Black Man in the Grey Morning

By J H

Published on Jan 14, 2012


As I left my apartment building to get some coffee, he was standing at the entrance. He was listening to the phone ringing, but there was seemingly no answer. The only reason I noticed him was to admire the thick arm muscles and the subtle tattoos against his rich black skin. His tight t-shirt showed off his pecs and hard nipples, but it seemed thin in the brisk morning air. He had a small duffel bag sitting on the ground. I didn't bother shutting the gate as I walked away. I noticed he made no attempt to sneak in behind me.

Fifteen minutes later I came back with with my coffee. He was gone, and I almost forgot about him. I climbed the steps up to my apartment, depressed by the grey, foggy morning. I doubted there would be any sun today. As I turned into my hallway, I noticed that there was a person hanging out, leaning against the railing. It was the same black man I had seen earlier at the front gate. He was hanging out near my apartment. Getting closer, I saw he had dropped his bag right by my door.

"Can I help you?" I asked him.

"Does Javier still live here?" he asked me, pointing to my apartment.

"No. I live here," I said.

"Fuck. I had been looking for Javi. How long you been here?"

"About 4 months," I said. I had moved in recently, and still wasn't entirely unpacked.

"You know where Javi moved to?"

"No idea, sorry."

"Damn. Spent all night on the bus getting here. Fucking need a hot shower bro," he said. I looked him over more carefully. He was about six six tall, and pretty much all muscle. Although it was hard to see between in the grey lighting of morning and his black skin, tattoos ran up and down both of his arms. There was a bit of stubble on his face, and his hair was cropped closely. Standing up over me, he was a little menacing. At only five eight, I knew there would be no contest between the two of us.

"Well, I suppose you could come in and take a shower. Wish I could help you with with where your friend Javier moved to," I said.

"Thanks, bro," he said. He grabbed his duffel bag as I unlocked the door. I let him go in first.

"I'm Matt," I said, as he walked in. "Where did you come in from?"

"I'm Eli, man. I came from the west side of the state," he said. He was being a bit evasive about where he had come from. I realized he was probably coming from the state penn. He dropped his duffel bag by the door, and looked around the small apartment. "Done it up nice, bro. Much nicer than when Javi was here." I shut the door behind us. I should have been scared, alone with a big black thug, but my cock was twitching more than I cared to admit.

"Thanks," I said. I grabbed a towel out of the closet. He had obviously been here before, because he headed straight to the bathroom. Even before he got to the bathroom he had already pulled off his shirt. His chest was impressively muscled, and there were more tattoos, across his chest, and over his washboard abs. I had tried not to stare, but I noticed that around his navel, there was a red biohazard symbol. He tossed the shirt into a corner, grabbed the towel from me, and walked into the bathroom. He was still wearing his grey sweat pants and an old pair of sneakers. He closed the door and a few moments later, I heard the shower start running.

I picked up the shirt from the ground; even just holding it in my hands, I could smell the sweat and grime on it. From the size of the duffel bag and the condition of the t-shirt, I guessed he didn't have much in the way of clothing. It was clear that anything I might have wouldn't fit him. I put the shirt on a chair in the living room, and started to sip my coffee while Eli showered.

He didn't take long in shower. I had barely started on my coffee when the water was turned off. Eli shuffled around a bit in the bathroom, I guessed he was drying himself off. Soon, he opened the door, and walked out into the living room. He had slung the towel over his shoulder, and was otherwise totally naked.

I didn't bother trying to hide my staring at him. His legs were just as well-defined as his chest and arms, and handing between them was a fat yet still limp cock and two huge, low-hanging balls. I tried to focus on his face, but I found myself constantly glancing back at his cock and thick bush. He at least pretended not to notice me staring. "Thanks bro. I needed that. Not had that hot of a shower in a long, long time."

"So, what were your plans for the day?" I asked. He had turned around, looking for his duffel bag. His ass was two perfectly balanced black globes, just as hard and perfect as the rest of his body. I wanted to kneel down, spread his muscular cheeks and worship his hole.

