Black Mans Wintry Surprise

By matt giff

Published on Jun 6, 2002


Disclaimer: The content of the following story is adult in nature, so if you are not at least 18 years of age, or if this type of material is not legal in your area, please read no further.

Black Man's Wintry Surprise, part 11

It seemed as though Jason's passion marks on each of my shoulders had grown even darker overnight, and I wore a t-shirt at the gym the next afternoon so that no one would see them. If Julie saw these, I knew I would have to have some reasonable excuse as to how I got them, but how does a guy like me explain that away to his girl friend? I was hoping that by the time I returned from a four day business trip that I would leave on tomorrow afternoon, the marks would be pretty much gone.

As I thought about the changes in my life since that snowy day in February when Marc and I had first had sex, it seemed as though things were wheeling out of control for me. I had come to realize that indeed I had a strong physical attraction to certain guys, and that I totally enjoyed fucking, getting fucked, sucking and getting sucked with and by men. This all seemed incredible to me, as I had never before engaged in anything like this. None of my friends would ever believe I was capable of doing what I had done over these past several months. I had a hard time believing I had in fact done any of it myself.

What's more, as a result of Marc's manipulation, I had watched helplessly as my girl friend of three years had engaged in consensual sex with him on two different occasions, both of which had turned out to be very painful, and yet very exciting, for me to watch. Further, I myself had fucked Marc's girl friend, Alana, two times, loving the experience each time. My head throbbed as I thought about how and if I would ever get things back to normal in my life.

While I worked out, Derek stopped by and remarked about my t-shirt with a smile. "Hiding something?" He asked.

"I can't believe I let him do that to me," I responded. "But, I was so fuckin into him that I couldn't help myself. It was like I didn't care at the moment if Julie found out about it. Now I am worried shitless. But, I think I can avoid her for at least the next five days since I have to leave on a business trip on Tuesday afternoon, and I won't be back til early Saturday. Maybe these hickies will be faded by then."

"Maybe, but what about the next time Jason slides his rod up your pretty white pleasure pit? Will you stop him from doing the same thing a second time? The way you took to him and Nick the other day, I'd say you'll let him do whatever he wants. The same is true of Nick. He will be fucking you the next time you dudes meet, mark my words.' Derek said with a smile. "I should never have brought them around with you there. Now, I get less of you than I got before. Your pretty white face and buff body still stir this dude's cock every time I see you." He continued. "In fact, I'd like to hang with you tonight if you can?" He asked.

"Derek, sorry dude. I have to blow outta here and get packed for tomorrow so I can leave for the airport right from work. I'd love to park my dick up that tight black shute of yours and then pump you senseless while holding that steel hard body of yours, but not tonight. Sorry." I responded.

Derek smiled and told me to reserve some time on the coming weekend for a private moment or two with him. I said I would try, and I thought of how I loved lying on my back as that coal black muscle stud plunged his onyx mallet into me while pinching my nipples and running his black hands all over my body. He moved on to his routine, and I continued mine. Within minutes, Marc happened along and again I felt my stomach and cock stir as I observed the beautifully formed cocoa muscle god gliding toward me. He flashed his smile and I yearned to be next to him, naked in bed.

"Dude, nice shirt. Sup with that? Oh, I remember, the marks left by your hot young college stud as he fucked your pretty white brains out." He smiled. "You probably didn't notice he was doing that to you, because you were so focused on his black shaft as it reamed your tight white ass. As I recall, you were doing a lot of serious moaning dude. So, what's the plan to hide them from the pretty lady? You know if she sees them she will freak. In fact, she'll think you and Alana had an encore." He offered with a mischievous smile. "Let's face it, are seriously screwed if she sees Jason's love tattoos on you."

"Got it covered I think, dude." I said. "I leave tomorrow for four days, and I think they should be gone by then. It won't happen again." I said, not sure if that was accurate. Marc simply smiled.

"Can you come by for a brew and screw tonight? Or, have you reserved yourself for Nick and Jason exclusively?" He asked with his beautiful smile. Right then, I wanted to kiss his beautiful lips, slip his clothes off his tightly defined body, and feel him all over. I felt myself getting hard as I had these thoughts. Marc, noticed right away.

"Is that hardon because of me, or because I mentioned Nick and Jason?" Again, he smiled.

"Can't come tonight, maybe on the weekend. Save some for me. Gotta pack tonight. And yeah, you're getting me hard, so get outta here dude, before someone notices the effect you have on me." Marc brushed his hand across my crotch area, feeling my cock through my shorts as he did. My heart raced, and I shot a look around to see if anyone noticed. But he did it so fast, no one seemed to take note. "Shit Marc, get the fuck away from me. What are you, fucking crazy?" I was scared shitless of my other life being found out.

"Okay handsome, later." He said, and he walked away.

At my apartment, I had just gotten into the shower when I heard someone in the bathroom. I peaked out to see a beautifully naked Julie moving toward the shower. "You didn't think you were going to leave me for four nights without fucking me first did you?" She smiled flirtatiously as she pushed her way into the shower. I felt her beautifully full breasts rub against me, my hands were on her ass as she planted a long and passionate kiss on my lips. She had not seen the marks, and my heart raced, and my head was spinning.

