By kyle stuart

Published on Mar 13, 2003



BLACK VELVET (gay seduction)

"Hello!" called a voice so near me, that I instinctively looked around from gazing into a shop window of well-displayed tourist souvenirs. My eyes were drawn to a young man who intently looked me over from no more than four feet away, and who now favored me with a warm generous smile? displaying a perfect set of dazzling white teeth.

"Wow!" I thought to myself, as the cue ball hit the pocket, and I realized he was addressing me for there was no one else around. "Eh? hello!" I tentatively replied in a somewhat small voice, still not sure if this gorgeous looking boy was really talking to me. His dark eyes were sparkling, and he carried himself in a very confident and self-assured way. But it was his smile I found most engaging, it radiated a warmth which made me responsive and feel at ease.

"Would you care to join me for a coffee?" He now almost breathed on me as he inched closer. His English and annunciation was letter perfect, and he had a presence I was drawn to like a magnet. His strikingly handsome countenance made me quiver as my eyes feasted on the glow of perspiration on his flawless black velvety skin. I seemed to be in some kind of time suspension as so many thoughts raced through my mind assessing my situation. Was this well-groomed youth a male hooker? Did I look like a rich gay tourist? On closer assessment I realized he looked just a little too flashy to be dressed the way he was in the middle of the day. I also noticed he had a very impressive bulge in the crotch of his well-tailored slacks.

Be a devil, you're on holiday, have a fling, live dangerously! I thought irrationally. "Sure? eh, thank you", I replied effusively as I returned his effervescent smile. Then feeling a little cheeky went on to say, "now it so happens I was just thinking how much I would love some coffee". His smile broadened even more as I asked, "you're not a mind reader I suppose?"

He simply continued to smile at me as we automatically drew closer and shook hands. Then almost in a whisper he said, "please call me Juan, I'm a student of Philosophy, and you remind me of a friend I made at the school I attended in England."

His hand was strong, cool and dry as it clasped mine in friendly contact, and we both hung on just a little longer than was necessary. A thrill of pleasure filled me as I knowingly held onto his hand for those extra few seconds, and noticed a glint in his smiling eyes, which showed he was enjoying the longer contact too. The pressure we both exerted was firm and felt strangely sexual.

"Well, well", I whispered to myself breathlessly, feeling at the same time a stirring in my groin, as I squared up to him and added, "so I'm not just a casual pick-up then?"

He grinned at me now, displaying once again his magnificent set of perfect white teeth. He then licked his sensually curved lips suggestively and said, "only if you wish it to be so."

"Well for whatever reason, I'm glad that you did Juan, and please call me Kyle," I replied.

"Kyle" he repeated to himself softly with a smile, "I like that name. It means one who is fair and handsome', and fits you well" he went on to say, as he led the way and brought me to a Greenwich Village' type café, barely a minute's walk away.

We seated ourselves under a large decorative umbrella in the far corner of the cafe's courtyard setting, before Juan first ordered two cappuccinos from a very cute young waiter. He then gave me his full attention with a look in his eyes that really let me know he wanted me to want him sexually.

We were seated next to rather than opposite one another so that it was easy to make knee contact. Our seating also offered me a good view of the bulge in his crotch, which seemed near to bursting the seams of his zipper flies. I could clearly see the outline of his thick snaking cock resting on what seemed awesomely huge testicles. This boy, who appeared to be no more than about 18 years of age, looked exceedingly horny and well hung! My eyes were uncontrollably drawn to his meaty package, and I found myself staring with open appraisal and unable to stop myself from drooling.

From the look he gave me I knew he was aware of my naked desire to see and feel his cock and roll his balls in the palm of my hands. He did not need to be a mind reader to know I wanted to strip him naked and run my hands all over him. He could see it in my eyes, as I looked into his dark, mysterious, and widely spaced eyes framed in a captivatingly beautiful noble head, like that of a youthful Pharaoh in ancient times.

His knee nudged mine as he lent forward over the tabletop towards me and asked: "Would you like something to eat with your coffee Kyle?"

I loved the way he spoke and said my name? he made the simple statement sound so sensual, and the scent of his delicate musk aroma filled my senses, and brought a swelling in my loins as my arousal heightened. I had to shift in my seat and physically adjust the direction of my swollen appendage.

"Thank you, but the coffee will do just fine for the moment", I replied with a little smile on my lips, "but later perhaps you can offer me something more substantial".

His knee was pressing mine more earnestly now as he said "Kyle, it would be my pleasure to satisfy your needs. Whatever I have is yours", and it was not hard to get his drift as his near side hand slid over my nudging knee and moved up on the inner side of my thigh. I could only just feel the light caress, but it worked wonders in raising my expectations of what was to come after we had coffee.

