Black Dragon Rising

By Michael Offutt

Published on Jul 17, 2013


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Chapter Six

I've a hangover, but it isn't bad. Morning does arrive to finds me tired and disheveled, yes. However, I'm soothed by the fact that my head is currently pressed against Talen's smooth chest. Truthfully, there's no better place to be in all the world than resting in the crevasse of his muscular pecs, or drinking in his perfect features.

My eyes blink open, and I see Angelaria gazing at me with a most curious expression. I realize the blanket's fallen on the floor, and we're both naked (not that she seems to mind).

"So this is where you got to last night? I woke up and was the only one in bed," she states.

Next to me Talen yawns and kisses my hair. Then he plays with one of my nipples, pinching it delicately between thumb and forefinger. "Good morning," he whispers before scooping up the blanket to wrap around our intertwined bodies.

I clutch at it, more because I'm afraid of what I saw last night and not because it's cold. But that's not what I tell her. "Thank you," I say to Talen. "I was chilly."

"Coulda fooled me," he whispers. I don't even have to look at him to see he's grinning at me. A second later he's fondling my balls with his fingers. "You give off so much heat it's like sleeping with a furnace."

"" I utter. "Sometimes you're incorrigible." But I don't stop him from caressing me. I actually reach down with my own fingers and carefully guide his hand over my cock and move it back and forth until he understands THIS is what I need you to do; NOT that other thing.

She shrugs her shoulders. "So why did you leave the bed then?"

Talen lifts the one arm that's free and arches his back. "Don't look at me," he utters mid- stretch. "I followed him out here."


"Huh?" I ask, eyes drifting lazily in the feel of my boyfriend's fingers sliding to and fro atop my foreskin. I turn to Talen, kiss him on the lips, and say, "Please wet your fingers a little."

He nods and spits in his palm; then goes back to jacking me. I spread my legs in pleasure, roll my toes under the blanket, and just watch the tent formed by my cock jump up and down with each of his foot long strokes. Talen does it slow and steady. It's just the way I like it.

"Rub my head with your thumb," I beg into his ear.

Talen does so. I feel his slippery touch sliding over my glans and watch the flannel as the bump where his thumb happens to be moves back and forth.

"That feels so fucking good," I whisper. The tingle almost makes me jump.

"Just lay back, boyfriend," he responds.

I do so and he places butterfly kisses on my eyelids. I feel so warm and safe in his arms, and because of that, I'm expecting a huge load when it comes time. I've no doubt I'll probably soak through the flannel throw as if it's rice paper.

It's awfully dark in here," Angelaria says at last.

She wanders over to the window and reaches for the blanket I hung there last night and tears it down. Then she gazes out at the clear morning; it gleams brilliantly off the snow. Behind her I pull on my lower lip, trying desperately not to make a sound. But you can hear the "fap fap fap" of Talen's hand despite my attempts to muffle it. I also can't stop myself from panting. Talen turns my face toward his mouth and muffles each breath that escapes my lips with desperate urgency. When I cum in his palm an indeterminate time later, he's all but smothering me with his kisses to suppress my moans. It's a last ditch effort to preserve the serenity of our morning.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Angelaria asks from a stool at the window. She sips from a porcelain mug.

Sweat cools on my skin.

I blink realizing I didn't even see her move the stool. Nor did I see her sit down or even brew some coffee. But somehow she did all that while I lost complete track of time.

"I-I'm not hungry," I say, trying to sit up. My back slips against Talen's damp torso. "We should be on our way very soon."

Talen's hand emerges from under the blanket; it's dripping with my ropy semen. He laps it up slowly, all the while saying "mm mm...that tastes delicious." He goes back for more as the stuff that's left inside my shaft is slowly finding its way out, squeezed like nectar from a firm fruit. And as I predicted, the afghan we used last night now has a coin-sized wet spot toward the center.

Lovely. I think our attempts at being quiet though might have worked? Angelaria gives us no sign that we ruined her morning with a little dick play. I roll the blanket to one side. "I've to piss and then dress."

"Don't be silly," Talen says. His fingers are clean but shiny. "We've got plenty of food here, and for once, I want to have pancakes instead of fish. Besides, we haven't had morning sex yet." Angelaria walks into the kitchen, and I watch her fire up the ovens and collect pots and pans. "And you haven't even said good morning to me," Talen complains. "If we don't have sex, then you're obligated to deliver at least two duties of love."

"Two duties?"

"Isn't a boyfriend at least obligated to say two things every morning? I love you and how was your sleep?"

I grin and kiss him tenderly. My softening dick is still long enough that it brushes his shoulder as I bend at the waist and straddle the chair we slept in. "I love you more than my own life," I tell him, "and I know how you slept last night."

He ruffles my hair. "All work and no play make Kian a dull boy," he declares as I head off toward the bedroom to find my armor pieces. As it turns out, they're scattered across the room, including one piece that got either kicked or thrown into the hallway during the rush to get me undressed last night. When I'm completely kitted out, I return and keep my eyes to the window, half expecting a monstrous face to appear there, sneering at me from the outside.