"Fuck bro, I don't know. Was hoping I could crash with Javi for a bit. And try to have some fun today. It's been too long since I've had the chance." He found where he had left the duffel, and knelt down. As he rummaged through it, his low-hanging balls were swinging heavily between his legs. I guessed they were full of accumulated jizz. I wanted nothing more than to be the one to drain them for him.

"What kind of fun are you up for?" I asked.

"I don't care bro. Just kick back, have a good time. Javi was always good for a wild party." He found what he had been looking for, and he turned around. He had a threadbare pair of underwear and a small book. "Damn, I wish I knew where he went. Hope his cell is still the same."

"Like what you see, bro?" he asked, not yet putting on the underwear.

"Yeah," I said, a little embarrassed that he had noticed.

"That's cool bro. Maybe we can have our own party," he said. His hand dropped down to his groin, and he started to rub his cock a bit. "I can borrow your phone? Wanna see if I can get a hold of Javi."

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. "Here you go." He took it from me, and started to page through his address book. He let the underwear drop to the ground.

"Yo, bro. Gotta be honest. You got any party favors?" he asked me, as he stopped searching through his book. He dialed the phone.

"What do you like?" I asked. "I've got some pot and other things." Eli's face brightened up when I mentioned "other things."

"Bro, I'd love to smoke some meth, if you've got it." He was slouched back on one of the chairs facing me, his legs spread wide. It was still difficult for me not to stare at his cock. Even half-hard it was massive; a good seven inches long and nearly beer-can thick. I had no idea if I was going to be able to do anything with it, or even if I was going to get to play with our partying.

"Yeah, I do," I said. I hadn't even used up my last baggie and had just bought two more grams the previous day.

"Well, damn, bro. Share your wealth, and I'll share mine," he said. He shook his cock at me, indicating exactly the wealth he had to share. He held the phone up to his ear and I thought I could hear the sound of ringing.

"Right on, man," I said. The ringing had stopped and I heard a muffled answer.

"Yo, Javi, my man. This is Eli," he said into the phone. He clicked the volume down a bit, and I couldn't hear the other man any longer. A pause, then "Yeah. I got out yesterday. Got here this morning." I went into the bedroom, and found my pipe, torch, and the full bag of favors. In the living room, Eli was still talking. "Hanging out in your old apartment, actually. Cool guy here now." I rummaged through my bed stand, and found a few tablets of Viagra. "Yeah, totally. We're just getting the party started. You should come over."

Supplies in hand, I came back to the living room. Eli had moved to the couch, where I had been sitting. I put the supplies down on the coffee table. "Awesome bro. See you in thirty then," he said, putting the phone down. He looked towards me. I tied to meet his eyes, but was still distracted by the massive tool between his legs. "Javi is coming over in a bit bro. We'll have fun today." He grabbed his cock, playing with it a bit. "Not as big as me. But he's not bad at all and definitely knows how to use it."

I wasn't sure about having two strangers in my place, much less two strangers high on crystal meth, but my cock was starting to think for me. "Found a Viagra, if you want that as well?" I said.

"You think you can handle me fucking you on V?" he asked, laughing. I stared at his cock. I knew this was going to be a day like I had dreamed of, and I didn't want anything to mess up the party.

"I know I can." I said.

"Well, get me something to drink. You got any beer bro?"

I went into the kitchen, and brought him a cold can of beer. He took the viagra and washed it down. "Just a sec," I said, and went back into the bedroom. I found some poppers and lube, and brought those out.

"Right on, bro. This is just what I needed," he said. "The pipe loaded?" he asked.

I shook my head no. I sat down on the couch next to him and got a big chunk of crystal out of the baggie. I put it in the pipe. The bowl still looked a little empty to me, so I added two smaller shards. I took the torch and lit it. I melted the shards in the bowl. As I prepared the pipe, Eli watched. He grabbed the lube off the table and poured a little on his cock. When the first thin wisp of smoke curled out of the pipe, I handed it to him, to let him have the pleasure of the first hit. He took the pipe, one hand holding it as his other hand continued to slowly stroke his cock.

