Black Master White Slave

By moc.oohay@wjhtiek

Published on Feb 13, 2017


Black Master white slave Life Journey Part 2

After receiving almost two -dozen emails and questions within two days of my posting, Master told me to write this second piece to answer those questions. The questions were typical: What's a typical day like for your Master and you? Does your family know you're a slave? Did you always want to be a slave? Etc.etc. I'll try to answer them all as best I can.

First of all, yes, this story is our REAL life story. I am a white man who is a slave to a strong and dominant Black man. With much gratitude and enthusiasm, I plan to be at his mercy and his beck and call 24/7/365 for the rest of my life. The story I wrote and posted on Nifty is how our relationship began. Here's a little more detail of our initial meeting and our day-to-day life together.

We met at a charity luncheon sixteen years ago. Master is an architect, and I am a financial planner for a major corporation. In college, I dated a black man whose parents pressured him to find a black man instead of a white man, which is why we broke up. I dated white men as well and always hoped that I would find my Mr. Right to spend my life with--whatever race he would be. During the luncheon where we met, I was very interested in him and found him to be intelligent, charming, strong, confident, and yes, so damn handsome. Two days later, we had our first date.

I fell in love with him instantly, and I had hoped he might be interested in me as well. Being a slave had never even crossed my mind. On our fourth date, he sat on my face and pumped my mouth really hard with his dick, and this was the first time I swallowed his cum. Yes, I now hoped even more that he would be interested in me.

This was the first test he put me through to see if I showed potential for him to soon dominate me. I really made bonus points with him when I told him he could use my body anytime and anyhow he chose to. I was so horny when I said it; although, I meant every word of it. My comment pleased him, and he realized at that moment that it would be easy for him to take control of me, and he could now start the process for me to begin my life in slavery.

When he tied me up to the bed the next night, I never resisted, and that also pleased him. After fucking me, he left, and when he returned a few minutes later, he was pleased that I was still calm and not overreacting to still being tied up. I told him how much I enjoyed it and asked him if he could do it to me again. He laughed as he released me, and I can still remember him saying, "Good; I'm glad you enjoyed it. This is just the beginning of what I have planned for you." A few minutes later, he became my Dominant. It was an immediate enjoyment for me to be his sub, and from the moment I accepted this position, all I could think about was how to please him. Again, I never figured that three months later we would soon move up to the next level: Master and slave.

When I questioned Master about having a closet in the garage, he told me he had used it in the past and hoped to use it again soon. After becoming his property and slave, I learned that a year and a half earlier, his first slave (a black man) got tired of a life in slavery, and Master granted him his freedom. The garage closet was once again occupied because it is where I now keep my clothes. I dress there in the morning and then leave for work. When I get home in the evening, once the garage door closes, I immediately undress from work there. When I enter and leave Master's home, I am always naked and collared. It is my responsibility to attach my collar in place (" my uniform" as Master calls it), and of course, he attaches the leash to it whenever he chooses to do so.

A typical weekday morning begins this way. I get up about 60-90 minutes before Master. I do a few minutes of exercising and then shave my pits, chest, crotch, and ass before showering. After showering, I then put on the coffee maker before going back into Master's bedroom. I then kneel on the side of his bed and wait for him to wake up. Usually, he is already up by this time. He then gets up, and I begin kissing his right foot to show another day of gratitude to him in being his slave. When he removes his foot from my mouth, I then do the same thing to his left foot. A few minutes later, he'll guide his dick to my mouth, and I swallow his morning piss.

Master then sits up in his bed while I go into the kitchen to get his breakfast. On weekday mornings, we eat toast and drink coffee. I place his breakfast on a lap tray and then serve him breakfast in bed. I then stand a few feet away from his bed and lower my head while he eats. When he is finished, I remove the tray. He then goes into his bathroom to shave and shower. I then go to the kitchen, eat my own breakfast and clean the dishes. I then go back into his bedroom and make his bed and lay out the clothes for him to wear to work.

