
By NakedscribeKC

Published on Aug 17, 2021


I am submitting my next piece for publication as it is the next installment in the series.

Author's Disclaimer: The author has created fictitious persons in an effort to tell a story and as such does not reflect any actual person real or fake, living or dead. As always feel free to submit fan mail and constructive criticism to the provided e-mail address. You can now follow me on Twitter: @TheScribeXXX

Follow me on Twitter @TheScribexxx Remember to support; without your donations, my work wouldn't be published.

Jose sat in his office, his dick hardening as he watched one of the new hires getting gang-raped by some lecherous Non-Blacklisters. He loathed the fact that he, like so many others, became aroused at the slightest hint of any sexual behavior. It didn't matter if the act or situation was consensual or not... the only thing that mattered was that sex was involved. Every sexual innuendo, every slap to the butt, every catcall would cause his pleasure pole to stiffen despite not wanting to. The Mexican could only sit behind his desk, harrowed by the fact that there was nothing he could do to stop the assault of his employee. His name was Konelio and he had come here in hopes of escaping troubles that had plagued him in his home country of Tonga. Tears ran like a waterfall from his eyes as he begged for mercy while his non-blacklisted coworkers took delight in his pleas, taunting the lad and mocking his rueful behavior. "Oh, poor sexy beast," Jose could overhear one of them sneer, "aren't you enjoying your new play time?'

"Yeah," another chimed in, "rape-bait loves his new position in the company." Rape-bait... it was one of the new derogatory terms that had cropped up in recent months since the Great Revelation had taken place. Jose shuddered as he recalled the first time he had heard that term being used. He had been on a conference call with some investors when one of them asked him if he was rape-bait. He was stunned; unable to process what he had been asked, and unable to determine exactly what the man was asking. He had never heard that term before and thus couldn't wrap his mind around what the investor meant. It took him a second to gather his wits and to ask for clarification as to what the man meant. The investor clarified what he meant by that term. The man replied explaining that he wondered if he was a Blacklister and that he sounded extremely attractive. The investor went on to ask him if they could go out on a date the next time he was in town, and would love to have a crack at his sweet Latin ass. After the call ended, and for the next few weeks, Jose started receiving sexually charged emails from the man, detailing all the horrific and perverted acts he would think about while jerking off to the images that played out in his head. The investor even managed to bribe one of Jose's employees into taking pix of Jose and send them to the pervert. Then the calls started; some were just the sounds of heavy breathing while a popping sound was heard repeatedly occurring in the background while other calls involved depraved fantasies that the man wanted to perform. The investor would ask Jose to just read things so he could beat off to the sound of his voice. This went on for several weeks until the man lost interest for whatever reason, leaving Jose terrified to answer his own desk phone. Much to the Mexican's chagrin, his penis had a mind of its own and would always become rock hard whenever he read the graphic emails or listened to the depraved calls. Jose tried numerous times to file complaints about the harassment he was being forced to endure, but no one seemed to care. If anything they encouraged him to seek out his harasser and take him up on his dinner date offer. He was told "it would be good for the company if he were to engage in an affair with [this] prominent investor" that fancied him. It was frustrating for him to hear that HR was encouraging such abhorrent behavior in their employees and investors, but he felt that he had little choice as to how to fight back in the matter. He wanted to run, to scream, to hide in a hole somewhere - do something to stop this sicko from getting his jollies and tormenting him. It had made him literally sick to his stomach until the nightmare ended. Even then, it took another three weeks for him to start to feel well enough to the point where he wasn't vomiting with anxiety every time the phone rang. Oh how he hated the sound of his desk phone chiming every time he got a call... unsure if it was the investor or not. He had to seek psychological help from a licensed psychiatrist who gave him a prescription for the dread he felt on a near constant basis. Another tormented shriek pulled Jose back to the present as Konelio was still being sodomized by his peers. Every thrust was a painful bloody reminder of his place in society and that he was valued only as an object of sexual gratification by those who dared to call themselves their equals. True there were certain protections in place that meant Blacklisters garnered equal employment opportunities and pay, but they were loosely enforced. In fact, if you weren't having sex with coworkers, bosses, whomever, you could be fired on the spot. Sometimes idiotic blacklisted deadbeats were hired based on looks and bangability which of course led to them being treated as common whores.

Over and over Konelio's coworkers jabbed their dongs deep within his once virgin-tight tight bowels, each of them rotating their turn with his brown boy buns. "Oh fuck," one of them called out, "how is he still so tight? Fuck - he's so hot!" Konelio was tall and athletic, his body glistening with a sheen of sweat that hung off his marble sculpted frame. He had raven black hair that had been shaved on the side while leaving a thick, coiffed mane atop his model good looking head. His jaw-line was square and gave a firm masculine trim to him while two burning brown eyes and chicklet shaped white teeth sat in their respective places. He had the neck of a linebacker that was offset by two broad sinewy shoulders with boulders for delts and arms. A pair of perfectly formed pectoral muscles were dotted with dime sized nipples which did nothing to detract from his washboard shredded abs and v-line. Eight inches of pure veiny masculinity hung from his inky black bush which highlighted the biggest, meatiest pair of low hanging testicles Jose had seen. The kid must have been a walking cum factory with those things as he was constantly leaving a trail of spooge everywhere he went. Jose could follow the wet-spots at any point and it would always lead him right back to the young stud pup. A pair of thick trunk-like legs and bubble butt rounded out the man sandwich that was this immigrant from far away. A steady dribble of blood and cum emanated from the youth's hole as his coworkers violently ripped apart his backside for their personal delight. He had been tossed on a slab that was empty which should have had a computer atop it. Konelio's head had been jammed up against the empty faux half wall that kept the slab afloat in mid-air while his legs were held on top of each of his rapist's shoulders when they were violating him. His eyelids were wide open as he gave them all a pleading look while they men took turns ramming their fuck sticks inside his guts. When they grew bored with shoving their tools up into him, they took to impelling him with various stationary from other nearby open desks. Five staplers, three staple-removers, and several writing implements later, the assault ended, leaving the Tongan a broken sobbing mess. Fuck goo dripped from his torn bloodied hole and sweaty torso as his attackers high-fived each other while walking away from the blubbering boy. Jose felt compelled to comfort to the young man, but felt that his case would have been undermined by the raging boner that he had managed to pop while watching the event. Instead, he puked into his trash can before calling maintenance to come and remove his expunged stomach contents from his office. The alarm on his company issued smartphone started to chime, reminding him of the impending meeting for new updates on the app his online bank was going to be implementing soon.

Jose grabbed his phone and laptop and raced over to the elevators in hopes that no one would see him or his softening stiffy. He arrived at the elevators without a single person seeing him and hit the up button to summon the metal contraption to his location. Within five minutes he was in the vehicle on his way up to the twenty-fifth floor for the meeting. As the carriage rose through the towering heights of the building that he worked in, he caught a couple of fellows staring at his genitals like a pack of rabid dogs. He cringed and tried to give them both a wide berth in the lift in hopes that they would leave him alone. It wasn't until he bumped into another person that he realized that they weren't the only three in the room as a business woman was also there. She gave a harumph before exclaiming, "EXCUSE YOU," towards the Blacklister and glowered at him.

Jose backed away a little bit putting his hands up in submission, "uhhhh excuse me, ma'am. I - I - uhhhh - didn't see you there."

"You had better be," she growled. She was a bit taller than the naked Mexican clocking in at six feet in height, thanks in part to the gray high heels she wore on her feet. A knee-length gray pleated skirt covered her thick, trunk-like legs while a white dress shirt and gray dress coat covered her pudgy torso and flabby arms. A stern frown sat under her hazel eyes, which in turn were carefully positioned under her shoulder length auburn bob. "It's men like you who make women feel unsafe in this world!"

"Men like me? What do you mean by that?"

"Everyone knows that you - you," she stammered, her rage growing as she shook her right index finger at the exposed Mexican. "You Blacklisters are nothing more than sex fiends and serial rapists! Science has proven it to be true! I've read every article on the subject ever published and they all say that Blacklisters are all sex addicted creeps who want to defile every person that they meet! You all should be ashamed of yourselves! I bet you're plotting to take me and violate me any minute now! Just as soon as I leave this elevator you're gonna follow me, jump me, and have your sick, twisted, perverted way with me! Well that's not gonna happen - no sir - not me! Go get your jollies from someone else - better still - just crawl into a hole and die and leave us decent folk alone!" She looked over at the two Non-Blacklisters in the lift for support who both nodded at her and gave her a knowing smirk.

"Here, here," the white one said.

"Well said," the Asian replied. With all that said, the doors opened and allowed the woman to exit the carriage.

Jose watched her, his mouth hanging open, dumbfounded by the massive exposition she had just unloaded onto him. He turned to the other men in the room, "I - I - I had no intention in violating her, I swear!"

"Whatever you say man," the white guy chuffed as the lift continued on its ascent. Once it reached her stop, she stormed out of the elevator once leaving Jose alone with the other three men. The woman turned and glared at Jose once more before the doors closed on her.

"You need to believe me," Jose protested, "we Blacklisters are all victims of a pack of horrific lies perpetrated by the media! We don't wanna rape you, let alone touch you!"

"Yeah - whatever," the Asian replied, "just don't come after us you sick fuck!"

"Really - I swear that I wasn't going to do anything," but Jose's protests fell on deaf ears as the machine continued to climb through the building. It wasn't long before it stopped at the floor that his meeting was to take place on. Just as he exited the elevator, he felt a quick, playful slap to his bare cheeks only to turn back and see the Asian giving him a wink while making a "call me" gesture with his other hand. The doors closed behind Jose as he made his way to the conference room where the meeting was to be held. He was the last to arrive and the only Blacklister there. The lights had already gone out and the windows were shuttered cloaking the room in near total darkness. It took all of three minutes for his eyes to adjust to the new environmental state that he had entered into, allowing him to see the others that sat at the round table.

"Good, now that we're all here," stated the well dressed man in the front of the room, "we can begin." The gentleman was five feet and nine inches of pure business but also overweight as his shirt and jacket tried to hide his flabby pasty body. His hair was gray and matted down with some sort of chemical that could only be described as completely unnecessary and most likely expensive. He reeked of cheap deodorant and even cheaper cologne and when he talked he sounded as though a cardboard cutout had come to life to give a presentation on the benefits of the gains capital tax. The only thing that was even remotely noteworthy on his face was the bushy mustache that sat on his upper lip. A navy blue tie hung from his neck overlaying the chub of his belly. Two black slacks held together with hope and cotton fibers covered his enormous legs. Jose tried to stay engaged in the updates of the company's mobile app, but could barely maintain focus when all of a sudden he felt a warm moist sensation on his left nipple. He looked down to find one of his coworkers eagerly suckling upon his left tit, licking and gnawing gently at it as if he were trying to get the Blacklister sexually aroused. It was then that Jose realized that his coworker was succeeding in his attempt as he soon experienced an all too familiar stiffening sensation between his legs. His cock was starting to balloon up and it took every ounce of willpower not to moan from arousal. Soon he felt another warm wet sensation on his right tit as another meeting attendee had started sucking upon his right nipple. It wasn't long before his now enraged member was coated with saliva as a third man was sucking his dick forcing whimpers to escape from Jose's mouth. Jose wanted things to stop and for the meeting to resume, but was beholden to the sexual assault being forced upon him. It was then that he realized that the presenter had stopped speaking and had managed to hop upon the table, unzipped his fly, and dangled his rigid pole a half inch from the Latino's gaping maw before it was rammed down his exposed wet throat. Over and over the men in the room used him for their perverse pleasure, taking delight in their assault, unrelenting in their wicked passions. Jose loathed the fact that he was sexually stimulated by these foul creatures and wished that his body wouldn't betray him by radiating with erotic libidinous bliss. The minutes dragged on as the poor bedraggled Mexican was repeatedly ravished by these loathsome beasts. In due time the man who had been thrusting his man-choker into Jose's raw gullet began moaning as globs of wet sticky cream sputtered out from his tool and straight down into the Blacklister's belly. Jose choked as he too blew his top down the other fellow's throat that had been trying to extract his juices so forcefully from his tap. He barely had a moment's relief when one of the men that had been inhaling his nipples bit his left tit and sent a sharp blast of pain into his body. He yelped briefly while all the other men [but him] exited the room, having finished their business. A ding from his phone indicated that he had received an email, beckoning him to open the message for what lay next: it was HR. He was to report to another conference room down on the fifth floor immediately. The Blacklister had less than fifteen minutes to get there or who knows what would happen? He shot straight up and out of the chair and raced down the hall to the point where the elevator doors resided and tapped the button several times while he waited. The doors slid open with a ping announcing their arrival as he climbed into the cabin. Jose tapped the fifth floor button several times in hopes of speeding his descent back down. Twenty floors... twenty floors until he reached his destination. How long would it take? How often would the lift have to stop? How many people would join him? The machine crept at an almost snail's pace down the rungs of the monument to capitalism and excess as he muttered a "come on, come on... faster... faster," under his breath. It took him ten minutes and three slaps on his ass before he arrived at the fifth floor.

Jose exited the elevator and made his way to the small conference room that had been especially designated for HR's use for the duration of the meeting with only a minute and a half to spare. As he pushed his way in through the doors, he was surprised to see that not only was the woman from HR there, but his employee, Kevin, there as well. The woman sat at the opposite end of the small conference table with Kevin alongside her. She was a thin, voluptuous, and a very attractive blonde female who looked like she would have been more comfortable in his wife's lingerie catalog than working in a multinational fortune 500 banking and investment firm. Her hair had been pulled back to form a bright shimmering bun upon her head that was accented by full, pouty harlot reddened lips from her lipstick. She wore glasses not only as a fashion statement, but also out of necessity to read better as her blue eyes had difficulty discerning some things up close. Her bosom was held aloft by an almost skin tight shirt that allowed her nipples to all but pierce the fabrics that held them in place. She wore a dark gray blazer with a pencil skirt to match. The very sight of her massive chest made Jose shiver and stiffen with desire. The Latino swallowed hard as anxiety started to permeate through every point in his body while his heart pounded underneath his taut trimmed chest. "Please Senor Morales," the buxom blonde addressed the nude man, "take a seat." Jose sat down as he leered uneasily at the presence of his employee and took a calming breath.

"What's going on? What's all this about," Jose questioned, gazing at the people staring back at him.

"Senor Morales, it's come to our attention that you have been sexually harassing one of the other employees."

"What? Who would make up such false accusations," Jose struggled to maintain his composure as feelings of rage and abject terror both swam through his head.

"Well according to the law, we can't release that information. However -"

"It's me," Kevin interrupted, "I'm saying that!"

"You," Jose was flabbergasted and shocked by this revelation. "You're always raping me... daily... constantly... you violate me for hours on end, laughing and taunting me. This has to be some sort of sick, twisted joke... seriously!"

"I'm afraid not," the blonde continued, "he's filed several complaints against you stating quote, 'he's a constant distraction from my duties with regards to the company,' end quote."

"What the actual fuck? I'm distracting him? What about him? Huh?"

"Well, what about him?"

"He rapes me multiple times a day. He barges into my office, bends me over my desk, and sodomizes me for hours on end. It's a wonder that I can accomplish anything at all!"

"Well that's his right as a U.S. citizen. He, along with every other male in this country, has every right to rape any Blacklister at any time for as long as they desire."

"Oh come on... no one has the right to rape anyone! That's why it's called rape!"

"Well maybe if you covered your body instead of dressing like a slut then men wouldn't want to violate you. You're literally asking for it by not wearing ANY clothes. You and your whole lot walk around naked all the time with your genitals and ass on full display. It's no surprise that there are men who want to fuck your brains out. We women think it's both disgusting and disgraceful the way you display your own bodies like the sick perverts you all are. If I had a husband who did that, I'd divorce him - immediately! You all should be ashamed of yourselves!"

"We can't wear clothes - IT'S illegal for us to. No one will sell us clothes or solid foods anymore! That doesn't make it ok for them to sexually abuse us! Even if we could wear clothes that wouldn't stop them! Nothing justifies this... this... unending hellscape!"

"Ok, NOW you're being hysterical; have you orgasmed lately?"

"What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Huh? How the fuck does that equate to all this bullshit that we - I have to go through?"

"Back to the matter at hand; true or false: you frequently get erections?"

"True," Jose grumbled.

"True or false: erections in men are indicative of sexual arousal."


"True or false: you frequently become erect in full view of other employees."

Jose mumbled something in response to the HR woman's statement.

"I'm sorry, one more time, please."

"I said true," Jose barked.

"Ok, that settles it! By your own admissions you have cited evidence of sexually harassing our employees, including but not limited to Mr. Smith here. If you didn't get erections then you just might have had a case. Seeing as how you confirmed everything to be true, you're in violation of our updated sexual harassment guidelines. You'll be taken to court; I certainly hope you have a decent lawyer."

"That's not fair!"

"How is it not fair, Senor Morales?"

"Everything in this country - nay - this world is designed to sexually arouse men. I can't be held accountable for my body's natural involuntary responses!"

"Listen, I'm gonna make this real simple for you: get your brown ass to a wedding chapel and get married! That's it! That's all you have to do! You do that and the company won't fire you for your abhorrent behavior!"

Jose shoved his left hand in front of her, "I'M ALREADY MARRIED!"

"Not according to the law you're not! Any Blacklister who doesn't have a marriage certificate with a Non-Blacklister is not married in the eyes of any judiciary court. It doesn't count!"


"Senor, you need to calm down. You're being completely unreasonable right now and I highly advise you to orgasm immediately! Now, if you both will excuse me... I have a lunch date with my new wife and I don't wanna be late. And, for what it's worth, the marriage laws changed a few months ago. You really need to check the news feeds more frequently."

"Thanks, Melinda," Kevin beamed, "I'll take it from here. I'll stay with him until his nuts are thoroughly flushed out."

"No problem; just make sure he's thoroughly milked. He's getting a bit too ornery for my tastes."

"I will," the fiery redhead turned to the Mexican as Melinda packed up her papers and left. Jose gulped as he heard the door click shut leaving him and his rapist alone in the small conference room. Kevin was six feet and five inches of pure testosterone laden masculinity. He wasn't ripped or shredded, but what he lacked in muscle he made up with an over zealous sex drive and thick veiny cock. "You know," venom clung to his words as his cock stiffened, "you look so cute sitting there, light caressing your big muscles and chest. Godsdamn... you drive me so wild Jose that it hurts me when you don't return any of my affections." Jose swallowed again, fear springing up into him like a geyser going off. His pulse quickened as the memories of all the other times the gangly redhead had violated him came bubbling to the surface of his mind. "You know, we may just have to change our Facebook status to `engaged' after this. After all, it's always been you. You're the only one for me. I love you with every inch of my thin, masculine body. I love the color of your eyes, the smell of your sweat, the blackness of your hair... even the brownness of your erotic, boner inducing flesh. There's not a single thing that I'd change about you. You make me so hard with love. See?" Kevin unbuttoned his jeans, unzipped his fly, and hiked his pants down to the middle of his thigh. His raging obese flesh rod shot straight up, flicking at bit of goo onto the table. Jose was frozen with fear; he wanted to run... he wanted to hide... he wanted to do something, but he couldn't. His blood ran cold as his employee got up and waddled over to him, shoving his fire crotch into his face. "Don't you wanna suck it? It'll feel so good going up in ya once you get it moist enough."

The Blacklister found his voice once more. "Please..." he whispered, "please don't. I'll do - I'll do anything - just don't rape me."

"Oh but your ass feels so good wrapped around my pole. It's like you secretly want it. My favorite part is when you bleed just like it's your first time. I also love the way you scream and sometimes cuss in Spanish. That's the best part - your Spanish! Fuck - it drives me wild when you do that!"

"No, please don't - please don't rape me!" Kevin hauled the timid Mexican up onto the wooden conference table.

"I love the begging - it's such a huge turn on for me." The redhead then shoved the Blacklister onto the wooden slab, bending him over the edge and exposing his quivering, hairless, virgin-tight hole. Jose tried to shove his attacker off of his exposed, racy, virile body, but was unable to get a good position. Instead, he squirmed around a bit like a worm on a hook, hoping to free himself.

"No please don't," the Latino's tone increased in volume, "don't do this, please! Please let me go! I - I - I promise I'll give you anything - I swear it! Just - AHHH-HAHA!" Kevin interrupted his play toy by thrusting his cock head into the man's bare vulnerable anal sphincter.

"Oh fuck - someone's extra tight today, huh?"

Jose could only scream as inch by mind-rending, lube free inch made its way through his insides, ripping him apart. "OH GOD - OH GOD - IT HURTS - IT HURTS!" His mind raced with the memories of his hole bleeding out onto his office chair after the redhead would finish violating him. He could hear the man's cackle as his rapist continued with the assault. "LET ME GO, PLEASE! OH FUCK - OH LORD JESUS IN HEAVEN ABOVE - SAVE ME!" Kevin shoved his fat cock deeper into the Mexican's guts, all the while taunting his prey.

"You know, if you wore clothes once in a while instead of dressing like a total hoe-bag, this might never happen. a beat goes by Nahhhh - you are just so fucking gorgeous and I can't wait until we're married. You're gonna get pounded ALL THE FUCKING TIME!" Jose could feel every single bit of his rapist's tool gutting him like a fish. Every inch felt worse than the last as he was slowly being torn apart from the inside. He instinctively tried clamping down and pushing it back out, but that somehow made it worse. "Oh fuck baby, keep it up! I love that you make yourself tighter for me!"

Jose screamed, calling out for someone to come in and rescue him. "SOMEONE - ANYONE - HELP ME! HE'S TARING ME APART! HE'S SO BIG! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! PLEASE - AYE DEEOS - AYE-YOU-DAH MAY," Kevin had finally crammed all eleven inches of pure hell into the Blacklister's backside.

He laughed, "oh baby, it's finally all in there!"

Jose shrieked again, calling out to anyone and everyone who could hear him. "SOMEONE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HELP ME! HE'S TARING ME APART! OH GOD - HELP!" Kevin yanked his entire corpulent jizz pumper out of the guts of the short Latino before slamming it back up inside. Jose screamed again as he felt the full force of the blow, causing him to rock the table while the solid furniture fought back. The Non-Blacklister yanked and thrust his throbber in and out of the Latino's insides repeatedly in this fashion for what seemed like hours. Every time the staff went back up into him, Jose would let out another blood-curdling shriek as pain rippled throughout his tawdry, caramel body. Blood dripped slowly down the Mexican's legs, pooling beneath his feet and onto the carpet. He could feel the tickling sensation against his bare flesh as the red liquid oozed its way out his backside. The harder Kevin would thrust, the louder Jose screamed, and the more painful the experience became.

"That's it baby, that's it! Papi's hole is getting shredded so much today, huh? You really needed a good workout like this? You like my gym stick... do you Papi? Do you?" The redhead's pace quickened as his breathing became lighter and more rapid. "Oh Papi feels so good! Papi's gonna make his special wherrre-oh blow inside him!" Kevin could feel the tightening and tingling of his meaty, voluminous nut sack as he moved closer to the precipice of erotic bliss. His pounding sped up as Jose's insides felt like they had been put through a meat grinder. "OH FUCK - PAPACITO - OH FUCK! YOU FEEL SO - UH, UHHH, AHHHH!" Blasts of thick, sticky love goo rocketed out his cum gun and up into his victim's hollowed-out love cavern. Round after round flooded the Latino's gaping backside, mixing into a delicious batter with his blood. It was too much for the boy toy to hold in as it too dripped down his legs and onto the floor. The redhead lay on top of his fuck toy in the haze of the aftermath, while tears of bitter hatred and agony flowed out of Jose's eyes. He always cried whenever Kevin would finish violating him, unable to move or do anything else. His own male juices continued to seep out his rigid pole, pooling under his chest as he lay there wishing he was dead. He never had the courage to take his own life, always chickening out in the end, but still, it was a fantasy nonetheless. Kevin patted the Blacklister's upper torso, "thanks babe... you're the best; never change." The rapist pulled his pants back up after smearing blood and tissue that now covered his cock onto his toy's butt cheeks and left. Jose could only lie there for the next hour, unable to move or think. Finally another ping from his smartphone snapped him back to reality causing him to wearily check the message.

It was a text from his wife: "I just dropped him off. See you tonight! Take good care of him," the screen read. In the midst of being raped, Jose had completely forgotten what made today so different from all the others. Today was special; he had to collect himself and his belongings and get downstairs before it was too late. His stomach growled indicating an overwhelming urgency to feed, but he had no time, not when there was so much at stake. He hobbled towards the elevators and slammed the call button as hard as he could, being somewhat careful not to break it. The ding of the door bell was all the confirmation that he needed as the doors opened. His ass left a trail of cum, blood, and fragments of tissue in his wake as he made his way inside the carriage. "Something for the Jizz Janitors to clean later," he thought wryly to himself. "No time to rest; I'll work through the pain... like always." Every step that he took tortured him as made his way to the back in hopes of hiding his freshly tattered hole. He stood in the mobile room, desperate to get down to the ground floor, seconds ticking by, mocking his effort to will the elevator into moving faster. The lift pinged once more as the doors slid open, revealing the cold white marble that covered every foot of the ground. Miraculously, no one had gotten on during the entire ride and thus Jose was afforded a hasty exit. He turned the corner and his mouth opened as his jaw dropped to the floor. A tender young Latino stood a mere five feet from the security gates, his legs spread wide apart. He was short and athletic, with two firm chiseled pecs popping out from his tight flesh. Muscles carved from a solid light brown granite accented his arms, giving him a strong but not overly bulky appearance. His hair was raven black and his young face was pressed against another man's face in a kiss. One hand stroked his massive libidinous brown cock while the other pinched one of his tiny nipples. Another fully clothed man laid on the ground giving a straddled look to the naked twink. The youth had equally proportioned legs and a bubbly butt that drove any man to madness with lust and desire.

"Oh, oh, OH," the youth panted, "I'm cumming!" Larges globs of seminal fluid careened out of his twitching nine and a half inches of pure veiny masculinity, flinging themselves every which way. A geyser of sticky bliss had gone off, shot upward, and showered the trio with his spooge. He continued stroking his fun stick, panting and moaning the entire sixty seconds of youthful ardur. His own juices glazed his tan flesh, clotting in his trimmed black bush and the patch of faux hawk hair upon his head. Cum drizzled down his body, giving him a bit of a sheen while mixing with his sweat. He smiled and giggled, "gracias guapos, that was a real blast - literally!" The youth smiled before turning his attention back to the shocked Blacklister who stood there with his mouth agape, and a mixture of spooge and blood dripping out his backside. "Oh hey there papa," he beamed as one of the two businessmen got up, still sticky from the ordeal. "Guys this my dad... dad, this isss... I'm sorry - I didn't get either of your names."

"Don't worry about it Ricky," stated the first one, "we're just leaving. And you're right, he is quite attractive."

The second one smiled, "yeah see ya around Ricky!"

Jose scrambled over to his son, grabbing him by the shoulders. "Did they hurt you," the words flew out of his mouth like jet fighters as adrenaline pumped through his veins.

"What," Ricky was surprised and confused, "no - why would they?

"That's what Non-Blacklisters do; they play nice until you don't give them what they want. Then they turn sinister and cruel and take what they want - by force!"

"What? No they wouldn't! They were super nice and very friendly. One of them said he'd buy me my own car if I went out with him. They said that they'd call me... but I don't see how. They never got my phone number."

"Come on, let's head upstairs and away from them."

"No dad, I'm really hungry. Let's head over to the cafeteria and get something to eat."

It was then that Jose realized that he could no longer ignore the rumbling in his belly. "Yeah, I guess; so long as you do one thing for me."

"Sure dad - what? Name it!"

"We sit with the other Blacklisters"

"What? Why? I wanna sit with my new friends. They said they'd buy me a car, remember?"

"No arguing - there's strength in numbers! We'll be less likely to be taken against our will."

