Black Hawks

By Brian Ralph

Published on Jun 23, 2013


This is a reworked, with more graphic detail, of a story I wrote 7 years ago. It will probably go in different directions in future parts. I enjoyed receiving comments from guys who like it before. It is my most enduring fantasy.

Every Friday night Brian went down to the pub at the rough end of town. He liked to go there because it was where all the bikers gathered although Brian did not have a bike himself. He dressed the part by wearing a T-shirt, blue jeans with thick black belt, bike boots and black leather biker jacket. However, not only did he not have a bike, he did not know any of the biker gangs which met there. He just sat in a corner, toying with a beer and watching the guys come in, his cock getting hard at the sight of all the leather they were wearing and wishing he could get down on the floor and lick their heavy boots.

One gang was there every week and Brian got to look forward to seeing them arrive. He listened in and learnt as much as he could about them and wished he had the courage to speak to them. There was Rick, a nuggety guy with black curly hair, glistening black jacket with chains hanging off it and a studded belt. His tight blue jeans tapered down into a tall pair of shiny harness boots. Jack on the other hand, a big tall fellow with blond short cropped hair, wore khaki army trousers and usually dirty army lace-up boots along with the black leather jacket. Tony, all muscle with shaved head, wearing a full leather outfit of jacket and jeans and big Rossi boots was so hot, Brian got excited every time he looked at him. There were several other members Brian did not know so well but all wore black leather jackets and big black boots of varying styles.

Although he saw them every week, they ignored him and Brian was too nervous to say anything to them. Each night he would leave the pub and, sometimes, head for a local beat where he would suck cock but most of the regulars were not very interesting and Brian would close his eyes and try to imagine that the cock filling his mouth belonged to one of the gang he had been watching all night. He did develop an expertise and get a reputation for giving good head so was never short of partners but he was not really satisfied. Occasionally someone would treat him a bit roughly, grabbing his hair and shoving a big cock into his face and this aroused him a bit but generally he had to wait until he got home and use his fist while imagining one of the gang was ploughing him unmercifully before he could cum himself. It was a damn unsatisfactory situation.

However one night as he was up at the bar buying a final beer before leaving, Rick also approached the bar and ordered a round. He nodded at Brian.

"You drink here a lot dont'cha?"

"Yesssss", Brian stammered,

"You shouldn't fuckin drink so much alone, wanna join us?"

Brian couldn't believe his ears.

"Sssure" he tried to say nonchalantly although he could feel his heart pounding with excitement. He grabbed his beer and followed Rick back to the corner of the pub where the gang were all sitting on leather benches around a table. They moved up for him so that he could sit down next to Tony and after putting the beers down, Rick sat on the other side of him pushing in so that he was squeezed in between him and Tony. The smell of leather made Brian feel dizzy, his dreams seems to be all coming true. They made small talk at first, asking where he lived and if he had a bike. They didn't seem surprised when he admitted he didn't. Soon it was time for another round and it was Jack's shout and he brought one back for Brian as well. As he now sat on the end, Brian was moved further into the group and behind the table but still with Rick and Tony on either side of him, the blue jeans and leather jeans on each side pressing against his legs. He could feel their boots hard up against his own and was sure they were being deliberately rubbed across his.

As Brian stammered yet another reply to one of Tony's questions, Rick suddenly put his arm around him, laughing.

"Loosen up mate, we don't fuckin bite". Brian was sure his rising cock as the leather gripped round his shoulders was very noticeable and the next minute Rick clamped his gloved hand down on top of the bulge in his jeans, squeezing it so tight, Brian almost shot on the spot as his member swelled up against the pressure.

"Your little fucker is getting excited down there, it likes all our leather doesn't it. Want some real fuckin excitement, come for a ride with us"

Brian turned bright red and could only nod. All the guys laughed.

"Finish up your beers and let's get going" said Tony.

The guys drowned their beers and started moving out. As they moved to the door, Brian had second thoughts.

"Ahh, sorry guys, I think I better get going home", he stuttered.

The guy nearest him, wearing tall lineman boots with at least 20 holes over his leather jeans, grabbed Brian's wrist and twisted his arm up behind his back.

