Black Magick

By Skorpio

Published on Oct 23, 2017


This tale is a pornographic treatment of Black Domination set in a world where the supernatural is real. If this is not your fantasy, fetish, or truth, return to the vast selection of erotic literature at Nifty. While you are at it, please make a donation to keep this library open and free to the public.

Black Magick: Halloween Story,

by Skorpio

On Halloween Night the warlock Byron Whittaker danced sky-clad in the deep woods with the members of his new coven. He was their ordained High Priest, a vessel for the powers of the Ancient Gods. They were white men and women who believed in magick and worshipped the forces of Nature. On this night for the first time, they frolicked to draw down the moon, as they called it, and to summon a cone of power which would imbue their Master with raw magickal energy.

The proper incantations were chanted. Torches were set at the four cardinal points. Arcane principalities were invoked. The faster and more frenzied the coven danced in a ring with Byron in the center, the more the gibbous moon overhead seemed to throb and pulsate. The air was charged. Byron felt the magickal energy flowing into him. But the ritual was not yet complete.

There was yet the rite of sacrifice. Something had to be given back in exchange for the gift of power. To fulfill this exigency, Byron fucked one the younger women and her young boyfriend on the altar. Both were virgins willing to give up their virginity in order for their High Priest to acquire great magickal power. They believed some of this magick would flow down to them. They were mistaken. Byron never told them they would accrue magickal powers. But he would let them believe they had, and they would convince themselves it was true.

Lastly, on the spur of the moment, surcharged with power, Byron invented the necessity of each member of the coven sucking his dick. It was symbolic, he said. He had become an avatar of the horned god of the woods and his dick was to be honored. But all he really wanted was a blowjob. The urge to fuck had never been stronger. He was horny like never before. It was almost too much to handle. He had to focus, remember his training. Ironically, having six men and six women go down on him, not sucking, just putting their mouths around his dick, helped him to rein the occult forces raging within him.

After the torches were put out, the coven members got dressed and drove home, excited by the possibility that magickal things would start happening for them. They knew magick was real. Byron had shown them things that could not be rationally explained. The women believed because they were all sexually attracted to Byron. The men had to believe because they were willing to suck Byron's cock for a chance at magick, except for the two gay guys in the coven: they were not reluctant in the least.

They all felt like they had participated in something sacred, mysterious, and forbidden. The excitement sent a frisson through their dull, ordinary, suburban lives. It would enhance their sex lives. They would wish for things, and maybe some of their wishes would come true.

After the ceremony, the warlock Byron Whittaker still needed to fuck. He did not care whether it was a woman or man. All he needed was a hole. And the best hole he knew of in town that could be had at any time was a white queer who lived in the high rise condos overlooking the expansive park. That was where he encountered Jimmy for the first time, in the park at night, cruising recklessly for black dick.

That night, so many months ago, Jimmy Sutton wanted to give Byron a blowjob behind a tree, but what Byron had in mind was going up to the whiteboy's crib and fucking his brains out. At first Jimmy refused. This faggot may have been wild in the streets, but he never brought trade home, and he did not like getting fucked. But Byron was able to change his mind. Once Jimmy got on his knees and tasted the oil of mandrake root coating Byron's dick, he needed to get fucked so badly he became totally submissive and compliant.

It was a simple matter for a warlock of Byron's stature to put a weak-willed faggot like Jimmy completely under his power. The spell made Jimmy's hole twitch and tingle at the sight of Byron. It made him long to be penetrated and pounded by Byron's massive black candle of a cock.

Jimmy was twenty-five years old of medium height with a slender, narrow waist, thick thighs, and a big, firm, round ass. It was the perfect ass for fucking. Until Byron came along, it had only been fucked once before. Jimmy did not enjoy the experience. He never wanted to get fucked again.

But now, whenever he heard Byron's voice or laid eyes on him, or even thought about him in passing, Jimmy wanted Byron's massive cock inside him.