"But dad, sex is really fun! And besides, they can't rape the willing." That's what Jose was afraid of: his son becoming a collaborator. To think his own flesh and blood, the fruit of his loins, his own seed could turn his back on his peoples and side with their enemy. He heard tales of other Blacklisters who'd help Non-Blacklisters in finding victims for their perverse pleasures in exchange for immunity from being violated. The very idea that other Blacklisters would hunt fellow peers in exchange for gifts, immunity, and benefits sickened him to his core. Jose's stomach turned as the pair made their way over to the cafeteria. There, off to the left, were two men engaging in a raunchy fuck fest as they arrived. The Blacklister had his legs on the shoulders of a Non-Blacklister. He didn't appear to have been taken against his will as he cried out, "harder, daddy, harder!" His moans and pants filled the air with a heavy, lust soaked atmosphere as the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh permeated throughout the area. Women were making faces of disdain as they took their lunch tries and tried to find a way to free themselves from this unruly duo. A couple other men sat and watched, pleasuring themselves to the sight of the two men locked in carnal activities. Jose wondered what the bottom's hole looked like after they were to finish. Did it bleed as much as his did? Was it as painful as his was? How could he enjoy it? Was the guy really into it or just faking it?

"Wow dad, I didn't know so many men at your workplace were total cum whores! I wanna get fucked like that guy!" Ricky's cock began to inflate once more as he watched with rabid interest in the fuck rabbits' escapade. The eighteen year-old twink started fondling himself as he was completely mesmerized by the event unfolding. The louder the bottom begged the harder the top would slam into him. The table that they were on shook from the force of the pound session as the Blacklister smiled with glee. Jose wanted to shield his son from this display of what he perceived to be total submission of a cruel sadist at work. Ricky's cock was at peak height as the young twink started furiously beating to the sight of the duo pounding it out to the proverbial bleachers. The youth jabbed his foreskin up and down eager to join the pair yet unable to find an entry point. The athletic twink started hunching over as pleasure filled his body once more. "Oh fuck, oh fuck," the kid called out as his hand began to blure. "This is so hot! I wanna get fucked so bad! Please dad, can we find someone, anyone, to fuck me... please?" Jose dry heaved as the notion of his son becoming a collaborator once again found its way into his thoughts. At that moment he wished that he had something in his stomach to vomit up, then perhaps he might feel better. As the other two sex fiends started blasting out their loads, Ricky followed suit churning out round after round of white hot man goo. The kid orgasmed for another sixty seconds as Jose's mind raced with horrible thoughts. As teenage dick snot showered down upon him, he collected his thoughts and focused himself on the situation at hand.

As the duo finished their raucous love making, Jose grabbed his son on the shoulder, "come on, let's go get eat." Young Ricky nodded as he followed his father into the line behind several other naked men, all waiting to receive their daily allotment of bland, cardboard flavored nutrient shakes. It wasn't long until it was his and his son's turn at the dispensary. The pair collected their beverages, and proceeded to wait in a much longer line to pay for their meals. As he stood there, Jose watched as a few of the Blacklisters would beat off to pass the time. He knew it wouldn't be that long until it was their turn, but he also knew of the overwhelming urge to bust a nut. The thought of purging his own loins soon became monolithic as his sack filled with hot male spunk while his own cock betrayed him as it rose out of sheer contempt. Jose hated splooging in plain sight of others, but as his pre-show oozed out and onto the floor, he was saddled with the knowledge that he had little choice. He remembered the horrid, agonizing consequences of ignoring his carnal cravings and chose to capitulate to his base urges. The Blacklister began tugging at his foreskin, teasing himself before the main event while he spit in the other hand to lube himself in preparation of what came next. The Latin man stroked his turgid pole with the wet slime of a loogie that he had just hawked, embarrassed by what he was being forced to do in public. Soon he became lost in an ocean of endless delight and libidinous ardur, content with his passionate self-love-making. Wave upon wave lapped at his mind as the sparks of a heavy orgasm commenced its creation process. Then came the tingling clogging sensation: the kind of feeling that he got right before he was going to pop. Jose didn't care at that moment; he didn't care where he was, he didn't care who was watching or why, he only cared about fertilizing the ground beneath him. As the impulse of lust swirled around in his head, he exploded with the white hot intensity of a hundred suns burning, sending out fiery waves of joy onto the marble flooring beneath his leather clad feet. "Oh god," he cried as he saturated the white slabs with sticky male tears, "oh fuck - aye dee-ohs mee-o in el see-low!" It took him a full forty-five seconds before he was finished with expelling his love load onto the floor. Still bathed in the aftermath of his act, the recollection of where he was and what was happening soon crept back into his thoughts. Jose opened his eyes and saw that he had drawn a small crowd around him. Men were smiling and looking at him like a wolf would stare at a vulnerable little lamb, hungry to devour every inch of his being. He sheepishly smiled as he gathered his belongings and made his way to the register to have his account debited for his liquid meal.

His son followed behind, but was still stunned by everything that he had just witnessed. Ricky had never seen his father act in such a way before. The man he had known for most his life was quiet, reserved even, rarely given into flights of lechery or emotional excess in any form, even when having sex with his wife, which was rare. Ricky sat down at the booth with his father, his genitals aching for a rapturous release that was to be denied for several agonizing minutes as he hungrily devoured his meal. His enraged member sweated precum furiously as he sucked down his nutrition shake while he fidgeted in his seat trying to ignore the rumbling of his genitalia. The bare-skinned Latin twink's right hand slid down to his turgid pulsing fun staff as he soon embarked upon a rousing journey to "happy-go-lucky town." Just as he was about to sharpen his resolve to orgasm, his father's coworker interrupted his focus, "hey there, I'm Rocky, nice to meet you." The naked twenty-eight year old extended his right hand outward to the young eighteen year-old twink. Ricky reached out with his left hand and grabbed the other Latino's hand and gave it a firm but brisk shake.

"Hey man," Ricky grinned, "nice to meet you. So who's down for a hot pound session? How do I get in on the action?"

Rocky gasped as shock and fear replaced his delight, "we... uhhhh... we don't usually like to attract the attention of others while we eat."

"Really? I'd assume a non-stop fuck fest would be a delight."

"Well you're different, aren't you? We've got a few other men like you. We try to avoid them so we won't be a target. You're lucky you're Jose's kid."

"Well what's wrong with liking sex? I mean didn't give up clothes just out of demand of the law. I want to get pounded... I wanna pop loads of jizz... I wanna get buckets of cum in me. There's nothing wrong with any of that!"

"Yeah, try telling us that while a man twice your size has you pinned to a table, ramming his thick leaky rod up into your guts repeatedly ripping you apart from the inside-out. I hate it! I wake up most nights screaming from the nightmares of men forcing me to do things that I've never EVER wanted to do; things no sane man should ever do. My wife left me in less than a month of my night terrors, telling me that she couldn't take it anymore and taking my eight year old daughter with her. My bed is constantly drenched in sweat and male fluids, even when the nightmares don't plague me. I have to wake up every night at three in the morning to pleasure myself or I'm tormented with an unrelenting pain the likes of which I've never known. So yeah... we try not to attract the attention of Non-Blacklisters whenever possible."

"Wow - drenched, huh? Dude - that sounds awesome! Meanwhile, I'm constantly beating off: morning, noon, & night. I fuckin' love it! I'm rarely flaccid! I orgasm so much I swear that my nuts should shrink."

Rocky rolled his eyes as Jose interjected, "Ricky, son, the world doesn't revolve around you. Just cause you enjoy being the center of attention doesn't mean that the rest of us do."

"Ok dad - I just... I guess I just don't know why you guys choose to allow our situation to be a burden instead of the blessing that it is."

Jose sighed, "you don't have to understand, just respect the situation as it is." The other men at the table turned their heads around out of concern, hoping no one would notice what was being discussed in their "safe haven." A soft breeze caressed their bare bodies, causing them to each stiffen as their cocks became inflamed and apoplectic, leaking out angry white fluid down each of their respective staves. A couple of the men doubled over in pain as it had become nearly unbearable to ignore the longings of their male toys. They chose to submit to their base desires and furiously stroked their weeping willies, moaning and panting as they surrendered to the joys of self manipulation. Those that weren't focused on playing with themselves looked around nervously. They knew that someone might take notice and force himself onto one, or more, of them. Each of them hoped it would be the ones cranking out cream that'd be taken, but something told them it'd be one of the ones who were doing nothing. As their cries of lust reached a fevered pitch, the couple of masturbating Blacklisters shot on the underside of the booth table, painting it with their respective juices. Jose looked around making sure that none of the Non-Blacklisters had noticed what had just taken place. He was relieved to see a new pair of men banging it out a few seats away. The sounds of their fucking had drowned out the masturbators' moans and groans. He then turned his attention back to the group, safe in the knowledge that nothing was going to happen... for now. It was then that he noticed his son's mouth hanging open with a look of sheer excitement glistening in his eyes. He turned to see what was happening behind him. Fear soon replaced security and what little comfort he had been afforded. Jose's heart started to pound in his chest as his anxiety rose up once more through his body. "Not now," he screamed in his head, "please not now! Anything but this now... ANYTHING!" The six foot five lanky redhead drew closer and closer causing Jose to tremble with fear as each dreaded step drew the fellow nearer to their little "sanctum." His skin wasn't as pale as it could be, but it wasn't as nearly as dark as a Blacklister's skin was; almost a lite peach or beige. The man towered over all the Blacklisters at the table smiling as warmly while hiding his darker, more sadistic side.

The redhead spoke, "hi big papi," his words provided little comfort to Jose and the rest as memories flooded each of their heads. "What's going on sexy fellas?"

"What do you want," sneered one of the other group members.

"Well I saw y'all hanging out over here and I didn't want to be rude and not say 'hello."

Jose spoke up, a quiver of fear coursing through his words, "we're all just fine. We're just ca-cat-catching up is all."

"Really? Well, mind if I join you?"

"Yes, now get bent," the vitriol of the other man's words tried to cut through the redhead, only for him not to notice.

"No, not at all," Jose smiled as he recalled the last time he refused one of Kevin's requests. He still had nightmares, but tried to actively suppress it whenever the images returned in his waking state. The Non-Blacklister grabbed a chair from a nearby empty table, and sat at the edge. The couple of fellows that had just finished orgasming turned away from the gaze of the redhead, hoping that he wouldn't notice them. The other two felt a twinge of pain course through their bodies as they tried to ignore their raging members. The pressure only increased as they tried to hide their throbbing party pieces from the new arrival. If he saw that they were stiff it might turn him on enough to take one, or more, of them and rape them mercilessly.

"So, who's the twink," Kevin finally acknowledged the new Blacklister at the table of six.

"Huh - hi," Ricky stuttered, star struck by the new fellow that had joined them. "IIIIIII-UHHHHH I'm Ricky Morales!"

"Oh," Kevin was genuinely surprised for once. "Any relation to my boy toy Jose here?"

"Ya-yeah - yes, I'm his son!"

"Really? Wow - the hot apple doesn't fall far from the sexy tree! You, my fellow, are looking at your future step-father."


Jose intervened, "Ricky this is my rapist, Kevin. He's under the delusion that we're going to get married."

"Really? Does Mom know about that?"

"No, 'cause it's never going to happen," Jose's rage broiled over as he strained to maintain control of himself.

"Actually," the redheaded Non-Blacklister interjected, "it is going to happen. I'm just trying to find a venue for the ceremony with a place for the reception. Your father will offer to pay for everything."

"The fuck I will!"

"We'll discuss it later babe; meanwhile I can't believe that Jose had such a sexy son. Where have you been hiding?"

"I've been in high school until a few months ago."

"Oh? So you just turned eighteen recently?"

"Yeah - ju-just two weeks ago. I wanna find a guy to take my virginity."

"Eighteen, Mexican, and a sex crazed naked virgin... nice."

"Would you please pop my cherry? Please? I fucking worship redheads!"

"No," Jose protested, "don't defile my son, please Kevin. I promise I'll marry you, just don't rape my son."

"Well with credentials like that and the recommendation from your father, I guess I have no choice."

"Really," Ricky's elation grew, "so you'll fuck me?"

"I'll do you one better; how about we get married too. If you're half the lay your father is, I'll wanna snatch that up before another man gets it."

"Oh wow - my first fuck and a marriage proposal! Mom will be so happy!"

"Yeah, we'll wait until the wedding night and everything."

"Ohhhh that's so romantic, right Dad?"

Jose's heart sank as he listened to everything that the pair discussed. He wanted to shield his son from this deviant, vile demon in a human body. He knew this meeting was bound to happen from the moment Ricky applied for an internship with the same company that Jose worked at. Growing up, Ricky idolized his father and wanted to do everything he did. This spilled over into his teen years and only branched out when his son came out a month or two before the Great Revelation. Even then the teen still wanted to follow in his footsteps and applied for an internship days before the twink's eighteenth birthday. Ricky was so excited about getting a marriage proposal; he had no idea what this hell-beast was capable of. He had no idea of the levels of depravity and sadism the redhead was capable of. His stomach turned as the levels of disgust he was experiencing grew; to think that this demon would inflict such horrors upon someone so young was genuinely terrifying. "How will you keep other men from me," Ricky was worried about letting his fiancee down. "I really want to remain pure until we tie the knot."

"Well you could always come stay at my place if you want?"

"Really? Can I really stay at your place?"

"Sure," Kevin smiled, unable to hide the overwhelming joy that was filling up inside. Sure, he could take any Blacklister at any time, but for one to have a willingness to marry him was almost equally enjoyable... almost.

"Does this mean that you won't be marrying my dad?"

"Nooooo, of course not; you'll both be my husbands. You like the sound of that?"

"Yeah, I guess I could get used to the idea."

"Bingo," Kevin thought, "jackpot!"

"So, you want help picking out a venue?"

Kevin coyly smiled, "I guess so. Oh and you wanna help with the guest list?"

"Sure I got lots of blacklisted cousins and uncles who could attend. Maybe they could be party favors for your guests?"

"Yeah kid, that's an awesome idea! What about the bachelor party? What do you want there?"

"Hmmmmm... good question... normally I'd like you and your father to dance for me, but seeing as how you need to remain pure... what do you think?"

"Well my Uncle Ernesto is in his early to mid forties... sooo maybe him and my dad?"

"That's good, but let's think bigger!"

Ricky wrinkled his nose as panic set into Jose, "well why not all of my uncles in an orgy?"

"Kid, I like your style!"

"Thanks daddy... mind if I call you that?"

"Only if I can call you son."

Kevin rolled his eyes in an effort to convey fake resentment, "I suppose! Well I gotta get back to work. Jose, you comin'?"

Jose, who had been silent for the past couple of minutes sprung to life,"sha-sure!" He wanted another opportunity to plead his case or maybe make threats against his rapist. Either way, he was going to try and change Kevin's mind about this heinous act. He followed the redhead to the lift, while his son sat with the other Blacklisters, buzzing the whole while about the upcoming nuptials. As the pair rounded the corner, he gave a slight push to the side in effort to affect the Non-Blacklister's path.

Kevin took the nudge and turned to the naked Mexican, "yeah, what's up Papi?"

The nude Latino swallowed hard as he worked up the courage to say what he wanted to say, what he wanted to say to his rapist for a long time. "Listen you - you - FREAK! You have taken EVERYTHING from me! You've taken my virginity, my identity, my safety, my security - everything that I was, but you won't take my son! You can rape me, you can violate me, you can tare me apart for all I care - but you won't have my son! You won't ruin two lives, not so long as I draw breath! You hear me? Take anyone else in my family, but not my son. I want him as far away from this... this deviant, depraved hellscape as he can possibly be!" Kevin's rage grew five times stronger than he ever felt before. Jose could see the fury and fire in the man's eyes as he soon realized the grave error of what he said.

The Non-Blacklister spoke with an eerie, nightmarish calm... the kind of which made Jose's blood run at sub-zero temperatures. "I don't think you understand your place in all of this nor do you realize that you have no say in the matter. Your son begged me to be his first and to be my husband. You both will marry me and then I'll pound both your tight, gooey holes for hours on end, daily. You'll both be my play toys for the rest of your days! I'll do whatever I want whenever I want and your son will thank me for it every step of the way! You have NO choice in this, got it?" A terror the likes of which Jose had never felt before blasted its way into his trimmed athletic brown body as he swallowed hard.

He then tried to change tactics, "please don't... please don't marry him. He's my whole world. You - you can't do this!"

"I can and I will and if you ever speak to me that way again... don't find out!"

Jose broke down as his employee walked away, sobbing on his knees as the man moved further out of sight. He won; that bastard, that inhuman creature, that devil won. This was endgame; killing himself wouldn't stop them from getting married. Maybe if he stuck around he could somehow manage and control the redhead's sadistic side; make it more tolerable for his son. After all that was the only thing he could possibly do at this point. The Blacklister decided that he would do anything that Kevin asked and then some. He'd gladly take everything that the brute would dish out. He was going to dance like a common stripper at the bachelor party and make out with his brothers without reservation.

After a few minutes of blubbering and weeping, Jose stood up so that he could return to work. He made his way over to the electronic security gates, swiping his badge that hung from his neck. In accordance with the law, he was afforded that just like all other Blacklisters were allowed so long as their badges never touched their genitals and it was ALWAYS no bigger than a credit card. He tapped the button summoning one of the elevators to return to the ground floor, giving him a minute or two to ponder his next move. As the Latino stood there, he watched as one of the token day shift Blacklisters pleasured himself without a care in the world. Oh how he longed to be that free; to beat his turgid aching meat whenever he wanted, wherever he wanted without shame. He watched as the forty-five year old shot multiple rounds of love mayo onto his slightly flabby bare body. Jose shook his head, "it's men like him that keep good guys like me from getting our clothes and rights back." The elevator doors opened with a ping allowing for Jose to board them. As he waited for his arrival to the fifteenth floor, he went back to pondering as to how best to handle the situation between his employee and his son. Around floor six he was joined by another person, a businessman who wore the sharpest outfit Jose had seen in quite some time. The man carried a laptop bag over his right shoulder which was held on his left shoulder. He eyed Jose, his gaze traveling up and down the full length of the Mexican's naked body. A floor or two later the doors slid open once more, but this time no one was there to get onto the lift. This was a fairly commonplace occurrence as there would be people who'd press the button for the elevator, forget something, and go back to collect whatever it was they'd forgotten. Jose stared up at the digital display, watching the numbers change as the machine continued its ascent through the building, tuning out the world around him while his thoughts churned with everything that had happened. Without warning, he felt a tickle on his junk which caused him to start stiffening up. He looked around only to find the man from earlier looking at the readout himself. Jose shook his head and returned to his machinations formulating a plot to prevent his son from marrying his rapist. Another tickle; this time he saw the left hand of the man pulling away from his genitalia. His brown fleshy cock was now at full mast, aggressively seeping viscous white pearls of globby proteins down the full length of his taut staff. The other man snickered at his handy work, while Jose instinctively started fondling himself, trying to appease the urgency of his congesting gonads. He knew that if he waited too long to pop another load, the pain would become unbearable, but he also knew that his stop would come up any moment now, and that he would need to get off or risk the chance that the man might take him back to HIS office and rape him. The Blacklister stopped himself from unloading his liquidated cargo with moments to spare. He raced out the open doors, and over to his office, leaking fluid along the way.

The Blacklister let out a heavy sigh as he made it into his office before anyone saw him. He immediately turned his attention towards his virulent tool in which more of his pre-show leaked out and down to his black bush. The beads clung to his thick brambles unable or unwilling to move, mocking the laws of gravity by refusing to fall down to the carpet beneath his sneakers. His madness twitched sending shivers of pain throughout his body, forcing him to double over in agony. "Oh fuck," he called out to the oak paneling on his walls as he lept to the industrial sized bottle of lotion he kept at his desk. Before kneeling on the floor, he eagerly pumped two lumps of the lotion into his right hand and went to town on himself. "Oh yeah," he told himself, "that's the good shit!" Over and over he caressed his love pole, moaning and panting as pleasure replaced pain. "Oh yes," the Mexican called out, his voice increasing in volume, "OH fuck yes!" Faster and faster his hand slid over his one eyed willy only stopping briefly to add more lotion when necessary. "OH SWEET JESUS IN HEAVN - FUCK YES," he shouted at the top of his lungs, causing everyone outside his office to turn towards the window... luckily he had the blinds down so no one could see what he was doing, but still everyone knew. He arched his back as wave after wave after wave of sheer erotic bliss ran throughout his entire body. He felt renewed, like everything old had been washed away only leaving this one singular sexual moment. Minutes ticked by as he continued pleasuring himself while the world faded away only to become a distant memory for him. Nothing mattered; not the daily reports, not the meetings, hell not even the rape sessions that he was forced to endure at random intervals. The only thing that mattered to him in that moment was the joy he was giving himself along with the necessary compelling relief that would soon follow. He felt the pressure of the moment building, churning, making ready for the next portion of his self love session. "OH FUCK - OH FUCK - AYE DEEOS MEE-YO E TOHDO LOHS ANGELES," a torrent of spooge sped out the tip of his pleasure founatin, coating the sides of his desk in the sticky white gunk that had building in his balls since that man had tickled his pickle. Globs in the sopping cock-snot slid down the left side of his wooden desk as though a bucket of the stuff had been haphazardly tossed there. Jose panted, catching his breath unable to move while basking in the afterglow of the moment when a knock interrupted his relaxation session. "Just a second," he called out to the person behind the door.

He got up, turned the handle, and opened the door to reveal a forty-something man standing there in a solid emerald green polo with little alligator stitched in near the upper left breast area. His hair had started to thin around the base of his wood brown hairline, which stood in stark contrast to his pale beige skin. His eyes were chestnut brown with the sparkle of youth still fading in them. The polo shirt did little to hide his bulbous belly which poured over the leather belt. A pair of brand new white sneakers were tied to his feet, keeping them comfortable and well ventilated. "Is everything ok," he queried with a genuine interest in Jose's well-being.

"Yeah, just fine; why do you ask," Jose responded, still dripping with a sheen of sweat from the laborious activity.

"Well we heard -'' the sight of Jose's cum drenched deskside cut him off, his eyes widening with utter shock. "Holy fucking hell - damn man - everything that I ever thought - wow! Damn, man! You - you did that? Seriously?"

Jose nodded, "yeah sir, I did. Sorry if I disturbed anyone. I was just in the zone, ya know?"

"What? Noooo, we're fine... just dandy!" The man was clearly bothered by what he saw. Jose didn't care to investigate the matter further and shut the door.

Later that evening, as the nudist sat with the rest of the family, Jose decided that he had to break the news to his wife. He sat down at the dinner table along with his oldest, Ricky, the middle child, Ernesto, and his daughter, Maria. His middle child had turned seventeen a mere month before his older brother turned eighteen, and Jose was scared for him, too. He tried his best to shield his children from the cruelties of this new world, but he also knew that it was only a matter of time before they would find out the truth, one way or another. Jose felt the ticking of an unseen clock every time he looked at his youngest son and knew that in another year, he'd have to tell him the truth about why he and Ricky were not allowed to wear anything above their ankles or below their necks. More specifically than that, he would have to tell Ernesto about his place in the world and the cruel sadism that came with it. His wife, Carmen, was somewhat indifferent to his plight. She quickly learned to stop asking about his day, and told Jose never mention anything about what happened to the children. "So eee-ho," Carmen faced her eldest son making sure to focus her attention on him, "how was your first day of your internship? Did you get to meet any of your papa's companyeros day trahbaho?"

"Si mama," Ricky beamed, eager to tell her the good news, "I did! I got to meet several of his blacklisted coworkers as well as those that weren't."

"Really? What else happened?"

"Puwes, I got some amazing news: Dad and I are getting married!"

A look of utter shock and disbelief replaced everyone's expression with the exception of Jose and Ricky. While Ricky was beyond excited, Jose was frozen with fear as he watched his wife swallowed the chunk of food she had placed in her mouth right after asking the question. "To each other," was the first thing that came out of her mouth.

Meanwhile, six year old Maria piped up, "but daddy is already married to mommy."

Ernesto was the next to speak, "Dad can't marry you; it's illegal!"

Ricky snorted, "no, not me! another snort He and I are gonna marry his coworker, Kevin!"

Stunned, Carmen turned to her husband, "Jose is this true!"

Jose nodded grimly, "si, I'm afraid so me corazon."

Maria protested again, this time with a little less certainty, "daddy, don't you love mommy allgoon mahs?"

"Yeah dad, don't you still love mom," asked Ernesto again.

"Of course meeho," Jose tried to console his other two children. "But the laws don't work that way. If a Non-Blacklister wishes to marry a Blacklister, like myself, the previous marriage gets dissolved in the eyes of the law."

"Well this blows!"

Maria finally started digesting what was just said, "Daddy's marrying a man? Does this mean I'll have two daddies now?" The youngest was still puzzled by the first statement while being unable to comprehend the legalities of the second.

"Yeah, Jose, who gets custody of Ernesto and Maria? Will you both move in with him? Do I have any rights in this matter," the questions flew out of Mrs. Morales's mouth like a tommy gun taking pot shots at a passing car.

"Honestly, I can't say for sure, but if I had to guess, you'll get custody of our children. As for how assets are divided and the like, I assume he'll get first dibs and whatever is leftover, you'll keep."

"Well fuck," Carmen exlaimed.

"Mommy said a bad word! Can I be excused? I wanna go say goodbye to my dolly," Maria responded.

"Sure sweetie," Jose replied, "but you'll get to keep your dolly." For the rest of the evening the family sat in silence, each one trying to process what this new life change meant for their family.

As he started getting ready for bed, after taking a long, doctor prescribed stress relieving bath, his wife started to tare into the poor Latino. "I can't believe you're going to allow our son to marry that sick, depraved monster! Add to the fact that you also are marrying him!"

"I know, I know," Jose replied after spitting out his toothpaste foam. "I don't have a choice in the matter. At least this way I can minimize his cruelty towards Ricky." A string of Spanish cuss words flew out of his wife's mouth as she picked up the pillows from his side of the bed. Jose paused his approach to the bed he and his wife had been sharing since they had moved into this neighbourhood. "What are you doing," confusion resounded in the notes of the words.

"Listen, if you are gonna go through with this, then you might as well start sleeping somewhere else now so Maria and Ernesto can get used to it." She slammed the pillows against his cut chest as he instinctively held them in his toned, muscular arms. She went out into the hall and opened the door to the linen closet before storming back in and shoving a folded sheet into his awaiting biceps. "You'll be sleeping on the couch starting tonight... the one in the basement, with all the other lowlifes down there! At least the rest of the family won't be party to this - this - locura!"

Jose flinched as she pointed to the door to their bed chamber, "uhhhh, ummmmm..."

"No - no! Don't you dare say it!"

The Blacklister stammered for a bit, "well... uhhhhh... the thing is... is Ricky wants everyone to attend." He could see her eyes light up with unbridled fury and hatred as she was enraged beyond all measure.

"NO ONE ON MY SIDE WILL BE ATTENDING THIS ABOMINATION, IS THAT CLEAR," Carmen snapped, her words sounding more like animal growls than words as she seethed and fumed. "AND YOU CAN COUNT OUT MY AND THE KIDS' ATTENDANCE!"