"Too fuckin late to back out now Mate, you've just agreed to be our new fuckin apprentice"

He was pushed out into the car park where the bikes were all lined up and over to a big Harley. Tony mounted the bike and the guys quickly lifted Brian up and onto the back of it. His arms were brought round in front of Tony and he felt steel cuffs locking his wrists in place. A helmet was strapped onto his head.

"Don't want to attract attention from the fuckin cops" Tony muttered as they roared off into the night.

While Brian had always dreamed of riding pillion behind a guy all in leathers, he wasn't sure this was what he really wanted. What were they going to do with him? He did not like to remember the grins on their faces when they spoke about the excitement that was in store for him. He had a gut feeling the excitement would be mainly theirs.

After what seemed like hours with his heart in his mouth as they raced down the highway, they turned off onto some back roads and finally into a dirt lane way out in the country and they pulled up at an isolated farm house.

The cuffs were unlocked but his arms were quickly brought round behind his back and locked together again. He was lifted off the bike but Rick grabbed his head in an arm lock, his nose breathing in that hot leather as he was dragged to the verandah of the house. Again his hands were unlocked, his jacket was dragged off him and his tee ripped off him. Then, to his surprise, the jacket was put back on but there were also heavy leather cuffs with d-rings strapped around each wrist. Chains were clamped to each cuff and his arms were stretched out wide and the chains locked to rings on the wooden posts of the verandah. His boots were dragged off him, followed by his jeans and a knife was used to slice his underpants to shreds but again his boots were replaced before one of the guys produced some leg irons with heavy chains. They were padlocked to his ankles and the chains were attached to metal spikes which were driven into the ground with a mallet as his legs were stretched out from the verandah to the dirt in front. He was completely suspended and vulnerable but knew his cock was jutting out at full stretch and throbbing unmercifully. Rick then grabbed his cock and balls and wrapped a leather strap several times around the base of his balls forcing them down and out. He then used another to divide the balls tightly into two round cherries and buckled the straps really tight. Brian groaned from the pain as his cock and balls stood out rigid.

A high leather collar was fastened around his neck which also had large iron rings attached and finally a pair of sharp nipple clamps with heavy chain between them were roughly attached to his tits. He could feel his whole body shuddering involuntarily and the only part of his body he could move was his neck and the heavy rigid collar even made that difficult.

The 6 guys gathered in front of him, huge grins on their faces, they were obviously enjoying watching his predicament.

Rick took charge. "Here is where you really get to fuckin know us." he said. "Gentlemen, courtesies first then closer acquaintance afterwards. You are going to be our new gang's apprentice. You will need to get to know each of us real fuckin well, our likes and dislikes so you can serve each of us right properly. First a handshake, I am Rick, pleased to meet you."

With an evil grin, he grabbed Brian's cock and balls in a tight squeeze that had Brian screaming with the pain. His roughened fingers ground into his stretched nuts and rubbed along the length of his cock.

"Now, You have already met Tony"

Tony still had his gloves on but although the squeeze was smoother, it was just as brutal and the leather had his cock straining rigid and purple which brought laughter from Tony.

"We chose a real leather lovin fucker this time."

The other guys were similarly introduced, a mixture of roughened hands and leather gloves tortured his cock and balls until Brian almost passed out.

"Next we will give you just a small taste of what to expect if you do not follow instructions. What is my name?"

"Rick" Brian sobbed.

"Good, only 5 strokes from me"

Rick removed his big leather belt, stomped up onto the verandah and stood at a short distance behind Brian and suddenly, crack, the belt landed on Brian's backside like a lightening strike bringing an agonised scream, followed quickly by 4 more. Brian's body was so stretched the belt thwacked hard and the tip wrapped around and more than once caught his balls.

"Say, Thank you Rick, Sir"

Brian mumbled as ordered.

"I want to hear it fuckin louder or I might just give you some more".

"Thank you Rick Sir" Brian yelled.

Tony now jumped onto the verandah behind him and repeated the scene, this time with his studded belt which bit hard into Brian's ass cheeks. Jack followed. Then the guy with the high laceup boots who had pushed him out of the pub and onto the bike stood before him. Brian hadn't caught his name and sulkily said "I don't know" when asked.

