Black Hawks

By Brian Ralph

Published on Jul 15, 2013


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The week dragged for Brian. It was hard to concentrate on humdrum work when he could feel the weight at the base of his balls. It gave him an almost constant erection so he had to wear baggy trousers to work rather than draw any attention to his stiff cock.

This week he also was aroused when anything rubbed on his tits and reminded him that they now had rings hanging off them as well as his cockhead. As his tits seemed to have a direct connection to his cock, it was no wonder he found he had a continual boner.

Finally Friday afternoon arrived and Brian hurried home, removed his work clothes, put on his tight jeans, no underwear needed, and an old tee shirt. On previous weekends his tee shirts and underwear had been destroyed. Then he got the important items, his leather boots and jacket and he was ready to lock his apartment and wait out on the street for his new master.

When the bike pulled up he went to climb on the back as before.

"Hold it cunt, come round in front. Show us your cock." growled Jeff.

Confused, Brian did as he was told, unzipped his jeans and pulled out his cock. Jeff grabbed it with his left hand and used his right hand to drag a chain out of his jacket pocket. He snapped it onto the cock ring then clipped the other end onto his belt.

"Now hop on cunt."

Brian did so, the chain hitting home to him just how much of a slave he had become to this big leather guy.

Back they went to the pub where he had first been enslaved. The other bikes pulled up in front at much the same time. As before, Tony came over with the slave collar and locked it around his neck. He climbed off the bike but had to wait for Jeff to lock up the bike and dismount as the chain to his cock would not let him go far. Although his cock was stowed inside his jeans, it was pretty obvious where the chain came from as he walked closely behind the guy with the Linesman boots. If any passerby noticed, they were hardly likely to interfere with six big leather-jacketed fuckers. Members of other gangs just smirked. They knew the deal.

The guys went to their usual table but they did not let Brian sit on the bench as before. He was forced to the floor next to Jeff's boots and Tony sat beside Jeff, pulled his cock out and, grabbing Brian's head in his big mitts, pushed his mouth down onto it.

"Man I have been waiting for this all week, get to work cuntface. Get the drinks Mick. I am going to feed this cunt my protein first then wash it down his trap with recycled beer later."

Good to his word, after the beer arrived, he drank up with his right hand while his left kept hold of Brian's head pushing it up and down on his rising club.

He had almost finished his 2nd beer before he began to violently jerk Brian's head up and down.

"Fuck, I'm cumming", he yelled, oblivious of the rest of the hotel but there was such a din, only the guys around him really noticed.

Brian felt the jism fill his mouth and slide down his throat as Tony used both hands to push his face down hard into his crotch. His mouth was full of cock and slime but his nose was pressed right into the leather with its strong man smell.

At least his head was no longer being jerked up and down, even if it was being crushed between two large mitts and the leather crotch.

"Fuck that was good, another great weekend with this cumdumpster."

Finally he lifted Brian's head up.

"Now you need a drink. Give us the chain, Jeff. "

Jeff unhitched the chain from his belt and handed it to Tony. The other guys moved aside to allow Tony to drag Brian up from the floor. He walked out and Brian had no choice but to follow. He could hear the rest of the gang negotiating with Jeff who would be next for his services.

Tony took him to mens'. Once inside he told Brian to lie on his back on the floor with his head in the trough.

"Open wide pisshole."

He let fly and Brian had his first drink of the weekend. It appeared he was not even going to get one normal beer this weekend.

When they returned to the table, the guys were onto their third beers.

"Who's next?" asked Tony.

"He's my property." said Jeff as he grabbed the chain and clipped it back onto his belt.

Brian though he would be pushed to the floor again and was surprised when Jeff got up and made for the door.

"Come, cunthole" he said, dragging Brian out. Brian knew the word `cunthole' meant it was his arse that was needed not his mouth.

When they got outside, Jeff dragged him round the back to an old shed at the back of the pub. There was a rough wooden bench there and Brian was quickly shoved over it, his jeans dragged down and Jeff plunged his huge pole into Brian's hole. He was vaguely aware that at least some of the rest of the gang had come out to watch the fun, still drinking their beers. Brian had thought his arse would be safe until they reached the cottage but it was not to be as Jeff's cock jackhammered its way in. Jeff used one hand to cruelly twist one tit ring while the other pulled tight on the chain attached to his cock ring. Brian screamed his lungs out although he knew that his screams were just the music the gang members needed to assist them in pounding their own cocks.

He soon felt Jeff's juices shooting out and filling his guts and was vaguely aware that at the same time some of the other guys were shooting their cum over his jacket and face.

As on previous times. Jeff collapsed on top of Brian forceing the air out of his lungs and it took a while before he drew his hammer back out. It was Mick who took over.

"What a fuckin mess, cunt. clean it up."

He wiped his hand over Brian's face and then forced his cum covered fingers into his mouth. It was probably Mick's own cum.


"And your jacket is a mess, clean it up as well."

He dragged Brian's jacket of him, draped it over the table and forced Brian's mouth down onto the areas where it was covered in cum until he had licked it completely clean.

