Black in Me

By Mark Hall

Published on Dec 19, 2020


It was my last year in college so a bunch of friends went out and celebrated our upcoming graduation. We had gotten really close so it was particularly special since most likely we would go our separate ways once the year was over. One guy in particular, Stan, was someone I had developed a special friendship.

When I first saw him, the sexual attraction was real. He was just my type, large build, dark skinned, masculine, and confident. At 6'2", and about 350# he was an all-star offensive lineman for the football team. But he wasn't an obnoxious jock. He was quiet, kind and well-spoken, his African accent music to my ears.

But he was straight. With our circle of friends all going in a suite outside of campus, the four of us shared quite a bit, including our sexual practices. I was the only gay guy and everyone knew, but I never brought anyone back to the room I had to myself. However, since Stan's room was adjacent to mine's I was forced to hear he and his girlfriend have frequent sex, loud, rough sex from what I could tell. Since we shared a common bathroom I often saw Stan naked, including his large, uncut penis. A few times he caught be looking, but would either ignore it, or return with an awkward smile before he wrapped himself with a towel.

After our final night of drinking, I was the first to return to the suite. Everyone else was out hunting for pussy, or, as in Stan's case, spending time with his girlfriend, Tracy. Tracy was a buxom white girl who loved black cock, almost as much as I did. At first I was jealous of her but after I realized that that Stan was not into me sexually, and I eventually succumbed to the fact that he would not be interested in anything more than a friendship with me.

I was just about to fall asleep when I heard someone come in. Hearing clattering about in the room next to me, I realized it was Stan and figured Tracy was with him. But there was no talking. I listened as he showered, then returned to his room. Then immediately afterward, I heard a knocking at my door, so I got up to answer it.

"Hey James," said Stan as he brushed past me, carrying two beers and wearing a bathrobe. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and by the way he staggered to the chair next to my bed I saw he was very drunk. "Share this with me," he said, lighting a joint after he set the beers down. We had smoked together often, but always in the common area, never in my bedroom.

"My girl broke up with me," he said, slightly slurring his words, breathing in the smoke.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Stan," I said, taking the joint from his oversized hand.

"Thanks," he said, staring at the ceiling. By the look on his face I couldn't tell if he was about to cry or was concentrating on saying something.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm good I guess," he said, leaning slightly back. His bathrobe opened, revealing his nakedness. I couldn't help but gaze at his soft, fat uncut dark cock, resting on his large balls. His pubic hairs stopped abruptly just before his round, smooth belly. I waited for him to cover himself up, but he didn't.

I laughed uncomfortably. After all these years of me throwing hints that I wanted him, and consistently being rejected, I was now in a position to act on my desires. But I wasn't ready for this moment and didn't know what to say or do, so I went on talking s if nothing was happening.

It was difficult not to periodically sneak a glance at his nakedness so see if he was getting aroused, but I managed, and no signs of him getting excited.

After running out of things to say, Stan sat up, and adjusted his robe to cover himself. I was afraid that he was getting ready to leave. Instead, just before taking a hit off the last of the joint, he said, "Let's shotgun."

I jumped at the opportunity to get my lips near his, sitting next to him, waiting for a signal to share the last bit of smoke. He bent over to me, blowing smoke that I slowly took in. Then I leaned in further, touching my lips to the beautiful fullness of his, taking the leap of faith that would either get my feelings hurt or take me on an adventure that I had often fantasize about. I took his nonreaction as disinterest, so I pulled back.

"Sorry Stan," I mumbled, embarrassed, anxiously awaiting his response.

He then slowly leaned into me, placing his lips on mine, softly kissing me. This was all too good to be true I thought to myself as I returned his gentle kisses, thinking perhaps that he was simply showing affection and not interested in much more. Or that his inebriated state was causing him to behave like this and he would soon stop after discovering what was happening. At best, I envisioned Stan allowing me to give him head, but never expected this level of passion as he forced his tongue into my mouth, taking one hand and placing it on the back of my head, applying just enough pressure so that we were engaged in a deep, desirous moment. I reached inside his robe, feeling the extended nipple on his breast, rubbing it, then doing the same for the other. Our kissing became feverish, like catching up on years of pent up lust. He laid on top of me, his enormous body pressing against mine. My hands made their way to his bare ass, rubbing the large, firm cheeks. He then took his lips off of mine, lifted my shirt and sucked my nipple as used his legs to force mine apart.

"I going to fuck you, James," Stan said, slowing things down. The room was still lit allowing me to see how red his eyes were searching mine's. "You okay with that?" he asked, unaware of how long I'd been waiting for this.

"Yes Stan, please fuck me," I said, pulling off my underwear, raising and spreading my legs further to give him easy access to my hole. I wanted him to know how badly I wanted this and would do anything to please. Stan grabbed a pillow and placed it under my ass, my legs over his shoulders, the whole time looking into my eyes. He tried entering me with his hard cock but had trouble. Between the amount of weed we smoked and no lubricant I was too dry.

"Damn," he said out of frustration, "I can't get it in, you're too tight."

"Hold on," I said, looking for a jar of Vaseline I knew I kept around somewhere. By the time I found it his cock was softening.

