Black High Top Converse All Stars

By Sam Miller

Published on Feb 19, 2011


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction involving two adult males. It contains graphic descriptions of homosexual activity. If you aren't allowed to read such material, stop now. The author retains copyright.

Black High-Top Converse All Stars, Part I

The summer after my Freshman year in college and classes were out, I decided to stay in the city and find a job. I've worked in construction, landscaping, and other outside jobs, and this time I wanted a cool job. Temperature-wise that is. I was walking through one of the malls one afternoon and noticed that one of the kiosks had a "help wanted" sign out. For you guys that don't know, a kiosk is those little open "stores" in the middle aisles of the mall; usually run by just one person. So anyways, this kiosk sold cell phone covers and the guy said he was looking for someone 30-35 hours a week. Perfect for me cause it would still give me time to work out, run, hang with my buds, and work in the occasional rod. I talked to the guy for about half an hour, he told me what he was paying, and I asked him when he wanted me to start.

My first day the owner spent about an hour with me going over the merchandise. Then he left and told me if I had any problems or questions to give him a call. Within two hours of being at work, what I noticed the most was the scenery. In those two hours I bet I saw at least 30 or 40 guys that I would have been down on my knees in front of in a second. An I ain't talking just high school or college dudes either. I saw some dads pushin' strollers that made my fat 6 ¾ constantly strain against my cargo shorts. Fuck yeah, I thought to myself, this is gonna be the perfect summer job!

A few weeks after I started work, a new kiosk opened about 100 feet from me. The name of the kiosk was "ez body," and they sold vitamins, supplements, and shit like that. Three people were stocking and putting the kiosk together, and one guy particularly caught my eye. From where I was, he looked about my height and weight, mid-20's, and black hair. His skin looked dark olive in color, almost like he was middle-eastern. I watched him the entire day, and all kinds of scenarios were running through my head. Things like getting him in one of the bathroom stalls and looking up at him while he fucked my face.

I finished my shift and the guy was still there. The next day when I came to work at 10 there was chick workin' the kiosk. She was young and hot, but not who I was looking for. I worked until 3 that day, and as I was getting ready to leave ez guy came in. shit, I missed him. For the next three days both me and ez guy kept the same schedule; I got off at 3 and he came in at 3. I was becoming totally fascinated with him and had to come up with a way to rearrange my schedule so I could meet him. As it turned out, I didn't have to do much thinking. When I came to work the next morning, my boss asked me if there was any way for the next couple of weeks I could work the 3 to close shift, instead of the opening shift. He asked me with caution and some reservation, and seemed shocked when I told him "absolutely!" of course he had no idea that his plans had worked perfectly into my plan.

For the next week I watched ez guy as much as I could. A few times he would look in my direction, see me looking at him, and smile. I'd smile back. I also noticed he had a couple of visitors every night at 6:00. A tall, thin woman would walk up, pushing a baby stroller. Ez guy would kiss the woman, pick the baby up, and whirl it around a few times. The woman and the baby usually stayed about 15-20 minutes, with ez guy holding the baby the entire time. When they were ready to leave, he would kiss the baby, put it back in the stroller, then kiss the woman. I assumed the woman and baby were his wife and child.

I was starting to be consumed by ez guy. If he was married and a dad, the thought of getting on my knees in front of him caused me to shoot the most explosive loads I'd shot in a while. My second, and final, week of working the closing shift was just starting, and I knew if I was going to act it had to be soon. Otherwise I might never get the chance to feel his hands on the back of my head as he shoved his fat dick farther and farther down my throat.

As fate would have it, ez guy and I got to work on Monday about the same time. We entered our section of the mall at the same time and walked to our respective kiosks. Monday's are pretty slow in the mall, especially during summer, so as my shift wore on I slowly devised a plan. I waited until after his 6:00 "visitors" were gone, and went over and introduced myself. As I got closer to him, I realized he was probably older than I first thought. This was because his black hair had a small amount of gray on the sides. And that's when I first noticed his eyes. They were a combination of deep blue and green, and looked totally hot against his olive skin and black hair. He was wearing cargo shorts, a t-shirt, black high-top converse all-stars tennis shoes, and his arms and legs were very hairy. He was also wearing a gold wedding band on his left hand. As I got closer to him, I stuck my hands in the pockets of my own cargo shorts in hopes of hiding the huge bone that I had.