Jose nodded as he was overcome with fear before hurrying out the room. He bounded down the stairs as quietly as he could and took shelter in the couch's pullout bed that they kept in the basement. All night long, he tossed and turned as his new nightmares mixed with old ones. Dreams in which a fifty foot Kevin skewered him with a three story cock before his wife's face (plastered to the body and neck of a dragon) breathed fire underneath while he turned over on a spitroast. The flames never made contact, but the heat was beyond everything that he had felt before as he was slowly cooked alive. In another dream, he was in a field, where nude Kevins danced around him, tugging on his cock, making it inflate by three sizes before exploding with a literal tidal wave of cum. The flood pushed away his family as they called out to him for help while his son, Ricky, stood on the only tree with a hyena's laughter coming out of his mouth. Jose bolted straight up, only to find that his bed had been soaked in jizz and sweat. He hated his wet dreams more than the nightmares due to the fact that at least they were dry. The Blacklister's cock refused to soften, electing instead to remain irritated and threatening to bother him for the remainder of the night. "Well, maybe if I jerk off, I might be able to get some more sleep," the naked Latino reasoned with himself. He grabbed onto his turgid pole, careful as to not wake anyone as he hawked a loogie onto the palm of his hand as the lotion bottle he normally used to deal with such unfortunate turn of events was still on the nightstand in his bedroom. His cock sang a sweet song as he pulled lovingly on his meat while moving himself as quickly as he could to the anticipated explosive ending. The naked Mexican was fortunate as most of the work had been done by the last dream. It didn't take too many pulls for his sacred juices to splatter on his chest, soaking him in semen. His rooster booster failed to deflate, causing a slight panic to rise up in the bare skinned Latino. He then stroked off again, this time losing himself in a sexual fantasy where his wife and the HR rep were making out with hardly any clothes on. After ten minutes of pleasuring himself, his crotch rocket popped once more, forming a puddle underneath him. This time his love gun was able to deflate and he was able to resume his sleep routine until the alarm on his phone would go off.

The next several days saw his son and his rapist making wedding plans and sending out invitations, all at his expense. The pair had settled on a venue: a hotel a block or two away with a grand ballroom and chapel that was setup to host such events. The rooms were to be decked out in white lace with powder blue accents. Everything had to have a rustic feel to it as Kevin wanted a country theme to it, and whatever Kevin wanted was good enough for Ricky. The men would be provided stripper collars and cuffs with an option for an electrified cock ring should they be unable to maintain their hard-ons throughout the event. Women would dress in country lace white dresses with powder blue satin sashes, but would have to leave right after the ceremony ended. After all, the reception would most likely be a testosterone soaked orgy filled with the screams of his male relatives. The florist had been selected, the catering company chosen, even the DJ was signed up (Kevin wanted one that played techno, house, and dance). The tuxedo he was to wear was custom made so that he could easily pull his pants off at a moment's notice, while being able to stay tethered to the sadist until the moment of his choosing. The bachelor party, however, was to be held at a Hispanic Catholic church, which also was to be an orgy. Kevin thought it utterly ironic that the one place that they might feel safest would be the place that wasn't, which only made Jose even more unsettled. If they were lucky, they might even get the clergymen and a few random parishioners, who came for prayer, to join in. The bachelor party was to be held four days before the unblessed event was to take place. His anxiety only increased as it grew closer in time to what would undoubtedly be the final days of what little freedom remained for the Latino.

It was the night before the bachelor party and Jose kept having dreams about God coming down from the heavens to smite Kevin, only to have the Devil protect him while offering up Ricky in his place. He tossed and turned as each dream went slightly differently. In the first dream, Kevin was to be smited by a lightning bolt; in the second, it was to be a pillar of fire; with the third dream, a plague of locusts were to devour him whole. In every single dream, a new method of death awaited the serial rapist. It was the final dream that disturbed the forced nudist the most. In it he was dancing on top of a pew, the cushions drenched in some sort of fluid that he didn't recognize, when he heard the voice of God speak to him. "Jose Morales," the booming voice called out while everyone remained ignorant to what was happening. "You have been found wanting, and judged accordingly. For failing to prevent this unholy abomination from occurring, I sentence you to eternity in a hell of your own making. You will burn!" Jose woke up screaming in sheer, abject terror, heaving large swaths of air into his lungs. After he was able to catch his breath and told himself it was just a dream, he laid there on the less than pristine mattress, shivering with some unseen chill while trying to fall back asleep.

It was the morning of the bachelor party and Jose was nervous about what his future held. He didn't want to marry Kevin, nor did he want his son to marry him either. He climbed the stairs, after grabbing his smartphone, ascending them at a much slower pace than normal in an attempt to stall what would inevitably happen for as long as he could. Each stair was ascended as slowly as he could go, languishing away the minutes while still making a "reasonable" effort to move forward, his pendulous gonads swaying while his cock flopped about. Finally he reached the top, opened the door, and pushed his way into the kitchen. It was here that he would find his family getting ready for their daily activities of school and work. His wife, a substitute teacher for the kids' school district, was busy packing Ernesto and Maria's lunches. He often would wait until the kids had left for school, before he would sit down on one of the soft, but frustrating chair cushions to eat his own breakfast. Meanwhile his kids that were still living at home were finishing up their breakfasts and chatting about the upcoming festivities. Maria was excited to wear her new white lace dress with the powder blue ribbon "Uncle Kevin" had bought for her, no thanks in small part to Jose's bank account. Although she would have been happier with pink, she was still pleased that it made her, in Kevin's words, "beautiful beyond compare; like a princess in a fairytale." Meanwhile, Kevin had bought a nice fresh tux for Ernesto (a luxury that he would soon be getting rid of when he turned eighteen). The rapist was very kind and sweet when he visited the kids, his wife never taking her eyes off of him (so long as he was in the house). He also was kind to Jose's wife despite the fact she had an icy aloofness whenever she interacted with him. He stated that she could keep the house, the cars, and even her son's old things that he wouldn't need or want, but Jose's things would come with him to the new place he had bought. It was a nice mansion out in the country, perfect for the loud, lavish sex parties he was planning on throwing on a consistent basis.

Jose was perplexed as to how someone who made less than he did was able to afford so many extravagant things. In the past few months, he had seen Kevin with a designer pochette for his portable gaming system, a luxury eco-friendly car, a designer wallet, a new one story home for his parents, and other things that just didn't add up. Throwing in a luxury mansion out in the countryside along with the new designer outfits for his children, nothing made sense. His wife interrupted his thought process, "so, I guess I know where you will be tonight." Jose silently nodded as she continued, "why are you going through with this? Why don't you try and stop this madness?"

"We've been over this before, Carmen," Jose replied, a forlorn undercurrent accenting his speech pattern. "It's legally binding; I can't do anything about it. I've tried! I've contacted every lawyer that I know... that our family knows, even Uncle Ernesto... the weird celebrity lawyer out in West LA... no one can stop this from happening!"

"You could revolt or we could leave the country or do something!"

"Where would we go? The borders are all closed; there's an embargo on the US while they review all blacklisted immigrants and visitors! They aren't sure if what's wrong is contagious or not or something else entirely different! That's what people are saying; anyone who's tried, can't leave!"

"Well we could move to another state!"

"And leave Ricky at the mercies of this - this - person!" Jose had to mind what he was saying as anything he mentioned most likely would be repeated by Maria to Kevin.

"Fine then - marry him - I don't care! Do whatever you want then! You seem to like him enough to be with him!" Carmen turned to her kids, still fuming, "come kids, you don't wanna be late!" Since the Great Revelation, Jose was forced to live something of a double life. Anytime there was the slightest possibility of a tingle, he would immediately leave the room. He often ate by himself in the mornings, and was always the first to sit down at the dinner table while being the last one to leave. No one other than he and his wife were permitted to pick up anything that fell off the table. Ricky was now of age and prior to moving out, was obligated to follow the same rules Jose was forced to follow. Now that the others had left him alone, he could cook himself a breakfast on his own. Sometimes this proved to be more trouble than it was worth as he was constantly on edge, fearing grease splatters or worse. He wasn't even allowed to wear a chef's apron in his own home for fear of reprisal. He had heard rumors of a secret police only referred to as Archons breaking into people's homes, and dragging Blacklisters forcibly away to some unknown location for merely having a thread on them. How they knew what a Blacklister wore fell outside the scope of his knowledge. Blacklisters were only allowed the scantest of accessories, and were forced into purchasing certain Blacklist Council approved merchandise. A wallet that hung from the neck, lanyards, and pouches that attached to the bicep to hold a smartphone were begrudgingly approved for day-to-day use. Meanwhile ball caps, hats, and other headgear was NEVER to be worn below the neckline - EVER! Some men didn't even bother with money, offering to suck a dude off in exchange for whatever small items were needed. Why some men would be foolish to pay for sex was also beyond his understanding. From what the Mexican heard, the sex industry crashed almost overnight as men no longer flocked to the internet, prono theaters, and seedy stores to get their rocks off. After all, why pay for something when there was a ubiquitous amount of said thing running around for free? The only sex trade that was still in operation was all centered around lesbians, and even then the industry was hardly thriving. A surge of pain brought Jose back to the present as his cock now demanded his undivided attention. It stood at full mast, leaking globs of man snot down its corpulent, vein-ridden body before either catching in his thick wild bush or pooling on the cushion he sat upon. Every morning was the same for him: while eating, he would immediately become hard as a rock and unable to finish his meal before he relieved himself of this lustful burden. Luckily for him, his wife had set a drawer in the kitchen aside for former dishrags that he could spill his seed into.

The jizz inducing Blacklister got up from the table, having elected to eat his kids' cereal this morning, and with a loud thwack against his abs, and made a beeline straight to the cum rag drawer while leaving his phone behind. Today promised to be even more stressful than normal as his tool leaked like a broken faucet while he could feel this sense of overwhelming pressure in his massive Mexican meat marbles. His skewer twitched and throbbed, refusing to stay motionless, even while he stood still. The Latino threw the rag that he had fished out of the drawer onto the counter, desperate to relieve the building pressure he felt. Standing on his tiptoes, he grabbed his uncut gravy spigot and immediately went to town on himself. "OH FUCK," he yelled, uanble to control himself as torrid, concupiscent sensations overtook his mind. "UH-HUH... PAPI LIKE! OH YEAH, OH YEAH," his hand pounded the diamond hard pole, as a steady river of precum poured out of the piss slit. Little droplets flew and flopped all over the counter, with some bits hitting his soft, supple, cinnamon body. "UH, UH, UH, OHHHHH gasp PLEASE GOD IN HEAVEN," he continued as he started feeling an intense build up in pressure in his gonads. Tingles and tickles worked in a symphony of delight with each thrust from his circular palm brought him closer to his conclusion. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, it happened. "OH FUCK, OH FUCK," he panted to himself, "I'M GONNA CUM! I'M GONNA CUM! OH FUCK, OH FUCK - HERE IT - AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" A tidal wave of jism exploded from his glands, soaking the jizz rag in his fluids. His cock continued pumping out blast upon blast of his sweet nectar, ecstasy holding him as a hostage for the entire purge. Seconds ticked by as there seemed to be no end in sight, only boundless pleasure. It was a full minute and a half, before he finished, bathing himself in the afterglow of the carnal act. He opened his eyes, stunned at what he saw: his salty snot dripped down the side of the counter while the rag just lay there like a broken lover after a round of angry love making, drenched and looking like it was unable to move from the spot where he had splooged. "Oh shit," he proclaimed as nervousness took control of the situation, "oh fuck no! Aye dee-ohs mee-oh! What the fuck am I gonna do?" He took out another rag from the drawer in an effort to mop up the sopping mess that lay before him, only to have most of his sludge pushed onto the wooden floorboards of his kitchen. The alarm on his phone started to go off indicating he had less than thirty minutes before he needed to leave the house to arrive at work on time. Jose's mind raced as he went through different scenarios of how best to clean his mess, while he continued to push the new rag through the gunk that his old rag was still soaked with. The alarm's volume continued to grow, which only made him that more anxious. He reached into the drawer once more, and fished out another rag to wipe his hands off so he could turn off the alarm. One thing he felt certain about today: he wouldn't be going to work on time.

The sound of silence filled the space after he turned off the alarm, leaving him alone with his thoughts. As he made his way back to his mess, the sharp sound of his slime dripping off the edge of the countertop soon flooded the room, pushing the silence out of the space that it once occupied. It was then that he noticed something that felt peculiar and at the same time familiar. The Blacklister froze with fear as he realized what the sensation was: he was becoming erect again. He could feel every vessel, every inch, every molecule of his genitals as blood rushed in, hardening the skin betwixt his legs as it became quite irritated once more. "No, no, no," he said aloud, "not now! I have to get to work!" He decided to ignore the rumblings of his loins in an effort to focus on cleaning up the abundant sauce he had left in his wake from earlier. The Blacklister went into the linen closet that was upstairs, nabbed a larger towel, and raced back downstairs to clean up the leftovers from his earlier self abuse. Mopping up the deluging cock-snot only made his loins ache as his dick strained upwards crying out to be heard. It took ten minutes of cleaning and scraping before the liquid was gone, leaving behind a transparent sticky film in its wake. He checked his watch, "no time," he thought as the minutes ticked by like water through a pasta strainer. He grabbed his wallet and raced out the door, his cock smacking loudly against his warm, flat caramel abs. He slid into the driver's side of his four door vehicle, his heavy ball-sack grazing the soft, plush cushion forcing another blast of pain into his body. The Latino gritted his teeth, wanting to appease the longings that he tried to ignore. Images of naked large breasted women playfully bounded through his head as he tried to focus on driving through traffic. Each bump was an exercise in sexual frustration as bare flesh jiggled along with the rest of the vehicle. Dollops of warm sticky man cream oozed their way out his piss lips, sliding down his full shaft, before pooling beneath him. As the moments passed, the agony climbed steadily in intensity while his member lashed and whipped around, leaving bits of his spooge everywhere. The bare skinned Mexican tried to beat off anytime he hit a red light, only for traffic to start moving forward after three or four strokes, amping up his genitals' fury.

Finally he pulled into a privately owned underground parking garage that his company leased, got out of his car, grabbed his neck wallet and other accoutrements and raced to one of the lifts in the garage. After a moment the doors slid open, exposing him to a businesswoman and two men. His stiffy continued to pulsate and throb, threatening the occupants with a large geyser of Mexican filling that seemed like it could blow at any second. The woman looked down at the untamed beast as it raged, its singular eye staring back at her, as if to say "touch me if you dare." Upon reaching the ground floor, the woman smacked Jose across the face, "pig," and stormed off.

"Ow," Jose rubbed the spot where she had smacked him, "What was that for?"

"Dude," the guy in a black polo shirt and blue jeans offered an explanation, "you've got a hardon and you're leaking. Women don't like that sort of thing. They consider it rude and disgusting."

The Mexican's beast quivered once more, weeping out a corpulent pearl from its cyclopian gash. "I can't help it! And it wasn't like I was gonna do anything with it! That was uncalled for!"

"Like I said man, that thing looks like its ready to blow any second. Too bad I can't hang around and watch. I gotta get to work. Have fun milking it." The man smiled as Jose turned and walked out to the crosswalk, his tenders flopping against his nearly hairless flesh. The sun warmed his skin as he stood at the corner, waiting for the traffic light to change. The walk sign lit up and he broke out in a jog past the humming cars.

"Hey sexy," a man had rolled down his window and hung his head out, "where's the fire? Or is it just you?" Jose's cock pulsed at the compliment, his anguish building, as more prep snot dripped from his crotch nasal. The pain continually grew as the pressure mounted, his balls feeling like balloons inflating inside. After reaching the other side of the road, his dick smacking his body the entire way, he finally made it to the entrance of his office building. He bleeped his badge past the security gates, and tapped the call button for the elevators, listening to the day shift blacklisted security guard beating his meat like a loan shark collecting on his debt. The sounds of skin against skin, coupled with the moaning that the fellow nudist was making reminded Jose of the one activity that he urgently needed to complete. He only managed three strokes of his drooling gooning rod when the door to the elevator pinged and three well dressed men walked out of it. Jose let go of his slime covered staff and immediately hopped into the cabin, eager to get to his office.

Just as the doors to the lift started to close, a woman's voice called out, "hold the door please." He instinctively complied, pressing hard on the "open door" button, as the HR rep from a few weeks ago climbed in.

"Oh fuck me," he thought, his cock straining towards her blinding incandescence, "just what I need: more frustration."

She smiled as her eyes met his, completely oblivious to the fact that a mere few inches below her line of sight, his goo factory was hard at work, tormenting him. The pair rode up to their appropriate floors, the Mexican's monster beating like a heart while jizz poured out its hole. He wanted desperately to milk himself on the ride up, but with the stinging from the other woman's slap still fresh, he felt it was best not to risk antagonizing his HR rep. Who knows what she would have done to him? Luckily she kept her eyes on the digital readout never realizing the situation that the Blacklister found himself in. The indicator dinged as the doors slid open allowing Jose to be the first one off the lift. He quietly and surreptitiously vacated the indoor transport as fast as he could manage, hoping that she would not hear his throbber smacking his hard, undefined abs as he exited. He made his way to his office, got in, and got logged onto his computer as quickly as the mahine would allow. Somehow, he made good time, and ended up being tardy by only forty-five minutes. The naked fellow let out a sigh of relief; he hadn't missed his first meeting and arrived with fifteen minutes to spare. Fifteen long, glorious minutes in which he could finally address his own wanton needs. He didn't need to use the lotion as wet lovely semen now coated every inch of his scrotum totem. It shimmered under the fluorescent lighting, hypnotizing the naked Mexican as he couldn't help but marvel at its brilliance. Just as he placed his hand on his pole, a knock at the door interrupted him. It was Alex, the office beefcake, and one of his fellow blacklisted managers. The lightly glazed Ecuadorian was ripped from head to toe, not a single portion of his body was a waste, and only had negligible body fat. Veins popped from almost every inch of his smooth, pristine body solidifying his rigorous workout routine in anyone's mind. His skin was paler than the Mexican's body, but still having a distinctly Hispanic look to it. Most days he wore a faux hawk in his obsidian like hair, spikey and stiff giving a slight bad boy look to him that drove men wild. His cock was fatter and heavier than Jose's, giving him the nicknames of donkey dick or gut buster that others used behind his back. It leaked continuously for some reason, even when he wasn't stiff, providing quite the challenge for the corporate jizz janitors. Alex smiled, "Hey Jose - onduhlay - we gotta go man!"

"Uhh what do you mean," he frowned, confused by his coworker's statement.

"Didn't you get the memo? The meeting has been moved up! We've been waiting on you to get to the conference room so we can start."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know; they said that they'd explain why after all the managers arrived; you're the last one. Come on," Alex motioned his hand in a beckoning gesture as Jose grabbed his tablet of paper, pen, and smartphone off of his desk. His sexual appeasement would have to wait for later. This turn of events brought with it a twinge of agony while his male udder continued to seep its protein saturated love beverage. The pair headed straight to the conference room where his first meeting was being held in which it was outlining some future changes in certain practices in the loan department. Seeing as how his workers would be fielding most of these calls, it would be quite amenable for him to have an understanding as to what needed to be implemented. Hour after hour Jose's sperm worm went unattended, causing him to be wracked with more and more pain. By 10:00 am, his testes no longer felt like balloons, but more like two weighted stones he was hauling around. Still the meetings persisted, keeping him on his toes and his hands off his meat. Around lunch time the pain had become slightly more substantial as it felt like he was hauling bricks between his legs. Anyone who dared to meet the gaze of his monstrosity could swear the thing radiating with a fiery hatred like some underworld demon. To say that they felt intimidated by it was a potent understatement as a threatening aura hung off of it. By 3:00 pm, the bricks had been replaced with a pair of cement blocks. He couldn't stop leaking, no matter what he tried to do. It was as if his batter maker had a mind of its own and it was hell bent on unleashing fire and brimstone upon him. Agony surged right to the very core of his being while slowly and maliciously eating away at his sanity. Everything triggered sexual longings leaving no safe harbour for him to take refuge in, no port in this unending raging typhoon of hormones and carnal desires. When the day came to an end, he felt as though he were hauling around two oversized boulders between his legs. The pain had was unmanageable, and part of him wished Kevin was here with him, to release the tension he felt despite the sadistic rape sessions. Anything was preferable to this living hellscape that he had been dragged unwillingly into. Ironically, the redhead had taken the day off to prepare for his bachelor party that Jose was being forced into attending. In reality, Jose wanted to go; he hoped that his son might be there, dancing for his new husband-to-be, and he would have an opportunity to talk some sense into the lad. Every step he took from his desk to his car in the garage was excruciating. The Latino walked with a hunch as he made tracks to the night's proceedings, unable to walk upright out of the misery that was located between his legs. He checked his smartphone: thirty minutes until the start of the party. It would take him at least fifteen to get out of the building at the rate he was moving. The idea of pleasuring himself along the way crossed his mind, but he was determined not to waste a single moment in order to get there as quickly as he could. As luck permitted it, the Blacklister was able to make it out of the building in just under ten minutes and spent another few minutes hobbling back through the crosswalk. In fifteen minutes, he was down to his car, and on his way to the event. It took him all of two minutes to locate a parking space in the back of the church. As Jose exited the vehicle, another drizzle of man slime ran down his exposed wet dueling sword. A shiver of excitement ran through his spine while his clogged reproductive system and brown pinkish headed love warrior lanced out in pain, pushing him further for being ignored. He looked down at his engorged cyclops, oozing with seething hatred for all living creatures, its singular eye snarling at him as if to say, "you deserve this you foul loathsome ingrate. Every pain I inflict upon you is your fault." He buckled over as he strained to maintain control over his loins, dragging himself up the cement staircase and to the front doors of the cathedral. The cathedral was monumental, appearing as though it was built in the 1600s, but logically being much newer than that. It was made of a gray stone that the Latino didn't recognize, and had three spires that reached up to the heavens themselves. Each spire was adorned with bronze spiked guiding that one would see in such architecture of that era. It was a testament to the grandness of the Catholic Church itself. Shadows danced across the face and sides of the church as cars on the street passed in front of it. Two gray stone trusses hung off its right side, adding to its opulence. At the top of the cement stairs was a large entrance portal consisting of two varnished, weather treated oversized wooden doors.

He arrived, his bushy black pubes clinging to his skin like an unrequited lover, sweating profusely, while panting and wheezing as he climbed the cement stairs. His cock flailed about as he made the ascent, his body biting him, chastising him for his gross negligence, while little chunks of partially curdled goo splattered upon unforgiving cement. At the top stood two brutish men in black tuxedos guarding the entrance to the church. Muscles popped out each of their extravagant outfits while mirrored sunglasses reflected Jose's abject nude body back down at him. He whimpered as he approached the pair: one Jamaican and the other Korean. The Korean jutted out a brawny arm, seams barely containing the hulk underneath. "Private affair," his words were like ice as they hung in the suffering Mexican's ears, sending a chill down his spine.

The other turned to his partner and said, "he fits the dress code; let him through."

"You're right," he turned back to the Blacklister and said, "you may go through." The Korean stepped aside, and allowed Jose to pass through the arches and into the breezeway. The room was illuminated by a fraction of lighting it was normally lit with as the overheads had been dimmed to give the room a more intimate look to it. A navy blue carpet was decked out on the ground of the breezeway, adding to the shade of the room. By the door to the chapel area stood a wooden pulpit with a man behind it. To the right of the double wooden doors was an oil painting of Mary and her baby. On the left was a black and gold wooden plaque, with the words "Donators of the Month: 2018," with several names in small lettering on their own mini name plaque. Two small dimly lit light fixtures were ensconced at the edges of the double wooden doors, adding to the ambiance of the room.To the far right side of the breezeway was another set of wooden doors that led to the lower portion of the building. The pulpit itself was ornately decorated with a faux golden cross and a faux ruby at its intersection. It was made of similar woodgrain that the doors were made of, giving them a common motif.

The naked, aching Mexican hobbled into the small, spartan entryway, his eyes adjusting to the shift in lighting. The doors to the chapel were closed, while a man with a pointed nose and spectacles stood behind the wooden pulpit. He too was dressed in a fancy tuxedo, and had a light affixed to the wooden piece of furniture, enabling him to read from a book of some sort. The man stood quite tall, giving Jose the impression that he was looming over the five foot, six inch Blacklister, not in a strong, or intimidating way, but with an air of superiority none-the-less. The man spoke with a nasally, stuffy inflection, like he was a cartoon character come to life, "name?"

"Jose, Jose Morales," the tormented Hispanic replied. His dick throbbing and pulsating with ravenous intent, still trying to grab its naked master's attention.

"Oh yes, Senor Morales, there you are," the maitre'd smiled as he found Jose's name in the registrar. "Top of the list; now before you enter you will need this," the maitre'd reached down and into a bag that was set behind him, fishing out a diver's mask. The mask bore the emblem and colors of his ancestral flag, which in turn went with the decor that was plastered above and beside the entryway arch.

A look of brief confusion crossed his face before the agony once again took hold. "What are these for?"

The maitre'd rolled his eyes as the answer was so apparent that if it were a person it would have slapped the Blacklister across the face. "Vision problems!"

"Why wou -"

"Now off you pop," the man grabbed the door ring, pulled the door open, and shoved Jose into the chapel on the other side. A large wall of white foam encompassed his field of vision as he pushed the substance aside, and placed the swimming mask onto his face. He slowly and carefully made his way through the mess, doing his best to remember where the pews were located. Just as he got to the area where the seats began, a loud bang grabbed his attention. He stood on his tip toes, straining to see what it was that he heard, but saw nothing as the foam was up past the top of his head. He heard a man call out, "yeah that's it! Grab his legs! Keep him pinned! Fuck his hot Mexican ass!" He was a bit confused as to what the kerfuffle was, when a nude Latin twink approached him. The youth was carrying a tray on the palm of his hand, while fondling himself, and a red silk bow tie draped around his neck. The ruffle of the bow tie on the twink's right side was green while the other was red, and emblazoned on the white center was the Mexican flag's logo. Jose was annoyed and felt a momentary lapse into degradation before the pain he felt forced him to buckle over once more. He wanted to be offended and enraged, but his apoplectic beast made sure that he was kept in place. He hunched over in agony, the pressure eating away at his sanity. An all too familiar shriek rang out as he knew what was happening: one of his family members was being defiled. The same voice from a minute ago yelled out once more, "fuck yeah!" The leaky Latino forced himself to stand back up, fighting through the torment, a river of slime pouring out of his masculine eye.

"Excuse me sir," the Blacklisted twink interrupted his thoughts, "are you ok? You don't look so good. Here, have a shot... you'll feel better." The twink's stiffy idly twitched between his legs as Jose's member continued throwing temper tantrums. While his left hand remained steady, the twink used his right hand to reach up and grab one of the beverages that were sitting on the tray. The liquid looked as bright a red as that of a sports car, and almost shimmered with what would lead one to believe were flecks of red glitter suspended in the fluid. The older Blacklister shamelessly knocked back the drink, his boner still torturing him with mind searing agony. "Another," offered the twink as Jose grabbed another shot off the tray. The naked Mexican tossed back the next shot, making a growl of intense delight.

"These are really good," Jose managed as his man-rammer pulsed, "what are they again?"

"Oh, they're some kind of exclusive new beverage that the party host was able to snag. Well, it's new in the sense of I've never heard of it before," the twink continued to play with his member with his free hand while still being able to maintain the balance of the tray.

"Ok, but what's its name?"

"Ummm... new, new," the twink let go of his junk, reaching for a card on the tray, "new-garrr-uhhh?"

"Here let me see that," Jose grabbed the card with the hand written note on it. "Nuagra... it's pronounced Nu-" he stopped mid sentence as his mind reeled with this new bit of information. He had heard of the chemical being introduced but until that moment, he wasn't sure if it had been released to the open market. His heart raced as fear and panic soon joined the crippling agony he had been experiencing the entire day. "You - you fed me... gave me, Nuagra," his eyes widened with horror, "TWICE?"

"Uhhhhh... yeah... why?"

"That's the most potent aphrodisiac on the market. It has all the trimmings of Viagra, but with chemicals designed to increase seminal production and libido in every man. Not to mention there may be adverse reactions in people like us."

The twink wrinkled his face, "may be? How can there be may be' adverse reactions? It's not like you're doing statistics where it may be' seventy percent."