It was only a thirty minute drive from the woods to Jimmy's condo. No advance call was necessary. Byron parked his crimson Mercedes sports car, and simply told the middle-aged, white rent-a-cop with a white mustache in the lobby that he was expected. The security guard looked at Byron funny, took off his cap to scratch his balding head, and then said with a smile, "Sure. Go on up."

Ordinarily Byron would have had to resort to a glamour spell or talisman to get past the security guard, but with the magick in his possession, for the time being, all he had to do was speak to have his way. Just for fun, he asked the guard if he ever sucked a black dick before. "Why, no, I never have," said the guard, matter of factly, as if he had been asked if he ever tried eggs Benedict.

"Would you like to suck a black dick?"

"Can't say that I would, son," the guard answered honestly, utterly unable to feel or express disapproval or outrage. He did not care why, but whatever this handsome, charming, inspiring young fellow standing before him had to say was perfectly acceptable.

"Why not?" Byron persisted. "Are you prejudiced? Do you have something against black dick?"

"I'm not prejudiced," the guard averred, and then hastily corrected himself: "Well, maybe a little prejudiced. Probably a lot prejudiced now that I think about it." He could not help but speak the truth, and once he started talking, he would not shut up. "But, it's not that. I'm not gay. I was in the Marines, been married twice, got four children, three step-children. My son is a faggot, though. I came home from work early one night and found him in my living room giving a blowjob to one of the wetbacks who mows my neighbor's lawn. He didn't get that from me. My wife coddled him when he was little, and her own brother is a homosexual too, so it's all on her side of the family. But not me. I don't hate gay people. Well, maybe a little. It's all so confusing. I don't understand. Back when I was growing up, at least homosexuals showed some shame, they weren't prancing in the street like a bunch of fairies, and nowadays you can't turn on your TV without seeing some - ."

"That's enough," said Byron, putting up both hands. "I'm gonna bounce. But I want you to spend the rest of the night thinking about sucking black dick."

"Can I suck yours?"

Byron thought: dayumm, this magick is strong!

"No, you can't suck my dick, old man," he replied. "I'm gonna need more than a blowjob. I need to fuck! But I tell you what, if you see another brother tonight, why don't you ask him that question. Be discrete. Don't be embarrassing nobody. You might get lucky."

"Yes, sir. I will. Thank you, sir!" He had the glazed look of a contented daydreamer on his face.

The elevator propelled Byron to the fourteenth floor. Owing to long-standing superstitious tradition, there was no thirteenth story. Appropriately enough, Muzak was playing a jazzy cover of "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered," but it was no coincidence. Jimmy always arranged for holiday tunes to play in the lobby and elevator.

Raucous club music and loud voices came from Jimmy's condo. The little faggot is having a Halloween party, Byron guessed. This should be interesting. The warlock was so accustomed to using Jimmy whenever he felt like fucking in a hurry that he forgot to consider the faggot might have a life of his own.

Over the years white fags begin to look pretty much alike, all of them cut from the same lavender cloth. They make it easy for a man to regard them as anything but a convenient whore. With their unquenchable obsession for dick, Black Magick was almost unnecessary. It just saved time, that's all. That was all most Black Magick achieved.

Byron knocked sharply three times, sending magick into his large brown knuckles to ensure they would be heard.

The door was opened by Jimmy dressed as a convict in striped prison garb with real looking manacles and fetters linked by real-looking, clattering chains. Glitter was sprinkled in his hair. Behind him, a noisy crowd in costumes and masks moving to the music, a flashing strobe light, and floating, helium-filled, orange balloons that looked like jack-o'-lanterns.

"Trick or treat," said Byron, flashing his patented smile. He had large sensuous lips framed by a jet black goatee, and the whitest teeth. Sans magickal reinforcement, still his handsomeness could melt all but the iciest of hearts.

