
By NakedscribeKC

Published on Jun 29, 2020


I welcome any positively constructed criticism and positive reviews to my e-mail address.

Jose meandered across the marble laden floors, his sneakers squeaking, with all of the hustle and bustle of city life that he had become accustomed to. A slight chill hung in the air as his skin prickled from the a/c that kept an otherwise summer ridden room at a comfortable temperature. His gaze fell onto the business execs as they made their way to their various destinations most of which were making their way past the security posts and into the elevators. A few other men like himself where smattered in between the others faced with the same new world order that he too was used to dealing with on a daily basis. Ever since that damned study came out, he and others like him were forced into a life of abject nudity. Never mind whether or not it was true, what only mattered was what people believed and people believed it to be true.

His own erection throbbed with an almost violent unending rage that would make lesser men weep as he travelled up the elevator carriage to his thirteenth floor office. Jose didn't like jerking off in public like so many other men in his condition would so vehemently engage in. No, he was too old fashion for that kind of "non-sense" despite it being made legal for he, his people, and other men of similar skin tone. It wouldn't take much these days for him to sport a throbber of unprecedented magnitude: a slight breeze, a pursing of lips, or even the suggestion of being attractive was enough to send his libido into overdrive. His face reddened as he snapped back to reality. The snickering of the other men on the lift made him keenly aware of the unwanted attention he was starting to garner. One of them reached out and caressed the tip of his member causing him to let out the smallest of shudders as pleasure electrified his entire body. Another giggle and snort erupted from the back as another hand slid across his left butt cheek forcing him to let out a whimper. As he turned to look at his aggressors he couldn't help but wonder which one was the closet-case. "Later stud," one of them sneered as the doors closed shut taking with it an uproar of laughter.

A drop of precum oozed slowly from his piss slit as he hurried into his office his face red from embarrassment at what had just happened. He needed to beat off, although he hated being turned on by nearly any trigger. He was just about to take his boisterous member into his hands when a knock came at his door. Fuck, Jose thought to himself, now is not the time. His penis leaked even harder as if to penalize him for not being attended to. "Yeah, what is it?" the nude Latino called out. "Meeting in five minutes," a male coworker called back. Jose's boner throbbed at the concept of being unable to be played with before the meeting as a wet tear of his pre-sauce slid down his thick veiny shaft. It ached and twitched desperate for attention, but the naked man was unwilling to capitulate to the notion that he would have time to squirt a load off. He grabbed a notepad and pen from off of his desk and made his way to the conference room, his raging boner slapping against his flat stomach the entire time.

He got into the room and oriented himself with regards as to where he would be stationed. Today was the day that the new government liaison would be doing the orientation on the new sexual harassment policies that had gone into effect recently.

"OK, may I have your attention, please?" the liaison tried to call order. The dull and indistinct murmuring continued on as people either ignored or hadn't noticed what was happening.

"HEY," Jose raised his voice firmly, "Guys it's time for the meeting to start; so let's pay attention!"

"Thank you Señor Morales," the imposing man started. "As you many of you have noticed there have been some new radical laws that have recently taken effect within the United States of America. These laws are not meant to undermine anyone's `rights' but are there to protect US Citizens from harm. Now in regards to the study that was done, it has been tested and retested with the same results multiple times before being admitted as grounds for these new laws. As such, it was a unanimous decision on all three branches of the government to enact these laws. Although several arrests have been made in regards to violators of these new laws, I am not here today to comment on those. I am here only to help with the interpretation of these new laws and how best to adhere to them. Any questions?"

Everyone collectively shook their heads no as he continued to speak about the new changes.

"Good, now with that out of the way, we can get to the meat and bones of the situation." The agent spent the next hour going over who would be affected, how things would be handled and other such logistics causing Jose to tune out. Jose desperately tried to remain focused on the presentation, but after a few seconds his mind started wandering back to his unyielding erection. He wanted to start wanking as his meat screamed at the top of its lungs to be played with. Those men on the elevator really did a number on me, he sheepishly thought. It wasn't long before his hand absentmindedly wandered to his jizz sheened rod. As he sat there he got lost in the sensations that he had been denying himself. Up and down his hand went lovingly caressing his member feeling a wave of pleasure that he felt deserving of. The sex-crazed Latino started panting and moaning as the rest of the world slipped away from him until nothing but his own genitals remained. It wasn't long before he could feel his own male juices begin to churn in anticipation of their climatic release. Like a bolt of lighting his sticky white cream blasted forth releasing heights of much needed pleasure for him. He cried "AY DIOS MÍO!" at the top of his lungs as blast after blast of his man milk rocketed forth from his Mexican piss slit showering the first row of meeting participants. After realizing what had just happened he issued an apology as the agent looked on with unusual interest. "Sorry," Jose sheepishly popped.