He held the pipe in his mouth as I held the torch under it. The crystals crackled and smoked in the intense heat of the torch. He emptied the bowl several times, pulling a strong hit. After the fourth or fifth pull, he indicated he was good. I let the torch go out, and he pulled the pipe out of his mouth. He held it for a few seconds. Then, he blew out a thick white cloud right into my face.

"Your turn," he said, as the smoke slowly dissipated in the room. I took the pipe and started to heat it up. As I let it melt and smoke, he took another swig of the beer. "You got any porn?" he asked. "Helps me get in the mood." I just nodded, as I took my first drag from the pipe. I felt the drug fill my lungs, my heart pounding in anticipation of the incipient high. I did a proper hit, and held it long, then blew out a thick cloud. I handed the pipe and torch to Eli for him to go again.

"What kind of porn are you into?" I asked, right before he took another hit from the glass pipe.

"Anything, bro. Gay. Straight. Black. White. I don't care. The freakier, the better."

I got up and pulled out something I had downloaded a few months ago. It was a bunch of short gay flicks, mostly hung black guys fucking white guys. It was also bareback, which gave me a moment's pause. I worried it might set the mood for the rest of the day. I didn't know how to bring up condoms for Eli, if one would even fit him. As I put it on, Eli took another hit from the pipe. I came back to the couch just as he was exhaling the hit. He handed the pipe back to me. I put it in my mouth as he lit the torch under it. "Big hit this time, Matt. Gotta get you in the zone, bro."

I sucked on the pipe, getting nice thick hits of the meth. Even when I motioned that I had had enough, he kept the torch under the pipe. "Just a bit more, bro," he said. "You're gonna need it for what I have planned for you." I tried to keep on inhaling the smoke as best I could, even as my lungs felt like they were bursting. Finally, he pulled the torch away, grabbing the pipe from my mouth. "Hold it, Matt, until I say so" he said.

He stuck the pipe in his mouth and started to do his own hit. I was about to exhale, but he indicated for me to hold it a bit longer. It wasn't until he had taken all of his hit that he motioned me to breath out. Just as I was finished emptying my lungs, he leaned in towards me, making it clear I was going to get his hit. We started to kiss, and he shot-gunned his hit to me. It was far bigger than the one I just did, and he made sure our lips were locked long enough for it to get absorbed. Finally, he broke off the kiss, and let me breath the hit out. I was a little surprised a macho thug type like him would kiss, but I didn't protest the unexpected intimacy.

I could feel my body tingle, as the tina started to take effect. I was definitely getting horny and wanting to do more than just kiss and share hits of the meth.

I turned my attention to the TV. On screen, a white guy was on his knees, trying to swallow a huge black cock. I looked at Eli's cock, and realized that his shaft was even bigger than the one in the video. "You like it, bro?" he asked; I couldn't tell if he meant his dark cock, or the white guy struggling to swallow the black cock on screen.

"Yeah, I do," answering for both.

"Why don't you get more comfortable. You gotta get naked like me, man," he said. I did as I was told, throwing my shirt into a corner, then stepping out of my jeans and underwear. My cock was only semi-hard and seemed tiny in comparison to his. "Nice bod, bro," Eli said, running his free hand over my hairy chest and taut stomach. "Not sure how my cock's gonna fit in you. But don't worry, we'll make sure it does."

"Hot movie," Eli continued. "Why don't you get down on your knees, and show my cock some love, just like that white boy." I pushed the coffee table back a bit, and knelt down in front of him. Up close his manhood seemed even bigger than I first realized. I had no idea how I was going to take it in my mouth, much less in my ass. "Just relax, and work slowly. I know you'll be able to take it," he said, almost reading my mind.

I grabbed the bottle of poppers and did a hit. As they took effect, his cock no longer seemed like an insurmountable obstacle. I knew I could take it, and further, I knew he would love every second of it. I took his warm cockhead into my mouth, savoring the small drop of pre-cum at its tip. I started to work my way down his shaft, slowly taking more and more of his cock into my mouth. It wasn't an easy or fast process, but it more than satisfied my sudden need for dick.

