Black Viper

By John Parker

Published on Nov 28, 2021


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As we left The Corral to go to dinner, a truck dropped a biker.

"Are you okay, Guy?"

"Yeah, if you don't know how to drop one of these you shouldn't be riding one. I'm Mike." We introduced ourselves.

"Are you guys coming or going"

"Well neither, I said, since our cocks are still in our pants."

"Okay, arriving or leaving?"


"Too bad, Maybe later, " Mike said.

After dinner I asked, "Do you want to go back to the Corral and see if Mike wants to play?" Chico answered, "Yes and no. Yes, someday; no not today."

"Then what?" "You told me two months ago I had a lot to learn. You've got a weekend to teach me." We stopped at a drug store on the way back to get some lube. If he wants to learn, he will.

"I've got to drive now" Chico said, "You can't get in, at least not yet."

We pulled up to a gate, Chico entered a code and then a thumb print. The gate opened but I couldn't see a house.

Holy shit! I've stayed at hotels (no motels, don't do hotels) smaller than this.

"Welcome home Master Chico, I presume this is Master Jason."

"Jason, this is Rudolph, he takes care of me better than I can myself."

Rudolph bowed politely and took my hand.

"Your suite is prepared as you requested, Master Chico. Master Jason, leave your clothes on the hall chest, they'll be freshly laundered when you need them again." He clearly knew what was going on!

Chico led me to his bedroom on the main floor.

"I don't like this `master' stuff but Rudolph needs it. I put up with it because I need him more." Again, holy fuck. Palatial, and a bowl of strawberries, whipped cream, and more champagne. Chico orchestrated this, I don't know when or how. There was even a real fire. And a large leather sofa.

Chico started to undress. "No, No Chico. Part of the fun is undressing your buddy. It's like opening a Christmas present, only better"

"What do I do?"

"Just do for me what I do for you. It's really is all that easy."

I slid my hands under his shirt, slowly lifting it as I went. Thumbed the nipples.

"Copy, Chico, this is education, not just play time." He did.

Shirtless, I kissed him behind the ear then really kissed him. If he'd never been with a man he had to have Frenched someone, he was damn good at it.

I was at his nipples, then he did me.

It's all back and forth, I don't want to repeat it, you don't want me to.

He spent a lot of time playing in my fuzz. Sweet. No inhibitions now. He didn't have much body hair. I like it on a man, but with his body who gives a flying fuck?

I kissed my way down his abs, all eight firm biscuits of them. Then slowly undid his jeans dropping them to his knees. No resistance this time. He had to be wearing $50 briefs, but just him in there this time no padding. I saturated his basket with my mouth before dropping them and his jeans to the floor and he stepped out of them. Then kissed my way down his prominent Adonis belt to the prize where the oblique muscles meet. "Don't have near what you have, but do it to me anyway." "Slow down, Chico, you're telling me you like the feel of my body, not eating it."

We ended that evening with a sweet 69, sweet because we were covered in whipped cream from navel to nuts. We went to sleep with each other's half hard cocks in our mouth. When I woke in the morning his cock was on my cheek. I kissed it. "Don't stop, he said." I definitely didn't.

Rudolph announced breakfast, and it was a nice one, with champagne mimosas with grenadine.

On our second cup of some excellent coffee, Chico asked, "What today?

"There's so very much more, Chico. Today we're going to go to a public woods, get naked and play." "Don't have to." He said, I've got forty acres of my own.

"Not the point, Chico. Here it's your back yard or somewhere. I know where we can do it safely, but the risk of discovery and a possible audience makes it all the better. Not a real risk, every man there will be looking for the same thing"

"You can drive, Jason." "Yippee!"

When we approached the gate, Chico showed me how to load up an ID, "Push the red button, when the screen comes on, enter any four letter word you like on the keypad. It will remember it forever and display it, so keep it mellow. When the green thumbpad comes on press your thumb in firmly."

"Its armed now, do it all again."

The gate opened. I never felt so much like I was at home in years.

We pulled into a secluded parking lot that wasn't visible from the boulevard. "What do we do now?" Jason.

"Get naked."

"Out here, oh shit, Jason, no, can I keep my briefs on?"

"Absolutely fucking not."

"What if we're seen?"

"Are we going to do this my way or not, Chico?"

"Isn't a real problem, Chico, I told you. Besides, if a man sees your naked body he's going to immediately cream in his boxers if he still has them on."

We went to a secluded glen; we had showered together well before we left. I rolled his legs up on his shoulders and buried my face in his ass.

"What the hell are you doing, Jason?"

"Just relax and learn." I gave him a serious rimming, he was very happy. My cock may not be so big, but my tongue may be bigger. I tongue fucked his ass for a while until he was nice and wet, then put two fingers in his hole to find his love nut.