I carry with me some of Talen's armor. His leg greaves, codpiece, and boots. I'll let him get his own breastplate and pauldrons. He looks so beautiful lying their naked that I stare at him a moment. I grab a stool to sit on and he holds up his foot for me to slide his metal boots on. I don't do it immediately, but wash them first with my tongue. It makes him clench the upholstery with tight fingers each time I stroke him like that and he murmurs in pleasure. I lick between his toes and clean his arches. Once his feet are dripping with my spit, I slide the pretty things one at a time into his boots.

That pretty much ends the fun as he quickly takes over, fastening his greaves and tightening the straps. The codpiece goes on last. I feel a sadness as if my favorite toy has been put away for the day.

I hear a noise at the window, and I know I can't disguise my fright. My face has probably drained of all color.

"What's got you so spooked?" Talen asks.

"I saw something, last night," I say. "Out on the lake beyond those trees over yonder. It was a huge creature, about twice my height and with long arms covered in shaggy fur. It was completely black, and had glistening tentacles protruding from its body. I think it was looking for something on the lake. You know...kind of searching...and I saw it break a hole in the ice"

He rubs the sleep out of his eyes. "You're kidding, right?"

"I'm not pulling your leg. I saw what I saw."

Angelaria walks in, having donned a blue-spotted apron. She looks odd wearing ONLY that and nothing else. "Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Why don't you two go and wash up."

"Wash up? I'm clean," I say.

She shakes her head. "No...licking doesn't count. Grab some water; wash behind your ears and other places that you'll be using to touch your food with."

Talen stands up and stretches. His bony back pops twice, and he lets out a sigh that borders on exquisitely beautiful. We walk into the hallway holding hands and search for the lavatory. It's at the end of the hall, and there's a well for fresh water. I pull up the bucket and empty it into a porcelain basin. I wash my face and hands then stand by the door while he does the same. I start telling my story again and this time, I don't skimp on any details. I maybe even embellish some by exaggerating details that I think I saw.

When I finish, he stares at me strangely, partially in disbelief and partially from a hangover.

We join Angelaria for our morning meal.

She's outdone herself with roasted sausages, potatoes, and some old bread she found in the larder. I think it can't get any better when she brings us fried eggs. It's all delicious, and both Talen and I clean our plates.

Afterwards, she goes and puts her clothes on. When she returns, I recite the tale using the details I left out the first time. I've to admit, it's fun being the one that's telling the story instead of listening to it. But I begin to wonder if what I'd seen was real or if I'd dreamed it. Talen uses this time to finish donning his armor and to hunt around for food stores we can stuff into our packs. Angelaria's spellbound by my tale, which is quite a different reaction from Talen's. By the time I'm done, she's white as a ghost and trembling; it's like she's freezing cold and without a fire. She stares at me as if I'M the horror.

"Do you believe me?" I ask her.

She nods and indicates that we should leave. It's quite the different tune from the cheeriness we all felt at sunrise. "I don't feel comfortable staying here another night."

"Now what's got into you?" Talen asks. "He's just telling stories, and he embellishes them with lies to get a rise out of you. Kian, I love you but you drank way too much last night to recall all that."

Angelaria says, "You may be right, and it may be nothing. I just don't want to take any chances right now when we've got options." She grabs her pack and heads out the door into the bright wintry morning. The snow's deep and the chill's bitter as frozen steel. It's a cold that stings your skin like a hundred hornets and has no chance of being softened by layers of insulating wool. I pull my cloak tighter around me and contemplate lowering my visor, but then I can't talk to Angelaria without sounding synthetic.

I look at Talen and say, "They weren't all lies," and then speed off after her.

He shrugs and closes the door behind us.

"Angelaria," I say, "level with us." When she doesn't stop, I grab her by the hand. "What was it that I saw?"

She stops, her eyes scanning the trees and the surrounding mountains. "I'm not one to jump to conclusions. Let's take a look at the lake first" she says quietly. "I want to see what's there before I say anything."

"All right," I reply.

Talen nods, but I can see for the first time that he's a little scared too. His fear's easy to detect. It jumps out at you in those lovely emotion-filled eyes of his. I start heading off into the snow, making a jump, here and there to avoid ditches and scale fences. The entire time, the wind blows icy, bitter, and frosty.

I step onto the ice; it seems thin and entirely unstable. My companions bravely follow in my wake. Every so often, I hear it groan under my light weight. I imagine an entire sheet breaking loose and plunging me into a wet grave. It's unsettling, but I proceed forward, measuring my footsteps carefully. I hope my hundred and fifty pounds won't go crashing through, but if it does I want my fate to serve as a warning to the others so that they know to go no farther.

"It was right here," I say after about five minutes. I point at the ice. "This is where I saw it standing last night."

Talen lowers himself to the ice, brushing the snow away with his hand. Suddenly, he falls back and lands on his palms, swearing. The ice around his fingers starts to crack, and he struggles to his feet. Angelaria gasps and turns her head, mahogany hair trailing in the frigid wind.

I look at the ice and see eyes staring back at me. Dozens of human eyes...bodies...their pasty white faces watching us with mouths open. "Gods!" I exclaim.

I reach over and grab Talen by the hand and scoop him up, cognizant that the cracks are spreading under our boots. Angelaria can't move. She's standing there transfixed and shaking, looking at the ice and paralyzed by terror.

"Come on!" I shout at her. "We can't help them."

That snaps her out of it, and together we run off of the lake and into the woods on the western end of the village.

I shall post Chapter Seven next week. Please check out my picture of Talen on my website.

Next: Chapter 7

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