
Published on May 26, 2022


Blackballed Chapter One - It Never Rains in California

Blackballed Chapter One - It Never Rains in California


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* My experiences - images, events, memories, words – flavor my writing. However, this story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental.

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By Colton Aalto


West Hollywood, 1983

The sun always shines in California... except this was one of those days when it wasn't shining. The weather was improbably rainy and cold. I'd gone to the gym and worked out earlier in the day, but with the rain continuing to pound down, I was cooped up in my apartment for the duration. I didn't really mind the down time, as it gave me a chance to settle in with The New York Times.

I'd inherited the subscription to the Times along with my apartment. A couple of months ago, Chad, the guy who'd lived in the apartment before me, suddenly got an offer he couldn't refuse and wanted to move out right away. But he was only a month into a year's lease. I was happy to take over the lease. Cheap apartments were hard to find. Chad told me he had to blow the apartment manager – twice – to convince the manager to let me move in, but Chad said he didn't mind because the guy had an awesome dick. Chad's revelation was good information in case I ever had a problem with the manager and needed to resort to extraordinary efforts.

Chad hadn't changed the delivery address for the Times when he moved out. He didn't leave a forwarding address, either. I let his mail collect for a couple of months before trashing it.

At first I read Chad's copy of the Times to – ironically – kill time. My dual jobs as a part time porn actor and full time gay hustler meant I had plenty of free time on my hands, particularly during the day. I could only work out so much at the gym, and hustling on Santa Monica Boulevard was seldom worthwhile except at night and the early evenings. Except on weekends, when there was good action during the afternoons.

After reading the Times for a couple of months, I'd gotten into it and I now poured over it religiously. I figured the Times would stop being delivered when the bill wasn't paid or when Chad got around to changing the mailing address. Chad might never bother. He'd vacated the apartment to live with a sugar daddy, so when Chad left he was anticipating a pampered life of luxury. Maybe Chad was reading daddy's copy of the Times. When Chad's subscription stopped, I'd have to decide whether to renew it. I probably would, despite having been a California boy my entire life. I looked forward to an hour or two a day reading the paper and keeping up on the news.

The Times subscription wasn't the only thing Chad left me. Chad turned tricks – that's how we knew one another – and I essentially got his little black book when his sugar daddy took him off the street. A steady stream of johns dropped by the apartment or called the telephone – I hadn't changed the number – and I quickly filled the void that Chad created when he stopped servicing cock. Well, Chad hadn't stopped servicing cock, but as a kept boy he'd merely gone exclusive.

The men showing up at Chad's apartment were amusingly predictable. As soon as I opened at the door, they'd frown and wonder if they had the right address. After a hasty double check of the apartment number, their eyes quickly turned back to me. Tall, tan, young and well built, I caught their attention with my big brown eyes, friendly smile and surfer blond hair that covered my ears.

Okay, something else caught their attention, too. My naked torso and ample package. My first boyfriend insisted that I go shirtless whenever possible, so I had gotten into the habit of never wearing a shirt when I was home. And to advertise the goods better, I never wore underwear, either. Go commando if you want to put it on display. Inevitably the men who thought they were calling on Chad fixated on my smooth, bare chest and abs and their eyes drifted down to my junk.

They noticed the tattoo on my left bicep, too. It was a big cat done mostly in black ink, with a little red as an accent. Tats weren't that common in the early '80's and it gave me a boy-from-the-other-side-of-the-tracks look. Without the tattoo, I would have been too much of a pretty boy. But the tat took me out of pretty boy land and made me look like I was up for anything.

The tat helped when I hustled because men took it for granted that a boy with a tattoo would fuck for money. A boy without a tat? Maybe not. Go figure. The tat also made men think I was into kink and rough sex. I didn't mind some of that – okay, I often got off on it – but there was always the risk things would get out of hand. I'd grown up in a rough neighborhood, so I was used to taking care of myself and fighting back when necessary, and I was big enough – 6'2" – so that guys didn't mess with me lightly, unless they had me outnumbered. But if you trick long enough, you're bound to make a mistake sooner or later. I'd only gotten the shit beat of out me twice, and I didn't sustain any permanent damage either time, so on the whole I'd been lucky. It wasn't like boys with no tats were immune to rough johns and violence. They suffered the same shit, too. It might have been worse because sadistic fucks sometimes got off picking on small, slim pretty boys.