"The studies haven't been concluded, yet; the results are still pending. Oh shit, oh fuck, oh - ahhhhahhh-uhhhh!" Jose collapsed onto the ground, the pain roaring through his body like a freight train late for a delivery date. The agony was excruciating at this point and he was able to barely maintain consciousness while his love rod caused him to collapse onto the floor and convulse with more intensity than an epoleptic seizure. It took him a minute of painfully writhing in a pool of his own juices before he was able to get back up. By then, the waiter had scurried off, eager to return to work and finish his shift. As Jose stood back up, he saw the bulbous image of his father and uncle standing on something that seemed to elevate them above the flood of white bubbly foam. The naked Mexican pushed his way through the wall of bubbles as they lapped at his body, caressing his supple flesh, sending sparks of sexual delight careening throughout his masculine form. It wasn't long before he ran into another man in a blue speedo staring up at the pair of naked Mexicans. Jose looked up at his father and uncle with their hands tied behind their backs and were thrusting and gyrating their hips while using their hardon to jab at the other's hardon. The two of them looked nervous and unsure as a crowd of four Non-Blacklisters cheered, hooted, and catcalled them, egging them on in this humiliating act that they were being forced to perform. Their members appeared to be just as hard as Jose's cock was while the two men smacked and jabbed at each other, leaking little bits of precum as they bucked and dodged against the others' invasive attacks. Every once in a while the two stiffies would hit each other or make contact with the area of skin that surrounded it, forcing a mournful "ohhh-ho" or "eeeee" to escape their respective lips. Jose continued to watch the spectacle as his father's and uncle's flabby, aged, bulbous bodies jiggle and wiggled with each thrust and dodge. The pair had no body hair on their torsos, and had two sagging breasts each, that hung onto their finely aged bodies like wet leaves stuck on a tree. Both had peppered grey hair, and while his dad kept his head clean cut with a military style shave, his uncle kept his ample and coiffed. Both of their pubes, however, were neat and trimmed, revealing the rigid gifts both men had which were accented by the peppered grey pubes while a pair of meaty Brazilian nut sized testicals swayed below. Jose tapped the man with the blue speedo, who spun around to face him. It was Derek, the twenty year old from the mailroom. "Who's idea was this," Jose asked.

"Oh hey Jose," Derek replied, his normally business casual black hair now wet and slicked back against his head. His skin was pale and his build was very well defined and athletic. In his off time he was training to be a competitive diver with aspirations of going to the Olympics, a dream that started about seven years earlier, according to him. He was a few inches taller than the Mexican at five feet and nine inches while weighing a nice 155 pounds. Two tiny pink nipples clung to his toned muscular pecs above his perfectly shaped abs and v-line with a streak of black leading down to an enormous bulge. His pale legs were flawlessly shaped underscoring a decent, rock hard ass that looked like the kid could crush a Coke can between his cheeks. A few veins popped off his arms, highlighting his softball sized biceps and deltoid muscles which had some foam draped on them. "It was mine... I wanted to see a real all male cock fight and the group volunteered these two DILFs; you like?"

"No, no I don't! That's my father, Luis, and one of his brothers, Palo. They shouldn't be doing that! It's - ahhh-hahhh," another surge of pain cut off any more of Jose's objections. Another agonizing blast leapt out from his cock, coursing through his body, taring at his mind. Beads of cum sloughed down his rigid, choleric posterior piercer while the room spun around, shadows briefly growing more abundant. Jose staggered backwards, grabbing at one of the pews, stabilizing himself as he recovered from the frightening ordeal. Derek leaned in briefly, trying to aid the nudist in his ordeal.

"Everything ok, boss," the twenty year old asked as sweetly could.

"Yeah," Jose breathed a sigh of relief as he was able to recover from whatever it was that had happened to him. "Yeah, I'm fine; I just got a little dizzy is all for a moment there."

"Well, ok... as long as you're ok, then... I suppose that's ok." The young muscular nearly naked twink smiled at his boss as he slid his hand against the man's bare butt cheek, caressing it like one might subtly feel up their date. He smiled at the bare Blacklister who stared back up into his chestnut brown eyes. "Have I ever mentioned how utterly magnificent you look," Derek's words were smooth like chocolate syrup sliding down the Blacklister's back. Jose had become visibly anxious, fearing what the twenty year old might do to him. The kid shoved his index finger into the Mexican's tight rectum, causing Jose to yelp and jump an inch off the ground. The nude Latino trembled as his employee swirled the appendage inside his bum while trying to use his rectal muscles to push the intruder out. "Wow," the pale boy commented, "you really are extremely tight. No wonder Kevin wants to marry you so bad." Jose gulped, "how about you ditch him and get with me? I promise to make you very, very happy," Derek's smile seemed icy and insincere as if he meant something else entirely different from the words that he said. Just as he got ready to shove another digit in, an all too familiar voice interrupted their little "tryst."

"Jose," Kevin called out as he walked up to the pair while Derek tore his digit out of his manager's asshole. The tare forced Jose to jump once more as the Mexican instinctively tightened himself. "You finally made it baby; I was beginning to worry." Kevin's pale pinkish skin stood out in a stark contrast to the wall of white soap foam. He had a modicum of chest hair on his pecs that was connected by a trail of hair which radiated outward around his belly button before settling beneath his red speedo line. Two nickel size rose colored nipples dotted his chest under the slight mane of fiery red fur that accompanied the sternum. Kevin seemed warmer than normal somehow, his gray-blue eyes shimmering under the various fluorescent lights that shone down from the ceiling. He too had a red and green Mexican flag themed swim mask on, which made his voice sound a little stuffy. The redhead removed the mask before leaning in for a kiss from his fiancee. Jose's and Kevin's lips met in an open mouth kiss before the Blacklister pulled away from the sickening act. Jose felt his stomach turn as his disgust bubbled up once more. The Mexican turned and spat out the saliva that had traveled from Kevin's mouth and into his.

"Hey man," Derek smiled trying to hide the assault from his competition. "I was just admiring Jose's father when you walked up. No wonder Jose is so sexy! Just look at that magnificent DILF up there!" Kevin, Derek, and Jose all looked up at Jose's dad and uncle who continued their sausage sword fight like two gay Mexican pirates. "Plus all that jiggle is just driving me... slurp so wild. Jose, if I fucked your dad, would his belly shake like a bowl full of jelly?"

Jose swallowed down his ire and disgust at being asked such an inappropriate question. "IIIIIIIII..." he fought back the urge to punch the kid in the face. "I don't know," he forced the words out of his gritted teeth.

"Well, I think I'd like to find out," Derek somewhat absent-mindedly responded before turning to the host of the party. "Hey Kevin, has anyone claimed Jose's dad as their party favor, yet?"

Kevin wrinkled his nose, "I'm not sure; I'll check the registry later and get back to you. If he hasn't been claimed, I'll make sure you two end up together."

Derek did a midair fist pump, "yessss! Awesome! Thanks man!" Kevin looked down at his fiancee, staring at the nude man's pole that had been twitching uncontrollably throughout the entire exchange.

The Non-Blacklister winked at his fiancee, "come on babe... let me show you around." Kevin reached over and gave Jose's rod a brief, yet illicit stroke. Jose shivered as sparks of delight swelled up in his body, goo pouring out like a broken faucet, before he buckled over once again. Kevin snickered as he watched the man suffer silently in an agony of his own body's making. "Now don't make me repeat myself. You know how I hate repeating myself." Jose nodded his confirmation as he begrudgingly followed the tall redhead through the wall of foam. "Now as you already saw, we are having cock fights on the altar," Kevin began as he pushed his way through the mountains of soap foam bubbling and popping all over the place. "And as you can tell, the entire chapel has been flooded with soap foam. For refreshments, I was able to acquire a large supply of Nuagra straight from the source (I have my connections)." Jose nodded pretending to listen to everything that was being said to him as his rapist, soon to be live-in rapist, chatted away. "Off to the right, facing the altar, I've had an authentic luchador ring set up for your family to wrestle in; it's been a huge hit with guests. The DJ is the soundbooth, and away from the foam, to prevent electrical shock. He's been playing various beats from south of the border all night long. An all you can eat taco and ice cream bars have been setup in the basement for Non-Blacklisters only." Kevin looked back at Jose, winking as they continued off to the left. "And - oh yeah - the stripper poles are to the left; I think I saw a couple of your brothers on two of the poles there. They may not be able to climb and swing off of the bars, but that hasn't stopped them from gettin' mad amounts of pesos."

"Pesos," Jose was perplexed, "what do you mean pesos? We're in the states."

"True, but I went to a currency exchange and had a few hundred converted into peso bills, size twenty. I wanted everything to feel as authentically Mexican as possible, right down to the smallest detail." A bolt of pain ripped through the naked Latino's body, his dick twitching uncontrollably. The familiar sound of a young man begging grabbed Jose's attention, causing him to make his way to the source amidst the foam. Kevin followed suit, careful not to lose sight of his soon-to-be live-in play toy. There, standing above a pew, bare hairless ass jutting back, was his eighteen year-old nephew and his coworker, Mark. Mark was a flabby old coot whose flesh hung off him like some large, boat sized manatee. The fifty-six year-old was wet, his silver gray body hair matted down to his pudgy, pasty white flesh rolls which bounced with every motion he made. The accountant was pressing his razor sharp erection against the tight, virginal brown rectum of Jose's barely legal nephew. The eighteen year old, Javier, had just became of legal age three days ago, and already had a line of men ready to tare apart his beckoning backdoor wide open. He was scarcely six feet in height, with a deep cinnamon brown color to his skin that drove Non-Blacklisters wild with animalistic, erotic desire. The twink was thin and lanky, with scant suggestion in muscle definition, but what he lacked in tone he more than made up for between his legs. Javier's cock was often likened more to an elephant's trunk and less than that of a horse, and when he strolled down the street it bounced as hard as the fattest man's rolls of skin. He was hairless from the neck down, opting to shave his pubes for reasons unfathomable to Jose. The kid had a cherubic look to his face which overwhelmingly made men want to corrupt him even more than compared to other twinks his age. Javier's hair was jet black and spiked giving him a somewhat punk rock look to him.

"Please," Javier begged, "please don't take my virginity!"

"Shhh..." Mark falsely tried to calm the young pup, "Big Daddy just wants to have fun with his new boy toy. Don't worry, Big Daddy will treat ch'a right!" Jose cringed as he watched the fat old coot rip his spike shaped cock into the guts of his nephew. The kid let out a blood curdling howl as his once virgin-tight rectal tissue was now being shredded deep inside. The men that had been waiting their turn to have a crack at the kid chuckled as Mark impaled the youth while Javier's whole body slapped against the pudgy man's belly. The man then went to town on his new conquest, repeating the same initial act multiple times that he had just performed, taring the kid apart from the inside. Increasing the amount of weight he threw against the Latin twink, Mark continued his aggressive rape-fest while the youth sobbed and howled, begging for his torment to end. "That's it, that's it, baby boy's ass is so fuckin' tight... gonna make daddy mess his insides with liquid love." The kid continued screaming, wishing the man would just leave him alone, instead of ripping his hole apart with what felt like a large, fleshy spike. "Oh yeah, oh yeah, that's it! Make daddy fill you with his love! Oh, Oh OHHHHH-HUHHHH-REEEEE!" Jose watched as the man filled his barely legal nephew with white hot man sauce, flooding the kid's guts as he pumped round after round into the Mexican twink's backside. It was too much for the poor boy's asshole to take as some of the Mark's spooge ran down Javier's spindly legs and collected on the foamy ground. Javier's load soon joined his rapist's cock snot as he too was orgasming from his gigantic loins, unable to stop the hate induced splooge fest. Finally, the old coot let out a sigh of relief as he had come to a stop, smiling in a haze of erotic delight. He then passed the broken twink's hole to the next guy, while Javier sobbed into the soap drench cushion of the pew. For the remainder of the evening, he and his male family members were passed around like party favors, repeatedly being gang raped by Jose's coworkers who were in attendance. As the morning sun streamed in through the multicolored glass of the cathedral's windows, the Non-Blacklisters each registered one of Jose's family members to sit with and molest during the wedding ceremony.

A couple of days went by, and the wedding was off to a start. Jose, Ricky, and Kevin were kept in separate rooms to prevent them from seeing one another before the big moment. This was done to ensure strict adherence to the time honored belief that those to be wed might invite misfortune should they see one another. Every Blacklister had been provided stripper collars and cuffs to give them a more enticing and formal appearance for their non-blacklisted companions. Each Blacklister in attendance was forced to be seated with a Non-Blacklister to be played with while they waited for the ceremony to begin. The living toys would squirm and fidget while their partners would feel them up and molest their exposed bodies. Some would shove a digit up their Blacklister's hole, while others were content with teasing their fellow's cocks. A few of the blacklisted guests were into being treated as a cheap piece of meat, and were busy making out while they straddled their temporary owner's legs, grinding up against the Non-Blacklister's bodies. The women meanwhile were sickened by their husbands', partners', and others' lewd and indecent behavior. The ones with children or were near children took their hands and placed them across their eyes in an effort to shield their innocence. While some of the more perverted teenage boys tried to watch these unsightly displays, others were content to keep their eyes forward, while ignoring the whispered pants of desire.

Jose's wife entered the room where her son was busy preparing for his nuptials, going over different words to say while standing in front of the mirror. Ricky was stiff with excitement, leaking chunks of bliss down his young, vein ridden shaft. He was starting to go a little stir crazy from having to sit in a room away from his father, and his husband-to-be, while also trying not to orgasm before the big day. It had been a week and a half since he chose to abstain from self pleasure, wanting to prove his devotion to the thirty year old he would soon be married to. The days of his life seemed to stretch onward, almost to the point of infinity, as he prepared for the next few moments that soon would change his life forever. He looked up, seeing his mom standing there, trying to hide her disapproving looks from her son. She had consistently objected to this abomination of a union every step of the way, literally putting her foot down at one point. She knew this to all be rather pointless as once her oldest set his mind to something, there was nothing that she nor anyone else could do or say to change his mind. She gave an insincere half smile, "you know, you can back out and no one will hold it against you."

"Why would I do that," Ricky replied as though the very notion of not going through with this union was the most alien and ridiculous thing that he had ever heard.

"Oh meeho, you have no idea the depths of depravity this man has inflicted on your father. The things he has forced your papa to do, the twisted games that he has come up with over the months... all of it for his own sick amusement."

"Well he's never mentioned any of this to me before. In fact, neither of them have shown or indicated that Kevin is the monster you make him out to be. He's shown nothing but kindness to me and showered me with gifts. I'm starting to suspect that Dad has grossly exaggerated his employee's behavior. Maybe Dad's misunderstood some of his requests over the months; I don't know. But I do know that I love him and want to marry him. I want him to be my first and take my virginity from me as I want him to have it. I want to wake up every morning with my mouth wrapped around his pole, and for him to fall asleep buried in my backside." Carmen turned away, flustered by everything she had just been told, mixed with a little bit of nausea from the idea of her son and that demon becoming physically intimate. She walked out, while Ricky lifted up his bouquet practicing his vows silently to himself while his cock strained for relief. "If only there was some way to take the edge off without popping my juices everywhere," he thought to himself. "I wonder how much longer until we start?" As if some unseen force had heard his musings, the opening number began playing in the background "Alright, there's no turning back now," Ricky softly reminded himself, "nor would I want to." He made his way out of the room, and out to the massive chapel where the ceremony was to be held. He knew that his father would be unable to walk him down the aisle and give him away, but as luck would have it, Ricky's Uncle Ernesto was willing to take his dad's place. He walked up to his portly uncle's side, staring at the man who was his dad's brother.

Uncle Ernesto was a bit chunky in his old age of forty-seven, his prime having passed him by. One would have thought that the peppered gray haired man would attract few men's attention, but instead it appealed to a younger demographic. Twinks, twunks, cubs, and otters would all mount this "DILF bait" (as they called him), leaving his hole aching after he closed his office for the day and he sat in the buff at home, sucking down tequila like it was water. There was a certain subset of Non-Blacklisters, and a few Blacklisters, who saw his aged, heavy body as an all-you-can-eat buffet with his fat ass as the main course. It didn't help his case when he popped stiffies and ejaculated every which way as he begged them to stop, but his body didn't seem to care what was happening; sex was sex. He had two large doughy man-tits that occasionally bounced as he walked wherever he went with two quarter sized nipples that made the youngins suckle and bite on them. He hated being bit on his nipple, and would often cry out as sharp teeth ground into the fat of his pectoral chunk. The boys would then laugh and tease him mercilessly, mocking him for being such a huge turn on for their younger, sex crazed libidos. As he walked his nephew down the aisle, "Here Comes the Bride" playing loudly, he couldn't help the fact that he was sporting one of the most aggressive pinocchio's noses he had in a while. Several young men were licking their lips, and making lewd gestures, thrusting their hips in the air, in an effort to mime their urge to use his body as their play toy. As he approached the end of the aisle with his nephew, he bowed to the youngster, unintentionally revealing his fat butt to a pair of nineteen year olds who had saved a space for him. He sat down on one of their thumbs while the other batted his woodie like a kitten playing with a ball of string. Strands of precum flitted about as the youth watched with delight as the thing snapped back up to full attention.

"Friends, family, honored guests," the blacklisted preacher began, "we are here on this blessed day to join these three men in the bonds of holy matrimony." Ernesto looked up at his baby brother, who had been standing tethered to the ground next to Kevin, as he grimaced at the words that came out of the naked preacher's mouth. The priest was also rock hard, his monstrous member pulsing with passion as it wept tears of delight down its long uncut shaft. The preacher, who worked out in his free time, wasn't overly beefy as some of his blacklisted peers were, but still had a sharp definition to his frame. He shaved his armpits of all his furry black hair while keeping his pubic bush neat and trimmed. His scalp was covered in a nice thick mane of hair and was easily in his mid to late thirties. His eyes were a piercing brown color that seemed to burn into the soul of another whenever he gazed at them for too long. Thick meaty pecs were accented by two tiny nipples to give him the classic male model look. A six pack of abs only highlighted his v-shape leading down to his rock hard eight inches of pure male fun. His cock leaked and pulsated with a life all of its own while two mid sized male gonads hung between his athletic legs. To top off his sexy look were two round butt cheeks that refused to quit turning men on. "Do you Kevin, promise to love, and honor both Jose Morales, and his son, Ricky Morales, for as long as you all live?"

"I do," Kevin warmly replied. Jose, meanwhile, felt a shiver race down his spine as he stared at his new husband's smile. Behind that warm, soothing demeanor was the soul of a sadistic demon hell bent on making his life a living nightmare.

"And now, by the power vested in me by God and -"

"What about me? Can't I say anything," Ricky had interrupted the preacher before the marriage was officially sanctified. The priest looked over at Kevin, who smiled and nodded his approval.

"Okaaaayyy, a bit unorthodox, but it's your time."

"Kevin," Ricky addressed his husband, "I promise to love, honor, and be with you from now until the end of time. I want to be the first thing that you see when you wake up. And the last thing you feel before you go to bed. Please, have me now and forever."

"Ohhhhh," the redhead cooed, "that's so sweet." The rest of the audience that was paying attention let out a collective "awwwww."

"I will," Kevin finished.

"Ok - NOW - by the power vested in me by God and state, I hereby pronounce you three legally bound in marriage. You may now kiss your husbands," the preacher was finally able to finish his commencement. Kevin leaned in to kiss Ricky; the twink closed his eyes as his new husband rammed his tongue down his young lover's throat, exploring the cavernous orifice with erotic abandon. Ricky's cock strained as the man he loved reached around to his young butt cheeks with one hand and the other to the back of his head, supporting him as Kevin pushed further inside. Ricky was surprised as he had never met anyone with such passion, such intensity, as he had found in Kevin. By the time Kevin finished probing the youth's mouth, the Non-Blacklister was at full mast, leaving Ricky wanting more. It was Jose's turn to receive Kevin's affections, and he was none too eager to be kissed with such ardur and passion. Still, Kevin persisted and somehow managed to open his mouth and force his tongue inside. The thing swirled and danced within his mouth, as Jose tried to mount an oral protest, but ultimately unable to pull away. As the two minute kiss ended, a few of the guys hooted and hollered their approval of the newly married trio.

"The reception will start after the husband throws his bouquet," the fiery redhead announced. "Any women who are not wanting to attend the festivities, you may leave now and collect your gift card to Bristol Cafe. Thank you for attending." The non-blacklisted males started gathering up at the altar along with their party favors. Ricky turned his back and tossed his bouquet over his shoulder towards the gathered crowd. As it flew through the air, several men made a mad dash to catch it. As luck would have it, the arrangement of flowers landed squarely in Alex's hands. Kevin looked at his muscular, athletic coworker and winked as the beefcake swallowed hard out of fear. "Ok everyone, see you all immediately in the ballroom." As a steady stream of naked and dressed men filed out of the chapel, Jose wondered if his son would soon regret his decision to have married this loathsome, foul creature.

The newly wedded Blacklister entered into the grand ballroom that had been filled with male guests from the ceremony. Already there were Non-Blacklisters grinding up against their blacklisted partners who only reacted, stiffly, to their partners' stimulations while the same DJ from the bachelor party blared out Spanish songs for the guests. Most of the Blacklisters had nervous looks on their faces as they were being held in place by their clothed counterparts, each of them knowing at any second they could be bent over forcibly, and have their rectums torn apart. A small portion of Blacklisters were actively making out with their new "buddies," as if they were eager to embrace being owned. Jose's jaw dropped when he spotted his younger brother, Pepito, cramming his tongue into a man more than twice his age. Pepito was thrusting his hips into the old codger's hips while precum from his hardon started to soak into the man's slacks. The fifty-six year old Dom from accounting, had his hands wrapped around the twenty-one year old's cheeks and was kneading them like two blobs of cinnamon bread dough. Meanwhile Jose's father was receiving an avid tongue bath from Derek, who was all too happy with his new toy. It wasn't long before he heard his older brother, Juan, scream out in agony, "no, no please - I - AHHHHHHHHHH-HA!" Jose knew what was happening: the forty year old was being raped. He looked over at the source, and there, on the rounded table, was Juan. The man had squeezed his eyes briefly for the initial penetration, but now could fully see Jose standing there, pitying him as he was being violated, his head upside down. He mouthed out the words, "help me" as some twenty year old punk from the mailroom was busy thrusting his hips into his backside. Before he had time to react, another shriek rang out; this time from his uncle Ernesto. The two nineteen year olds were fervently sodomizing his doughy, flabby body. One by one his family members and blacklisted coworkers were being viciously and brutally raped, each one falling victim to the men that had been molesting them during the ceremony. Men screaming and begging soon filled the air, leaving a heavy, barbaric sexual energy. Tears flowed like hot, stinging lava from the victims while their attackers sneered, taunted, and laughed at the suffering of the Blacklisters. Even the nude preacher had been taken against his will as he screamed and begged, saying it was a sin and against the will of God for him to be violated in such a fashion. Off to one side, in a large black robe, with his face covered in what appeared to be a plague doctor mask, stood an unnerving, imposing figure of a man. Jose could see nothing of the man's face, but felt very at ease as the figure approached his son and him.

"Oh good," Kevin warmly stated, "the Justice of the Peace finally arrived. Time for me to go sign those documents to fully legitimize the marriages and for you both to be given your barcode tattoos."

The hooded figure glided up to an empty table, placing a large black bag on it. Kevin grabbed Jose by the wrist and yanked him along towards the place where the imposing menace stood. Jose fought back with all of his might as he tried to resist each step like a stubborn cow that knows when its time had come. Meanwhile, Ricky was eagerly approaching the plague doctor as if he knew what had to be done and wanted it more than anything. The Justice reached into the bag and pulled out a long pen-like device with a motor attached to one end of it. The reflective glass eye frames stared down at the youth, "are you the husband?" An icy chill once again ran down Jose's back as he stared up at this tall menace. Ricky nodded; "where is your Non-Blacklister?"

"He's over there," the Mexican twink pointed at the redhead as he approached the table, his father in tow.

"Before we begin," the mysterious man bellowed, "I need you to sign the marriage certificate."

"Of course; don't worry, I paid the fee at town hall yesterday," Kevin replied.

"Indeed you did; the other one with you, is he also your husband?"

"Yes, yes he is. It was a double marriage and both are eager to start their new lives with me."

"Very well; I will start with the youngest as he is more cooperative than the other." The plague doctor pressed a button on the side of the mysterious device causing it to whirrr to life. He then stuck the needle into Ricky's left wrist, inking in his barcode tattoo, which would signify a marriage bond for other men to easily see. Ricky bit his lip as he soldiered on through the piercing agony that was being inflicted upon him. Meanwhile, Kevin was busy inking his signature and legalizing the marriages. It didn't take too long before Ricky was fully marked, a single tear running down the side of his face as he cradled the new badge.

"You ready baby," Kevin approached the naked youth, unbuttoning his pants and unzipping his fly. "I'll make you feel a lot better while your dad gets his new ink."

While Jose was busy getting coded, he watched as son was pummeled by his personal rapist. Kevin bent the lad over another table, and thrust his hate stick deep into Ricky's guts. The twink let out a deep, guttural moan of delight as a look of bliss danced across the youth's face. The harder Kevin rammed his fuck toy into Ricky, the happier the twink looked and the louder he moaned. "Oh daddy," he cooed, "your dick feels better than I ever imagined." The redhead soon was pounding Jose's son's anus so hard that the vibrations caused the plates on the table to bounce and clink. The Non-Blacklister snarled and growled as he battered the kid's insides, rearranging them and turning them into a nice thick soup. The hooded figure, having finished his job, silently departed the room, leaving everyone to their joy.

"Fuck baby, your ass is so tight; tighter than your dad's, I think."

Ricky smiled, "really?"

"Ohhhh yeah, ohhhh yeah, I'm so fucking close - HERE IT CUMS!" Jose knew what was happening and looked away in disgust and shame. The very idea that his rapist was flooding his offspring's innards with a daddy's love was enough to sicken him to his core. It was bad enough that his son was married to this fiend, but for him to get pleasure from getting reamed and creamed was quite another. "Oh fuuuuuucck babe, that was amazing! I'll give you a few minutes to recover while I have a go at your dad." Ricky nodded as he drew in breath, trying to relax before his next fuck session with his new lover. Pink and red tissue dripped off of the redhead's enraged beast right as he reached over to grab a napkin from the table. He smeared the crud off his tool as he eyed Jose, smiling devilishly. "Your turn, Big Papi."

Jose swallowed as fear overtook the better portion of his thinking. "Please don't," the nudist swallowed, "I - I - I don't wanna be raped. My body is in so much pain right now. I don't want any more." Kevin grabbed the thirty-five year old's arm as the man tried to escape what was to happen next. The fiery redhead clamped down on his wrist, "AHHH -you're hurting me!" He then spun Jose around, shoved his head against the table, and then rammed his man ripper into the Latino's backside. Jose let out a scream as he felt his rectal tissue failing to mount resistance against the intruder. Bit by bit, his defenses fell, ripping and taring as the conquistador laid waste to his guts. He howled as he watched his family members and coworkers suffer the same fate that he was now experiencing. Kevin pressed the palm of his hand against the Mexican's head, ensuring that the Blacklister could not escape. Jose knew it was futile for him to call for help; after all he was so far inside and those that might help him were in the same position he was in. "PLEASE LET ME GOOOOOOOHHHHH-AHHHAHHAAA!" Stinging tears welled up inside his eyes, before streaming down his face and staining the table cloth. "YOU'RE RIPPING ME APART! IT HURTS! IT HURTS! YOU'RE SO FUCKING BIG!" Jose could swear that he could hear the shredding of his virgin-tight anus as his rapist tore into him. The louder he screamed, the harder the assault became and the more violent the attack was.

