Black Man Yes

By Sean White

Published on Jul 4, 2015



Black Man Yes - Chapter 1

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I had been browsing the classifieds for weeks looking for an affordable work out bench set. Finally I found a full set with weights for $150. I called the number and spoke with a gentleman with a strong accent. I couldn't really place it but I understood him enough to make arrangements for me to pick it up at his house the following afternoon after work.

A little bit about my situation at the time. I was 26 and still in school part time. I worked as an apprentice in a print shop. Recently, I had broken things off with my girlfriend of six years. We had grown apart with different interest. It was a mutual breakup. Around age 24 I started having some new desires and had become bi-curious. What had triggered it was one day I was watching some porn online and a few recommended videos were along the side of it and I thought what the hell... let's see how these gay guys do it. Needless to say it was a huge turn on and I ended up jerking off to it. Eventually I wanted to try what I saw in the videos and met up with a couple of guys. The first guy sucked me and it was okay. The second guy I sucked and I really enjoyed it. We met a few times and then he flaked out.

I'm a good looking guy and fairly short at 5'6" and weigh 155lbs. I'm naturally athletic and have a nice body. I have dark hair and blue eyes and olive skin. My girlfriend always said I had the perfect penis. It is 7" and fairly thick.

The next day seemed to drag on and I was anxious to get my workout set. At 4:30 I left the print shop and headed to the address the gentleman had given me. When I pulled up with my Toyota pickup truck there was a a large cast iron gate and beyond that the driveway winded up to a mansion. I pushed a button next to the gate and the same voice as I had heard earlier on the phone told me to come on in as the gate opened. I drove up and parked in the circular driveway. I made my way to the front door and the a gentleman appeared.

He was tall black man, maybe 6'3", he was barefooted wearing jeans and a white undershirt. I couldn't tell his exact age but he was graying a bit so I put him at around 45. His muscles were well defined. He extended his hand and introduced himself. "Hi, my name Dr. Kone."

I shook his large hand, "Gabe."

"Thank you for coming Gabe," he said with a big friendly grin. "Please do come in."

We walked through the foyer and I noticed the house was decorated with an African influence. It explained his accent.

"It is in the basement", he said walking toward a door leading to the stairs.

Once in the basement we entered into a full mirrored room with all kinds of equipment. He pointed to it.

"I need to get rid of it to make room for my new one," he said.

It sat next next to the old one still in boxes. I looked around in amazement. How I wish I could have half the exercise equipment he had.

"Do you mind if I try it?" I asked.

"No take your time, the wife is on a business trip and I just finished working, I work from home most days."

Too much info I thought as I grabbed a 45lb weight and put it on one end and he did the same to the other side. I laid down to get in position to do bench press and he got in the spotting position behind my head. I grabbed the bar and looked up. Protruding from his pants was a noticeable bulge. I guess I must have starred too long.

"See something you like?" he asked.

Trying to play it off I said, "It seems sturdy. I will need to try it first."

I quickly pushed the weights up and did a few reps. As I put the weights back I noticed his bulge again and he was smiling.

"You like men?" he asked.

"No sir," I replied.

Still laying down I was embarrassingly getting aroused. Never had I thought of being with a black guy. To me it seemed strange. Nevertheless I could feel my dick getting hard. I sat up and didn't quite know what to do.

He walked around and stood in front of me and said, "I think you do."

His crotch was at my eye level and he swiftly unzipped his pants and pulled out his semi hard dick. It was uncut, black, and large. It looked to be at least 8" and his foreskin was wrapped tightly around his mushroom head.

I couldn't believe this was happening. This big black mans dick was inches from my face. I was frozen. He moved forward even closer and rubbed his dick across my face. I didn't resist and he put a large hand behind my head and pushed my face into his pubes. I inhaled his strong musky scent. His pubes were very curly and it felt strange being so close to a black man. At this point I didn't know what I wanted. It had all happened too fast. I put my hands on his thighs and pushed him back.

"Sir, I think you got wrong impression," I said looking up at him.

"I don't think so," he replied pressing his dick to my lips.

"But..." I managed to mumble.

"No but. Grab my dick!"

I didn't what to do, but instincts took over. My right hand grabbed his long shaft and I squeezed it to size it up. Long and thick, I could feel the weight of it. I stroked him a few times and then pulled back his foreskin to reveal his lighter colored head. His dick was very attractive but felt foreign to me. I tried to look at it as I continued stroking him. His hairless balls also hung low. He was overpowering me. This was turning me on, yet I wasn't ready to have him in my mouth. My thoughts were quick and I couldn't make sense of things. I don't like black guys? Do I? He smells different. Maybe this isn't for me. How do I stop this?