"No problem," the agent replied, "See folks, it's this type of behavior that our politicians were informed of. Men like Sr. Morales here are more subject to their sexual desires far more readily than the rest of society. Think about this the next time you put one of these men into clothes. They are sexually charged beasts who can't control themselves and need constant relief. We non-blacklisted men will be allowed to use them as we see fit. And I can't stress this enough: they aren't lesser, they are just different. With all that said...dismissed!" As the employees filed out of the room, the few that remained were cleaned themselves thoroughly as Jose quickly mopped up the remains that had hit the floor. As he was bent over cleaning up his cum he could feel a tiny pinch on his right butt cheek. He turned around to see the agent winking at him. "So sexy," his demeanor had changed, "how about I buy you a six pack of Corona, take you back to my place, and we spend the remainder of the day and evening going at it like wild rabbits?"

"No man," Jose countered trying his best to keep from getting rock hard after that pinch. "I'm not gay! I like women - I'm married with a wife and two sons at home!"

"Well that's not what your penis is saying."

"I think we're done here!" Jose stormed out of the room despite the tingling that his balls were giving him. The naked Mexican was seething with anger at what had just happened and couldn't wait to get back to his desk to file a report with the agent's supervisor. His half flaccid love stick swayed from side to side with each step that he took, leaving a small trail of post release goo in his wake.

Once he made it back to his office, he sat down at his desk readying himself to make the call as his scrotal sack glided across the soft plush cotton of his chair. A shiver of erotic delight traveled up from his sack, up his spine, to his hormone drowned brain. Jose's dick once again began to harden and leak announcing once again its overwhelming intentions. Oh God, please no - not now, he tried to argue with the desire to stroke his man member. He picked up the phone and began to dial the agent's head office phone number struggling to maintain his composure. Hold music; as he waited for someone to pick up, his hand travelled down to demanding erection which ordered him to play with it. He motioned his hand along the shaft carefully feeling out each thickened vein paying careful and unwavering attention to each one. Every sensation that went into him was like a mind blowing revelation taking in the breadth of every inch of hardened flesh. Jose panted and moaned as he massaged his fuck stick letting out the smallest of whimpers as he touched the glans at the head of his uncut beauty. Another five minutes and his desk was now awash with man soda as he cried out "AY, AY, AY - DIOS MÍO - GRACIAS POR EL TODO!"

"Sir, sir," a female voice rang out yanking his attention back to the matter at hand. "Is there a reason you called today?"

"Ye-yes yes there is. I wanted to file a complaint against one of your agents in regards to sexual misconduct."

"Ok, and what is the name of the woman that was violated?"

"No - no, it wasn't a woman, it was me."

"Oh, I see; look señor, we take sexual misconduct allegations very seriously here and if you are just gonna clog up our grievance line with your shenanigans then I will hang up right now. You're lucky I don't report your ass!" Click

"Hello? Hello?" It took Jose all of five seconds to realize that the line was disconnected. Crestfallen the Mexican decided it was best to return to his work as his rage had vacated his body with his most recent orgasm. He cleaned his desk of his fluids making sure to get every little droplet that had erupted its way from deep within him. After cleaning his mess he sat back down only to have the soft cotton padding tickle his massive bull balls once more. Aw fuck, he chided himself, not again. His once flaccid member sprung to life enraged at having been awoken yet again. He didn't want to concede to its demands, but he knew he'd be given little choice. This time he made the decision to grab one of his mandatory seminal rags and placed it over his piss slit. For the next ten minutes he would once again lose himself in self lust stroking his meat stick, building his way to another explosive finish. Over and over he beat himself chastising his own body for making him do this. Jose wished he could be normal, just go back to the way things were before the Great Revelation. Then again, wasn't he always like this? Wasn't his libido always in control of him? Wasn't it always this maddening? Everytime he became aroused it was like molten rock had replaced his blood forcing its way between his legs making him rock hard and longing for more. Just then, a blast of warm creamy goo ejected itself from his gorgon's eye satiating his lustful urges for the time being. For the next few hours he would try desperately to get as much work done as he possibly could, only stopping to ejaculate as absolutely necessary. Six more orgasms later and it was lunch time.

