Black Sheep

Published on Feb 4, 2022


Black Sheep 4


"Now that we got all the paper work out of the way I wanted to show you this," the lawyer explains to us, "This is the Marchioness."

The club is drafty and cold. Joyous, Jamison and I spent the morning at the lawyer's office going through the transfer of the club. As we walk in I swear it looks like this place survived some type of nuclear war. There is dust everywhere. None of the furniture is intact. Everything just looks broken down.

"What the hell are we supposed to do with this?" Jamison asks.

"It's big," I tell him, "It's a nice space? I sent my assistant back home but I can have her draft up some ideas on how to use the space..."

They aren't even listening to me.

There are two floors. It's a huge area. I don't know what happened to it. I don't know who had a grudge against Big Mama but they definitely let her know it. This floor is coming up. The bar is in two pieces. The steps that lead to the 2nd floor VIP area are completely gone. There is a stage all the way in the back. It seems like that is the only thing in decent enough condition.

Joyous shakes his head, "Jamison is that guy still interested in buying?

I stop Joyous, "What guy?"

"I got contacted by a Travis Kim. He owns a couple clubs and he's thinking about buying out this space," Jamison states, "Looking at this shit I think we should consider."

Jamison would be the sneaky one to go behind our back and already start talking to someone about selling the Marchioness. He's always been that type of person. I give him a hard look. He's full of shit. He's a snake and no one seems to notice.

Joyous nods shaking his head, "Man... we need to sell this shit. ASAP."

"That's not what she wanted," I respond.

Jamison gives me a hard look, "Mr. Kim knows the club business. What the hell do we know? Our dad is a pastor. Our cousins all have families. The only reason Grandma left us this club is because she thinks we have the time. She doesn't get how much work goes into this nowadays though. Have you seen Club Indigo? Club Westwood?"

"I'm not selling," I tell Jamison.

Jamison gives me a harsh look, "What do you possibly know about the club scene?"

"Listen. Sell your share to some strange guy if you want. I'm keeping mine," I tell Jamison.

The lawyer stops us, "If it helps your grandmother left you some money to all of you for the restoration. She left $500,000."

"Goddam...granny," Joyous states, "Now we talking."

"It's only for the restoration," I tell Joyous, realizing he was clapping his hands a little too hard and getting a little too excited.

The lawyer nods, "She has it in a safe in her house. I have already emailed all of you the passcode to the four of you."

"Four?" Jamison asks.

"Jamila," I remind him, "You do have a sister, remember?"

"You really think she wants anything to do with this?" Joyous asks me.

"She's still our sister," I respond.

"Pops is having a family dinner this Sunday. Jamila should be there. We'll talk to her then."

"Am I invited?" I ask.

Joyous nods, "Of course you are. You family aren't you?"

"I can't tell. I was disowned remember?"

They both look uncomfortable. I guess that is something they don't want to talk about.

"Pops is giving you another chance," Jamison states.

I want to say something smart. I want to say something rude. Who was he to give ME another chance? I want to rage at that moment but instead I revert back to a child just needing acceptance from his father.

My heart starts racing fast and all I say is, "He is?"

"It's what Big Mama would want. He doesn't want the gay shit around him though," Joyous states, shaking his head, "And neither do I. So if you doing that gay shit then don't do it while you are down here."

Of course me being welcomed back came with rules and regulations. I shift a little. The lawyer is still standing right there. I wonder if he is thinking about how fucked up my family is. We are in this dusty ass club not able to agree on a single thing and talking about whether one's sexuality is OK to express.

"You won't see it," I state.

"You neither," Joyous tells Jamison.

At that moment every part of me feels lifted. Every part of me feels like finally someone sees Jamison for who he is. The way Joyous looks at Jamison is the same way he looks at me, FINALLY.

"Yo I'm not gay!" Jamison barks.

"Who you getting loud with?" Joyous asks him.

"I'm not gay," Jamison states in a softer tone, "That dude Brian set me up..."

Joyous isn't buying it.

