Black Mans Wintry Surprise

By matt giff

Published on May 14, 2002


Disclaimer: The following story is intended for adult readers. So, if you are not at least 18 years of age, or if this type of sexually explicit content is not legal in your state, read no further.

Black Man's Wintry Surprise, part 5

The phone rang at about 10 in the morning. Both Julie and I were still sound asleep, as I grappled for the phone.

"Hey dude, how'd you make out on the ride home and getting the pretty little woman into your apartment?", asked Marc at the other end. I was at once pissed off and stunned that this bastard had the balls to call me after fucking with my girlfriend last night. And, he acted as though nothing between us had changed. The only reason why I did not attack him last night was that he had that fucking monster Derek right there to help him.

"Dude, I can't believe you are calling me. How the fuck do you think shit went. I brought my girlfriend back here, she passed out in bed, totally hammered from all the drinks you deliberately set her up with, and after you fucked her knowing that I was watching helplessly. Oh, things went fucking terrific." I was completely pissed, and I could not think straight. I had no clue as to whether Julie remembered anything with Marc at all. But I remembered watching as his muscles stiffened each time he plunged his steely black rod into her. I remember watching as her body seemed to jerk with the force of his frenzied entries into her waiting pussy. I remember his mouth on her breasts, her hands grasping passionately at his perfect black ass, trying to pull him more deeply into her. And worst of all, I remember as both of them shuddered in ecstasy as they reached their climax together simultaneously. Finally, I remember how tightly they held one another after that, his thick black cock held rigidly into her tight pussy for a long and passionate finale, neither one of them wanting the moment to end. My mind was an angry blur.

"Chris, you are responsible for getting Julie and yourself into this shit. What the fuck did you think might happen if you, the cocksucking, white faggot boy that you are, brought that white beauty over here? And, let me ask you, would that have happened if you weren't getting your hot white ass pounded by Derek? No, dude it would never have happened, you know that. One more question: why was your beautiful white rod stiff as steel while your lady and I fucked one another? And, by the way, you might have noticed that I did not do anything close to raping her. She was totally into my black rod ramming her beautiful white pussy. I did not hear her complain, to the contrary, she showed all the signs of total ecstasy. So could it really be that you are worried that you are about to lose your pretty princess to me right on the heels of losing your own man cherry which you willingly gave to me one snowy night a few weeks back. Be serious dude. Your faggot behavior is the cause of this, not me."

As Marc spoke, I knew that much of what he said was right on the money. Ultimately, all of this disaster was my doing. Realizing that, I calmed down and said simply, "Marc, my fucking mind is blown away by what I have done. I think I need some time to give all of this stuff some thought. Anyway, the ride back here and the trip to bed were uneventful. She is still out cold. Don't know if she remembers a thing.

"Cool dude. I just wanted to check on the both of you. Have her call me here when she gets up. I just want her to know that it was my fault she got drunk. At the very least, she will probably be hugely embarrassed by that. I don't think she will remember anything that happened. So have her call me, okay buddy? And, am I gonna see you at the gym at your usual time today?"

" I guess, why? My ass is totally reamed so give me a break if you have any ideas." I offered.

Chris laughed, "No dude, I just want to share a couple of workout ideas with you. They might help you bulk up that white fortress of yours just a little more. Oh yeah, in case I forget to mention it, I loved it when you sucked me off and fingered my hole last night. That was real hot."

"Cool, glad you liked it. I liked what you did for me too. See you at 4, and I will have Jules call."

When Julie did get up, she was hung over, but did not let on that she remembered anything from last night other that being completely drunk. Marc was right, she did feel embarrassed. So I told her to call him, that he wanted to make her feel better about the whole thing. At this she brightened, and she went right for the phone.

Getting Marc on the phone, I could only get parts of the conversation which seemed as though it went on way too long. But, I was intensely jealous of what had happened, even if she remembered nothing. Anyway, Julie recuperated enough to go out shopping when I went to the gym later in the afternoon.

At the gym, I got going on my routine, trying to forget the nightmare of last night. I asked Derek if he had seen Marc. He said no, but he expected him here now, unless something better came up. The he smiled and said he liked my ass last night even better than before. I looked around frantically to make sure no one had heard. Fortunately, we were pretty much alone. One hour passed, then another, and still no Marc. I guessed he got tied up. When I finished my workout, Derek was in the locker room. He came over to me in the shower and told me that I should follow him to his place when I left the gym. I started to protest, but he moved in my direction and I backed away quickly asking only how long he wanted me for since Julie and I were going out. To this he smiled, and said, "As long as it takes, dude."