When I explained that Chad didn't live at the apartment any more, a frown of disappointment crossed the men's faces. Chad must have been a hot fuck; he had awesome repeat business. If I was in the mood, thought the guy wasn't bad, or wanted to pocket a few bucks, I had a quick remedy for the men's disappointment. I was usually in need of cash and Chad had a surprisingly hot stable of johns, so more often than not I went into my `for-sale' mode.

Step one was to make small talk. Regardless of how inane my conversation was, the men acted as if they fascinated, probably because it gave them an excuse to continue to scope out my body. Step two was to squeeze my junk – nothing too obvious – or work something suggestive into the conversation, like mentioning how horny I was. Step three was to casually drop a hint that I was available. Available for a price, of course. It could be as simple as bemoaning how much I needed money. Or maybe saying, "Oh, yeah, did you say you're Kyle? Chad said you might call and if you did, he told me to take care of you. He said you'd make it worth my while." The tricks swallowed their disappointment over not finding Chad real quick. If my blond, surfer boy looks and dark tan didn't sway them, pulling out my 9" uncut cock sealed the deal.

The guys calling Chad's phone number were harder. I didn't know what they looked like, so I had to gather details by asking a few questions. They couldn't see what I looked like, either, although if things progressed and I decided to take a flyer on the guy, it was surprising how eager they were to believe what I told them about my looks. I didn't make stuff up or fudge the facts – I didn't need to – but I got the impression that most of those men would have accepted almost anything I said. Guys are funny that way. It was easy to convince them I was a horny, 21-year-old blond boy with a smooth chest and a big cock because they really wanted to believe it.

It was late in the day and I had almost finished the Times when I got a call from Leo. Like me, Leo was a sometime hustler and porn actor. But Leo wasn't merely a run-of-the-mill porn actor. The guy was a bona fide star. With his ripped body, handsome face and acting talent, he probably could have been cast in mainstream films. But even with looks and talent, making it in Hollywood was tough, while making it in porn was easier, particularly given Leo's big dick. He'd carved out a niche in gay porn as a young blond star, easily recognized by any gay man who didn't live under a rock. I was flattered that Leo had adopted me as one of his friends. Admittedly Leo had a huge circle of friends.

"Hey, what's happening, Landon?" Leo asked. He sounded down, not his usual exuberant self.

"Nothing much," I replied after I tried but failed to come up with a more inspiring retort.

"You doing anything tonight, Lan? You mind hanging?" Leo asked. "I mean, only if you don't have something else going."

"Sure," I replied. I never missed opportunities to spend time with Leo. I had an appointment with a john, but that could be rescheduled. And the rain would dampen any activity on Santa Monica. A rainy day had exactly the same effect on hustling as it did on plants: things sprung to life after the rain. Tonight, the boulevard would be dead, but tomorrow was assured to be active, as the dreary weather evaporated and men emerged to hunt the street for sex.

It wasn't like Leo to ask me to hang out with him, certainly not by ourselves without an army of his friends. "Anything wrong?" I asked cautiously.

"Uh, well... yeah, maybe. I guess," Leo said. "Jamie moved out this afternoon. Like ten minutes ago." Leo sounded tired and deflated, but there was also a twinge of relief in his voice. Maybe I only imagined the relief.

Leo paused before adding, "It's not like it's a big surprise. It's been coming for long time. We probably should have pulled the plug months ago. Hell, years ago. I still love the guy, but we aren't right for each other. Time for both of us to move on. Past time."

I commiserated with Leo, assuring him that I thought it was for the best, before telling him I'd swing by his house at 9:00. I hung up with a big, involuntary smile on my face. As much as I should have felt sorry for Leo, I didn't. Okay, I was a jerk: I was elated by his news. It was even better because I was apparently the first person Leo had called, and he was telling me right after it had happened.

