Black Dragon Rising

By Michael Offutt

Published on Feb 12, 2014


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Chapter Thirty-Three

"Delightful," Talen says, "I've always wanted to know what 'merguez' tastes like."

"Really?" I ask him.

He winks at me. "I just learned about it a few seconds ago. Is your sarcasm sensor malfunctioning?"

I scowl but don't say anything. If Talisac IS watching us, I don't want to give him a heads up that I'm onto him. Meanwhile, Talen interlaces his fingers with mine and we enter the tavern.

For afternoon, traffic's pretty sparse. However this means finding a table won't be a problem. The air's cool, and there's sunlight filtering in through narrow windows on the walls. If I never see a crowded tavern room again I won't care. I hate the claustrophobic closeness of all those smelly bodies intermingling with smoke from the fire--that and the smell of pigs rooting around under the tables.

We take our seats at a long one near a barrel of ale. An attractive barmaid walks up to us with some pewter plates and cups and a jug of cool water. She regards me carefully as if she's never seen anyone that quite looks like I do in a place like this before. She then fills our cups with water and smiles. "I'm Alia," she says. "What would you like?"

"What's good?" Talen asks.

"Foreigners generally prefer the stew," she says.

"I'll take that," I say before anyone else. Tethyr's teeth I'm so hungry. It turns out that I'm a trendsetter because my friends all agree to the same thing; she leaves to place our orders.

That's when someone touches my elbow. "Stranger," a voice says from a nearby table.

I turn my head and look. Before me is a man in his mid-thirties. Black skin, a neatly trimmed goatee and mustache, and small brown eyes engulfed by thick eyebrows greet me.

"Yes?" I ask.

"You seek information about a magical artifact? A holy relic? I have what you want."

I glance sideways at Talen who's pretending not to listen. "You've my attention," I say. "What information do you have?"

The man puts one finger and the thumb to chin as if deep in thought. An instant later he opens his palm giving the universal sign for money. I start rummaging through my pockets. "Does anyone have any silver?"

The man makes a "tsk tsk" sound with his mouth. "Gold," he says. "I must feed my wives after all."

Multiple wives? Getting to screw as many women as you want and they somehow don't get jealous or angry is quite the con. This guy's a genius.

"Gold, eh?" Talen chimes in. "How is it that you know what we're looking for?"

"This'll seem odd, but I had a dream about it only last night as I lay out underneath the heavens. I dreamt of this young boy right here," he says, pointing at my chest. "I saw that he comes to Kaibar to seek the gateway to the West and to the desert beyond. And this is true is it not? Like so many others before you, the entrance to the pyramid of Djoser who ruled as Pharoah over these kingdoms millennia ago is right at your fingertips. His tomb is guarded by the Royal Order of the Crimson Claw, Xirasians from across the ocean. I can tell you how to get past them. Without my advice, though, you're doomed to fail."

"Xirasians? What are Xirasians?" I ask.

"Cat people," Angelaria answers. "They liberated themselves from the Kasharin in the Seventh Age. They're magic resistant and make good warriors because they possess the power and dexterity of the great cats."

"The lady's well-traveled," the man says.

"Let's just say, I know my way around the world," she declares.

A moment later the serving girl returns with four ceramic bowls filled with steaming soup. She sets them before us, refills our cups, and then leaves to attend to other patrons that have just arrived.

I move my spoon about in the stew; chunks of meat, potatoes, rice, and what I think are tomatoes and peppers float around. It smells delicious.

Talen opens his fingers and deposits two gold coins in my palm. I hand them to the stranger, dropping them one at a time into his greedy hand so that he knows how much he's being paid. "That's all we can spare right now," I say. "Now tell us what you know."

"I'll arrange a meeting with the owner of the fish market here in Kaibar. Her name's Jamila, and she'll see you tonight at midnight. Only he should go," the man says, pointing a finger at my chest. "From there she'll get you inside the palace to meet the vizier who'll give you a writ that you can use to gain entrance to the temple at the pyramid of Djoser. I hope that this is not all the gold you have, my friend, for the vizier will require more of it for the writ I fear."