"Oh fuck Jose," Kevin replied, "your ass is so fucking amazing right now! I love how tight you are!" The Non-Blacklister pounded the Mexican so hard that Jose was starting to see stars in his vision. Glasses clinked as china bounced up against china while Kevin really laid into Jose's backside. The naked Mexican wondered what his hole would look like after this assault. Would it be black and blue? Would it be red and angry? Would he even be able to sit down without shooting, burning pangs chiding him for performing such a basic act? Just as it seemed that there was no end in sight, Kevin spoke up. "OH FUCK YEAH, BABY! DOES PAPI WANT - UH, UH, UH - UUUUUUUHHHH-HUH!" Jose could barely feel the warm goo flood into his love cavern as the pain from the assault was too much for him to handle. Within moments, the explosions petered out, leaving Jose in tears as dick snot dribbled out of his battered, broken hole and down his legs. As Kevin reveled in the afterglow of the orgasm, the Latino mewed and blubbered into the round cloth covered table. The rapist slapped Jose's brown jizz and blood dripping buns, "thanks babe; you're the best." For the rest of the evening, men would take turns gang raping his tender broken hole, each one causing their own version of misery, leaving him feeling more hollow with each violation. As morning approached, his stomach began to growl, reminding him that although his love port was filled with liquid romance, his belly was empty and needed to be filled.

It had been three days since the wedding, and Jose was starting to wonder if he would be able to survive the next several decades with his attacker living under the same roof as him. The past few days had been the worst time of his life so far. Every little action he did seemed to set his rapist off. He would bend over to pick something up, and BAM - a hard dick to the backside. If Jose wanted to watch something on TV, he was having his cock sucked the entire time. Kevin even insisted on sprinkling Jose's Mexican jizz on everything he ate. Morning, noon, and night was filled with unusual, humiliating, and pain soaked sex. "No one could want it this much for this long," he thought at one point. Jose was worn out; he could barely function in the day and his nights were filled with Kevin's sleep humping or his violent night terror kicks. One time, Kevin bent the Balcklister over the dinner table and raped the jizz right out of him. Normally he would milk Jose by hand, but that night he was feeling extra vicious. He began to wonder how he had time to bang Ricky. When exactly was he fucking his son's brains out?

Ricky meanwhile enjoyed getting pounded frequently. He and Kevin shared a shower every evening in which he would bathe the youth as water cascaded down his slightly browned flesh. Suds and bubbles would pop against his virile young skin, feeling as though thousands of tiny little fairies were kissing his bare body, making him stiffen as his husband washed his body clean of all the sweat and gunk from the day. It was after the rinse off that he would finally be penetrated and fucked until his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he was breathless from passion. Kevin loved scrubbing down his twink husband, getting him all nice and clean, working the youth over with a nice foamy lather. Ricky loved getting pounded by the uncouth demon, keeping the older man interested in him and in a constant state of sexual arousal. It was on the third day of marriage that Kevin announced that they would honeymoon in Florida by the beach. Ricky was excited; he had never left his hometown before, let alone travel to almost the other end of the country. His mind raced with possibilities as to what sort of adventure awaited him in that place. Perhaps his husband would allow him to get fucked by other men. Maybe he could try being on top for once just to see what it was like. Did he want to be the top? Maybe... he wouldn't know for sure until he tried it at least once. Would they do threesomes or forgies? Would Kevin want other Blacklisters to play with? What if Kevin met another and lost interest in him and his father? Would they lose out on his new husband's affections? After all, his father may not like having sex with a man, but at least someone found him attractive enough to have sex with him. Ricky never understood why he hated Kevin and his passionate affections. The redhead just expressed his devotions differently is all. All that night, Ricky helped Kevin pack his clothes along with their needed lotions for masturbation. The day of the flight, Jose tried to hide himself from Kevin in hopes of avoiding the trip, and staying home. It was unfortunate that the older Mexican was not as good at hiding as he thought he was.

The trio stood in the long line, Jose trembling as he watched Kevin's pants tent up. Four other Blacklisters were awaiting their turn, two of which were masturbating their brains out, killing time until they had a chance to speak to the worker at the counter. The harder they beat off, the stiffer the other men in line became. The pair of masturbators couldn't help it; they were bored and extremely horny. It wasn't long until a third joined in the self love fest, spilling his seed, along with the other two, onto the pristine linoleum floor. Their hands flew up and down their taut masculine brown staves as globs of their fertilizer poured out of their respective piss lips. They panted and moaned, each one lost on a sea of endless erotic bliss as they pouned their flesh knobs as boredom had been replaced by sheer pleasure. The first one was a thirty-eight year old biracial male, a little pudgy around his midsection, but still attractive none-the-less. He towered over the other two at six feet and seven inches tall while retaining an echo of muscle mass. If he had any athleticism, it had long passed him by as he clearly indulged himself in the less healthy options in his older years. The hair on his head had been shaved down to the scalp while some body hair remained on the front side of his torso. Two cocoa brown quarter sized nipples jutted sharply out of his thick meaty pecs, begging to be molested by any man who dared lay eyes upon them. Eight inches of fun was trapped between his legs while a pair of meaty pendulous gonads swung with every smack from his hand against his belly. It was all too late for him to notice that the Korean man had been licking his lips like he was at an all-you-can-eat-buffet, and had elected to bend him over and use his exposed, vulnerable body to pass the time. He screamed out as the man penetrated his backside, begging to be let go, and bargaining for his freedom. The Korean ignored his pleas as he continued to thrust upwards into the Blacklister's anus, ripping through his virgin-tight rectum. Over and over his rapist bucked his hips upwards into his anal cavern holding him in place and grabbing his arms so the Blacklister could not escape. He cried, tears of pain and misery falling from his face as his attacker tore his body apart, never caring whether or not his victim was enjoying himself. The only thing that mattered to the non-blacklisted Korean was his own physical needs... his own sexual urges. If the biracial man didn't want this, then all he had to do was free himself. Alas, however, he was stuck with his forgein attacker who probably didn't even comprehend the English language, let alone care to release his new man-toy.

The eighteen year old Israeli boy was also caught off guard when a dark skinned, black bodybuilder tackled him to the ground. He was built like a linebacker and could have easily broken the twink in half with barely any effort. Instead of trying to kill the Israeli, he mounted the poor pup right there on the hard icy linoleum, forcing the kid to remain in place. The twink was rail thin and gangly, with hardly any indication of upper body strength. What the youth lacked in body mass, he more than made up for with an oversized twelve inch dong, and two grade A egg-sized corpulent testes. His whole body shuddered as his attacker ripped through his insides with his own large piece. Every bit of tissue that tried to fight back against the anal intruder was punished by the man's fourteen inches of pure, unadulterated hell. The kid screamed out as he felt every bit of his hole being decimated by this monster, unable to fully grasp why this was happening to him as he spoke even less English than the Korean. Bit by hellish bit his virginity was taken by his rapist as the man relished in sodomizing the youth. The kid begged for mercy in his native tongue only to have his pleas go unheeded as the black man didn't speak Israeli. Tears streamed from his clenched eyes, while blood dribbled out of his love port and onto the white floor. "That's it baby," the man snarled into his ear canal, "show daddy some love. You like losing your virginity to a real man, don't ya?" As each inch tore into the twink, a new level of agony greeted the youth like a long forgotten friend. Once the man had fully penetrated the youth, he immediately went to work establishing a rhythm for the rest of the pound session. To the Non-Blacklister, it was like a dance: he would pull it out of his partner, the kid would thrust his hips forward, only for the meat stick to be crammed back inside after a brief second. The cruel dance continued unabashed and unrelenting, causing the twink to scream louder each time the rape stick went back into his guts. "Oh baby," the black man growled, "you are so tight! You gonna - YOU gunna - UHH - AHHHH-HAHHA!" The black man's pace slowed briefly as he shot multiple loads deep into the twink, seeding him full of white, hateful cream while the Korean man shot his loads into the biracial man's guts. Both victims cried and questioned why this happened to them in their native tongue, only to have their attackers unable to understand nor respond to them. As the pair of Blacklisters lay sobbing on the ground, the two Non-Blacklisters got up and took their turns at the ticket counter, sexual urges satiated. The other men in line shot their wads onto the broken men eager to unload their wads onto the quivering duo. The two victims felt humiliated as they lay there curled into the fetal position, cum showering down upon their violated forms. It wasn't until after those that had taken their turns and left them, did they get back up and stagger to the ticket desk.

"Holy fuck! That was so hot," Ricky called out to his father's chagrin and his husband's delight. "I mean, did you see how those two Non-Blacklisters took ownership of those two sex spots. I mean - WOW - that was amazing! Is that what it's like for all Blacklisters?"

Kevin smiled, "well for most of them anyway. Some resist or put on airs like they aren't just fuck toys for the real men in society and others don't, like you. After all, a Balcklister's purpose is to be a cum receptacle for men everywhere regardless if those men are blacklisted or not. All of you are just jizz holes with legs, despite whatever else you try or think yourselves to be. You do best to remember that."

"Wait - I can't cum?"

"Well sure you can, but you must always submit to your superiors. If you have caramel flesh, you exist for sexual relief for those without caramel skin. It's only the natural order, after all."

"Yeah, I get that. Do you think I can be raped?"

"Well technically you can't rape the willing, but you can pretend not to want it. If you are a really good actor, some man will thank you by pouring his love into your guts just like if you really were being raped."

"Awesome! Can I rape another Blacklister?"

"Tell you what, when we get to Miami Beach, we'll take a couple of Blacklisters back to the hotel, and you can violate one while I violate the other; sound fun?"

"Sure daddy, thanks"

"No sweat champ; maybe you can rape your father, too... just for me. I'd love to watch you force your way into your dad."

Ricky shrugged as his hardon leaked goo down his young throbbing pole, "maybe." Jose vomited as the idea of his own son forcing himself into him was beyond reprehensible. He couldn't believe his ears: the two other men were planning on kidnapping and raping others of his kind and he couldn't do anything to stop them. Plus on top of that, his own son, his own flesh and blood, may end up focing his young cock into his aged hole. It was beyond disgusting... it was beyond all measure of morality; he hoped that this was some sort of twisted nightmare and that at any second he would wake back up in his own bed, safe and sound. More bile flung itself from his mouth and onto the ground, splattering against the snow white flooring as the room spun wildly about. He clung to Kevin's duffle bag as he tried to maintain his composure while struggling with these twisted notions that his son and his rapist were conspiring. The Latino staggered around aimlessly grabbing at things that might help him prop himself up. It was then that he felt something soft, cold, and leathery slap the back of his knees. Down he went... and into the charcoal black wheelchair that had suddenly materialized behind him. The Mexican's head swam with a torrent of ideas as to what was happening and how this contraption just magically showed up. Had Kevin seen what was going on? Was everything that he had just heard all lies or an act that the duo had cooked up? Were they really going to rape more of his people? Why was his son in on it? What did Ricky stand to gain from all of this? The shadows of the airport started to melt in together as he realized that he was blacking out while a sharp sting of icy fear curdled his blood.

Jose awoke sometime later in a soft cushiony chair. How long had he been out? Where was he? Where was his son and his rapist? His eyes darted madly about as he tried to get a bearing on his location. It was then that he realized that he was onboard the plane. Did they take him onboard while he was passed out? How? Something started gnawing at the edge of his consciousness; something familiar, something that he knew too well. Then it hit him: he was having his cock sucked. He looked down at the beast between his legs, only to find a non-blacklisted stranger bobbing up and down on his chowder dispenser. The Mexican was horrified, his blood ran cold as his cock was overwhelmed with sexual delight. He wanted to escape from this black man's wicked carnal grasp, but instead he remained frozen with fear. There was no telling what this man might do if he became aware that Jose was awake or uninterested in receiving the unwarranted and undesirable blow job. Over and over the man ravished the Blacklister, completely oblivious to the fact that Jose's eyes were wide open with terror. The Mexican bit his lip as hard as he could to prevent himself from crying out as he climaxed vigorously down the stranger's throat while his assaulter continued drinking his spicy man-milk. Finally as the last bits of cock snot petered out of his twitching boner, the seat belt light came on as the pilot announced the intention to land. The black man slithered off, leaving Jose in peace, with more post goo to dribble out and onto the cabin floor. It was then that Kevin and Ricky, with disheveled appearances, returned from wherever they had been and immediately locked their seat belts around their waist. Kevin smiled as he gazed into Jose's brown eyes, "I can't wait to start our honeymoon for real." The cabin pressure began to shift as the plane began its descent towards the ground. As the machine began its delicately coordinated dive, the Blacklister wondered what, if anything, would happen to him next while on this flight. A thought bubbled up in his mind; he needed to find the man so he could do everything in his power to avoid him by keeping tabs on him. Jose looked around the cabin as the plane rolled to a stop on the ground, desperate to find the man who had been silently sucking his dick. He was unlucky enough to be unable to locate any trace of the ebony skinned Non-Blacklister with his silky smooth oral cavity. Just as he was about to give up, he saw another Blacklister whose head was violently shaking back and forth in the chair next to an empty seat, only a few rows ahead. It was him... it had to be... Jose recognized the nearly uncontrollable urge to moan and pant... to toss his head back and cry out in ecstasy. The other Blacklister was clearly at the mercies of this sex crazed deviant and also was too afraid to fight back. The wild haired Blacklister could now be heard wheezing and panting as Jose knew that the intensity of the sexual experience grew. Finally the Blacklister let a high pitched whimper as he sprayed the back of his oral assaulter with his heavy seed. The soft screech lasted a mere twenty seconds before coming to an end, indicating that the nudist had emptied his loins for the foreseeable future. Tension and fear both melted away as he breathed a sigh of relief right before the captain announced that it was safe to depart the air vehicle. Jose made sure to keep the cock sucker in his field of vision at all times as he, his son, and his rapist all left the plane and entered into the airport.

It wasn't too long before the trio was able to get off the vehicle and make their way to the inside of the airport. Once there, they were able to pick up Kevin's luggage that not only contained his clothes, but also the two Blacklister's masturbation lotion, and miscellaneous toiletries. As they waited for the luggage to be released to the passengers, while Ricky was beating his young tender meat, a sudden shriek rang out through the airport. Jose looked over at the source only to find a naked man with a pilot cap and mirrored shades, being forced against a wall by another who appeared to be a coworker. The naked man was built; the muscles that bulged out of his soft, supple brown flesh gave him an athletic appearance. He had raven black hair underneath his pilot cap, and a few droplets of wetness trickled down his face before splashing onto the ground. His cock was hard; the eight and a half inches between his legs threatened anyone who dared to look at it. A thick patch of jet black trimmed pubes were accented by the trail of fur that led from his belly button to his bush. Two heavy pendulous testicles swayed in the open like a pair of clackers one might find on a businessman's desk. He must have been Latino given his jaw shape and body definition Jose surmised. He was bent over at a ninety degree angle being raped by another blonde pilot in a full uniform. The victim screamed as a group of four of his colleagues gathered around him and his rapist, begging for someone to stop his coworker's violation of his nude tawdry body. His colleagues pointed and jeered at him, taunting him, and calling him derogatory names. As his attacker thrust his cotton clad hips up, he screamed loudly again before begging his coworker to let him go. Jose watched as the rapist pulled his cock out, dripping with blood and rectal tissue, his victim thanking him for stopping his assault. As he tried to catch his breath, his rapist shoved his exposed cock hard and fast, forcing out a louder scream. The rapist began to pivot his victim so he was facing the wall before bashing his blacklisted coworker up against the cement causing his victim's shades to shatter, and fall to pieces beneath their frantic love making. Thud, thud, thud; the victim's face was pushed against the stationary and indifferent solid force, causing a wound to form on his caramel brown forehead. Meanwhile his rapist blamed him for what was happening, citing the overwhelming urge to pound his hole during the recent flight they had just completed. The duo's colleagues continued to taunt the victim telling him that he should "stop being so fucking sexy if [he] didn't want to be violated." The rapist hastened his ramming speed as he neared climax while more blood seeped from the victim's face. As the guys walked away high-fiving one another, the blacklisted pilot collapsed to the floor, his face bruised and bloody. The man started coughing and wheezing as he spat out globs of blood, barely able to fill his lungs with the needed air. He called out once more for help as his head drooped before hitting the floor. Jose snuck over to where the victim lay, checking his vitals while he searched desperately for a phone. He didn't have to walk far before he found a red receiver hanging from a red box and picked it up.

"Hello," came a woman's voice, "this is dispatch. How may I help you?"

"Uhhhh, yeah," Jose's voice wavered with anxiety, "uhhhh... one of your pilots has just been sexually assaulted and is bleeding out all over the floor. I think he has severe brain trauma, too."

The dispatcher sighed heavily into the phone as though this was more of a nuisance than a life or death issue. "Fine, I will contact airport medics and send them your way. I see you're speaking to me near gate forty-six. Is that were the rape victim is located?"

"Uhhh, yeah, about twenty paces from this phone."

"Wait right there; don't leave him!"

"Jose," Kevin called out, "andale! We need to get to the limo!"

"IIIII, uhhh, I can't stay! If I don't go now, my son will be in jeopardy! I'm sorry!"

"Sir," the woman replied, "you need t- click." Jose hung up the phone and hurried to catch up with his own rapist and son before they got too far out of sight. The Mexican was worried about his injured peer, hoping that the paramedics would arrive in time to save the Latino's life. Hopefully the man would be able to recover and maybe find some way to get his revenge. Then again, no one ever really got revenge against their attackers. Jose had heard of stories of what would happen to victims that attempted to get revenge. They were never the same after they came back from wherever they were taken to. Whatever they did to those Blacklisters there made Jose pray silently in his mind each night that he nor his children would ever find out. Another shriek from a different direction cut through his mind like an electric knife carving through butter. Jose's heart sank as he knew another victim was being brutalized somewhere else.

"SOMEONE HELP," the man's voice echoed, "HE'S SODOMIZING ME! SOMEONE, ANYONE, STOP HIM! OH GOD, PLEASE, PLEASE NOOOOOH-AHHHHH-HAHAHAHA!" The man's cries for help devolved into ambiguous screams as Jose knew the victim's insides were being torn apart, most likely by some Non-Blacklister's fat cock. As the trio exited the terminal, Jose watched as two sets of Blacklisters were happily banging it out to the bleachers as a few Non-Blacklisters jerked off, watching the men go at it like wild animals in heat, while fervently masturbating to the sights and sounds. He wondered if they were going to be raped after they finished their public love making sessions like the other two men inside. The limo whisked the trio far away, leaving behind the highly charged airport and its many men.

The soft velvety seat cushions in the limo were pure erotic hell for Jose. Every bump, every gyration made the drive from the airport to the hotel one of pure sexual frustration. Jose watched as Ricky beat his meat during the entire trip. The kid spilled more seed in five minutes than most men in a month. Jose's cock stiffened as his nut sack dragged across the soft luscious fabric with each bump. He was saddled with a dilemma: jerk off and arouse Kevin's passions or risk madness and do nothing. On instinct, he reached down towards the engorged mass and began tugging on his brown man toy. His hands slid quickly on the pole, bringing him closer to his libidinous wet goal. Spunk churned as the pressure in his gonads began to build to overwhelming proportions. It no longer mattered where he was or who was near him, the act of self love was his only focus... his only reason for existing in that moment. Thick, bulbous tears of male shame leaked out the top of his fun gun, lubricating the furious pounding he was giving himself. It was then that something unexpected happened: he felt a small sharp pain pop into his backside. The Mexican opened his eyes and looked to his left. Kevin sat there smiling at him, his hand leading into his bare cinnamon buns. He had jammed a finger up into Jose's tight hole, and was now swirling it around inside the Latino's guts... probing, searching, exploring. It was as if the redhead was looking for something buried inside Jose; something that he had lost, something he desperately needed. Jose buckled and gyrated, trying to shake loose his attacker's grip on him. Every buck and heave he made only seemed to aggravate his condition further. He wasn't going anywhere and neither was his rapist's finger. Jose moaned as he inched closer to the precipice of excitement. Just as they pulled up to the hotel, Jose's copious load erupted sending showers of jizz cascading down upon the both of them. Droplets of spooge rained down from the ceiling of the limo like rain during a storm. They were both drenched in the Mexican's spicy dick snot as they exited the car, leaving behind a pool of Jose's freshly squeezed juices for the limo company to clean up later. The trio was greeted by a gaggle of bellhops, some of them naked and some fully dressed. None of them appeared to be a day over twenty-five, and the naked ones had fully inflated erections between their legs as they smiled. Kevin watched as the youths bent and flexed, eyeing their firm taut brown buns as they shimmered under the warm sun. The nudists all had been lightly basted in baby oil which only served to highlight their firm supple flesh. As their newly founded entourage entered the facility, Jose was greeted to the sight of a bellhop being pounded by one of the non-blacklisted guests in the middle of the lobby. The boy, who was no older than nineteen himself, had his legs positioned above his face while a blonde man, in his forty-eight, had his stiff dick in the youth's backside. The kid didn't appear to be in distress, so by Jose's account this fuck fest was consensual. Why anyone would be willing to allow such depraved acts in full view of the public was behind his comprehension. The two were locked in a passionate round of love making with the older man being exceptionally tender with the younger lad. The man would rise and fall pushing gently into his lover's rectum as the youth begged him to fuck him harder. "Yes daddy, that's it," he barely retained any accent, "may goose-toss mucho!" The more Spanish the naked bellhop spoke, the harder the older man would fuck his young lover.

"Greetings," Kevin's voice distracted Jose from the very public sexual affair that was unfolding in front of him. "Reservation under Mathison for your deluxe honeymoon suite."

"Harder papi, hader," the young bellhop cried as the man continued pounding into his now vertically positioned hole.

"Ahhhh, yes, here it is," the female desk clerk smiled, "party of three."

"Fuck yeah baby," replied the man as he rammed his jizz tool into the nude kid's innards. "Daddy likes your tight guts."

The desk clerk handed Kevin a small envelope with three plastic cards sticking out. "Here are your room keys, they will allow you access to the suite. We offer fine dining, a complimentary mini-bar, and other amenities, including but not limited to, blacklisted staff that will meet ahem whatever needs you have, should they arise."

"OH FUCK - I'M GONNA - UHHHHHH-HUUUUH," the man called out as he shot several rounds of man juice deep into his fuck boy's tight hole. The kid let his legs drop to the floor after the old man stood up covered in sweat and walked away. As he lay there, a stream of his lover's fluids seeped out his backside in a pool of pink and off-white liquid.

"Jorge," the desk clerk called out, staring at the youth who was busy recovering from his sexual encounter. "Fetch Manuel; these fine gentlemen need help with their Non-Blacklister's luggage."

The kid pushed himself off the ground, "si, Ms. Albertson, at once." The young bellhop went back behind a closed door, only to emerge with another naked man who appeared to be a bit older than the twink. The gentleman appeared to be thirty-seven and was of a larger build than the twink he was with. His hair was jet black, and his eyes were a light brown color. His skin seemed to match the color of his eyes, while he was much pudgier than the twink. He had a thick belly and large, flabby pectoral muscles that wiggled with each step. Two nickel sized brown nipples dotted the edge of his pecs. He had body hair along the front of his torso which drew the eye downward to a decent nine inches of pure masculine fun. Two meaty testicles, which hung underneath a wild black bush of hair, swung back and forth between his corpulent legs. Men stared as he crossed the room, bending over to pick up one of the bags while Jorge picked up the other.

A man whistled, "hey stud, why don't you come up to room 218 and have some fun later." As he walked by, he pinched one of Manuel's thick man buns, causing the nudist to jump a little in response. He rubbed his left cheek as he turned and watched the man head outside via the primary entrance to the hotel. The four Blacklisters and the one Non-Blacklister made their way to the elevator at the other end of the lobby. It was Jorge who pressed the button and summoned the glass carriage to the upper echelons of the building. As the glass elevator rose through the different levels, Kevin couldn't help but stare at Jorge's young virile body. He admired how taut and firm it was, just like Ricky's body. Unlike Ricky, who had a very light skin tone, young Jorge had a deep brown color. The youth had jet black hair, like his coworker did, and shimmering brown eyes. Unlike his companion, he had a flat, tight, trim stomach. His pecs were well defined and were dotted with two penny sized dark brown nipples. The kid's cock was quite long at nine and a half inches (when flaccid) that swung like the pendulum of a grandfather clock when he walked. Two hefty testicles sat between his firm, athletic legs that had not a single strand of hair on them. As a matter of fact, he was hairless from the forehead down; even his crotch was shaven. His older client's jizz continued to dribble out his backside the entire ride up to the thirtieth floor as he waited to escort the new arrivals to their room. The redhead licked his lips, his eyes glued to the twink the entire time. Jose seemed to be somewhat relieved by this turn of events; every minute Kevin spent staring at other Blacklisters was another minute free of being raped and his son being touched. Jose watched as Kevin lightly caressed the twink's taut hairless buns as the kid quivered with erotic delight. Little did the Mexican know, Ricky was also engaged in a physical exchange with Manuel. Ricky and the older bellhop were exchangning hand jobs the entire ride up through the building.

Finally the group arrived at the thirtieth floor, and everyone but Jose was thoroughly aroused. Kevin's pants were tented and Ricky was sporting a very aggressive boner as they walked the hallway to the luxury suite that Kevin had booked for their week-long stay while in Miami. "Ok, sir," the young bellhop beamed with joy as his young prick dripped with love fluid, "here we are; your suite."

Kevin nodded as the bellhop used a maintenance card to allow the group access past the ivory white and gold doors. As the doors swung open, Jose's eyes widened. Never before had he seen such opulence; it was almost too much to take in. Pillars of shimmering faux gold and faux ivory were carefully placed around the room. A small kitchenette complete with a fully working stove and refrigerator were off to the left. A fake polar bear rug was centered down in a small pit for guests to make use of. A rounded fireplace was off to the upper left and a digital thermostat was positioned near the front door, as well as on a couple of the pillars. A fully functional 4K HD TV entertainment system was also carefully positioned in the entertainment pit. On the right were the doors to what he assumed to be the sleeping chamber where he and his companions could go to rest at night, should they desire. The room was illuminated by the sun pouring in through large glass panels that had ivory white curtains should privacy be desired. Next to the doors of the bedroom sat an indoor hot tub that also doubled as a fountain replete with various tropical flora and stones. A control panel sat above the hot tub fountain similar to the air conditioning controls found in the same room. Kevin walked into the suite followed by Ricky, who was also bowled over by everything he saw and gave a "woooow!"

"You think this is impressive, you should see the bedroom," the young naked bellhop exclaimed. With that said, the men made a soft beeline straight to the double doors with accented shimmering gold. Jorge pulled on one of the rings, revealing a room that was half the size of the main entertainment room. A large bed with ivory white pillars attached to it sat in the center, complete with drapes on it. Two nightstands sat on either side, each one holding a gold encrusted ivory white lamp on them. An ivory white digital alarm clock (with a red LED display) sat on the left side, behind a darkened tablet. Several pillows sat at the head of the large piece of furniture, complete with gold piping and tassels on some of them. In the right corner of the room sat a large ivory white armoire with gold trimming. Three large glass window panels adorned the left side of the room near the armoire. To the right were two more doors that were shut most likely leading into the bathroom. "As you can see, we offer many amenities for aiding you in your sexual endeavours," Jorge commented as Manuel placed the bags on the couch at the foot of the bed. It was then that Jose noticed a few things that made his skin crawl and his blood run cold. All along the wall were golden shackles riveted into place with similar shackles down at the base of the wall, near the floor. Golden shackles and chains clung to each bed post, giving one the indication that a man could be held in place, should one desire. "Additionally to what you see," the young bellhop continued, "we also offer an assortment of roofies in the drawers of the bathroom sink. There are estim devices under the bathroom sink, along with a cattle prod hanging in the bedroom armoire. And finally room service can deliver most anything you desire along, such as food or sexual accoutrements, with an optional blacklisted staff member for delivery. Will there be anything else?"

"No thank you, that will be all," Kevin smiled as he handed the two bellhops each a hundred dollar bill. Both men bowed and left the room, leaving the love birds to canoodle privately in the room. As the sun set, Kevin wondered what he would want to eat and where to get it from. There were plenty of seafood restaurants in the area, each more delectable than the last. It was then he remembered the tightness in his pants. He turned to Jose, and gave him a wink that made the Mexican's blood run cold once more.