I really had only known Leo for six months. The fact that he wanted to hang left me with a warm, happy glow. Would he want me to spend the night with him? Maybe we wouldn't have sex, but I'd be there to provide some company and distract him from his breakup. Or maybe he wanted to get drunk and fuck my brains out. I would have jumped at that opportunity, but I cautioned myself. Sleeping with a guy the night after he broke up with his lover seemed creepy. My brain insisted that course of action would lead to nothing but trouble, and trying to jump into a relationship with Leo right after his breakup was a formula for disaster.

Deep down, I knew Leo and I weren't destined to be a couple. I wanted him, but I knew I couldn't have him. We didn't have that kind of relationship and never would. But still, I couldn't resist hanging with him.

I dug through my closet to find a tight, baby blue polo shirt that was Leo's favorite. He liked it because it was an ancient shirt I'd had in high school and, as a result, was a size too small. That made my chest, shoulders and biceps look like they were about to bust out of the shirt. The color was good with my tan and sun-bleached blond hair. I pulled the shirt on and stared at myself in the mirror. I was so fucked up. Just looking at the shirt gave me a hard on because Leo once told me that he'd gotten hard looking at me in the shirt.

Leo and Jamie had been lovers for a rocky three or four years. Jamie actually got Leo into porn, shortly after they became a couple. Jamie had done a few videos before they met, and once he and Leo became lovers, Jamie constantly urged Leo to do porn and repeatedly told him he was a natural.

Jamie certainly had an eye for talent, although almost anyone looking at Leo would have predicted the stud's stardom. Leo was handsome, tall and slender, with smooth chest and a mop of wavy blond hair. And a 9" dick that he had no trouble keeping hard as a rock. Of course, his porn stardom was based on more than looks. LA was teeming with cute, big dicked boys and it took more than that to make it in front of the cameras. Leo was a natural under the bright lights of a porn studio. And he loved sex.

A few months after they hooked up, Leo relented and let Jamie talk him into filming a porn scene together. Leo's 9" tool made him a natural as a top, but Jamie was a few years older than Leo. Plus Leo looked young for his age; even though he was 24, he was a thin blond who could easily pass for 18. Or even 16. Jamie had a big, 8" dick and insisted on topping, so the director cast Leo as a rarity: a big-dicked bottom. It was an inspired decision. Jamie fucked Leo's ass next to a pool, the first of many times that Leo bottomed on screen. The rest was history. Leo rocketed to porn stardom.

While Jamie was in a dozen porn films, ultimately he was an also ran, and the fact that Leo became a porn superstar was a constant source of friction between the two. Jamie was jealous of Leo's fame, although he was happy to spend the money Leo brought in from shooting porn videos and hustling. And the money rolled in. Leo's porn flicks were huge hits, and as far as hustling, Leo could name any price and wealthy men would pay up for the privilege of sleeping with the blond superstar. Or just spending an hour with him, using Leo's ass, cock, mouth or all three. Why Jamie and Leo stayed together was a mystery, not only to me but to most of Leo's friends.

Jamie disliked me from the start. I don't know if he considered me a rival for Leo's attentions, but I immediately attracted Jamie's hostility. Leo and I became close friends during and after our first porn shoot, and Jamie hated most of Leo's friends, so I was in good company.

Leo was actually the first guy I'd fucked on film. Ironically, like Leo, I'd gotten into porn because my boyfriend at the time, Thor, was intrigued by the easy money he could make merely by letting a guy film him having sex. He done a couple of porn videos before we got together and he convinced me to do them, too. I needed almost no convincing.

My usual preference was for dark haired and dark skinned guys. Tall, dark and handsome was my thing, and for me rough looking was better than pretty. But Thor was blond like me and as pretty as they came. We'd met on the beach. He was with two other guys and I actually thought one of Thor's friends was incredibly hot, so I'd made some small talk with them. They were friendly, but as it happened, Thor's two friends were a couple. But Thor was available and totally into me. I needed a place to live. The next thing I knew I'd moved in with Thor.

It was at the end of the era of big, blow dried hair, and Thor's blond locks were spectacular. Mirroring every young gay male at the time, he sported a dark tan. In our porn shoot together, we did a sun-splashed oral scene in front of a big silver trailer on top of a hill. The director liked my dark tan lines and big dick enough that he filmed a solo of me, too. I whacked off in the sand dunes, picked up a double paycheck and was ready for my next close up.

