Black Dragon Rising

By Michael Offutt

Published on Jul 10, 2013


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"Black Dragon Rising" is a dark fantasy medieval romance.

My picture of Talen is now done and posted on my art page above! Please let me know by email if you think he's hot. It will validate me :) Also let me know the answer to this: Kian or Talen (if you could only have one).

Chapter Five

Using a rag, Talen wipes the dust from a sepia-colored whisky bottle. Then he pulls the stopper free and pours me a drink. I empty my glass of the amber liquid, and for the first time in my life I relish the burn before swallowing. The heat trails its way down my throat to stoke the fuel that makes my heart beat. Maybe all that blood will eventually wend its way into my frozen limbs, but I doubt it. Not without another shot. I top my glass off and then fill his, managing to slosh some over the sides despite my intention to not waste a drop. I stare at the puddle on the varnished surface with a bit of melancholy and contemplate licking it up.

"Sorry," I try to say, but Talen cuts me off mid-sentence with a kiss that manages to warm me better than a bonfire. Toes curling in my metal boots, my eyes flutter. The feel of his tongue sliding over mine is wet, slippery, warm, and lovely. The intoxicating smell of his perfect skin wafts at my nostrils. It's the smell of sweaty but clean young boy. It's not anything an alchemist could ever duplicate, and it's worth more than gold. The kind of dew that trickles down Talen's nose to the corner of his mouth is forged only by beauty. It's distilled from handsome and milked from sexy. That's the only way you can get it, and I'm one of the privileged that gets to taste it every day.

A minute hangs in the silence broken only by the soft sucking noise our mouths make. He gently rubs my ears with cold-tipped fingers but I don't mind one bit. "Don't be sorry," he whispers; then kisses me again. It's a tap on the mouth to say "I love you so much" even though such sentiments can never describe the true emotion. "Have another drink. We're not going any farther today."

"Amen to that," I respond, voice drained of any strength because all my blood has raced to my erection.

Talen parks his chair next to mine and leans back on it in the way that all of our mothers tell us not to. I utter a silent prayer to Tethyr and proceed to down another. Maybe I want to forget the horror in the barn outside. Flies die in winter...they don't proliferate. That's how nature works, but whatever's happened here defies natural law. If we have to stay here tonight, I don't want to remember what's going on outside.

Whiskey does the trick.

Across from me, Angelaria throws another log into the fire. I notice a book near her knees. At first I don't recognize it, but after a moment, I realize it's the one that Talen took from the Museum of Karlyoun a long time ago. It's the one that has all those secrets that the cult of Chagidiel put on pages and then bound in human skin. She sees me staring at it and puts her hand on the cover.

"I'm just reading it," she says. "There's some awful things inside, but we're used to awful, aren't we?"

I shrug as nonchalantly as I can. "I don't care what you read," I say. I've to admit though, I'm afraid of that book. Maybe if I knew how to read, I wouldn't be. But the fact is that I don't, and books like that scare me because I can only view them from my envelope of ignorance.

I look around for the first time since my episode outside. A line of snow near the door melts into puddles showing that the fire's doing its job spreading the heat about the room. We're in a small tavern, and I imagine it once bustled with patrons. The doors bolted...did Talen do that? Probably smart even though the whole town is empty.

"Has anyone checked the rooms?"

"I did," Angelaria says. "There's five of them, each with beds. All are made 'cept one. No one's here. They even left gold in the coin box."

Why would they leave behind their wealth?

"I've got some ale here," Talen says. "It's vintage stuff...dwarven, I think."

"You two aren't going to get drunk, are you?" Angelaria asks. Talen doesn't answer. Instead, he takes off his boots, and I swear he does it as seductively as he can. It requires a few straps that he flicks with nimble fingers, then slides one hand down his ankle to pop it off and pull his foot free a moment later. He kicks them off one at a time and flexes his thin bony toes. They look a little sweaty, but there's no smell, and the sheen on that fine creamy skin catches the light perfectly. Talen never smells bad. That's just a fact. I wonder how long it'll be before he makes me fuck him. I know that's what he wants. I imagine licking between his toes while I pound away at his ass, his hands clawing at the sheets. It's like heaven, only better because I know it's really going to happen.

"No," I say to her, managing to pull my eyes from Talen's gorgeous athletic body. "Not sloppy drunk, at least." I don't say it to her because I'm concerned about whether or not she likes drunks. I say it to her because I can't get drunk and expect to keep a raging hard on.

And Talen's crying out for attention right now. I have to think of him.

Outside, the wind picks up. Snowflakes fly against the panes of glass. It's so white outside, and it makes me colder watching it from inside the room even though I'm next to the crackling fire. It's like winter's taken the form of a man and is breathing down my hairless neck with every gust. It blows under the crack of the main door, spreading ice on this side of the panels.

