Black Magic Man

By Em Parks

Published on Nov 2, 2001


Black Magic Man III - Being Paula

Welcome to the third instalment of the Black Magic Man series. Thank you for all the wonderful emails. Please keep them coming as I really love to hear from guys who have enjoyed the stories. I hope you like this instalment. If you enjoyed the theme, email me and I'll tell you where you can find my other stories on the same theme.

Em (

I had been Lincoln's lover for about a month when he called me and asked me to come across to his flat one day. As I never disobeyed any of his instructions I quickly dressed as he liked me to (lycra shorts and tight T shirt) and drove round to his flat. During our time together I had become such a willing slave to him, letting him use my body for whatever pleasure he wanted and slavishly pleasuring him. I loved being dominated by a beautiful black guy, fulfilling a fantasy I had for so long.

When I arrived at Lincoln's flat he was dressed in a pair of tight white pants. I looked over his muscled, ebony body once again, relishing the torture and exquisite abuse I was to endure to make my lover happy. I would do anything for him and he knew it. We kissed and I told him how much I had been missing him and looking forward to seeing him, how excited I was at the prospect of making him happy again. My cock was rock hard under my skin tight shorts and I placed his hand on my bulging, rubbing it up and down. I could feel his nine inches, solid under his pants as he pushed closer to me. I could tell he was even more horny than normal by the way his breathing was fast and shallow before we had even begun to make love.

We broke our kiss and he began to tell me that his girlfriend Paula was going to be away for a month. Paula was a beautiful, slim blonde woman of 26 who was a very talented runner. She was going to Switzerland for some scientific training programme run at a university there. I had met Paula on a number of occasions and she knew Lincoln and I were lovers. She was cool about that because she was bi as well and had a female lover who was going to Switzerland with her.

"While Paula's away" Lincoln said, "I've decided that you will be Paula. You'll dress like her and act like her and be a good little bitch for me. What d' you say?"

I just looked at him, my body filling up with excitement.

"I want to be the best girlfriend for you" I replied.

"OK, first of all you'd better dress like her. Open that drawer" he said.

I went across to the drawer and pulled it open. It was full of Paula's underwear. Lincoln came across and pulled out a pair of stockings and a suspender belt, both black and lace trimmed.

"I think you'll look pretty in these, put them on" he ordered.

I pulled off my shorts and T shirt and stood naked in front of him. My cock almost bursting. I hooked the suspender belt around my waist and slowly pulled up the stockings around my legs. I felt the static crackle as the stockings firmed around my smooth legs (Lincoln liked me to wax them for him). While I did that I saw Lincoln pulling out other items of underwear for me. I clipped the stocking tops into place and stood up facing him, my aching cock and swollen balls framed by the black material of the stockings and suspender belt.

He handed me a pair of white panties and told me to put them on. They were bikini style with a small triangle of cotton material, edged in lace trim at the front and a slightly larger triangle at the back. I trembled with excitement as I took them off him, imagining Paula wearing them for him. I slid them over one foot and then the next and bent down to pull them up. My ass stuck out a little and strained against the straps of the suspender belt. I slowly slid the panties over my stockinged legs, almost fainting as the cotton slid over the nylon of the stockings. I slid them up over my hips and in place over my cock, now leaking precum. The panties just managed to fit over my cock with jutted out underneath and strained against my ass. They felt wonderful, the tight pressure on my cock as the triangle of cotton strained and the feel of the thin straps across my hips turned me on more.

Lincoln handed me a very tight matching camisole top which I pulled into place over my chest. Paula had very small breasts so the cami fitted beautifully. Now for the finishing touch. Lincoln handed me a beautiful, sheer and very short silk dress of Paula's. I had seen Paula wearing it and thought how sexy she looked. Now it was my turn. I pulled the dress over my head and smoothed it into place over my body. The dress was tight all the way down my chest, sides and over my hips but fitted well. I pulled the hem down to pull the dress tight. I was taller than Paula so the dress came up a little shorter on me. It just covered the tops of the stockings, my panty covered balls just an inch under the hem.

Lincoln walked around me admiring his creation, gently stroking the material covering my ass. I felt so feminine, so seductive, I was determined to make love to him more slowly, more sensuously than anyone had ever done before.

"Very pretty" he said. "Now you know what to do. Start behaving like a girlfriend".

