Black Friday

By Boo Jum

Published on Dec 8, 2019




This is a work of fiction. Some of the situations and people are based on personal experience, or things I heard from friends. But by and large it is all my fantasies.

Any comments or criticisms or suggestions would be welcome. I can be contacted at

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I've never done this kind of thing before. I'm straight and happily married, for crying out loud. I love my wife, I love my job as manager of the IT division in a large software firm.

So maybe I'll introduce myself first. Hi, my name is Jason, and I'm a cum addict.


Ok seriously. I'm 34. I'm ok looking, I think. Not a movie star, but I take care of myself, work out, eat healthy. Personal grooming, the works.

It's just that every now and then I feel the need to be dominated and humiliated by a macho guy. To be treated badly, the worse the better. It's always been like this. At age 13, while my friends were fantasizing about girls, I was fantasizing about being forced to be their sex slave. .

For my whole life I never ever did anything with these fantasies. Whenever I felt the urge, I'd jerk off over some porn. And when that wasn't enough, I found a couple of chat sites, where I could chat with other guys, and talk about my need to be dominated. But I never took it further. Whenever someone suggested meeting me, I always found an excuse at the last minute. Or just didn't show up.

Up till now.

It's a week before Thanksgiving, I'm home alone. I feel horny, and nothing in my secret stash of porn seems to fit the bill. Finally, I go into a chat site, and advertise that I'm looking for a Dom to fuck me. I chat with a couple of guys, but nobody manages to grab my attention.

I'm on the verge of giving up when I get a message from a guy who's user name is Anon. His tag line reads "ISO an adventurous sub". We chat for a while. He is in a similar situation to mine. Married, looking for a guy. Except that he is a Dom. We discuss our various likes, preferences and limits, and we are very compatible. For the first time ever, I feel that here is a guy that I can meet, and still feel safe. Ultimately he suggests meeting, and I agree.

And then he makes the suggestion.

"I want you to wait for me naked and on your knees, in the toilet in the mall," he writes.

My ears, and a few other parts of my anatomy, prick up at this.

"I love those kind of meetings," I write back.

"Then you're the man for me," he replies.

We quickly set up a time (7:00 am) and a place (A handicapped toilet in an out of the way place on the lower parking level).

At the appointed time, I am at the mall in the cubicle that Anon described. I strip and leave my clothes in a pile in the corner, then get down on my knees, door unlocked, and wait. My cock is rock hard, and I'm feeling slutty and humiliated. I have fantasized about this so many times, I can't believe that I am finally going through with it.

About a minute passes, the door opens, and a man says

"What the f-"

I look up. The guy standing there is wearing a police officer's uniform. I scramble to my feet, covering my cock and balls with my hands. He speaks into a microphone on his shoulder.

"Yeah I found him. Yeah. Just like the guy said. Okay."

"Sir, would you please come with me," he says to me.

"Ok. Just let me put my clothes on," I reply.

"Uh, I'm afraid not. Your clothes are now evidence and will have to be searched," he replies.

"You can't expect me to walk through the mall naked," I protest.

"I can and I do," he replies.

"Please," I beg him. "I didn't hurt anyone or disturb anyone. Can't you just let me go? Please?"

"You wanted to behave like a pervert in public," he says. " Well now you got it. Faggot."

Ignoring my protests, he handcuffs me and leads me, naked, to the police cruiser that is parked in the mall entrance. The place is crowded with shoppers, even though it is still quite early. A few people laugh, and one or two even take pictures with their cellphones. I try to keep my face down so as not to be photographed, but it is unavoidable. My erect cock swings and bobs slightly as I walk.

As we enter the police station, we're greeted by raucous laughter, and a few whistles. My face burns from the humiliation.

"What's this?" the desk sergeant laughs.

The police officer who arrested me explains the situation.

"Well I'm a bit busy now, the sergeant says. "Put him in a holding cell. I'll book him later."

The officer leads me down a corridor, past a row of holding cells. He puts me in a cell at the end of the corridor.

The cell is quite big, with benches all around the sides, except for the front. There is a metal toilet in the one corner. A security camera is mounted on the wall, opposite the cell. It pans continuously in an arc, that covers all areas of the cell. The cell is empty, except for a black skinned guy, lying on the bench. He seems to be asleep, but as I sit, he opens his eyes, sits up, and looks at me. He is large, bald and very muscular. His skin is jet black. He smiles at me, then crosses the cell, and sits next to me.

