Black in Me

By Mark Hall

Published on Oct 25, 2020


I will start when I turned 18 which was also the legal drinking age back then where I lived. At that age I was told I was fairly good looking, boyish face, decent body. But the best feature was my ass. Been told many times that it sits high and round, which might explain why I tend to attract top men.

I drove about an hour to get into the city and my first gay bar. Back then they were not as open and were in industrial sites or alley ways. This one was no different.

Being a Saturday night, the place was busy with an assortment of men. After ordering a beer, I nervously walked around as many eyes were upon me. Fresh meat, I guess. One man in particular caught my attention, a middle-aged black man with a stocky build who sat with a drinking partner. New to the cruising scene, I had little idea what to do so I decided to sit next to him. After a while I was able to join in on the conversation the two friendly men were having. The white man was named Roy and the Black man Larry. I thought I felt an extra squeeze on Larry's handshake a good amount of eye contact. I figured the two were a couple until Roy got up to say he was going home. After exchanging handshakes, it was just Larry and I together.

"A little young for this place, ain't ya?" he asked, turning to look at me.

"Just turned 18, today's my birthday."

"Well damn, happy birthday," said Larry, holding his beer up for a toast.

"Thank you," I said, starting to feel he was interested in me. The song "Heat Wave" resonated throughout the bar, prompting Larry to move his body in sync to the music. I loved how he was free with his thoughts and body.

"This one's on me birthday boy," said Larry as he ordered a beer for me. Throughout the rest of the evening and numerous alcoholic beverages he and I got to know each other. He was a high school football coach who was recently divorced with two grown children. Several men greeting him as they came into and left the bar, so I figured he was a local.

"Last call!" the bartender shouted hours into the evening. Although I wanted the night to continue with Larry, I wasn't sure how to approach it.

"Well birthday boy, it's been a pleasure," said Larry as he got up to put his coat on. My heart sank. I wanted this man badly, but the opportunity was slipping away.

"Too bad this night has to end," I said, sounding disappointed.

"It doesn't have to. I live a few blocks from here. Did you drive?"

"I did, would you like a ride?" I asked, trying to hide my elation.

"Sure, why not, let's get out of here." Before leaving, the bartender gave me a wink and held his hands far apart, indicating that Larry had a large penis.

During the short ride to his place Larry placed his hand on my thigh, causing me to get an erection. "Looks like someone's ready," Larry laughed.

"You do excite the hell out of me."

"Well that's a good thing," said Larry as we pulled up in front of his house. As we entered, he instructed me to get comfortable in the living room while he got us a couple more beers. Not sure exactly what he meant, I stripped down to my underwear and sat on the couch.

Larry handed me the bottled beer then sat next to me. "Trying to get me drunk?" I asked.

Larry laughed, allowing me to notice his beautiful white teeth. "You're doing a good job of that yourself. Good thing we didn't get pulled over on the way here, you're definitely full."

After a moment of awkward silence, Larry leaned into me, kissing my cheek, then turning my mouth to his. The kisses got deeper and more passionate as we both got more aroused. I reached over and felt his cock. The bartender was not exaggerating, his cock was thick and at least 10 inches long and fat. Larry released us from the kiss. "Think you can handle that?"

"Yeah," I said unconvincingly.

"You have been fucked before, right?" asked Larry, kissing my lips. "Because you're definitely getting fucked tonight."

"I have, but nothing this big," I said, tracing my finger along his semi-hard cock.

Larry stood up and held his hand out. "C'mon." He led me to his dimly lit bedroom and had me sit on his king-sized bed, then unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a large chest and a bit of a belly. Then he unfastened his pants letting them fall to the floor. I did the rest, lowered his briefs that did little to contain the humongous cock that sprang out. I had seen huge cocks in porno, but never held one in my hand, or had in my mouth or ass.

"This is huge," I said, kissing the head that was as wide as my mouth.

"Can't wait to get it inside of you," said Larry, rubbing my head. I tried putting it in my mouth but was only able to get a couple of inches in, so I concentrated on sucking the head and sliding my tongue along the large pee hole. Doubt began to kick in about the possibility of getting his cock in my ass. Though I have been fucked before, I never had anything over 7 -8 inches. His cock was about a foot long, and fat.