"Jeff" the guy spat, "I will give you 10 strokes to drive it in through your fuckin arse and right up into fuckin brain"

He pulled off and used a really thick belt which Brian felt must have turned his backside to mush. The final 2 guys, Sean and then Mick, who also wore a studded belt, also gave him 10 each so Brian wasn't sure if he had a butt anymore, it had lost all feeling but a sense of searing pain wracked his whole body.

They left him hanging there and marched into the house, returning with cans of beer which they opened and began to drink appearing to ignore him completely. However, as each began his second can, they took a mouthful and came over to Brian, grabbed his hair and pulled his head back with one hand, squeezed his cheeks to open his mouth with the other and spat the beer out into his mouth, which they then forced close by pushing his jaw up until he swallowed their offering.

"The fuckin handshake was just the first intro, you are going to get to know each of us real intimately, real close like, you will take in all our fuckin juices and we mean all, we will provide all your nutrients." Tony laughed.

Their second beers finished, two guys came up on the verandah and Brian went cold with fear. They wrenched the tit clamps off him as his screams rent the air. They unlocked the chains stretching Brian's arms to the posts and as he fell forward 2 other guys grabbed his arms and wrenched them up behind his back and one of the others put him into a leathered headlock again. He heard the spikes being pulled out of the ground and his legs dragged over the ground as they carried him back to the bikes.

They laid him face down along the biggest bike with his head hanging down over the back tire rim. His arms and legs were chained to the bike and then he realised one of the guys was astride the bike on top of him, his leather jeans pressing and rubbing down over Brian's tortured backside. The bike was started and moved off, bouncing over the rough ground, the tire spinning just below his face, the pressure on his arse causing him to scream continually. He tried not to, as he now realised his screams were just exciting them all the more. The bike did a circuit of the paddock and when they got back, he saw every guy had his jeans unzipped and was pulling out his cock.

"Next round of introductions" shouted Rick and he grabbed Brian's head.

He had put on long rubber gloves and he prised Brian's' jaw open and nodded to Tony who stood right in front, aimed his cock at Brian's mouth and let fly. Brian couldn't believe what he was doing, pissing down right his throat. What didn't fit in ran down his chin but Rick clamped his jaw shut every few moments forcing him to swallow a lot of the stuff. All 6 squirted the results of their nights drinking down his throat, Tony took over head holding duties so that Rick could unload as well. He was then taken on another painful ride around the paddock. This time the pain on his arse as the heavy guy, he was not sure which one but this time it was denim rather than the previous leather that pressed down on his bottom, was matched by a pain in his gut with so much fluid sloshing in it.

When the bike got back to the group, they unchained him from it but then quickly turned him round and over so he was tied with his back along the bike and his head propped up by the handle bars. His arms were drawn back down behind him and chained to the front wheel, his legs chained through the back. He could see his leather bound cock standing up like a flag pole in front and now Rick turned his attention to it as well. He pulled out a leather thong and tying it around the base of the cock just above the strapped balls, he wound it tightly round and round until it reached the head when he looped it round and tied it off so the it looked like a pink mushroom on top of a black stalk.

"That'll keep you fuckin stiff but you won't fuckin cum either, Pussy cunts don't cum" Rick grinned. "We're going to do all the fuckin and cummin over the next few hours. And you're our pussy cunt from now on, our newest sex toy, you have no other reason for existence anymore.

He straddled the bike and sat over Brian's chest, his long thin cock just in front of Brian's lips.

"In case you get any funny ideas, that belting of your arse we gave you earlier was just a taste. If any of us feel your teeth on our cocks, the belting you will get probably won't leave you alive, your arse will never shit again. Understand. Now open your mouth and prepare to suck, Cock sucker".

He grabbed the handlebars and leant forward so that his cock rammed into Brian's mouth. Brian's head was held tight against the bike and Tony's long thin cock slid down over his tongue and reached the back of his throat. Brian gagged but then it was withdrawn a little way and Brian was able to wrap his tongue around it and began to suck. He thought it might make his life a little more bearable if he used his sucking expertise to make a good job so he found the slit, poked his tongue in and then caressed the cock as gently as possible. He had to use his tongue as he had no control over his mouth but Tony moved his cock in and out to maximum effect.