I tried to act totally cool as I got close enough to speak. "hey, how's it goin'?" I said. "it's goin' good man," he shot back. "how you doin'?" we talked for a few minutes about our jobs, the mall, and the heat. Up close, ez guy was definitely hot. When I first saw him I thought he might be middle-eastern because of his exotic looks. But after seeing his eyes and hearing him talk, I guessed he might be half-middle eastern. I was staring at him the entire time, and was afraid I might start to freak him out. I was enjoying talking to him, but decided I should probably go back to my kiosk. As I was turning to leave, almost as an after thought, I stuck out my hand and said "oh, I'm cody by the way." he shook my hand, smiled real big, and "I'm nate, cody; nice to meet you." his handshake was firm and strong, and only added to the pre-jizz leaking from my dick.

The first thing I wanted to do when I left ez guy was go to the mall bathroom and rub one out. I knew that would be kinda obvious, so I waited a respectable 15 minutes before I headed down the hallway and raced to the last stall. I didn't care if the bathroom was full and every stall was filled. All I cared about was getting my hand around my dick, thinking about nate pounding my face, and shooting. But the bathroom was empty, and I raced to the last stall. I slammed the stall store, unbuttoned, unzipped, and pulled my shorts and my boxer briefs down in one swift tug. The entire head of my dick was wet with pre-jizz, and a huge stream leaked onto the floor when I made my first back and forth movement.

I leaned against the wall with my dick fisted tightly in my hand. My eyes were closed and scenes of nate feeding me his dick, slamming into my tight ass, then shooting his hot load all over my face replayed over and over. I tried to be as quiet as I could, but my breathing was become rapid and heavy, and my fist around my wet dick was making slapping sounds. I pulled on my nut sac and could feel the load starting to boil. I vaguely heard the door of the stall next to me open and close, but I was too far into my own pleasure to care. I felt the jizz boiling hard in my nuts and begin to work its way up my fat shaft. My breathing was louder now and my dick fisting was short and quick. I paused briefly as I felt the load enter the head of my dick, swelling it beyond its normal fat size. Then with one quick jerk three loads shot out of my dick and hit the tile floor with a loud "splat!!" I jacked my swollen rod four more times and four more loads shot out and hit the floor. I continued to jack my dick as I slowly opened my eyes. With my head still against the wall, I dropped my hands to my side. I slowly came down from my intense high and my dick continued to throb on its own.

I heard a slight movement in the stall next to me, and realized I had forgotten about hearing the door open and close earlier. I grabbed some toilet paper, cleaned off my semi-swollen rod, and bent down to pull up my boxer briefs and shorts. As I bent down, I noticed the wall separating the two stalls was just high enough at the bottom to see part of a leg. The leg was very hairy. As my eyes went down further I saw the hair disappear into the top of a shoe. A black high-top converse all-stars tennis shoe.

All kinds of shit was going through my head as I left the bathroom. Black high-top converse...was that nate? And if it was nate, did he follow me to the bathroom, did he look in the stalls for me, did he hear me? I had only seen one other person in black high-top converse all-stars tennis shoes, and they were on a goth chick a couple of weeks ago. It had to be nate. He had to of followed me in there. And he had to of heard me jackin', cause toward the end my breathing was so loud. Also, the sound of my load hitting the tile floor was unmistakable. But why did he follow me in there. Knowing it likely was nate in the bathroom, I didn't want to go directly back to my kiosk. I made a short circle of the mall, and got back about 10 minutes later. Nate caught my attention first thing, cocking his head and smiling at me. I smiled back. Over the course of the next few days, nate caught me looking at him more and more. He knew. He knew I was watching him, he knew I had jacked off in the bathroom thinking about him, and he knew that I knew. He began doing little things that would normally go unnoticed, but were driving me crazy. Things like absently touching his crotch, or scratching his belly with his shirt raised just high enough for me to see his furry belly and kick ass treasure trail. A couple of times I saw him slowly grinding his crotch against a display case in his kiosk, then look over at me. At one point he started to come over to my kiosk, but he got a customer and had to go back. I was going crazy and did not like the way I was feeling. I was the hunter and did not like being the hunted.