I check the blank faces of my friends.

"Just get me into the audience with the Vizier," I say.

The man pockets the coins and leaves us to our own.

"I don't trust him," Talen says long after he's gone.

"I don't know that I do either to tell you the truth," I say. The others agree with me but the man seems to know a little too much about me to dismiss as coincidence. I begin to suspect he may work for Talisac. That could explain everything. However, if this is the real deal, and the vizier can give me a writ that'll get me into the pyramid, it's a chance I have to take.

A little after noon, the temperatures soar. With nothing to do, my mind turns to sex, but Talen doesn't seem particularly horny. It's hard to tell with him sometimes, though.

I've noticed that Talen and Correldon have gotten closer. As I'm sitting in the main room cooling off and drinking lots of water, he and the elf whisper back and forth for the better part of an hour. My boyfriend looks quite animated. Sometimes they stare at me, but I'm not sure why.

One time, just to get Cory's goat, I wink at him and grip my crotch. This makes him scowl but nothing more. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I'm pretty sure he likes to see me naked.

So that I'll have enough for the arranged meeting, we agree to rent one room until tomorrow and then pool all our remaining money. At about four o'clock, Correldon retires to the room to meditate. Angelaria goes to have her clothes cleaned by Walid, the owner of the Inn. So that's when Talen and I go up to the room too with the intent to lie down with the blinds drawn. I want more of course, but he keeps yawning and stretching like all he wants to do is cuddle. Cory's meditating in one corner, legs crossed and eyes closed.

"Is that how elves rest?" Talen asks me, quietly unbuttoning my shirt to reveal my muscular chest. In just one sentence, he's managed to turn the early evening from boring into exciting.

I don't let him reconsider and start to unbuckle his armored breastplate and set it on the floor; Talen pushes me down onto the bed and begins to sniff hungrily at my crotch. That's when one of Cory's eyes opens. Fuck yeah, it's time to give him a show.

At first, he's silent and just watches. Honestly, it's a bit creepier than I imagined simply because of the look on his face. Don't get me wrong because Cory is gorgeous. But right now, he looks pissed off, and I'm not sure if I should push things with him. He's pretty good with a bow afterall.

Talen notices Cory's strange behavior too, but the smell of my ripe dick drives him wild (as intended). Before long, he unties my trousers to slip them down so that my semi-rigid cock pops out and slaps (like the thick wet piece of meat it is) against my stomach. Sweaty and gleaming, Talen takes it in his trembling fingers and begins to jack me; I just lay flat on the bed, head turned so I can see Cory who's now watching intently. As my fingers tighten on the bed cover, he gets up and walks over to us.

"Want a sniff?" I ask him.

"You speak to me as if I'm a mere dog in the House of Leaves. In my language we've a word for men who reside in the House of Leaves; whose only purpose is to grant pleasure. It's 'chien' and YOU, not I, are one of them. You're an arrogant, foolish boy. But it's time you realized you're no more than a dog that sniffs at the asshole of his betters."

"What?" I ask. Seriously, I'm confused.

He grips me by the hair, which causes Talen to backpedal off the bed. With a tug, he pulls me to my feet; my trousers fall about my ankles. "The House of Leaves is the most hallowed place among the Elves of the Symardiearre; you have to be royalty just to live there. Men must prove themselves worthy of knighthood by our queen to win the distinction of even crossing its threshold. Though we are called 'chien' when we fulfill our duty, the disrespect never leaves the bedchamber. You should be honored that I'd choose to lavish even this derogatory term on the likes of a human cur like yourself. Elves have very high physical standards, but I've to say my queen would allow you to lick her pussy. And what's good enough for her is good enough for me."

"I'm no one's dog-" I start to say, but he totally cuts me off.

"You're wrong! In this bedchamber Talen's your queen and so am I. Let me explain this to you in simple terms. We want pleasure and you provide it. That's it. Because this isn't exactly the House of Leaves, I'll stick with 'dog' as it translates better in your language. A dog's only purpose is to love the master. Your body is a gift of the gods meant for the use of those better than you. If I want it to fuck me, it WILL fuck me. But make no mistake, I'd be honoring you by merely allowing you to lick my taint after I've taken a shit on your face."