"Good little pussy, I think this is not your first cock is it? We did some research on you and know you have a good cock sucking reputation, we are going to put all that experience to maximum use but now it's just for us."

Before long Tony began to buck and yell and Brian felt his slime sliding down his throat as Tony slumped over his face almost suffocating him in leather. However Tony scrambled off the bike but his weight on Brian's chest was just as quickly replaced by Jack who had a short but thick tool which was already fat and pulsing as it entered Brian's mouth. It was also jabbed down his throat as Brian went to work on it and it did not take very long before more cream down his throat. He was followed by Rick with a wicked curved and knobbly growler that Brian found hard to control with his tongue but finally succeeded in releasing its load. As each guy came, the bike and Brian received a real pounding as they tightened their legs around his middle and bounced up and down. Jeff was next and his man tool was a real monster so that at first Brian thought he would be throttled by it but it was removed enough for him to breathe and go to work. It's piss slit was so large that Brian could work the tip of his tongue right into it and he could feel Jeff shudder as he did so and soon it seemed gallons of cream was filling his mouth, pouring down his throat but also spilling out as the gigantic fuck machine was removed and Jeff rolled off.

"Man that was great, we have grabbed ourselves a top cock sucker this time, woo hoo"

All six of them raped his throat. Brian was surprised the bike did not fall over with the pounding it, and he received.

At the end Tony said, "I could fuckin go again" but Rick told him to cool it, there was more excitement ahead.

"What more could they possibly do", thought Brian.

"You have been fed enough for now but now you will learn how important are our boots, cunt"

He was again untied from the bike and this time he was carried back toward the house and they laid him spread-eagle but face-up on the ground. The chains from his wrists and ankles were stretched tight to metal pegs which were pounded into the ground. Chains were also attached to the rings on either side of his collar and also attached to spikes so he could not move his head, arms or feet. He could just look up at the towering boots and jeans above him.

"Now you get to fuckin service our boots. You will be working on them a lot in the coming months so you need to recognise and give each of them proper respect. After our bikes they are our most important possession. Like us they are now your masters and will be the focus of your whole life".

A pair of boots were jammed hard either side of his head and looking up Brian could see the laces and holes towering above him and knew they were the Lineman worn by Jeff. His head was squeezed tight between them, then he was tapped none too gently on each cheek and finally one was lifted up and came down hard on his very sore mouth.

"Fuckin kiss then lick the grooves" was the command. "use your tongue, clean them out"

He realised Rick's head was down checking what he did and so he kissed then began to lick, his tongue moving up into each groove. Finally they were taken off his face but then the toe was stuck into his mouth and again the command, lick.

Once Jeff was satisfied, Tony replaced him with his Rossi Bike boots.

Again the squeeze of his face, the tapping of his cheeks then they were also pressed down on his mouth with the command to kiss and lick the soles, then the toes were pushed into his mouth with more licking demands. Rick's harness boots were next. Despite the pain, Brian felt he was in a boot showroom, each pair were a real turn on and he remembered all the times in the pub when he had stared longingly at each pair not realising what a close relationship he was to have with them in the future. He now knew those stares had not gone unnoticed by the gang. As before, the kiss lick ritual was followed and his tongue cleaned the leather to a bright shine. However at first he refused to lick one filthy pair, the army boots worn by Jack were covered in grease and dirt.but they were slammed so hard onto his mouth and dragged roughly across his face so that he quickly did as he had been told.

Mick wore Wesco Boss 20 inch engineer boots with 3 straps, , Brian knew his boots, and his tongue worked almost lovingly over them. Finally Sean had Chippewa 17 inch and his tongue was made go to work again.

"That's the face introduction, now your pussy cock will also meet and kiss our boots. We know it goes hard at just the sight of them. It will learn what each one actually feels like. Your fuckin cock will from now on serve our boots just like your tongue has learnt, in fact your whole fuckin body now exists just to serve us and our boots."

The neck chains were loosened and Rick stood behind Brian and pushed his harness boots under his neck collar and raised his head up so now he was looking down his body at his leather strapped cock standing to attention. Jeff's lineman boots again appeared in view but this time they kicked his cock back and forth, it was sheer agony but Brian felt he was looking at it all happening from a dream as if it was not his own cock being knocked around by those huge monsters. Finally someone's gloved hand grabbed his cock in a vicious squeeze and held it tight while Jeff pushed the boot down onto the purple head.

