Colombian's crotch, comparing and contrasting what they saw with what he had. Each one of them fantisized as to what it must be like for him to be so overburdened with lust. Some were even wondering what it must be like to get pounded by such an manimal, as they felt a tightening sensation in their pants. A few of the male audience members started playing with themselves, being the Blacklisters that they were. They had been leaking while sitting in the chairs during the entire interview, playing with their own throbbers and trying not to detract from the beastly stack of hormones on stage. A couple of their neighbors placed a hand on the Blacklisters' members as if to say that they were there for them in their time of need. "Ok, so now as I had teased earlier, Juan here is gonna bathe himself onstage; right Juan?"

The Soap star nodded vehemently eager to get to the physical portion of his performance. Teddy came out from behind his desk placing the sudsy metal container on the cushion of the loveseat. Into one hand the well groomed man gave the stud a little cleaned out tub that was at one point used for butter; in the other went a sponge. The talk show host went back to his desk and watched as the show began.

Juan dipped the cleaning implement into the warm bubbly mixture as he sat the butter tub next to the basin. Drawing out the liquid he turned around to face the crowd, squeezing the sponge all over his smooth, glabrous flesh. The Colombian's muscular form gleamed under the stage-lights as each drop of soap burdened water curved over each meticulously carved bulge. He let out the tiniest of moans teasing his now salivating audience as they leaned in close hoping to see more of his masculine details. After emptying every morsel of hydration from the sponge, he dipped it back into the tub before moving the metal container to the ground. He bent over making sure everyone watching could see his perfectly round cheeks as he filled the sponge again. He smiled as he heard the howls coming from the audience, a couple of the men calling out marriage proposals. Juan stiffened back up wrenching out another downpour of the viscous liquid. When he went back a third time however, he made sure to get more of the foam so as to entice the viewers even more.

He ran his hands all over his body as he scrubbed slowly focusing his attention on his engorged member. The Latino moaned and panted, begging some unknown force for permission to orgasm. Gently he tugged on his rager, his breathing hastened as the throws of ecstasy began to center themselves on his abundantly carnal activities. As other men were sucking and pleasuring other Blacklisters in the audience, Juan was busy making sweet, sweet love to himself. A clamor of lust and desire soon filled the studio as other men started jacking off to the performance on stage. One of the camera operators, a Blacklister himself, was receiving head from one of the most powerful men on set at the time.

After what felt like hours, but in reality was just forty minutes, Juan roared in pure elation as his own juices erupted, painting the ceiling with his spicy sauce. This sent the audience into a sexual orgasmic frenzy themselves, unleashing their loads into their respective willing receptacles. After a minute or two of bathing in the euphoria of the events, Teddy turned to one of the cameras that somehow managed to remain trained on him. "Don't go anywhere," he said as the final set of commercials intervened.

Next: Chapter 3: Armahd

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