"Let's get this started," said Larry, pulling his cock out of my mouth, then gently pushing me back on the bed. I had always found that riding a man with a big dick was the best way to get acclimated to it, but Larry was deliberate and decisive. "Put your legs on my shoulders," he instructed, pulling me towards him. I watched as he grabbed a bottle of lube, coated his cock and then rubbed some on my exposed hole.

He immediately inserted the head of his cock in and I quickly felt like I would not be able to accommodate the wide girth. "Ah shit!" I cried out, breathing heavily, trying to forget the pain that increased as he slowly slid in. "How much of it is in?"

"About two or three inches," Larry laughed. "I'll let you adjust. You are really tight man," said Larry as he reached to get a bottle of poppers. I had never tried poppers so didn't know what to expect. "Breath it in slowly," I heard him say. "Got to warn you though, it takes me a long time to cum."

As I inhaled the strange odor, a wave of warmth and ecstasy came over me, resulting in a more relaxed state of mind. I reached down and felt Larry's wide cock stretching my hole. "Please fuck me," I moaned. I felt Larry push himself in further. The pain was much more tolerable, and I felt myself beginning to relax as I felt him penetrating me further.

"You want this big black cock, don't you white boy?" Larry said.

I realized at that time how much race play turned me on. "Yes, I do, please stick your big black cock in my white ass." With that Larry pinned my legs behind my head and fully inserted himself, leaning in to kiss me.

"Well you are getting exactly what you wanted, said Larry, kissing my legs that were spread by his powerful arms.

"How does it feel?" I asked, now enjoying the sensation of having a large cock in me.

"Fucking amazing, you?"

"Same. Wasn't sure I could do it."

"I'm going to fuck the hell out of you," said Larry, softly kissing the side of my neck. He stood up, then proceeded to work his cock in and out of me. The sensations were incredible. "There ya go, that's' my boy," said Larry as my moans grew louder with the steady pounding I was getting.

That night Larry fucked me for hours. My ass had fully adjusted to his cock, but it was getting sore from constant pounding. As I was riding him, I could see daybreak had begun. As much as I was enjoying it, I was ready for Larry to cum. My ass was loose and sore, and I was physically tired after being up all night. I had obviously met my match.

I dismounted Larry and laid on my back, thinking about how I could let Larry know I was done. Instead, he rolled over and lifted my legs, re-entering me. "Ready for me to cum?" he asked. I felt his entire cock inside of me as I gripped the base the best I could.

"Yeah," I said, feeling a sense of relief.

But what followed was not so satisfying for me. He pinned my legs back behind my head as far as they could go, then positioned himself so that his cock was deeply penetrated. He planted his lips on mine, forcing his tongue in, taking me by the hair and tugging as he started fucking. Within a minute or two he was in an out of me like a piston at full throttle, all the time kissing me with equal ferocity. I had lost all ability to control my ass because he was setting the pace.

He released his lips from mine, whispering, "Here I come baby," then loudly growled, yelling, "fuck, fuck, fuck!" as he emptied himself into me. My legs slowly lowered into a more comfortable position, but his cock was still deeply planted inside of me. After a few deep breaths, he pulled out, allowing me to relax completely. "Damn I needed that," he panted, then laughed and kissed me quickly before rolling over onto his back.

Still with an erection, I jacked my cock as he sucked my nipples and played in my cum filled ass. Soon I came myself, sending ropes of semen over my head as I typically did when I was overly excited, eventually coming on my own face, chest and belly.

"Damn!" Larry said, "never seen anyone shot their load like that. Put someone's eye out."

I just laughed. I was often self-conscious about my ability to shoot large loads several feet but eventually embraced it as an unusual condition.

"Well James, I got to get some sleep," said Larry, hinting that he wanted me to leave. "You're welcome to shower here if you'd like."

Always the polite one, I recognized his need for privacy. "Just a towel, I'll shower when I get home." Larry got up to get a towel, allowing me the chance to look at his whole body naked in the light. He had a nice, big round ass and thick thighs. His soft cock swung freely when he returned with the towel, handing it to me.

After wiping myself down, I started to get dressed as Larry lay in the bed with the covers over him. "You know you're way out baby," he said. Before leaving I bent down to kiss him, which he eagerly returned. "Don't be a stranger,' he said as I left out.

Larry and I met twice after that, each time the sex being fantastic. But he met someone and eventually disappeared from my life.

Next: Chapter 3

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