"Worship your Master's boot", Jeff said. "Your cock's only purpose is to kiss my boot"

Brian was sure his pre-cum was greasing the sole of Jeff's boot revealing his intense love of boots. Again this treatment was repeated six times and Brian realised he would know these boots intimately, just like their owners. His cock remained stiff and hard but the straps that were tightly wound around it and his balls prevented anything flowing just sheer agony shooting back up his whole body.

But still it seemed the guys weren't satisfied. He was released from the chains and this time Jack grabbed his head under his armpit and he was dragged backwards up the steps, his heels bouncing, like a sack of old clothes and into the house. He now had no fight left in him and did not know which of the guys grabbed his cock to assist as he was pulled through the door and for the first time he was inside the house.

This time they removed the chains from his arms and legs but then used shorter chains to drag his arms down to his ankles in a hogtie put him face down on a low bench. A wooden box was put in front of his face and he met each pair of boots again as he was made to lick them all over. He had no energy and the hogtie ment he could not move anyway so as each boot was put before him, a hand grabbed him by the hair and wiped his face over it, yelling at him to get his tongue out and lick. He was dragged up by the hair to reach each of the 20 holes on Jeff's Linemans, he felt his tongue was now red raw but then it was no different to his arse, jaws, nipples and particularly his cock and balls.

They finally left him alone while they opened and drank another can of beer each preparing, as brian was to find out, for the grand finale. Then Rick said.

"Okay now the final part of the gang introductions when we really make the cunt know who are his fucking owners and that he is now our sex slave. We know he was a good cocksucker before today but it seems he still has a virgin cherry so let's toss to see who breaks him first".

Jack won and they unchained him yet again. Brian felt like a sack of straw unable to give any resistance and they did not need to tie him as they laid him head down across a bench spreading his legs wide. His head and arms flopped down the front. Someone poured some cream onto his arse and two fingers pushed it up his chute and rubbed it round inside. This was the final physical invasion of his body. He could see Jack's lace-up army boots so recently cleaned up by his tongue as Jack took up position behind him. He felt hands spreading his butt and then the short, thick cock shoving at his hole and with a pop pushing inside him. Brian did not even have the energy to scream as his hole was stretched and he felt the invasion as Jack began to pound in and out with all the other guys cheering him on. There was a roar from Jack as Brian felt the man juices squirting out. The other guys broke into cheering. "You've broken the fuckin cunt, he is ready for anything we do now."

After Jack pulled out, Tony quickly took his place, Brian could only tell by the Rossi boots which was all he could see. The long thin rod slid much further up than Jack's short tool. He could feel it pressing on his inner guts as it it went in and out and Tony leather jeans slammed again and again into his butt. Finally a yell from Tony matched the juices shooting up inside him and Tony also pulled out and yelled "Next.

Next was Rick, again it was the harness boots they sent the signal but Brian was also to later learn the different feel of each cock as it went in. Rick's tool had a wicked curve which soon pressed on his prostate and cause his own cock to swell against the straps that cruelly imprisoned it. It was also a much larger cock than the first two and Rick was a big guy who was happy to pound his instrument in and out without any mercy. At times he lifted Brian back off the bench only to slam him back down again as he drove his pole back in. It was a relief when he felt the internal explosion as the cum rocketed up his chute and he knew this third fuck was now over. But that was only half way. Sean followed, he was more gentle but, as a result, probably took longer and his cock was also a good size so it seemed to Brian that it was never going to be over as the rod slid in and out like a piston. However eventually the juices flowed and Sean pulled out to allow Mick to enter. To take his mind off what was happening, Brian tried to compare Sean's Chippewa engineer boots with the Wesco Boss style that now came into view. But such thoughts went quickly as Mick's very different fucking style took over. He was to learn that Mick's cock was deceptive. It did not look large until he was aroused when it seemed to grow into a mighty hose with thick ridges half way along. The hose metaphor also continued when he shot, as it seemed to pump and pump juices out like the tap had been turned full on. Mick also had no sensitive bones in his body. He stood behind Brian and before Brian could take in the fine detail of the Wesco Boss boots, his butt was rammed at full force and the cock, that had risen to its full length as Mick watched his mates have their turn, ploughed into the now slippery passage and up a good 10 inches inside. Mick just paused to take a breath and then began to pound in and out, also lifting Brian off the bench as those ridges lining Mick's cock grabbed inside his chute and pulled him up for a brief second before crashing down again and forcing itself in further than Brian thought was possible. However at least Mick came quickly although his whole weight collapsing on him pushed the breath out of Brian as the man juices continued to flow and flow.