"How did you find out, I was going to call you because I just found out myself late this afternoon?"

"Marc called and told me. He said he thought you were still a little off because he and I had sex, and so I decided to give you a good bye present." She smiled up at me as water poured over her fantastically hot body. I hugged her, and pressed my tongue into her mouth trying to think how to escape from this trap that bastard had so cleverly set for me. My mind continued to spin.

"What's this?" She asked inquisitively. She had seen one. Then almost as quickly, she had seen the other. "And this?" She said louder still. "Chris, who gave you these?" She almost screamed this, as she pushed away from me. She looked up at me as I fumbled for an answer, but she had found me guilty before I could utter a word of excuse.

"How could you fucking do this to me?" She screamed. "How could you?" She was getting louder still. Things went downhill from there because I could give her no answer. I felt my world crashing in on me as my girlfriend of three years pulled on her clothes, even over her dripping wet body. I tried to hold her back, to hug her, to tell her it was not what she thought, but she only demanded to hear what the marks were from, if it was not what she thought. My failure to respond convinced her even more.

I followed her out to her car, pleading. Her shock and surprise transformed into anger, and she began calling me names I had never dreamt she would or could. I stood in front of my apartment building, dripping wet and naked except for a pair of boxers. As I walked back into the building, a couple of women on a balcony above whistled at me.

As I sat on the plane the next day, I was exhausted from the emotional and physical stress I was under. I had spent the night before calling for Julie at her dorm, on her cell. She was nowhere I could find her. I was devastated. But, I knew that somehow I deserved it. I also knew there was no way I could tell her that I got the very large hickies from a handsome, muscular, black college stud as he fucked me up the ass, and I moaned in pleasure.

As I arrived at the airport in California, my cell beeped a message to call Marc.

"Dude, I gotta tell you how sorry I am. I had no idea she would go to your place last night. You gotta believe me. I had no idea at all." Marc blurted as I called his cell. "You have to believe me. I figured she would call, give you a scare, and you would handle giving her the brush off til the weekend. I only wanted to scare you. Honest dude!" He sounded almost truthful about it.

"My life is ruined dude. Do you realize what you have done to me dude? Where is she? I asked, still hoping that somehow I could undo this.

"Chris, she showed up here last night, hysterical. She told me what happened. I tried to cover for you, said there was probably some reasonable explanation. But, that didn't work. But, honest dude, the news isn't all bad. " Marc continued.

"Not all bad? No, not bad for you, you bastard. So what did you do, get her into bed and fuck her? Isn't that what you wanted anyway?" I said angrily.

"No, honest Chris. I just wanted to play the game with you. I was just playing it. Really!" "Anyway, she calmed down with a few drinks. And, we smoked a little. Then things got complicated." Marc sounded cautious.

"What the hell do you mean, complicated?" I said with my mind racing.

"Well, Jason and Nick arrived unexpectedly. And, they were both pretty well trashed." He said. At this, my mind and heart raced even more.

"And, Julie was pretty well on her way to being hammered. Well, I guess the only way I can put this, is that she thought she was getting even with you. She may not remember much of what happened, if anything." Marc continued.

"But, I'm sure you will remember every fuckin thing that happened, won't you? What did she do?" As I asked, I knew at once that I did not want to know.

"Dude, you know how hot those two dudes are. Well, Julie especially liked Nick. In fact, as soon as she laid eyes on him, she seemed to come alive. I think Nick really just wanted more of what he got the other day from me, but he didn't get the chance. Julie was drunk and high. And...." He stopped.

"And What?" I almost screamed into my cell.

"Dude, you know." Marc said, haltingly.

"Tell me, you fucking asshole. You started this nightmare." I screamed. People in the airport were looking at me like I was a madman. I had to get control. But I knew that Julie would be taken with Nick's cute face and his thin but perfectly sculpted body with the tight muscles flexing whenever he moved. It was painful for me to imagine her having sex with such a hot stud, even though I had so enjoyed fucking and sucking him only a couple of days earlier. I thought of how she would react to his much longer cock up her pussy and his smooth, muscled torso. I imagined her sitting on his cock as he felt her wonderful tits and she played her hands across his chest and abs. I also saw the two of them fucking and climaxing together. The thoughts made my stomach sink even more.

"Dude, before she even got him into the bedroom, she stripped naked and was rubbing her beautiful tits against his face. Her tits were red from her pressing and rubbing them against the afternoon stubble on his face. You gotta understand that she was drunk dude." He almost pleaded. "Anyway, she slipped down to deep throat kissing him with her tongue, and while she was doing that, he got his hands onto her beautiful ass and that was that. Off came his clothes, exposing that fucking huge tool of his and those enormous balls. She went fuckin crazy over them and went down on him while his hands toyed with her head, and shoulders, and tits. She finally dragged him into the bedroom. He didn't want to go, but she kind of insisted. When I went in with Jason, cuz we just wanted to watch, Nick was fuckin her doggie style as he held onto her beautiful tits."

