Black Hawks

By Brian Ralph

Published on Jun 30, 2013


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Now in part 3, Brian's first weekend as the Gang's new apprentice continues.

When Brian woke on Sunday morning, he realised he was still held tight in the arms of the sleeping Jeff and his legs were still gripped by those gigantic boots. He thought it would be very unwise to move and risk waking his new master up. He lay there thinking of the very strange relationship he now had with the biker. He was naturally terrified of this guy who had used his gigantic tool to brutally rape both his mouth and his butthole and had misused him in so many other ways over the past 2 days but he also felt a love for him just like a dog does sometimes even for a cruel master. He had experienced the big guy's occasional tenderness towards him. It was as if that huge vicious tool that Jeff possessed really did belong up his own poor ravished shute and that the only proper place for his mouth was down licking those big black boots

It seemed like he lay there forever but eventually some of the other gang members stirred and Jeff woke, pushed him aside and got up off the mattress but then turned and dragged Brian up by the rings on his neck collar. He immediately grabbed him around the neck and took him out into the yard and threw him to the ground.

"Piss position hole."

Brian realised he was needed to kneel and open his mouth wide so that Jeff could attend to his need to piss. He did as he was told and soon his mouth was full of the beer that had been fermenting in Jeff's bladder all night. He tried to swallow it all down so as not to annoy the gang more than he could help. However then Rick came out as well and asserted his right as gang leader and some of the others were right behind s otry as he might he soon had piss down his cheek, chest and dripping onto his knees.

"Not having you in the house like that." said Jack as he grabbed the hose and turned it in full blast in Brian's face.

They then unlocked the heavy neck to ankle chain and dragged him into the kitchen ordering him to get their breakfast as on the day before. Only at the sink or when carrying cups or plates was he allowed to stand upright. Any other time he had to crawl on the floor. However most times he was being dragged by the head in a leathered armlock or by the cock and balls in a vice-ike handgrip.

Again he was made to eat his own breakfast from a metal dish on the floor where their boots could easily lay into him or he could be directed to use his tongue to clean them up. Mick enjoyed grabbing Brian's toast and smearing it over his own boot before telling Brian to lick it up and that was the way he should take his food, straight off a real man's boot.

He was told to clean and wash up and that was when disaster struck. Brian was tired and sore and he got careless. While drying a dish, it slipped out of his hand and fell to the floor smashing into pieces. With a yell, Jeff rushed into the kitchen and gave him a might wallop across the face. He grabbed him by the neck, pushed him down to the floor and told him to pick up every bit.

"Fuckin time to show you what happens when you fuck up, a session in the tool shed for you, cunt." he shouted right into his face.

Although Brian was now shaking like a leaf he managed to pick up all the pieces and return to cleaning and washing up. While he would have preferred to stay in the kitchen, he thought that might not be wise so headed back into the main room.

Hearing the chains clanking, Jeff yelled,

"Crawl cunt, report to your master's boots and put your fuckin worthless cakehole to work cleaning them up."

Brian did as he was told and began to lick Jeff's boots but they pushed his mouth away and stamped down heavily on top of his head and neck and he was forced to lie flat with the weight of the boots pressing his face into the floor.

"You do not even have the right to lick your master's boots at the moment, cunt." Jeff yelled.

He lay there for what seemed like hours without any break unless you could call the occasional boot into other parts of his body from the other guys, relief.

Eventually Jeff got up and grabbed Brian by the hair pulling him up and again he found himself in a leathered headlock being dragged outside.

"Time you learnt your lesson cunt."

This time he was dragged across the yard to a shed he had seen but never entered. Once he saw the inside, he felt icy fear overwhelm him. There were whips and other instruments of torture around the walls along with chains and pulleys. In the centre was a set of wooden stocks. Jeff unchained Brian's wrists and shoved his neck and wrists into the stocks, dropped the heavy timber top piece down onto them and padlocked it shut. He unlocked the chains which were loosely connecting Brian's ankles and used them to stretch his legs so he thought he would split in two as they were connected to rings in the floor. Jeff grabbed another heavy chain, twisted Brian's balls tight and padlocked the chain around them.

The weight of the chain was agony enough but Jeff pulled down on the chain as tight as possible and used a D shackle to connect it to yet another ring in the floor.

Stretched in all possible ways, Brian could not move a muscle. On a table in front of Brian's face, Jeff began to lay out various whips, belts and paddles. Some of them looked like they would flay him alive.

"I will have to consider which one would be best to use this time. Just look them over and think about what each one would do to that backside of yours."

Jeff spat in his face and stomped out shutting the door of the shed.

Brian became more and more terrified as he looked at the items in front of him. A cat and nine tails that he knew tore strips of the skin of the convicts in the early days. A heavy bull whip that looked to be at least 10 feet long and would be likely to kill him with one blow, a stock whip, several canes, one covered with leather, crops, belts of different thickness and different stud patterns and paddles. He began to cry at the very thought of what was going to happen to him, he had only broken one plate.

