Black Mans Wintry Surprise

By matt giff

Published on May 6, 2002


Disclaimer: The content of this story is adult oriented, and so if you are not 18 years of age or older, or if this type of material is not legal in your state, read no further.

Black Man's Wintry Surprise, Part 2

"Chris, yo Chris, dude......Chris, it's seven o'clock. You asked me to wake you so you could call your office."

As I heard my name, I was disoriented, but my brain caught up with the voice. It was Marc's. And the reality of why I was not in my own bedroom in my own apartment crashed down on my mind. I was exhausted, having only had about three to three and a half hours sleep. I was here because Marc had been good enough to let me crash at his place when a snowstorm hit and made it impossible for me to get back to my apartment. That part was the cool part. But my head was throbbing at the thought of what had happened after we arrived.

"Cool, Marc. Thanks. Where's your phone?"

"Here, use the portable. And, how do you like your coffee?" he asked.

I told him and then called my office to let them know I might be a little late since I had to get my car. Instead of the secretary answering as was usually the case, a recording came on saying the office would be closed for the day due to last night's storm, but that the office would open at its regular time tomorrow. Still a little groggy, I got up and walked naked over to the window in Marc's bedroom. I was stunned to look out on a ton of snow, with most cars in the complex still covered with over a foot of snow. At this point, Marc came back into the bedroom with two large cups of coffee. He gave me mine and asked me about work. I told him, and he gave me a broad smile and said he figured that would be the case.

As my eyes cleared, I got a better look at the black stud in front of me. He had put on his boxers, but his incredible physical beauty washed away any questions or regrets I had about why I had done what I did with him. And strangely, I felt new stirrings in my stomach and my cock. I couldn't control them, and was a little embarrassed because I could feel my cock growing a bit. Marc hopped onto the bed and beckoned me to join him. I did, propping myself up against my pillow. Without any warning, Marc leaned into me and kissed me passionately on the lips, inserting his tongue deep into my mouth.

"Chris, I want you to know that you are the best fuck I have ever had, black or white - for a guy I mean. Once you got beyond your initial fear and reluctance, you were awesome. You are so incredibly hot for a faggot; I'm getting myself hard all over again just thinking about doing you. For me the best was the first time I entered you and slow fucked you. Your tight white ass was clamped onto my rod like I never have felt before. When I came it was like your muscles squeezed every drop out of my cock and would not let me go."

"Marc, don't call me a faggot. I don't know why I did that with you, but, and I admit that I liked it too. But still, I am not a faggot. At this point, I don't know what the fuck happened to me last night. I have never done any of that shit, and now, it seems I have done it all. And the weird thing is that even though I am totally confused about it, I know I liked doing it with you too."

"Dude, don't take offense. I didn't mean any. But, a guy who takes it up the ass is a faggot. Sorry! Call yourself what you want, but last night you were an incredibly hot faggot. Let's just call you my faggot, okay. Cuz, I don't want you doing that stuff for anyone else, unless I give permission of course." He added with a big smile.

"Marc, I'm not your faggot, or anyone else's! I just made a mistake." I said as I looked into his beautifully sculpted face, which now had a dark stubble from growth overnight. He was even hotter looking with that shadow, and I felt my stomach and cock reacting again. Marc looked down at my swelling cock, said nothing. He just stared and smiled.

"Chris, that was no mistake, you wanted to suck me. And, you wanted to get fucked. And tell me that all of your moaning and thrusting when I jacked you off and rimmed you was a mistake. I don't think so. And, if your throbbing white pole is any indication, you want more action right now. Am I right?"

I looked at Marc, his fantastic face, muscular neck, shoulders, beautifully sculpted pecs and incredible abs, and I just stared. I glanced at his boxers and saw his cock's head holding up the fabric at full mast. I knew Marc was right, and I was at once pissed that he was while at the same time anticipating sucking and getting fucked very soon.

