Black Dragon Rising

By Michael Offutt

Published on Sep 19, 2013


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This chapter is for you Kale!

Chapter Fifteen

Talen walks toward me barefoot, his long svelte toes touching the ground with as much grace as a professional ballet dancer. When he's near me, he looks down at his hands where he's gripping the golden collar--a symbol of my slavery--and thence into my eyes. "I've got to put this on you," he says. "You know it's not my choice and--"

I cut him off by grabbing a hold of the edge of his robe in both fists, and I drag him into me. His flesh slaps the filthy dust patina on my killsuit armor, and I savagely rape his mouth with my own. He answers back with an urgent parting of the lips. I lick his tongue and my lust presses the heat of my mouth forward into his own. He almost drops the gold collar, but manages to keep hold of the chain in his other hand, which falls across my flat chest. Then his fingers are in my hair, his nostrils flare with my musk, and he gasps once before taking a step back.

"Kian, slow down," he says.

"Why?" I ask, stepping into him once more.

"Because it's my command. You're supposed to obey me. So obey or be punished."

I pause realizing that he's right. He could have me beaten and put into the stocks for days on end. I know Talen never would, but he might hurt me a little if he suspects we're being watched. I'd be na‹ve to think I'm not being watched especially in this place. Furthermore, if we're to stand any chance at all in escaping the Mind Lords, it's going to be by working together. "Did you find our helmets today?" I ask him, changing the subject. But I ask it as quietly as possible. Talen looks nervously to either side, but we remain alone in the room.

"No...I-I didn't have a chance," he says. "But I will tomorrow." He lowers his voice to a whisper and looks to the guards that are stationed just outside the door of the master's cave. "Let me slip this around your neck. And then--"

"I make love to you," I say, stealing a nibble from the petite corner of his mouth.

Talen stares at me, eyes only an inch from mine and his smooth perfumed forehead resting against my sweaty, dirty skin. "And then I take you before the other uke in a place called the Flesh Market. All the seme must be given a chance to choose their uke prior to making love in the milking chamber. That's how it was explained to me."

I grip him by the shoulders, sliding my fingers under his robe to knead his taut muscles. His belly protrudes just a little. It's cute, and I know my lover has eaten a big dinner...a thing never offered to me. All that sits in my belly is hunger and emptiness. But I don't care, because my dick is rock hard, and I want to fuck him so badly right now.

Talen kisses me over and over, and I feel him slide his hands upward along my chest to where my neck lies. In his hands is the golden collar, and he locks it around me. Then he steps back and my eyes fall not to the gold chain with the hoop at the end of it held tightly in his right hand. But to the smooth unblemished skin of his torso, to his eight pack of muscles showing their cuts under perfectly formed pecs, and to the v-shaped lines that scratch their way to where the treasure of his manhood awaits me amidst a bush of the softest brown hair.

I want to put his small balls in my mouth, roll them around, taste the sweet nectar of his boy body as he yells for me to stop.

He pulls me by the chain toward the sofa; he turns around so that I can see the muscular ridges of his back.

"Can we make love now?" I beg grabbing hold of his fingers.

He shakes his head. "Not yet. But I want to show you what they did."

Slowly, Talen yanks the robe from his shoulders and lets it fall down about his hairless legs. Then he bends over so I can see between the globes of his bubble butt. His anus, normally a kissably smooth pink spot at the very center, is covered in a thin piece of creamy skin, perfectly blended to the rest of his flesh. I see it's webbed with many veins that look like fine filaments of spider silk, only red in color. It's so slight I could break it with my thumb. Once I do, I'll have access to his hole once more, the hole that's never seen another man. But that's not the point. They've made him a virgin for my dick and my dick alone.

Tonight people are going to pay to see me seed him while he bleeds.

As gently as I can, I lick it. The sheen of my saliva catches the light just so and makes the patch of new skin gleam like white stars.

"Gods that feels good," Talen moans. "The skin's so sensitive I can feel the heat from the candles in the room."

"The heat from my face must be driving you crazy," I say, sucking a mouthful of his ass meat between my lips. He shudders at all the sensations; I pause to ask, "Did it hurt? Tethyr's teeth...if they hurt you, Talen, I'll kill every last one of them that laid a finger on you."

He shakes his head. "I was scared. But the procedure happened quickly once they gave me an enema."

The strange word takes me by surprise. "What's an enema?" I ask him. While he searches for an answer, I savor the taste of my boyfriend. It's finer than anything that's gone into my mouth.

Talen clears his throat. "They cleaned me out with a mixture forcefully injected using a nipple on the end of a bag. I had to use the bathroom repeatedly. Only in the last hour was I fed, but the dinner was fantastic at least. I feel full for the first time in days."