Eli was enjoying it as well. He spread his legs wide, giving me better access to his cock and balls. He leaned back, not caring about anything but the pleasure of the blowjob. After a few minutes of effort, I had barely gotten more than a third of his cock into my mouth. But, it didn't seem to bother him. He was moaning in pleasure, letting me know how good it felt for him.

He grabbed the pipe, and lit the torch. I glanced up at him just in time to see him slowly melting the drug in the glass bowl. Right before the smoke began to leak out the top, he looked down at me and said, "Don't stop sucking, bro. It feels fucking great." He put the pipe to his lips and did another long hit. I was glad I had loaded up the bowl, since it he was enjoying big hits. I was feeling like I was almost in the zone, and needed only one more hit before I was completely at his mercy, ready to be used like the cocksucker I was.

He pushed out his hit, covering the two of us in a thick white fog. Eli was getting too much pleasure from my oral service, so I knew he wasn't going to offer me a hit off the pipe. Instead, I settled for another hit from the poppers, and did my best to swallow another agonizing inch of his cock. His cockhead started to hit the back of my throat, and I did my best to suppress my gag. But, with my mouth already stretched as wide as possible and his fat cock pressed against my throat, it was hard to do. Even with the poppers, I had to pull off and catch my breath.

"Damn bro. Most guys can barely take my head. That was fucking amazing," he said, clearly impressed. "Take a breather," he said, "Catch your breath." grabbing my arms and pulling me up on to the couch. I relaxed for a moment. My hand dropped down to my crotch, seeking out my dick. My cock was still half-hard. The crystal hadn't yet reached it and left it limp and lifeless. It was leaking precum. Eli reached across, and grabbed my cock. "Not bad, man," he said, impressed by its current size.

He stroked my cock a few times, but then worked his hand down, grabbing my balls and starting to finger and explore my hole. "You're a tight ass, bro. Literally. Gonna have fun fucking you." He pulled his fingers out long enough to put a drop or two of lube on them. He pushed back into me, getting a little deeper. Even his fingers were big, and I acutely felt the intrusion into my hole. "You ok, man?" he asked. "Or do you need another hit?" He left it ambiguous enough that I didn't know if he meant poppers or crystal.

"Yeah. Just a lot bigger than I'm used to," I said. I tried to shift my weight around, giving him easier access to my butt and also trying to relax as much as possible. He didn't stop, but pushed into me further; I could feel his second knuckle slide into my hole. He wiggled his finger inside of me. It sent a shock of pleasure running through my body and I moaned involuntarily. But then, suddenly, he pulled out. I felt empty, like something important had slid out from my body.

"Pick out a nice big shard from your stash, man," he said. "You're not in the zone yet." I got off the sofa and down on my knees again. I looked through what was left in in the bag. There was one decent-sized piece of meth left. The rest of it was all small bits or dust. I fished the big one out of the bag, and put it on the coffee table. I grabbed the pipe, but he stopped me. He leaned over and took a look at it was I wondered what he had planned. "Nice, bro. Now, just bend over the table and relax." He paused for a second. "You may want these," he said, handing me the poppers. I took them, and did a huff from the bottle.

He carefully picked up the shard of meth. With his free hand, he spread apart my ass cheeks, exposing my hole. I realized he was going to stick the crystal up my ass, not bothering with the ritual of a booty bump. I had heard this was almost as intense as slamming. Terrified of what I'd do flying high, nevertheless, I did another huff of poppers, forcing myself to relax. His finger pushed into my hole, guiding the sharp rock into me. I could feel it scraping up against my tight moist hole, slowly starting to dissolve and enter my bloodstream. He pushed his finger in all the way, first one knuckle, then a second knuckle, and finally the base of his finger.

"There, Matt," he said. "Just relax, and let it melt, bro." I took another huff from the poppers as he slid his finger out of my hole. I could feel the shard of tina that he had left behind. I knew it had already started to dissolve, the drug going straight to my brain. I wondered what I would let him do over the next few hours. As his fingertip slipped out of my hole, he gently massaged it, making it close up. "That bump should last you for a good while," he said.

Next: Chapter 2

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