It was Friday night and the last night I was to close at the kiosk. Nate had been up to his usual tricks during my shift, and I was almost relieved that we wouldn't be working at the same times anymore. I wrapped things up at the kiosk, and made my way to my car in the parking lot. I had my windows rolled down, waiting for the a/c to kick in. out of nowhere nate appeared at the front of my car. He grinned real big as he walked over to the driver's side. "hey man," he said, "it's cody, right?" "yeah," I said, "what's goin' on?" "well," he began, "I need a favor and was wonderin' if you could help me out?" "sure, if I can," I said, "what's up?" "well cody," nate began, "it's like this...angela's out of town for the weekend, I got this wicked bone, and I need somebody to take care of it." he was standing a couple of feet back from my window, and as he was talking he was rubbing his crotch. I couldn't help myself, and my eyes went to his crotch. Nate either had on boxer shorts or no underwear at all, because his dick was making a huge tent in his cargo shorts. There was also a wet spot down the side of one leg of his shorts.

For how long I don't know, but Nate continued to rub and I continued to stare. Finally he spoke. "so what about it code man, can you help me out?" it was like I was in a daze and couldn't answer him. I did realize however, that my mouth was slightly open and i was licking my lips. Then nate laughed real low and I heard him say, "yeah, you're gonna help me out." I don't know what happened, but I suddenly snapped back to my old self. I was cody dammit, and I was not going to be scared by some asshole who thinks he has the upper hand over me.

My eyes went from nate's crotch to his face. "so nate," I began, "you want a blowjob, huh?" silence. "you ever had a dude smoke your pole before man?" nate still didn't say anything, but his hand stopped rubbing his crotch and began rubbing his arm. "nah," I said, "didn't think so." "let me tell you dude, you're about to get the best fuckin' blowjob you've ever had...guaranteed." I rolled my car window up, got out, shut the door, and said "where you parked." Nate finally spoke and said, "my truck's over there," pointing a few rows over. I followed nate to his truck and was totally pumped. Not only was I getting the straight dick that I loved, but I was getting it on my terms. HELL YEAH!!

We got in nate's truck and I told him to pull to the north side of the parking lot. "there's less traffic over there," I said, "and mall security won't bother us." I noticed that after taking control of the situation, although nate was no longer rubbing his crotch, his erection had not diminished. He sat behind the steering wheel of his truck. from the parking lot lights I could see his cargo shorts tented lewdly, pushing above the bottom of the wheel. I sat back taking in the whole picture, reached over, and finally grabbed hold of what I'd been wanting for almost a month.

Nate sucked in his breath when my hand wrapped around his tent. I looked up at him, and he was staring straight ahead into the darkness beyond the windshield of his truck. "you were right nate," I said, "you do have a wicked bone." he said nothing as I began to run my hand over his tented pole. His breathing became somewhat heavier as I traced the form his dick was making, finally stopping at the top to rub my thumb against the head. The wet spot I had noticed earlier on his shorts had gotten bigger, and I could feel the heat of his rod through his shorts. I rubbed the wet spot firmly against his dick head with my thumb, and it moved easily over the swollen knob. A low moan escaped from nate, and I looked up into his face. His face was more relaxed, but he still stared straight ahead. "dude if you think that feels good," I told him, "just wait."

I moved my hand from nate's crotch and took it to his right thigh. His leg was covered by hair, and was hot and soft to the touch. I could feel the goose bumps on nate's thigh as soon as I touched it, and he again sucked in his breath. Nate moved his legs a little wider as my hand began moving up his thigh inside the leg of his cargo shorts. My own rod grew harder as my hand continued to move over nate's hairy thigh. I soon learned that my earlier assumption about him not wearing underwear was correct, as the only thing under nate`s shorts was nate. As I got closer to my target the hair got thicker and I could feel the heat from his crotch. Nate's breathing also became more rapid. My hand found nate's pubes, and I rubbed my flattened hand through them. Nate spread his legs wider and moved down lower in his seat. The pre-jizz nate was leaking had run down the shaft of his rod and formed stickiness in his pubes. But although they were sticky, nate's pubes were still soft and silky to my touch. I moved my hand down and slowly ran it over his hair covered nut sac, purposefully avoiding his rod. Nate moaned longer and lower as my hand rubbed around his sack, feeling each of his hefty balls. Although I knew he needed it badly, I refused to touch his dick until it was out in the open and I could give it the attention it deserved.