My own stomach growls, but I dismiss it and continue to lick him.

"They said it would give me energy for tonight and not produce any unpleasant gas. It's all in preparation to be your uke tonight. They've also told me you'll hurt me; made it a point really to tell me that they've made me tighter and smaller." A few tear drops crawl across his cheeks. He stares into my eyes, and lies back on the cushions. I kiss his toes as he holds them to my mouth.

"It won't hurt," I tell him.

"How do you know?" he asks, eyes wet but loving.

"Trust me," I say, thinking of the royal jelly. "I'd never hurt you, pal. I love you." He entwines his fingers in my own.

Cheeks moist, he rises from the couch.

"Come on. It's best not to keep the others waiting, and the sooner we can get over with your presentation, the sooner you can make love to me."

Talen slips on his boots, but keeps the robe on. The scent from his perfumed skin drives me wild. I follow him happily outside the cave and he leads me through a network of tunnels into a room that smells of man scent. Naked boys and old men alike stare at us from a central chamber where the main event is apparently a huge orgy. Those who are without a partner stare toward a stage in the hopes of being picked by those who sport the gold collars.

As for the men with the collars? Well they're all old, hairy, or fat. It's surprising but despite their physical appearance and being from a lower caste, in this room they're treated as kings. I see about forty of them whereas there are hundreds without. The few "collared" seme gather atop a rocky promontory so that others may gawk at them, and there's a stair that leads down from it so that one can easily walk among the uke who are begging to be chosen. Most of them are decent, some younger than Talen. Truthfully though, none can even compare to the beauty of my boyfriend. It's weird that I find him so attractive because in all my life, that's what people have said of me. I guess I feel lucky that Talen digs me, because if he didn't, I'd sooner slit my wrist.

Talen leads me up the stair and then begins to unbuckle my armor. He does it piece by tantalizing piece. Guards monitoring the stage take them from Talen as he discards them. My pauldrons, vambraces, gauntlets, and breastplate all get put in a bag. Last goes my greaves, tasset, and cuise. However, he never touches my ankle high leather boots...the one's that match what Talen's wearing now.

As each patch of firm muscle-bound flesh is exposed, I flex so that my veins stand out and to accentuate the flare of my attractive underlying bones. I notice that the crowd quiets until hardly a breath can be heard. They're all watching me get naked.

They're all hard as rocks and wanting to fuck me.

When Talen removes my codpiece and the mail that protects my butt, he does so while on his knees. It seems an appropriate place for him. My sweaty, smelly cock grows almost instantly as it strikes the air. It fills the glistening dick skin until it's stretched so tight that the glans is barely visible through the parting of my foreskin. The slit of my urethra, still stretched from the sound Dr. Talisac forced inside me, makes a visible cut in the pink flesh. I think it resembles the bottom of a ripe red apple.

I must look obscene, being so slight and narrow of waist and tall and slender...yet sporting a horse-sized penis and a face that looks like it could belong on a fifteen year-old.

A single droplet of sweat falls from the head onto Talen's tongue. No longer able to resist he takes it into his mouth to bestow a kiss, but it barely fits.

My precum is mixed with the royal jelly and forms a clear substance that clings to the end of my dick like oil. It foams when Talen's saliva touches it. His eyes open as he laps it up. With a gasp he says, "Tethyr's teeth you taste so fucking good." Then he pops it out and licks the flesh directly beneath my navel, his tongue running over the veins like smooth satin.

Before I can get him to swallow more of my length, the guards separate us. I'm handed the small hoop at the end of my collar and another guard turns me sideways so the crowd can get an even better gauge of my girth.

"Look at the size of it," one man says. "Chagidiel's pussy...he's as long as my forearm."

Another gapes and declares, "He's all muscle, and it's his face that's the true treasure! That's the most fuckable ass I've ever seen."

I watch as Talen is forced to join the others on the floor below. And then the clamoring begins as men seek to get my attention.

"Let me smell your boots!" someone shouts.

"Fuck that," another says, "let me lick your boots. Hell, I'll lick anything you want to give me."

"You must choose a uke for tonight," a guard informs me and then thrusts me toward the stairs.

I can't delay, because I know if I hesitate it'll break Talen's heart. He wants me to prove I love only him. How best to do that than to go straight for where he stands and refuse all others?

I nod and descend those stairs quickly, men reaching over to touch my gorgeous body, and to stroke my veins wherever they worm underneath my perfect skin. I see a multitude of drooling mouths, wet eyes, and lustful glances. "Fuck me..." so many of them mouth to me. But I'm looking for a particular pair of irises that are familiar to me, and I find them quickly.

