
Published on Jun 3, 2022


Blackballed Chapter Two - It's Raining (Black) Men

Blackballed Chapter Two - It's Raining (Black) Men


My usual disclaimers:

* My experiences - images, events, memories, words – flavor my writing. However, this story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental.

* If it is illegal for you to read this story because of your age, location or any other reason, don't read it.

* This work is copyright by the author. Commercial use is prohibited without permission. Please do not republish any parts of this story without consent of the author.

* This story depicts unprotected sex. It's set in 1983, before safe sex practices became common. In real life, be safe! Don't gamble.

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By Colton Aalto


Leo and I headed out on his mission to find black cock, but after we reached Santa Monica Boulevard, he decided it was too early for the Ramrod Annex. Plus, it was still raining and we were soaked pretty good – who in LA owned an umbrella? – so to dry out we diverted into the Rage, which was a couple of doors away from the Ramrod and the Ramrod Annex. The Rage was a big bar, open to the sidewalk on Santa Monica when the weather was nice. It was populated by a young crowd, and it had a reputation as an `S and S' bar – stand and stare.

Inside the Rage, Leo was surprisingly affectionate, finding excuses to keep his hands on me and hold me close. We were almost cuddling like lovers. He'd never been that way with me before, although he always had been with Jamie when they were out on the town. I chalked up Leo's change of behavior to the disruption of Leo and Jamie breaking up earlier in the day.

But I was enjoying being the focus of Leo's attention. I mean, even ignoring the fact that Leo was a certifiable porn star, what gay boy in his right mind wouldn't be psyched about a guy being all over him when the guy was a tall, tan, handsome young blond stud with an awesome body and a 9" cock? My dick certainly enjoyed the scene, staying semi-hard and pressing against my jeans. Leo didn't help matters by periodically groping me and making laughing, suggestive comments. I began to wonder if he'd change his mind about wanting to get blackballed and guide me back to his place and fuck me silly. I knew I'd be helpless to resist.

From the roomful of hungry stares, it was apparent most of the bar patrons recognized Leo. They probably recognized both of us from the porno Leo and I had shot. Although we'd finished filming six months ago, post production took a while and marketing and advertising was only now in full swing. The video's front cover, graced by a prominent picture of Leo and me together, was displayed throughout West Hollywood.

I hated the cover. My hair was messy and I was leaning over Leo's shoulder with a goofy look on my face. In contrast, Leo's hair was uncharacteristically combed and styled and his expression was serious. He was wearing some sort of collegiate letter jacket, and the picture made him look like a sophisticated frat man while I came off as a goofy high school kid, desperately eager for Leo's attention. With our matching blond locks, I looked like Leo's kid brother, which might not have been an accident, because brother-to-brother gay porn was a current fad. Leo was five years older than me, but he didn't look his age, particularly when his curly, white blond hair was tousled like it almost always was. Like it was tonight. Damn, the stud was sexy.

Leo seemed to know everybody in West Hollywood, and while we got smiles and acknowledgments from the Rage crowd, nobody came up to talk to us. The fact that Leo and I were all over each other probably made people think we were fucking each other and that they would be disturbing a soon-to-be intimate coupling of two blond porn studs. It crossed my mind that Leo might be using the occasion to announce publicly that he was single again and ready for action.

One benefit of our porn star status was comped drinks. The trendy bars on Santa Monica competed to be known as the destination of choice for young, hot gay boys. Getting that mantle was priceless advertising for the bar. And if the pretty boys were also porn stars who were known to be well-endowed? All the better. We'd no more than stepped into the Rage when a cute, scantily-clad bar boy appeared to fetch us drinks – on the house, he assured us.

Leo excitedly talked about his latest entrepreneurial idea. He wanted to open a yoga studio and was convinced he could expand it to be a chain with locations all over California. He was enthusiastic and eager, like he always was when he got an idea. Leo had big plans, unlike me. I was interested in little more than making enough dough to pay the rent, feed my gas guzzler and fund some partying. There would be plenty of time later in life to worry about a career beyond taking off my clothes and using my well-endowed cock to make money. But Leo always had grander goals.

I discounted something as esoteric as yoga ever becoming popular. Not in America, land of donuts, Doritos and dessert. But I could never dismiss Leo's insights. It was Leo who had lured me into the gym, claiming that in a few years muscles on gay boys would be in, and sure enough, in the time I'd been hitting the gym, it seemed like more and more gay boys joined. After complaining nonstop for a month about working out, I'd actually gotten to like it. It was sort of like reading the Times. Once I adjusted to the routine, I loved it.

Leo babbling about yoga gave me a chance to survey the bar crowd. Not bad, not great. If I'd been the market, I could have made do, but Leo had claimed me for the night. I wasn't regretting my choice.