"Tethyr's teeth," I whisper, holding my shot glass gingerly between my thumb and forefinger. Talen reaches over and rubs my leg. I can feel the pressure of his fingers through the armor. It's not long before he's tapping on my codpiece and resting his head on my shoulder.

"It's odd for storms of this size to come down the mountains so soon," Angelaria remarks.

I don't know how to respond to that. I'm not an expert on weather; never claimed to be. I just know that clouds in the sky mean rain and that you don't want to be on a lake during a storm. It's all common sense really.

The fire's the only source of light now, and it's a gentle, soft thing touching all our features with a saffron glow. Angelaria cradles her head on her folded arms and watches the flames play on the logs. "I rarely miss the snow," she begins, "but when I do, it's because it's beautiful and fun to play in. But something about this snow feels different. I don't think I'll ever miss it."

"I can't say that I've ever really played in the snow," I say.

"You haven't?" The light behind her eyes retreats for a moment, as if she's reflecting on memories while only partially paying attention to me. "You've never made snow angels...or built a fort out of snowballs?"

I raise my glass to my lips only to have Talen stop me with his hand. "That's enough, I think," he whispers into my ear. "I can't have you passing out on me as your night's only started."

I raise my eyebrow and set the glass down. The look I hand him is one I practice means "Oh really?" without saying so many words.

"You're going to start by licking me from head to foot," Talen says, with a lascivious grin. "And then you're going to fuck me with that huge cock of yours until I tell you to stop."

I swallow and glance back at Angelaria. "No...I never really had the opportunity," I answer. She just rolls her eyes though. She may not hear what Talen's whispering to me, but she can guess it.

"We'll have to do it sometime," she replies.

Talen lifts his bottle to his lips and settled into his chair, eyes comfortable and dreamy.

"Oh you can drink more," I say, "but it's terrible if I do it." Of course, I'm joking and Talen signals he knows that with a sly little wink.

He grins. "Yep." Then he sets the bottle down. "Now carry me to bed. I want to get out of this armor."

The two shot glasses of whiskey I've swallowed combined with our hike have depleted my energy reserves. Add to that the lateness of the hour, and I'm forced to admit and ugly truth: I'm drowsy, warm, and my muscles ache. Sleep in a way, sounds so good.

I AM going to carry Talen to bed just like he asked though. But first I let my mind wander. I sit there for a moment, listening to the occasional pop that wood makes as it's consumed by flames, and I stare at the flickering yellow light that reflects off the seasoned walls.

Before I succumb, I stride over to Talen and lift him into my arms. He giggles a bit and puts his hand around my neck. I carry him to a room down the hall. It's a little ways down so that any noise we make won't disturb Angelaria should she choose not to bed down in the same room with us. It's kind of romantic to carry him across the threshold into our bedroom.

It's quite a bit cooler here, but not uncomfortable. I set my lover on a well-made bed that's a bit larger than I expected. The straw underneath the sheet is packed firm and gives only a little bit. There's three pillows. I set his head gently on one, and he wastes no time pulling me cloak and all onto the bed.

"I love you," he says.

I struggle to loosen my breastplate but only just manage to get it off before Talen has my codpiece free. My dick plops out onto his palm, drenching his skin with sweat. I reposition my legs to either side of him as he slides it between his lips.

Then he gives me the blowjob of my life. I say that because each successive one he's given me the entire time we've been dating has been better than the last. It's like he's being coached by some god of sex behind my back.

His tongue explores all the right places. Wet skin, moist tongue, a lap here and there just like a dog in heat...and a hard suck while jacking me with the soft smooth skin of his lips. It's almost too much. Almost.

God it feels so good.

I rest my back against the headboard trying to get my head comfortable when I hear him taking his gauntlets off. He tosses them onto a wooden chair and then rummages around in his belt pouch for the Jade Nuru we use. While still sucking on me and licking the mushroom head, he undoes the top of the jar and deftly moistens his fingers with the slippery lube. I clench my fists on my cloak with every brush of his tongue and stare at my boots, at the armor on my legs, and wish he'd give me a second to get properly naked.

Talen stares at me with those blue gray eyes of his, lolling his tongue up and down my shaft. The glaze of my cock wets his face along one side as he does it, tasting me like my skin's coated in sugar.

"Nnnggg fuck," I whisper. "Tethyr's teeth! Don't stop buddy, please."

I jerk my head back and stare at the ceiling, sensation compounding on sensation as he swabs my balls and the small of my taint that he can get at that's not covered in armor.

"You taste like pretty," he says.

I don't even know what "pretty" is supposed to taste like, but it's in the way that he says it that carries all the weight.