I let go of his dick and said, "Mr... Ah... Sir.. I have to be somewhere by 5:15."

Ignoring me he pressed his dick head against my lips again and said, "Try it, I promise you'll like it. Just taste it."

I opened my mouth to respond, "I..." and his dick parted my lips.

My lips wrapped around just the very tip. His dick didn't taste any different than a white dick.

Jerking my head back I said, "I thought I told you..."

Not giving up he put his big dick against my lips and said, "Suck it white boy."

I attempted to stand up and he caught my shoulder and pushed me back down. He grabbed my head and shoved my face into his balls.

"Smell me!" He demanded.

Having no choice I took a deep breath. The smell was overwhelming. Musky, bitter, his sweat smell was intoxicating and got me more aroused.

"That's it. Breath me in Gabe. You like cock don't you?"

I shyly looked up and nodded.

"Is it because I'm black?" He asked.

I responded, "Maybe."

"Don't be afraid it's just a skin color," he said offering me up his dick again.

He forced my lips around his swollen knob.

"Oh yes, that's it. I knew the second I saw you that you were a cock sucker."

He felt huge in my mouth as I began sucking him. Holy shit I thought... I am sucking a big black cock. There was no stopping now.

He grabbed my head pushing me down his shaft until he hit the back of my throat causing me to gag. His dick got harder.

I tried pulling back but his hand was holding the back of head. He released only enough for me to catch my breath. Pushing forward he made me gag again causing drool to pool around the corners of my mouth.

"Fuck yes. Suck!!"

He pulled his dick out and a string of drool hung off his dick. He smeared it around my face and shoved his dick back into my mouth. I took him in pushing my tongue up in the back of my mouth to keep his dick from gagging me.

While I sucked him he pulled his pants all the way down revealing his lean muscular thighs. Grabbing my head he turned me side ways. He sat on the bench and then pushed me onto my knees all the while I kept sucking him. By now I was loving his dick in my mouth. I stopped for a moment and his dick sprung straight up. From this angle it looked huge against the white fabric of his t-shirt.

Smiling down at me he said,"So you like my black dick white boy?"

"Yes sir," I replied.

"You like licking ass?"

"Licking what?" I asked not quite understanding because of his accent.

"Ass!" He said shifting his butt off the edge of the bench and spreading his legs, he pulled his balls up exposing his pucker.

My eyes bulged not knowing what to do or say. Sucking this man's dick was one thing but licking his black ass?

Trying to be polite I responded,"No thank you."

His hand was already on my head guiding me closer until my nose was pressing on his hole. The smell was poignant and rancid.

"Lick me!"

I extended my tongue and licked his hole. The sweaty taste was bitter.

"Oh yes white boy, wet my hole," he said shoving my nose up his wet hole.

He held me there and told me to lick him again. Dropping his balls on my nose I was engulfed with his black scent. Every time I took a breath his smell filled my head and each time I adjusted to the smell liking it more. I couldn't get away from it. My face was now drenched in a salty musk. I kept licking his hole as it opened up and my tongue slid in.

"Um hmm," he moaned jerking his dick. "Put your tongue out," he demanded pulling my head up running my tongue across his hole and up behind his balls.

When I reached his balls he pushed one into my mouth.

"Suck it gently."

I don't know why but I was enjoying being at this man's mercy. Was I scared? Was I doing things I never imagined? Yes. In the back of my mind though I felt like I could trust him. As I swished and sucked his balls he slowly worked his foreskin over his dick head. My mouth was full and I ached to suck him again.

"Stand up, turn around, and take off your shirt," he said while he took off his shirt.

He fumbled with my belt and then in one quick swoosh my pants were all the way down.

"Bend over!"

Looking in the mirror in front of me I saw him position himself behind me parting my cheeks and burying his nose in my ass.

He took a long deep breath. "You smell good white boy."

Before I could protest I felt his tongue push deep inside of me. Grabbing my hips he rocked me back and forth.

"That's it. Ride my tongue. You are so tight. You a virgin?" He asked.

"Yes," I moaned enjoying the feeling of his tongue.

"Okay young man. I'll go easy on you when I fuck you."

Fuck me? What the hell was I doing here. There's no way his big dick would ever go inside of me. And while I had been bi-curious my thoughts only involved sucking other guys, never fucking.

Sensing my apprehension he grabbed me under the front of my hips. He stood up picking me up upside down and throwing my legs around his shoulders. My ass was in his face and my face was starring at his big dick.