"You have got to be kidding me," Jose was surprised and terrified by the look on Kevin's face.

"No babe, I'm ready to consummate our marriage," the redhead undid his pants after grabbing hold of the father of three, keeping him in place for what would happen next.

"Can I watch," Ricky asked as excitement and arousal crossed his face.

"Sure sweetie, I am gonna rape your dad so hard, he won't be able to sit for a week."

Ricky's eyes widened, "cool!"

Kevin spun Jose around, before shoving the Latino onto the bed. The Non-Blacklister bent the Mexican to an angle so as the nudist's face was pressed into the soft, pillowy mattress. His ass hung in the air, begging to be sodomized by the rapist while the youth sat in a chair in the opposite corner. "Come on man," Jose said, his words somewhat muffled by the bed's cushioning, "at least le - AHHHHHH-HAAAAHHH!" The pain of a hard belligerent cock being violently rammed into his backside cut off any further arguments that he could pose. Kevin repositioned himself so his left leg held Jose's face against the mattress while the right one remained on the ground. The savage intruder ripped through Jose's innards like a spike taring through wet tissue paper. Jose felt like his insides were on fire as his virgin-tight rectum instinctively tried to shunt the brutal hate monger back out. He screamed into the mattress as tears started welling up in his eyes, partially blinding him to the white fabric of the ivory colored duvet. "UHHHHHH-HUUUUHHHH," another thrust brought a lightning bolt of fresh agony into his body as Kevin laughed with demonic delight. Kevin bucked his hips deeper into the nude Mexican's innards, going as hard as he could, ensuring that the maximum amount of damage could be done. The louder Jose shrieked, the harder his rapist violated his brown Mexican hole. Droplets of blood leaked out Jose's anus, splattering onto the ivory carpeted floor.

Kevin's breathing hastened as his pounding increased pace, "oh yeah papi, that's it, that's it! You're gonna make me pop a wad into you! You want a fresh load in you, don't you?" Jose merely cried in response as he could feel his guts being torn apart. Bit by bit Jose felt the lining of his rectum being shredded as Kevin's cock ripped him apart. He begged, pleaded, and screamed to be let go... to have mercy upon him and how much he hated that they were now married. Bits of his rectal tissue clung to his tomrentor's rigid tool, cutting him deeply as he screamed at the top of his lungs. Kevin's fury was unmatched by any of the Mexican's other past rapists. It was so horrific, so sadistic, that Jose was certain that even the Devil himself would cower with fear if he ever met the redhead. "Oh, oh, OH," white hot blasts of cock snot flooded the Mexican's love cavern before leaking out onto the carpet. Kevin moaned and panted as waves of ecstasy rippled throughout his body while unleashing hell into the poor Blacklister. It took him a solid thirty seconds before he had finished unloading into Jose's innards. The redhead collapsed, laying on top of his love toy's sweaty cinnamon body as Jose continued crying, his tears staining the fluffy duvet. Ricky, meanwhile, had shot several fat wads up into the air, and was left panting as he lay in his own splattered juices. The redhead removed his rape tool from the Blacklister's backside, as blood and tissue fell onto the redhead's semi-pudgy stomach. "Oh fuck papi," he wheezed, "I love it when I get bits of you on me! It's like I am taking you with me wherever I go." Jose, laying broken and hollowed out, could do nothing but continue to sob, wishing that somehow this nightmare would end and he would awaken in his old bed safe and sound. Kevin patted his rape toy's back as he got up, wiped the blood and guts off his now flaccid dick, and walked away, leaving Jose to continue bawling his eyes out. Kevin's hunger grew as he was now more ravenous than ever before. The rape had taken a portion of his energy and strength from him and he was feeling it. He would have been happy to leave Jose behind to cry his eyes out, but something inside the redhead thought it more fun to take him along to dinner. "Come on sweetie," he cooed in the broken man's ear, "time for dinner."

Ricky jumped up, juices dripping down his lightly browned flesh. "Where are we going," he asked with all the enthusiasm of a twelve year old.

"Well, I saw this lovely little seafood place a block away from our hotel. They love showing support for the blacklisted community by hiring mostly Blacklisters."

"Sounds awesome! Hey dad, you coming?"

"Of course he is, he would be delighted," Kevin announced after grabbing his living toy by the wrist. A sharp pain rippled throughout Jose's tawdry body, causing him to scream once more. He buckled over as he tried to regain control over his frayed nerves. He somehow managed to free his hand from his attacker's powerful grip only to cradle it. Knowing that he had little choice in the matter, he got up to go to dinner with his son and his rapist. As he staggered around trying to get his bearings, his sodomized hole continued to drip with the fluid and torn bits of tissue from his most recent assault. Kevin patted him on his brown butt cheek, forcing him to stiffen his once flaccid love pole. Shivers of pleasure soon combined with the angry throbbing of his backside. All he really wanted to do was crawl into a hole and pass out... not go to some pretentious dinner. The espoused trio made their way out of the room, down the hall, and to the elevator that would take them down to the lobby floor. Every step Jose took was a painful reminder of his new station in life. His rectum burned as the trio rode down to the lobby, only stopping once or twice to pick up others on their honeymoon. A woman and non-blacklisted husband got in and stared at the damaged fellow as he leaked out a pool of liquids beneath himself. By the time they reached the ground floor, the dripping had stopped, and a puddle of goop had formed on the floor beneath him. A non-blacklisted older staff member rolled his eyes as he watched the people on the lift leave, and sighed as he gazed into the lift to see Jose's remains. He muttered something about having to get a mop to clean the crud off the marble flooring.

Outside the night air was warm and breezy, with a slight wind caressing Jose's and Ricky's bare flesh. Ricky hardened as he walked down the street, following his lover and father as the pair made their way across the first street. "Wow," a man commented, "look at the buns on those boys, would ya?"

"Yeah man," his friend replied, "I would love to take them both home and tap them like a keg all night!"

"Shake those cakes boys!"

Ricky opened his mouth, "wow - thanks; that's so nice of you to say." Jose shuddered as the pain from his earlier rape reared its ugly head once more. The Blacklisters kept going, following their Non-Blacklister while Ricky held his stiffy with his right hand the entire time. He loved to tease himself and those fellows had really done a number on him, making his cock throb and pulsate. He knew he would have to pop out a fresh batch of love chowder soon or it could get bad for him, real fast. Jose knew it too, and wished he had unleashed his own wad before leaving the hotel room. It was another block before the trio arrived at the Blacklister heavy restaurant, their cocks rock hard and leaking jism onto the concrete sidewalk. A brite neon sign hung in the window that said "open," which was outshined by the larger lighted sign which read "Lil' Cubanos' Fishery" above it. Kevin opened the door and allowed his new husbands to enter into the building first. Ricky waited for Kevin to follow him inside holding the second door from the breezeway open for him while they thanked one another. There in the shadowy ambience of the restaurant, bent over the podium, stood a twenty-four year old frat boy looking maitre'd who was being pounded by a man in his forties. The maitre'd smiled briefly before reshaping his face into an "oh" shape.

"Welcome- uhhh - to Lil' Cu-cu-cubanosssss! My-aye-aye name is - oh fuck, Oh Fuck, OH FUCK - Aaron," the man kept thrusting into the maitre'd ignoring the others that had just entered into the facility. The young man was cut like a Greek sculpture, with broad shoulders and a nice bronze look to him. His hair was black as coal and was spiked with a fade on the sides, making him seem even more like a stereotypical alpha "bro-ham." Although his eyes could not be seen due to the fact that he squeezed them shut, Jose was certain that they were brown. A silken black bow tie clung to his throat, giving a faux formal look to his appearance. The muscular nudist had broad shoulders and an even broader torso, giving him a beefy, wide appearance to his upper body. His arms were bulky, bulging out to the size of large cantaloupes with veins that popped out anytime he flexed or contorted his arms. His chest had two plump muscular pecs with nipples the size of pennies that were perky and sharp. A washboard stomach bulged and throbbed with each thrust the forty year old rammed into him. He moaned and panted while his nine and a half veiny inches of beer can fat masculinity leaked munificently with a steady stream of precum. The Cuban's black bush was tamed and trimmed indicating that he liked being sexualized by men everywhere. He had two firm, muscular legs and a pair of rock hard ass cheeks that were constantly begging to be licked and penetrated down the center crack. Jose watched as the forty year old Non-Blacklister kept wailing on the frat boy, a look of awestruck at what was happening in front of him encompassed his face. In stark contrast to the twenty-four year old, the forty-five year old was heavyset and pudgy. He wore a nice navy blue three piece suit that was unhinged at the zipper, allowing for his fat cock to enter the youth's behind. He appeared to Russian, with auburn red hair, pinkish pale skin, and flabby, bulky arms. Age lines decorated his face around his closed eyes and open smiling mouth. A white dress shirt fit snugly over his arms and torso doing little to nothing to hide his bulbous, middle aged belly. Down at his feet, near where the kid's white, tarnished sneakers, were a pair of shiny black loafers and skin tight black dress socks. "UHHHHH - UHHHHHHH, OH FUCK, OH SWEET JESUS IN HEAVEN - FUCK," the frat boy called out, just before he gave a high pitched "EEEEEEEE-HEEEEE!" Over and over the frat boy maitre'd whimpered and moaned as his lover kept on shoving his hardened prick deep into the lad's guts. Every thrust came with a sound of pure sexual pleasure... which only made the other men there rock hard. Jose could see Kevin's pants tenting outwards and upwards as a little stain of pre-snot bled outward through the fabric, traveling with the shifting threads. The Mexican swallowed hard as panic slowly settled into his mind. He wondered if Kevin would once again force himself upon his virile male body.

"Yeah, I'd like to get a booth for three please," Kevin watched half dazed and half aware of everything around him. He was enjoying the show that these two men were putting on.

"UH-HUH... let me... OH inhale check wha-wha-what we-we haa-AHHHH-ve, OH GOD YES, available." The maitre'd opened his eyes trying hard to focus on the wipe-board seating chart embedded in the podium. `YES, YES, SWEET JESUS, YES, we can do that! OH FUCK DADDY! I-I- FUCK - le-le-let me g-g-get someone to sssssseat you all!" The frat boy turned and did his best to motion for one of the naked waiters that was walking by to assist in seating the trio. As the other Cuban approached, the frat boy spoke, "Ha-ha-ha-Javier, pleasssssse - FUCK ME HARDER - help thesssssse p-p-p - OH DADDY, YESSSSS - people to station thir-thir-thirteeeeeeennnnn!"

"See, claro," the naked waiter replied. The thirty-five year old was also taut and far more muscular than Jose despite being the same age. He was bald and very attractive, being only five feet and eight inches tall and defined, but not overly cut or veiny. The muscles on his arms were as large as an overly inflated U.S. football, with a single black barbed wire tattoo on his right hulking bicep. His eyes burned with a deep brown that somehow were offset from his toasted wood brown skin. The waiter was hairless from the scalp down and was covered in a lite film of sweat that would glisten even in the low lighting of the restaurant. Two penny sized chocolate colored soft nipples that begged to be sucked sat at the round bottom of each meaty pectoral muscle. His flat stomach had small mounds of definition to it that teased men with the idea that he still worked out on a frequent basis. A hefty drinking glass chubby cock bounced and slapped against his taut, trunk-like legs. They were topped off with a pair of balloon like butt cheeks that screamed "take me... hurt me... rape me... I'm fun!" In another life he could have played a pro sport, but in this one he was nothing more than a rape toy for overly aroused men. Burdensome, lumpish white tears fell to the floor as he led the group to their table, menus in hand, leaving a viscid trail in his wake. Jose's eyes scanned the room, taking in the ambiance of the restaurant. The entire restaurant was dimly lit, giving it a smoky, intimate feel. There were low level blue ceiling lamps that complimented the navy blue carpet that covered the entire floor. The booths had grey silky cushions, designed to arouse any nude man that dare to sit upon these luxuries. ON each wooden table sat the typical accoutrements for eating seafood. Salt and pepper sat in a metal holder, with packets of hand wipes, sugar, and artificial sweetener. Nautically themed paintings adorned the walls, while a large Cuban flag hung off the lowered wooden ceiling decoration over the bar. A rounded bar sat dead center of the dining room which had slightly brighter lighting, accenting the bottles of various alcoholic beverages, than the booths and tables around it. If Jose didn't know any better, he would've sworn it looked like a bar from a horror movie. A single Blacklister sat on one of the wooden bar chairs, drinking heavily most likely as way to cope with being constantly sodomized by men everywhere. The Blacklister had to be middle aged and Cuban, given his disheveled appearance. He had peppered grey hair and a decent beard that had been trimmed neatly to the jawline. He had black wired glasses, and most likely had brown eyes, but Jose couldn't tell from the distance he was at. Despite a large beer gut that jiggled with every step he took, he was still quite attractive. Peppered gray hair covered the front of his pudgy torso. Jose could tell that younger Non-Blacklisters were attracted to him as he gave off a friendly dad vibe. In between his chunky legs dangled a nine inch piece of meat that did little to hide his chicken egg sized sperm orbs. Light from the bar highlighted his red nipples that were the size of nickels on each pudgy pectoral muscle. To round it all off he had a fat, blubbery ass that drove twenty-somethings wild as it jiggled and bounced when he walked down the street. The older man rested his head on the bar counter, while holding a bottle of tequila or vodka in one hand and a shot glass in the other. Jose also noticed something else unusual for a place like this: every Blacklister that worked there was barefoot. "Here you are," the hunk announced, turning to the group. "Luis will be with you shortly," he passed the menus to the group before leaving them to wait for their server. Kevin couldn't help but stare at the man's tawdry backside and the wet, sticky trail he left behind. Jose thought that before they left, Kevin was going to rape the living daylights out of that walking slab of beefcake. He felt sorry for the employees that caught the Non-Blacklister's eye; none were safe.

The wedded group sat in the rounded booth, looking over the menu, deciding what to have. Although Jose and his son's options were severely limited, Kevin had a wide array of choices to select. Two minutes after the group sat down, another Blacklister in a silk bow tie came over. He was five feet and four inches of pure athletic muscle. His hair was inky black, and styled into a fade on the sides of his head, and a large, thick plume of hair on top that had been combed over to give it a puffed-up look to it. His eyes were a dark brown that blended with his walnut brown skin, and soft, plump pink lips that instantly made men think of them wrapped around their love poles. The waiter had a thick, broad muscular neck and shoulders which gave him a hulking presence that almost filled the room he was in. Gigantic bulging biceps and deltoids that were each as big as midsized ripened watermelons and honeydew melons, respectively, clung to his arms. His forearms looked like a large branch that had been torn from a tree made flesh and fastened to his body. The nudist had two oafish round pecs the size of the average dinner plate, dotted with darker nipples the size of a dime on each pectoral muscle. His abs tightened and loosened with each breath he took, giving him a much more cut appearance when he inhaled. His bulging legs held up two round bubbly cheeks, smooth and hairless like most of his body, drawing in the eye of every man who dared look upon it. He spoke with a thick Cuban accent, "c'ow may jeye halp jew?" Kevin's pants tightened as he looked at this short beast whose cock almost seemed to wink at him while sticky white tears slithered down the naked Cuban's ten inches of unrepentant shame before catching in his neatly trimmed inky bush. The naked Latino grabbed onto his pole like it was the most important thing in the whole of creation, rubbing it softly as he awaited a response.

"Uhhhhh, I - I -'' Kevin stammered as he watched with lust as the beefcake continued to pleasure himself. The stud tossed his head back as his hair ruffled while gripping his right nipple with his left hand. Up and down Luis's right hand went, stroking his fat scrotum totem pushing him closer to his globby wet goal. "I w-w-would like swallow the - the - the duh-duh-duh-duuh-double lobster tail special, please."

"See, sin-yore," man jam clung to his fatty as he moaned and panted, "kear-esss creme?"

"Sure," the redhead slipped underneath the table and got as close to the hotty as he possibly could. The Cuban was vaguely aware of the new participant electing instead to focus more thoroughly on his five knuckle shuffle. He was gone, lost in a sea of endless ecstasy, unable and unwilling to care about the world around him. The only thing that mattered in that moment was the self love he urgently needed to attend to. He let go of his nipple as the redhead sat as close to the short Cuban as he could get and instead started fondling the massive bull balls that looked like they could give someone a black eye if they smashed into their face. The nudist caressed and fondled them with such love and care that people might think they were his own personal pets. Meanwhile, his cock pulsated with every stroke of his beefy hand while he squeezed his eyes shut moving himself closer to the great pop from his loins. "Aye, aye, AYE," the testosterone drench bare skinned Latino moaned with delight. Kevin leaned in and wrapped his mouth around one of the man's massive testicle, slobbering all over it as his tongue whipped and darted across the singular `nad. Soon the server let go, and gave into the redhead's loving embrace, whimpering and moaning as the man's oral organ danced playfully across his sperm sack. "Aye, Aye, AYE DEE-OHSS MEE-YO," Kevin shifted his gaping maw away from the dude's spooge factory and tried to catch the fountains of bliss as they careened down upon his face and body. It was as if some magical lusty geyser had gone off and was hosing him down, all for the pleasure of the Non-Blacklister who drank in every droplet he could possibly get. As Kevin licked up every last little bit of spooge he could collect, Jose heard a mournful voice call out.

"No, no, please no," it was an older man's voice coming from a few tables over. Jose stood up, leaning over the edge of the booth only to find some semi-athletic Cuban man laying backside down on top of a dinner table surrounded by a group of five sex crazed blacklisted young deviants. None of them looked to be over the age of twenty-five and all of them had a nicely sculpted look. The man on the table was easily in his late forties, most likely forty-eight, and was classically attractive for a man his age. He had a lightly browned skin tone, but his torso was covered in a lighter cinnamon brown and peppered gray mane of chest hair. The naked Cuban appeared as though he had shaved his head bald, giving his scalp a bright, reflective luster that showed up even in the dim light of the restaurant. A black silk bow tie, just like the other waiters in the restaurant worre, hung from his strong masculine neck. His arms, although not as well shaped as the youths, did have a bulky appearance to them, giving men the impression that he still cared how he looked by working out daily. A deep seated terror ran through his hazel eyes as the group of twenty year olds pinned his body to the dining table that once held their meal shakes. His whole torso had vague v-shape to it starting at the broad sinewy shoulders and narrowing down near the hips. Eight and a half inches of pure veiny masculinity stiffened and leaked between his legs despite the feelings of helplessness and fear that gripped his entire being. His legs and arms, although taut and firm, were not as bulky as his attackers' legs and arms were, and had hair on it that was the same coloring as his chest. The various youths that pinned the aged nudist to the table each held a different limb in place with the fifth one occupying the center. The man started to thrash around wildly as he tried in vain to free himself from the youths' vice grips. The blacklisted twenty-somethings laughed maniacally as the man's terror mounted. "Wh-why are you all doing this to me," a shiver of fear rang throughout his voice as he only stopped to question his attackers. "I've done nothing to deserve this! We shouldn't do this to each other! We shouldn't allow ourselves to sink to their level"

The first, and central, attacker snarled, "cause we all love dad bods so much that we just wanna shower you in our affections." He was six feet tall and appeared to be twenty-five years of age. His charcoal black hair was curly and had been shaven down to his scalp, indicating a mixed ancestry. His eyes burned a deep shade of walnut brown against vanilla mocha skin. The biracial stud had muscles for days, giving him a pornstar like quality to his appearance. He had two round muscular pectoral muscles with sharp nipples as wide as pennies on each masculine lump. The youth was smooth and tawdry with mountainous ripples for an abdominal area that looked to be magnificently chiseled from granite. In between his perfectly formed athletic legs sat a neatly coiffed bush of inky black pubes. The hairs accented his rough, excruciatingly large cock that was easily eleven inches long and a python's width round. His testes were almost twice the size of a chicken's egg that one would consume for breakfast. The young blacklister laughed at his own joke as he thrusted his brown python into the older waiter's tawdry love cavern. The waiter howled in misery as the other youths kept him pinned to the table.

"STOP, STOP - IT HURTS, IT HURTS SO BAD, PLEASE LET ME GO," he screamed as pain bolted through his aged form. The young Blacklisters that had him pinned cackled like hyenas as they watched their victim's eyes widen with torment. The louder the old man screamed the harder his blacklisted rapist pounded him. Jose grimaced as he looked on, unable to tare his own gaze away. "OH GOD, OH GOD - AHHHHHH-HEHEHE-YOWWWWWWW!" Jose watched with abject disgust as a few of the older man's coworkers gathered around him, only to jack off to their fellow employee's torment. Each of the other muscle bound frat boys would rotate places every few minutes, taking turns in gang-raping their victim's broken butt. The naked, aged Cuban continued begging and pleading, telling them that they shouldn't be doing this, but this only fueled the group's viciousness. The second one to rip his hole apart was a muscle god of Arabian origin. He was tall, much taller than his friends, a whopping six feet and five inches in height. The young Blacklister's hair was raven black, and styled with a soft fade on the sides, and shaped like someone had ran their hand through his short, staggered locks, giving it a tousled look. His build was thick and beefy with muscles on nearly every inch of his body. Two hefty broad pectoral muscles popped out from his chest only to be decorated with two dime sized sharp nipples. He had a deep brown skin, the color of brown sugar, with veins popping out of nearly every muscle on his body. His man stabber was ten and a half inches long and had to be half an inch wider than the first rapist. A pair of corpulent gonads swung low as if they were heavy from all the sperm and other fluids back up in his huevos. Two thick ass cheeks rounded out the top of his smooth veiny tawdry legs that seemed to jiggle slightly as he walked around to the older man's gaping hole. As he thrust his meat stick deep into his victim's tight hole, the older man shrieked again, begging to be let go this time. The Arab laughed, sending an icy chill down Jose's spinal column and into his gut. It was as if the twenty-four year old was sent from the bowels of hell to torment this man. The more the waiter begged, the bigger the Arab's smile became as he drew pleasure knowing his sexual assault was making the other Blacklister suffer. "AH-HAAAAHHHH," tears ran down the age lines of the waiter's face, "STOP, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GGAHHH-HAAAA!" The Arab continued slamming into his victim as the older man thrashed around again, trying desperately to free himself of the frat boys' confines. After a solid twenty minutes of this intense pounding, the Arab cried out a few "oh fuck"s at the top of his lungs as he painted the man's innards before taking a moment to catch his breath and then swapping places with another rapist.

The next one was one of two identical twins, similar to Jose's cousins, but looking vastly different. Both Mexican males were brawny, but having nowhere near as many veins as their predecessors. Despite this, they were both five feet and eight and a half inches tall, giving them an almost non-threatening appearance... almost. Each one had biceps the size of cantaloupes and deltoids of equal size and mass, giving them a unique look. Both young men had slicked back, neatly trimmed jet black hair that had a sheen indicating some sort of pomade had been used to style their hair. Their eyes oddly enough were a turquoise green, which indicated a European ancestor that had been recently introduced into their family lineage. However, unlike their European progenitor, they had caramel brown skin, earning their status as Blacklisters themselves. Defined pecs popped out of their chest where there were burned cinnamon brown soft nipples the size of a nickel on each pec. A shredded abdominal region showed that they loved working out, and took massive pride in their appearance. Both twins had smooth crotch areas and thicker cocks than the other participants, each one the size of a can of beer with a leaky mushroom head that looked like it could bludgeon someone to death. Each twin took a solid fifteen minutes of raping their unwilling participant as he tried to fight back against their dogged violations of his nude body. The entire time they sodomized the middle aged Cuban, they were leaning over and ramming their tongues into their involuntary host's mouth. The older gentleman appeared at one point to have gotten an advantage and tried to push off one of the twins, only for his wrist to be slammed back into the table by the rapist that had yet to have a turn in violating his aged masculine form. His body jolted and convulsed with every slam that was forced into his love cave as the twins became unruly and unhinged with lust. He screamed out at one point, calling for other Blacklisters to come to his aide, only to have his pleas fall on deaf ears. The twins were brutal... perhaps even more brutal in their rape sessions than all the others put together. It was as if they were possessed of some otherworldly force that made them rape their victim. Each one shot their loads into the man taking a full thirty seconds before they slowed down to allow for the next frat boy to take his turn.

Finally, it was the Tongan's turn at sodomizing the old man, who by this point had given up on trying to break free and resigned himself to the brutality of his aggressors. The Tongan youth was beefy and fierce, clocking in at an even six feet in height. His black hair was gelled in an upward shape, but had a distinct fade. A pair of brown, almost black, eyes shone from his cinnamon colored skin while a sharp, masculine jawline jutted out from the sides of his face. The twenty year old had thick meaty pecs with burned cinnamon brown, quarter sized sharp nipples that looked as though they could cut through the thickest of glass. He too had a well chiseled abdominal region and a distinct v-shape that drew the eye to his stubbly crotch region. Nine and a half inches of pure unadulterated pain stood at full intention, intimidating anyone that dare catch its ire by gazing into its singular, oozing, hateful eye. Two obscenely large testicles hung between his sinewy legs while a pair of melon sized ass cheeks were tacked on his backside. The Tongan decided it was more fun to pull his hate stick completely out of the older waiter's guts, letting blood and tissue slough off for a full second before slamming it back into his victim's anus. He did this act for a full seven minutes before changing tactics and going with a more traditional rhythm. The older man convulsed involuntarily as the attacker continued pounding his backside. Blood trickled out his anal sphincture as he tried begging for mercy from an almost indifferent rapist. The Tongan had an almost robotic sense to his thrusting, and if it hadn't been for the large, wicked smile on his face, Jose could swear that the youth was complacent in the torment he was unleashing. It took the Tongan another twenty minutes of raping the old man before he flooded his rape toy's innards with sweet viscid goop. The frat boy slouched briefly as he calmed himself before giving another of his bros a turn.

It wasn't until the third go around that they had finally finished with the forty-eight year old's once pristine ass, which by now had turned him into a whimpering mess. The group got up, paid their bill, and walked away from the devastated older man, who felt as though he had been hollowed out and was nothing more than a shell of his former self. Those waiters that had watched the whole thing each shot a heavy, sopping load onto their shattered colleague, leaving him with their mess as they went back to work. Blood, jizz, and rectal tissue leaked out his decimated backside as he twisted his upper body to allow easier access to grip the tablecloth tightly. If it weren't for the fact that Jose was afraid of getting raped himself, he would have walked over and aided the man in his recovery. The Mexican knew all too well of the devastation of getting gang-raped by lust crazed men as he had been violated by groups at work. He still suffered from the heart wrenching nightmares of him being brutally sodomized by various monsters and demons. He shuddered as he recalled the latest one he had the night before. A large red scaled creature with a long spikey tail chased him around inside a several story high cathedral while he was dressed in a set of stripper collar and cuffs. The monster caught him before he had the chance to awaken and managed to stuff his tail deep into his backside, ripping him apart from the inside-out. It was then that he awakened, and screaming in sheer terror. The sounds of the older man weeping into a tear stained tablecloth brought him back to the present. After a few minutes, the blacklisted waiter's manager came over, "Manuel, stop slacking off and get back to work! I'm not paying you to jerk off all day! Do it on your own time!" The blubbering Cuban got up slowly, shivering and shaking from the gang-rape incident, and sauntered back to work, tears still falling from his face. Jose felt for the guy as he knew the man's options were very limited: he could attend to the trauma of what had happened and lose his income or get back to work and never fully process what had happened. Men always chose the latter as the former usually meant running the risk of slowly starving to death. Jose returned his attention to his food, knowing that there was nothing he could do to assist his fellow blacklisted victim at this point. The very idea that Blacklisters would do to other Blacklisters what Non-Blacklisters tend to do was at its core disgusting and horrific. The idea that they would inflict such trauma onto others in their predicament was almost unthinkable, and yet he had witnessed it happening before.

Jose took a few more sips of his milkshake when Kevin spoke up, "ahhhh... that was so good. Are y'all ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm finished," Ricky responded. "What about you Dad?"

"I'm still not ready to leave," Jose took a couple more sips of his beverage.