As Marc was telling me this, I wept as I walked to baggage pick up. People looked at me now with what looked like sincere sympathy. A middle-aged woman stopped me and asked if she could help, and I shook my head and thanked her.

"Dude, she had an awesome climax with Nick. They looked just like you and she did when you fucked one another last week in the same bed: two beautiful bodies spasing out in pleasure. But, then, when she saw Jason and I , she begged me to fuck her. She got up and started kissing me and touching me all over my crotch. She pulled my shorts off me. And, I gotta tell you, I didn't want to, but I did it, man. I fucked her too. She was like possessed. I couldn't believe it man. I'm sorry. I didn't want any of this to happen, really. I feel like shit about it." In my mind I again played out the scene with Marc's perfectly defined cocoa colored body against Julies soft, creamy skin. I saw the two of them kissing, slow fucking, fast fucking, her sucking him, him up her ass. It was driving me crazy.

Marc waited for me to say something, but I couldn't. So he continued.

"Chris, while I was lying on top of her, fucking her tight white pussy and that perfect body, Jason and Nick lay down next to us and started making out. I was surprised because Jason said last time he was here he couldn't do anything with Nick. I guess they changed their minds, right after they left this place. Cuz, Nick had the same two huge black and blues on his shoulders just like you have. Jason must have fucked him when they got back to the dorm, and left his signature on Nick as well. Anyway, when Julie climaxed with me, she just lay there with me on top of her, and she wouldn't let go. But she was watching Jason fuck Nick. She didn't freak or anything, seeing two hot studs go at it with one another. In fact, she reached over and played her hand through Nick's hair, and was rubbing Jason on the arm as the two of them were getting close. But, when Jason started to suck Nick's shoulder, exactly where he had left his first hickey, Julie took notice. Her eyes opened wide, and she pushed me up. She looked over at Jason and Nick and saw that Nick had two black and blue love marks just like you have. And then she figured it out man."

"Figured what out?" I managed to say, but I already knew.

"She figured out that Jason was the one who gave you those marks on your shoulders while he fucked you. Dude, she lay back down, pulled me onto her and hugged me hard and said, 'He fucked Chris didn't he? And, he's the one who put those marks on him, isn't he? And Chris didn't fuck a girl, he had sex with Jason. I can't believe it. But, I'm glad it wasn't another girl.' I just looked at her, didn't say anything, but she didn't really need me to say anything. And then she kind of pushed me off and moved over to Jason and Nick. The two of them were moaning and tensing up like they were about to cum, and she interrupted them. She put her creamy white hands on Jason's face, and kissed him passionately on the lips. Then she said, 'I want you to fuck me Jason, just like you fucked my Chris.' Her hands were all over his ripped chest and abs, even as he was still on top of Nick and inside of him.

"At first Jason stayed inside of Nick and just kissed Julie back. He stopped fucking him and concentrated on Julie's mouth, and let his hands move all over her body as she knelt on the bed next to him. Finally, he pulled out of Nick and knelt next to Julie on the bed with his throbbing black pole pushing against her. Julie was feeling him up. It was so hot to see her creamy white body wrapped around his muscled black physique. Nick moved out of the way and Jason gave Julie her wish. But what was really weird was that she then asked him to give her hickies exactly where you got them." Again, I imagined the scene with the tall and incredibly built and handsome black stud with the long throbbing cock sliding into my Julie. I could imagine her face as his black piston moved back and forth inside of her warm, tight vagina. I could see her white hands on his black ass, pulling him into her, and her gasping as he pumped her harder and harder. This was at once painful and erotic for me. I also could see her hands feeling his waist, his abs, his chest, pulling his beautiful face down to her to kiss him deeply. The thoughts were ripping my heart apart. And, somehow I knew something like what I imagined did happen, but I did not want to believe it.

"Marc, I can't fuckin believe this. Was she totally trashed, was she high?"

"Yeah dude, she was trashed, but she knew what she wanted. In fact, after the two of them came together, and you don't want me to describe how hot that looked, trust me, she asked Jason to fuck her up the ass so she could feel it the way you did. So he did, holding her beautiful tits as he pumped her ass. He is such a hot dude, Chris. Dude, I was so horny looking at the two of them, I started to make out with Nick.

"So Julie fucked all three of you, and she got it up the ass from Jason as well. I can't believe this. I have screwed up totally and completely. This is all my fault. I am such a fuckin asshole, I can't believe myself." I said this to Marc but also aloud to myself as I stared unconsciously at the baggage carousel.

"So Marc, what is so fuckin good about any of this?" I finally said, remembering he had said the news wasn't all bad.

"Dude, before she left here this morning, she said she couldn't share you with another woman, and that she was glad at least that you had not cheated on her, that she thought you were only experimenting. So that sounded good to me. But, dude, if what you have been doing with us is experimenting, I want to tell you that you're doing a hell of a job at it!" He said with a light hearted sound to his voice. "She also asked me if I had fucked you, and if you had fucked me. I just told her that I do both men and women, and only hot men like you, Nick and Jason. I think she's going to be in touch with you dude. She's had a wild time of it, but I think she is going to call."

We left the conversation like that. I grabbed my bag finally and got a taxi.

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Next: Chapter 12

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