Black Tiger - Hypnotrapped!

By Ebon Artist

Published on Feb 14, 2023




Black Tiger is the star of Black Tiger: Torment, a novella on Smashwords, by Ebonart.

BLACK TIGER -- He's one of the few costumed vigilantes in the Rust Belt city of Iron Harbor. As a boy, Rico Ramirez was among a group of kids kidnapped by traffickers and sold to a rogue black ops team looking to create subservient assassins. His genetic profile was combined with a Siberian Tiger, giving him increased strength, agility, endurance, and animal-level senses. Rico became Black Tiger to fight directly with the criminal element like the one that ended his old life.

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IRON HARBOR - The Upper East Side - 2087 CE

Black Tiger put his back to the warehouse's cold, wet, brick wall, closed his eyes, and listened. He stretched out with his animal-sharp senses until he could hear movement and voices inside the cavernous interior. Echoes of echoes reached him, and he could recognize familiar voices. Among them was Marco Santos, the so-called King of The East End. The man was a one-stop-shop of crime. Drugs, human trafficking, money laundering, whatever it took to raise Santos' bank account another decimal place.

He heard cars pull up to the loading dock, and the sounds of at least six men enter. Chief among them was Andrei Pozdnyak, up-and-coming bratva dude and Santos' main rival for the territory they were in right now.

Pozdnyak's masters had been moving eastward for five years. They already owned Iron Harbor's waterfront and industrial areas. Now they had their eyes on the casinos Santos owned, as well as Santos' lucrative trafficking operation.

Black Tiger listened to their meeting. It was not going well.

At the first gunshot, he was on the move.

Black Tiger kicked open the side fire door and went in, one gun up and ready. One punch took out the door guard, and two silent shots took out the lookout. Black Tiger stepped over the groaning man. He could sympathize. He'd been on the receiving end of stun ammo before and it was far from fun.

The inside of the warehouse was chaos. Predictably, both Santos and Pozdnyak had brought soldiers, and now those men were all trying to kill the other side. The overlapping chatter of fully automatic fire from both sides had sent everyone scrambling for hard cover, and now knots of hostiles roamed among the stacked cargo containers. There was shouting in four different languages.

Black Tiger smelled blood, cordite, and fear. He climbed to the top of a container stack and laid stomach-down on it. He moved to the edge. >From there, he could track three groups. Two of them were Pozdnyak's, one was Santos'. Andrei Pozdnyak was with the first of his groups. He did not have eyes on Santos, yet. Nobody was looking up, yet, so he took the opportunity to shoot two more gunmen. His subsonic shots were silent. No stopping power, but he was looking to incapacitate, not kill. Dead men can't roll over on their boss.

That set off more shouting. Black Tiger rolled back out of sight and moved to another container.

It took this meeting to get Andrei Pozdnyak to crawl out of whatever hole he's been in for the past year. I'm not going to have a better chance of taking him down, Black Tiger thought. If he lives through this.

Two more shots, and two more, and that left Andrei, two of his men, and two of Santos' men. Santos himself was dead; he'd found the body behind a crate where the man had crawled to die. Black Tiger sheathed his gun. He'd done almost all he could do at range.

He lithely dropped to the concrete floor and padded towards Andrei's position. He stopped when he heard an electronic whine from above him. He frowned and cocked his head. The sounds were at the very edge of his enhanced hearing. Four sources. One in each corner of the warehouse, positioned so that instead of interfering with each other, they complimented, producing an effect greater than any alone could.

All at once he felt like he was walking on the bottom of a swimming pool. The very air seemed to weigh him down. He looked up and saw both Andrei Pozdnyak and one of his men stumble from their hiding place and go to their hands and knees. Slowly, he went to one knee as the effect intensified. He couldn't describe the feeling; it was like he weighed a thousand pounds.

"Move to the center of the warehouse," came from above, the voice unfamiliar but clear.

Black Tiger felt himself stand up and then walk into full view of the gunmen. He could not stop himself. He struggled to disobey the command, but all that did was give him a pounding headache. He slowed, but still moved, his body refusing any command he gave it.