"Holy shit, Jason what is that?" "It's your prostate, Chico, and tomorrow we're going to have a lot fun with those, but we won't be using fingers."

"Your turn."

"Do I really have to do that?

"Why is my ass any dirtier than yours, we showered this morning? You'll like it, it's better than a French kiss." He did it, but he had to work up to it. He finally put two fingers up my ass, I was dry, hurt a little. He was clumsy, but would learn. He finally found it and I had to tell him to take it easy.

"Why do you call it a love nut?"

"What does it feel like to you?"

"I guess a walnut, not as lumpy, but softer."

"You got it, and we're going to have a lot of fun with those tomorrow."

We finished with a nice 69. Cum mixed with whipped cream is pretty good, straight it's an acquired taste.

"What do I do with this?" he stammered, with a load of my cum his tongue. "What did you do with mine?"

"Let you shoot it straight down my throat. That's not an option now. You can swallow, polite, spit it out, or you can let it drop it out on to my ass hole and rim me again, lubing me with it." He chose the latter. For a man who didn't want to stick his tongue up my ass twenty minutes ago, he had a real change of heart, and his technique had much improved. He found my P-spot immediately. He ate me out like a man who hadn't had a meal in three days, alternating with the prostate massage. I've had better ass jobs, but this one was damn good. After about thirty minutes I exploded all over my gut. Damn, I love prostate orgasms. A penis orgasm is just that, a cock; prostrate ones send the entire sensation through your body and can be exhausting, and take a while.

"So, what are we going to do with that?" said Chico, pointing at the puddle of creamy cum on my belly (don't know why it's different.) "Can't spit it out, can't swallow it"

"Another lesson, Chico." I scooped up as much as I could, put it in my mouth and told him to pick up as much of the rest as he could in his mouth and do what I do, then he kissed me. We snowballed for fifteen minutes, then shared it.

"I was panting,"

"Are you alright."

"Hardly ever better." Chico.

We walked back to the car and dressed. He was totally comfortable being naked now.

"Hungry?" Chico asked.

"What do you want to feed me, hehe?

"You are an insatiable sex pig!"

"And how long did it take you to fucking figure that out, Einstein?" I answered. We kissed and laughed.

He gave me the keys, boy these are fun to drive, you feel at one with the road.

Oh shit, Chico, Fernando's, I guess I've got to get used to this, it won't be difficult, nice while it lasts, but the drop will hurt, I'm a Pizza Hut and Burger King guy. When I cook it's milk on cornflakes.

Fernando's may be a step above Alphonse. We were sloppy as hell, smelled of cum. The maître d' greeted Chico, seated us immediately, and two large margaritas were on the table when we were seated. Menu was is Spanish, no prices again. Chico ordered in Spanish (I'd bet he could order in Japanese, or any language.) Again, one of the best meals of my life, but I couldn't eat it all. Octopus, I just couldn't. They brought two more margaritas. I drank mine he didn't.

"I'm going to drive, Jason. You've had a little too much tequila."

Once we got back to his house he suggested we go for a run. "These are the only clothes I've got, Chico."

"You're about my size, I've got some I can lend you. We put on matching singlets. Chico is a beautiful man naked, but sometimes you don't want to see the whole thing. That hard body wrapped in maroon spandex is unbelievable.

"Rudolph, we lunched at Fernando's so a light supper will do, at the pool around seven."

"Let's hit the back forty, Jason"

I couldn't keep up so Chico had to slow down.

Two hours later or so, we were back.

"Want to jump in the pool?

"Like this?"

"If you want to, I guess, but getting naked makes a lot more sense."

"Here, now?"

"Now who's getting squeamish? The only one who could possibly see you is Rudolph, and he already has, you just didn't know it. When you hear him talking, he's looking."

We were in the pool about fifteen minutes frolicking like ten-year-olds. "Never had a firm cock on my neck before," said Chico. "By the time I'm done with you, you're not ever going to need `never' again." Rudolph brought out cocktails and towels. Chico jumped out of the pool, so I followed. If he'd already seen it all, so what? It was light food, but a lot of it.

As Chico and I headed to bed, still naked, Rudolph asked, "Berries, cream and Champagne? gentlemen."

"Just the wine," answered Chico. "And the whipped cream," I added.

"You are a fucking pig." said Chico.

My one-word answer, "o-i-n-k!"

The next morning Rudolph woke us around nine, "Breakfast, gentlemen?" No Rudolph, just coffee. I was laying naked on the bed and I knew he could see me. He came in shortly with coffee and small, two-bite cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven. I didn't even try to cover, no point.

"Going to play with our love nuts today?" Jason.

"Oh yes, Chico, and it's going to take a while."

"Make my boy happy, you know how to do it." I said.