"Don't worry babe," Kevin turned to Jose, "we can always take it with us back to the hotel. Let me just pay the check and then we'll leave." Kevin got up, and headed to a nearby register, bill in hand, ready to pay for the meal as Jose sat there, nursing on his leftovers. Five minutes later, the redhead came back and collected the rest of the group for their return trip to the hotel. Once Kevin returned, Jose joined his son and husband as they got up and left. On their way out, Jose cringed as he heard the sounds of another waiter begging to not be viciously raped by another customer of the restaurant. Once outside, the group began the short trek back to the hotel and the luxury penthouse that Kevin had rented for the honeymoon. Jose felt a light swat to his posterior, looking behind to discover a group of men in nightlife attire that had walked past him. One of them turned his head to look at the naked Mexican, giving him a wink, before he melted into the shadows with the rest of his group. Jose's cock inflated as a small shiver of desire coursed through his body. As his meat slapped against his torso, the nudist grew more and more aroused, unable to prevent himself from being rigid in public. It was right at the corner of the building when he saw a naked biracial twink sitting on the ground, jerking his fun gun, lost in a haze of sexual delight and testosterone. The twink was twenty years old, with just a hint of muscle definition to him. His chestnut brown hair had been shaved down to his scalp, giving him an almost bald look to him. His eyes were closed as he moaned and panted, preventing Jose from seeing their color, only adding a bit of mystery to the youngster. He had a macchiato look to his skin tone, two small shapely pecs with tiny chocolate colored nipples that sharply popped out from his chest. A large hickey had shown up on the kid's throat indicating that he had been bitten and sucked on recently. The twink didn't care who saw his hickey; the only thing that he cared about was tawdry ten inches that he was blissfully playing with. Two Brazilian nut sized sperm factories hung between his narrow, taut thigh muscles on the ground. Jose could only stare at the lad as he discharged blast after blast of cock-snot onto his bare-skinned body. Waves of sauce gushed over his nude tawdry form, coating his flat stomach in white hot baby gravy. Every time the kid shot, his panting would hasten before slowing down in preparation for the next round. Two, three, four, five... Jose lost count as each ejaculation melded with the other, thick strands dripping off the sides of his body, forming a pearlescent puddle beneath him. The Mexican watched Kevin walk by, blissfully unaware of the potential that this kid had to offer. Instead Jose joined his son and his rapist as they went into the building, onto the elevator, and up to the penthouse, leaving the youth to play with his skin flute in peace.

The next afternoon, Kevin awoke his Hispanic husband in the same fashion that he would be awakened for the rest of his life: raping him awake. Jose was still sound asleep, dreaming of a world in which he wore clothes, a world free of Non-Blacklisters, a world of peace and harmony. In the distance, he heard something calling out to him, something dark and foreboding. Then it hit him all at once: the pain... the unimaginable pain! Jose woke up screaming, his body in crippling, nightmarish agony as Kevin had rammed his man ripper deep into the Blacklister's innards. The pain tore through Jose's body like lightning, striking every single nerve ending within him. "STOP, PLEASE," the naked Latino protested, "I'M AWAKE, I'M AHHHHHHHHHH-HA!" Kevin didn't care the his husband was awake or not, the only thing that mattered was using his Mexican toy for his own nefarious purpose. Jose shrieked while Kevin ripped into his virgin-tight love cavern as newly formed tissue was cleft in twain. Blood ruptured deep in his rectum as it failed to purge the uninvited marauder from its recess. Every plunge into Jose's hole made him howl louder than before as he was viciously sodomized by his brutal new husband. Kevin's pace soon hastened as beads of sweat rolled off his pale body and onto Jose's brown flesh. The Non-Blacklister pounded harder, gutting the Mexican like a fish in a cannery as his tool shredded the Blacklister's rectum. Minutes ticked by at a snail's pace forcing Jose to suffer and twist in pain while his husband used his body for his own pleasure. White hot man chowder flooded Jose's guts as Kevin shot an ocean of jism into the sodomized Blacklister, emptying his congested testicles of the back logged substance. Jose wept into the pillows that had once been used to hold his head while blissfully lost in a peaceful slumber.

Kevin rolled off of Jose, got up from the bed and got dressed. "Come on sweetie, let's do some shopping," Kevin cheerily suggested as he grabbed his new husband and pulled him up to go with him. Jose, as ragged as he was, knew that he had to go so as to keep his son safe from this monster. He knew that he had to try anything to keep Ricky safe and divert Kevin's attention away from the boy. If it came down to it, he would do anything it took to keep his son from being violated... anything but murder. Murder was the one line he was not willing to cross. What choice did he have? What alternatives could there be? Then, it hit him: other Blacklisters would turn this demon's attention away from both him and his son. That was the solution: keep him busy with other Blacklisters so the redhead wouldn't have time to torment him and his son. He would aid the devil in his unholy delights to keep the man's wrath at bay. The naked Mexican had formulated a plan: get other Blacklisters involved to keep Kevin away from him and his son. It was foolproof... well nearly foolproof; he would have to hunt others of his kind and offer them up in his stead. He hoped he would find those that were attractive enough to grab Kevin's attention. Every day for the rest of his life would be a hunt... a hunt that he would rather not perform, but he felt in which he had no choice... one that would save him... most days. It wasn't a great plan, and it was full of holes, but it might just work... at least for now. Jose got up, threw on his shoes, and begrudgingly followed Kevin and Ricky in their quest for souvenirs.

"Maybe later we can go to the beach," Ricky suggested.

"Yeah... yeah I think that'll be fun," Kevin replied. "First we'll have to return so we can store our stuff here, and then I'll grab my swim trunks, and then we'll go to the beach."

The trio's first stop was a brunch restaurant that was about four blocks from the hotel. Two Blacklisters were engaged in a passionate physical affair a foot from the entrance. Jose wondered if they would be a good fit for Kevin's taste in men, but decided against it at the last moment. Although they were well defined, he couldn't bring himself to put them in the Non-Blacklister's crosshairs. Once inside the facility, the smell of the breakfast barged its way up Jose's nose and into his brain. The scent of eggs coupled with french toast and maple syrup struck his senses in a forbidden dance of desire. Oh how he missed solid foods; how they were warm and loving, sliding down his throat and filling his belly; it truly was magical. Now that it was forbidden for them to eat them, he lamented the loss more than anything else. The molestings, the sexual assaults, the sexual extortion... all of it might have been bearable if it hadn't been for the loss of solid, tasty food. He would have traded anything and everything for just one bite of warm delicious eggs or crispy bacon. If only it wasn't illegal for him to eat those sorts of things. Wooden tables and chairs dotted the tiny white tile flooring with the occasional intermixing of indoor plants and spherically shaped trees in squared plots. The lights were bright and kept the place at a comfortable visual level allowing anyone to see the person in front of them or across the room. There were booths along the sides of the walls, which held people and their meals. A few Blacklisters were happily seated and for once no one was being sexually violated... for now. The wallpaper had a foliage theme to it, along with a random assortment of fauna, giving one the illusion that one was sitting dead center of a forest of some kind. The staff was a mixture of Blacklisters, Non-Blacklisters, and women. A few of the blacklisted patrons were absent mindedly fondling themselves while sucking on their meal replacement shakes. The host was a chipper, polite white lady with chestnut brown hair and an exposed cleavage that teased the Blacklister with dirty, sleazy thoughts. He missed having sex with women, and dreamt of it often... when he wasn't plagued with gut wrenching nightmares. As he stared at the woman's exposed bosom, Jose felt his tender Mexican meat rise up between his legs. The thing soon became so stiff that it caused him to nearly buckle over in agony. In fact, if it didn't soon go flaccid, he would feel his knees weaken as the pain would gnaw at his mind. The hostess looked down at Jose's violently enraged pole, threatening her with unspeakable vicious carnal acts as it began sobbing blobby tears from its singular eye. She gasped and immediately slapped Jose across the face. As the nude male rubbed his left cheek, she chastised him, "you know it's sickos like you that make me feel that the Blacklist Laws aren't enough to keep you pervs in check!" She stormed off in a huff, muttering about how all Blacklisters were in fact creeps and rapists in waiting.

Jose sat down on the soft pillowy velveteen cushion, his meat sack being tenderly caressed by the textile underneath it. The pain from his erection doubled as he was now hunched over, sexual urges assailing every fiber of his being. He grabbed his uncut gravy spigot and immediately went to town on himself. His hand slid up and down on his chowder dispenser, pleasure overtaking his mind and body. Moaning and begging for relief, he attracted the attention of a few male patrons and a couple members of the staff. Soon the world around him melted away and the only thing that remained was pure testosterone laden masculine bliss. "OH YESSSSS, OH FUCK," Jose called out as he beat his meat harder than a boxer on a steroid bender. Pound upon pound brought him closer to his libidinous wet conclusion. His hand slid so fast up and down that it looked like a brown blur. "OH, OH - AYE AYE AYE," the nudist cried as fat blobs of love snot rocketed out of his pole, soaking the underside of the table that he and his two companions occupied. It was over; Jose let out a loud sigh and relaxed as his pearl jam dripped down onto his bare legs and flaccid meat. He then suddenly became aware of his surroundings and became acutely embarrassed by his very public display of raw sexuality. He wanted to crawl into a hole and hide for days as he was now keenly observant of those that stared at him. Jose's face turned beet red as he tried to hide his shame of what he had done. One man cheered at him, claiming that it was the best thing to have happened in his day, thus far. It was then that the waiter arrived to take the group's order.

He was taller than Jose at only six feet in height while his body frame lacked any real muscle definition as well as having corpulence to it. The waiter's hair was an icy blonde and he had to have been twenty-eight years old. His eyes were hazel blue and his skin was a light pink color, giving him the status of a Non-Blacklister. The waiter wore a name tag that said "Dave" on his otherwise unblemished clean white shirt. Dave towered over the bare-skinned Latino, giving the slightest hint of intimidation to the naked Mexican. Jose couldn't look away from the man as he stared into the waiter's warm inviting eyes. It wasn't until he spoke that the spell broke, "what can I get you all?" The words felt soft and loving, like a blanket that could be wrapped around Jose's exposed body.

"Yes, I'll have the Eggs Benedict, easy on the sauce," Kevin was the only one not enchanted by the waiter's gaze. "And they will have the Blacklister special, please and thank you."

"Certainly sir, anything for you to drink?"

"Orange juice... please!"

"At once; it'll be a few minutes before your food will be ready. Will your companions want their drinks now or with your meal?"

"With the meal will be fine for them."

It wasn't until the waiter was out of sight did Jose realize that he had become stiff again. He had been sporting a boner the entire time and no one said a thing if someone had noticed. No matter how badly he wished it, his cock refused to soften thus leaving him with no other options. He immediately turned to his rager and focused his efforts on pleasuring himself. The people who were within earshot were relegated to his self-lovemaking once more. The naked Mexican stroked his turgid pulsating love totem, ignoring the almost overwhelming urge to hide his testosterone laden self-pleasure. His palm felt like heaven made physical as it danced oh so softly up and down his meat stick. His body quivered with erotic bliss as he madly stroked himself all the while the eyes of the other patrons remained locked on him. The men were salivating with frothy rabid lust while the women were horrified with the unrepentant act of sexual gratification. Jose was lost in a lusty haze, focusing on the images of voluptuous bare breasted nymphs frolicking and playing in a wood glen. His loins stirred with his man-milk as he quickened his pace. The Blacklister panted and moaned losing himself in the moment. He could feel the pressure growing, moving closer and closer to the precipice of an explosive, erotic release. Right before he reached the edge of sexual delight, the image of Kevin violently raping him popped into his head, pushing all other imagery out of his mind's eye. Spurts of searing white resin splattered up against the underside of the table once more. "AYE, AYE, AYE," Jose cried as his sludge continued to paint the dining furniture. It took a while thirty seconds before his voluminous orgasm ended. One man started clapping and whistling his enjoyment as Jose's face turned beet red with embarrassment. Globs of pearly white cum dripped down from the underside of the table, soaking the Latino's tawdry legs. As bits of cock-snot continued to soak Jose's lower body, the waiter returned with the order for the group. Jose held his penis wondering why it had yet to deflate. Surely by now it would have gone down, but the damn thing was still stiff and unapologetic in its demands.

Kevin immediately dove into his meal as Jose and Ricky sipped on their meal shakes. Jose tried everything to soften his erection, but the throbbing persisted as precum continued to ooze out of his piss slit. Finally he surrendered to the longings that still plagued him and gave up on his meal shake. This time he used his own drippings as a lubricant as he went to town on himself. He went hard on his angry manhood, threatening it with a nasty pummeling as he slammed up and down on the pleasure staff. This time, he not only attracted the attention of other customers, but also the staff. The Blacklister didn't care... he didn't care who watched... nor did he care about the whispers between onlookers as they tried to figure out if he was human or not. The only thing that mattered was the stiffness between his legs and its overwhelming desire for appeasement of its cravings for carnal affections. "AYE, AYE, AYE," Jose called out, "AYE DEE-OHSS MEE-YO ES MUY CALIENTE!" His fist flew up and down on his chowder blaster, lost in an ocean of forbidden erotic sensations and compulsions. This time the bare-skinned Latino shifted his weight around and exposed his junk not to the underside of the table, but to the open arena of the public's eyes. His breathing slowly became faster and faster as he approached his explosive finish. As his passionate cries reached a crescendo his dick exploded with large blobs of milky white male love. Dick-snot rained down on Jose and his companions, drenching them in his liquid love as he smiled blissfully dazed by his latest purge. "Jose," Kevin snarled as he dreamily turned his attention back to his husband, "what the actual fuck, man! REALLY?" Droplets of his goop clung to the redhead like rain on a window. "Now I have to go home and change!" The group sat in silence finishing their meals, Jose's fluids dripping off their respective bodies before Kevin paid the check. The staff members could only snicker as the trio left the restaurant, Jose hanging his head in shame and embarrassment.

They returned to the hotel room affording Kevin the opportunity to change his clothes and take on brighter colors. They landed on the idea of swimming at the beach which meant that the redheaded Non-Blacklister was going to need his swim trunks. As the group left, Jose saw the early signs of sexual arousal in his new husband's pants. He knew that he wouldn't have long to find a replacement for his man's appetite and grabbed a vial of liquid from the drawer in the nightstand on the right side of the bed. The trio left the room and Jose made sure that they had everything that they would need: swimming masks, snorkels, sunscreen, and a few beach towels. He also managed to sneak a couple of wash rags into the beach basket along with a vile of fluid. Everything was ready, and Jose was starting to feel the pressure to find someone to take his place. He would have to be quite eagle-eyed and certain to find a man attractive enough to replace him. As they rode the glass elevator down to the lobby, Jose wondered if this course of action was the best one to be made. Would it be wrong of him to sacrifice others if it meant that he was given respite? Would other Blacklisters have done the same thing to him? Or would they have taken the brutality of the rapes knowing that as long as they were the target others would be safe? The elevator doors dinged as they slid open distracting Jose in his philosophical meditations, and his need to grapple with the ethical ramifications of his plan. As the group passed through the lobby, Jose caught a glimpse of Jorge getting nailed once more. This time the twink bellhop was up against a wall as some man was fucking the kid's brains out. The man looked old enough to be his grandfather and had to have been sixty-five. Jorge moaned and begged for the old man to shoot his load into his young backside, egging him on in his sexual escapade. Over and over the man bucked his hips upwards into the moaning twink. The group got out of earshot before the two males could achieve orgasm. "No, no," Jose shook his head as they exited the building, "that would be too easy; besides he's too willing."

As they traveled to the beach, Jose kept searching for a hot Blacklister to take his place. No matter the choices, they weren't good enough for his husband. One was too old, another was too hairy, and another was too thick. He then decided that it would be best if he were to wait until they got to their destination and search there. The beach was littered with Blacklisters of all types... ones who could possibly take his and his son's place. There was an outdoor gym chock-full of delectable choices. They were big, brawny, and manly... overflowing with testosterone and carnal animal magnetism with a sheen of sweat dripping from their nude bodies. The group had attracted throngs of men, watching for the perfect moment to strike, and have their way with those sinfully delicious bodies that pumped and preened to the delight of the crowd. Jose thought about taking one of those men... a bodybuilder would be well within his rapist's wheelhouse. He would be desirable to Kevin: attractive, fit, and most likely unwilling to be some Non-Blacklister's toy. A sharp whistle cut through his thoughts, "shake it baby" a man yelled. Another one called out, "yeah sexy, show us what you're working with!" Kevin and Ricky had bothed stopped and were watching the beefcakes flex and pose for the crowd. Men hooted and hollered at the naked bodybuilders who shimmered under the hot sun, each of them stiffening as the crowd salivated and chomped at the bit. It wouldn't be long before one of the spectators lost control and would have his way with one of the the dazzling displays of masculinity. A member of the crowd then jumped over the flimsy half fence that separated the snacks from the lions that wanted them. He bum rushed towards a Mid-Eastern looking one, catching him off guard and knocking him over. A look of pure terror replaced the Blacklister's confidence as he struggle to free himself from his assaulter. He tried to push the man off only to find himself as helpless as a newborn kitten while the other man snarled and clamped down on his left large meaty pec.

"No, no," he called out, "s-s-s-SOMEONE, HELP!" The Mid-Easterner was beyond terrified, unable to fight back as his aggressor pinned him to the ground. No matter how hard he struggled, the Blacklister couldn't free himself from the vice-like grip of his attacker and his unrelenting power. It was as if his fear had somehow weakened the hulk, sapping every ounce of strength he had in his body. The image of his virgin-tight rectum being torn to bits popped into the beefcake's head as his breathing became rapid and shallow, panic growing. He howled at the top of his lungs, holding out hope that someone might save him. Jose watched as the beefcake struggled and tried to fight back only for him to be swatted down again and again. The look of fear of losing this battle in his face grew as he locked eyes with the nude Mexican, mouthing the words "help me" to the naked Latino. Some sick part of Jose got a fiendish delight as he relished in the knowledge that he wasn't the victim... this time. Jose smiled as he watched the other Blacklister being penetrated after his rapist had undone the top of his pants. The nude Mid-Easterner howled as he was slowly and methodically ripped apart from the inside, his attacker's monstrous cock forcing its way into the hunk's virgin-like anus. The other Blacklisters stood by, unable or unwilling to aid their peer... most of them terrified that they would be next. One of them was busy pleasuring himself to his cohort's torment, deriving sexual excitement from watching the rape unfold. Jose could see that the man was lost in that familiar haze of erotic bliss. He remembered how he felt back at the restaurant... masturbating... unable and unwilling to care about the world around him. The other Blacklister tugged away at his rager as it spittled and spewed bits of pre-snot onto the rubber mat that covered the ground of the fenced off area. Jose soon found that his own slithering beast had awakened as he gazed at the other man gratifying himself to the brutality of the moment. "LET ME GO," the Mid-Easterner cried, tears of shame burning as they fell, "PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEA-EEEE-AHHHHHHH-HAH!" Jose turned to witness his companions' reactions to the event. Kevin only watched, licking his lips, as he wished that he was in the place of the other Non-Blacklister. Ricky, however, was furiously beating his meat as he too was drenched in the libidinous sweat of erotic passion. Over and over the random Non-Blacklister violently thrust into his victim's hollowed-out bloddy love cavern, keeping him pinned to the ground. A few men in the crowd started eyeing the others as they circled around the terrified bodybuilding alpha types. As two more bodybuilders fell victim to the savage brutaility of the encircling Non-Blacklisters, Jose turned his back and started walking away to avoid aggravating his arousal further as it mounted in his loins. Ricky, meanwhile, emptied his nuts onto the heated sand beneath the protective sandals of his feet. Having spent his fluids, he followed his father and new husband as they walked away from the screams of the alpha studs as they were being violated. Jose still had work to do and standing around all day wasn't going to save his ass from the whims of his firey redheaded predator.

For the rest of the afternoon the group played sexually charged games, much to the delight of Ricky. Kevin's favourite game was hide and go fondle... a game in which Ricky would hide and Kevin would pretend not to see where he was before seeking him out. Jose would jump in terror anytime he heard Ricky squeal with delight at having been caught. Kevin would then proceed to stroke the lad's tenders, bringing him to the point of orgasm, only to pull away at the last second. This continued as young Ricky's balls, along with his seminal vesicles, became tender to the touch, saturated with reproductive fluid. The blacklisted twink's pain and frustration grew with each capture as he was repeatedly brought to the edge of orgasm, only to have it be torn away from him at the last possible second. He could feel the pressure building as his reproductive system became congested with young, exuberant male milk while his husband teased his man jabber mercilessly. Ricky would beg to be allowed to pop his heavy load as he started hunching over in pain all the while trying to maintain the appearance of remaining hidden. Finally, the lad just gave up on hiding as the agony became too much for him to handle, buckling under the stress of the pent up load in his groin. Kevin enjoyed teasing his young husband, cooing into his ear, telling him how maybe this time he would allow the kid to orgasm only to have him be denied the sweet release he craved. This cock teasing activity persisted until the sun began to set and the sky changed hues. There amongst the crimson, tangerine, and violet sky was Ricky, melting onto the ground, unable to bear the weight of his gonads and unable to relieve himself of the constant agonizing pressure. He didn't dare to pleasure himself as he was too afraid to disappoint his husband and rob the man of his joy. The Latino twink was begging for relief from the agonizing torment that his wicked husband inflicted upon the lad. "Please daddy," his eyes moved upwards, a forlorn look on his face, "please, please, please can I cum?"

"I don't know, can you," Kevin sneered, mocking the grammatical faux pas of his young lover.

Ricky recognized what was happening; just like his school teachers, Kevin was coaxing him into using what was recognized as proper grammar. "Please, may I cum," his lower lip quivered as he tried to make his eyes as big and as round as possible.

"Hmm...well that depends: does it hurt?"

Ricky nodded, "yes sir; it does."

"Is the pain exquisite, my love?"

"Yes... it's delightful and excruciating at the same time."

"Good... then no. Bad boys who refuse to wear clothes don't get orgasms, especially if they ask or beg for them." The young Latino's love tool throbbed as a river of young spunk oozed out of his jizz gash and onto the sand. Kevin laid on top of the warm sand and proceeded to lick his young lover's overstuffed, jizz crammed, torturous ball sack. Ricky mewed and whimpered, begging to be allowed to shoot his wad. Kevin snickered before he went back to his malicious task of tormenting the youth. Ricky loved this kind of suffering and yet hated it at the same time. Jose could only watch as his suffering spigot began to harden at the idea of Kevin doing the same thing to his brown body filled his naughty head. Ricky begged for relief, almost crying as his firey redheaded lover continued to tease his young reproductive glands. Kevin's tongue darted and slithered all over Ricky's crotch as he finally collapsed backwards from the strain of his nuts. He could only lie there and allow the man to tease him heartlessly. Kevin delighted in the kid's suffering as the twink's body started revolting against its owner. It started with a leg twitch and then progressed into full on bucking as his body tried to find relief. His hands started bobbing up and down and before long, the lad was having full-on convulsions. The twink's eyes rolled into the back of his head and just as he was about to pass out, a tongue darted across his frenulum. He shot so hard and so much that Jose was afraid that Ricky might have damaged his penis's urethral opening. Ricky howled with relief as he blasted searing hot, chunky, rancid cock snot across himself and the sun warmed sand, soaking them as wave upon wave pelted them both. It took him a full minute and a half to evacuate the contents of his vas deferens onto the white soft mixture of almost microscopic pebbles. Finally, after it was all over, he heaved and wheezed, catching his breath as he recovered from the monstrous orgasm.

"That was so amazing," he panted, "I wanna do that again."

"Not today babe; we'll do it again soon enough."

The pair of them got up and dusted off as much sand as they could before turning to Jose. "Come on," Kevin motioned for Jose to follow, "let's go find something to eat. We're both starved." Jose was stunned by everything he had witnessed; he knew Kevin was capable of great depths of depravity, but this was an entirely new low, even for him. The naked Mexican steeled his focus and resolved himself to find replacements for his husband's lustful urges. He had to find someone quick, otherwise he might lose his son to the evil that was Non-Blacklisters. The group gathered their belongings before heading back to the hotel as the glittering stars started to come out to light up the night sky. As they made their trek across the dunes, Jose searched desperately for replacements for him and his son. He had no such luck as most of the Blacklisters had turned in for the evening. They strolled their way back to the hotel which was less than a block from the beach on the opposite side of the street. Just as they were about to head inside, Jose spotted them. There, not more than twenty or so paces from the rotating door, was a pair of blacklisted son and father, strolling alongside what appeared to be their wife and mother. As the other group passed the wedded trio, Jose was able to get a good look at the father and son. The dad was ripped... beefier than most of the men down at the outdoor gym that they had seen earlier. He was a perfect cut of prime grade-A man meat; his obsidian black hair had a nice coiffed look to it... like a celebrity that Jose remembered once seeing in a magazine. His jaw looked like it had been perfectly chiseled from granite while his eyes were a deep chestnut brown. Veins popped out of the watermelon sized muscles on his arms, making him more sexually alluring to anyone who saw them. Two thick, meaty pecs bulged outward from his chest and were dotted with two itty bitty dark brown nipples. The blacklisted father had abs for days with nearly zero percent body fat to hide the eight mounds on his stomach. A perfectly crested v-shape drew the eye down to the lower half of his body, which, like his torso, was completely bare. Not a single strand or piece of stubble dared to mar his taut, tawdry body below the scalp. His hulking twelve inches, with all the thickness of a beer can, swung from side to side with each step he took, while obese testicles bounced against his legs and member. Two round, large butt cheeks topped off the pair of veiny, muscular legs that he used to walk. To call him a bull and an alpha male would have been the understatement of the century. The man oozed testosterone from every tight pour of his diamond cut bulky cinnamon brown flesh. Although he seemed quite imposing, his demeanor said otherwise as he conversed with his twink son.

The kid looked to be barely eighteen and if it hadn't been for his state of nudity, his cherubic face could have almost been mistaken for much younger. The son had a pair of thick pouty lips and a button nose, giving a pure uncorrupted look to him. He appeared as if he were the typical boy next door and was not as nearly as beefy as his father... not yet anyway. The youth had jet black hair, deep chestnut brown eyes. He was a bit shorter than his father at five feet and eight and a half inches, but Jose suspected that he had another growth spurt in his future. The youth was muscular and well defined, most likely due to the fact that he worked out with his father. He had two shapely pectoral muscles that ached to be licked and two dark brown tiny nipples at the base of both of them. The kid was shredded with a stomach that would put others to shame with a token V-shape leading down to his crotch. Unlike his old man, a well manicured bramble of black fur accented his large package. Twelve inches of pure homoerotic fun was constantly on display, leaking a steady stream of precum at all times. Two corpulent testicles, slightly larger than those of his dad, swung like a pendulum of a clock with every step the lad took. The cutest, perkiest bum popped out his backside, almost completely overshadowing his tawdry, maddening legs. He was more defined than any twink, and aside from the patch of pubic fur not a single strand of hair could be found below his scalp. They were, for lack of a better term, perfect and they even managed to nab Kevin's attention as they passed by causing him to turn his head.

Before the family got out of sight, Jose got close to Kevin in an effort to get his attention. He leaned in as he grabbed the redhead's right shoulder briefly stopping them in their trek. "Hey," he said in a hushed tone, "I slipped some party favors into our basket right before we left. We could grab the both of them and drag them back to the room, easily." Jose reached into the carrier and fished out the vial of fast acting ether and both wash rags. He smiled as Kevin gave him a puzzled look.

"Why are you doing this," the clothed fellow asked.

Jose shrugged, "Ohhhh, I don't know... maybe I've had a change of heart."

"No, really... why?"

"Does it matter? If you want them, I'll help."

"Ok, but Ricky will distract the wife."

"Deal," the pair shook on it right before Jose caught up to Ricky and told him the plan. The newly wedded youth was on board and soon the trio caught up to the family.