He took slow step after slow step, struggling against the compulsion. He could see the five other conscious survivors of the gunfight also converging at the same point, all struggling much as he was. One of Santos' men was cursing in a steady stream of Spanish. One of the bratva men was doing the same in Russian. Andrei was silent. They all glared at him when he walked into view and joined them.

Black Tiger walked to the center of the warehouse until he stood in a rough circle with four men and one woman. She had been on Santos' team. He clenched his gloved hands into fists. Trying to even lift his arms was almost impossible. A quick look around the circle showed everyone else except Andrei doing the same thing. He was standing stock-still, head bowed, hands open.

Not a bad idea. Conserve energy. Black Tiger stopped fighting it, and his body shifted slightly on its own.

Interesting. I'm in the exact same stance as Andrei, he thought. Whatever this is, it's bypassing conscious thought and puppeting our bodies directly.

A costumed figure in grey and white walked out of the warehouse office area, moving normally, and closed on the group. He was masked; a full head cowl and face mask that connected to his bodysuit. Black Tiger could see the man's muscles move under the suit; the gear was armored very lightly if at all, much like his own costume save over the vital areas.

On the man's chest was a red spiral design that, if you kept your eyes on it, slowly moved. Black Tiger blinked and tore his gaze from it.

"Good," the man said. "Not as many subjects as I'd hoped, but good enough for my trials."

Black Tiger growled back in his throat and tried to tell the masked man some facts about his mother's ancestry but could not speak. He tried to move but could not. His muscles flexed under his skintight neoleather bodysuit but to no avail.

The man smiled tightly and walked over to Black Tiger. He reached out, and his gloved hand slid over Black Tiger's broad chest. Then it squeezed his bicep hard.

"Very good," the man said quietly. "My tech is working better than I had expected, Black Tiger."

Black Tiger frowned and tried to speak again but all that came out was a low hrrrrr of anger.

"I have not given you permission to speak," the man said. "Eyes front. You can call me Doctor Hypnos, and all of you are now under my complete control. The infrasonic carrier wave has paralyzed your bodies. It also interacts with your minds in interesting ways. Primarily it suppresses what you might call your free will, placing you in a highly suggestible state."

Black Tiger let himself relax again. Hypnos grabbed his chin and turned his head. As the man examined his masked face, he examined the man in turn. All he could see were the eyes and the lower half of his face, but it was enough.

Hmm. Early to Mid-thirties. Good health and he's physically active. That suit isn't padded; the muscles outlined move too naturally. He's attracted to the power he has over us. He's practiced this, probably done tests many times, but this is the first real-world use. The big one, with real consequences. He's excited. His heartbeat is elevated. His breathing is rapid.

The man stepped closer and Black Tiger felt the man stroke his chest again.

"Understand this, Black Tiger. You are my slave, now. My helpless toy. You are going to steal for me, kill for me, or do anything else I say. You, and your new friends here. You cannot resist and you cannot break free. You can keep the mask for now; I have no interest in your real identity since that person is basically dead. You will never be him again. You will be my tool, Black Tiger. Do you understand?" Hypnos said, his voice calm and controlled, with an undercurrent of triumph.

Black Tiger tried to keep calm. This whole situation.... It was what happened when he was a kid. Not the same, exactly. Those people had used dart guns and gas to capture us, and they took us piecemeal, one and two at a time. Doesn't mean they can't have changed their approach.

He narrowed his eyes, sniffed. No. No, this man's scent wasn't familiar. He wasn't one of them. Or at least, he'd never been at their Canadian facility. The scents of everyone there were chiseled into his memory.

Black Tiger's amber eyes flashed with anger, but all he could do was slowly nod his head.

As he did so, though, he wanted to smile. Interesting. That was not a command, really. That was asking me a question. I should have been able to shake my head, or at least say no. But I nodded. So, something else is also giving commands, somehow. Okay, then. I wonder if Hypnos designed this thing. Could he be under its control as well, or does he simply not know what it's doing?

Hypnos looked around, then waved at the others. "Everyone follow me to the van. Stay quiet and calm. Get in the van and sit. Wait for my further commands."

Black Tiger fell in line along with the other men and the woman as Hypnos led them out through the loading dock area to a nondescript black van parked close by. They got in and sat. Black Tiger tried to talk but all he could do was open his mouth. The command to `stay quiet' seemed to include everything.