"Man whatever," Joyous states in a real dismissive way as though he isn't believing it for a second, "Let's just meet up on Sunday. Hopefully that fucking addict makes it to dinner and we can sell this shit and make this money."

"Or not sell it," I add in.

"Majority rules on this one," Jamison tells me, "If Jamila agrees to selling this shit, we split the 500k and sell this piece of shit. And we all walk away from this with a good profit."

I could see the look on his face. Jamison walks out of the place before even saying another word. Joyous likes to believe the he is the oldest brother and he is in charge but Jamison is smarter and he is so manipulative.


Keon isn't at his apartment. I find Keon playing basketball on the courts. I just knew he would be at the courts. Even when he was fat he used to love coming out here and playing. Everyone said he could really ball for a fat boy. Maybe that's why he lost all that weight. He's playing with a couple of other people. I know they are gangbangers. I can tell by the red flags hanging from their pockets. The Piru gang was the local gang around here. I am sure that is what Joyous and Keon were down with. They don't bother me though. I'm sure they all know who I was from back in the day. At least in my neck of the woods I'm safe...unlike the areas where Jamila hangs out at.

He has his shirt off when he balls. I watch sweat dripping down his abs. I watch as his muscles crunch as he pushes aggressively driving the ball to the hoop to dunk it. A few other of the guys don't have shirts on either. I have to admit it's sexy as fuck just watching them bumping and pushing up against one another.

It's almost night time and it takes a while for Keon to notice me but when he does he tells his people that he needs a minute.

"You come out to the courts in a business suit?" Keon asks, "You really have changed huh."

I am in a three-piece suit. I am always suited up. The suit is my armor in a way. It lets me know that I'm not the same homeless gay boy who has nothing to offer anyone anymore. I don't tell Keon those things though. I don't want him to think I'm condescending.

"I was just looking for you," I tell him.

He has his ball shorts on. I can't help but to notice his dick swing in his shorts. As he approaches it swings left to right. I think he must notice I'm staring. It's kind of obvious. Maybe that's why he moves the basketball right over his crotch at that moment and palms it. He doesn't say anything about my staring though but it's clear that he was just a little uncomfortable with it.

"What you need? Is it something for the apartment?"

"No. Apartment's good. I need to find Jamila. She never answers her phone. I don't think she knows where it is half the time. I need you to take me to the other side of town again where she hangs out at."


"You are the only one who will take me over there."

"After that whole thing with AK people are on high alert. There's no more crossing boundaries. We go over there side they'll start shooting. Vice versa."

"But Jamila..."

"Jamila is a junkie. No disrespect. I grew up with your fam. I love your sis. But that's what she is. She's a motherfuckin' Junkie, Skinny. People don't pay attention to junkies," he tells me and takes a seat, "Talk to me, though. What's wrong?"

"My brothers are trying to sell Big Mama's club."

Keon sighs a little bit, "That's kind of foul."

"Isn't it?" I ask, "I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it that way."

"Yeah that club means a lot to the neighborhood. It was the only thing we really own. The Koreans are coming through buying up everything. But that's a whole different story..."

"Mr. Kim?"

"You know about that shit?" Keon asks, "He bought up Club Indigo. Turned that shit into some type of drug haven man. That's where your sister started getting high."

"Is tonight?"

"Don't even think about it," Keon states, "It's on the other side of town. The Crips run that area. We are not welcome."

"Keon, I'm not part of this life."

"Your brother is who he is. So that has consequences. There's rules in these streets, Skinny. Rules that keep you alive."

I shake my head. I had to talk to Jamila. I had to get to her before my brothers did. I knew how manipulative Jamison could be if he wanted to. I had to let her know that our grandmother did not want us to sell this club.

"Since when do you care so much about the streets, Keon?" I ask, "Bro... this isn't you. There's so much more to you than this Fatty."

He stares at the ball. He's a good ass player. He could have gone to school. He could have played in college if he wanted to. The fact that he is out here gang banging to get by just didn't sit well with me.

"You don't know my life anymore man. You don't know shit about what we go through on a day to day. What would a nigga like me do? What the fuck am I good at besides gang banging?" he asks me shaking his head, "Naw. You don't know me. Not anymore. Not like you used to."