After release of the video Thor and I shot, my porn career was set. While the producer didn't have enough distribution or marketing clout to make it a big seller, everyone in the industry saw it and I began to get calls from big time gay porn shops, which led to my scene with Leo. Thor got calls too, but oddly, while he had the body and cock to make it big in porn, he never did another film. We broke up not long after our first and only video was released.

Weirdly, Jamie had been in Thor's first porn film, and he was also in the same video that Thor and I filmed together, although neither one of us shot a scene with Jamie. I met Jamie during filming because all the actors hung out on a couple of the filming days, but at the time I thought he was a jerk. My later experiences with him didn't change my initial impression. Leo was beginning to break into porn stardom at that point, and some of the actors talked about Jamie's incredibly hot and hung lover, but I never met Leo until later.

In fact, I didn't meet Leo until the day we filmed. But we got along immediately, and by the time we were rolling around on the floor in advance of fucking, I was totally into the guy. I sort of forgot the cameras and focused only on Leo's hard body. I could have sucked face with him forever. We moved to a bed and made out some more, getting into oral action. Long after I was desperate to do so, the director told me to bury my cock in Leo's tight ass, and I shoved it in way too fast, causing Leo gasp in surprise. A devilish look crossed his face and he vowed to get me back later. But being inside his hot butt put me on cloud nine. I was oblivious to the cameras. I had to fight the overwhelming urge to nut in Leo's ass – a colossal no-no in porn shoots because the cameras can't capture the money shot of the top shooting spunk all over the bottom's face or body.

The director, one of the best known in the business, was ecstatic. He raved about our blond-on-blond chemistry and the combination of light-hearted joking and unbridled passion that we'd displayed. Leo was great to work with. His easy banter and calm demeanor put me at ease, and in front of the cameras the guy came off as being hot for sex with me. It was probably great acting on Leo's part. I wish I could say I was displaying great acting, too, but I was only following my urges.

I loved having sex with Leo, cameras or no cameras. Leo was thrilled because we shot the scene with no retakes. Only a few introductory scenes got re-filmed, and those only a couple of times. The director was notorious for shooting over and over until he felt a scene was right, and Leo and I had hit it the first time.

The film was a huge hit. I got second billing after Leo, even though I was only in one scene while Leo was in three, plus he did two other non-sex scenes. My billing was surprising because several of the actors were better known that I was. After that, my porn career took off. For Leo, it was merely the latest in a long line of starring roles for the reigning superstar of gay male porn.

About a week after we shot the film, Leo extracted his revenge on me for slamming into his ass during our sex scene. Leo seemed to know everyone in West Hollywood and in the gay porn business, and he threw a big party for the cast and crew of the film, along with a houseful of other hot porn stars, hustlers and pretty boys. Of course, the guest list included some older men who either were in the porn business or were wealthy connoisseurs of young males. I suspect the latter group actually paid for the party, in addition to shopping for some of the young male merchandise on display.

Leo waited until most of the partygoers – including me – were drunk and stoned and then put on a show. He introduced me to the crowd, trumpeting that I was his latest co-star and sure to be the greatest, causing Jamie to glare at me angrily. Jamie and I had gotten off on the wrong foot, but Leo's speech cemented his distaste for me. Leo followed his introduction by asking the crowd if they wanted to see LA's latest gay porn star naked. Like anyone was going to object. He slowly stripped me to great fanfare, and announced to the crowd that they should stay tuned, because he and I had a little unfinished business from the porn shoot.

Leo put me on my back on a big coffee table and put my legs on his shoulders. I was so buzzed that things were happening in slow motion for me, but the next thing I knew, Leo's big 9" tool was hard, greased and probing my hole. "Paybacks are a bitch, sucker," Leo hissed, grinning at me. It was more than an evil grin. He was gloating.

Leo pushed the head of his cock inside me, causing me to gasp, and then he rammed his 9" donkey dong all the way in. It fucking hurt like hell but I was too stunned to object or react. Not that I really wanted to object. Leo, sensing I was in pain, pulled out and re-greased his tool so I could relax. But then he shoved his thick tool back into my hole, if possible even more violently that he had before. "Gotta get you loosened up, big boy," Leo snickered. "This ass needs a good fucking."