I ball my fist, but Cory grips me by the wrist. He's not stronger than me, but there's a kind of dominance in his eyes. "Just watch and tell me if I'm wrong. If you refuse to get hard, then I'll take back everything I've said. But if you get erect, then you're the dog I say you are all night long."

"Agreed," I say, resolving myself to as flaccid a state as I can manage.

Next to me, Talen takes a seat and stares in bewilderment.

Correldon steps back and slowly slips out of his shirt. His pale smooth flesh flows over a chest that possesses a boyish quality to it that I've seen only on the most athletic swimmers. He's not muscular like me, but he does have fine definition only possibly through years of weight training. He's also got nipples that are only a shade of rose darker than the surrounding skin. There are no veins in all that whiteness, and his belly button is a shallow disk moving in and out with his gentle breath. When he drops his trousers and steps out of them, he reveals a long pair of smooth unblemished legs so thin that there's a gap between his thighs just below the groin. His cock is small and cute, white all the way to the tip, and surrounded by a thick mossy bank of pure silver hair. But it's his butt that draws my eye. Perfect and as round as a bubble, the rock-hard muscles don't touch when he flexes. Nestled between those gorgeous globes is the shallowest of dimples, slightly pinker than everything else; it's so beautiful as to look sculpted from alabaster. He bends slightly over, continuing to glance at me, the muscles splayed on his back to form a crevasse at his spine, ribs flare under his skin. He parts his legs slightly allowing the breeze from the window to lift the slightest of scents from the flesh that awaits me.

Between my own legs, my dick gets as hard as iron, twelve-inches long and straight out. This happens because the sheer weight of it won't allow it to bend upward. Fuck, I guess I am a dog.

"Do you want to fuck my rosebud?" Cory asks.

I nod, mouth slightly open.

Correldon whirls and puts one of his high-arched Elven feet on my chest and pushes me back onto the bed. His toes are like mine, long, narrow, and bony but the athleticism is undeniable. All sprinters have feet like these.

"Then admit you're a dog."

I swallow hard, sweat dripping down my face.

"Talen," Cory says, "fetch the rubber hood from my backpack on the floor." Talen hops up and starts rummaging through Correldon's pack. "You," he says, with his foot still on my chest. "I'm going to muzzle you like a hound. Dogs drink and speak when their masters allow them to do so. There's no difference here. You'll wear gloves because your animal hands are not worthy to touch the flesh of your masters. You'll wear boots to catch your sweat, so we can lick it from your feet IF we so desire. But that'll be our call, not yours. Your body belongs to us."

"Is this the mask you wanted?" Talen says, handing Cory a shiny black rubber hood with eye slits cut into it. I note that it has a zipper over the mouth.

"Yes," Cory says. He grabs the mask and roughly forces it down over my head. It's paper thin and cool. In the mirror, I see that it hugs my skin and completely covers my hair. Only my eyes are visible with two holes for my nostrils. The mask tightens about my chin, jawline, and throat and stops to just above the collarbone. Even my ears are tightly covered.

Following Cory's instructions, Talen forces gloves over my fingers and kicks my trousers across the room. Then I step into my boots with my glistening feet and feel them suction down upon my skin so tight they display the outline of my delicate toes.

Talen watches Cory, and the elf nods. "Kneel between this dog's legs," he says to Talen. "He's been a good pet, and it's time for his reward."

Talen does as he's told, taking a position between my feet. Then he slowly inserts the end of my dick into his mouth. It barely fits, and he manages to push it all the way to the back of his throat. Still a great deal of it is left showing, and Talen's saliva slides down the crevasses carved by my veins. After a minute, Talen pops my pink glans out of his mouth. The pale skin of my now engorged cock is even whiter than his face. I look down and see all my sweat pooling in the hollows formed by my abs and chest muscles. Fuck it's hot in here, and my wet butt cheeks are clinging to the coverlet.