"Suck it and get it wet," he said diving his tongue back into my hole.

I turned my head slightly and looked in the mirror to see my little white body upside down in his big black arms.

I sucked his thick dick that seemed to keep getting bigger and harder. Oh fuck, how do I get out of this. My ass though was filled with pleasure as he worked my hole. I held onto his big dick and sucked him.

"Yes man. That feels good. I think you are ready," he said flipping me around and setting me on the floor.

Facing him now he picked me up and sat on the bench. Reality set it in and I tried to push away from him. He held me firmly.

"Young man now I am going to fuck you like a girl. It's going to hurt your first time."

His hands wrapped under my butt cheeks he lowered me down with my legs on either side of him pressing his dick against my hole.

Now I was frightened and blurted out, "Sir. I can't do this."

Again I tried to push him away.

"Calm down sweetie," he said using my weight to lower me down.

"Oh fuck!!!" I screamed. His dick entered my hole and it felt like the biggest hardest shit I ever took pushing through. "Noooo stop. I can't do this."

"Push like you are pooping," he said looking amused.

I pushed and he raised me up off his dick.

"Are you okay Gabe?"


Smiling he responded, "it will only get better."

And he lowered me back down and his head popped in again.


"You will be okay. I'll go slow."

He pushed me down further and I felt his dick snake through me until 6 inches of it was buried in me.

My face inches from his I mumbled in defeat, "Sir that hurts so bad."

"Relax young man and breath. That's it. You can do this. I'll break you in."

I felt his dick twitch inside as my ass burned.

"Very slow," he said raising me up to his tip and back down.

I looked down and my dick was rock hard. The sensations inside were beginning to mask the pain.

"Oh yes. My white boy loves black cock."

Very slowly he did this for a few minutes while my ass adjusted to the big invasion. My wincing turned to moans.

Pushing me down harder he said, "Tell me you love black cock!"

"Sir I love black cock," I moaned.

"Of course you do. Big black cock is the best. Say it!"

"Big black cock is the best sir," I responded gasping.

Lifting me up he said, "I think you need a break." He put me on the floor. I felt relief as his dick slid out of me. "Now suck my dick."

I got on my knees with my ass in the air. My hole was aching and through the mirrors I could see it was still open wide. His dick was still warm from being deep inside of me. I tasted my ass for the first time as I worked his dick like an eager slut. It's hard to describe how beautiful his dick was, it had to be almost 9 inches. I sucked him hard hoping he would cum soon.

"Oh yeah that is good. Make sure you clean me up and get me wet."

He pulled his dick out of my mouth and slapped my face.

"You love this cock. Put it back in your mouth."

I wrapped my mouth tightly around it. He pulled it out again and slapped my other cheek.

"You love this cock. You want this big black cock in your ass?"

Apprehensively I answered, "Um... yes sir."

"Okay then, spit on it."

He picked me up again placing me on the bench with my legs wide open. He sat on the bench between my legs and put his dick to my hole.

I could sense what he wanted to hear so I looked at him and said, "Give me your big black cock sir."

"Good boy," he said thrusting forward.

I bit down on my lip and shouted, "Ooooh fuck."

He leaned down above me and began slowly pumping my ass. Each time his dick moved pleasure radiated inside my ass. It still hurt like a bitch though and I wanted nothing more than for him to finish quickly.

"Relax," he said pushing my legs back.

I was in full submission. His larger frame towered above me. His dick never stopped, in and out. My hands gripped the bench tightly. He had other thoughts and reached down, pulled my hands up, placing them around his waist.

"That's better. Now you can feel my rhythm." He got closer to my face. "You like this young man?"

"I think so," I responded somewhat honestly. I didn't know what to make of it yet.

"You like black cock don't you?"

"I do," I responded looking into his eyes.

"You love black cock. Say it."

"I LOVE black cock."

"Oh yes you do. I can tell," he said pressing his face closer as he thrust a little harder.

"Ooooh. Oooooh", I moaned now starting to really enjoy the feeling. Never could I have imagined being fucked could feel like this. Nor could I have imagined it would be a black man with a huge dick.

"Oh yes," he moaned. "You're so much tighter than my wife. I love your virgin ass. Take my big black dick. That's it. Oh fuck yes. I am going to fuck you good young man."

I relaxed my legs wrapping them behind his. My hands moved up feeling his strong muscular back. I was melting beneath him. His dick kept going in and out and I couldn't take much more. He sensed I was uncomfortable. He pulled out and said, "I'll be right back."