The bar boy serving us was cheerfully attentive the entire time we were in the place. He openly flirted enough to make clear he was hoping we'd hit him up for a three-way. The kid certainly had `I'm available' written all over his smooth young face. He had curly black hair that was on the long side and a hunky little body, but what drew my attention was the kid's ass. He had a perfect bubble butt. The short shorts and cropped T-shirt he wore displayed his slender waist and tight stomach to perfection, along with glutes that jutted from his ass like overblown balloons. The kid was Latin, which was always a turn on for me, so I admit I was tempted. Very tempted. A rendezvous with the cute little boy later in the week might be really hot.

I loved breeding dark Latin fuck holes. Hell, I loved getting seeded by dark Latin fuck poles, too. The bar boy was on the short side, probably no more than 5'8". But that was the height of a lot of porn stars. Leo and I were unusual because we were tall – I was 6'2" and Leo was 6'. The average gay male porn star was at least 6" shorter than I was. On screen, it's hard to tell how tall a guy is when he's rolling around in bed with another man. The prevalence of shorter guys in porn was due to a singular, simple fact – a big dick looks much bigger juxtaposed next to a small frame. My 9 inches looked big on screen, but if I'd been a slender 5'8" like the bar boy, my cock would have looked humongous.

While it was fun contemplating hooking up with the bar boy, I probably wouldn't do it. The problem with hustling for a living is that you can't hop on every hot boy who comes by and still perform for paying customers. Hustlers who were bottoms had it easier. A power bottom could take dozen cocks in a day and at worst have a sore ass. With my 9" tool, johns wanted me to fuck their asses or at least shoot in their mouths. I had juicy balls – okay, they were overactive and produced huge amounts of spunk, and on a good day climaxing three or four times was nothing. But pushing it beyond three or maybe four climaxes got tough.

After a couple of drinks, Leo calculated that it was late enough to head to the Ramrod Annex, whispering to me, "The big black cocks in our future are about to appear." So much for my speculation that he might change his mind about our destination. As we exited the Rage, I left the bar boy a big tip – no reason not to make the kid to remember me fondly. I liked having options if I changed my mind about balling him. Who knew? I might be unclaimed some night when the kid got off work after bars closed. I'd love to see the bar boy's curly head in my crotch as he sucked me, hear him whimper and moan as I penetrated him, and feel his tight ass clamped around my cock as I got my rocks off in his fuck hole. Thinking about his plump boy butt and my cock stabbing it got me a little hard. Maybe I'd check him out after all.

On Wednesdays, the bars on Santa Monica were on the slow side, and on this particular Wednesday, the crowds were further deterred by the nasty weather. When we arrived at the Annex, it was barely half full. Still, it was more populated than it would have been on Monday or Tuesday.

We were barely inside the dark bar, waiting for our eyes to adjust to the dim light, when I heard a deep voice say, "Hey, hot stuff, what's happening?"

At first I thought it was someone who recognized one of us from the porn films, but the voice belonged to Cory, a young black guy I filmed a pool scene with only two weeks ago. He was a skinny stud with a big cock and a smooth, handsome face. His afro wasn't super big, but was still bushy. I'd liked him and we got along while filming. He seemed like a nice guy.

When I first discovered that Cory was in the cast and we were doing a scene together, I assumed he'd be topping, although I'd never been cast as a bottom. Despite my blond hair, my 9" dick and rough guy tattoo had so far consigned me to topping status. But I assumed blond boys did not fuck black boys in mainstream gay porn, and given Cory was black and hung, I was convinced my run of topping on film would come to an end.

The scene was a three-way with another blond guy, Eric, who was a hot bottom, so it wasn't surprising that Cory and I had both topped Eric at the beginning of the shoot. But then, as Cory and Eric were 69ing on their sides next to the pool, the director told me to slide my cock into Cory's ass. Not normal porn fare for a blond boy to fuck a hung black man, but I wasn't going to complain or give the director a chance to change his mind, because the black stud pumping Eric's mouth had a great body.

Cory was a great fuck, although his ass was not that tight. That made me wonder if he bottomed for some of his black friends with big cocks and they'd stretched him out. That was a silly stereotype, for sure. Cory took my cock with no complaints, something that seldom happened with the white boys I topped in front of the cameras. There was no hint in the films, but some boys had to be opened up gradually, for what seemed like an hour, before they could finally take my big piece in front of the cameras.

After the filming concluded, Eric, Cory and I hung around the pool along with a really young kid named Chuck who'd been filmed whacking off while spying on our three-way action. Chuck made no secret about wanting to hook up with me. The kid was 18 but barely looked 16. I was surprised the director even cast him, because Chuck looked like jail bait and porn directors were reluctant to give anyone reason to suspect they used underage actors. Chuck was way too young for me, so I gently put him off. But he apparently wasn't too young for Eric, and as the afternoon wore on, it was increasingly apparent that Eric was up for a little boy fun.