"Now it's my turn," Cory says, and Talen moves aside.

The gorgeous silver-haired elf lowers himself to one knee and delicately takes my huge penis in his right hand. Just the pressure of his thumb on the underside squeezes out the first pre-cum mixed with royal jelly. The white stuff froths from my stretched urethra and rolls down the shaft.

The elf gently moves my foreskin back and begins to work on me with his tongue and lips, cleaning out the tasty smegma he finds. "It's like I'm trying to push someone's elbow into my mouth," he complains with a smile. I can't say anything because of the mask holding my mouth tightly shut. But it makes Talen giggle.

Cory opens his mouth as wide as he can, making sure to cover his lips, and then takes me inside. The feel of his slippery tongue on my flesh is unreal. I grip him by the silver hair and force him a little further, putting about six of my inches into his mouth, but I have to stop when he gags.

"It's okay," Talen remarks to Correldon. "No one can take ALL of him."

Cory goes up and down on my dick, lavishing it with his spit. The mucous from his mouth mixes with my white royal jelly and makes a kind of syrup that dribbles toward my white blond pubes; Talen's waiting there to lap it up, swabbing my huge balls with a moist slippery tongue. That's how these two boys take care of me. That's how they clean my dick for me, so that I don't have to wash.

Fuck I'm in heaven.

Then all of a sudden, Cory stops. He motions for Talen to lie back on the bed and orders me to stand. "You'll fuck him until he cums. You'll also suck me off while doing so. There'll be no complaints, and you'll service us both like the dog you are until I say differently. Is that understood?"

I nod.

Talen puts his feet on my shoulders and I press my dick at his tiny hole like I've done time and time again. My gorgeous boyfriend gleams in the glow of sunlight peeking through the curtains; every muscle along his veined, shimmering torso and chest stands out by definition through highlights and shadows. His eyes follow a trail between my pecs and abs to the treasure path above my groin where he watches my uncircumcised foreskin pop inside him so that we're skin on skin.

I nuzzle at his long thin fingers, longing to lick them but I can't. Who's idea was it to use this hood?

I support myself over the mattress with my strong arms and rest my weight on the back of Talen's hamstrings. Missionary-style is the way I prefer to fuck because I like eye-contact with my lover. I stab Talen's flesh with mine; his body resists but his mind doesn't. "I want all of you inside me," he whispers, eyes narrow slits. "I command you to fuck me hard."

I pin him, even as Cory takes a place on the bed and spreads his own butt cheeks. He unzips my mouth and says, "And I command you to lick my asshole while you fuck him."

I do as I'm told and press down on my helpless boyfriend who's so wet we kind of stick together. I also begin to swab Correldon's rosebud with my tongue. He tastes like clean sweat with just a hint of salt.

Beneath my power and weight, Talen squeezes his eyes shut against the pain as I force my huge dick deeper into his guts. It splits him open but I don't care. I know taking me hurts like a mother fucker; Talen turns his head, clenches his fists, and stifles the pain until it turns into nothing but pleasure (which takes half a minute or so). That's how I start the first of a thousand thrusts; my exceptionally muscled and hairless back rolls in a sweaty sheen that gleams in the mirror.

Fuck I look good.

Talen runs his hands over my warm and inviting chest. My pecs are as iron; my ribs flare white under toned skin and the muscles of the serratus anterior bulge every time he touches them.

The royal jelly and precum turn Talen's hole sloppy wet with white grease; it drips on the covers and soaks them through to the quick. I plunge this monster between my legs into the oily warmth of my boyfriend's intestines. It's without remorse, and I do it in huge even strokes. My sharply-defined glutes flex with each push so much that they sting from the inside. It's been a long time since I felt a burn like this during exercise, but I can't pause.

He hasn't given me permission to rest.

FUCK! The hurts!

Only half an hour into this, I beg for a time-out with a meek whisper.

"Don't you dare stop, Kian," Talen says with sweaty eyes. "Fuck me until I shoot or I'll punch you in the face. Harder!" he screams.