Kevin and Jose poured the chemical onto each of the rags, prepping for the eventual drugging of their targets. "You take the dad, I'll take the son," Kevin instructed as Jose nodded. Would this work? Would Kevin leave him and Ricky alone? Was this really worth it? All these questions and more swirled around in Jose's head as the trio made their way over to the family. Kevin got close to the gentlemen as right as they were about to cross over to the other side of the street. The redhead reached out and wrapped his arms around the cherubic youth. The kid was flooded with fear as he felt the strong embrace of a stranger around his mid torso. He screamed and thrashed about wildly, trying to break away from the unknown force that now held him in place. His father was about to push Kevin and his son apart when Jose lept at him, shoving him out of the way. Ricky then charged the wife, kicking her in the shins, distracting her long enough for the kidnapping to proceed with little to no interference. The twink continued to wildly thrash, flailing his arms while trying to hit Kevin. The redhead started dragging the young Latino away from his parents as best as he could, all the while the kid struggled against the abduction. Jose shoved the husband as best as he could, trying to use the man's strength against him in an effort to throw him off balance. Ricky, having disabled the wife momentarily, came around and took a swing at the husband.

The youth screamed out, "PAPA... MAMA... AYE-YOU-DAH-MAY!" Kevin then reached up towards the twink's face, rag in hand, only to have it swatted down. Meanwhile, Jose took another swing at the father, as the mother got to her feet.

She charged at Ricky, "Ricky - BEHIND YOU," Kevin called out as he could see the woman get back up. He dodged her bum-rush then stuck his leg out, causing the woman to go careening towards the pavement. The husband threw all his strength into his next punch, which was barely enough to send Jose stumbling backwards and forcing him to trip over Ricky.

"DAY-HA-MAY EAR," the youth snarled as he tried to free himself once more. His fear was taking over and weakening him by the moment. Kevin reached up towards the youth's face with the rag once more, "NO - NO - POOR FAH-VORE - NO!" Meanwhile the beefcake was just about to pin Jose when Ricky charged at the man, knocking him over. The man stumbled, falling to the ground. Kevin reached up with the rag once more towards the Hispanic youth's face, this time making contact with the pup's mouth and nose. "NRRRPPPPHHHH," he cried right before going limp in the redhead's arms. Jose managed to climb onto the husband's back, and wrap his cloth around the older man.

"HHHHHEEEEPPPPHHH," the man called out as he too soon collapsed unconscious to the ground. The wife tried to get to her feet once more as blood from a few gashes on her legs ran bright red trickling down her brown flesh. Another swift kick [by Ricky] to the shins and she was in no position to do much of anything.

"Help me with this one, would ya," Jose lifted the man by the upper torso as Ricky came around, and grabbed the legs. The two of them proceeded to drag him back to the hotel room as Kevin was already several paces up ahead of them, twink in tow. As the trio entered the lobby, the sounds of another sexual escapade was in progress. This time, it was one of a non-consensual nature as there was the older man from yesterday violently mounting some other young blacklisted bellhop. The kid screamed as the man continued to thrust into his rectum while pinning him to a wall. The rapist growled as the kid half-heartedly fought back against the attack, too weak at this point to do any real effect. The youth howled again as the man yanked his dick out only to shove it harder back into the young Latino.

"NOOOOO - NO," the kid cried as the man continued with his assault, "PLEASE STOP - PLEA-EEEE-AHHHHHHH-HAH!" Jose and Ricky had finally reached the lift and began their ascent to the suite right as the man orgasmed into his victim. The doors closed while the man moaned loudly, pumping his fluid right inside his victim's hollowed-out butt. The climb through the levels of the building was somewhat tedious as the two of them had nothing to do but wait. After a while they arrived at the floor to their room, and then dragged the unconscious man all along the carpet before Jose was able to lift him long enough to enter the room. Ricky banged on the portal slab and identified themselves to their shared husband as he approached the other sid of the wooden door. Once inside, Jose had to take a minute or two to catch his breath; lifting an over 200 pound man was a bit much, and would have winded most anyone in his position. After his break, the pair dragged the blacked out male into the bedroom, only to find the man's son still passed out on the bed, arms and legs locked in the bed's golden chained shackles.

"Where do you want him," Jose queried as he and Ricky pulled the beefcake into the bedroom.

"Up against the wall, ass out," Kevin replied as Jose and Ricky both lifted the man up to the wall. After hoisting him up, they locked him into the wall shackles, making sure that he wouldn't fall off of them. "It'll be another hour before they awaken, so let's take a break, and watch some TV in the main room; whatcha say?"

"Sounds like a plan to us," Jose replied as Ricky nodded in agreement with the other two.

They strolled into the other room, and dropped to the couch, sweaty and exhausted. Kevin flipped on the TV and set it to Netflix so he could watch his favourite shows. After milling about and watching TV for the next hour, the group had managed to recover from the ordeal, just in time to greet the father and son duo in the other room. Jose was nervous, his guilt becoming more and more apparent with each step he and the others took towards the bedroom. He no longer could ignore the feelings of remorse as they were growing stronger with each passing moment. Was this wrong? Should he have aided a rapist - HIS rapist - in these illicit activities? Maybe he should let them both go, and offer his body in their place. Just then, the other father shook his head, "Where... where am I? What is going on? What am I doing here? Where is my son?"

"Shhh... shhh..." Kevin replied, a coldness in his voice sent chills down the man's spine. "You and your son are my play toys for the day. Isn't that fun?"

The man started violently thrashing about as he tried to free himself from whatever force held him in place. "Let me go - let us go - you - you - monster!"

"Da - dad," the youth called out. "Where am I? What's going on?"

"Don't worry Lorenzo, papa's here!" The man was desperate to comfort his young son, trying to reassure him of the false notion that they were safe. Both he and his son tried to free themselves of their bindings, attempting to loosen their restraints by shaking them off. Try as they might, their shackles could not be loosened or even broken. A wicked smile crossed Kevin's face as he watched the duo flail wildly about, pretending to decide who he would play with first, despite the obvious choice.

"Eeeny, meeny, miney, blow," Kevin's finger bounced between the pair, as if he were leaving the selection process to random chance. "Looks like Lorenzo will be first... but don't worry Papa, you'll get your turn soon enough."

"No - no, please... take me... you can keep me, but let my son go!"

"Papa, no! I won't leave you!"

"It's ok... at least you'll be safe."

Kevin scrunched his face up, "no deal... I have you both so there's nothing in it for me. Besides, my boy over there... it's his first time topping and he loves sloppy seconds, or thirds, or whatever. Both he and his father love watching me go at it; dontcha?"

Jose solemnly nodded, ashamed of himself for what he had wrought upon the strangers. Ricky sat down in the corner chair, batting his long stiffness about like a kitten with a ball of yarn. He watched proudly as it snapped back into place, smacking loudly against his bare, virile flesh. Kevin climbed onto the bed, positioning himself over the naked Latino youth as the kid flailed madly around again. "No, no please... please don't... I'm begging you... no," the father's voice descended into a near whisper as he listened to the rattling of metal in the room. Lorenzo howled as he was penetrated by the evil heartless Non-Blacklister, unable to free himself as terror rose up through him.

"PAPA, PAPA, HELP," the twink shrieked as Kevin's rape stick slowly tore through his innards. "IT HURTS - IT HURTS... IT HURTS SO BAAAA-AHHHHHHAAHHHH!" Kevin could feel the puckering of the young Blacklister's hole and guts as the youth tried to resist the assault. He was so tight that Kevin let out a moan that could barely be heard above the kid's screaming. Tissue was violently rendered apart as it tried to force the jaundiced transgressor from its warm, loving home. Kevin laughed maniacally as he continued thrusting deeper and deeper inside the blacklisted youth's love cave. Little droplets of blood oozed out of Lorenzo's anus and trickled onto the sheets as his virginity slipped through his grasp. The teen tried to tighten the muscles in his anal cavity once more in an effort to force out his rapist's dick only to find that it made his situation much, much worse. Tears streamed from his face joining his blood in staining the sheets as he cried in misery. It was then that he felt something unusual, something unknown... the bedsheets that were beneath his crotch started shifting and tightening themselves around him. He looked down, horrified at what he saw: he was getting an erection. His sexual assault was making him become sexually aroused. He watched as his massive cock throbbed and pulsed as it came to life, disgusted by the actions it was undertaking. Precum leaked out of the tip, moistening the white bedsheets , turning them a dark, shadowy color. Why was this turning him on? Was he gay now? Is this how gay guys are made? Rape?

"How's baby liking being a rape victim, huh," Kevin taunted the lad. "Does it feel thrust so thrust delightful pound? Do you stab enjoy shove it?" Anytime he would say a word, he would jam his member deep into the kid's guts, forcing the teen to shriek out in pain. The rape lasted for hours as the Non-Blacklister flooded the twink's hole with ounce upon ounce of white hot spooge. Finally it was half past two a.m. when the redhead finished assaulting the poor, hapless lad. The youth's hole was flooded, battered, and broken, looking more like a bloody canyon than a normally tight anus. Blood, tissue, and cum bubbled up out of his gash as Kevin pulled away, lying next to the shivering, weeping mess of a damaged twink. The redhead looked up at Jose, "do you want to have a crack at him, or shall I pass him over to Ricky?" Jose grimaced, as he shook his head, shock and fear having long taken over, compelling him to watch and preventing him from moving. He held his hands behind his back during the entire incident, softly rubbing his man cakes, remembering what it was like to be on the receiving end of Kevin's affections. He told himself that he had no choice... that he was forced into hunting others for his rapist to play with. Now all that he could do was bare witness to his betrayal... as if that somehow this would make it ok; it didn't. "Ricky, your turn buddy; you wanna rape a guy your own age?"

Ricky vehemently nodded, dislodging some of the goo he had splattered onto himself. "Do I," he cheerfully decreed before turning to his own father, "can I Dad... pleeeeeeease?" Jose stared blankly at his own flesh and blood who only beamed cheer back to him. He shrugged, unable to fully process what was happening. "Oh thank you," Ricky hugged his father as he leapt onto the bed, mounting the eighteen year old, and shoving his still hardened prick inside the helpless, shattered lad. He proceeded to rape his peer for three solid hours as the poor Latino just laid there shivering and convulsing during the entire ride. Finally, at about five-thirty in the morning, Ricky had his fill of the ruined lad, and emptied the last round into the other teen's backside. Lorenzo laid there, unable to move, unable to speak, just convulsing over and over again. Ricky kissed the kid's back as Kevin undid the Latino's chains. Just as he pulled off the last one, Lorenzo rapidly curled up into the fetal position. Kevin shoved the twink off the bed and with a loud thud, he hit the floor. With a strong, loud yawn, Kevin checked the time: 5.35am. It was late and the redhead was beyond tired. He looked around the room to find that not only was he tired, but Ricky also was starting to feel the need to sleep. The newly wedded Latino let out a long exhaustive yawn of his own. It was apparent that despite the excitement of the evening, everyone was starting to feel the effects of sleep deprivation. Everyone but the captives drifted off to sleep, while Ricky cuddled up next to the trembling lad.

The group awoke to the sounds of the rattling of the bedroom doors, as Jose stirred from his slumber. Kevin sat up, groggy-eyed and still half asleep, looking around to discover the source of the banging. "Why, why won't it open," it was Lorenzo banging away on the doors, trying to force them open. Ricky soon joined Kevin as they both rubbed the sleep out of their eyes.

"What's going on," Ricky asked as he soon became aware of the situation.

"Why won't they open?"

"Well that's `cause I locked them," Kevin replied. "You see they are a very special kind of lock: they are bolted tight and will only unlock if I want them to. Just so you know, I don't want them to."

The twink tried again at pushing the doors open, only to find that his attempts were ultimately futile. Defeated, he collapsed at the foot of the doors and started to cry. Ricky came over and ran his hand down the kid's back. "Don't worry, there's still plenty of time to have fun," he taunted Lorenzo. "I wanna share my love with you."

"No you don't; you just wanna rape me and my dad. How could you? You're a fucking Blacklister like me! How could you do this?" Ricky leaned in, kissing Lorenzo on the mouth before pinning him against the doors. The battered Latino could do nothing to escape Ricky's firm grasp as he molested Lorenzo, defiling his nude body. Lorenzo quaked in fear, his penis betraying him as it responded to the strokes that his naked counterpart performed on him. Meanwhile, Lorenzo's father had awoken finally, and started once again thrashing about wildly hoping to free himself from the manacles that held him closely to the wall. The shackles held him in place, unyielding and indifferent to his will.

"Let's play with daddy before breakfast, hmmmm," Kevin teased as Jose got up from the cushioned chair that he had been sleeping in. The nude Mexican was rock hard, like all the others in the room, and wanted nothing more than to beat his turgid aching meat as he could feel the tickling of his nuts, swollen with jizz. "Unhook him, would ya babe? Wait... don't forget the leash, something tells me that he's a fighter." Kevin reached into a drawer in his nightstand and fished out a black leather collar with a shimmering gold metal chain fastened to it. The collar had a little box attached to it and when Kevin pressed a button on it, a small green LED light came on. Jose attached the collar to the trussed up hunk as the man continued wriggling about in his manacles. "Is it secure?" Jose nodded as Kevin replied, "good; then you can let him out." Jose undid the restraints freeing the man from his bindings. The muscled stud charged at Kevin, while the redhead was still on the bed, leash in hand. Kevin dodge the attack a split second before what would have been impact, yanking on the chain as the hunky dad careened onto the mattress. The hunk felt the pull of the belt around his throat as he got back up. Kevin gave another hard tug on the leash, choking the muscle-bound dad once more. "Calm yourself bull," Kevin cooed, "we have all day to play." The Non-Blacklister gave the chain another sharper tug, this time closer to the man's throat and not releasing his grasp. The room started to spin as he wheezed and gasped for air. "Ready to cooperate," the man violently nodded, "good. Now, onto the bed and lie down." The stallion got onto the bed right as Kevin let the leash slacken, laying down and gasping hard for more air. Oxygen rushed into the beefcake's lungs, filling them with the necessary life force that permeated the entire world over. Kevin quickly went to work, restraining the man with the same cuffed chains that had once ensconced his son. The man realized all too late that there was a brief moment in which he could have fought back, and hung his head in a state of sadness and regret.

Kevin ran his hands up and down his new toy, fondling, manhandling, molesting the tawdry beefcake. The Non-Blacklister was going to take his time with this one as he thoroughly enjoyed big muscle-hunks like the one he had here. Kevin wanted to savor every single moment and relish in every taut shapely mound of muscle this beefcake had on display. After a few minutes of mauling this fine specimen of masculine perfection, a new idea bubbled up into the redhead's sadistic brain: licking. With the stud muffin unable to resist his assault, he then started licking the alpha male all over. Kevin started with the man's back, slobbering all over his spine and deltoids before heading to his firm supple brown man cakes. The Blacklister trembled and gagged as he could feel every single drop of saliva across his cum seducing flesh. His rectal sphincter quivered with erotic delight and abject terror as his attacker licked his anus with his moist tongue. After a few minutes, Kevin continued giving his new hunk a tongue bath, sliding down his lurid, sinewy legs before stopping at his ankles to remove his shoes. The brawny Blacklister whined as each shoe was slid off, leaving his feet to lay bare for the whole world to see. Was his captor going to hurt them? Was he going to cut them right off? He was not certain of anything at this point as anything could potentially happen.

While Kevin sucked on his toy's feet, Ricky busied himself with Lorenzo. He was making out with the terrified youth as he caressed his firm supple brown skin. The boy whimpered as he felt Ricky's hands stroke his corpulent prick, coaxing it into a heightened state of sexual arousal. Lorenzo could feel his loins stir and tingle as his attacker's powerful but soft hands danced across his exposed racy, virile body. He wanted to flee... to get away from this den of excess and debauchery as far and as quickly as he could. He wanted to be anywhere else in those moments as he wished some magical force would intervene and liberate both him and his father, taking them to safety. Sadly, no such help would come and he would be forced to endure this living nightmarish hellscape. Ricky maneuvered Lorenzo around so the twink's backside met Ricky's front and leaned into him, holding him in place. Lorenzo shuddered as he could feel his rapist's monster pressed against his back. Little shivers of fear traveled along his backside as he could feel the thing throb and pulsate as Ricky leaned further into him. Ricky continued to fondle the lad, squeezing the kid's nipples and giving them a good, hard twist, forcing a yelp from his victim's mouth. He then stood up, hauling the eighteen year old into a standing position before bending him to a ninety degree angle. Lorenzo whimpered as he knew what would happen next, his fear coursing throughout his body like the venom from a snake bite. "Please, don't do this," Lorenzo begged softly, "don't - don't - dooo-ahhhhhhhahhh-eeeee!" Ricky shoved his rager deep into the twink's guts, ripping every remaining shred of innocence and purity that the kid had left from out of him. Lorenzo started crying again as Ricky tore through his newly formed rectal tissue, ripping him apart from the inside out. He screamed as the other lad rammed his hate staff deeper into him, rending his innards in twain with its brute force. Young Lorenzo could feel his humanity slipping through his grasp like water through a busted sieve as Ricky thrust his cock down to the hilt of his penis. Blood trickled out of the lad's anus and onto the carpet below, reminding everyone [who looked] of his newly regenerated "virginity" status. He howled in misery as his insides were torn asunder, helpless to Ricky's assault. As he tried to push this vicious carnal intruder from his now battered rectum, his suffering doubled as the pain became more intense. It felt as if a large metal spike with barbed wire wrapped around it had been jammed into his rectum and was being repeatedly yanked out, only to have it immediately shoved back into him. He screamed for mercy, begging Ricky to take it out of him, only to find his miserable pleas to fall on deaf ears. Ricky wrenched his fat long gut buster out of the kid's once virgin-tight hole, only to see it covered in blood and little bits of rectal tissue. It sent his passions into overdrive, whipping him into a mad frenzy, thrusting and taring his cock from Lorenzo's bludgeoned hole. Lorenzo's father wished he could free his son from this torture chamber, listening to his son's wails of agony as he was suspended in midair now that Kevin had hoisted him up by the shackles.

Lorenzo's father silently lamented his son's torment as he could do nothing but hang three feet above the bed that he had been previously occupying. Kevin continued with his tongue bath, dragging his slobber soaked organ down the alpha stud's bulging, taut, boner inducing torso. The redhead was enjoying giving the hunk a tongue bath almost as much as he watched the man's reactions to the sensations. The abject humiliation coupled with the horror and disgust gave the man such unique facial expressions, Kevin almost popped from excitement. Finally, the demonic man's tongue had reached his captive's crotch. It swirled around the bloated, engorged weeping gigantic member that was attached between the hulk's legs. Kevin watched as it pulsed and throbbed against its master's wishes, teasing the redhead as if to say, "I love you! Never leave me! I'm yours forever!" A fat glob of male goo dripped onto Kevin's pink pale forehead, nestling itself squarely on his skin right below his hairline. Kevin giggled with delight at having been gifted with such a blessing as to have an alpha bull's fluids touch his bare flesh. Another strand of precum oozed out of his captive's bull breeder and onto his face like manna from the heavens. Kevin squealed with joy as he counted himself beyond lucky to milk a bull without ever touching his dick. The redhead wondered what would happen if he were to lick the tip of his victim's penis. He leaned in and briefly flicked his tongue across the head. Lorenzo's father instinctively let out a loud guttural moan as if his body was rebelling against his will. Pleasure sparked throughout the stud's body as Kevin licked his cock head again and again while deriving enjoyment from this alpha powerhouse's inability to control his reactions. The man hated himself for capitulating to such erotic sensations despite his disdain for the situation he was forced into. Kevin engulfed the beefcake's sin stick in his warm, silky wet mouth, causing the man to uncontrollably moan louder. Soon the helpless man was thrusting his hips into his captor's oral cavity as the Non-Blacklister deepthroated him, enveloping him in erotic delectation. He moaned and panted, wrapped in sublime ecstasy and losing track of what was happening to him. His sperm factories tingled, sending waves of libidinous glee to every part of his body. He whimpered with ecstasy as he grew closer and closer to his raucous and rapturous conclusion. It took him a solid hour of interrupted pleasure before he unwillingly released his wad down Kevin's throat... and the redhead enjoyed every second of it. The Non-Blacklister eagerly sucked down every ounce of slime that the man could muster, relishing in the spicy, salty taste. Finally, after three full minutes of pumping his gunk out, Lorenzo's father sighed with relief, basking in the afterglow of his seminal purge. Kevin smiled, slid out from underneath the beefcake and lowered the man back onto the bed. "My turn," he announced as he climbed back onto the alpha male.

Lorenzo's dad swallowed hard as he felt the redhead's rigid, hefty pain stick slide between his firm bulbous buns. Terror replaced relief at a lightning quick pace as the sounds of his son's torment began to push their way back into his consciousness. He struggled again to free himself, forgetting for the briefest of moments that he was still chained to his rapist's bed. Fear filled every part of his body as he knew what the redhead was going to do to him. Kevin dry humped his toy's ass, squeezing the man's thick, voluptuous pectoral muscles. Back and forth his rager slid, threatening the man with the impending devastation that would soon ensue, giggling to himself, amused by the man's terror. He loved it when his victims showed fear, and the fear that pumped through this one was exceptionally arousing. He felt the man's hole pucker and tighten, as if the fear he felt would somehow repel the intruder that would soon find its way inside. "Oh yeah baby," Kevin cooed into the man's ear, "you smell sublime and ready for my affections." Kevin enjoyed the scent that every Latino emitted, drinking it in each time he violated them. Whether it was the first time or the millionth time, they all smelled so sweet and so intoxicating. It was like a drug to him... one that he was all too happy to be hooked on. After molesting the alpha hulk, Kevin felt more than ready to start pouring his love back into the man. "This is gonna be a fun rape session, I can already tell." Slowly he pressed the tip of his penis against the shutter of the man's love cave. Lorenzo's father panted and heaved as he tried to mentally prepare for what was coming. He then felt a bulk force its way into his backside, breathing through gritted teeth, making a hissing noise like his wife did when she gave birth to their son. The pain grew as his mind spun out of control, his thoughts racing thousands of miles a second. How much was in there? Was that the whole thing? Was there more to it or was this it? And why - why did it hurt so much? Kevin leaned in, hissing into his ear as if he could read the stud's thoughts, "that's just the tip, sexy." Just the tip? JUST THE TIP? WAS HE SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? The pain was excruciating already, and the idea that there was more than this was unthinkable. His misery grew to a three as another inch plowed its way into him. He could feel the damage that was being inflicted upon him. The devastation of his guts being shredded would pale in comparison to the next level of hell. The beefcake tried fighting the urge to call out, biting his lower lip to prevent a shout or a yell or anything.

"Gotta stay strong," he thought to himself, "can't let him win. Can't let him know that it hurts." Another inch ripped apart his rape space, taking with it another piece of mental fortitude. "Uhhhhh-huuuuuhhh," he cried, unable to hold back any more. "Damn it," he chastised himself for showing the slightest bit of discomfort. A giggle from his attacker only confirmed his fear of being heard. Another inch forced his train of thought to break as his assault continued, leaving him to yelp like a scared dog. The sounds of his son's suffering had long melted away as his focus had shifted to his own torment. The next inch caught him off guard, forcing out another yelp out of him as pain and surprise mixed devilishly in his mind. It was at the fifth inch that he started to buckle, "no, no... I can't... I mustn't!" The sixth inch raised the level of pain so much that by the seventh inch, his unconscious growl that he found himself emitting began to evolve into a howl. "NOOOO, PLEASE STOP," inch nine finally broke him as inch eight had cracked a chink in his armor. "STOP RAPING ME! PLEASE STOP... PLEASE STOP SODOMIZING ME! I CAN-AHHHHHHH-HHHHAAAAHHH!" The tenth inch cut off his ability to form sentences as the last inch broke his ability to form words. He screamed his head off as the pain seared through every bit of his body, overtaking everything else he was feeling. He couldn't think, he couldn't breath, the only thing he could do was scream out in pain. Kevin cackled with delight as he ripped every inch back out briefly before jamming it back into his victim's eviscerated guts. Over and over he rammed his unlubed rigid pole into his victim's anus, decimating his rectal tissue as blood and tissue dripped onto the bed sheets. Jose could only stand there, rubbing his own brown buns as the memories of his hundred or so rapes made their way to the forefront of his mind. The naked Mexican started breaking down, and fell to his knees as the prey he had hunted blared out their misery and into his ears. Over and over Kevin's thrusts continued to violate the beefy, hulking former menace, breaking down his identity with each assault. Lorenzo's dad felt the last tattered remains of his masculinity wane out of his mind just like the blood that oozed from his ass. Kevin looked down at his cock, elated by the bits and shreds of rectal tissue that now collected onto his dick.

"Fuck big daddy," he was in heaven, "your ass is sooooo fucking tight. I'm gonna have to blow sever-aaa-aaahhh-ahhhh!" Kevin's dick pumped out ounce upon ounce of cock snot into his victim, bringing with it a strong sense of euphoria. The minutes ticked by as the firey redhead continued pumping his victim's guts full of white hot spooge. Ecstasy overtook every other thought in the Non-Blacklister's sadistic mind as his cum spigot continued shooting into Lorenzo's father's battered hole. Finally, after a full three minutes, Kevin collapsed onto the man in a state of erotic bliss and euphoria. "Damn daddy, that was amazing! I can't wait to do it all again," he panted out to his victim's disgrace. Lorenzo's dad felt something stir below and managed to focus his mind for just a minute on this new sensation. He looked down at his crotch, horrified by what he saw: his cock had started to stiffen. Was he getting turned on by this? Was he being turned gay? Why was he finding sexual gratification in all of this? Why? Before he could fully process the situation, another bolt of pain shot through his nervous system, taring his focus away from his front and tossing it onto his butt.

Meanwhile, Lorenzo had collapsed from exhaustion from Ricky's furious, hateful pounding, and just laid on the floor, convulsing over and over again. His limbs went numb as his body started to tingle, while the room spun wildly about. Ricky didn't care what was happening and continued pounding away at the boy's cum bloated, battered hole. Ricky's semen was dripping out, pooling beneath his victim's hole as he shot another round into the kid's guts. Ricky had raped the living daylights out of his peer and when that wasn't enough, continued to violate the youth. The Mexican twink needed to unload every molecule of jizz into this other twink's backside, and nothing was going to stop him. Besides, he started to enjoy the uncontrollable shaking that his play toy was making; it felt like a vibrator to him. When he shot another round of cum into the kid, he continued thrusting away, indifferent to the damage that he was causing. It took him three hours to empty everything from his sack. Once he was done, Ricky just lay on top of his victim as the kid struggled to maintain consciousness. He decided that a nap was in order, and Lorenzo's shaking was just the thing to rock him to sleep. Ricky's dick remained in the twink's hole as it softened while he drifted off to sleep, content with his accomplishment. The father, on the other hand, soon found that he had lost all sound in his voice, as he had finally exhausted his vocal cords.

Just as Kevin started to move and groove onto his seventh explosive finish, Jose interrupted, "this... this is wrong. You shouldn't be doing this! I shouldn't have done this!"

Kevin stopped, and glared at the other Blacklister, "you made your choice, now deal with it."

"Yeah well now I'm unmaking it!" Jose tried to tackle Kevin in an effort to free Lorenzo's dad, only to find his efforts thwarted as Kevin pushed Jose back.

"Look sweetie, you have two options: let them go and take their place OR you can settle in and watch us have fun with them."

Jose hung his head, screaming in his mind, "me, me, me - take me! Let them go and take me instead!" Synapses fired off in his brain as he opened his mouth to let the words come out, only to find that they weren't the ones he thought he'd say: "them - I pick them!" With that out of the way, Kevin went back to raping his hunk as Jose just stood by, unable to move, guilt eating him alive. From that point on, he would forever hunt for replacements so as to keep his anus unmarred by his husband's libidinous desires.

Next: Chapter 12: Raul

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