Cory was great to be with. He was very matter-of-fact about how black men were objectified and stereotyped, and cracked me up with his jokes. He dropped a couple of hints about how hot my ass was and how I owed him a go at my butt. I thought he might suggest partying later that night, but as it got close to sunset, he laughed that he'd better split because a black man in the neighborhood after dark was sure to be arrested. I was disappointed to see him go. I hadn't seen him since that afternoon at the pool.

"Hey, whassup, Cory?" I answered.

"Jus' hanging, Lan," Cory replied. A devilish look crossed his handsome face and he added, "Aaannnd, wondering where you been keeping your big, white ass buster and, more importantly, where you been hiding this awesome bubble butt." Cory pulled me into a hug as if we were long lost friends, taking the opportunity to grab my ass like he was going to throw me on the ground and fuck me.

I introduced Leo, saying, "Uh, Cory, this is Leo. Leo, Cory." They shook hands, Leo glancing at me with a bemused look as if to say, `Yeah, you claim you've never had black cock, but the first time we walk into the Ramrod Annex you know everybody in the joint and they're talking about your ass.'

Seeing Leo's look, I hastened to offer an explanation, "So, uh, Cory and I filmed a scene with Eric at the beginning of the summer." Realizing that Leo would naturally assume Cory topped, I stumbled to add, "Eric and I turned Cory into a white bread sandwich." Cory laughed at my characterization but Leo gave me a knowing smile and nodded as if to say, `yeah, on screen you topped and in the backroom Cory was using your lily-white ass as a cum dump.' I don't know why I cared. Leo was aware that, despite my porn and hustling role of topping, my ass was open to pretty much any hot guy who wanted it, but I didn't want him to think I had lied about never being fucked by a black man.

"Yeah, you owe me for that," Cory replied with a smirk. "Big time. The blond bottom had a hot ass, though. Fucking hot." He leaned forward and whispered to me, "But not as hot as your sweet ass. You got me in that film, but now it's payback time, white boy." I don't know if Leo heard him, but Cory's smile left no doubt that he assumed Leo and I were in the Annex for the same reason that every other white boy was there. Which, of course, we were. I was a little embarrassed, but I don't know why. Cory put an exclamation point on his statement by slapping my ass and leering at me.

Cory introduced us to a couple of his friends. Two of the guys looked really young and I wondered how they'd gotten into the bar. I didn't know if they did porn videos like Cory, but both were hot enough that they could. They were clean shaven like Cory, which was unusual among black men. One of the guys, Jay, had cut his hair in a short buzzcut, while Cott had let his hair grow into long dreadlocks. Jay's coal black skin made his teeth and eyes stand out like beacons. He was massive, at least 6'5" and with the biggest chest and arm muscles I had seen in a long time. The other young guy, Cott, was slender and light skinned. He could have passed for being white, particularly with his eerie, pale green eyes, which made him look exotic. Cory's fourth friend was older, and had a big afro, a trimmed beard and a major gut. I thought Cory introduced him as Ransom, but I couldn't tell for sure given the din of the bar.

In the summer of 1983, blacks wearing black was in, and each of the four men was dressed in some shade of black. Ransom was in a tight tank top. He was the one guy in the group who shouldn't have been in a tight shirt. Or a tank top. Cott had a billowy, long-sleeved shirt. If the shirt had buttons, they were unused, as Cott's chest was exposed down to his bellybutton, offering a hard-to-resist invitation to slip a hand inside and cop a feel of his tight abs. The contrast between Cott's black shirt and his Café-au-Lait skin was striking.

Cory wore a charcoal gray polo shirt that was on the tight side and made his shoulder and arm muscles stand out in an impressive way. He was a black version of preppy, if that was a category. Jay's black, short-sleeved shirt had epaulets on the shoulders, which, along with his short hair, gave the muscle man a military look. He held himself rigidly, as if standing at attention, which made me think he might be a soldier.

Cory disappeared to get us drinks, bringing back a couple of beers. The six of us chit-chatted, Leo quieter than customary and looking bored. I scanned the Annex, getting knowing looks from the crowd, both black and white. With our bleached blond hair, Leo's bright yellow polo and my tight, baby blue shirt, we stood out amid the sea of black men dressed in black. We looked like misplaced Easter eggs.

Cory was trying to convince Jay and Cott to do porn work. We talked about making porn videos, and Cory described a film he shot in a bath house in San Francisco. "I never was into white boy ass until I shot this film in San Francisco. They paired me with a red headed kid who went down on me on the dance floor and gave some damn fine head. After that the director nodded toward a side room and said, `You know what to do.' That was all I needed. I took the carrottop into the room and fucked the shit out of him. Kid didn't know what hit him. I don't think he had ever had that much cock inside him. Complained that he'd be sore for a week, but the director told him to shut the fuck up and take it `cuz he was getting paid good money. Kid had a nice, tight ass, though, and I loved how he squirmed beneath me and moaned as I fucked him silly. Only porn video that kid ever filmed. But I've kinda been into white boy butts ever since." Cory slipped a hand behind me and, snickering, grabbed my ass cheek and slipped his fingers into my crack for emphasis.