After what seemed like hours he heard voices and boots and the door of the shed swung open. Jeff marched in followed by the whole booted and jacketed gang keen to watch the fun. This was obvious as each one's stiff rod was jutting out in front as they lined up facing Brian in the stocks.

"Use the bullwhip" shouted Mick. "he will remember that forever, last plate he will ever smash."

"No, the cat will do more damage" suggested Tony.

Jeff ignored them.

"Do you admit you fucked up cunt?"

"Yes, sir" sobbed Brian "don't hurt me please. I will be more careful in future."

"You sure will after I have finished with you, cocksucker."

Jeff picked up the cat and smoothed the nine tails down right in front of Brian's terrified eyes, then he grabbed the bull whip moved across the shed and cracked it expertly almost at Brian's nose. If Brian had not been so tightly stretched and bound, he would have jumped 10 feet. All that actually happened was that his muscles tensed increasing the pain from the chains that were stretching his legs and balls.

Jeff put the whips down and picked up a quirt.

"This will do for a first offence...... but not on your back, your cock and balls will provide a better lesson. You should remember this for a while"

With that he flicked it hard down on the head of Brian's already throbbing cock and then came back up under his balls. Brian screamed and sobbed for Jeff to please stop but Jeff had no more mercy. It came down again on the now swelling head and back up on the shaft. Altogether it flicked 15 times, always on the head but alternating on each ball and the bottom of the shaft and the pain was excruciating. It didn't help that Brian could see the other 5 guys had huge grins and were furiously beating their meat and more than one shot all over Brian's face. Even as he was flicking the quirt, Jeff's own huge fuckpole grew to its immense size, the veins stuck out and the gigantic knob grew purple. As soon as he had counted 15, he threw the quirt down and grabbed his shaft with one fist, pointed the large eye at Brian's face and jacked it furiously and Brian saw the white jizm mount to the entrance and erupt straight between his eyes, quickly flowing down his nose and dripping onto the floor.

"You will remember this cunt?" Jeff panted.

"Yes, Sir, please no more Sir" Brian sobbed.

Jeff threw the quirt down and stomped away. But before he reached the door, he stopped, came back and picked up the stock whip.

"Just to fuckin teach you what could happen." he said as he brought it down once across Brian's butt. It felt like a line of fire streaking across his butt,and resulted in a blood curdling scream.

Laughing and hollering, the other five guys swaggered out leaving Brian sobbing, he had never felt such pain in his cock and balls nor on his butt, he wondered if his poor dong would ever be usable again or if he would ever be able to sit down again without pain. However to his amazement he realised his cock was actually stiffening as he thought over what had just happened to it.

He was left there in agony, unable to touch his balls to provide any relief. They just hung there burning and throbbing. It was an hour before Sean returned with ointment. After treating his backside then tenderly his cock and balls, he released him from the chains and stocks and carried him over his shoulder back to the house. The guys were finishing their lunch and took no notice as Sean laid him on the mattress that had become his bed.

As it began to get dark, Rick suddenly said

"Time to get you home"

Brian could not believe his ears.

"But you will be back next weekend and the weekend after, in fact this is your weekend home from now on"

He rolled Brian over onto his back with his boot and Brian saw he had a thick hinged steel ring in his hand. He reached down to Brian's balls, the touch had Brian screaming with the agony but Rick took no notice. He locked the ring around the base of his balls and took the key out. It made Brian's balls stick out and felt very heavy.

"Just a reminder to be ready for us again next Friday night. Now give us your last services for now. Boots and cocks, learn the procedure and the correct order.

Starting with Jeff, then Rick, followed by Tony, Jack, Sean and Mick, Brian crawled over and kissed and licked their boots then moved up to their cocks which he kissed, then took each one in his mouth and sucked and tongued until each one poured yet another load down his throat. They seemed to have no limit to their ability to cum, they were clearly sex addicts.

Each guy then grabbed Brian by his hair, forced his head back and spat into his mouth before giving him a long hard tongue kissing. He felt like they were marking him as one of them now.

When they were finished, they put on their jeans and helmets and moved out to their bikes. There were hugs and long kisses all round. Jeff took him to his bike, mounted it and indicated to Brian to climbed on the back. He hugged Jeff tight as they roared back into town and to the end of town where Brian lived. He wasn't surprised Jeff knew where to go, he now knew that the gang had been checking him out for several weeks, planning to add him to their group as their new apprentice. All that time he had been ogling and drooling over their leather and boots at the pub, he had not known he was already a marked man and in their sights.

However now he knew they owned him and while he called into the office sick on Monday, he worked the rest of the week as normal but the weight on his balls was a constant reminder that he would be going back to the gang on Friday night for yet another weekend as their apprentice.

Next: Chapter 4

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