"Hello senor," he says. His voice is very deep, with an accent that I cannot recognize. "What happened to you?"

I tell him my story.

"Bummer," he replies.

He then proceeds to tell me that he is a sailor, from a North African merchant ship. He and some friends were on shore leave, and they were picked up for being drunk and disorderly.

"It was a long voyage," he says. "We just wanted to let some steam off. Know what I mean?"

He adjusts the front of his trousers ostentatiously.

I nod, carefully keeping my face neutral.

"So," he says, casually, "feel like sucking my cock?"

"Uh... I don't think so," I tell him.

"Sure you do," he says. "Everyone loves sucking my cock. They all say so. "

"Well we can't do it here anyway," I tell him. "We'll be seen." I point to the security camera.

"Who, them?" he makes a face. "They won't bother us, it's ok."

"No," I tell him.

"It's gonna happen anyway," he says. "You might as well enjoy it."

He tries to put his arm around me. I jump up and run to the front of the cell.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I yell as loud as I can. "I need some help in here."

I look up at the security camera. It has stopped panning across the cell, and is pointing straight at me. I wave my hands, hoping to attract the attention of whoever is watching.

The big black guy comes to stand next to me.

"Eh," he makes a dismissive gesture. " Don't bother. They want it to happen. They want to watch."

He grabs my shoulder, and pulls me towards the bench. I cast a last, pleading glance at the camera, that tracks us, as he hauls me away. But no help comes.

With no choice, I kneel in front of the huge black man, as he sits on the bench. He opens his trousers, revealing a flaccid, uncut black cock, that is already beginning to get hard. I take the tip into my mouth. It tastes kind of weird. The tip is slick with his precum. I can feel his foreskin folding backwards, as his cock goes into my mouth. His body aroma, musky and pungent, fills my nostrils. I take his cock deeper. I can feel it growing as I suck it, filling my mouth. It is not as bad as I thought it would be. I am even enjoying it. I feel my own cock getting hard, and I play with it as I suck his huge black cock.

Then, as his cock reaches its full erect size, he grabs my head. With no warning, he shoves his cock into my mouth, hard. I can feel the tip hitting the entrance to my throat, and pushing in. My gag reflex engages, and I choke. I struggle to free myself, but he holds my head, and fucks my throat.

After a couple of minutes, he releases my head, and I fall forward, head almost touching the floor, as I pant and gasp. He allows me to recover for a while, then grabs my head, and pulls me up.

"Please," I gasp. "Not so roughly."

"You can handle it," he tells me, gruffly. "You want it rough."

And I realize that I can't deny it. My own cock is hard, and I feel very horny.

He hits me across the face with his cock, and then he runs the tip of his huge cock around my mouth, probing at my lips. Finally I open my mouth, and he begins fucking my throat again, ignoring my choking and struggling.

This goes on for what seems like a long time. He fucks my throat brutally, until I'm almost suffocated, then releases me for a few seconds, to get my breath. Then, when I am panting and coughing in front of him, he raises his legs, exposing his arsehole. He grabs my head, and pulls my face against his arse.

"Rim me!" he commands.

I've never had a guy's arsehole that close to my mouth, and I struggle to get free. But he is much stronger than I am, and I cannot escape. With no choice, I put my tongue out, and lick his arsehole. It smells and tastes musky, and slightly sour.

"Ohhh yeah," he breathes, pulling my face against his arse. "Deeper."

With my face squashed up against his arse, I have no choice. I lick his hole, pressing my tongue against his sphincter. He seems to enjoy that.

After rimming him for a while my tongue and lips are tired, and he pulls my mouth back to his cock. He pulls my head up and down, using my mouth the way he would use a flashlight.

It is a relief when he finally growls "Aaagh!" and flood my throat with his semen, as he cums. His load is so big that I cannot swallow it all. Some of it leaks out the sides of my mouth, as I choke and cough, almost falling over.

Suddenly I become aware that the police officer who arrested me is standing by the bars. He motions me to come over.

"The shift sergeant is ready to start the booking process now," he says. "I would have fetched you sooner, but you were having such a good time. I didn't want to interfere."

"A good time?" I ask, somewhat hoarsely. My throat feels raw after the pounding it just received "You mean you were having a good time, watching me having my throat raped by a huge black cock?"

