Black Eyes Blue Tears

By Stephanie M

Published on May 14, 2002


Title: Black Eyes, Blue Tears 10/? Author: Stephanie M Summary: AJ discovers the truth behind Lance and JC's intense relationship. Feedback: This is not my normal type of story; I would love to hear what everyone thinks. Disclaimer: This is entirely fiction i.e. not true. I don't know Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. The story is the result of a warped mind. Warnings: JC bashing-sorry if that upsets anyone. Discussion of abuse. Status: WIP

Part 10

"It's okay. You don't have to be afraid," AJ whispered hoping Lance would believe him.

Lance laughed bitterly, "I've spent the last five years being afraid. Why should I change the habit of a lifetime?"

AJ sighed, "I'll be with you. My lawyer is going to meet us outside in ten minutes. We'll make sure the cops don't hurt you."

Lance just nodded mainly to reassure AJ. Although he had every faith in the other man Lance couldn't see why the police would believe him. No one else had bothered to look beyond the surface.

Taking Lance's hand, AJ led the way downstairs smiling at the woman at the counter who pointedly ignored them. Walking outside the pair were shocked to find Joey waiting along with AJ's lawyer Lisa Stevens.

Smiling at the pair Lisa said, "Good morning. Is this the man you want me to represent, AJ?"

"Yeah. Although you shouldn't have to do too much. If it's okay with James, could you sit in on the meeting?"

"That's fine with me. Can we just get going?" Lance said not liking being out in the open.

Joey smiled and moved to hug Lance, a wave of hurt crossing his face when Lance moved backwards to lean against AJ. Wiping the expression from his face, Joey lead the group to his car before driving them in silence to the police station.

"This way," Lance said heading towards the special investigations unit tightening his hold on AJ's hand.

"How can I help you?" A cheerful polite officer asked the group looking Lance in the eyes.

Swallowing Lance said, "I want to press a rape charge on someone."

"Detectives Kline and Harris will be with you in a moment," The officer replied dialling a telephone number.

Lance sat down next to AJ ignoring the hurt look on Joey's face. He couldn't explain why he felt safest with AJ, or why he didn't want to leave the other man. He hadn't felt this safe for years.

A kind looking woman said walking over, "Hi, my name is Detective Naomi Harris. Which of you wants to press charges?"

Biting his lip Lance answered, "Me. I'm Lance Bass, can Alex come with me when I talk to you?"

"I'll be there as well. I represent Mr Bass," Lisa interjected seriously.

"Of course," Detective Harris answered leading the pair to one of the interview rooms not reacting when Joey sat down a dejected look on his face. ****** Waiting until everyone had sat down Detective Harris gestured to the man sitting beside her, "This is my partner Paul Kline. Would you like to tell us why you're here?"

Lance nodded saying, "I'm a singer in a music group called Nsync with four guys. I've been in the group since 1996; about a month after I joined the story begins. It's Joshua Chasez I want to press charges against."

"One day when I was having problems with a move Josh offered to help me. After everyone left we worked for hours, whenever I messed up he would pinch me. I learnt the dance. From then on it was pretty much decided that if I was having dancing problems JC would teach me alone. He hits me when I mess up or do something that makes him look bad or without his permission. It's normally only punches or pinches unless he is really mad."

"Take your time," Detective Kline said gently noticing the thankful look from AJ.

Sighing Lance said, "I could put up with the beatings. I got used to it, and everyone pretty much accepted my excuse that I got all the bruises and cuts because I'm so clumsy. Just over fourteen months ago Josh first raped me. I had told one of my other band-mates, Justin, about the beatings the same day but he only laughed at me and told Josh what I had said."

Tears fell from Lance's eyes as he remembered, "Josh was really angry, he kept hitting me when I tried to get away. We struggled and he managed to pin me down. Josh tried to get my pants off, I shouted at him to stop but he didn't listen. He never does. He ripped off my pants as well as his own and raped me. I remember thinking that if I was more careful and didn't mess up he would stop."

"Since that day he rapes me at least once a week, he says that he only does it because he loves me but that isn't right. I try to stop him each time but I never can. The last time I tried to stop him I managed to knock him off my back. He tied me up and starved me for a couple of days until I was too weak to do anything against him. Then he raped me anyway, but he was especially violent that's how I got the whip marks on my back. Josh takes photographs of whenever he rapes me; he keeps them in a false back of his suitcase. He said that the photos are to show me what he was going to do to Justin; he has a crush on Justin. He said as long as I didn't tell anyone he would leave Justin alone."

Detective Harris said sympathetically, "Thank you for telling us. Lance, can I take some photographs of the cuts Josh gave you?"

"All of them?" Lance asked nervous. He didn't want anyone to look at the cuts on his thighs.

"I'm afraid so. I won't hurt you and it won't take long," Detective Harris answered gently not making any move to touch the man.

"Alex...I mean AJ, can stay right?" Lance asked desperately.

"Of course. How do you know Alex?" Detective Kline asked hoping this would help calm the upset crying man.

Lance smiled at AJ adoringly, "He's in a rival group. He took me in when Josh was chasing me and let me stay with him. Alex was the one who convinced me to tell the others. They're helping, they don't even hate me or blame me."

"It's not your fault," AJ said seriously not making any move to touch Lance without permission.

Half to himself Lance said, "Josh said it was. Said it's my fault for being stupid, worthless and teasing him."

"Alex is right. Come with me and we'll get the photos done." Detective Harris said leading the way out of the room.

"Okay that's everything," Detective Harris said as she led the pair back to the waiting area where Joey was waiting.

AJ still hand one arm around Lance's shoulders, the other man's face red from crying in both embarrassment, rage and relief. Lance had cried out at each flash of the camera, which reminded him of the photographs JC took. After they had finished with the photographs he had retreated to his safe place, in AJ's arms.

"Where are you staying in case we want to contact you?" Detective Kline asked noticing the way that both Joey and AJ glared at him for getting close to Lance.

AJ answered quickly, "At the Star Motel room 1474 under the name Alex Carter. Less chance of him and the press finding us that way."

"Oh. Be careful it's a dangerous neighbourhood for someone like you," Detective Harris said concerned.

"Don't worry I won't let anything happen to Lance," AJ vowed as they walked out the station. ******* Two hours later ******* Detective Harris knocked on the door of the hotel room, "Joshua Chasez, this is a warrant to search through your possessions and a warrant for your arrest for assault and rape."

JC watched in shock as the uniform officers immediately took out his suitcase and removed the false back. Lance had betrayed him! `The bastard will pay,' JC thought with a smirk as he left the room escorted by ten police officers

"You have waived the right to a lawyer is that correct?" Detective Kline asked the handcuffed man.

JC smirked, "Yeah. I don't need one. This is just a little lovers tiff!"

Detective Harris smiled cruelly, "We have evidence that Lance Bass was raped by you and that you have raped two others."

JC thought frantically, "Those fuckers better not have talked! I warned them what would happen if they ever said anything. How could they not understand my promise to rape them a last time before gutting them?"

The two detectives looked at each other and grinned. JC hadn't even realised his mistake yet that he just given a confession.

"I'm sure they didn't forget your promise," Detective Kline said with a feral grin.

JC said in confusion, "What? Oh fuck!"

"That about sums it up," The two detectives said as JC was taken back to his cell.

End Part 10

Next: Chapter 6

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