Cory bought us three or four rounds of beers, a waiter bringing them more or less constantly. I sipped while Leo glugged. He drank half of my beer, which I didn't mind given we'd already had drinks at Leo's house and again at the Rage. On Wednesday night both the Ramrod and the Annex offered twenty-five cent draws, and, attracted by cheap drinks and the hot throng that came for the booze, a crowd soon filled the bar. I guess Cory figured that a buck of cheap beer was the price for my ass. He didn't know that for the right man, my ass could be had for less than that.

I scanned the crowd. The black men in the bar were staring at our group with undisguised interest. At the Rage, if you caught a guy looking at you, he'd look away quickly, pretending he hadn't been staring, or perhaps give you an embarrassed smile, hoping you'd show some interest. At the Ramrod Annex, men stared without a hint of embarrassment, daring you to look them in the eye, daring you to submit to them.

I noticed Cott was wearing fingerless gloves. Almost like weightlifting or cycling gloves. With his long sleeves, the gloves weren't that noticeable at first. I wondered why he was decked out that way. Probably a fashion statement that would become trendy among white boys in a few months.

Cory kept pulling me close and holding me against his body. He stayed behind me with his hands wrapped around my chest and stomach, fondling my tits and pressing his semi-hard cock into my ass crack. "You feel that cock pushing against your hot butt, Lan?" Cory whispered in my ear, "it's been waiting two weeks so see your white ass come around again. Nuttin' gonna stop that cock from getting in your ass later, baby." He directed one of my hands behind me, sliding it inside the waistband of his jeans. He was going commando, not wearing any underwear, and his dick was already wet with pre-cum. It felt spongy and massive in my hand. "Oh, yeah," Cory gasped. "Get a good feel, baby. My big black cock is getting ready for your tight white ass, pretty boy. I'm gonna fucking ride you into tomorrow!" I held a beer with one hand and his big dong with the other. Both were destined to end up inside me.

Weird. Leo had cuddled and been all over me in the Rage, and now Cory was doing the same thing in the Annex. With, of course, the added attraction of shoving one of my hands into his pants and providing a graphic explanation of how he was going to fuck me. In the Rage, Leo hadn't been serious. He was merely playing. But Cory was dead serious and planning exactly how he'd use me.

There was another thing going on, too. Gazing around the Annex, I realized Cory was marking me as his possession for the night, letting everyone else in his group and in the entire bar know that I was taken and off limits. Like an animal in heat, he was marking me as his territory. He owned me. I wasn't complaining. As long as Leo was intent on the two of us taking black cocks, I could do a lot worse than the hot porn star humping my ass. Hell, even if Leo hadn't been intent on getting blackballed, I'd be hard pressed to do better than a fuck night with Cory. I'd never really contemplated hanging out in the Annex, but I might have to start checking it out.

There was a lull in the conversation and Ransom used the opportunity to ask pointedly, "So, what you boys looking for in here tonight?" As if the answer wasn't obvious. He probably just wanted to hear us say it.

"Just in the mood to party," Leo said brightly, suddenly paying attention to the conversation. He licked his lips slowly. "But this scene is kinda boring. We should move this party someplace where we can really get it on. You guys got a place?"

"Yeah, I do," Cory answered enthusiastically. Leo and Ransom exchanged long stares, almost challenging each other. Cott and Jay downed their beers, signaling they were ready to leave. They were clearly happy to sign up for duty and get some action.

As we left the Annex, Leo whispered to me, "The big-dicked blond boys are bottoming, baby. Blackballed by big black cocks." He was almost singing and it sounded like he was reciting a nursery rhyme.

We piled into Cory's car, which was a big old boat that Cory called his pimpmobile. Ransom took the front with Cory, while Jay, Cott, Leo and I crammed into the back. Leo and I were in the middle, and Leo didn't waste any time, feeling up both Cott and Jay and finally bending over my lap so he could suck Jay's cock. Leo rubbed his ass against Cott's crotch while he deep throated Jay. I felt like a fifth wheel and passed the time sucking on a joint Ransom passed me. Cory kept looking at me hungrily in the rearview mirror.

I was a little worried as Cory wound his way into south LA, not a great neighborhood for two white boys. But I felt reasonably comfortable that Cory would take care of us. He seemed to like me and clearly had claimed my ass. And yeah, I was totally into taking a black cock, particularly after Leo's rave reviews earlier in the night.

Jay stuffed his rod back in his jeans as we walked from Cory's car into his house, but as soon as we were inside, Leo was back at it, pulling Jay's cock out and going down on him. I couldn't quite believe how big Jay was. The fucker had a massive snake between his legs that almost seemed alive. Jay moaned as his fuck pole stiffened and disappeared down Leo's expert throat. It never ceased to amaze me that the guy could deep throat almost any cock, seemingly without a struggle.