The pain was gone and I wanted Leo, even more than I had when we filmed. I ignored the fact we were putting on a live sex show, but Leo knew how to fuck for an audience, pulling all the way out so the crowd could get a good look at his slicked rod and then slamming back in. He pummeled my ass. The stud fucked like a wild man, to the cheers and applause of the partygoers.

I sort of lost track of how long Leo plowed my ass, but I don't think it was too long. Leo was a showman, and he understood that for a live audience, a short brutal fuck – not too short, mind you – was better than a long show that risked boredom. Before I knew it, he pulled out, aimed his dick at me and jizzed all over my face. The fucker must not have come for a week, because he shot like a fire hydrant. The crowd went wild. Stunned, I looked up from the coffee table through cum covered eyes and wished Leo would ball me again. I'd never been much of an exhibitionist, but with Leo I'd do anything.

*     *     *

When I arrived at Leo's house a couple of hours after his call, Leo met me at the door in his underwear. He was in a pair of tiny bikini briefs that were incapable of corralling his big cock. Which, I suppose, was the point.

I thought Leo was beautiful. I wasn't the only person who shared that opinion of the porn star. Six feet tall, with a smooth, defined chest, hard abs and a deep tan, Leo had it all. He had a distinctive little cleft in the middle of his chin. His blond hair varied from a natural dirty blond to his current choice, which was almost white. It made his tanned face look sexy as all hell.

Any evidence of Leo's earlier dark mood had disappeared by the time I arrived. He was back to his usual manic, happy self. He asked me to make drinks while he finished getting dressed, telling me to make his as strong as I could. From the looks of the kitchen, Leo had been drinking already. He might have been doing some drugs, too, although he didn't indulge in them at anywhere near the level that most porn actors did.

The place didn't look much different. I noticed a few things missing, and I assumed Jamie had taken them when he left. But not much had disappeared. Maybe Jamie was planning to get some more stuff later. But I knew Leo owned the house and it wouldn't surprise me if he owned the furniture, too. The house was tiny, but because of the street configuration it sat on an improbably large lot. Leo was savvy with money and had bought it after saving for a couple of years. It would probably be a fabulous investment. Not the house, but the land.

When Leo appeared, he was dressed in a vibrant yellow polo shirt and faded blue jeans. Yellow was totally Leo's color. Like most blonds, he looked great in blue, particularly light blue, and particularly when he had a tan, which he almost always did. But when he wore bright yellow, he positively glowed. His hazel eyes, white blond hair and tanned skin stood out and people were immediately drawn to him. The stud turned heads at any time, but when he was decked out in yellow he dominated any room.

"Whaddya think?" Leo asked. "These colors are like the Swedish flag. I think I could make the gay sex Olympics as a member of the Swedish national team," he laughed.

Leo joined me on the couch, plopping down in the middle, right next to me, and put his arm around my shoulders. My heart jumped a bit and I wondered if he might pull me into an embrace. Instead, he announced, "I am ready to paaarty, man! Let's let loose, let off some steam. I think we need a night on the town! You and me."

"Uh, sure," I replied, disappointed, I suppose, that Leo wasn't making a move on me, but relieved at the same time, because it steered things away from the awkward issue of his breakup with Jamie.

"In fact, I am ready for some big black cock tonight," Leo whispered into my ear, as if he was divulging a top-secret mystery. I looked at him in surprise. He went on. "I wanna find some muscular black stud that will slap my ass, knock me around a little and ram his big motherfucking dick so far into my hole that I'll be able to taste his cum when he shoots in me. Actually, maybe two or three big black studs, back-to-back. I want to get fucked so hard that I forget everything that happened today."

Leo grabbed his cock and squeezed it through his jeans. "Whaddya say, man, how `bout we go make some history? Couple of hot blond studs swishing their pretty asses around and making it known that they are looking for black cock. Making it known that they need to be bred like gay boy sluts and treated like bitch boys. Hell, the black studs in the ghetto will never stop talking about us."

