Black Hawks

By Brian Ralph

Published on Jun 26, 2013


Thanks to the guys who have sent comments. It is great to hear from others who enjoy the same fantasies as me.

In the first part, Brian has been apprenticed by a gang of bikers and underwent an initiation during the night as he became their sex slave.

Now it is Saturday morning and his first weekend with the gang continues.

Brian woke and saw the sun was well up but there did not seem to be any movement about. When he realised where he was and why he was chained up, he remembered with a sinking feeling the events of the night before. He cautiously lifted his head and saw that Sean was sitting looking at him. Seeing Brian was awake, Sean came over and knelt beside him.

"Relax Mate, I am a nurse"

That was why his hands were soft, unlike the others who were all manual workers and had made sure their calloused hands roughed Brian up last night though Sean had certainly not held back in any sexual activity that had occurred.

Sean opened a bottle of ointment and, rolling Brian over, treated his torn backside. When finished, he examined the rest of his body. While gentle and soft, his fingers had a sexy way of moving over the skin and particularly feeling up the cock and balls so that Brian felt his cock rising at their touch. However with the comment.

"You'll live, the first night is the worst",

Sean moved off into the kitchen and returned a bit later with a cup of coffee which Brian gratefully swallowed.

Then Rick and Jeff came out of the next room.

"Okay, keep him healthy but don't go overboard, he is here to fucking serve us not the other way round."

They unlocked the chain stretching from Brian's neck to the leg irons, dragged him to his feet and shoved him into the kitchen, his leg and wrist chains clanking

"You make us the the fuckin coffees and some toast as well and bring it in and don't take all day"

Brian found his way about the kitchen and soon took in the coffee and toast. By then the other 3 were also up so he had to return and get their breakfast as well. When he finished, Rick told him to make himself another cup and some toast. However when he returned with his own breakfast and went to sit at the table, he was violently shoved to the floor.

"Fucking cocksucking cunts don't sit at table with men, keep to the floor near our boots" roared Rick. "And shine the fuckers while you are down there."

He shoved his boot hard into Brian's face.

He saw they were all wearing their leather jackets and boots, although most of them had not put any jeans on, letting their cocks hang out. They told him the gang rules insisted they wear boots and jacket at all times which is why they had left them on him during his initiation the night before.

He soon learnt that serving breakfast was not his only task for the morning. Each one took it in turns to use him for their own pleasure. Jeff, as his primary master, was first of course dragging him up by the hair and pushing his face down onto his gigantic tool.

He told him.

"When we say come here, cuntface it means we want your mouth to suck our cocks but if we call you cunthole then you bend over, display your butt and provide your hole for our amusement. You do not have any other name now but cunt because that is all you are, a thing to satisfy our sex needs, our pussy. You will be thankful you have been chosen to serve 6 leather gods, their cocks and boots, cuntface."

As he said this, he jammed his mighty tool in to Brian's mouth and Brian again displayed his cocksucking expertise even though Jeff's one-eyed monster invading him made it difficult to work his tongue around it and find the pisshole despite its size but he finally manage to stick his tongue into it and then caress the back of the swollen head. As Jeff's legs wrapped around his neck shuddered in response, he knew he had struck the right combination and it wasn't that long before he felt the thick cream flowing down the back of his throat.

As he watched Jeff hammer Brian's head down on his cock, Jack laughed. "Hope you like yoghurt for breakfast, some call it a protein shake, so you should be real healthy in your new cocksucking life."

Jeff held Brian's face to his crotch while he calmed down and Brian struggled to breathe with his mouth still full of that monster which only slowly subsided after shooting its load. His nose, jammed into Jeff's army camos which were reeking of man sweat, was not much help. Unlike some of the others, Jeff kept his camos on and by their mansmell it was probable he rarely took them off and certainly never washed them.

"Oh fuck man that was good, no way am I losing you, cuntface. Who's next?"

It was Rick whose hand reached over and pulled Brian by the hair so his face was between his legs.

