Black Dragon Rising

By Michael Offutt

Published on Sep 5, 2013


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Chapter Thirteen

"Move," a man in patchwork armor says to me. He levels his short spear in my direction. I untangle my limbs from Talen somewhat unceremoniously and rise.

My boyfriend grabs my glove and squeezes my fingers saying, "Please come back to me," as hurriedly as he can. The long brown eyelashes that dust his cheeks frame his perfectly beautiful liquid eyes.

"Don't wait up," I reply. Even though I smile at Talen, my quip does nothing to lift his mood.

The guard steps in behind me and thrusts me toward the door. Two more men wait for me there wearing similar armor and sporting weapons in their primary hands. I know I could kill all three if I wanted to, but they're just following orders. They're taking me to be "oiled." It's something I have to go through to be of proper entertainment to the mind lords. I suppose as long as it allows me to be close to the one I love it's worth it. Sometimes one has to dance with the devil in order to see the sun rise.

I am led up a staircase that spirals into the rock of the mountain. There's a heat here that's both dry and stifling. It emanates from the walls and draws sweat from my pores as sure as hard labor under a brazen sun. Every so often, a sconce of magical light provides a silvery illumination by which I can study my companions. They have old worn out faces, and their scarred skin resembles hand-tooled leather. Each has a shock of hair that's lost most of its natural color and now hangs limp and disheveled over multiple cauliflower ears. The men are well-fed, a little too meaty about the middle, but each has something in common with his brother-in-arms: that being broad shoulders and a stooped spine. They've had to crouch so often in these underground caves that their legs, hips, and back have grown accustomed to the gait one has to maintain when ambling across uneven ground with an occasional low ceiling.

After fifteen minutes we arrive at a door. It's an ugly rusted thing with hinges as thick as my wrist. It screeches like the devil dogs guarding the portal to the nine hells. It takes all three to pull it open and by the time they're done, I smell the pungent odor of their sweaty pits thick in the air. Like a cow taken to slaughter, I'm herded into a laboratory filled with bubbling beakers, strange vats of colored liquid, and an odor that can only be putrefaction mixed with brimstone.

I wrinkle my nose and pinch my nostrils shut, yet I fail to stem the flow of tears. It almost feels like I'm standing at a butcher block chopping away at a bucket of onions.

The chamber is lit by oil lamps and burning candles. There are wooden tables crawling with beetles and worms. I spy two stone slabs packed with ice; they bear the corpses of dissected humans. I force down vomit at the site of so much red meat and bone lying exposed to the air of the room.

When the door slams shut, an uncomfortable shiver streaks down my spine.

I am in the lair of something evil.

A beaker bubbles and hisses.

Smoke pours from the lip of a tall glass tube and flows along the surface of some granite countertop.

A shape detaches from an operating table near the back of the laboratory.

It belongs to an emaciated man possessing an overly long and narrow face that squats atop a neck so thin I marvel at how it hasn't broken from the weight of it. To call him ugly is an understatement for he is hideous in ways that leave me speechless. The man has long arms and legs; a pannus of fat hangs in front of his groin and his skin is pie-bald and wrinkled. He covers his eyes with a pair of round black spectacles. I know he must be able to see through them, but I wish I knew how. A white lab coat buttoned up the middle, black galoshes, and black rubber gloves complete the look.

"Step into the light so I can see you," the man states with a lisp. "I am Talisac." He parts his white lab coat just above his groin revealing something obscene: the skin of his pannus not only glistens but is translucent. Unable to tear my eyes away, I spy something moving there just beneath the surface of his flesh. "This is my child." He cackles with glee. "Rest assured young man, you are in good hands. Only the most skilled flesh crafters can enable men to give birth. We are not equipped for it, you see. So I had to create this artificial womb in my own body. Is it not beautiful? It required that I remove most of my own stomach to make room for it, which is why I'm so skinny."

I can make out the bumps of his spine protruding from the back of his lab coat.

Swallowing nervously, feverish sweat drips from the end of my narrow nose.

"Come," he beckons with a finger. "I'm forbidden to hurt you as you're now a thrall for Master Kierak. I just want to get a good look at you. Rumors have been circulating. They say you are handsome and that you have a large pecker between your legs. Both of these things are of interest to me, although I'm not allowed to indulge my lust while working."