When Master finishes his shower, he comes back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, exposing his perfect body. He usually sits in a leather chair in the corner of his bedroom while his body cools down. When he gets up, my duties as his valet now begin, and I remove the towel wrapped around his waist. He'll lift his arms, and I'll rub deodorant to his armpits and then spray his cologne on him. I'll then dress him and see if he requires anything else of me.

A few minutes later, Master leaves for work. I follow him to the garage where I remove my collar, and I then get dressed for work. We usually leave his home around 7:30 every morning. I usually return home from work before Master does, where once the garage door closes, I now undress, put on my collar, walk inside the house, start preparing dinner, and wait for him. When he comes home, I then undress him. He often times has me give him a full body massage or sometimes a long relaxing foot massage. I've come to love worshiping his feet when I am allowed to do so.

I then serve him dinner in the dining room. While he is eating, I stand several feet behind him, once again with my head lowered. If he needs anything, he rings a dinner bell, and I immediately respond to his needs. When he is finished eating, he then goes either to the office area of the condo or to the living room. I then go into the kitchen and eat my dinner, standing up over the kitchen counter. I then clean the kitchen and then go to wherever Master is.

I have selected corners in the living room and bedroom where I stand. Master requires that I am seen and not heard. I speak when spoken to and must raise my hand to request permission to speak unless I am having a conversation with Master. In the corner, I have my punishment and my relaxed stances. My relaxation stance means I stand as straight as possible with my hands on my side and try to move as little as possible in order not to disturb Master. Sometimes, he'll let me sit in the corner and read. Other times, he'll allow me to sit on the floor in front of him to watch television. He then uses me as his human ottoman and rests his feet on my shoulders.

Usually I stand in the corner until bedtime. When Master announces it's time for bed, I then go into my slave bathroom and brush my teeth. I then go into Master's bedroom and pull back the comforter to his bed and wait for him. Once again, I'll undress Master and then dress him for bed. He likes to sleep in silk boxers with no shirt (he wears silk briefs during the day). Before I place his boxers on him, I once again kneel and swallow his evening piss. He gets into his bed, and I then go to the foot of his bed and I pull out the sheet and blanket I use to sleep, which he allows me to store under his bed.

At one time, I was allowed to use a pillow to sleep on; however, once when I was punished twelve years ago, Master took away this privilege and never reinstated it. At the time Master told me that sleeping with no pillow would serve as a reminder of my inferior status and prevent me from thinking like an uppity white slave. The plush carpet in the bedrooms is very comfortable and makes a nice pillow. Of course, i am grateful to have such a comfortable sleeping area on the floor on the side of Master's bed. It's nice to be able to look up at night and see Master resting comfortably in his bed.

On weekends, the routine changes drastically. I still get up at the same time and do my morning routine while Master usually sleeps later. His breakfast is usually more elaborate since he has more time to relax and enjoy it. Every other Saturday, I trim Master's toenails. He'll rest his feet on a low rising footstool. As I trim each toenail, I place the clippings on a tissue, which is on the floor on the side of the footstool. Sometimes when I'm finished, he rewards me by letting me suck his toes. I have learned how to give Master a pedicure, and I do this periodically in the warmer months since he likes to wear Adidas or Nike slides with his shorts.

Master uses this toenail trimming time to review the cell phone he allows me to use for texts and phone calls. He also checks the emails to my personal email account, which I must have permission to use. I also turn in my spending report for my weekly allowance ($20.00). I must account for every item I buy by producing receipts and returning the remaining cash. My allowance is for food, snacks, breath mints, sodas, etc., and may never be used on any personal item unless I first receive permission from Master. Should the receipts and cash not balance, I am punished and lose my allowance for a few weeks.