He noticed Hypnos got in on the passenger side. He has minions. I wonder if they are controlled as well? He's not stopping to remove the projectors from the warehouse. Either he plans to have someone else do it or he doesn't need to worry about other people wondering what they are. Fuck. This whole mess was a trap from the beginning.

As they rode, he watched the others. They watched him, and everyone else.

Andrei was young for a bratva lieutenant; mid- to late-twenties. The woman was the same. The other men all looked older, in their late twenties and early thirties. To a one, they were hard and tough. All had the air of experienced gunmen. Not a surprise. Santos and Pozdnyak would have brought their best.

Black Tiger tried to memorize the turns they took and counted out the time between them. By the time they stopped, he'd worked out that they were somewhere within two blocks or so of Sater Square. Heavy industrial area, most businesses here closed after the last downturn, or were automated distribution points. It was isolated from the rest of the surrounding city by crumbled streets and abandoned cars. I could feel the van move around rough areas at least twice.

The van stopped and Hypnos opened the back doors a few seconds later. No one else was around. "Follow me," he said as they walked into a large cargo elevator and descended at least fifty feet underground.

The area they walked in to was obviously repurposed, and recently. The lights were on, and again Black Tiger felt the walking-underwater symptoms of the infrasonic projector. He fought not to follow, but he was a passenger in his own body.

Andrei and he were led into a cell and left there. The sliding steel-barred door shut and locked. Black Tiger bent his head slightly. He could hear the others being led further down the corridor and locked into cells along the way.

Suddenly Black Tiger stumbled. He could move again. The stunning omnipresent infrasonic hum was gone. He turned just in time to dodge Andrei's rush, and club the man on the back of the head with his elbow as he stumbled past. Andrei screamed curses at him in Russian.

"The heck, man? We're in the same boat, here," Black Tiger said as Andrei rounded on him and he settled easily into a boxing stance. "Stay cool."

"What have you done to me? What the hell was that?" Andrei said after he switched from Russian to English.

Black Tiger took a step back and let his arms drop. "I didn't do any of this. Or did you not see I was as much a prisoner as you are?"

"He was talking to you! The masked man! You are in this together!" Andrei snapped.

Black Tiger stayed silent. Saying anything is just going to wind him up more, he thought.

The walls of their cell suddenly began to pulse with the same red spiral design on Hypnos' costume but much larger. Black Tiger shut his eyes and turned his head instinctively, then kept them shut as he backed away from Andrei until he hit a wall.

"No! No..." he heard Andrei moan.

"Don't look at it!" Black Tiger said.

"Too late, Black Tiger," Hypnos' voice came from the ceiling.

Keeping his eyes tightly shut, Black Tiger walked forward. Using his scent, he located Andrei and put his gloved hands on the young man's shoulders. He shook Andrei gently, but the man made no response.

"Andrei! Dude! Can you hear me!" Black Tiger said. He punctuated each word with another shake, but Andrei stayed silent.

"He's my puppet, Black Tiger. He's being reprogrammed, just like you will be. Eventually. You cannot keep your guard up forever," Hypnos hissed over the comm link.

Black Tiger stood in the center of the cell, head down, eyes closed, until he sensed Andrei moving. The next second, he felt the young man's body heat a hair from his skin, the breath of the man in his nostrils, and then a touch on his shoulders. Andrei's strong hands massaged his broad shoulders, and neck, then ran down the front of Black Tiger's costume.

"What is this, Hypnos?" Black Tiger snarled. No answer.

Andrei bent close and Black Tiger jerked back in surprise as he felt Andrei's lips brush his own. The man's mouth was soft and gentle on his, his lips like satin. He tried to step back away but found he could not move. He tried to scream at Hypnos, but he could not do that, either. All he could do was stand still and endure Andrei's hot, eager kisses.

They were... not bad. Andrei was a handsome man, and he obviously knew how to kiss.

After a long minute, Black Tiger parted his lips, and the young gangster's kisses became more insistent, more passionate. The man's hands roamed over his broad chest, tracing the muscles outlined by his matte-black bodysuit. Fingers followed the dark umber striping that ran across his straight shoulders, and then down his sides.

Black Tiger stood with his legs slightly apart, Andrei clinging to him, kissing him and moving his sleek hard body against his own lean and powerful muscled form.