I lowered my legs in a sigh of relief and turned to the mirrors. There I was sprawled out on the work out bench, naked, and had just been fucked by a big black man. All I had wanted was a cheap work out set.

He soon appeared holding a tube of something.

"This should help he said," smiling. "Over here", he motioned for me to come to the gym mats in the corner where he was kneeling on the floor. "Turn around. Such a nice ass."

He grabbed me squeezing my perky round ass. He squeezed some lube onto his fingers and rubbed them around my ass crack. Then he got some more and inserted two long fingers into me. He pulled me down to the floor and reached down and grabbed my dick with his other hand and began finger fucking me while he stroked my dick. He leaned down and kissed my neck and removed his fingers. He picked up the tube and applied some to his dick. Then I felt his dick head slipping between my cheeks. He pushed forward and his dick slipped in hurting less than it had before. He reached around and pulled me close to him holding my chest.

"Ride my dick," he said.

I did as I was told and began slowly riding him up and down taking as much of his dick as I could. It keep bottoming out and pushing against what I thought was then end of my anus. Then he moved his hands up from my chest and wrapped them on my shoulders and as I was going down he pulled me down hard and then felt another sensation as all 9 inches slide into me.

"Holy shit!" I screamed try to get off of him.

Kissing my neck and holding me down he said, "Oh yes white boy. We are going to be great friends. Ride my dick. Oh yes, you feel good. Give me your sweet ass."

"Your too big. I can't take it."

He held me tight and slowly fucking me whispering in my ear, "Yes you can. Just relax young man and get use to it." Having no choice and I gave up and tried not to tense up. I let my body feel the pleasure and tried to ignore the pain. My inside were stretched to the max and he was deep inside of me. Thinking the only way to end this was to make him cum I began riding him.

"Oh. Ohhh. Ohh fuuuuck," I moaned.

"That's it white boy. Take my big dick," he demanded raising my ass half way up his dick and then all the way down to his balls and while I wanted the pain to end his dick felt so good.

"Ohhh... ohhhh... you're so big."

"Fuck yes man. I think you are ready for a good fuck," he said.

He pulled out and pushed me down to the mats on to my back. He spread my legs and pushed his dick to my hole.

"Oh yes sir. Oh yes. Please fuck me," I moaned grabbing onto him.

I wasn't ready for what happened next. He pushed his dick in deep. He began fucking me and soon his slow rhythm quickly turned into a speedy blur as he began pounding my ass. His big balls slapped my ass each time he slammed into me. The feeling in my ass my was intense with his dick rubbing against my prostate and my sphincter stretched wide to accommodate his assault. I grabbed my dick and began jerking it. He knocked my hand away.

"Not yet."

Sweat was beading on his head and face while he fucked me. At this point I was in a trance. Gasping I really couldn't take much more.

"Sir... I can't," I moaned.

"Yes. You can," he said sliding his dick out of me.

Thank god I thought. Only to be filled up again. Pulling out again he looked down at my hole.

"Such a sweet boy. Tell me you want it."

"I want it sir," I said flinching.

"Here you go... take it all," he moaned slamming back in me.

I couldn't take it anymore grabbing my dick I started shooting. "Ohhhhh... ohhhhh.... ohhhh."

My cum went flying all over my stomach and chest.

"Fuck yes young man. Let that juice go. Oh yes!!!"

It felt so go to release and my cum kept oozing out each time his dick rubbed me inside. I had never cum so much in my life. My body trembled until my last spasm subsided.

Thinking he would have stopped he didn't and fucked me even harder until my dick stopped leaking. He grabbed my legs and pushed my knees down next to my ears. His sweat dripped onto my face he leaned in close to my lips.

"I took your virginity. You are mine. Your ass is so very fine boy." His rhythm slowed. "I want you to enjoy your first time. I hope you are. You love my black cock... don't you?"

"Oh yes sir. I love it," I said gasping from my orgasm.

He slowly fucked me now starring into my eyes. His dick probed my ass deep inside and I kept moaning. "Oh yes. Oh yes. Keep fucking me sir."

I loved the feeling of his big dick. Even though my ass was stretched and ached the new sensations I was experiencing were incredible. I loved being in submission pinned down underneath a large man. I loved the closeness I felt with him.

I put my arms around him. His slow pumping never stopped. For the first time I fully relaxed and excepted the situation. I could feel and smell his breath each time he exhaled in my face.

"Will you be my white man mistress?" he asked pushing his dick deeper.

"Oooh...," I moaned. "Yes!"

"Then you must accept my juice," he said pulling his dick out.