Master then gives me a grocery store shopping list for the food to buy for the next week's meals and tells me whatever other errands he may be assigning me. Master then tells me whether to write a check or use the credit card for these transactions. Otherwise, I may not use them without first getting permission. I then leave the house to do the errand(s) and return home to clean house, do the laundry, and cook several dishes to eat during the week. I also wash and change the sheets to Master's bed as well. My laundry is done after Master's, and my clothing is never mixed in with his clothing.

Master is an avid golfer and plays when the weather permits (we live in Michigan). Otherwise, he may play basketball, volleyball, or tennis with other friends and Masters, go to the gym, go out to lunch with friends, or make a date with another bottom (he's been in an open relationship ever since we met). I stay home and cannot leave the house without permission. Should I finish my household duties before Master returns home, I am then allowed to sit in my corner and wait for him to return home.

On Sundays, we go to church. Before my slavery, I was a Methodist; however, since Master is an Episcopalian, I changed faiths. For the second time in a weekend I am allowed to temporarily wear clothing to attend church with Master. Sometimes, Master will pay for us to go out and eat after. Those times spent with him are always nice. Sometimes Master goes to the gym on Sunday afternoon, and in summer he often goes swimming in the pool the condo association built several years ago. I then either stand or sit in the corner and wait for Master to return home, unless he has assigned me other chores to do.

My parents were older when they got married (32 and 40). Four years later, I was born (an only child). Mom died when I was ten-years-old, and Dad died when I was thirty. He died about a year after I became a slave. He met and really liked Master, but he never knew when we visited him that I was sleeping on the floor in my old bedroom while Master was sleeping in the new comfortable bed he had gotten for the room.

Master's family and friends know of our status. Master and his Brother (whose slave is American-Samoan) have an older sister who is aware of her Brothers' ownership of us. His sister, brother-in-law, two nieces, and their boyfriends are used to seeing we two slaves naked in their presence. Master knows that his brother-in-law (who is also a white man) would like to have a slave as well, but his sister would never approve of this. She is accepting of her brothers' lifestyle as Masters, but she has expressed many times she doesn't think it is right. I still have the greatest amount of respect for her; she's a great woman. Both Master and I think his brother-in-law would make a great Master. In time, I think his sister would enjoy her status as a Mistress, but it will probably never happen.

Master is in a Tuesday evening poker club. Every Tuesday night the men rotate their homes as hosts. The club has black and white men, with gay and straight men. When it is Master's turn to host, the men are now used to seeing his naked white slave serving them drinks and snacks. The few straight men in the group aren't as nervous seeing me naked and collared as they once were. Usually when a new straight member sees me naked the first time, he may often ask me if it hurts to shave my crotch every morning since he may have never seen a man's hairless crotch before. Master has a great group of friends.

Fortunately, I am not punished very often. When I am, Master usually gives me a hard spanking with his hands, belt, and belt buckle, cane, or paddle. I then stand in the corner with my hands placed in the middle of my back. I have stood in this position for as long as ten hours. When Master checks in on me, I must raise my hand to get permission to speak. When he plans to have me punished for most of the day, he will usually give me a five- minute break to use the bathroom and get something to eat before I once again resume my position. When he is inspecting me, I always get so nervous because if I move too much, he will then give me another spanking. He does have a bondage table, but he does not use it all that often. The most he uses it is every weekend in February. I hate those years February may have five weekends.

Every February during Black History Month, Master and I spend either a Saturday or Sunday afternoon or evening each week watching several episodes at a time of Roots. I will sit on the floor on the side of him while he grips the leash to my collar. Whenever a scene showing mistreatment of a slave is shown, Master then tightens the grip to my leash. When we are finished watching the miniseries for the day, he removes the chain and collar from around my neck. This is my cue to crawl to the bondage table, get up on it, and wait for him. He'll then strap me securely to it and give me a severe punishment of TT, CBT, and spanking my feet until they are about to bleed. He'll spit in my mouth when he doesn't attach a mouth gag on me. This is my punishment for the mistreatment he believes his ancestors in North Carolina must have gone through when they were slaves. He sometimes keeps me strapped to the table for one to several hours after my weekly February torture when he repeatedly reminds me that the circumstances have been reversed, and that he now owns a white man.

