Black Hawks

By Brian Ralph

Published on Jul 5, 2013


Hope you guys who love leather and boots are enjoying this story. Do not forget Nifty relies on your donations.

Brian has survived his first weekend being initiated by the motorbike gang and developed a bizarre love for its members and their lifestyle. At last he feels he has a group where he belongs.

As instructed, Brian was waiting just round the corner from his apartment on the following Friday evening. He was again wearing his biker leather jacket, blue jeans and bike boots which he now felt were a real uniform and not just the fancy dress of the previous week. He could feel the heavy metal ring the gang had locked on him, pulling his balls down. All week it had been a reminder of the new lifestyle into which he had now entered.

He heard the now familiar sound of Jeff's bike and soon it came round the corner and pulled up in front of him. He felt a tingle of excitement as he recognised that shiny black jacket and camo pants with the big belt that had been used to punish him on a number of occasions already. Best of all was seeing those tall linesman boots which he had now got to know intimately from lacing them up and polishing them with his tongue. Although he could not see it, he knew he was once again in front of that immense cruel fucktool which had become the focus of his new life.

"Put on the helmet and get on, Cocksucker"

Brian quickly obeyed and clamped his arms around the broad leather covered chest as the bike roared off to the pub where he knew the other guys who now controlled his life would be waiting.

It was another night in the pub like many he had spent before, but this time Brian was part of a gang even if he was the lowest member of it. He was collared by Rick as soon as he arrived. The guys also did not let him forget his position with their regular commands to suck their cocks and in the case of Jeff, his master, and Rick, the gang leader, to go out to the toilet with them and swallow their piss. In fact after the first beer, it was made clear, he was only to get the recycled version for the rest of the night.

He learnt that there were differences in the other gangs who also hung out at this pub. It was okay to speak with some of them but one gang, the Rebels were sworn enemies of his gang, the Black Hawks and he was to keep clear of them at all cost. Most of the time, the gangs kept to themselves and had their own spaces in the bar.

As before, he left with his gang and rode behind Jeff back to the farmhouse. As soon as they arrived, he was dragged from the bike, stripped of all but his jacket and boots, the small collar exchanged for the big bondage version with D-rings, leather straps also with D-rings locked to his wrists and ankles, the spider gag forced into his mouth and locked around the back of his head and finally he was chained on his knees to the verandah post to be used as the receptacle of either cum or piss for all 6 guys as they continued with their night's drinking.

He learnt that Saturday was Rick's birthday and they would be giving a birthday dinner in which Brian would play a major role and also that he would be given his own present later in the weekend.

When the guys began to drift off to bed, Jeff untied him and put him over his lap, gripping his cock between his leather covered knees and began to spank him hard with his big hand. Brian's head was hanging down by those big boots and he grabbed them tight and sobbed into them with each whack but they kept on coming, warming up his backside for further use, as Jeff told him

When it was warm and red enough for Jeff's liking, he took Brian to his bed and pushed him down over it, then he shoved his huge cock straight in, wrapped his leather covered arms around his chest and hammered in and out, in and out. Each time it went in, the monster seemed to rip at Brian's gut. It was like a steam piston that would never stop but finally with a mighty yell Jeff just shoved in harder and what seemed further than before and, as if a hose had been turned full on inside him, Brian felt the man juices shooting and filling his insides. Jeff did not withdraw but slumped there with his full weight on Brian's back then finally although Brian was still impaled on his rod, he swung him into the bed and lay on top and before long he was going again. Brian felt the monster expanding up inside him as the pounding began again. Brian felt his hole must be splitting as Jeff's tool slid in and out, in and out. It seemed to go on forever but again as the beast swelled up and completely filled him, another load shot out into Brian's gut. It felt like it was no less than the first shoot. Brian thought that would be the end but Jeff told him.

"I've been saving up all week cunt, knowing I would have your hole available to fuck all this weekend. Just lie there and be grateful your master has stored all this up just for you. Let's try some variety."