Carefully, I feel the pressure of his fingers on my sphincter. They're lubed up and trimmed. I know Talen well. I try to relax so that he can get past my involuntary muscle and into my guts. With consistent force, he pops his finger inside me...through the anal access point on my killsuit. I let out a breath and sweat pools in the crevasse between my abs. I gaze down and he's working my prick with his free hand while sucking on the glans, occasionally combing his fingers through my thick mat of white blond pubic hair. It's the only body hair I have.

When I feel his finger tease my prostate, it nearly sends me into the stars. I buckle, hip bones flaring and veins standing out below my navel all the way through to my armored legs.

"FFFuck!" I yell, curling my toes hard and ripping at the cloak and sheets underneath with spasms from my fingers. I arch my back and Talen manages to deep throat me. Gods...I don't know how he does it, but my entire dick slides beyond his lips and the tip of it makes a bulge near the bottom of his throat. I see it going in and out, stretching the skin of his esophagus. Yet somehow he controls his breathing.

He hastens his stroking, thrusting two fingers inside me now. My swollen balls feel like they want to explode, and I'm panting uncontrollably. I couldn't be quiet if I wanted to.

I release my cloak, my sheets, and I pound the headboard with my hand. "Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop..." I say over and over.

In the doorway, Angelaria appears. I see her out of the corner of my eye as she walks in and unbuttons her shirt and slides out of her leather pants. I stare, lost in the state of my impending orgasm. When I cum, I clench my eyes closed, and Talen catches the first squirt in his mouth. He moves quickly, just to see how powerful my spurt ends up being. Five pumps later, the headboard and my face and chest is covered in rivulets of hot semen. I even splatter some on the frozen window above the bed.

"Holy shit!" Talen exclaims, laughing and pulling his fingers out.

I'm still shivering in the throes of my orgasm so he pulls me into his chest, and kisses me, licking up my spilled seed with his lips.

"Thank you," I manage to stammer. "Tethyr's teeth...thank you," I say.

I look down at my dick, and it predictably is starting to soften. That's when Angelaria crawls onto the bed. "Oh you're not done," she says.

I blink and say, "I respectfully disagree." Talen smiles and kisses me behind the ear.

"It's okay. He can get me off tomorrow," my boyfriend declares.

"No," Angelaria says. The smooth sheen of light off her perfectly formed breasts is tantalizingly beautiful. She has tan colored nipples, and it's incredibly alluring. She leans in to where Talen's fingers are wrapped around my dick, lovingly drenched in sweat and semen and murmurs a few magic words.

Despite the fact that I feel spent, my cock grows into an erection so hard, I feel like it's made of steel. It almost hurts.

Talen stares at it in wonder. "Let's get him undressed," he states.

"Don't I get a say in this?" I ask, feeling exhausted.

They look at each other and say, "No."

Talen takes off my boots while Angelaria removes my greaves. I feel Talen's tongue sliding between my sweaty toes as my shoes come off.

"I wanted to do that to you," I say to him.

"You can...later," Talen declares. "I love it when you lick my feet."

They position me in the middle of the bed and just for play, Angelaria ties my hands to the headboard but leaves my feet free. Talen meanwhile licks his way back up to my raging hard on and then lubes it up while applying liberal amounts to his own hole. Angelaria gently crawls to where she's just over my face, and I'm staring at her virgin pussy. I place my lips over the small bit of hair, caress the sweet flesh with my tongue and probe her small vagina as delicately as I can. She starts to moan and finger her own tits while I lap at her labia and explore her clit with long, full licks.

Above me, Talen and Angelaria are kissing. That's when he lowers himself onto my cock. With him in control, it takes him a while to get any significant penetration going. Those two continue to kiss while I liberally lick at her cunt and see the partial hymen she has. I'm very gentle, and do not force my tongue anywhere near it, making sure to tease and lick the skin so as to deliver the greatest pleasure.

When Talen gets going, sliding up and down on my dick, it's an incredible sight. His six pack of abs flares with every effort. He's finer-boned than I and less muscular, and my incredibly hard dick is visible through his skin as he goes up and down. It makes a raised furrow with each stroke right behind his abs and belly button.

"Tethyr's teeth," I gasp looking at it.

Angelaria giggles and runs her hands over Talen's torso. "That's his cock inside you," she says to Talen.

But my boyfriend's eyes are glazed over in pleasure, his anus stretched to the max to accommodate me, and every muscle flaring in his legs and his arms to keep himself upright and impaled on my gorgeous veined meat.

Talen strokes his own dick, but Angelaria soon takes over, wetting her fingers with my mouth. When he cums, it's like a geyser of white pearls all over my skin. They glitter in the semi- dark like jewels. And some of his squirts are so hard that they splash Angelaria's taut stomach.

"Fuck me," Talen says. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."