A change came over Jimmy instantaneously. His entire body softened and tensed at the same time. His pouty lips returned the black man's smile, while his thick dark eyebrows wrinkled with sudden yearning. "OMG, Byron, you're here!" he exclaimed. "I was going to invite you, but you never gave me an address. Not even a phone number. I wish there was some way to get in touch with you, because sometimes I think about you and I get, well, you know I get, but that's not important now. You're here. We can go into the bedroom. I'll lock the door. This party will go on without me for hours."

"Not so fast," said Byron. "I might wanna check out your party first."

"Okay, but then the bedroom, right?"

"Put some ice on your cunt, bitch," said Byron. He hastily added, "I don't mean that literally," upon considering his words. One had to be careful with Black Magick. "What I mean is, don't rush me. I know what you need. I'm gonna give you summa that. Just be cool. I wanna check out the people."

`"I'm sorry. Come in and meet everyone," said Jimmy, relaxing somewhat. His pussy tingled and the sweat between his ass cheeks was making his crack itch like crazy. It was a sensation only one thing could satisfy. He needed Byron's massive black truncheon of a cock shoved inside his hole. He yearned to be ruthlessly fucked. But he had Byron's assurance it would happen. He could wait. He would have to.

Much to Byron's liking, the blaring music was up to date hip-hop with a little old school funk. He stood out like a sore thumb as the only person not in costume. There were various Draculas and Lestats, Jedi, storm troopers, werewolves, hunchbacks, robots, aliens, superheroes, a pregnant nun, gunslingers, pirates, clowns, movie stars, some presidential masks, and numerous other characters he could not identify.

The two that caught Byron's eye at once were a young man and woman in their late teens or very early twenties who apparently did not know one another but had come costumed in like fashion. Both looked like they stepped out of an old jungle movie in sandals. He wore nothing but a low-slung, leopard skin loincloth. The pelt barely covered his round white cheeks. The girl wore a skimpy leopard skin dress with no sleeves. Both had plastic hunting knives sheathed at her side. What was most striking of all, however, was their physical resemblance. Both were shaggy-headed blonds, both had the same long-lashed, big, innocent blue eyes, both had flawless peaches and cream complexions. They could have been brother and sister, but in fact were strangers until they gravitated toward one another at the party out of mutual curiosity.

Byron strode over to them, and introduced himself. The tow-headed jungle twins ended their conversation at once, and regarded him immediately with devout interest, galvanized by his commanding presence. "Tell me about yourselves," said Byron. "Who are you? What do you like to do for sex?" Throughout their responses, he would put in other questions, and they were as calmly forthcoming as the security guard in the lobby had been.

Phillip was straight. He knew Jimmy from theater classes where everyone assumed Phillip was gay, because they said he looks like such a twink, but was definitely straight. He liked performing cunnilingus on brunettes especially and he had a thing for Asian girls. He liked big tits, fucking missionary style, getting blowjobs. No, he never sucked cock himself. No, he never thought about it. Would he let a guy suck his cock? Yes, Phillip admitted. If he was really horny and he knew nobody would find out. What if nobody finding out was not a problem, what if he could get a blowjob from a guy any time he wanted without anyone finding out, would he take advantage of that opportunity. Yes, he would. What if his life was at stake. What if the only way he could avoid execution was by sucking cock and agreeing to suck cock for the rest of his life, would he do it? Yes, he said, after a thoughtful pause. The hard truth could not be denied.

"Even though you like chicks, I'm gonna have to consider you a cocksucker," said Byron.

Phillip was completely fine with that designation. Whatever Byron wanted was okay by him. By now he had figured out that Byron had singled him out of the crowd. That made Phillip feel very special, that a man like Byron would take an interest in him for any reason. He loved the rich, dark, confident tone of Byron's voice.

Maggie was a lesbian. She knew Jimmy from a temp job he quit (one of many). Her problem was she was so pretty, everyone thought she was straight and the other dykes thought she was a femme. Maggie thought of herself as quite butch, that was why she wore her hair like a shaggy mane, but it only made her look gamine and desirably vulnerable. She never had sex with a man. She thought penises are ugly. Would she have sex with a man if she was very horny? Reluctantly, she admitted she would. Would she suck a cock? If she had no other choice. Did she masturbate? Yes, compulsively at times. Did she use a dildo? No, but she would with another woman. Hard truths.