Jose arrived downstairs with no incident of anyone fondling him or manhandling him along the way. He had managed to get in an elevator full of women who only rolled their eyes at his base and uncouth "dressing habits." As he vacated the lift, he could hear a few of them snort their contempt of his lack of garments despite knowing that this was the law. He could swear one of them chided him with a "pervert." Crossing the main lobby, he could feel each slap that his testicles gave him wishing desperately to cover himself as a few men looked at him like how ravenous wolves would look at a raw steak. Suddenly he felt even more exposed than ever before and tried cover his junk with one of his hands sending a tingle through his body. He got in line for the meal that the gourmet chef had prepared for the employees. He could hear the moans and groans coming from dining area as some of his coworkers were already being pounded and sucked. This was a fairly common behavior at this time of day. The Latino tried to mentally drown out the sounds of passions as best as he could eager to keep another embarrassing erection from forming. He spotted his usual cohorts sitting in the corner chowing down on their respective meals. A group of Blacklisters had decided to band together at lunch in an effort to reduce their chances of being sexually assaulted by those who wore clothes. In reality, however, they knew that this would do little to deter such acts from occurring, but it did give them a sense of false security. A slight breeze swept across the groups exposed vulnerable flesh, causing everyone in the group to pop another rager. A few thwaps could be heard as some of the larger pieces hit the underside of the table. Jose turned his head to watch as one of the unlucky few that had been unlucky enough to not sit with their little entourage was getting pounded as he begged for mercy from his attacker.

"Is that Lopez, again?" he inquired in a whispered hush as he tried to ignore the furious stiff one that had formed from the breeze.

"Yeah, poor bastard," came one of his allies' response. "It's his 20th rape this week. I hear his rectal cavity is permanently misshapen."

"I hear only blood comes out his backside now."

"I hear he's been asking for it by teasing the men in his department." A look of disgust and fury impaled the Mid-Easterner at this suggestion. "What? I mean that's what happens, right? I mean we all are naked 24/7 and anything will set off our superiors turning them on which in turn forces them to put us in our place. They're the sexually dominant ones; history and science both prove it. I mean, I'm just saying what everyone here knows to be true."

"Pendejo," one of his colleagues murmured.

Soon Lopez's screams and cries became too much for Jose and his buddies to ignore. They tried forcing themselves to look away and avoiding the scene, but instead stared with all the studious trepidation of watching a train-wreck. They gawked as his attacker, one of the higher ups, slammed into the Blacklister's sweat drenched ass, his legs shoved high into the air. Lopez shrieked, "OH GOD, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP! MAKE IT STOP! HE'S RAPING ME! DON'T JUST SIT THERE - HELP ME!" His attacker pulled his skin flute out of the tight Latino's rectum before slamming it back in. The twenty five year old let out another bloodcurdling scream. Jose grimaced as the shriek rebounded off the walls while everyone pretended not to notice what was happening. He felt powerless, but thankful that no one had decided to rape him as of yet. The man kept on thrashing rhythmically as though there was drum beat that only he could hear. Tears of pain and shame streamed down Lopez's face as his gazed caught Jose's eyes. A look of deep sorrow and despair gleaned in his eyes as he mouthed the word help to the naked Mexican. Jose once again felt powerless to stop what was happening and knew the consequences of interference. Finally the attacker tossed his head up to the ceiling crying out in ecstasy "FUCK YEAH! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! UUUUURGGGHHH!" the man orgasmed deep within the young victim's rectal cavity. Jose shuddered as he finished his meal wishing never to be a victim in his life.