Cory pulled me into an embrace and started French kissing me, saying, "Oh, yeah, even before I saw you fucking Eric next to the pool I was wanting to do you." He made a move to pull me into the bedroom, but before we got there, Ransom announced, "This works out just right. Four white holes – two mouths and two asses – and four black cocks. Get your boy's clothes off, Cory." Cory hesitated, apparently not keen on sharing me, but he gave in. We stayed in the living room and Cory pulled my polo shirt over my head and dropped my jeans and underwear. Meanwhile, Ransom and Jay stripped Leo, although Leo kept right on working Jay's cock, which looked like an enormous black python sliding down his throat. Jay had humongous black eggs that were slapping against Leo's chin as Leo demonstrated his cocksucking talents.

Ransom, Jay and Cory shucked their clothes, too. I knew Cory had a smooth chest from shooting the porn video with him. Ransom's chest was furry. It was hard to tell what Jay's chest was like – other than it was massive and muscular. He was standing in front of a floor lamp, and between being backlit and having coal black skin, I couldn't tell whether he smooth as a baby's butt or his chest sported a black forest.

Cott didn't seem to know what to make of the scene, standing near the door and squeezing his cock beneath his jeans but not joining in. Leo was on his hands and knees with a glassy look on his face and Jay, after helping Ransom strip Leo, resumed pumping his cock into Leo's mouth. Ransom moved behind Leo, fisting his dick and slapping Leo's ass. Ransom snarled, "Yeah, gonna have me a nice white bitch boy ass." Ransom's cock was mostly hidden by his hairy belly, but I could tell he wasn't that big. He'd be lucky to be 6". He spat on Leo's ass, working his spit into Leo's hole with his dick.

Meanwhile, Cory pushed me over the back of a big armchair and was eating my ass with abandon, rimming me and sticking his tongue as far inside my hole as he could. Shit. I didn't think I'd ever gotten tongue fucked like Cory was doing me. He was moaning and telling me how much he was turned on by my ass during our porn shoot. "Damn," he said, "I knew when I saw how hot your butt was while you were fucking that blond boy next to the pool that sooner or later I was going to have your ass."

"Better get into the action, Cott," Ransom announced. "Celebratin' your 19th birthday tonight, but that mean it's way past time you bred your first white boy. Jay only a month older than you and he was doing white boy pussy when he only 15. Not every day you have two pretty blond bitches to fuck. Blond boys are the best. They love black dick." Cott was still standing by himself rubbing his crotch, staring wide-eyed at the mini orgy that had broken out in front of him. More from peer pressure than anything else, Cott stripped off his clothes, carefully taking off his gloves as if he was getting ready to go to work. In a sense, he was.

I was surprised that Cott had a distinctive tan line on his biceps and another, fainter one that ran just below his waist. It had never occurred to me that a black man could get a tan, but I suppose Cott was light skinned enough that he could. Cory, Jay and Ransom were dark enough that they wouldn't have that issue.

What surprised me even more were Cott's feet, dick and balls. His feet were gigantic. He must have worn something like size 16 shoes. As for his cock, it wasn't thick, nothing like Jay's cock or even Cory's, but while it was thin, it was freakishly long. Set off against his slender frame, Cott's dick looked like it was a fucking foot long. Below his long snake hung a smooth, low-hanging ball sac and two big eggs. To say Cott's heavy balls were low-hangers doesn't quite capture the scene. I swear they dangled farther below his cock than any nut sac I'd ever seen. His balls looked like they weighed a ton and were full of jizz.

Ransom slapped Leo's ass some more, calling him a white slut and a bitch boy. Leo pulled off Jay's pole long enough to say, "I've been fucked by enough black cock to be trained to crave it. Just get your boner in my hole and fuck my ass." Ransom seemed taken aback by Leo's power bottom attitude, but he wasted no time in penetrating Leo and beginning to ride the blond prince of porn. Ransom's belly was resting on Leo's back as his black cock slithered in and out of Leo's ass. "Oh, yeah, fuck my ass," Leo groaned. "Open it up. Breed me like the whore for black cock that I am." Still working Jay's cock with his mouth, Leo reached back to spread his ass cheeks to invite Ransom farther inside him.

Cory broke off his tongue bath and I felt some slimy lube on my hole as Cory whispered in my ear, "Oh, yeah, I can't wait to get inside your tight white ass. You know how much I like white porn boy pussy, and your ass is incredible." He pressed the head of his cock against my hole and it slipped inside me. I gasped. Cory wasn't small. Fortunately, my night of drinking and smoking weed left my senses deadened.