Brian felt his cock getting excited as he licked cum juices off his leather jacket.

Finally Brian was allowed to put it back on, pull up his jeans and Jeff, having recovered, grabbed his cock chain and dragged him back into the hotel where the drinking resumed and Brian went back to sitting on the floor surrounded by their boots but at least they seemed spent for a while. Although Brian was now fully aware it would only be a brief rest period.

Eventually they decided to leave and head for the cottage. Jeff led Brian out by the cock chain to his bike and he hopped on, wrapped his arms around his torturer and they took off into the night.

When they reached the cottage, Jeff grabbed Brian in the usual headlock but they went past the usual torture activity areas of the verandah and the lounge room into his bedroom. Growling

"It's my property"

to the other guys who tried to stop him and grab Brian for their own pleasure, he threw Brian onto the bed and in quite a contrast to the scene behind the pub he dragged off his boots and jeans, and threw them into a corner. He was almost gentle as he dragged Brian down onto his lap and more importantly guided his rod up into Brian's hole where he let it rest, slowly stiffening while he nibbled Brian's neck and ear lobes.

It was probably after half an hour of this comparatively easy lovemaking that he became energised enough to begin lifting Brian up and down so that that his rod slid in and out and Brian could feel it enlarging into the torture pole to which he was now accustomed. It was not then long before Brian knew again that he was just a sex toy being used to pleasure his master's joystick and he felt himself being bred yet again as Jeff's juices flooded up into his guts.

Having spent himself yet again, Jeff rolled over in the bed, wrapping his leathered arms and his booted legs around Brian and fell asleep, his cock still impaled up Brian's arse. It was obvious from the noises in the cottage that, although the other gang members had been deprived of Brian's services for the night, they were using each other to satisfy their endless need for sexual release. Finally Brian also fell asleep.

When he awoke, it was unusual as he realised that Jeff was already awake and apparently waiting for him because as soon as he moved, he was turned round to face his master who, grabbing his head, planted his own mouth on his and forced his tongue in penetrating Brian in a completely new way.

After several minutes, Jeff pushed him to the floor and over to the corner where his boots still lay from last night.

"Put your boots on, cunt. No man should ever be without his boots. Then come over and respect a real man's boots. Use your tongue to give them a proper shine."

Brian quickly dragged on his boots and crawled back over to Jeff's boots and began to lick them thoroughly. It was obvious the gentle sex was now over.

Having seen that Brian had fully covered those giant boots with his tongue, Jeff dragged him to his feet then threw him over his shoulder and they went out to the verandah.

"You will have to make up for ignoring the others last night." he said, as if Brian had had any say in the matter.

He forced Brian to his knees, chained his hands behind his back, removed the cock chain and forced the spider gag into his mouth. Then he used a heavy chain to lock Brian's collar to the post and pulled out his cock and emptied his morning piss down Brian's gullet.

"It's all yours"

he shouted as he stomped off and, over the next half hour, the other 5 guys all came out and used Brian to empty their bladders.

Sean was last and when he was finished, he got the hose and washed him down. He unlocked Brian, took out the mouth gag and threw him a dirty towel.

"Clean yourself up and get into the kitchen, the guys can be real nasty if they are hungry."

Another morning followed of cooking and serving breakfast, eating his own from a dish on the floor, and frequently having his head grabbed and pulled down to service a stiffening cock.

Jeff and the other 2 senior members went off for a ride and Brian was disappointed Jeff did not take him along although he knew Jeff sometimes liked the freedom of the road unhindered by a pillion passenger. Sean also rode off somewhere leaving Brian in the hands of Jack and Mick.

This was worrying because Jack could be irresponsible and Mick loved asserting his new freedom, no longer being the bottom of the pack. Also Mick was still smarting from being left out of the cum shooting competition the week before.

They both had some fun with their belts on Brian's backside then wandered off together, leaving him tied over a chair. , When they came back they were giggling excitedly, they obviously had some wicked scheme in mind. They untied Brian and dragged him out to Mick's bike. Mick got on the bike and, while Jack held Brian, began to whack himself off. As his cock stiffened, Jack pushed Brian's mouth down on the rising cock to hurry the process.

"I'm ready now." panted Mick.

Jack lifted Brian up and around and sat him down in Mick's lap, his cock embedding itself way up into his arse. Brian could feel the thick ridges on Mick's cock locking itself in his hole, even though it was now much looser after being invaded so often by Jeff's club.

Mick started up the bike and rode off around the paddock, yelling like a banshee while Jack roared with laughter. Brian was sure Mick picked the roughest ground and as the bike bounced over the paddock, the cock jolted cruelly inside him, causing him to scream with agony as Mick's yells of excitement increased.

At one point the bike became airborne and as it landed, Brian felt as if he was being skewered by the rod wedged up his hole but also felt the warm liquid squirting inside him and Mick's yells told him that Mick was having the climax of his life.