I smiled and walked towards him. I draped my arms around his powerful shoulders and gently, slowly kissed him. Our lips moved together for ages as our kiss built in intensity, slowly, sensuously, gently and erotically I kissed his lips before easing my tongue into his gorgeous mouth, giving him the longest slowest French kiss ever. I was his girlfriend now. It felt as though I was seducing my black lover for the first time.

Our bodies moved gently together as we continued to kiss.

I murmured "God, I love you Lincoln. I'm going to be the best girlfriend you ever had".

His hands dropped to my bum and gently squeezed. Our cocks rubbed together though the material as our bodies moved to the sensuous rhythm. I wanted to really seduce him, to get his hard cock wet and horny so he could really make love to me. My hand dropped to his groin where his meat was straining against the material of his skimpy cotton pants. I gently rubbed my fingers up and down the length of his cock, barely touching him, just rubbing my fingernails lightly over the material. He moaned with desire as I continued to play with him. I gently cupped his swollen aching balls in my fingers and gave them the gentleist squeeze as we continued our sensual embrace and erotic French kiss.

Finally, the hardness under my hands got too much. I knelt down in front of him and started to kiss and lick his flat, hard stomach, working my way down to his crotch. I planted kisses over the material of his knickers, feeling the aching pulsing flesh I longed for so much, underneath. Lincoln's breath became shorter as I continued to run my mouth over his hard cock, feeling the excitement and the smell of sex coming off him.

Eventually I hooked my fingers under the band of his pants and slowly slid them down his legs. I saw what I had been dreaming about all night, his long, black cock, hard and erect with desire for me. I closed my eyes and slowly licked him, telling him how much I loved, him, how I wanted to be his woman. I ran my tongue over the wet eye of his cock, drinking in the salty, sweet precum. Gently I cupped the tip of his cock with my lips and ran my tongue over the head again. I wanted this to last forever so I ran my tongue down the length of his cock again and licked his balls. My hands cupped his firm, round ass while a finger slid into his crack and gently played with his asshole. I was seducing my lover, slowly and sensuously, submissive like a real girl would. Meanwhile my own cock pushed against the lace trim of my panties and the skirt rode up over my ass exposing my panties.

I took the head of Lincoln's cock into my mouth for the first time and drew him into my mouth as deeply as he would go. I felt his cock touch the back of my mouth as I sucked his firm meat. Gently I eased him half way out again, increasing the pressure as my lips ran over the thick stem of his meat. I continued this torture for ages, slowly easing of when I felt his excitement growing and an orgasm approaching. I didn't want him to come in my mouth, not tonight. He had to screw my pussy/ass tonight. I stopped sucking him and looked up at him towering above me.

"Fuck me, please". I said.

Lincoln led me to the bed and laid me down on my stomach. He put some pillows in a pile and shoved them under my waist so my ass was raised, half exposing the panties that covered my aching asshole. He climbed on the bed behind me and hooked his fingers under the straps of my panties, sliding them down my thighs. I gasped in anticipation of the pleasure and pain to come.

I closed my eyes as I felt him ease his cock into my waiting hole. He was so hard and wet that he slipped in easily. I gasped as the muscles of my ass closed around him. Slowly he eased five or six inches of his cock inside, the thick girth straining my ass muscles as I closed around him. Slowly the pain gave way to pleasure as he started to rock as he pulled himself in and out. His hands grasped my hips firmly, now he was really making love to me. He was so horny I knew he wouldn't last long. After about a minute he let out a shout and I felt a jet of hot, thick cum shoot in my ass. I felt myself hot inside as he pumped my ass full of his cream, moaning and shouting as he did. It was all to much for me. The feeling of my cock jammed against the soft cushions and Lincoln coming inside me made me come. I bucked as a shot of hot cum leaked out of my cock and inside Paula's dress. I came again and again as Lincoln's still hard cock worked my ass. Eventually Lincoln calmed down and pulled his limp, dripping cock out of my ass, dripping cum and down the back of my legs and Paula's stockings.

I lay on the bed, exhausted, my ass aching and Paula's panties around my thighs as Lincoln's cum ran down the back of my legs and mine leaked all over the inside of Paula's pretty, silk dress.

Tell me if you want to hear more..

Next: Chapter 4

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