During February, I am also required to kiss the bare feet of any Black man or woman who comes to Master's home. His family and friends are aware of this rule, which is a sign of respect to them from a white slave. Master's Brother learned of this rule several years ago when he visited Master one weekend in February and I kissed his feet (they live about 100 miles from each other). He liked it so much, that he also requires his slave to do the same thing.

One person asked me if Master and I spent holidays together. We're in the same house, but our experiences vary tremendously. Master and his Master and Mistress friends entertain periodically during the weekends and on holidays. Whether it's an ordinary weekend dinner party, an Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day meal, or Super Bowl Sunday get together, the Masters and Mistresses enjoy the day and time they spend together. We slaves are not so fortunate because we are constantly busy preparing appetizers, the meal, and desserts while also washing dozens of dishes. This is the life of a slave; any get together or holiday gathering can be a long and tiring day. The satisfaction a slave gets is in knowing how much his Master or Mistress enjoyed themselves.

Someone asked if I ever sat on the furniture or slept in the bed when Master wasn't home or away for a few days on business. The answer of course is NO. I never even think or have thought of this. I have not sat on furniture in Master's home since the day I first became his submissive. To do this would be a total disrespect to Master. Sitting on furniture is a privilege of a free person, and I gladly gave up those privileges to become a slave.

The only time I may be allowed in Master's bed is when he chooses to fuck me. I then lay a sheet across Master's bed so that my inferior body will not touch his sheets. He has never sucked my dick or rimmed me, to answer another question. I do these things to him when he tells me to do so. Once he is through fucking me, I then remove the sheet from his bed. Sometimes (about once or twice a year) Master and I will shower together, and in the shower, he might fuck me one or two more time. Of course, I must have permission to cum, and he does not give me this choice but about once a month.

To answer another question, yes, Master and I travel together and take our vacations together. Whether it's in a five star hotel or on a cruise ship, of course. I sleep on the floor while Master sleeps comfortably in the bed. Nothing changes because we may be temporarily away from Master's home. In public, he'll call me by my name; otherwise, in private, he calls me either boy or slave--usually boy more often since he finds this to be more degrading.

To the young men asking my advice about becoming a slave, here it is. Think long and hard about this life. The real life of a slave is nothing like the jacking off you may get when reading an erotic story about a Master and his slave. You will give up every freedom you have, all decision making choices, assets, spending options, and personal activities. While your Master is out at a function with friends or other Superior men and women, you will be alone at home more than you might have imagined you would be.

Your body is no longer your own; it is owned by a strong and dominant man to use at his pleasure. If you like the hairy chest you may have, or the goatee you're proud of, your Master will probably require that you shave it, since body hair is a sign of manhood and unworthy for a slave to even try to possess.

On the other hand, if this is the life you truly believe you were meant to live, you just won the lottery. Serving a strong, confident, intelligent, handsome Black man has been the best choice I could have been offered and gladly accepted. I have never been happier.

When Master took ownership of me sixteen years ago, I was so enthusiastic to begin our new life together. Over the years, we have settled into a pretty comfortable routine. I know my limitations as his inferior, and I know what Master requires and expects of me. I am constantly trying to become a better slave, and I am constantly working my hardest to please him so he will be proud of me.

I still take pride every time I give his feet their morning and evening kiss of gratitude and then drink his piss. My neck almost feels naked whenever Master tells me I can take off my collar because to me, this is another symbol to remind me of how happy and proud I am in my life as his inferior, his property, and his slave. I love my Master so much and have no desire to ever again be a free man. This white boy is very proud and very grateful to be spending his life serving his Black Master.

Next: Chapter 3

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