I grab a hold of Talen's hand and pull him from the crowd. A silence ensues with an occasional complaint aimed at him. "Why is he so lucky?" and "He doesn't deserve him." In my mind, they're saying these things about Talen and not me. But I don't care. I pick him because I love him so much. I press the gold ring on the end of my chain into his fingers and say, "I'm yours. I always have been."

And then Talen kisses me like I've never been kissed. He throws his arms around me and licks my neck and probes my lips with his tongue. He tastes my sweat as if it were sweet like honey, all the while the nakedness of his body thrust up against the firm hardness of my cock that is now forced to dangle between my knees.

"Where's this milking chamber?" I ask him.

"Follow me," he says. Then he pulls me toward a room where the strangest sight I've ever laid eyes upon swirls in a hole in the ground.

The Milking Chamber is lit by candles, and smells of the salty ocean. The scent emanates from below where a pool of pure white semen churns. It's about three feet in diameter, and I don't know how deep it is. Above it is a platform upholstered in soft leather and bearing a gap straight down the middle. Attached to both ends of the platform are manacles to secure the hands and the feet.

One guard remains. Other than him, we're alone. Then a door in the roof slides shut at his back.

"Chain the uke to the platform on all fours," the guard orders.

Talen kisses me delicately on the chin, and then turns to walk up the steps. A moment later, he straddles the gap over the churning pot of semen and gets on all fours, his knees and palms pressing into the dark leather.

I do as ordered and shackle Talen's wrists and ankles in the iron manacles. The guard comes over to inspect my handiwork. I guess they want them tight for tonight so there's no getting away. Then the guard cuts Talen's robe from his back where it falls to either side. I notice that windows appear in the walls all around us. Faces only a few feet back from us stare from behind the glass. Holes made in the barrier allow them to speak, hear, and smell. I see Master Kierak, and four others sitting on well-appointed leather benches. There's a fat man in a gorgeous golden toga. Another with black skin and dreadlocks fitted with rubies and emeralds sits on a cushion of blue mist silk. He sips from a wine glass. A woman with lemon shaped eyes, coffee-colored skin, and a cat's tail files her claws upon a sanding board.

I walk up to stand behind Talen, the shadow of my dick imprinting itself on Talen's skin from butt to shoulder. The light in the room highlights how little fat I actually possess. I'm so ripped and cut, I look like a medical cadaver with its muscular structure exposed, and each fleshy ridge of muscle catches the reflection perfectly. It's as if my whole body got dipped in clear oil.

There are gasps from the men, the women, and the things in-between. Four mind lords shuffle in to also enjoy the show. I must impress them before all others.

"Kierak," the fat man says, "your thralls are...gorgeous."

"Yes," the black man says with much approval. "This is well worth our money."

I wait until the master signals that I can begin. He does so by swishing a wand in the air that has human hair tied to the end of it. By then there are ten total observers watching us from the far side of the glass.

"Pop his cherry," Master Kierak commands. "I want to see the pain and pleasure on that boy's face."

I drop down behind Talen. I gently knead the globe of his ass and whisper to him, "Have no fear. Trust me." They of course have given me no lube. However, they don't know about the royal jelly, and for the first time in my life, I thank Chagidiel for his servant who prepared me for this. I look down at my rock hard dick, and it's now glistening with sweat and precum. But I still need a little more moisture.

What better way than to make Talen wet me.

I walk in front of Talen and say, "Clean my dick," and kind of hold it out from my body with one finger underneath.

Talen nods and goes to slurping at my skin. He licks my cock sheath and swabs my huge dangling nuts with his tongue. The precum oozes from my enflamed urethra, but the royal jelly mixed in it makes me so slippery that Talen has a hard time keeping it in his mouth. I thrust with my hips to force it down his throat, but he doesn't gag. Talen's used to me deep throating him, and I gently push it in and pull it out watching the movement of his chest carefully to know when he needs to draw a breath.

"There there, buddy," I say. Pure white foam forms all along the outside of his lips. He even moans as he's sucking me, and the vibration from his vocal cords drives me insane.

He stares up at me as I fuck his mouth. It feels so incredibly good, my toes curl and my butt cheeks clench. The royal jelly makes my whole manhood sloppy moist. Inevitably, dick drool plops into the semen that churns beneath us. This is what they meant by me adding my spunk to the pool. Thralls are forced to make love above this thing, and over the years, magical preservation and an unknown quantity of men have turned it into a churning tub of pure that's been drawn ounce by precious ounce from the balls of men like me.

I realize that I might cum if I keep this up, so I move to Talen's anus. I clean it twice with my own tongue and then position myself to fuck him by resting the tip of my huge dick against his pristine boy hymen.