I looked up at nate while I continued to explore. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted back against the window of his truck. I continued my rubbing for a few more minutes, then stopped, my eyes never leaving his face. It took him a few seconds to realize I had stopped, but when he did he opened his eyes and stared directly at me. With only the parking lot lighting, he was even more exotic looking; his blue/green eyes staring right through me.

I reached up unsnapped his cargo shorts, and my fingers found the zipper. I pushed his dick gently over to the side, brought the zipper up the tent, then back down. Slowly I pulled apart the flap of his cargo shorts, and nate's swollen dick popped out into full few. The shaft was thick and smooth and looked a little over 7" long, without the head. The head of nate's dick was swollen and hard, oozing a continual flow of pre-jizz. I could see it lightly twitch and throb, each time releasing more pre-jizz. I put my hands on the waist of nate's shorts, and he lifted his ass so I could get them down. When his swollen rod and huge nuts were finally free, nate spread his legs wider, and let out a low moan.

given my history, I'm a pretty good judge of dick size. When I first saw it, I could tell he was thick and guessed nate's dick size to be a little over 7 inches. With it now in full view without his shorts, I could tell he was definitely thick, and was closer to 8 than 7. Even before I got my hand to his dick, I could still feel the heat. I wanted to see the look on nate's face when I touched him, so as I got closer I looked at him. His eyes were closed. I kept staring and slowly wrapped my hand around nate's hot swollen dick. His eyes closed tighter and his lips pursed. His body flinched a little and a low gutteral groan escaped from his closed mouth. As I slowly wrapped my hand around his thick shaft, I realized my fingers were about a half inch from touching.

Nate's shaft was smooth, and slick from the pre-jizz he was oozing. His breathing became heavier as I slowly jacked my fist up and down, and he grimaced each time my thumb would move under and over his head on the upswing. Nate moved his hands to the top of the steering wheel, and he began to slowly fuck his hips into my hand. He opened his mouth and finally began to speak. "oh yeah man...that feels so fuckin' good fuckin' good..." I could tell he was gripping the steering wheel tighter and his fist fucking became more rapid. I could also tell he was getting close. I stopped. There was no fuckin' way I was going to let him waste his breeder seed by coating the dashboard of his truck. Nate was panting when I stopped. "what the fuck man?!?" he said, "I'm getting' close dude...what the fuck?" his right hand left the steering wheel and was headed for his dick. I intercepted him and put his hand back on the wheel. He tried with his left hand, and again I intercepted. He was still panting. "I gotta get off cody," he panted, "you can't get me this fuckin' close and then leave me hangin'...I gotta get off." "who said I was gonna leave you hangin'?" I told him, "you'll see."

I scooted closer to the window on the passenger side of his truck, got on my stomach, and crawled over to nate's crotch. His rock hard dick was still straight in the air. I put my mouth where his rod met his balls, and slowly began licking up his shaft. Nate's hot dick twitched and throbbed as my tongue worked up his shaft. Pre-jizz spilled out heavier and his hands gripped the steering wheel tighter. "ahhhhh fuuuuck dude..." nate moaned, "fuuuuck man..." I put my mouth over the head as my tongue reached the top of his swollen rod. I sucked the heavy pre-jizz out of his dick slit, and mixed it with my spit. The head of nate's dick swelled even more as my mouth sucked and my tongue worked the underside of the head. Any pre-jizz that would escape from my lips was quickly recaptured by my tongue.