He turned Brian onto his back but dragged his legs up over his shoulders. Brian was looking straight into the eyes of his torturer and the evil grin on his face and could see the huge ramrod being aimed again at his now extended hole. In it rammed yet again and Jeff now grabbed and squeezed Brian's nipples and used them as a lever to lift his body up and down as the piston went to work again. Jeff slammed down and in, then pushed himself back up and Brian could see the pole sliding out then reversing back until those might balls slapped against his butt. On and on the piston went, taking longer this time but still clearly getting larger, and amazingly for the third time it suddenly throbbed wildly and exploded with yet another load of cum up Brian's gut.

"Oh Oh Cunthole you are all mine, mine." Jeff yelled.

He finally collapsed forward, his weight pushing Brian's legs back above his own head. Slowly Brian could feel the piston in his hole growing smaller and, although it took a while, eventually Jeff recovered, pulled his cock out and rolled over onto the bed. He grabbed Brian to his chest, wrapped his boots around his legs and fell asleep. Brian could only lie there, his face buried into Jeff's hairy chest, his body wrapped tight in the leather covered arms. The giant cock which had just so cruelly impaled him was now pressed against his own small version and those huge boots confined his legs. At least Brian knew he was now trusted enough not to be chained up although with Jeff's arms and booted legs wrapped around him, he felt it would be difficult even if he had wanted to escape.

The next morning followed much the same routine as the previous Saturday.

When Jeff awoke he dragged Brian outside and forced him to his knees.

"Open wide pisshole."

Brian opened his mouth knowing the big head right in front of his face, that had 3 times unleashed it's milk into his gut the night before, would now discharge the morning piss straight down his throat. Some of the others also lined up for his services. Except for Rick, they had to ask Jeff first before using his property.

Then it was back to breakfast duty, keeping up a steady supply of coffee and toast to 6 hungry men and feeling his cock and balls being crunched by a vice like fist as he handed over a cup or plate. He felt they were trying to make him drop some more crockery so they could repeat the fun time in the shed.

Finally they were fed and he completed clearing and washing up. He wished he could take longer at these tasks but knew any obvious slackening would attract their attention. With a sinking feeling he crawled back into the main room where they were now all lounging around. It was impossible to do this quietly as the chains on his wrists and ankles advertised his arrival.

"Finally finished cunt?" asked Rick.

"Just as well, food is important but I think you know now that for us sex is top of the list and we are all starved."

Brian could only wonder why. Although only Jeff had fucked him the night before, he knew the other guys had made use of each others' holes at the same time.

Rick pointed to his crotch and Brian crawled over to it. The curved dong was quickly rising as Rick used one hand to grab it around the base and whack it rapidly. The other grabbed Brian's head and forced it down over the swelling head. Again Brian went to work on it.

But this time he felt himself grabbed from behind. One of the other guys lifted him up and another cock invaded from behind. At first he had no idea who until he heard Jack's voice.

"We haven't got all day, he will have to service 2 of us at once."

It was hard for Brian to properly use his tongue to work up Rick's tool as he was lifted off the ground and Jack's fat cock was jabbed in and out of his butthole. However before long cream was filling him both front and back and Rick pulled out as his head was grabbed by Tony and jammed onto another rising cock. Jack dropped his legs and he thought it was Mick who pushed in next and finally Sean spewed his juices into his mouth. He realised Jeff had held back this time but guessed he would have plans for later. He was not wrong.

Again he was put to work cleaning the house, this time it was Sean in charge so he was better treated and when he had finished Sean actually rewarded Brian as he put on his leather gloves and began to jack him off. However before long even Sean's sex needs took over and he sat down, lifted Brian up onto his lap, positioned his hole and brought him down onto his own large dick. He continued to whack Brian's cock but at the same time lifted him up and down on his own large instrument until almost simultaneously they were both shouting and shooting.

Brian was very surprised that Sean lifted him off his stiff cock, turned him round and used his tongue to clean him up and actually took his cock into his mouth while it slowly subsided. He was sure this only happened because they were both alone in the house.

He was allowed to rest, chained by the neck to the wall, until lunch. The guys were mainly busy working on their bikes.

Again he acted as a normal waiter for lunch, serving and clearing except a normal waiter would not expect to have his butt slapped or cock pulled while pouring a drink.