"Want you," Black Tiger heard Andrei breathe against his lips. The man's tongue slipped into his unresisting mouth. Black Tiger kept his eyes tightly closed, but he could tell that the lighting in the cell was much brighter now, pulsing with the spiral pattern, sharp and penetrating. The rhythm of it matched Andrei's quick shallow breathing.

"Andrei. Dude. Stop this. Please," Black Tiger murmured against the young gangster's hot mouth working on his. Hands moved from his chest, down across his rock-hard abs, to his groin. Fingers slowly brushed over the smooth mound there, his black neoleather bodysuit cradling his junk in a protective embrace.

"I want that big superhero cock, Black Tiger," Andrei breathed.

Black Tiger stirred and, without meaning to, he pushed his hips forward, moving his groin against Andrei's strong hand.

"I knew you wanted this," Andrei said with a smile.

Black Tiger felt his cock stiffen and press against his costume, and he gritted his teeth. No. No... He clenched his fists. And he still pushed his groin against the man's hand. The flashing through his eyelids was beginning to get to him. Too later he realized the pattern of flashes was also important, also carried a hypnotic signal telling him to obey. He was... losing. Feeling himself give in. He took a deep breath, and then he obeyed. He undid the hidden seam in his bodysuit that let him use the bathroom without completely disrobing and let Andrei's strong fingers draw out his hard nine-inch length.

Black Tiger opened his eyes to the rotating pink spiraling pattern on the walls, and gasped as he felt Andrei begin to roughly masturbate him. The spiral drew him in as the man's hand stroked his pulsing cock. He tried to close his eyes, turn away, but he could not.

"Ah... stroke my dick, mi hombre," Black Tiger breathed as his cock hardened fully. His foreskin slipped back from his precum-wet cock-crown as Andrei stroked him with a firm, confident grip.

"Always figured you were hung as shit, Black Tiger," Andrei breathed. "Glad to see I was right."

Black Tiger took a step back until his back was flat against the light-pulsing wall. He turned his head to the side and moaned softly as the man stroked his cock; it felt so good, and Andrei was... intense. The young man's hand was firm on his pulsing penis, his lips were hot and eager, and sought out his needy moaning mouth with purpose.

"Ah... ahhhghh..." Black Tiger grunted in his pleasure. He kept his hands to his sides, not helping and not interfering with Andrei's assault on his svelte young body.

"I'm gonna treat that cock right, pretty-boy," Andrei said into his ear, then moved to kiss his neck below his black leather half-cowl and mask. He kissed him there, let his mouth stay and kiss and lick the heated skin.

He straightened and smiled. "Unmask for me, Black Tiger. Let me see your real face."

The young man hesitated, but then untied his mask and pulled off his leather half-cowl.

Andrei smiled as the hero obeyed him. He was handsome, yes, but Andrei hadn't counted on him being so young looking. His buzz-cut black hair lay close to his scalp, and his unshaven face made him look older but his eyes...

"How old are you?" Andrei said.

"I just... just turned nineteen," Black Tiger breathed.

Andrei slowly smiled. "You've been a thorn in my side since day one, and you're just a fucking schoolkid. Well, you're my schoolkid now, Black Tiger."

Black Tiger's eyes widened. "You... you..."

Andrei smiled. "Yeah, I'm wearing contacts that make me immune to the pattern and the lights. Hypnos works for me. And now, so do you, hot stuff. Gotcha."

Andrei stepped back, and Black Tiger stayed upright only because the wall was there. His legs felt weak. He hung his head as he tried to focus on the handsome young gangster in front of him. Andrei was hot, there was no doubt about that. The man took off his shirt and showed off clean pale skin and smooth, tight, well-defined muscles. He wasn't bulky, but lean and supple.

Black Tiger groaned softly as the shirtless young man knelt, took his erect cock in hand, then bent close and kissed its tip. He let the kiss linger, then he opened his mouth and slid warm, wet lips over Black Tiger's flaring large cock head. The man's mouth moved down his shaft, then back up.

The feel of it was incredible. Black Tiger grunted at every touch, every kiss from the man. He couldn't help himself. The physical sensations were overwhelming.