"Go ahead dude. Have my cruller with your morning coffee, he said with a smile. Here, let me slide these off so you can have a closer look at the cock you worshipped last night; at the cock your ass clung to; at the cock you voluntarily rubbed all over your face. Face it dude, you are hooked big time."

He slid his boxers off, and he was right. I loved his thick eight-inch cock with its wiry pubic hair that scratched my face and ass. I took a drink of the coffee Marc had made and looked at him again. He kissed me while stroking my cock. Then he whispered.

"Take some cream for your coffee my handsome white faggot. Go ahead." With that, he put his hand on the back of my head and pushed it toward his waiting black rod. I grasped the base of his cock below the balls. Squeezing caused it to swell even more. Then I went down on him sucking, licking, stroking. For his part, Marc began a slow thrust, moaning, rubbing his hands through my thick sandy hair. As I felt him get ready to cum, he pulled out. Changing positions, Marc was intent on proving his point. He pushed my ankles to near my shoulders, again exposing my hole to him. But then he stopped with his cock poised at my opening.

"Chris, I'm going to give you a chance to say no to this. You said you are not a faggot, and maybe you did make a mistake. If you don't want me to fuck you, fine. I won't, and we can both get dressed and act as if this never happened. I'll drive you back to your car at the gym as soon as the roads are good. That's that. Never another word from me about this. But, Chris I think you want my throbbing black cock all the way up your ass. I think that cuz I see your own beautiful cock as stiff as ever. I love your beautiful white body just as you love my black body. So I need you to tell me. Are you a faggot or not? Do you want me to fuck your as or not? And if you are going to be my handsome white faggot, you will do what I ask you to when I ask you. But you have to tell me now."

As I thought about what Marc had just said, I was staring into his beautiful eyes and face. His thick monster was just touching my hole, a little pressure, then none. He was definitely teasing me. Looking up at his magnificent body, I knew I wanted him, but I was terrified of what it would mean. My mind was racing back and forth, my cock was aching and my ass was aching for his cock to plow deep into it again.

Finally I said, "Okay Marc, I am your white faggot. And I want you to fuck me. I loved you in me last night, and I want to feel that beautiful cock of yours reaming my ass again. And I will do what you ask me to do when you ask."

"I figured so. Put some saliva on your hand and lube my cock, faggot."

This I did quickly as I was hoping to feel his thickness inside of me and his body against mine. But Marc had another idea. Taking the portable phone in hand, he hit redial. Handing it to me, he said it was calling Julie, and that he wanted to watch me talk to her while he looked into my eyes fucking me.

"Hi Jules. It's me." At that same moment, I let out a muffled gasp as Marc thrust into me almost violently.

Julie asked me what happened, and I said I stubbed my toe while walking in the bedroom. Marc smiled at this and I made small talk with Julie as Marc and I locked our eyes while he moved in and out of my ass. In only a short time, I adjusted to the pain and relished the feeling of his strong cock pumping me and pleasuring itself in me. Marc was working up a sweat, and the drops glistened against his beautiful black skin. Keeping up the motion, Marc took his right hand, spit in it and started jacking my swollen cock. This, coupled with his methodical pumping into me brought us both to climax in moments. He moaned and I barely stiffled my own pleasure gasps. Julie asked what that sound was. I said I thought it was Marc in the other room. I told her I would talk to her later when I got home. We said our goodbyes. Marc collapsed onto me, keeping his cock buried in me. We kissed passionately for a long while. Both of our cocks stayed hard.

I spoke first. "Dude, why is it so important to you to have your cock up my ass or in my mouth when Julie is on the phone. I don't get it."

"It just makes me feel more in control of my handsome white faggot, that's all. It gives me a rush to know that while Julie is talking to her honey, he is loving being fucked by his black master. Just a control thing, that's all. But it makes for a fantastic climax for me. You seemed pretty peaked out when you came too. Glad I could be of service. Okay, you've passed this test, let's get breakfast."