After lunch Sean and Jack told him he would have to help them in the kitchen prepare the dinner for Rick's birthday and so he was kept busy slicing, chopping and washing up. For a while he felt a normal member of the gang. Sean and Jack were willing to treat him as just another member sometimes although they could be as vicious as the other gang members when it came to fucking his face or belting his backside when he was used for their sexual pleasure.

It was therefore a bit of a shock when, after most of the cooking was underway, they suddenly turned on him and grabbed him by the shoulders. His yelp brought Mick in to help, Brian always knew he was in for big trouble when Mick got involved.

Mick took hold of his legs and they carried him out to the dinner table where they laid him down on his back with his head hanging down over one end. His arms were tied down to the table legs on that end and he felt straps being fitted to bind his chest and legs tightly to the table surface. They then went about setting the table as though it was normal to have a near naked guy strapped down as a centre piece. Finally candles were placed in holders all around his body.

When the meal was ready, the senior gang members were called in. Rick was given head of the table where Brian's mouth was waiting to service his cock whenever he felt the urge. The meal went ahead with a lot of hilarity and whenever one of the guys felt like pouring another beer or grabbing for the salt, they managed to grab either Brian's' tits or cock as well. There was much encouragement for Rick to use Brian's mouth between courses, not that he needed much encouragement.

When the time came for dessert, a cake was brought out and the candles which were all round Brian's body were lit. They sang Happy Birthday but instead of any blowing out ceremony, each guy grabbed two candles and began to drip the hot wax onto Brian's poor body. His tits and cock head had been manhandled all day so were very tender and again Brian's screams seemed to just turn the guys on to increasing his torture. His cock stood straight up as it was covered in wax and the guys cocks were also soon standing straight out. Rick's cock was shoved violently into his mouth and the whole table shook as he fucked viciously while the guys shouted

"Happy Birthday"

When Rick was finished fucking Brian's mouth, they each took his place. Because Brian's head was hanging upside down, he could not really swallow their juices, it just flowed out into his nose, eyes and hair. They left him on the table and, opening more beer cans, drifted into the next room to watch TV.

Sean and Jack returned later to remove the straps and lift Brian off the table. He was taken into the lounge room as well but was dumped on the floor and and all the guys used his poor body as a footstool for their boots while they drank and took in the crime show on TV.

"Fuck, this is boring" exclaimed Tony "let's put on a sex DVD and get horny"

Brian did not think these guys needed a DVD to achieve that state.

However the program didn't play long uninterrupted. Brian could just make out the scene of two hunky guys fucking in the view he got through Jacks' boots which were resting on his face. He knew Jeff's boots were resting on his cock and giving it a thump fairly regularly. The video was having an effect as he could hear the guys pounding their own meat in time with what was happening on the screen.

"Let's have a contest to see who shoots first." Tony said. He was full of these ideas.

Jeff dragged Brian up and sat him down on his lap thrusting his cock up into his hole. It went in fairly easily now, it had been there so often, but the fucker still made itself felt as it blockaded his bunghole.

Rick grabbed Jack and pushed his tool up his hole and Tony did the same with Sean. Only Mick was left out and the disappointment was obvious on his glowering face although he was told to pull himself off.

The three senior guys began fucking the guy in their lap and also squeezing their tits while the guy on top worked on his own cock. Brian just flopped up and down on Jeff's pole. Yells and grunts filled the room, much louder than came from the screen. It was Tony who first yelled,

"I'm cu....umming, Fu....uck"

followed closely by Sean who as Tony's cum shot into him, reacted by spurting his own juices across the room and before long Jack's were also flying as Rick filled him and eventually Brian, without any personal effort also exploded as he felt Jeff's juice flooding inside and his poor tits were twisted violently. Jeff seemed to be trying to eat him as well, biting hard onto his neck.

Soon there was just the sound of exhausted panting as all the gang members came down from their peaks. Jeff lifted Brian off his lap and told him to use his mouth to clean up the cocks of each of the gang members and then the mess that the guys on top had made to the room.

They all paired off for bed and Jeff again took Brian into his bed, wrapping his arms and legs round him. They were all soon asleep, the result of the evening of beer and sex.

Next: Chapter 5

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