He ignores this, and leads me, still naked, to an interrogation room. At his instruction , I sit and he handcuffs me to a chair, and leaves me there. After a few minutes, he comes back, with another officer, who is holding a file full of pages. They ask me questions, and write down my answers in the file. When I tell them about arranging to meet Anon, they exchange significant looks.

Finally the sergeant closes the file.

"Well, it's afternoon already, so you'll have to wait for the judge on Monday," he says.

I am shocked.

"Monday? But that means I'll be here all weekend! How can you expect-? I have a family!"

He shrugs.

"Please," I plead. "Isn't there any way you could just let me off with a warning? I didn't hurt anyone or anything."

The two officers look at each other.

"As it happens..." says the sergeant.

"What? What do you-" I start.

"We'll put you back in the cell with all the sailors," says the officer. "We'll watch, and when we've had enough we'll think about letting you go."

I think of how the large black guy fucked my throat.

"You can't expect me to suck off a bunch of sailors!" I say, aghast.

"Actually I'm pretty sure that you will do more than suck their cocks," he replies. "But it's up to you. It's that or wait for the judge on Monday. Besides, this is what you want."

"No it isn't," I protest.

He gestures at my crotch.

"Your whore cock shows that you're lying!" he growls.

And I become aware that just the thought of it has given me an erection.

The two police men take me down to the holding area, where they put me back in the cell, then stand by the bars, watching.

The huge black guy is still there, with a few other dark skinned guys, presumably his friends from the ship, all sitting in one corner. They seem to be asleep. I cover my cock and balls with my hands, hoping that they won't see how turned on I am.

As soon as he sees me, the big guy spreads his arms wide.

"My man!" he exclaims. And then says something in a foreign language. The other men chuckle.

I move to the front of the cell, near the bars, pleading with the officers to let me out. But they ignore me, and stand there silently. The sailors all follow me, and surround me. Then they all start pawing at me and stroking my body. I try to bat their hands away, but there are too many.

After a few minutes, the five men drag me over to the bench. They lay me face down, bent over the bench. The first guy then gets behind me, and forces his huge cock into my arse. I open my mouth in a huge gasp of pain, and then let out a yell, struggling to get away from the huge cock reaming out my arsehole.

"Stop whining, you little bitch," the man rasps in my ear. "You know you want this."

"No. I don't. I- I can't. It hurrrrts," I am almost crying.

"You can, he says. "You want to."

He reaches down, and strokes my rock hard cock. The sensation is so pleasurable, and combined with the pain in my arse feels even better, in a weird way. Almost instantly my yelling quietens down, and I stop struggling.

"You feel that?" he whispers in my ear. "That shows how much you really want this. You were born for this. Getting fucked by men is your real purpose in life."

"I-" I am about to say something, but I shut my mouth. I lie there, held down and helpless, while I consider what he just said. Could it be true?

As I lie there, my sphincter gets used to being opened, and it doesn't hurt so much. In fact, it begins to feel good. It makes me feel sexy. And slutty. And the knowledge that the four other guys are going to use me in a similar fashion makes me feel deliciously dirty. I begin flexing my arse, and wiggling it from side to side as he fucks me.

"Oooohhh... yeah. Like that," he says, as he fucks me. "You're enjoying it aren't you? You're a cock crazy little cumwhore aren't you?"

"Ohhhh, yes, I am, Sir. I want to be your cumwhore," I reply.

As I say this, I hear his breath speeding up. He begins fucking me harder and faster. I can barely take it as he thrusts his cock into my arse. Then he lets out a groan, and I feel his cock throbbing in my arse as he cums.

Even after his orgasm, he continues fucking my arse, and after a few minutes he pumps a second load into my willing arsehole. And after that, a third.

When he is spent, he collapses on top of me, breathing heavily, brow covered in sweat. Then he rears up, and his cock, still hard, flops out of my arse, leaving me feeling suddenly empty and disappointed. He moves to stand in front of me, his cock slimy and glistening with cum and arse juice, as it swings in front of my face.

Another guy positions himself behind me, and shoves his cock roughly into my arse, I gasp in pain, trying to get away. But the first guy grabs my hair, and uses it as a lever, to guide my mouth to his semi hard cock.

"Clean me up, slut!" he commands.