Just at that moment Keon's boys come over. They are the same gang bangers that I saw hanging with Joyous. A few of them look over at me and I swear they are going to try to start some shit with me. I'm surprised when one of them offers me his hand to shake.

"How you been bro..."

There's a level of respect there. I have no doubt it's because of who my brother is. Joyous runs these parts.

"Wassup," I tell him.

"Sorry to hear about your situation man," He tells me.

The rest of them nod shaking their heads like they must have heard something really sad about me. I'm a little confused though. Situation? I am assuming he must be talking about Big Mama dying or something like that.

"Thanks," I respond.

One of the fellas looks over at Keon, "Keon we bout to ride out. Joyous need us to move some work."

I can only assume they are talking about selling some drugs. I've been so far removed from these people at this point that I'm not even sure. I take a look at Keon. I don't want him to go. I really don't. He looks back at me. He must be able to see in my eyes. I'm begging him to stay with me. Just for a little while.

"Did you want to play with me for a little bit longer?" I ask Keon, trying to give him an out, "We haven't played ball in years. Just you and me. Like we used to."

Keon shakes his head.

"I got shit I got to do man. You got the key to my place. Let me know if you need anything."

With that he turns and leaves. I know that Keon feels like he has to do what he has to do. This is the lifestyle he chose now.

And I had to do what I had to do.

I had to go to Club Indigo.

The club is just as nice as I assumed it would be. There is a little garden terrace. I look around to see if I can find Jamila. The club is definitely flashy and upmarket. The dance floor is huge and there are several VIP sections from the white couches blocking the dance floor to the private booths over it. As I walk in I realize how hard it is to even find people. This place is definitely wall to wall packed.

I make my way to an area where I see people doing drugs. It's by the bathroom. They do it out in the open as though no one cares. I figures if I were to find Jamila then this would be where she would be. When I make it close to the area I don't find Jamila, but I find someone else.

Brian...the guy who had been fucking Jamison.

"Brian have you seen my sister?"

He's high. He's clearly high. I can tell by how he turns around and his eyes get real wide when he sees me. He's not expecting me to see me here.

"Bro... what are you doing here. You know this aint Piru turf," he tells me.

"I don't care about the gang stuff. I'm looking for my sister," I tell him.


"Because she's my sister and I want to know where she is. I know you're cool with her. She's the one who told me about you and my brother."

She had told me that they got high together often. When they partied together one day Brian let her know that he had been having sex with Jamison. He's a nice looking guy, especially out of a wedding dress. I can see how Jamison would find the guy attractive.

"I wonder what she got in return," Brian states laughing.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You say you are out here looking for your sister or her wellbeing? Really? You expect me to buy that?" Brian asks, "Especially when you were probably paying her to tell you information on me and Jamison."

"She said she needed money anyway."

"For drugs. You were clearly helping her into this addiction and now all of a sudden you are out looking for her all worried. Please."

"Don't judge me," I warn him.

"Don't take me as a fool," he responds, "All you do is make things worse. You give your sister her money to get high. You made things worse with me and Jamison. He won't even fucking talk to me now."

He really thought I cared about his relationship with Jamison? Really? At this point Jamison still wasn't claiming him. I shake his head. The boy clearly loved Jamison. Jamison must have really put it on him.

"Where is my sister man..."

"Why don't you ask him," he says.

He points at that moment.

I turn and realize the person coming towards me. It's AK. I can remember the face anywhere. AK grabs me at that moment. He holds me hard by the arm and drags me into this posh looking bathroom.

As soon as we get in the bathroom he screams, "OUT!"

The room clears. Even the guy selling gum and handing warm towels to people gets out of the bathroom. It's clear that AK has some real pull in this place. When we are in there he looks over at me with a hard face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He ask me.

"I'm looking for Jamila."

"So are we. Jamila robbed my brother Sosa. That bitch is gonna get killed."

What the fuck Jamila?

"That bitch is my sister," I tell AK, "Watch your mouth..."

"What the fuck you going to do about it? You a thug or something?"