I grabbed my own boxers and put them on, but soon realized to my embarrassment that Marc's cum was seeping out of my hole as I sat at his counter. I had had a lot of cum pumped into me over the last ten hours, and my ass was sore as hell. I excused myself to use the bathroom where I tried to take care of the leakage problem. This had been a very strange eighteen hours for me. I wondered the future would hold.

When I got back to the kitchen, I noticed that Marc had set three places at the counter. I asked him why. He told me that a girl he sometimes went out with lived three condos over, and he invited her for breakfast while I was in the bath. He told me I'd definitely like her, that she was a black beauty.

Alana trudged through the snow, rang the bell and let herself into the condo. I felt awkward with just boxers on, but Marc made a joke of it saying, "I told you he was real hot, Alana."

Marc introduced us and served bacon and eggs. We all ate and talked and were just about done when Marc turned to Alana and asked, "Well?" I was puzzled at this private communication, but was soon in on it.

"I'm game." said Alana. Marc smiled and said good.

Marc looked to me and said, "Chris, take yourself into the bedroom and lose the boxers. Alana and you and I are going to have some fun this morning." I looked at Marc in utter shock. I started to protest, but he continued: "Chris, what did you tell me less than an hour ago?"

"That I will do what you tell me to........" I responded.

"Good, now get that beautiful white body into the bedroom, lose the boxers and we'll be right in." he said.

Alana was an exceptionally beautiful black woman who was about my age I figured. I was stunned by her body when she entered the room naked with Marc. The two of them joined me on the bed, and they began kissing and making love. I was amazed at how quickly Marc changed gears. He had his hands all over her beautiful body and was kissing her passionately. He stopped for a moment and ordered me to suck him and to finger her clit. She giggled as I immediately obeyed. While I did my duty, they both seemed to stop for the moment and let me work on them. I felt totally strange, never having done anything like this before. Alana was moaning loudly and I thought was about to reach her orgasm when she place her hand on mine and pulled for me to mount her. I looked at Marc who nodded.

"Marc, I can't do this, I have a girlfriend. I didn't know you meant this dude." But, I knew it was no use, and I stopped talking.

"Dude, do it and make her love it." He said this was a firmness that I had not heard before. Then he just stared at me with that beautifully handsome face.

Alana looked at me and said. "Chris, after me you might change your mind about your girlfriend." With that said she pulled my hand and I mounted her beautifully formed black body. Instantly, I was involved in an intensely passionate kiss with her, the likes of which I had never had before. She pulled at my cock, and it was clear she wanted to suck me. So I straddled her and she greedily sucked and massaged me almost til I came. Then she was ready. We began fucking, and a wonderfully tight fuck it was. Alana's hands were roaming all over my body, wherever they could reach. All the while Marc watched, stroking her, fingering my ass as I lay on top of her. Suddenly, Marc suggested she and I move to doggie position. I knew what he had in mind.

We adjusted our positions, and Alana and I were both getting close when I felt Marc behind me, positioning his cock at my hole. With both of his hands on my shoulders, using them to pull me back, he plunged into me as I pumped Alana. Feeling his huge cock enter me at a time when Alana and I were just about ready to climax served to swell my cock even more. Alana gasped slightly as Marc proceeded to pump me furiously. I was holding Alana's breasts pumping her while Marc had placed his hands on my chest and was squeezing my nips til I thought they would come off. It seemed only moments before Alana was moaning in orgasmic pleasure, and I could feel my cock release into her vagina that was clamped onto me. Marc continued to pump wildly and I loved the feeling of being fucked while fucking. I was glad I had obeyed him. Finally, his body stiffened and I felt his cock spasm inside my ass.

"You did great Chris, I think Alana would agree. Give us some time in here dude, thanks."

With that, I grabbed my boxers and went into the living room to contemplate what I had done to myself.

A second attempt. Comments welcome

Next: Chapter 3

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