With a crooked finger, Byron summed Jimmy who had been commanded to attend to other guests because he was becoming an annoyance.

"Come with us. We are all going into the bedroom," announced Byron, putting his muscular, short-sleeved arms over Phillip's and Maggie's bare, creamy shoulders.

All three were deeply under Byron's spell. Jimmy wanted to get fucked, but Phillip and Maggie were willing to do anything Byron wanted, anything at all that made their new best friend happy. Byron told Maggie to ask around for some joints and for Phillip to get a couple bottles of champagne and glasses.

"What do you want me to do?" asked Jimmy.

Byron said: "I want you to keep that cunt ready, bitch. You're getting fucked."

Jimmy nearly squealed with delight. Soon the four of them were in the bedroom with the door securely locked. Byron had Jimmy undress him and neatly fold his pants and shirt. He retained his black, red, and green striped boxers for the time being. Then, he got comfortable on the king-sized bed, pillows stacked between his broad, muscular back and the headboard, stretching out his long sinewy legs.

"You two," he pointed to the jungle twins. "Start making out. Kiss each other, get passionate, use your hands, feel each other up, and let yourselves enjoy it. Show me how white folks get down."

Phillip looked at Maggie. She looked at him. There was only a sliver of hesitation before their lips met, cautiously at first, tenderly, sensuously, before becoming urgent, frantic, passionate, and desperate, as if their mouths had become fused, like Siamese twins conjoined at the lips.

When Maggie's ample, milky breasts spilled out of her leopard skin dress, Phillip caught them and pinched her enormous, hard, pink nipples. She clutched his ass, squeezing her beautifully manicured nails into his cheeks soft as two fresh loaves of white bread.

They fell to the floor, entwined in passion. Phillip's meager leopard skin loincloth had been ripped off, leaving him naked save for a narrow-waisted swimmer's jockstrap bulging with desire. Maggie was completely naked with a bright yellow bush. Phillip climbed on top of her. Her voluptuous, dimpled thighs spread to give herself completely to him. He tore aside the cotton pouch, setting free his quivering six inch alabaster prick, and prepared to thrust.

"Stop!" said Byron, and the lovers froze. He could feel magick surging in his body, from a violent vortex in his loins to the remote tips of his toes and fingers. There was magick in his hair. It was in his skin. How long would this last, he wondered. It felt like being part of the cosmos, at one with the sun and the moon, the seasons and the tides. It was like being a god.

"I don't want you fucking her," Byron insisted, firmly. "Nobody fucks tonight except me. Everybody else gets fucked." He beckoned to Phillip. "You, Bomba the Jungle Boy, or whatever you call yourself, get your ass on this bed with me and suck my dick." Byron slid off his colorful boxers to reveal his long, thick, rigid tool. All eyes in the bedroom turned in unison to look at it.

Under the spell of Byron's magickally enhanced animal magnetism, the naked blond twink did as he was commanded. Having never sucked a dick before, he showed considerable promise. While Phillip gagged trying to deep throat the entire long shaft, Byron was French-kissing the lesbian and playing with her sumptuous melons. Jimmy who desperately wanted to ride Byron's big cock was relegated to worshipping his equally magnificent feet.

This went on for awhile until Byron decided he wanted all three of them taking turns sucking his dick. Maggie got between his thighs, and the two males were on either side. One would suck that massive pole of rigid flesh for a minute or two, then another, and then the third, and repeat. Byron berated them for not sucking hard enough which had the effect of sending all three cocksuckers into a fellatio frenzy.

It was glorious having a white faggot, a white straightboy, and a white lesbian all worshipping his black dick at once. He simply told them to revere his dick and they did. This was how it should be, Byron told himself. Every brother throughout the world should have this power.