He grabs me up by my neck. He presses me up against the glass. I slam my face up against the glass at that moment. He holds me there. He is choking me.

"It hurts."

"You talking all tough like you going to do something to us. You hard?"

"Are you?" I ask.

I look down. As he is holding me I notice that his dick is definitely hard. It's bulging out of his jeans. He looks down as well and sees it. That's when it happens.

AK and I just start kissing.

I don't know who starts it but I want it as bad as he does. Our tongues thrash up against one another. He puts his tongue deep in my mouth and starts to unbuckle his pants. I unbuckle mine. Our pants both fall to our ankles. He puts me up against the nearest walls.

"Now?" He asks me.

"Yes. Give it to me."

He spits on his dick. There is something about his roughness that is turning me on. There is something about the way he is just grabbing me up and pushing me down that makes me so fucking horny. I feel his arm push me up against the wall and I'm breathing heavy. He enters me. Raw.

Nothing feels like his big cock in my tight hole while sliding I'm panting up against a bathroom that probably isn't the cleanest yet there is this throbbing, deep, hard, long, pounding, squirting pre-cum the entire time. People are pounding on the door wanting to use the bathroom. AK could care less. He gives me load after load, balls pulsating with every squirt.

After my hole is open and dripping with his nut, he bends down and starts sticking his tongue as far in as possible.

All I can do is exhale at that moment.


"Fuck," AK whispers.

"Who is that?"

"My brother Sosa."

I knew AK had a brother that was up there with the Crips. We struggle at that moment to buckle our pants up. When we are decent I pretend like I'm washing my hands and AK acts like he was on the phone.

"Wassup bro..."

"Oh why the fuck you holding up the bathroom bro?" Sosa asks.

Sosa has goons with him. I don't know how many. I'm too terrified to turn and see him. I just hear his voice. It's a deep voice. It's kind of scary to say the least. There is something really menacing about this guy and I can tell just from his voice. I always wondered what kind of guy would go toe to toe with Joyous. My brother was tough but he was a tough pretty boy. I don't think there is anything pretty about this guy Sosa.

"Just on the phone man..."

"Oh ok cool," he says but just as he seems to let it go he pauses for a minute and then says, "Who's that?"

AK doesn't answer. I turn and see Sosa for the first time. He's huge. He had a thick beard and yellow teeth. He looks nothing like AK. He looks like a jailhouse version of Rick Ross. His eyes set on me. They are red like he's been smoking all day. He looks like some sort of savage dog or something like that.

"I was just washing my hands man."

"Who are you man? I ain't seen you around these parts," Sosa states, "I know everyone in my hood..."

"I'm just visiting."

"I said who are you?"

"No one."

That's when AK looks at me. He's quiet. I expect him to stay quiet...but for some reason he doesn't.

"He's...Joyous's brother..."

There is a silence at that moment. I can't believe AK just sold me out like that. My heart is beating heavy. The goons are just standing there shocked that I'm in this bathroom like this. Why would he do that? Why the fuck would AK do that? My mouth almost drops when I hear him say what he says.

"Kill him," Sosa says.

Just at that moment I'm attacked. I don't remember everything. All I remember is someone hitting me clear in the face. I remember AK just standing there. I don't remember him trying to stop it. All I hear are thuds at that moment and cursing. They begin to stomp me out. I feel the pain all around me. My body is in so much pain. Then the pain stops. That's the worst part. When the pain stops you almost think that your whole body has gone numb and that you are going to die.

Kick after kick. They stomp out my face. They stomp out my body. They stomp out every fucking part of me.

That's when someone comes in and says something.

I don't know who it is but his order makes Sosa and his goons stop beating me up. Everyone leaves the bathroom. I'm left alone in the room with this person and I wonder who I owe for saving my life. I get up off the floor. My body is sore.

"Here... your lip is busted," the man hands me a towel.

I turn and see an Asian man. He might be in his 40s. He has a clean white suit on.


"So you are Joshua Wallace. It takes a lot of balls to come to this side of town," the guy says, "My name is Travis Kim."

He shakes my hand.