I thrust up with my hips every time he comes down. I swear, it looks like the tip of my dick is hitting right beneath his belly button. However, it could be a trick of the light. But the skin bulges over and over with each powerful piston.

"Talen, I'm cumming again!"

He nods and says, "I want it inside me."

I drench him just like he wants me to. Angelaria kisses his lips while my creamy love pours into him, and because she's taking care of him, I lick her pussy until she gasps and glazes over my face and chin. It tastes funny but I laugh when it happens.

They untie me after that and Talen collapses in my arms with Angelaria behind me. I know she's not quite ready for me to break her hymen, but I've hope that she'll let me take it soon. Moist and sticky, Talen smothers me with love and we pile underneath the covers to warm them with our three naked bodies. Talen is so protective of me. Even though I know his jealousy of Angelaria has faded, he keeps me turned into him and throughout the night, I only feel his lips on my neck, his fingers on my cock and balls, and his sweaty feet sliding over my own. But I do feel Angelaria's tits pressed into my back and the soft flutter of her breath against my hair, smooth and even, as she rests.

I awaken late in the night.

Angelaria has moved to one side of the bed, but Talen's got his head nestled in the cradle of my muscular chest. I've to piss, so I untwine myself from him and slide out of bed. There are some cum stains on the sheet, underneath Talen's bum, and I smile at my handiwork. I don't even want to talk about how my cloak looks. From all the white stains, I'm sure anyone that sees it will suspect an orgy happened on top of it. Hardly the impression a Black Dragon Assassin should make. People need to fear me and not think: wow he's an incredible fuck. Sigh.

Talen opens one eye and tries to pull me back to bed, but I tell him "In a second. I need to piss," and he smiles letting my fingers go.

I pad out of the bedroom to look for a chamber pot. When I do, I empty myself and then take a walk into the tavern. My body gleams in what little light emanates from the remains of our fire. It's subsided into a dull but warm glow; the embers are alive with heat. It courses within the charcoal like a little ghost in a nest of gray ash. I toss a few logs on top and hope they'll catch fire.

I'm not sure why, but I stroll over to the window. It's all covered in ice and there's mist from my breath that complicates my seeing anything. Outside, it's still gently snowing. I see the flakes playing against the glass, drifting in a gust to brush up against the panes. The wind creaks over the roof, gently, softly.

I lean back into the chair I first took when I got here and stretch. My toes look so long and thin and my dick is quite pink from the abuse it took last night. I stand up, stepping over Talen's boots on my way to the bar to find something to wash the cotton from my mouth. I pour myself a glass of water from a jar and once more walk over to the window to reflect upon the hazy landscape and the brown little buildings of this deserted town.

Far out, past the skeletal remains of trees whose limbs sway precariously in the wind, there's a lake covered in snow. But the wind has exposed patches of black in a blanket of white. It's enough for me to see there's a body of water under all that darkness. The moonlight makes the ice pack glimmer like it's covered in scattered jewels.

A sudden movement along the shore draws my eye. I squint and to my horror, I realize the thing must be huge. Carefully, I set down my glass and wipe the panes with my hand. Whatever it is, it's humanoid yet black as ink. And it has a body draped in long fur. It towers over the ice and by my estimate, is about twice the size of a man. Tentacles protrude from its largesse. They're dark oily things that catch the reflected light of the moon just so, lending it a ghastly and misshapen appearance. It smashes away at the ice, and I see chunks spraying up around it. They catch in the wind and glint like debris thrown about by a tornado. Then the wind comes up again and the snow blinds me from seeing anything more. It literally disappears in the haze.

I step away from the window, reaching for my glass of water. I stumbled over Talen's discarded boots. I swallow hard, set my glass down, and run into one of the bedrooms down the hall to yank off a blanket or two. I hang these in the windows and stuff them under the main door. I don't want to chance that the monster outside might catch a glimpse of firelight coming from inside the tavern and delay whatever it is that's called it to the lake for evil business at this hour of the night.

After a few minutes, Talen pads naked out of the bedroom and finds me near the fireplace. He sits down behind me, puts his arms around my chest and wraps my body with his legs. I feel his manhood at my back, but it isn't hard. He just wants to cuddle. He delicately runs his fingers through my hair.

"Thank you," I say.

"For what? You're shivering," he says. "What's spooked you?"

"I'm not sure," I say.

He looks concerned, but doesn't ask any more questions. He just holds me like a lover should until we fall asleep in each other's arms to the sound of drifting snow. The last thing I remember are his kisses on my hair.

I shall post Chapter SIX next week. If you haven't taken an opportunity to go look at my drawing of Talen, please do so.

I don't suppose any of you who have read "The Nightshade's Apprentice" could leave me a review on Amazon? Pretty please with sugar on top :))

Next: Chapter 6

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