My mind was racing ahead as my juices flowed freely, making a sticky pool of precum in my stretched out under pants. Just then the cute young waiter returned to our table with the two cappuccinos, and diverted my sexual excitement and the embarrassment of possibly shooting a messy load, for I was indeed close to a premature ejaculation.

Our knees remained in contact as we sipped our frothy coffees and gazed into each other's eyes. I was feeling very hot and of course sticky, and began to long for the chance to get him back to my hotel suite, undress him, and hold him in my arms under a cooling shower. He still looked so suave in his gaily-colored silk shirt. I wanted to see more of his flawless smooth skin and imagined moving my hands over his semi-flexed biceps as he held the coffee cup to his lips. Just looking at his muscular arms made me shiver, how would it be to actually touch his bare flesh?

My mind was in my cock, and my cock was in control. Under the clinging silk shirt his torso seemed to ripple with animal like magnetism and the promise of beautifully sculptured pectorals and abdomen. I could hardly wait? and felt sure he knew it, and was enjoying my aching for him.

"Come," I said, after what turned out to be hardly more than a few minutes, "let's go to my hotel and I'll treat you to some lunch". But it was my cock that I really wanted to serve him.

He gave me a knowing smile and licked some of the cappuccino frothy cream from his luscious lips, paid the young waiter who seemed to know him, and then followed me closely out into the street and blazing sunshine.

We walked side by side with our hands almost touching. Oh, how I wished we could hold hands in public. But in Nairobi, just as back home in Sydney, males touching hands was just not done in public places other than perhaps `gay bars'.

Any way once we were back in my hotel suite and the door locked with a "please do not disturb" tag on the door knob outside, we quickly moved into the lavishly furnished bedroom with its king size bed, and slowly started to peal off our clothes.

First I hugged him to me and felt the power of his strong-arms return the pressure I placed in my arms pulling him to me. We simply seemed to melt into each other as our mouths opened up and we took in one another's tongue. His lips were so soft as he gently placed them on mine for a kiss that grew in passion as our sexual hunger deepened. I felt I was in heaven. I kept asking myself, could he be wanting and enjoying me as much as I wanted and was enjoying him? I guess it really does not matter. He made me feel wanted, needed, and best of all loved, and so what if I was just a passing ship in the dark. He awakened feelings in me that had been dormant for far too long. And now finally we break off our marathon like kiss and begin to strip off each other's clothes.

Slowly I unbutton his now crumpled and sweaty silk shirt, and he in turn removed my polo shirt as I raised my arms to let him pull it off over my head. Next we unbuckled our belts and felt our raging erections as we unzipped our flies and stepped out of our trousers which fell to the floor. We had another hug at this point, grinding our swollen appendages together through his jock strap and my y- fronts. My hands clutched onto his pert ass mounds, hot now, so silky smooth, and just a little sweaty. His hands are also feeling up my bare buns as he slipped his hands under my underpants, slid them down, and proceeded to kiss his way down to my crotch where he engulfed my throbbing cock in his steamy hot mouth.

First he lashed my cock head and prodded my piss slit with his tongue, before he hungrily swallowed my heavily veined 7 inch shaft all the way to the root. Then began a deep throat suction I found deliriously erotic, and which got me feeling weak in the knees.

Collapsing backwards onto the bed, I let him take control, for I had no desire to stop his oral administrations on me. He was obviously very experienced, and knew just how to heighten and adjust my senses so that I was constantly on the brink of exploding my impending load. Quivering and jerking in ecstasy, I was like putty in his hands, for he seemed to know instinctively my feelings, my needs, my desires. I just closed my eyes and gave myself up to the erotic pleasures he conjured up within my very soul.

As if in a dream I floated on waves of euphoric bliss that went on and on. I would feel his lips on my ears and his tongue bathing me, nibbles on my ear lobes, kisses on my eyelids, and all over my face and neck, his strong and gentle hands were all over me, massaging and kneading my flesh. He tweaked my nipples ever so gently in just the way that I liked. But how did he know? I felt so wonderfully relaxed and had lost all sense of time. Then when I opened my eyes? there was his handsome face smiling at me. He was propped up on an elbow lying next to me on the bed gazing back into my eyes.

"How do you feel"? he asked in that soft, slightly husky voice I found so charming and sensual.

"Mm?", I murmured, as I stretched my arms out to encircle and pull him over me. "You sure know how to pleasure a guy", I said with a twinkle in my eyes. "I feel wonderful! "That is, you make me feel wonderful!" I rattled on, just as I became aware of his complete nakedness for the first time.