"The man trying to buy my grandmother's club."

Kim nods at that moment and smiles as though I'm not bleeding out like a stuffed fucking pig.

"Your brother says that you are trying not to sell the space."

"Jamison would be telling you the truth," I state, "Club Marchioness has sentimental value to me."

"I'm willing to pay for sentimental value."

"It's not for sale."

Mr. Kim laughs. The look on his face is condescending as though I just told some sort of joke. I'm dead serious. I hate how he is laughing in my fucking face like this.

"I run clubs in this neighborhood. I know how to navigate with these animals. Look at you. You almost got yourself killed. You are out of your league here."

"Out of my league?"

"Yeah. And do you think someone in your condition can even manage this club?"

"Someone in my condition?" I ask, "Look I don't know what Jamison has been telling you but I'm fine. I'll figure it out."

"You'll your grandmother did."

"You're welcome to our grand opening, Mr. Kim," I tell him.

Mentioning my grandmother was the worst decision this motherfucker ever made. I drop my bloody towel on the sink and leave.


It's Sunday. I get to my grandmother's house late for dinner. My dad owns it now. I guess she left the big house to him. There are more than enough rooms in here for me to sleep here and stay but I don't. Hell I haven't even been staying at Keon's since getting beat up by the Crips. I just needed some time. When I arrive at my grandmother's house I'm surprised that Keon actually opened the door.

"Where the hell have you been?" Keon asks me.

"At a hotel..."

"What happened to your face?"

"Nothing," I respond and quickly change the subject, "What are you doing here?"

"I brought Jamila here...for you. And your family asked me to stay," Keon stated, "That's where I ended up going that night after I left you. I ended up riding around looking for Jamila. I convinced her not to sell the Marchioness..."

"She isn't selling?"

"Nope. I had a long talk with her. I let her know how much it meant to your grandmother. I let her know how much it meant to you."

Keon brought Jamila. I went through all that and he ended up getting her for me. I want to thank him but I just end up throwing my arms around him. I squeeze him. Just at that moment I turn and see my dad. He sees me hugging Keon.

We separate quickly.

"The food's ready," my dad states.

I arrive at the table. My entire family is there. Even extended family. I see cousin Sheila there with her new husband. No one talks about it but Sheila has gone through more marriages than anyone we've known. I believe this is her 7th husband. He's brought his kids, who are not by Sheila. There are two of them. The only reason I know about this is because of my mother's email. Speaking of my mother she is there. She is sitting at the table. She smiles at me when I walk in. She even gets up and gives me a hug. I guess my dad must really be giving me another chance if she is giving me this sort of welcome in front of him. Usually she would just give me a nod and a smile when he isn't looking.

My cousin Lionel and his wife Becky are there. They must have got a baby sitter or something though. Lionel gives me a little smile and his wife Becky gives me a wave. I've met her a few times. She's actually a sweet girl, regardless if her husband is a spineless idiot.

Uncle Regis is there. He's sitting right next to Dad like he always does, ready to get Dad's barking orders.

Then I see my siblings. Joyous, Jamison and Jamila all are sitting in a line. I sit across from them next to Keon.

Joyous stares at me hard.


I know what he's asking. He used to do it as a kid. He would ask me who beat me up or who picked on me or who threatened me. He clearly sees the bruises.


I could have told my brother that Sosa did this but for some reason I felt betrayed by AK. He sold me out. He fucking watched as his brother and those goons whooped my ass. This was Sosa's doing.

"Keon...after dinner get the boys together," Joyous directs him.

Like a true soldier Keon is already on his phone, "It's already handled."

I don't feel bad. I don't know what Joyous is going to do but I don't feel bad anymore. Why should I stick up for AK if he wasn't willing to even keep quiet for me? If he wanted to throw me under the bus, he had to realize that I had a bus to throw him under as well. That bus was my brother Joyous.

I can see Joyous getting more and more heated as he looks at my face. Even when my father joins hands to pray over the food I can see Joyous still just looking at my face. He keeps tapping his fork.

"I might have to end this early," Joyous states, clearly feeling some type of way and getting antsy to take action.