Cory exclaimed, "Oh fuck, that's tight." He pulled out, giving my ass a moment to relax, and then pressed ahead. His cock breached my hole again, and began to slip farther and farther inside me, splitting my ass apart. I was getting horse fucked. And damn if it didn't feel good. I was ready and eager for my first black breeding.

Leaning over the back of the chair as Cory mounted me, I saw Cott staring at me, both hands working his cock. For some odd reason, I suddenly felt sorry for him, standing like a wallflower. I nodded for him to come over. He licked his lips, staring at me, but a few moments later he strode toward me, strutting with a swagger.

"You want this, white boy?" Cott said as he approached, slowly stroking his long dong. Up close, I saw the stud's thick veins, which were so pronounced they threatened to pop out of his skin. The veins laced his arms and legs and even his big tool.

"Yeah, give it to me," I replied, groaning as Cory's big tool split my ass. I took Cott's cock into my hand, feeling his rigid, veiny shaft. Big cocks don't always get rock hard, but Cory was like a steel pipe. He was uncut, like me, and as I pulled his foreskin back over the head of his cock, a big glob of pre-cum appeared in his piss slit. I licked it up, then started tonguing his cock, taking more and more of it down my throat.

Soon my nose was buried in Cott's kinky pubes. The black teen's caramel skin was totally smooth; his long dreadlocks were joined only by a few wispy hairs in his pits, some light fuzz on his shins, and a surprisingly bushy bed of pubes. I looked up from my work on Cott's long sausage to see him gazing at me with a shocked look on his face. I think he was holding his breath as I sucked him.

For a while, there was no sound other than the slapping noise caused by Ransom fucking Leo and Cory's legs hitting my butt as he ground his cock into my ass. Damn. Cory was working my hole good. There was something weirdly erotic about seeing Leo getting spit-roasted while the same thing happened to me. The scene would have made a damn fine porn shoot.

Cott's long black prong slithered down my throat while Cory manhandled my ass, pounding into me with deep thrusts that were turning increasingly brutal. Fuck. Maybe Leo was right about black men knowing how to fuck an ass. Cory's big prick was hitting my prostate just right and making my hole sing. My cock was hard as a rock, not that anyone seemed to have noticed. But it was kinda hot, knowing that four black men were treating Leo and me as if our sole mission was to service their cocks with our holes. It was, of course, what Leo and I had signed up for.

"Fuck, yeah!" Cory spat, making me moan as he plundered my hole.

Cott was relaxing and getting into having his cock sucked. Hell, what teenaged boy didn't like a blow job? "Suck that cock, bitch," he snarled, ramming his dick into my face.

Meanwhile, Ransom abused Leo's ass with short, quick jabs from his cock while Jay hovered over Leo. The massive mountain of black muscle watched his giant python sink into Leo's mouth while waiting his turn to ride some blond boy butt. Ransom's efforts on Leo's butt soon paid off, and the bearded black man shot first, yelling, "Fuck, bitch, take my cum!" as he blew his load into Leo's ass. As soon as Ransom withdrew, Leo pulled off Jay's cock and said, "Get that big black cock in my ass! Fuck me! Fuck me like a slut!"

Jay smiled, his white teeth standing out on his face. He slapped his black monster across Leo's tanned face and snarled, "You want my motherfucking cock, don't you, white boy? You want me to rape your tight white ass?"

Leo stared into the stud's eyes and murmured, "Yes sir! Breed my worthless pussy." Leo had done this before, I thought. Maybe he was merely reciting a line from one of his porn videos, but I thought not. I was seeing an aspect of Leo that I hadn't detected before.

Jay turned Leo around, slapping his ass so hard that it left a red mark and the sound reverberated throughout the room. Leo let out a gasping grunt, and Jay followed with four or five more blows, making Leo's pale white ass cheeks turn bright red. I began to wonder if things were going to get out of hand.

Jay grabbed Leo's hair, wrenching his head back and hissing in Leo's ear. "Tell me how much you want it, bitch."

"Fuck me. Make me your white boy bitch. Make me squeal," Leo gasped.

"You got it, whitey," Jay growled with a laugh. Still holding Leo by his hair, Jay aimed his cock at Leo's hole. With a sudden thrust, Jay rammed his cock into Leo's ass. Leo grimaced and yelled.

Jay hesitated, but Ransom egged him on, saying, "Yeah, fuck the white whore. Let him know what a big black cock feels like inside his bitch white ass. Teach him what it mean to be owned by da man." That was all the encouragement Jay needed, because soon he was banging away on Leo's hole as Ransom watched with a grin. Leo, meanwhile, was gasping and moaning as Jay bred his lily-white ass. I couldn't tell if the blond porn superstar was in pain, in ecstasy or both. But whichever it was, Leo wanted it.