Andrei stood and took off his pants, then his boxers. His cock was erect and cut, and if it was smaller than Black Tiger's dick, well, most people were. He stepped up to the costumed crimefighter again, licking his lips slightly as he watched the youth lean helplessly against the wall. All around him, the pink spiral pulsed, it's light bright and hard and slicing into his brain as he stood there naked. It told him what it wanted, and it wanted him to use his cock on this handsome young stud every way it was possible to use it.

Andrei stepped close to Black Tiger, then reached between them so he could jack both their cocks at once, each pointed away from their body towards the other. Andrei listened to Black Tiger react, watched the crimefighter thrust his cock against the other.

"Those hot teenaged hormones. Nothing like them. You like that, huh, stud?" Andrei said, his voice rough from his earlier cries. He smiled as Black Tiger nodded and thrust some more against him.

"I knew you liked cock, you masked shit," Andrei breathed, feeling the incredible hardness and warmth from the Hispanic man's penis. He wanted this dude. Wanted him so badly. The taste of Black Tiger's silky cock-crown in his mouth, the thin salty lube that was trickling down his chin... it made him almost crazy with desire.

Andrei put his hand to the side of Black Tiger's handsome face, and patted it, then lightly slapped it. He slapped it again, then backhanded the helpless hero, knocking him to one side. Perfect. Black Tiger was so deep in the trance that he was like a willing little whore boy from The Streak.

Black Tiger turned back to the man. Andrei kissed him again, and fuck it was amazing. The vigilante's fresh, hot young mouth, his eager responses... these made him horny as shit. He held the kiss, his hands roaming over that fucking hard muscled body. It was like nothing he'd ever felt.

"Want you, Andrei," Black Tiger said when Andrei pulled away from his lips, and Andrei slapped him again.

"Fuck yeah, you do, hero," Andrei breathed as he moved in for another long, hot kiss. He thrust his cock against the younger dude's erection, against those cobblestone abs in his leather bodysuit. That thing, that costume, made this ten times hotter. It was smooth and soft against his penis and his hands. The leather gear, the buckles and straps on the boy's gloves and boots, the thigh straps holding down his holsters. His gunbelt. Everything about the costume was enticing.

"Put your mask back on again. Yeah, it's kinky as fuck but I wanna put my cock in Black Tiger, not Hot Street Boy."

Black Tiger nodded, knelt and retrieved his mask, and tied it back in place.

Andrei reached up and adjusted the black leather half-cowl, then patted Black Tiger's face. He reached and took Black Tiger's large cock in hand once more, the warm slick length squelching in his fist. He worked his fist over the boy's penis until he felt that pulse, that throb, and he crouched.

Black Tiger shouted when he came, a shout that turned into a long soft groan of need and pleasure and release as his cum pulsed out onto Andrei's face and chest.

Andrei leaned in and licked the crown of the hero's cock, tasting the sweet and salty cream still pulsing from it. He took it in his mouth again, and let his lips slip over the soft and silky skin. "Mmmmm," he moaned, and the vibration made Black Tiger yelp and cum again. The spurts filled his mouth and rolled down his chin before he could swallow the thick cum, and then he spent minutes cleaning that long dark-skinned cock until it gleamed.

Andrei stood up and ran two fingers through one of the cum streaks on his chest. Then he painted Black Tiger's lips with the sticky stuff, rubbing his fingers and thumb over the helpless boy's mouth until Black Tiger licked and then sucked his fingers.

Perfect. The young superhero was completely in his power. The kid's orgasm had stolen the last possible bit of his concentration and resistance. The moment he shot his cum, was the moment he became a toy for real.

"There we go. Perfect. You belong to me, Black Tiger. Look deep into the spiral my guy Hypnos developed. Let it steal your mind," Andrei said softly, his voice seeming to fill the entire room.

Black Tiger could only stare helplessly into the swirling pattern of lines and light. "You..."

"Yes, me," Andrei laughed as the spiral patterns faded from the walls and room lights dimmed. "I set a trap for Santos and his men and caught me a superhero as well. So, when I saw you there, I decided to see how far I could take you."

Andrei stepped forward and kissed Black Tiger again, a long and slow kiss that almost made the teen crimefighter cum again.

"And I'm gonna take you all the way, boy. All the way."


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