Next, Byron positioned his three fuck puppets on the bed in a row, each one with his or her face down, back arched, white buttocks presented in offering to his dick. He looked around for hair grease, Vaseline, hand lotion, something for lube but did not see anything. Not a problem. Byron stuck his head out of the bedroom door and called to the nearest person in costume. It was a guy with fake fangs and a Dracula cape.

Thomas Hastings only came to Jimmy's party because he figured a gay party would be a good place to meet chicks. He was right. Right up until Byron called him over, Thomas was doing pretty well with a cute redhead dressed as Dorothy (sans Toto) who had been stringing him along with boasts of her cocksucking skills. What Thomas did not know was that Dorothy was really Darren. All things considered, Thomas should have been grateful for Byron's timely intervention.

"Come in, lock the door behind you, and take off your costume," said Byron, adding as an afterthought: "Because you want to. Anything I tell you to do is something you want to do very much."

Thomas saw three naked people on the bed with their asses perched. He looked at the tall, muscular naked black man who had summoned him. If this tableau registered as unusual at all it was for only the blink of an eye. Thomas locked the door and shed his cape. He could not wait to peel off his black silk shirt and black sleeveless undershirt because he wanted to get undressed. He did not question why. Once he was completely naked, Byron ordered Thomas to kneel.

"I've got a job for you, whiteboy," said the Master of Ceremonies. "You see those three asses lined up on the bed? I'm gonna fuck them. The one in the middle, that's a chick, and her pussy is already wet. I felt it. Sopping wet. The little bitch is in heat. But the other two, they're dudes, so I'm gonna need you to get their cunts lubed up nice with some spit, see where I'm going with this?"

Thomas nodded his tousled head. He completely understood. Without further prompting he discarded the fake fangs, crawled over the side of the bed, and started licking the first asshole in line. That was Phillip's virgin rosebud. Thomas slobbered and spat and worked his tongue inside the tight ring as best he could. Of course, he had never done anything like this to a guy or even a girl before, but it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Skipping Maggie in the middle because her cunt lips were already ready, Thomas gave Jimmy the same treatment, only Jimmy's hole had already been stretched open and was twitching in anticipation like an epileptic maw. Satisfied he had lubricated their cunts to the very utmost of his ability, Thomas turned to Byron for approval.

"Now get my shit wet," said the warlock. "Drool and spit on it. Suck it some."

Thomas eagerly complied. Byron was not sadistic by nature. He knew all the saliva in the world was not enough to prepare any rectum for his big dick. That was why he told all three of his little fuck holes that they would experience no pain, only the most delirious pleasure they ever knew. Byron wanted to hear their cries of joy. He told them, "Feel free to speak, my little sluts."

"Please fuck me first!" pleaded Jimmy, now that he had been given permission to speak.

"No, I'm saving your sweet cunt for last, you little queer. Hush the fuck up, wait your turn. Daddy's gonna get to you. Daddy's gonna give you all something you will never forget."

One by one, Byron took them. He plunged his massive dick without remorse and drilled as he liked. His pounding thrusts were rewarded with cries of "Fuck me! Fuck me harder! I need your cock in me! Fuck my cunt!" He tore up Maggie's pussy, making her come over and over again, coating his dick with her juices. When at last he came to Jimmy's shapely white ass, the faggot nearly swooned before the tip of Byron's dick even prodded his hole.

"I'm gonna fuck you good, faggot," growled Byron. "Saved me the best for last." He slapped Jimmy's cheeks hard. "Well, not exactly the last," he added. "But maybe definitely the best. Only one way to find out."

Byron fucked the faggot harder by far than he screwed the straight boy or lesbian. He knew this freak craved his dick apart from magick. The jungle boy's hole was sweet, that was for certain, and Maggie had a nice twat, but Jimmy's ass was made for pumping. So Byron went to town. He slapped Jimmy's cheeks until they glowed, and slammed every massive inch of his dick into the whiteboy's guts. The more fiercely he drilled, harder, deeper, and faster, the more he felt the magickal sexual energy inside him blazing like a bonfire and fueling his already magnified libido.