Cory didn't last much longer than Ransom. As Jay's black monster pummeled Leo, Cory started to fuck me at a frantic pace, ramming his cock into my hole and pulling almost all of the way out before shoving in again. I was having trouble giving Cott a decent blow job because my body kept jumping and jerking as Cory rammed me. Cory bent over me and I felt his smooth, sweaty skin against my back. His big black hands grabbed my neck as he came. I felt Cory's cum gush into my ass, and he panted and moaned, "Oh God yes, fuck!"

Cory stayed in me a long time, slumped over my back and pumping my ass with little thrusts from his cock. I kept at Cott's long pole with my mouth. Ransom, tired of watching Jay ram his huge dick into Leo's ass, said to Cott. "Now's your chance, boy. Cory just opened that white bitch's ass up for your cock. You're gonna get your first piece of boy hole. Ride that white boy good. Teach him what it's like to serve da man."

Cott moved behind me, replacing Cory, and slowly began to slide his cock into my ass. He wasn't as thick as Cory, and at first I didn't think I'd have a problem taking his black rod. But as he pushed farther and farther inside me, he hit bottom and it hurt. Cott was careful, however, and he gradually opened me up until he was all the way in. I was pretty sure I had never had a cock that far inside me.

Cott began pumping slowly, but soon was gripping my hips, slamming into my hole, and grunting each time his cock split my ass. I might have been the first boy Cott fucked, but I had the sense I wouldn't be his last. His happy groans sounded more and more confident. "Take that cock, bitch," he growled.

Jay was still pounding Leo's butt, but Leo was now flat on the floor. He had raised his ass enough to give Jay an easy target and Leo was rubbing his big boner against Cory's bare wood floors each time Jay's thick black python sank into him. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Leo suddenly announced. "Fuck me harder! Fuck that ass!" he added breathlessly.

Jay took Leo up on the offer and thrust his dick into Leo's boy pussy with quick series of violent, staccato bursts. "Oh, fuck!" Leo moaned. For a moment, I saw his balls emptying, spraying cum on the floor. Leo shot without touching himself, although he'd been sliding his cock against the floor, so I didn't think it technically counted as a hands-free climax. His dick spent, Leo collapsed on the ground with a shudder and a glazed look on his face.

Cory moved in front of me and dangled his semi-hard, cum-soaked black fuck stick in front of my face. "We're even now, white boy. But not for long. Why don't you give me a little head and get me ready to fuck your sweet ass again?" I opened my mouth and Cory put a hand on either side of my head, sliding his big cock into my mouth. I tasted a heady mixture of his cum and my ass and soon the lanky black boy was face fucking me as Cott rutted in my ass. I was in the middle of a black boy spit-roast again.

Leo and I took our second loads of cum at almost the same time. Cott and Jay both yelled and Cott's dick spasmed and unloaded in my hole. Leo was completely smothered by Jay's big body, and as his cock shot, Jay was ramming Leo so hard that I figured when tomorrow morning rolled around, Leo would probably feel like he'd gotten the shit beat of him.

Jay pulled out of Leo's hole and Leo was out after that, breathing evenly but flat on the floor. A tiny stream of Jay's white cum dripped from Leo's pale ass, and a smear of Leo's own cum was visible on the floor beneath his stomach.

Cory didn't cut me any breaks after Cott's climax. He pulled his cock from my mouth and whispered, "I'm gonna take your ass again, baby. Your butt is too fucking good." He got behind me and drove his cock into my hole, still wet and sloppy from two loads of black nut.

Not surprisingly, Cory's second climax took longer than his first. Actually, it took a lot longer and my ass was getting sore when he finally shot his load. Ransom, Jay and Cott started out watching Cory fuck me, but before long Ransom was out of it, either passed out or sleeping. Jay, however, moved close enough to the action that I filled in the detail about his massive chest. It was smooth. He'd worked up a sweat drilling Leo's butt, and his glistening obsidian skin looked like he'd just stepped out of the shower or oiled up. He was a black sex god, and he played with his big black cock the entire time Cory fucked me.

As soon as Cory pulled out, Jay moved behind me and said, "I'm taking your ass, bitch." No ask, just a statement of what was going to happen. I was about to get the same treatment that had left Leo passed out on the floor.

I needed a change of position after getting fucked three times doggy style, so I said, "Fuck me on my back." Jay didn't respond, and for a second I thought he was going to ignore me. Maybe he liked it doggy style. But he quickly flipped me over, hoisting my legs on his shoulders. But rather than getting on his knees and entering me horizontally, Jay remained standing and raised my ass with his big, muscular arms. He managed to hold my legs and at the same time angle his butt buster into my hole. With a sudden thrust, he pile-drove his cock into me, causing me to gasp.

Fuck, the guy's cock was huge! Not quite as long as Cott's, but close. And the thing was fat. My hole was stretched to the max, and my anus registered an angry complaint about being forced so far open.