I nodded numbly, part of me worried about Leo's reckless mood and mystified by Leo's sudden interest in black men. He'd never talked about interracial sex before, and none of his friends and hangers-on were black. I knew Leo well enough to know that he wasn't prejudiced in the least, unlike many in the LA gay porn industry, but this was a side of Leo I'd never seen before.

"You've had black cock up your ass before, haven't you?" Leo asked.

My long pause was likely tipped Leo off as to my answer, but I finally conceded, "Uh, well, not really."

"What? Lan, you're fucking kidding me," Leo exclaimed. "Man, you don't know what you are missing! Like they say, once you go black, you don't go back. I did this porn video a couple of years ago, when I was just getting started in the business. It was a couple of months after Jamie and I did our first shoot together. I was in this three-way with another white guy and a black guy named Art. Fucking hot! Art was a sweet, sweet guy. Weird, because to look at him you'd think he was the meanest fucker in the ghetto. His dick was smaller than mine and smaller than the other white guy's, but he was still 8 inches. Art was skinny and his fucking cock looked huge next to his body. They filmed us around a pool and the white stud and Art took turns fucking my mouth and my ass. I was seriously worried that my boy pussy was going to be permanently stretched.

"I liked getting fucked by Art, and, I dunno, black boys are so damn masculine and sexy. So, a little later I did another porno with a black man. I did a couple of scenes in that flick, but I wasn't scheduled to get it on with Marc, the black guy, who'd been cast in a scene with another white guy. I asked the director to put me into the scene, so he made it a three-way. The white guy was overjoyed, because it meant he didn't have to get dicked by Marc and instead got to ball me along with Marc. The black stud had a fucking monster cock. Freaking dick must have been 10" and fat like a beer can. And man, could Marc fuck! That man knew what he had between his legs and knew how to use it.

"I took a lot of shit about being fucked by black guys in porn, but man, I'll do it again in an instant. In fact, I'm gonna do it again. Tonight. A big black cock is just what the doctor ordered for what ails me."

Leo downed his drink and gave me a dazzling smile. He was putting on the charm, and whether he knew it or not, I could never resist him. I was quiet, soaking it all in.

"I can't believe you've never gotten fucked by a black guy," Leo continued. "Seriously? Man, I thought you had done everything. This is gonna be a treat. I may never get you out of the Ramrod Annex after tonight."

The Ramrod was a bar on Santa Monica Boulevard that was frequented by a lot of porn stars and hustlers. On a busy night, it was wall to wall pretty boys, buff and showing plenty of skin. Basically, any young guy in the bar was presumed to be for sale. I had been there many times, often with Leo and his friends, but by myself, too. If nothing was happening on Santa Monica Boulevard, it was worth a quick stop to see if I caught the eye of a man who would pay for a fling.

Next door to the Ramrod was the Ramrod Annex, where the clientele was almost all black. A white guy who went into the Annex was either there by mistake, which took only minutes to reveal, or was there to get fucked by a black guy. Older white guys paid to get a black dick up their ass. Younger white guys didn't pay if they were hot, but they had to be prepared to be roughed up a bit. That was part of the appeal for the white boys who chanced the place.

Leo and I listened to some music and killed a couple more drinks. Several times I probed to see if Leo might have changed his mind about the night's planned activities. Leo was like that; he was mercurial and he could be intent on doing one thing only to divert into something completely different at a moment's notice. But Leo was adamant the we needed to get balled by black guys. He had turned the project from something he wanted to do into something that was essential for me to do. Leo had decided the absence of black cock in my sex life had to be remedied immediately, and he was on a mission to accomplish that before the night was out.

"Black men are just better at fucking," Leo said at one point. "The fastest men in the world? They are all black. Every one of them. Dick work is the same. Black men instinctively know how to use a cock. Doesn't matter how big their equipment is, they are good at working an ass. You get a black cock inside you and your prostate won't forget it. And if it's a big black cock? Damn, you're in for something amazing, boy. You'll be asking yourself, `how come I never did this before?' Getting bred by a horny black man will open your eyes, not to mention your butt."


If you liked this first chapter, drop me an email.

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2017

Next: Chapter 2

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