After Byron ejaculated in Jimmy's cunt, he returned to Phillip and fucked him again to orgasm. Maggie was already spent, breathing heavily. Throughout all this, Thomas remained kneeling, watching, basking in the glow of Byron's power, and longing to join in. He wanted to give himself to the magnificent black stallion.

"I'm gonna grant your wish, little one," said Byron, reading the white man's simple thoughts with ease. "Crawl over here and suck my dick."

While Thomas was sucking cock for the first time, avidly at that, Byron told the others to get dressed and rejoin the party. "Keep everyone happy. No one leaves. And Jimmy, I want you to tell three more to come into the bedroom, aiiight? Doesn't matter what three. Just send them in."

Out went Jimmy in his convict costume, Phillip and Maggie as the jungle twins, looking like they had wrestled a panther, while Thomas continued sucking Byron's dick. A minute later, in walked the pregnant nun in a mini-skirt, an impressive looking Spider-Man complete with webbing under the arms, and apparently Johnny Depp dressed as Capt. Jack Sparrow. If it was not Johnny Depp, the resemblance was amazing.

"Take off your costumes," commanded Byron, summarily.

The nun lifted her habit and Johnny Depp peeled off the fake mustache and removed the bandanna and fake hair. The girl was pretty if a little plump and the pirate still looked like Johnny Depp. Only Spider-Man refused to take off his mask. He stood there with his superhero-sized arms folded defiantly across his chest.

"Why aren't you getting undressed?" hollered Byron, both annoyed and perplexed at the same time. He did not like being perplexed. And he certainly was not hip to his power being thwarted.

"Why should I get undressed?" demanded Spider-man, tugging off his mask.

"Oh," said Byron, softly. "That's why."

"That's why I should get undressed?"

"No, that's why you're not obedient."

Spider-Man was a strapping young brother in his prime. Tall, well-built, golden brown, faint mustache, short fade. The muscles filling out his familiar red and blue costume were genuine. This was Darrell Stone, straight friend of Jimmy's who sold herb, and thought he could do some business at a Halloween party. Darrell looked quizzically left and right at the nun and Johnny Depp stripping down to their birthday suits.

"How do you get them to do that?" Darrell asked, stroking his chin in wonder.

"It's magick," the warlock shrugged. "Actually, it's Black Magick. That's why it doesn't work on you. But it works really well on white folks."

"So I see," observed Darrell, calmly.

"Do you believe in Black Magick?"

"I've heard about it. Never saw it before now. Seems real to me, unless this is a set up. Are you setting me up? Should I be concerned?"

"Aw, no," said Byron, smiling to assure this cat there was nothing but good will between them. "I wasn't expecting no brothers up in this white faggot's party, that's all. But the Magick is real. I got super-charged tonight. If you want, I can hook you up."

"What-chu talkin bout?" quipped Darrell, keeping it light, while his onyx eyes narrowed with suspicion.

"There is a lot of sweet ass up in here, and you can get anyone you want just like I'm doing, if you let me give you a shot of the Black Magick."

"Anyone I want? They would have to do whatever I say?"

"Anyone. Anything. Does that appeal to you? Would you like that power? I can give you a dose. The power to make any white person submit to you any way you want."

"I'm intrigued," Darrell admitted. "So, how does this work? What do you do? What do I have to do?"

"All you have to do is suck my dick," said Byron. "Suck my dick and some of my Black Magick will flow right into you. It will make you strong like you've never felt before."

"That's all I have to do is suck your dick and I'll have the power?"

"That's all you gotta do. C'mon, get you some." Byron gripped his erect phallus at the base like it was an ebony baton. His eyes seemed to glitter and smoke with the mystical energy he promised. Black Magick was real.