Finally some relief. My hole ached as his head popped out. He told me to get on my hands and knees. Facing the mirror he got behind me and put some more lube on his dick. He grabbed my hips and pushed himself back into me.

Sore and wincing I made a deep moan as I felt him fill me up. Will he ever cum I thought? And where was he going to cum? He mentioned accepting his juice. With long thrust he started fucking me again and I could feel my dick getting hard.

"Oh yes my young man get hard and make your hole tighter for me. Oooh... you love this black cock. Oh my, look at your lovely ass. Oh fuck yes. Oooh... that's it. Take my big dick."

I watch him in the mirror. His large black hands on my ass cheeks his speed had pick up. I arched my back pushing my ass up accepting him. He fucked me faster tearing up my insides.

"Ohh shit. Oh fuck. Ohh shit," I screamed.

He grabbed me with his left hand bringing me up to a sitting position on his dick with my back against his body. His right hand grabbed my dick and he pounded my ass.

"Oh fuck... Ohhhh... Holy shit," I screamed cumming again.

"Fuck yes," he screamed halfway through my orgasm throwing me off his dick and grabbing my head. He put my mouth to his dick and started fucking my mouth. My body still convulsing.

"Oh fuuuuck," he moaned loudly.

And then I felt his dick pulsate and his first burst of cum hit the back of my throat.

My ass bucked and my dick leaked cum and I moaned,"Mmmmm... Mmmmm." My orgasm was still shuddering through my body.

"Ohhh yes," he screamed pulling his dick out and shooting his next few loads on my face before shoving his dick back in my mouth. His body quivered filling my mouth with warm cum.

"Ohhhhhhh yes take my juice."

My mouth was full and with his dick in my mouth I had no choice, I swallowed. It was thick, a tad salty, mostly it was amazing accepting his cum.

"What a good boy," he said shooting two more loads before pulling his dick out.

My head was spinning and I watched him, his body trembling, he jerked his dick causing more cum to leak down his beautiful dick. My tongue lapped it up and I starred into his eyes before I wrapped my mouth around his large sensitive head. I sucked him gently trying to extract all of what he had to offer. My throat felt numb and his cum taste filled my mouth and nostrils.

He ran his fingers through my dark hair and said, "Oh god my sweet young man. You were so good. Keep sucking me. You took my juice. You love black cock and black cock juice."

Releasing his dick I smiled answering, "I love black cock and black cock juice."

He grabbed his dick and used it to clean up two long strands of cum that had hit my face. His duck now covered with cum I licked a little at a time tasting and swallowing each time. I had tasted my own before and he tasted much like mine with a stronger after taste. Once I lapped it all up I put his dick back in my mouth. His dick got harder and I could feel his head grow in my mouth.

"Make me juice again," he said gently wrapping his hands behind my head.

I grabbed his thick dick stroking it and tightened my mouth on his dick. He wanted to JUICE again and I wanted more of it. I wanted more of him. I sucked him hard with long strokes letting his dick press back against my numb tonsils. Eager to please him my mouth tightened increasing the pressure. He was positioned with his back was against the walled mirrors and I was laying down on my elbows between his legs with my perfectly round ass perked up for him. My transition from bi-curious to bottom boy was quick. I accepted my new experience and my role.

My blue eyes looked up at him searching for approval.

Nodding his head he said, "Hmmmm... yes young man. You know how to please your daddy."

Daddy... sure whatever, I played his game. I quickened my pace and my grip sensing his arousal. I loved how big his dick felt in my hands and mouth. I loved our closeness.

"Oh shit yes," he moaned and I saw his stomach and his thighs tighten. His body contracted and he held my head. "Ohhhhh fuck yes. Take my juice. Ohhhhh!!!"

His dick twitched shooting his fresh load. I felt his strands of cum filling my mouth up. After three spurts I released my mouth swallowing all of it. His dick kept spewing and I offered my tongue to catch his JUICE. His body quivered releasing everything he had left. Then I put his dick back in my mouth and very gently sucked him dry. Spent, he collapsed against the mirrors and I rested my head on his thigh keeping his dick in my mouth. I hadn't noticed until now, he had gray hairs scattered through his pubes. His dick protruded like a large black snake.

"Fuck Gabe. You have been good to me today. Tomorrow I am busy. You should come back on Thursday."

My head tried to make sense of our encounter. Transformed I knew I was a changed man. It felt right and I wanted him.

"Yes sir. I would like that," I responded.

With that we both got dressed and he helped me load my truck.

On my way out he smiled and winked, "See you Thursday!"


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