I then lubed me up and put a big goo glob on his ass, "Now sit on it." "Are you going to fuck me?"

"Maybe later, Chico, but now you're going to fuck yourself."

"How do I do this?"

"Just sit on it and let it slowly slide into your ass, slowly."

"This is called cowboy, I'm your horse and you're going to ride me. Set your own pace, start with a walk, then as you feel like it, step up to a trot, and then a gallop. But if you do gallop. Hold my arms. If you fell off it would hurt both of us."

"I entered him."

"Where's the love nut?"

"You're leaning to far forward, sit up straight or even back a little."

"Oh, Jason!"

"Use the head of my cock to massage it, set your own pace. Have fun. I assure you I will be too."

It took him a while to get the hang of it, but Chico is a quick study.

Chico started to sweat, then quiver spasmodically. "I've never felt like this. Feels good I guess but a little scary"

"Slow it down, now. In a minute or two you're going to have the best orgasm in your life. When it starts just lay on my chest."

I rode him cowboy, then we did missionary back and forth.

The intercom came on. I had my cock up Chico's ass and I knew Rudolph could see. "I've prepared lunch, you didn't have much breakfast. Can I bring it in."

"Sure," said Chico. I rolled off him and we both had boners. So what.

"I've got to leave, Chico, got things to do before going to work tomorrow."

"You will come back, won't you Jason."

"Now that I've got the gate key you can't stop me."

"Well, I can," said Chico "but never would." As I was leaving, I asked Rudolph if I could ask him a question.

"Ask, Master Jason, I'll answer if I can."

"How many men have been in that bed?"

"Only two, he and you. Despite everything you see here he's a desperately lonely man. I do what I can, but I can't give him what he needs. You can and do. You're the best thing to come into his life ever, bar none. If you can't carry that burden, let him down slow, very slow, please don't let him fall."

"I couldn't hurt him, ever, Rudolph, in any way. He's not just another man, and there's been so many others. I don't know what it is about him."

"You'll learn."

Chico came out to the foyer in briefs, I don't think he ever dressed unless he went out. He worked from home.

"Jason, I thought you've gone." He kissed me.

"What are you two yacking about?"

"How much of an asshole you can be," I answered.

"Oh, you ain't seen nothing."

"Bye, Jason, have a nice day, I need Rudolph right now.

I spent many happy weekends with Chico.

When Christmas eve came, his house was beautifully decorated (I'm sure done by someone hired.) There was a ten-foot-tall real fir bespangled in the living room. A fireplace blazing in there too. I gave him two presents, he opened them. The first was a pair of ridiculously expensive briefs, a brand he likes, but these were the hottest and sexiest I could find. "Wow, Jason, these are sweet, thank you." I grabbed them, stuffed them in my mouth then answered, "They'll get sweeter." Rudolph knew what had been going on and was unphased, actually pleased. The second present was a book, "The Joy of Gay Sex."

"Are we going to do all this stuff." he asked?

"Every fucking page at least once." I answered.

As he paged through the book his eyes bugged out. "When can we start?'

"No time like the present." I answered

I didn't know what to get Rudolf so I bought him a bottle of Spanish Saffron, almost as expensive as the briefs. "How totally thoughtful, Master Jason." He took my hand and kissed it. "That's not where a kiss belongs, Rudolph." He actually kissed me to the surprise of Chico.

Then Chico handed me a small box and an envelope. I opened the box. "What is this?" "Your key to the Viper. Yours to use whenever you want." I kissed him then opened the envelope, it was the title to my truck, paid up. "Jesus, Chico, this was eight thousand dollars!" He answered, "I've given you my whole body and soul for eight months, Jason. That's just a damn piece of paper." I started to cry and Chico kissed my tears away.

"Let's get to bed and have fun with these."

In the morning, after breakfast, we went into the attached heated garage. We were almost always naked together now. Oh fucking shit!! There was black beauty and a fire engine red second viper. I fell on my knees, sobbing. "I can't accept this, Chico." He held me in his arms, "You don't have to, they're both mine not yours. Black Beauty and Red Rider are keyed alike. You're a listed driver on the insurance for both. You've got your own key, it works for both.

I rolled over on the garage floor and bawled. He picked me up, and I'm a big man, and carried me to bed.

"Jason, I don't want you to go."

"It's early, I'm not going for a while'"

"No, Jason, never!"

"I can't , Chico!"

"Why, give me three reasons?

"I've got a job."

"Quit it, I'll teach you what I do, education can go both ways, you'll be a wealthy man in two years."

"I've got a house."

"Sell it."

"Give me a third."

"Can't think of one."

"You're moving in, Jason" he said, I did.

If you liked this story I'd like to hear from you. If you didn't I need to.

Next: Chapter 3

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