Jay stood the entire time he fucked me, holding my hips with his strong arms and letting my head and shoulders rest on the chair. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled up a little as he thrust into me, my ass meeting his slamming cock. The room sounded like someone was getting the shit beat of them, which was a roughly accurate characterization of what was happening.

Jay knew how to fuck. I could only guess at how many cunts and assholes had hosted his black ramrod, but my butt was likely only the latest in a long line. Ransom said Jay was fucking white boys when he was only 15, four years ago. But despite his early start, maybe Jay hadn't gotten into that many holes. I knew from my own experiences that boys and especially girls got scared when the fantasy of sex with a hung guy turned into the reality being penetrated by a huge dick. Maybe Jay hadn't fucked constantly since he hit puberty. But if not, he was a natural. He used his black pole as an assault weapon, pummeling my ass for a long time.

Leo was still out on the floor and Ransom began snoring, sprawled out on Cory's couch. Cott and Cory watched Jay ball me, stroking their black dicks. "Fuck yeah, bitch like black dick, don't he?" Cott grinned.

Jay finally blasted his load in my chute and slowly dropped me to the chair. His massive prong slipped from my hole. Midnight black, glistening and coated with cum, I couldn't quite believe the now semi-hard slab of meat had been all the way inside me. My ass had to be a gaping hole.

But while my ass might have been stretched to the max, it wasn't off duty. Cott and Cory hadn't waited while Jay pummeled me merely to enjoy the live sex show. Instead, they were keen on yet another pass at my hole. Cott went first, his slender body and long dong replacing Jay's massive frame and fat prick. Cott forced my knees all the way up to my head, positioning my ass for easy entry. He stared at me with an intense look in his green eyes. Unlike his first excursion into my ass, this time Cott didn't go slowly and cautiously. He rammed his long dong into my abused hole, causing me to whimper involuntarily.

"Yeah, bitch," Cott snarled. "Your ass was made to take black cock. Whore for me, slut. Whore for my black dick. I own your faggot ass!" Cott bent over me and began piston-fucking my ass, his long dreads covering my face. I was rolled into a white ball with a black lance puncturing me like a pin cushion.

Cott pounded my ass relentlessly, finally juicing my hole with his second load of spunk. As he climaxed, he let loose a guttural growl that sounded like the gloating cry of an animal after chasing down and conquering its prey. The birthday boy obviously enjoyed the repeat visit to his first boy butt.

Meanwhile, despite having seeded me twice already, Cory had worked his big dick into a stiff erection as he watched Jay and then Cott fuck me. As soon as Cott pulled his dripping dong from my hole, Cory was back inside my cum dump.

"Damn, that one sloppy white ass, baby," he sighed happily. "Fuck yeah! I knew you'd be a hot fuck. Your ass is perfect for black dick. You like this, don't you? Too many white boys get whiny after the first fuck, but you're good for it." I wasn't certain how good I was for it. My butt was getting raw. But Cory's dick was playing my prostate like a violin, so raw or not, I didn't want him to stop.

Cory bent over me the way Cott had, but unlike Cott, Cory clamped his big puffy lips on my mouth and kissed me as he balled my butt. I wrapped my hands around his back, feeling his muscles tense and his glutes flex each time he thrust his cock into my hole. We were both hot and sweaty.

I couldn't resist pulling Cory deeper into me. Cory gave me an appreciative moan, breaking our kiss long enough to say, "Those porn directors have you cast all wrong. With your big dick, they got you topping when you should be the bottom boy in a non-stop orgy. You are one horny white boy. Jus' like I like."

Cory slipped a hand around my dick, which had been hard most of the night. It was slippery with precum and I let out a surprised gasp. Cory murmured, "Yeah, baby, I'm gonna fuck the cum out of your big white dick." Stroking me four or five times while he thrust his cock into my ass was all it took. I shot wave after wave of thick jizz, covering my chest and stomach with cum ribbons. Cory panted triumphantly, "Yeah, white boy loves black cock in his tight ass."

By the time Cory pumped his third load of the night into my hole, I was exhausted. My ass had been used nonstop for hours. It was a sloppy cesspool of jizz that had been churned into cum butter by three big black cocks. My chest was sweaty and smeared with my own spunk. I smelled like a cum factory.

Leo had gotten off easy, only two fucks, while I had taken six loads in my ruined hole. Plus, Leo had the advantage of taking the guy with the smallest cock first, meaning his hole had gotten opened up nicely before he had to take Jay's monster. I had started with a horse hung black porn star before graduating to the long-dicked Cott and then taking the massive black dong between Jay's thick thighs. And the whole fucking adventure had been Leo's idea!


One more chapter of this encounter to come. If you liked it, drop me an email!

For those who are interested, I have a few other stories/serials on Nifty; search for "Colton" under prolific authors. You can also search for "Colton Aalto" using the Nifty Archive Search button: (
Warning: I jump around in different Nifty categories, so you'll find a bit of everything.

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2017

Next: Chapter 3

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