I swallow my fear and do as he desires. When I step forward he grins and then walks over to my side, sniffing the air around me with his large, hairy nostrils.

"Not a man quite yet but a boy," he says, with slobber wetting his lips. "So tender, young, and sweet I bet. It must be quite something to fuck you IF the rumors are true."

I can't help but grin and blush just a little.

"Ah...there it is. You've been told you're beautiful before, haven't you? Yes, I quite think that you have, but I can see you've never quite grown tired of hearing it now have you?"

"No sir," I reply.

"Good. Good." He reaches out and pats my hand as gently as a father would a child. "Now tell me your name Atlantean."

My voice catches in my throat.

Talisac's eyes gleam. "Yes...I know you're Atlantean," he says, "but no one else does. Your secret's safe with me." He fingers my hair with his black gloves. "So beautiful...before your civilization sank beneath the waves bards referred to it as Atlantean gold. Is your penis blessed with a bush of this color?"

That really makes me cheeks grow hot.

He laughs. "Take off your armor my luscious morsel. I swear by Chagidiel that I shall bring no harm to you even though I want to eat the flesh from your bones." Talisac walks over and pulls a rib free from one of the corpses and starts sucking on it. "I can't do this to you. They'd eat my brain and what's a surgeon without a brain? Nothing...absolutely nothing." He watches me and nibbles; blood drips down his gloves.

I stand there for some time while he finishes chewing on that rib. Then he tosses it in a metal pan brimming over with such offal.

"You're not one for conversation, are you?"

I shake my head.

"Get naked," he orders, "or I'll see to it that all of your secrets are exposed. I'll even hurt the one that they're sending to me later...the boy they want me to make a virgin only so you can pop his cherry before an audience. Do you have any idea how much people are going to pay for that show? It's a fortune, and they plan on making it every night."

"Please," I beg suddenly, "don't hurt him. He's done nothing to deserve any of this."

"Do you think people do things to deserve their fates?" Talisac tsks at me. "You are young, but I see you also care for shall I say it...lovely lad? But those that say 'lovely' in reference to him have never laid eyes upon you. By Chagidiel's dripping pussy, you are something to look at. Crystal blue eyes, perfect teeth, and flawless skin. It's like the gods broke the mould when they made you." He pauses for a moment, "I won't if you just comply. He's under the same protection as you. But my serenity gets tested when my patients don't follow orders."

I swallow and begin to loosen the straps to my armor. First I unbuckle my boots, and then I remove my gloves, followed by my arm greaves, my pauldrons, and my breastplate. I step out of my boots, remove my leggings, and finally take off the metal piece that covers my butt. With it comes the codpiece that serves as a cradle for my genitals. Once it's gone, my balls droop low between my legs.

Talisac stares at me for a good minute. I'm cognizant of the warmth in the room. It raises beads of sweat on my taut skin and they leave moist trails across my smooth creamy flesh. Dew- sized droplets lodge in my blond pubes and gleam like diamonds in the candlelight.

He grabs a vial from a shelf and then crosses over to my side. "Because you're Atlantean, there's something else I can do for you," he says, hands trembling with eagerness as he approaches my front. "But before I can help you, I need you to drink the contents of this vial."

"What will it do?" I ask.

He tilts his head to one side and grins. "It'll make you hard, my boy. Once that's accomplished, I'm going to strap you into that chair over there with your legs spread. Then I'm going to thread a long sterile sound through the head of your penis into the base of your ball sac. It won't hurt," he declares. "I've got one that I designed to use on a bull, but I think it will work with you." Saliva drips from his lips as he takes another step forward and sniffs at my dick. "It's so huge and smells heavenly. But you know this too, don't you?" he asks. "You know people like sucking you off. It's not just the size, you know," Talisac utters. "One percent of Atlantean princes have a gland within their ball sack. It's small and produces the angel's share of their blessed seed. Chagidielians call it 'royal jelly' and it has many mysterious properties. It's considered one of the most valuable substances in the world. But the gland doesn't start producing royal jelly until it's forced to burst. Once this happens, something wonderful occurs. The royal jelly can excrete from the end of the precum...and it can mix with semen making it thicker and richer. It heightens the nerves during coitus driving your lover wild. Male or female is irrelevant. It also serves as natural lubricant and promotes healing."