I can taste my arse on his cock, as I suck it and lick it, cleaning all the remnants of semen from his cock. He turns, and parts the cheeks of his arse, and I lick and rim him, cleaning his sweaty arse, while the second guy fucks me. Initially I squirm and try to resist, but the other sailors, all naked now, hold me down. I cannot escape. And I realize that it hurts less than the first fuck I just had.

Just as I finish, the second guy gasps, and begins thrusting his cock deep, as he deposits another load of cum in my arse. He pulls his cock out, and moves to stand in front of me, as the third guy shoves his cock into my open and willing hole, and begins fucking my arse. His cock squelches wetly in my arse, as he churns up all the loads of cum that are there. There is already enough cum lubricating my arse that his huge black cock slides in easily.

I look at the cock that is now in front of me. It is covered with sperm from two different guys. This turns me on even more, and I open my mouth, as the guy slides his cock in. I lick it and suck it, savoring the taste of sperm mixed with the taste of my arse.

I lie there as each of the men fucks me, one after the other. Each time one of the men cums, he withdraws his cock, and it is immediately replaced by the next in line.

By the time they are all finished I have had each man's cock in my arse and in my mouth multiple times. I finger my arse, and it feels loose and open. I can feel loads of cum leaking out. When I look at my fingers, they are covered in the mixture of cum leaking from my arse, and I lick them clean. My arse feels empty all of a sudden, and that makes me feel disappointed.

I glance around, and see the two police men openly masturbating, as they watch me. The sergeant calls me over, and I kneel in front of him. Both officers have their trousers open, and I begin sucking their cocks alternately, through the bars. While I'm doing this, one of the sailors begins fucking me.

Dimly I am aware of the sailors talking among themselves. The the guy fucking me lies in the ground, and the others grab me and make me sit on his cock. He pulls me forward, so I can continue sucking the sergeant's cock.

I feel another one of the sailors behind me, his fingers on my arsehole. Something else, much thicker than a finger, is poking at my hole. I try to turn my head, but the sergeant grabs my head, holding it against the bars. He begins fucking my mouth hard.

At the same moment, I feel another cock being pushed into my arse, dilating it to dimensions that it has never achieved before. The pain is intense, and I open my mouth to yell. But the sergeant takes this opportunity to get his cock all the way into my throat, as the other sailors hold me down. Both my holes are being raped at the same time. I struggle and squirm, but I cannot escape. The two huge black cocks ream my arse out, while the two policemen take turns fucking my throat. I feel that I am passing out from the pain.

Just as suddenly as it started, it ends. One of the men fucking my arse moans loudly, and cums up my arse. He pulls his cock out, and my arsehole twinges in relief, as it reverts to more normal dimensions.

At the same moment, the cock in my mouth also pulsates, and I feel another load of cum in my throat. I choke and cough as the cum hits the back of my throat. He leaves his cock deep in my throat, and I cannot breathe. Finally he releases me, pulling his cock out, just as the other policeman shoots his load into my open mouth. They release me, and I fall back, panting, and almost crying with the pain.

The sailors all grope around, getting dressed.

The sergeant unlocks the cell door, and I limp out. The two officers lead me to the front desk, past the row of cells. The inmates cheer and whistle, as I pass by naked, barely able to walk. At the desk, they give me back my clothes. I dress as quickly as I can, eager to be away.

"I hope you learned a lesson today, the sergeant says, as I dress.

"Yeah. Don't stand people up." says the police officer.

"Er... what?" I pause and turn back, looking at him. Then understanding dawns.

"You're Anon," I say accusingly. "You did all this deliberately."

"We chatted before. A few times," he tells me. "We arranged to meet, but you never showed up."

"So you did all this just to get back at me?" I ask incredulously.

"Initially, yes," he replies.

As I turn to leave, he says

"Bye. See you in a few days."

"No you won't," I tell him.

He chuckles.

"Oh, you'll be back, begging for it." he says. "Guys like you live for it. Once you've had a taste of cock you'll never get enough."

My arse is sore, and I feel that I am walking funny. It seems to me that everyone who sees me knows immediately that I have just had my arse reamed. I can feel cum trickling out of my arsehole as I walk. It brings back the feeling of getting gang raped by the sailors, and instantly my cock is hard. I realize that Anon was right. In a few days time I will be begging to get fucked again.

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