"Open up cuntface, you know the procedure"

The wicked curved dong was right at his mouth and Brian now knew better than to do anything but open wide and take it right in. Rick's big rough hands pulled his head violently up and down making it difficult for his tongue to get to work and do a good job of massaging the rod but eventually there was a shout from Rick and the second serving of yoghurt for the morning was shooting down Brian's throat and his face was being jammed between another pair of throbbing thighs

However this was not enough for Rick. He pulled out but kept hold of Brian's hair, wrapped his arm around his neck almost suffocating him with leather and dragged him out into the yard. When they got out here he pushed Brian back down to his knees and forced his mouth back over his now slack cock. At first Brian thought he wanted him to work the dong back up again but soon he knew the real reason for being dragged out there as a deluge of piss sprayed into his mouth and down his throat.

"Need to wash the protein down, this is your fruit juice." joked Rick.

Brian could not take it all in and quite a bit dribbled down his chin and onto his chest.

"You will have to learn to swallow more quickly, just as well I brought you outside. If you cannot do better and are in the house you will be licking the mess up off the floor, cunt."

He dragged a very dirty rag out of his jacket pocket and thrust it at him .

"Wipe yourself up, a bit of my snot will do you good, more nutrients."

Then he hauled Brian back to the table, the headlock was getting to be the usual way Brian was transported about. As he had now come to expect, he was dragged from one crotch to another, opened his mouth over yet another stiffening knob, put his tongue to work until he felt the head inflate and vibrate in his mouth and the hot juices pour down his throat. Then he was dragged by the hair onto the next until all the guys had used his mouth in turn and Mick who was always last threw him to the floor like a used condom and gave him a kick with his boot.

He lay there for a while as they finished up their breakfasts, thinking they had no more use for him but considering it best to not move and draw any attention.

However he had not been forgotten. Jack dragged him to his feet.

"While your main reason for existence is our sex, you might as well be useful in other ways, clear the table and wash the dishes and don't take all day, we have better uses for you later cunt."

When the kitchen was tidy again, Jeff yelled out.

"Come here cunt, get down at my boots and crawl don't walk. You will always crawl in our presence unless you are carrying dishes. Cunts don't deserve to stand like a man, never in the presence of their masters."

"Not again, already." Brian thought

But it was not for sex he was required this time.

"Finish lacing my boots." Jeff ordered. "And kiss each hole. The holes are more important than your holes cunt. They make me a man, you are just some holes to be used by your leathered betters."

Jeff had three loves, his bike, his boots and his cock.

This major task took a while as Brian fumbled with each hole and forgot to kiss some after he had pushed the lace through which resulted in him receiving several hard clips across the ear from Jeff's huge hand and, when they were finally laced up tight, the job had to be completed by giving those boots a good tongue cleaning top and bottom. Brian knew from the state of his cock that he was beginning to love those boots as much as he feared he was beginning to worship the owner.

Some of the guys went off on their bikes but Jack was given the task of training Brian in housework. He was kept busy sweeping the farm house out, it obviously had not been done for some time. Jack was clearly not happy at being allocated this task. He moved Brian from room to room either dragging him by the cock, his calloused hands squeezing it tight or kicking him from behind. At one stage he became impatient and grabbing Brian viciously by the nipples he lifted him off the ground and shook him till Brian screamed for mercy.

Then when he was finished, he was chained by the neck in one corner of the main room and generally left alone except, as any of the guys came past, he was ordered to lick their boots and kiss their manhood so that he would not forget his new place in life, serving his masters' boots and cocks.

Late in the afternoon, they had all returned and it was obvious they were getting ready for a gang ride. Sean came and unlocked Brian and took him into the bathroom where there was a cup of shaving cream and a cut-throat razor.

"Keep still, I shave patients before their operations but if you move, that cock could suffer and we all really want it in good shape for our use."

He then proceeded to remove all the hair on his chest and armpits then from around Brian's cock, balls and finally, bending him over, around his arsehole.

Jeff came in.

"Good, a nice and smooth little pussy, reminds him he is not a real man anymore but just a cocksucker and cunthole and he only exists for our sex needs"

This was said as he grabbed Brian's' raw balls tight with one fist and squeezed them like a vice obviously enjoying Brian's squeals of pain which brought a wide grin to his face. Then he took the chains and cuffs off him and threw him a t-shirt and pair of jeans, telling him to get dressed as he was going on a gang ride.