"You need to get it hard again James," said Stan, getting up and standing near the edge of the bed. I placed the jar of Vaseline on the bed, then got on my knees and knelt before him, pulling his semi-hard cock into my mouth, giving him slow head. It grew quickly to a full nine to ten inches, allowing me to deep throat it.

"Oh fuck!" Stan exclaimed. "That feels so good James," he said, motivating me to suck his cock to the best of my ability. He then backed away. "I don't want to cum yet, I want to fuck your ass all night." His words were slurred even more and I was also feeling the effect of the wed and liquor. I reached out and felt his ball sac, massaging the large egg-shaped gonads.

"Damn your balls are huge," I commented. I had seen them before but never this close up. They easily filled my hand, then some.

"That's because they're full. I need to bust one," he said. "I'm going to give you my Black babies James. Get your white ass on the bed."

I stood up, and before I could get on the bed, Stand aggressively pulled me into him, kissing me passionately, then gently pushing me onto the bed, on my back. "Show me your pussy," he said, jacking his dick.

I raised and spread my legs. "You like my pussy? I asked him, sensing he was getting into dirty talk.

"Fuck yeah, look at you. And your dick is hard as fuck," he said, reaching out to feel it. "But I'm not doing anything with it. I just want your pussy."

His cock was fully engorged, sticking out impressively from his wide body. I watched as he coated his dick with Vaseline, then put some in my hole. He pulled me closer to the edge of the bed, guiding his cock in slowly and deliberately until he was all the way in. Despite the extreme discomfort, I didn't let on, fearing he might stop if he felt I was hurting. I looked up and saw Stan as he held my legs wide, his eyes were closed, tongue licking his lips.

"How's it feel?" I asked.

"Fucking amazing James," Stan said with obvious pleasure. After fucking me missionary for a few minutes I noticed he had sweat pouring down his body. I was afraid that he was going to get dehydrated.

"You doing okay Stan?" I asked, reaching out and caressing his large, sweaty belly. Being a football player, I figured he was in the best condition possible, but I had never seen anyone sweat that much.

"Lay the other way," he said, pulling out. "Let me get on top of you."

I got on the bed laying lengthwise, belly down. Stan used his legs to force mine apart, then mounted me. I felt his cock spread me wide as it slid in. As Stan fucked me, he slid his fat fingers in my mouth for me to suck. Our sweaty bodies slid against each other in rhythm as my butt fused with his cock.

After awhile, Stan withdrew, then laid beside me, breathing heavy.

"Damn that was good," I said. "Thank you Stan."

He laughed, then reached over and felt my butt.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I just find it strange that you are thanking me for putting my dick in your ass."

"It feels good," I said, rolling over so that I could suck on his tits.

"Ah shit, that feels so good," Stan crooned while I nursed on each nipple. "But it's time to fuck that ass again. Get on your back."

He wasted no time mounting me and proceeded to immediately get into a fast, hard pounding rhythm. A few minutes into it, I looked up and saw the door being closed. We had forgotten to close it behind us but I wasn't about to stop Stan, sensing he was close to orgasm. If someone had not seen us, they certainly were hearing the flesh slapping flesh sounds as Stan pummeled my ass. Then the loud orgasm as he dug into me and let loose, pouring his seed deep into me.

"Fuck that was good James," Stan huffed, breathing heavily. My legs rested on his meaty shoulders, his cock and my ass still joined together. After awhile he got up on his knees, looking down at me, smiling and shaking his head.

"What?" I asked.

Stan playfully slapped my face, then bent down to kiss me. "I've been wanting that ass for awhile."

Considering that I had been lusting after Stan for years this news came as both a disappointment and hope for the future. "Damn Stan. You mean we could have been doing this all along? I mean, I've wanted you since the time I saw you. And now we just have a few days left. That's kind of fucked up."

"Yeah I did, but I've been resisting. I just can't get caught up in the gay scene, James," said Stan, lying next to me.

I kissed Stan's large chest, playing with his extended nipple with my tongue. "I would have kept it discreet."

He ran his hand through my hair, kissing the top of my head. "Too much at stake. I'm being recruited by some NFL teams. Not sure they whole gay thing would go over so well."

"Can we keep in touch?" I asked, now sucking his nipple.

"Yeah definitely. Now that I got some of that white ass I'm going to want some more," Stan said, reaching down and inserting his finger into my hole. "This is better than pussy."

"Well, you can have all you want, anywhere, anytime, anyhow," I said, still horny, hoping for more.

"Is that right?" asked Stan. "Well than, get down there and get it read for round 2." It was about 3 a.m. and I worried about being able to get up early and begin moving out, but this was situation that I often fantasized about, and it became real. So I went down on him, sucking his soft cock into my mouth, taking my time until he was hard. This time he took me doggie style, fucking me for a much longer time until he shot his second nut into me. This time we laid in silence until he got up, got dressed, and quietly left out.

I found out later that Stan did get a workout with an NFL team but blew out his knee, thus jeopardizing his career. I wrote him offering my support, hoping he would invite me over to help him while he healed. I also professed my love for him. I didn't hear back from Stan and wonder to this day where he is what he is doing.

Next: Chapter 6

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