Fortunately the bike remained upright, despite it's rider being out of control, and they headed back to the house while Brian wondered if Jack would want his turn.

However disaster lay ahead as Jeff, Rick and Tony rode in and saw what was happening. Jeff had a face like thunder and Rick looked very grim as well.

"What are you doing with my property? Who the fuck gave you permission to fuck him?"

He yanked Brian off Mick's cock, Rick grabbed Mick and Tony grabbed Jack.

"The fuckwits need to be shown what happens when Gang rules are broken and guys do not respect the property of their leaders." growled Rick.

All three were frog marched into the tool shed and chained up to the walls by their wrists. The leaders left them and went back to the house. Mick was as pale as a ghost and Jack began to sob. Brian did not think he had any control over what had happened and his ripped arse was punishment enough. Surely he would be left out of whatever was planned. However he should have known otherwise.

The leaders returned with Sean, looking scared, as well. Jack was unchained first and taken over to the stocks where Brian had been the week before. He was locked in by the neck and wrists, his legs were spread wide and attached to leg irons from the floor and finally his balls were stretched and a metal ring like Brian wore during the week was locked above them. However this had a ring, to which another thick heavy chain was locked then stretched to a bolt in the floor. Jack's screams filled the shed.

Both Rick and Jeff picked up broad thick leather belts and stood back to give themselves room. Jeff hit first and Jack gave a mighty yell of pain. Rick followed. Both of them got into rhythm and Brian was fascinated to see their cocks stiffening up and jutting out like ramrods. He guessed this happened when they belted him as well. There was an obvious reason for their finding any excuse to punish him. He noted Mick's cock rising and even felt a twinge in his own although watching Jack's cheeks go bright red and hearing his screams made him think, he might be next.

When they were finished belting Jack's backside, they left him sobbing and turned to Mick and Brian. Both were unchained and brought to face one another. A large leather belt was wrapped and tightened around their chests just below their armpits and another around their waists. Brian felt excitement at being jammed tight into Mick and apparently Mick did also as the guys could not help hooting at the sight of both their cocks rising. Hands roughly pulled their rising members down and a boot strap was tightened at the base of their balls and then a leather thong was tightened around the heads of their cocks. Brian could feel Mick's tool rising in concert with his own. Finally another leather thong was used to separate and at the same time tie their balls together.

A pole was brought out and their ankles were tied so their legs were stretched wide and then their arms were raised above their heads and their wrists were put into leather cuffs and chained together and then to a hook hanging by a chain from the ceiling. Rick went over to the wall and untying a pulley chain began to haul and the two guys rose towards the ceiling swinging round and round.

With Mick's face jammed into his own, it was hard to see what was happening but he soon knew. Jeff and Rick had again picked up the belts and were letting fly. It depended on how they swung who copped the broad whack of the belt on his butt but then the other got the snap as the belt wrapped around their bodies. Worse was when the end of the belt flicked and caught their cocks which although strapped together were hangin down from their bodies.

They both began to scream but then to Brian's surprise Mick's mouth grabbed his own, forced it apart and his tongue began to find his own. It seemed as if Mick felt he could ignore the pain if he tongue fucked Brian's mouth while it was happening.

Whack. Whack. The beating went on and on. It seemed Jeff and Rick would never tire. Finally they stopped but the torture was not finished. Brian felt a chain being wrapped around the base of his and Mick's balls and then a dreadful pain as a weight was attached and let drop. As if that was not enough, he felt his legs rising as someone raised the pole spreading their legs. It was let go and they swung madly while the weight on their balls seemed to pull in an opposite direction. Jeff and Rick's maniacal laughter rang in their ears.

Having been punished, the three were left bound and still suffering. Brian could hear Jack sobbing and was forced to look right into the pain filled eyes of Mick as he guessed Mick was seeing his. He wondered if Mick felt that those few moments of ecstasy as his bike was used as the force with which to viciously rape Brian was really worth all the pain but he dared not ask.

Again it was Sean who was sent to care for them. He had been genuinely upset at the punishment. Brian was beginning to realise that Sean and Jack were forming a deeper relationship within the bonds of the gang. This became obvious as he went to Jack first, treated the welts on his backside and then gently took his cock in his mouth and brought him off.

Only then did he come and treat Mick and Brian but again he provided more. Brian felt his gentle, sensitive fingers moving sexily over his cock still bound tightly to Mick's and it was not long before both shuddered and were relieved almost simultaneously.

Telling them he had not been given permission to release them yet, Sean left the shed again and it was quite a while before all the gang came in. They first unlocked Jack from the stocks then lowered and separated Mick and Brian. As was expected Sean took Jack into the house and his bed, while Jeff, apparently now satisfied the punishment was over, carried Brian into his where he spent a lot of time just gently moving his leather gloved hands around Brian's body causing him to shudder all over with a mixture of pain and pure delight. Rick and Tony apparently joined in a threesome in one bed with Mick.

The rest of the afternoon was spent by the gang reforming the bonds they had with each other in the way they knew best, continuous sex.

Next: Chapter 7

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