He has spread himself over me, and I could feel his huge thick cock and awesome balls pressing into my groin, stirring my genitalia to once again swell up with wanton lust in seconds. Before I could ask him how was it I had missed seeing him take off his jock strap, he planted his thick moist lips down on mine, and we kissed deeply, and for so long, that I had to gasp when he finally let me catch my breath.

"Wow! Your cock really is a monster!" I exclaim breathlessly, as I feel it sprouting up between out bellies. Gently, I roll him off me and get on top to examine his family jewels.

As I lay on top of him now I look at his appendage stretching up, thick and hard, way past his navel and pressing against his abdomen. With a quick smack on his lips, I continue kissing my way down to his groin, trying to remember and copy his technique, though I could not hope to rise to his masterly skill.

As eager as I was to reach the area of his crotch, I found that I had to linger a while on his magnificent torso. He was truly a sculptures dream model. Perfectly proportioned and muscle toned, his skin so smooth, exceedingly erotic and arousing. I eagerly lapped up the little rivulets of sweat, which exuded the scent of a pungent musk, I found along the crevice that divided his beautifully shaped pectorals, and then sucked on his enlarged erect nipples.

"Mm?, "you taste so good", I murmured, before continuing down to his magnificent washboard hard abs. At this point my hands had proceeded my mouth and tongue to his now throbbing cock resting on his abdomen. It was at least 12 inches long I would think, and certainly the biggest cock I had ever seen. It was so beautiful, and like the rest of him, well shaped, silky to the touch, hard and yet supple. The foreskin was drawn back behind the flared ridge of a mushroom like crown, whose piss slit was seeping pre-cum juice copiously. Caressing it with my hands gave me a thrill beyond description and visibly made him shiver.

It was my turn now to hold him in bated breath, and prolong his anticipation. But not for too long, as I could not bring myself to delay taking him in my hungry mouth, and slurp my spittle tongue all over his low slung heavy balls sack. As I dug my hands into his silky scrotum and fondled his nuts, my nose had reached his pubic bush of thick black curls, and picked up a stronger, much more sexually potent aroma, which made my head spin with desire.

Simultaneously we mewed in contentment, as Juan widened the spread of his shapely legs, pointed and flexed his toes. "Take me, take me now please"! He mewed, and threw up his legs in a graceful arc, exposing the deep pink rosebud like orifice in his perfect bubble butt, that seemed to wink at me as I gazed back in wonder.

For a split second I did not know which way to turn. Should I suck him, or fuck him? That is the question! How I wished I were a little more supple so that I could do both at the same time.

It would seem he wanted to be fucked, so I grabbed a pillow to lay under him to raise his butt, and lined myself up with my knees spread in a squatting position that got our balls almost touching. It was incredible looking at him like this with his legs drawn back on himself and secured by his own hands. He was certainly very agile, provocatively horny, but also a good planner, as he passed me a condom and lube he had brought with him.

I wasted no time in rolling on the tight fitting condom, and then greased up my cock as it throbbed with anticipation. With just a fleeting look at my knob braced against his love hole, I looked up over his doubled up body, and focused on his face as his eyes locked onto mine. Then I entered him. His sphincter opened up and snapped around my cock head, and the heat generated within his bowels assailed every nerve of my exploring shaft as I slowly inched my way further up his love canal.

"Ooohhaaahhh"! He moaned as I stuffed him with my meaty sausage until I could feel my balls pressed up against his ass cheeks. His eyes were half closed now as I began to shaft him slowly at first, and then they opened wide again with a look of ecstasy as I pumped faster, alternating short sharp strokes with long deep pounding penetration, that got my balls sore from slapping his gorgeous butt. The deeper strokes really got him going into a state of ecstasy, and he would keep calling out, "oh, I love your cock! give it to me, give it to me Kyle, ooohhh? aaahhh?" he would groan endlessly. It was quite a turn on, and I rammed him for all I was worth, working my cock in a frenzy that got my nuts swaying and smacking his behind.

Even while I fucked him I knew he was in control by the way he would grip my cock on withdrawal, and relax his muscles as I re-entered his hot moist tunnel. The heat he generated within his ass was so awesomely incredible. He was so hot!

Somehow he got me to prolong my aching need to shoot my loan. Time and time again he would bring me to the brink of orgasm, and tell me to ease off and calm down. But after 20 minutes I was near exhaustion, and knowing it, he let me come, and by Jupiter how I came! The relief was so intense! I had no idea I could still shoot such an incredible load! Gushing creamy wads in multiple spurts like a horny teenager.

I was drained, yet buoyed and in a state of euphoria. "Thanks Juan", I whispered. "Wow! That was so awesome!" I cried out aloud, and spontaneously added, "you are the best Juan?"

Almost instantaneously Juan was in my arms and his luscious lips were on mine. How I wished the euphoria and contentment I felt could last for ever...

The End

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