I nod and keep my body rigid. I set a rhythm to breed my lover without hurting him TOO much. This is anal sex at its best, and I'm here to serve my masters. It's more arduous than I thought it would be, complicated by Cory forcing my face into his butt crack to lick his sphincter. To make matters worse, when I do it wrong, he rakes those long elvish fingernails across my sweaty back while Talen shrieks to the rhythm of my hammering.

A false end to my torture arrives with Talen's long climax. It pelts him in the face, splashes my chin, and wets the back of Cory's thighs. I withdraw only after Talen says I can, dripping so much semen you could fill a cup with it, but still hard and ready to go. This is my curse as an Atlantean: I can cum until blood starts shooting from my dickhead. I can literally be fucked to death. Each time I orgasm, some of my life force drains from my body leaving me feeling empty and exhausted. I can gain it back with rest, but my masters won't let me stop.

I guess it's "Kian be damned" day. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Cory takes water from a pitcher and slakes his thirst; Talen does so too, but they offer none to me. When I ask, Cory zips up my hood to close off my mouth. "Shut your fucking pie hole, cur. A dog drinks when I tell it to drink. Now service me with your horse cock." Despite his tone, he squeezes my balls gently in his fist and stares into my eyes. "Don't make me hurt you." It's the part where he's gentle to me that makes me realize this is just a game.

Okay, fine. I'll play.

To be honest, Correldon's elfish body catches the light perfectly. The muscles of his butt lie slightly apart so that I can see the moist pinkness of his boy pussy dripping wet with sweat and my saliva. It's ripe for the plucking, and I'm the harvester.

"Fuck me, dog," Cory orders, turning to face the window. He's now on all fours on the now DISGUSTING mattress. After we're done with this thing, they're going to have to burn it. He's breathing heavy and Talen's licking the elf's fingers like a kitten laps at cream in a saucer. The image is not lost on me.

I run my glove down Cory's leg like a man would a fine horse and pinch the skin over the individual striations I find. There's no body hair aside from that atop his head, in his pits, and around his small cock. He's magnificent, but it also leaves me with the impression that I'm about to rape a pre-pubescent boy.

Correldon's face is filled with hunger. He stares at my boots and I know he's visualizing himself on his knees, worshiping my splayed toes with his tongue. I've seen his kind many times before: men who enjoy the athletic sweaty feet of other young men. I make sure he sees the stains on the surface just to add to his erection. Still drooling liquid from my mushroom head, I inspect Cory's tight rosebud; it looks unused, perfect even.

Is he a virgin?

Cory unzips my mouth and says, "Fuck me, or I'll beat you senseless."

I waste no time and start licking him in the sweet spot and probing it with my gloved fingers. Cory squirms in discomfort.

I insert a finger and tease Correldon's prostate, glove and all. I got to get him loosened up or we'll need a healer afterward.

Talen rises up to French kiss me on the mouth; I press my huge dick to Cory's dripping sphincter, whether he's ready or not. Talen pauses to spit on it several times, and that's when I force it into the elf; he screams in pain as his ass splits open for the first time.

Blood mixes with my semen and royal jelly. It turns the excrement from our sex a pale pink.

"It hurts," Cory whispers as I ravage his hole.

"Just bite the pillow or something," Talen says. "Don't be a girl."

That's funny. Damn straight it hurts, but that's not the best part. When I'm done, he'll be so loose I'll be able to park a bench in it. This gives me grim satisfaction.

"Fucking shut up!" I say, slapping the archer on the ass. I push the elf's head down into the pillow and thrust over and over into his bloody asshole. Sweat falls from my bruised balls like rain. Before long, I'm seven inches in and beating the fuck out of his prostate.

"Nnnngghhhuh!!!" Correldon yells out. "Please stop..."

But his begging falls on deaf ears. When you mess with the horn, you get the whole bull. That's the way it should be.

"Give it to the fucking cunt," Talen urges. "Ruin his asshole!"