"Hell, no!" swore Darrell. "I ain't suckin' your dick. Sorry, man. Not for nothing you got to offer. I don't need your power. I can get all the tail I want on my own. Bottom line: I don't suck no nigga's shit. In fact, if you wanna suck my dick, which I'm starting to wonder about, we can get down like that. But suck a dick? Bruh, I'm not the one!"

"No, I don't want to suck your dick," Byron roared with laughter. "Blood, you passed the test. If you would'a sucked my dick, no way was I gonna give some of this power to a cocksucker. I had to see if you were worthy. Shake my hand, bruh."

For a moment, Darrell hesitated. He really did not know what to make of this, except that he stood beside two naked people with glazed looks in their eyes, awaiting a command. It was a bizarre scene. The naked whitegirl had really nice tits. As for the dude, Darrell had never looked at another man sexually, but the idea of seeing Johnny Depp with a black dick in his mouth was kind of hot in its own way. And there was the naked, hung, cocky brother leaning against the headboard whose burnished dark brown skin wet with perspiration seemed to glow with a golden aura.

Darrell extended his hand. Palms touched. Fingers clasped. Byron's grip tightened, and Darrell felt a sharp, hot, crackling force like fire possess his hand, spreading to his arm like rivers of flame, flowing into his body, imbuing him with strength and vigor. Instantly, his dick got hard.

"Now you can have anyone you want," said Byron. "I figure you're good to go until dawn. There's another bedroom you can use. Have fun."

"Can I have these two?" inquired Darrell.

"Sure, why not," said Byron, feeling magnanimous. Absolute power had not corrupted him. "Send in three more. Get me two females and a male, this time. And since you got some power in you now, do me a solid, aiiight? Tell the other guests to stick around. Don't want nobody skipping out. The party's just getting started."

"Hell, yeah," said Darrell, giving Byron a dap. "We just getting started!"

Byron's sexual vigor showed no signs of waning. He fucked the next threesome as vigorously as the first three. After that, another three. He did not ejaculate in all of them, but that was not because he could not. He came when he felt like it, usually saving his sperm for the cocksuckers because he liked seeing it dripping from their faces. But some of the ass he tapped was so phyne he had to bust a nutt in that.

Meanwhile, Darrell was having the time of his life. Johnny Depp was rimming him while he went down on the nun who was not pregnant after all, but might be before the night was through. Initially, Darrell used his power to get chicks, but as the night wore on he pulled in a few more whiteboys to use like whores. Like they say, you never know what a person is going to do until they have the power to do it.

By the time sunlight crept through the windows, Byron had fucked at least thirty different people or gotten his dick sucked. Only a few that Darrell had with him escaped Byron's dick. Darrell staggered out of the bedroom.

"That was awesome," said Darrell. "But I think it's wearing off."

"I only gave you a shot," said Byron. "It wasn't gonna last forever. I probably gave you more than I should have. But you managed it pretty good for a first timer."

"Can you give me another shot before you go?" Darrell asked. He did not sound desperate, not like a junky craving a fix. He just was not ready to put this experience behind him. He liked wielding a power that compelled white folks to obey him.

Darrell was surprised by how many guys he had fucked in the face and ass over the last several hours. True, he fucked a lot more chicks. He could not possibly get enough pussy, and the freedom to put his hands on any pair of tits he wanted was more than he could resist. But the more whiteboys he fucked, the more he liked putting it to them.

Screwing whiteboys up the ass, watching his big brown salami slide down their throats, hearing them whimper, choke, gag, moan, groan, and purr, this was satisfying on a whole other level. He loved seeing them reduced to being little bitches for his pleasure and amusement.

The best part, as Byron explained earlier, was Black Magick does not literally force anyone to do anything. What it does it is neutralize a white person's inhibitions. It sets them free. It is not rape or coercion. It is like letting a condemned man out of his cage. It is like enabling a blind man to see for a time. What were the odds that every straight whiteboy at the party subconsciously wanted to suck black dick?