Jose got up bused his own tray trying to forget the events that had just taken place, ignoring heart-breaking mewings that Lopez produced. A jizz janitor came to clean up the puddle Jose and his buddies had left in their wake. The Mexican hadn't taken more than five steps away from the ill defined cafeteria when he was overcome with sexual desire once more. His own one eyed willy had been leaking this entire time and felt as though it would rocket away from his own body. It was so hard and tight, he could feel as the skin around his member strained to hold everything in place. He didn't want to jerk off after what had just happened as it might attract attention that he didn't want or need. He knew that if he didn't whack it immediately, however, it would start to drive him insane. It wasn't that the rape had turned him on, in fact it disgusted him. It was the breeze that had aroused his aching dancer as well as ignoring his longings regardless of what was going on which only had seemed to make it worse. "Looking good Jose," a Celtic looking fellow finger blasted him as he walked past the hunched over mess. He recognized the young man as Kevin, one of the SME's from his floor. The compliment shot straight to his loins causing him to cry out. "See you later stud-muffin!"

The naked Latino started stroking his guy gazpacho maker furiously trying not to cause a scene. He tried so hard to hold in his howls of pleasure but in the end the sensations overtook the better part of discretion. His hands slipped up and down his smizz soaked tool as he was hunched over, his smooth, hairless sugar brown bum pressed to the glass door that led outside. As some of the men came into the building they would whistle and cat call him, mocking him for playing with his piece pipe. He didn't care...he was lost in the throws of ecstasy thinking of only blasting his cock spit. He relished each tug he gave himself and cursed the idea of not waiting until he was back in his office to do this ill mannered act. His moaning and panting increased as he begged some unseen force to release his splooge so he could continue on his way. "Please, please - POR FAVOR! PORFAVOR!" his liquid pollen rocketed forth careening across the white marble ground. Relieved, Jose collapsed to the ground - his stamina rushing back into his body. The sound of clapping broke through his relaxing revelry as he suddenly realized where he was. Standing back up he raced past the security barrier as quickly as the laws of physics would allow and slid into the lift, his bangers and mash smacking against his bare body.

He sheepishly crept into his office hoping no one would notice what had happened or that he was late. In the background Jose could hear the moans of pleasure and ecstasy once more as other Blacklisters were being sexually used. He didn't want another brown rocket to rear its ugly head, but that too was not meant to be. As he climbed into his chair the cottony fabric tugged on his nutsack once more, sending another erotic shiver up his spine. His man meat once again sprung to life asking him once more to play with it. He yearned to do his work and focus on his job, but found it difficult to focus on anything other than his aggravated tube steak. He instinctively placed his hand onto his male pedal this time placing a palm onto the head of the beast. His scooge greased his hand as he ran it over teasing himself and sending waves of delicious bliss back down the shaft. He whimpered as toyed with the thing, his boy batter broiling in his loins. A faint distant pop sounded as he ignored whatever was happening outside his own head. "Yeah, yeah," his eyes closed as he processed each sensation, "do it just the way papi likes it."

It wasn't until the Mexican had finished with self loving that he realized that he was no longer alone. He batted his eyes open as he strained to adjust to the bright lights flickering on. "Hey sexy," came a distinctly masculine voice. "Told-juh I'd see you later. Well guess what? It's later!"

"Uhhhh, Kevin...wh-what's going on man? C-c-can I help you with something?" Jose's anxiety rose in his voice as his eyes darted about trying to find another way out of the room.

"Yeah can. See, I've been watching you prance around the office, teasing me, making me want you. And just know what gets me going. I think you like shaking that fine ass of yours knowing full well that it would drive me wild."

"What? No man, I - I n-n-never wanted -"

"To lead me on? Make me want your smooth hairless cinnamon body? Drive me into a sexual frenzy? Oh but you did - and I think that was your goal. You want me to want need me to want you. You really want to be my play toy."

"P-please, I'm straight - I have a family," Jose protested.

"It's ok daddy...don't worry...I won't take you; not until I've had a taste first." The redhead dropped to floor engulfing the Mexican's brown flaccid penis in his mouth. Jose fought the urge to get hard again trying to think of the least arousing things he could imagine, but to no avail. His employee sucked and slurped his member, sending wave after wave of undying pleasure throughout his body. He let loose a moan as his bone-us became erect-us. Jose didn't want what was happening to him and continued to fight it as every ounce of his willpower as it was drained into the sucker's body. Without realizing it he was soon lost in the throws of passion his penis leaking into the young man's mouth. Kevin pulled back and smiled, "see...told-juh you wanted it."