"You're going to sit right there and enjoy the food with the family. The whole family hasn't been together like this in a while," my father says, "This is good. This is good."

My father is acting like he isn't the reason that the whole family hasn't been together in a while. I was damn near blacklisted from the family. He could have had one of my brothers go track Jamila down anytime if he really wanted to see her. He didn't. I guess he wants to live in his fantasy. Maybe he just wants to pretend like the past is over.

I want to call him out but I don't.

For the first time it feels like we are actually...starting over...

We get to eating. It's awkward as fuck. No one is really talking except Sheila and she is only really talking to the man that she brought with her.

"Keon can you pass some bread..."

"I can get it," I state."

"I asked Keon," Sheila responds.

Keon grabs the bread and gives it Sheila. Sheila is acting weird as fuck. She was always a dumb rude bitch but today she was even more so. I don't know why. I'm suspicious of it though. I have to calm my nerves not to go off on someone at this table. I grab some wine and pour it in my glass. I'm the only one drinking and I feel out of place. Keon probably knows that. Maybe that's why he offers a glass too. He drinks with me.

It's small things like this that are making me just look at Keon in this different light. Sure he was more attractive but he's always had a kind heart. He's no gangster. I know he isn't. If he wasn't here I would be tripping.

I stare over at Keon. I'm surprised when he squeezes my leg underneath the table a little bit. He does it slightly but I know he does it for me.

It's Uncle Regis who breaks the silence.

"So you kids decided to open up Club Marchioness," Uncle Regis states.

"Actually we are split on the decision," Jamison corrects him.

Jamila adds in silently, "That's what Big Mama wants."

"Did he buy that answer out of you?" Jamison asks.

Jamila doesn't respond. She's never been good with conflict. I think she said one time that it fucks with her aura. I really think what she meant to say is conflict fucked with her high. I wonder if she is high now. Maybe that's why she just rolls in her chair and throws her hair back. The kids look at her wondering what is wrong with her. Joyous slaps her up in the back of her head to wake her back up. He gives her water. It's really fucking embarrassing but I think she literally just passed out. I look over at Keon hoping he's not judging us but I think he is used to this by now.

I know who he is talking about even if he doesn't say my name. He wants to make me look like the malicious person at the table who is always up to something. All the while Jamison has all the sneaky ways. It's always been Jamison. None of them believe it though.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask Jamison.

"It means you throw your money at her to change the situation."

"I saw Mr. Kim yesterday," I tell Jamison, "He stopped me from getting my ass beat from the Crips. He told me that we would fail."

"He's hanging around the Crips?" Joyous asks.

"I think they are in business together. I can't be sure."

"Oh then this is definitely going down. I'm all the way down with building that club," Joyous immediately answers, "We have the money. Let's do it."

"Not you too," Jamison states.

Jamison wasn't the only one who knew how to manipulate situations. Tying in Mr. Kim to Sosa and his gang definitely would be enough to get Joyous to change his mind.

"Majority rules brother. Isn't that what you said?"

"You are a manipulative little faggot!" Jamison says slamming his hand on the table.

"But the shade is I'm not the only faggot at this table. Or did we all forget Brian?"

The kids giggle. My mother pretends like she doesn't see it. Uncle Regis stares me down like I just fucking opened Pandora's box.

"Let's leave those demons out of the family dinner," my father states.

"Listen to your father," Uncle Regis states.

I roll my eyes. I already had a father. I didn't need Uncle Regis being his fucking mouthpiece. The reason my father thought he could get away with what he got away with is because he always had this motherfucker here backing him up.

I realize I've drank all my wine.

"I need more wine."

"You can have some of mine," Keon offers.

I drink off Keon. I hand it back to him. Keon is about to finish it off when Sheila jumps up from the table.

"Don't do it. That's how you catch it," she says.

"Sheila you weren't supposed to say anything. We all sat here and discussed that we would leave his business to himself," Uncle Regis states, "Your uncle said not to bring it up."

"I don't want no one to die, that's all I'm saying," Sheila states.