No, thought Darrell. It was more than that. It was not just sex. They wanted to be controlled. They wanted to serve, to worship, but it was his magickally enhanced virility that made them submissive. Darrell wanted to know more. He did not want to give up this power.

"Take my hand," said Byron.

Once again the mystical transfer took effect. Power flowed into Darrell's arm and surged through his chest, stomach, loins, and legs, multiplying the intensity of his libido. He felt like a satyr. It was a wonder his feet did not turn into hooves. He was recharged. His chocolate dick sprang into action, ready for more, much more.

"You, Sherlock Holmes," he tapped an older man on the shoulder. "Go to the bedroom and take off your clothes. Wait for me. You, too, Batgirl. Bedroom! Naked! You can give Sherlock a blowjob while you wait. Sherlock, don't you cum when she sucks your little dick. Only me and the chicks get to cum."

The gentleman dressed as the famous sleuth was Professor Weinstein, a faggot, and Batgirl was one of his undergraduate students. He taught art history. This would be the first blowjob he ever got from a female. Usually he was the one giving them.

Darrell tapped a few more revelers on the shoulder and told them to report to the bedroom as well. Byron gave Darrell his number and said to hit him up some time if he wanted to seriously learn more about Black Magick. He also suggested Darrell command everyone at the party to forget what transpired.

"That's a good idea," Darrell agreed. "But not everyone. I want some of these whiteboys to remember they sucked black dick. It's gonna haunt them for the rest of their lives. Maybe have them wanting more. I'm gonna do that to the chicks too. They won't remember whose dick they sucked. It will just be a dream that won't go away."

"I like that idea," said Byron. "Oh, and you're gonna have that fuck that faggot who lives here. He really needs to get fucked. I feel kind of sorry for him."

"You feel sorry for him?" Darrell asked. "I don't get it."

"Nah, I don't feel sorry for him," Byron laughed. "I was joking. He's a faggot. I don't give a fuck about that cracker. But I put a spell on him, making him crave my dick in his ass whenever he sees me."

"So he's your problem."

"Not really. See, I fixed the spell so it's your dick he wants. The power I gave you will wear off again, but you are always gonna have this little faggot who will do anything you tell him if you fuck him in the ass."

"I'm not sure if that's a gift or a curse."

"It's what you make of it, blood," said Byron. "You have my number. Holler at me sometime. You've got Black Magick potential. I could teach you a few things."

The warlock wrapped his powerful arms around the slender jungle twins and headed out the door. He was famished. He intended on throwing down a large breakfast at the nearest diner with the jungle twins, and then bringing them both back to his crib. Maybe they would all catch some sleep. He wanted them both fresh when he fucked them again.

There was no telling how long this influx of magickal power would continue, but as horny as Byron felt, it was very likely to last for several days.


While Darrell was under the influence of Black Magick he came to relish fucking whiteboys and having them suck his dick as much as he enjoyed females, but once the power and satyriasis wore off a second time, he was left to wonder.

Am I bisexual, he asked himself. He had refused to suck Byron's dick, and thereby won his approval, but wasn't letting a guy go down on him almost as bad? Not to mention fucking a guy in the ass. There was nothing sexually attractive about the males he fucked. He did not find them appealing in any way, except maybe one or two of the very effeminate fags who could have looked like girls with a little makeup. He even got around to a blowjob from the transvestite. Or was she a transsexual?

Sometime later when Darrell met up with Byron, he asked the warlock if Black Magick can make a man bisexual. Byron explained:

"Black Magick does not make you bisexual. It makes you see things as they truly are. You saw these whiteboys as submissive sluts. Strip every whiteboy down to the core and that's what you're gonna find. They want to be humiliated and fucked like whores. They're holes begging to be filled."

"Yeah, that makes sense," said Darrell, much relieved.

"The next Sabbat is in December, just before Christmas," said Byron. "My coven is going to infuse me with more Black Magick. Wanna come along? Get you some?"

"That's a bet."

Darrell shook Byron's hand.


Next: Chapter 4: Snowflake 3

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