At Derek's I realized what a piece of meat I had become. He nearly ripped my clothes off of me and examined me up and down as if I were some cut of meat. He pinched my nipples, grabbed my ass, slapped my abs with his huge black hand. He pulled me close to him and kissed me hard on the lips as he pulled my head into his own with his hands behind my head. Then, he knelt and actually licked my cock and massaged it with his index finger and his thumb. I moaned at this. He moistened two fingers and probed my ass with one and then both as I stood for inspection. I realized my cock was swelled to its fullest size as he probed my body. I noticed Derek's own black tube was rigid and throbbing as he performed his inspection. I yearned for him to push me back on the bed, raise my legs and fuck me like he had last night.

But first he had to let me know his thoughts. "Dude, you have the hottest, most ripped white body at the gym. Your face is cute, even totally handsome. Your cock is a perfect length and thickness. What the fuck are you thinking, letting yourself be used by horny black guys. What's more, why did you let Marc fuck with your white beauty? I don't get it dude. Don't get it at all. But dude, I am so horny to plunge this pipe into your pretty white ass, I can't worry about the rest.

At least he had lube today, and he went right for my ass. Derek also liked fucking me while I lay on my back so he could fuck and kiss at the same time. Feeling his incredibly muscled body and the force it generated thrusting his enormous black cock into me repeatedly put me in a total state of arousal. He had the ability to constantly hit my prostate, thereby bringing me to climax at the same time he reached his in my ass. I loved the feel of his warm cum seeping down into my bowels as he held his swelled and completely stiffened rod deep in me. I also loved how he held his muscles taut for minutes after cumming while he deep tongued and kissed my mouth. Derek was a great fucker.

He pulled out of my ass and said simply, "Clean up time." With this he thrust his cum covered cock with bits of shit on it from my ass into my waiting mouth. I loved the feel of his manhood in me, even if I was totally humiliated by what was happening. His cock was so big, his body was so perfectly formed, I worshipped it, and he knew it.

"Okay faggot, nothing more for today. You were your usual hot self. You can be off to eat with Julie, but I think she is probably full right about now." He offered with a big smile.

"What are you talking about dude?, I asked. Not having a clue of what he meant.

He continued to smile as he said, "Actually, she might be hungry after all. But right now she is probably full.......of Marc's black cock up her wet pussy. You see, something better did come up. His cock in her cunt while you were at the gym. I think he wanted to try her out sober, so he invited her over without you, and she went I think. And, I think he probably told her all about you and your appetite for my cock up your ass. In fact, I think he probably has a picture or two of us doing it last night that he showed her to prove what he was saying. Anyway dude, I am actually certain that she is getting fucked by him as we speak, cuz when I left his place to come to the gym, he had sweet, pretty Julie screaming and moaning in his bedroom. My job was to keep you busy while he gave her the complete service, if you know what I mean. By the time you get there dude, Julie will have sucked him off a couple of times, and he will have fucked her cunt at least three times and her ass probably twice. Face it you pathetic dude, your girl tasted black meat last night. You are no match for that.

I was shaking with rage and fear as I sped to Marc's place. When I got there, I raced to the door, found it unlocked and entered the empty living area. His bedroom door was closed and my heart sank when I heard voices. As I pushed the door open, I saw Marc's beautiful form fucking furiously. Underneath his rippling back and leg muscles was the smooth and markedly lighter skinned Alana whom I had fucked two weeks earlier at Marc's orders.

My eyes widened as I looked upon the beautiful black stud and his beautiful black lover. I stuttered out my apologies for interrupting, but said Derek had succeeded in convincing me that Julie was here, not anyone else. Both Alana and Marc laughed at me and Alana asked me if I could wait til she and Marc were done. I looked at Marc, who told me to go find Julie. He said he was sorry he was not at the gym, but that Alana had stopped by unexpectedly.

First Derek had humiliated me by cumming in my hair and pissing all over me.

Now he had played on my worst fear, that of losing Julie. What would the bastard do next I thought.

I drove back to my place to find Julie back from shopping, her hangover better, and wanting to go out to eat.

Next: Chapter 6

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