The heavy wide leather collar was replaced with a smaller one padlocked at the back of his neck and Jeff also dragged Brian's cock out of the jeans and wrapped a thick leather strap tightly around the base of his balls so they stood out sharply and were quite obvious once they were pushed back into his jeans. Naturally he was not given any jocks.

"Just so you don't forget, you are now owned. Also lets us see and feel how your willie is reacting to being in the presence of its betters, our man muscles. And leave your fly open, I want to be able to get at it quickly" And to prove his point he dragged out his monster dick and waved it in front of Brian's rather average bit of sausage.

"This impaler, part of a real man, is your master, that little donger attached to a fuckin miserable cunt will learn it's place, thankful to be allowed to exist and serve its betters."

For a brief moment Jeff again showed his other side, seen briefly at the end of the night before. He grabbed Brian in a bear hug then, locking onto his lips, shoved his tongue into his mouth and ravished him long and hard. When he finished, it was as if he was ashamed at having shown any emotion so he pushed Brian's head down to his boots and told him to kiss them good and hard before again twisting his arm up his back and frog marching him out to the bike. However he trusted Brian to climb on himself and hold tight with his arms wrapped around that broad leather covered chest as they took off with the other bikes into town.

Back at the pub where he had first met them, he was able to walk in as part of the group although he was conscious that one of them, usually Jeff, had hold of his belt or neck and they sat him in the centre of the group in case he had any ideas of escape. He was not sure he wanted to escape anymore. He was still reminded of his bottom place in the group when at regular intervals he was bent over into one of the guy's laps to find a cock stiffening up and pointing at his mouth waiting for him to do his duty. Jeff regularly squeezed his cock which remained hard all night. What else would it do, wrapped in the leather strap and reacting to signals from Brian's brain as his senses were being assaulted by the sight, smell, sound and feel of leather covering the guys around him. How often he had admired it from a distance and now all that leather was right next to him, pressing against him, every creak, every sniff of the shiny leather assaulting his brain and making his stiff and bound boner stay rock hard.

When Jeff went out to the gents, he dragged Brian with him but not to join him at the trough. He pushed him into a closet told him to kneel and open his mouth and Brian found that, as at the house, he was now Jeff's personal urinal.

In general conversation, as they all dug into the pub steaks, Brian learnt that there was a pecking order in the group. Rick was clearly the leader and Jeff second, although for Brian, after being the prize the previous night, Jeff was to be always first. Tony ranked third in the group. Sean, Jack and Mick had to obey the top three and probably were glad that Brian was the one usually chosen for any mistreatment being dished out though he noticed Rick in particular grabbing and squeezing the junior guys' packs occasionally, asserting his dominance in the gang.

Jeff could release all his sadistic tendencies on Brian alone. In fact they told him that Mick had also been recruited into the gang much like Brian although his initiation had not been so severe. They had since developed and refined the ritual. Mick was now only too glad to have risen in rank. He especially enjoyed belting Brian whenever he had a chance. When the gang decided to return to the farmhouse, Mick took great delight in dragging Brian out in the headhold which the rest of the pub crowd just saw as skylarking. However once out in the dark, Mick viciously grabbed Brian's cock and balls, squeezed them brutally and used them as a handle to drag him over to the bikes. But it was Jeff who then took his right and pillioned Brian back "home"

When they got back, Brian was returned to his semi-naked status of jacket and boots and the chains were replaced and the heavy bondage collar with rings was again round his neck keeping his head thrust up. While Brian had a fairly good jacket, a spada cruiser that had made a dent in his pay packet,

his cheap boots also showed his status. The guys obviously had not been stingy with their cash when buying their gang regalia of jacket and boots.