"What a cute pussy," I whisper, face sweaty and a few drops splattering his skin.

I place a foot on Talen's neck to force his face into the leather padding. Pushing his cheeks wide with both of my palms, I pop the skin with one powerful thrust. The blood paints my dick red. Because I'm so slick, I slide into him almost six inches instantly. He gasps and I keep my foot on the side of his face, not allowing him to squirm.

But it doesn't stop him from screaming.

I stop for a second.

I push some more.

I stop for another second, and then thrust again.

Each time I get a little deeper. Talen's blood drips from his sundered boy hole, and he cries just a little. I see his poor hands turn into claws that scrape at the leather. The rattle of the manacles assaults my ears, yet I choose to ignore that too. His whimpers and muffled sobs fall on my deaf ears. I want sex, and I'm taking it out on his virginal ass.

Yeah I hurt him. But I had to. Maybe I lied just a little, but it's not like I had any other choice. They did this to him; I'm not to blame.

After a minute, Talen stops whining. His demolished ass has now relaxed enough that I can get inside him with my vast length and pummel his guts. Now, however, the royal jelly is affecting him. It's compounding the sensation he's feeling as I piston his delicate innards with my tool. Each rub on his prostate results in uncontrollable trembling.

Talen gasps, "Tethyr's teeth, Kian," he begs, "what're you doing to me?"

I push his face down with the tips of my toes. "Shut up," I say, continuing to fuck him. I thrust faster and faster, the sound of my thighs slapping his butt becomes a hypnotic drone like the tempo of a bass drum. "I'm making you my bitch."

Talen's dick is long and hard.

Unable to play with himself because he's shackled, I notice the end start to drool liquid. Before long, my pounding makes him squirt. White ribbons shoot out of the end and fall into the pool below. He cums again and again. Each time he screams in both pleasure and pain. And each time, my hands remain on his butt cheeks, keeping them spread for my colossal meat that can't be denied.

I grit my teeth, I stare with fury upon my work. I'm sure the vein in my forehead is standing out because every muscle in my shoulders and neck is flared and raw.

"Please stop," he begs. "Stop, Kian." He cums again and it slaps him in the chin. The smell of blood and semen is thick in the air. He pleads me to break, but I don't. Does that make me a rapist? I guess I don't care. I gladly rape his beautiful body because my dick wants it that badly.

And I fucking deserve this.

Talen sobs and cums again.

"Impossible," someone cries from the chairs in the audience. "How does he make the uke cum without ever touching his dick. This is sorcery!"

Master Kierak says, "Not sorcery, but skill."

When it's finally my turn to cum, Talen and I are so slippery with our own sweat that he can almost slide out of his cuffs. But I'm unmerciful. I explode inside my buddy, constantly thrusting as I do so. I keep this up for ten more minutes and with each pump, a portion of my semen falls from his ass into the swirling tub of white goo. I swear...the jelly makes my spunk so thick it's probably filled him from bottom to top.

I wouldn't be surprised to see him start to drool my cum.

Talen cries out one last time as I finish. God I'm exhausted.

This time his semen is a little pinkish. I realize there's some blood there. I've made him cum so much that he could probably top a shot glass. I know he had ten separate orgasms, with each one consisting of about nine total squirts. That's not natural, and something probably broke inside or in the least, has been rubbed raw.

But whatever it is will heal.

I slide off of him, gasping for breath and he falls near me. One arm does slap me across the chest, but I realize it's probably coincidence. Talen's trembling and his bloody anus spasms a few times, spewing out some of my semen in the process. I kiss him delicately on the nose and whisper, "I love you, Talen." I can't tell if he's mad at me, hates me, or still loves me. All I know is that his eyes remain focused on mine, unblinking, spent, and filled with many complex emotions.

Even after five minutes, loads of semen continue to drip out of his ass.

Tethyr's teeth.

There's so much of it that it seems impossible to have come from a single person. More like ten people or maybe even a hundred...but from me...that leaves me in disbelief.

Every muscle in my body aches; my twig and berries are as red as apples. If I'm expected to fuck like this every day, I'm in trouble.

Soon after, the guard unshackles Talen, and we return to Master Kierak's chamber to sleep for the night. But not once does Talen ever say a word to me, and that scares more than any monster in the deep. Furthermore, he can hardly walk, and I've to carry him most of the way.

Here ends Chapter Fifteen. Chapter Sixteen will be published next week. Send me an email if you're totally in love with Kian. I want to hear about it. *smile

P.S. If you would like to write a fanfiction story using Kian, you may totally do so. I just want to read it!

Next: Chapter 16

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