Nate's body tensed as I began working my mouth down his shaft. The moan started about half-way down, and grew louder the farther I got. When I felt the head of nate's dick hit the back of my throat, and begin to work it's way down my throat, his moans were very loud and verbal. "jesus fuck dude...ahhhhhh's goin' farther bro...ahhhhh fuuuuck..." nate's dick slid easily down my throat. My nose was buried in his hot bush, and my chin was touching his balls. i held his dick down my throat and slowly began milking his swollen shaft with my throat muscles. This drove him crazy. Nate gripped the steering wheel as tight as he ever had, and began pushing with his hips trying to get more of his dick in my throat. I was swallowing as much as he had, and my throat continued to milk his slick wet shaft. "oh my god cody," nate panted, "oh my fuckin' god bro...this shit's amazing got it all the way down there man...fuuuuuuck..."

Nate continued to try and buck his hips, but his dick was locked in my throat. Slowly, I relaxed my throat muscles and his rod began sliding out of my throat. He took this as a sign I wanted him to fuck my throat, and with his hands still gripping the wheel he began the assault. I was ready for the throat fucking and moved my head up slightly to get him a better angle. Nate began slowly at first, gently raising his ass from the truck seat and slipping his shaft in and out of my mouth. The sensation was too much for him, and what began slowly soon turned into a full-on, no-holds-barred throat fucking. Nate gripped the top of the steering wheel and began roughly slamming his dick in and out of my throat. The back of head hit the bottom of the steering wheel a couple of times, until I got use to the onslaught. I opened my throat wide to take all his thick wet dick. As his throat fucking became more intense, nate's talking became more nasty. "fuck yeah you fuckin' faggot...take all my fat cock down your fuckin' fuckin' love this married dick, don't you faggot...fuck yeah dude eat this big fuckin dick..." with my mouth and throat full of "married dick," I could only moan my approval. I noticed the more I moaned, the fuller and harder nate's dick became. The couple of times I did slightly gag, his dick would swell bigger, he would laugh, and nate would push in harder. Nate's throat fucking went on for probably ten minutes, then I could tell it was time. His thrusts became slower and his body became more tense. Nate's hand were no on either side of his steering wheel, and his hips were pushing his swollen dick down my throat in slow even fucks. Then a shiver went through his body, and his voice became very low and gravelly. "get ready for it's fuckin' comin'..." he gave a couple more pumps, and then a sound that started low in his belly worked it's way out his mouth. "ahhhhhh fuuuuuccccckkkkkk," he growled, "it's fuckin' comin' man...fuuuucccckkkkkin comin'..." I felt nate's rock hard dick become harder and thicker. His shaft was still stuffed in my mouth, and my tongue was running up and down the underside. Nate's hips came up off the seat, pushed his dick hard into my throat, and held it there. My lips were tight around the base of his rod, and all of a sudden I could feel the jizz leave his balls and begin to work its way up his thick shaft. I tried to move my lips up so I could trace the jizz run, but nate had his dick shoved too far down. So instead, I traced vein flow with my tongue as far as I could. Nate's head touched the roof of his truck as his hips pushed his dick in as far as it would go. Suddenly, I felt the jizz shoot out of his swollen dick head, and the first shot splash against my throat. "aaaaahhhhhhh fuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk..." nate growled. "fuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkk. Nate's dick thickened and jerked in my throat as load after load shot out of the head and hit the walls of my throat. I worked my throat muscles hard, milking out one of the biggest loads I had ever taken. Nate's body shook and shuddered as he continued to dump his breeder seed into my gut, his talking now turning to moans and heavy breathing.

Finally, nate's grip loosened on the steering wheel and his body relaxed somewhat. His dick, however, stayed hard and thick, snaking down my throat. He put one hand under my chin and slowly pulled his swollen member out of my throat. From the light of the parking lot, nate's rod was shiny and slick, and completely slimed. I was able to move my head a little, and began rubbing the slick slimy rod on my face. Each time it passed my mouth my tongue would lick the shaft. I looked up and saw nate looking down at me. He had a half smile/half smirk on his face, but his eyes told the true story. I slowly raised myself up and began messaging nick's dick. Amazingly, his dick was still hard. Nate's eyes squinted. He looked down at his dick in my hand, then looked at me and grinned. "you wanna fuck dude?" he asked grinning. I squeezed his fat dick, still hard in my hand. "hell yeah bro," I said, "hell yeah!"

Next: Chapter 2

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