Only one more but it was to be the worst. Jeff had waited to last because he knew that the fucking his monster machine would provide would probably leave Brian's arse too sloppy to properly service the other guys. As Brian saw the high lineman boots come into view he had a flash of the monster that had accompanied them when his mouth had been ravished. He now felt it line up with his hole, which although stretched by the 5 cocks that had gone before was pushed wider and wider as Jeff pushed that monstrous head in. Thankfully he was more aware than Mick of what his equipment was capable of and he took it fairly slowly but Brian could hear the other guys whistling with both amazement and delight as they watched what seemed like a telegraph pole slowly but surely force it's way in. There was a short lived relief as the massive head passed through but only short because the gigantic long rod followed and pushed further than any of the other invaders. Brian felt Jeff's balls slapping his butt and knew he was completely impaled but he was not prepared for what followed. Jeff did not pull out but straightened up and Brian rose as well. He was hanging on the pole that jutted out of Jeff and seemed to completely fill Brian's rectum. To the howls of laughter of the guys, Jeff turned around and walked across the room and Brian went too, flopping like a rag doll on the end of a stick. It was as if one of those lineman boots was rammed right up his innards. Jeff grabbed both Brian's nipples and squeezed them hard then he bit down on his neck. Mixed waves of pain and unexplainable pleasure flowed through him. Finally he was taken back to the bench and he felt the huge rod begin to slide out before sliding back in. However Jeff did not slam in and out like some of the other guys. If he had, Brian would probably have been split in two. The piston moved up and down, at first slowly but gradually increasing its speed as Jeff's excitement grew. Finally it was slammed home and pulses and pulse of jism flowed into Brian. Jeff's yell of triumph had the other guys giving high fives. "We have all broken him, he is ours now, welcome to the gang." Even slightly softer Jeff's cock head still plopped out with a final burst of pain. Brian fainted dead away.

Some water over his face revived him but he felt a strange pressure in his backside. Rick told him a plug had been inserted to give time for all their juices to be absorbed. "We don't want to see it wasted all over the floor. We have seeded you both front and rear, you are now carrying part of each of us."

He now knew them intimately and they knew him, he had been fully introduced and he realised they now owned him. They had used every hole, they had filled him with piss, spit and cum and he would be their apprentice and service them for as long and however they wanted him.

When they had finished raping him, Rick said.

"We aren't without any fucking heart mate. Now you can have your turn".

He was again taken and chained back up to the verandah posts where the torture had begun. His cock and balls were unwrapped from the leather straps and thongs that had been binding them. The pain of release almost had him fainting away again.

They again took turns, this time in pairs with one grabbing him from behind, squeezing and playing with his tits while the other grabbed his poor cock and rubbed it up and down. After a few minutes, they swapped so that he had alternately rough fingers, leather gloves and smooth fingers (Sean). Each had a different technique and the agreement was that whoever made him cum would be his number one master, the one who would take first place in his new life with six leathered and booted men in control.

All the night's treatment suddenly had it's effect as Brian's cock exploded and ropes of cum jettisoned over the ground. The winner was ..... Jeff.

Jeff whooped. "He's mine, all mine"

Then he seemed to become more caring of what was now his property. With the help of some of the others, he unchained Brian and threw him over his shoulder taking him inside and laying him on a mattress on the floor. He connected the leg chains together but still giving Brian some movement and also padlocked a chain between his wrists. Another long chain was fixed from his neck collar to his wrists and down to his leg chain allowing him to lie in a foetal position but not completely stretch out. A blanket was thrown over him. As he lay there, he realised the guys were climbing into beds in the next rooms. Soon there was only loud snoring and somehow, although every part of his body was aching, exhausted, he fell asleep.

Brian Ralph NZ

Next: Chapter 2

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