At first he hoped they had forgotten him, leaving him chained by the neck to the wall as the gang got into some serious drinking. While they had let him have some beers at the pub, they made it clear he was only to get their recycled fluids at the house. He was not forgotten for long. Mick said he need to take a leak and came over to Brian, unlocked his neck chain from the wall, put him in the usual headlock, dragged him outside, pushed him to his knees and chained his neck to a post and then by his wrists back down to his ankles. Brian could not move from the kneeling position. Mick then produced a new item, which he said he had bought that day as a present and to celebrate his rise from the bottom of the gang. It was a large spider gag which Mick quickly inserted in Brian's mouth and locked it around the back of his head. Brian's mouth was now forced wide open and so it was kept available for the cock that Mick quickly pushed in as he released a stream of beer tasting piss that flow down Brian's throat. Each of the other guys quickly took their turn and congratulated Mick. "Our own living dike and we can keep both hands on our dicks and aim straight in." Once Brian moved his head and immediately received a wallop across his ears from Tony who was using him at the time. "If you do that again, we will bring out the metal head harness and you will regret that. However don't fret, I am sure you will meet it one day, that's not a warning but a promise." Tony cracked a real evil smile.

Having emptied all their piss into Brian, they left him chained outside with piss running down his chest onto his cock, which was still being forced by the leather strap at its base to jut out, and pooling at his knees. The strong odour assaulted his nose.

Inside they got involved in a game of cards and the money began to flow. Mick suggested they spice things up by playing Blindman's buff. Perhaps he had some past memories of his own life as the apprentice.

They returned outside and Tony found the hose and used it on full icy blast to wash Brian down and then they unlocked his hands from his ankles, dragged him up onto the verandah and again stretched his arms between the posts. This time he was blindfolded with a greasy rag that smelt of oil and other grunge from the bikes. He learnt that serious money had been wagered on whether he could tell which of the gang was abusing him.

"He thinks he knows boots. Let's see if the cunt knows which one is attacking his butt and cock."

Each guy took turns in booting him from behind then, using both their boots, first dragging them down over his cock and balls then kicking him viciously in his nuts. If he could correctly identify his abuser the guy would get the money but, when more usually he was wrong, the disappointed gang member took it out on his backside with his belt and waiting for their turn to come round again. At last he correctly identified Tony who gleefully took the money pot but then was offerred a second prize as they unchained Brian and handed him over.

Tony grabbed him in the usual way, face up, head held in an armlock, heels dragging in the dirt until they reached his bike. He threw him face first over the bike's seat so that his head was almost on the ground but his ass stuck up high then he drew out his long curved tool, aimed it at Brian's hole and, with a banshee yell rammed it home. The bike shook violently. He proceeded to fuck long and hard, pounding in and out with as much force as he could muster.

"Squeeze back on my joystick, make it produce lots of sex juice." he yelled.

As Tony's rod pounded into his backside and he felt the leather jeans whacking into his butt and Tony's leathered knees compressing the back of his naked legs, Brian realised that his own cock was now rising as it was also being rammed down on the leather seat of the bike and before long he was shooting cum much the same time as he felt Tony's fluids squirting up his own innards. Brian's screams echoed out across the lonely farm but this just seemed to excite the gang all the more, their whooping and hollering adding to the pain and humiliation he felt.

Tony collapsed over him and Mick rushed over, collected some of Brian's cum which was dripping off the bike seat and pushed it into his mouth.

"Only a pathetic version of our love juices but don't waste it all the same."

The night ended with Brian again chained up on the floor just as the day began but the neck to ankles chain was now longer allowing him to stretch out fully. Perhaps it was not completely to make him more comfortable because as he lay there in the dark, he felt himself turned on his front and a body lay on top of him. He realised the great weight was Jeff and soon felt that guy's huge monstrous anaconda like tool pressing at his hole and then eventually invading him, filling him completely.

Jeff had taken possession yet again, his tall boots were grabbing hard on either side of Brian's legs and he also began to pound into him but not as viciously as Tony had done earlier. From the sounds around him in the beds, Brian realised he wasn't the only one being fucked at that moment. As he sensed Jeff's cum, it seemed like a gallon, filling and warming his guts, Brian knew he now belonged to the gang and to Jeff especially and so he eventually fell asleep with Jeff still hugging him tight, his cock, although now soft, still large enough to occupy Brian's hole. The day might be over but the weekend was not yet finished.

Brian R New Zealand

Next: Chapter 3

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