"What the hell is she talking about?" I ask.

"Ignore her. She's being ignorant," Keon states.

"Yo don't call my sister ignorant," Lionel defends his sister, "She was just trying to save your life."

"What the fuck are these idiots talking about?" I ask.

No one answers.

Everyone gets quiet.

Keon is the one who answers, "Jamison let everyone know about your condition."

I remember the boys at the court. I remember Mr. Kim. I see how Sheila is reacting right now.

I look over at my brother. He just stares at me.

"What condition?"

"I mean I just assumed because that's what gay people have," Jamison states.

"Assumed what?" I ask.

"He didn't assume anything," Keon states, "Jamison you sat here and told all of us that Joshua was dying of AIDS."

Sheila and Lionel are nodding like the fucking idiots that they are. I sit there and I look at Jamison. I can't believe him.

"I should whoop your fucking ass right here," I tell Jamison.

"He was lying?" Keon asks.

"Yes!" I reply, "I don't have AIDS. Even if I did this is how I am treated? Like seriously?"

"He doesn't have it?" my father asks.

Jamison gets quiet.

For the first time in forever he is caught up in one of his fucking lies. Did he really think he could get away with spreading a foul ass rumor like that about me? I look at him and just wonder what he was trying to accomplish with this. Why would Jamison say something so nasty?

"Do we know he doesn't have it?" Jamison asks.

"Apologize," my dad states.

I'm shocked. I turn to my father. I'm beyond shocked.

"What?" Jamison asks.


"No," Jamison responds.

"You ain't shit Jamison," Joyous states.

"He's always been bad. I always knew. I used to tell you people about Jamison," Lionel adds.

Sheila looks over me, "Well if he won't apologize then I will. I apologize to you Joshua. I should have never treated you like that."

"I accept."

"Are you guys fucking kidding me?" Jamison asks, "You turning on me for this faggot?"

"Pot calling the kettle black," Lionel states, "Ain't you gay?"

All hell breaks loose. All the shit from the wedding is finally coming out to the open. People are finally confronting Jamison. FINALLY! Jamison looks like he is about to swing on Lionel. He gets up and damn near does it but Joyous grabs him and pulls him to the other side of the room.

"You calling me a faggot?" Jamison asks.

"You sat here and started this nasty rumor about my son," my dad says.

He calls me his son. There is this warm feeling inside at that moment. I could sit there and act like I didn't want my father's acceptance and I had just been fine without it. I was. Still there was a part of me who needed it. I needed him to realize I was his son and accept me.

"Ok, I lied but he's a liar too. Like...fuck him!" Jamison starts going off.

"How many times have I stuck up for you Jamison. There are demons in you child. Demons..." my father states, "I should have known you would start picking up these nasty traits. Once that demon is in you. I swear. Once that demon is in you. I need to pray for you."

"Demons? You talking about the homosexuality aren't you?" Jamison states.

My father doesn't respond. He's too uncomfortable.

His mouth piece, the good Deacon Regis fills in the blanks, "We did encounter that situation with that boy."

"Oh Brian. Let's call Brian."

We all expect him to pick up his phone but he doesn't. He literally shouts. Jamison literally shouts and we hear footsteps coming down the steps. We all look over and see that Brian is in our house. I'm shocked. What the fuck is he doing in here.

"You brought this...thing in the house?" my father asks.

I'm confused as to why Brian is here. The fact that Brian stands there at that moment is shocking.

"I don't know your son, sir," Brian states.

"What?" I ask.

Brian is lying. He is lying right to my entire fucking family. I look over at Jamison. He stares at me. He has a smirk on his face. He stares at me the whole time. He is loving this. I hate that smirk on his face. I hate the look that he has at this moment.

Brian explains, "I do not know your son. Never met him a day in my life. To my knowledge Jamison is not gay. I was paid by Joshua to show up and interrupt the wedding."

They were lies. They were all lies. I look over at Jamila. She has passed out again. She can't even defend me.

My whole family looks at me.

Even Keon looks at me sideways.

"Get out," my father says, "Get out and this time...I don't ever want to see you again."

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