I smile and fuck the helpless elf, tearing that tender boy meat, and ripping wide his gorgeous ass with my huge prick. Cory tries to squirm out of the way, tries to run, and the muscles of his virgin butt clench tight on my dick. But I grip him strongly by the wrist; I force my cock repeatedly inside, deeper and harder every single time. friend...sobs like a baby against the pain. He grits his teeth and tries to straighten his back, but I slam him back down, even kicking at his sweaty feet with my knees to force them further apart.

Sweat rolls from off my body; my boots and gloves are dark with it.

Before I finish, Cory begins to spurt white from his dick. It's thick and ropy and drenches both pillows. He hasn't touched it this entire time. And that's how it's done! That's how a real man pleasures his friend: by fucking the milk right out of his balls. I pace myself to provide the long steady stroke (and the pressure of meat) that's so crucial in providing ecstasy. In fact, Cory's so loud people in the street are probably turning their heads.

My last move is to plunge myself ten inches deep; that's where I like to be when I let loose with a torrent of cum. It takes a while for all that to leak out, and I'll enjoy seeing him walk around in trousers with a wet spot above his anus. I'm close enough to his taint now that my own balls make a slapping sound against his flesh. I love that sound; it means fun.

Panting, Correldon pulls free of me, and my dick falls and hits the sticky wet coverlet on the bed. Talen and he both take drinks. Once more I ask for some. Gods, I'm thirsty.

"You want a drink?" Cory asks.

I nod.

He whispers in Talen's ear. My boyfriend grins evilly. "Come and get it," Talen says, holding onto his erect penis.

I frown. "Please don't..."

"You'll do as your told, dog," Cory commands, forcing my face down on Talen's beautiful dick. It's still coated in his cum and smells heavenly.

Ah well, I love him. This'll be fine and at least it'll quench my parched throat.

Somewhat reluctantly, I take my boyfriend's dick into my mouth and suck on it making sure to cover my teeth properly. Talen puts his hands on my head and slowly pumps his small cock in and out of my mouth. I guess I AM a dog because I lap at his salty sweat like a hound laps at a dish of food.

After a minute, Talen's tummy trembles as he relaxes his bladder and the first spurt of piss flows into my mouth. It's like hot tea, and tastes like pure Talen. I swallow it quickly, and it slides down my throat, warming its way to my stomach.

At some point, it comes so rapid that I spill some of it down my chin.

"This is your dinner, Kian. Fucking swallow it. Show some appreciation."

I look up at Talen with worried blue eyes; even my blond lashes are spattered with their cum drops. How the fuck did that happen? I continue to suckle hungrily at Talen's urethra like a puppy does from a bitch's nipple. "I am," I protest. Unfortunately, Talen's dick pops free of my mouth. This time urine spatters my nostrils.

"Fucking suck it!" Talen grabs a hold of my head, clearly irate. He punches me across the face, but he's deliberately holding back so it doesn't hurt TOO much. He'll apologize for it later.

He shoves his cock inside the opening in my hood, Correldon moves behind me to keep me more or less immobile. The elf grips my rubber hood so that Talen can properly rape my soaked lips.

When it's done, my mouth's sore; my body drips with cum and piss and sweat; I must look desperate.

That's when Angelaria walks in and shuts the door.

This is totally not how I wanted to be seen.

"I've been watching this through a magical lens I left in the room," she says.

I look around and see a small marble sitting on the dresser. "I-I can explain..."

She shakes her head and begins to disrobe. "No need to explain, dog," she says with Talen and Cory looking on. It only takes them an instant to smile and for me to realize this is far from over. "Your work isn't done yet. Now you get to give me a child."

I glance through the window and see that the suns are almost about to set. I've been enslaved by my friends. I guess my duty to them is to make sure they're rewarded for daring to love a scoundrel like myself. Resolving to another two hours of work, I get myself ready by rubbing my slippery dick with one hand. I want her first time to be the finest memory of her life. If I accomplish that, I'll have achieved greatness. But even if I don't, I know I'll remember it always.

Chapter 34 next week!

Next: Chapter 34

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