"No," the Latino argued, "it's just an involuntary reaction to st - ohhhhhhh my god in heaven!" Kevin wrapped his lips back around the livid crotch snake. Deeper and deeper the nudist's ramrod went down the man's mouth. It felt as though the youth's cock gobbler was made from the finest, wettest silk he had ever encountered. It didn't take long before he pumped out some of his signature personal goo causing Kevin to moan on his head. It sent more shivers of pleasure throughout his body as he gave up fighting the sensations that were being heaved upon him.

"See papi? I knew you wanted it!"

Jose sheepishly and begrudgingly agreed, anger starting to worm its way into his brain. "Now for the real fun," the redhead unzipped his pants as gravity yanked them to the floor, revealing his own 8 inch rod. Veins popped out of the shaft as the eye in the purple head directed its wrath at Jose. Kevin bent over unlacing his shoes in an effort to get more comfortable. He tossed off his denim jeans to a corner of the room smiling wickedly at the trembling Mexican. Jose backed up against his desk, "what are you doing?"

"Like I said - we're gonna have fun on the bun! Or rather in the buns!"

"No, please," the Latino swallowed hard. "Anything but that...please!"

"That's it papacito we're gonna play a nice fun game of pin my tail in the Latino." The white guy shoved Jose back into an awkward position as he spread his victim's legs wide. A sharp pain bolted its way up to the caramelcandypop's brain. Jose winced as his employee leaned in, his breath lapping against ear lobe as Kevin jeered, "just the way papi likes!" Another blast of pain cascaded throughout his body causing the victim to howl in agony.

"Ya know...maybe if you didn't dress like a total slut bomb," the Celt teased, "none of this would be happening right now. As it stands however, I have a thing for nude caramel skinned sluts."

Another surge of pain tore through the Latino's bare flesh as another inch penetrated his orifice.

"STOP! STOP! PLEA-AAHHHHHH!" another jolt of pain curtailed his pleas. His attacker snickered with delight to the pain he was causing the man.

"Oh man, you are so FUCKING tight!"


Kevin giggled at the look of suffering he was causing this short athletically built man. Every inch had torn through unwilling bottom's hole. He loooked down to see a little red fluid trickling out his victim's anal cavity. He smiled "'s blood; ain't nothing finer in the world. Lubes the guts...makes them all soft and malleable." Jose panicked at the idea of blood dripping out of his body. He was terrified that his asshole too would be as misshapen as Lopez's would be. He kept shrieking for mercy and help as everyone outside the office door ignored what was taking place. They knew full well that if they interfered it would go badly for them. After all, it was a law that sexual assault, rape, and any other sexually based offenses didn't apply to Blacklisters. Some people just covered their ears while others pretended to engross themselves in their reading material.

Inside, Jose's screams for help ricocheted off the walls almost cancelling themselves out. Had he been taken in the lobby those same screams would have created echoes, taunting him as he was mercilessly assaulted. Pain wracked every nerve in his body as could do nothing but shout himself horse. Seconds felt like hours and hours felt like days as the sound of slapping flesh mixed with his shouts. Finally after what felt like an eternity he could feel something warm and liquid mixing in with the pain. Soon his own one eye demon began splattering his face with his own spicy male fluids. It landed in his hair; it landed upon his face, his mouth, his eyes. Never before had he shot so much spaz sludge in his entire life. The Mexican was drenched with it clinging to his sweat soaked skin like a jealous lover. Kevin leaned over and kissed the man's lips drinking in the fruits of his endeavors. "Yummmmmy... Mexican sauce is the best...with just a hint of chileaño spice!" He let slip the most malicious smile he could conjure.

The once proud Latino manager laid on his desk, a broken shell of his former radiance. Anguish underscored his sobs as he shivered out of brutal misery and fear. Below him, a small puddle of blood congealed on the floor, one of the many remnants of what had just taken place. Every part of his body burned and ached in a hellish agony the likes of which he would have never previously imagined possible. He wanted to open his eyes, but his sticky goo reminded him it was best to keep them shut. As Kevin hiked his pants back up, zipping up his fly a question rumbled in the Mexican's brain. "Am I gay now?"

Kevin shrugged, "don't know...don't care. Let's do this again sometime. Can't wait to try out your other friends."

Next: Chapter 2: Juan

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