"How do you know I have such a gland?" I ask.

"Because you're Prince Kian," he states and smiles when shock fills my face. "Oh I recognize you. When you were born, your kingdom still lived and your face filled every pervert in the world with lust. A royal rare from such a powerful bloodline that produced girls by the dozen over the course of two centuries! But're not just a boy, but one with blue eyes and Atlantean gold hair. You were the first such boy born to the Atlantean royal house in a thousand years. If anyone has royal jelly in his balls, it's you!"

"Can it make me fertile?"

He scratches his head. "Are you suggesting that you're infertile?"

"I was addicted to Eros."

"Ah," he states, snapping his fingers. "The infertility from Eros only lasts a month on a boy as young as you. But the answer to your question about the royal jelly is yes. It can cure infertility and prevent birth defects. Any child you sire will be almost physically perfect in every way."

I think about what he's saying. "Is this the oiling ritual then?" I ask.

"You could call it that," Talisac declares, putting his glove gently on my shoulder and breathing heavy across my mouth. It smells of garlic and day-old meat. "There is no word for what you are capable of doing or becoming. They want me to make you into a sex slave of a lower caste breeding any hole they see fit for you to stick your prick into. And I'll give them that when I return you. But there's more to this than just rubbing your body down with oil blessed by Chagidiel and escorting you into the adjacent room to seek enlightenment from my god in the hope that he deems you worthy of his blessing. You might even ask, what befalls those that aren't worthy? Well, they usually do something to piss me off and I kill them. That's how I get away with so many deaths...see? I tell them that Chagidiel was not pleased and they did not survive the oiling. But I won't have to do that with you, will I? You'll let me experiment on you as I see fit as long as I don't hurt you or your friend, right?"

I nod. "But do you get anything out of this? I want it clear right away that I'm not going to fuck you. I've no interest in that. And that includes oral sex."

He frowns. "Disappointing but you're not my prize. You belong to the master. Would I have accepted that from you? I'd be lying if I didn't say yes. You're the most gorgeous thing I've laid eyes upon in twenty years. But no...what I want from you isn't that...but some of the jelly from inside your precious ball sac. I want some of it for myself straight from the end of your cock. That will be enough."

"What do you plan on doing with it?" I ask, somewhat worried.

"What does it matter?" he asks. You've been splattering it on anyone that you could for years now. Does it matter that I want to procure some gained exclusively through natural means?"

I shake my head. "Define that please. Natural means?"

Talisac claps his hands together. "It means I will want you to masturbate once the sound is in place. When you reach your moment, your cum won't have anywhere to go, and the pressure will cause the delicate gland to burst. Then I remove the sound, keeping with it anything that sticks to the bottom and you get dressed and go on your merry way." He leans into my ear. "I will unlock your potential, Kian, and make you the greatest lover in the world. In return, you give me just a small portion of your life. Doesn't that sound fair? You have no idea as to the power of royal jelly. And it shall be yours for the rest of your life."

I swallow uncomfortably, but I give him no answer.

Talisac frowns and guides me to a board that has stirrups for my legs. I stand in it and he wraps leather straps around my thighs and my ankles. Then he similarly binds my arms to the board and finishes by placing a strap across my chest and waist. When he feels I'm secure, he tilts the board back on wheels swinging me into a horizontal position that comes to about mid-chest height.

"Bottoms up," he says, holding the vial to my lips. I drink from it and find it tastes bitter. A tingling warmth spreads through my limbs and I flex my fingers in response. Shortly afterward, my dick begins to harden. Talisac leans over my body to watch it grow into a foot long monster. My heart beats so hard in my chest I can feel it pounding in my ears and sweat breaks out over my shredded muscular body.

Talisac runs his glove down my abs murmuring quietly to himself. "So beautiful," he says. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were cut from stone. The lack of body fat," he says with a gesture to my dick, "makes this beast impressive. So much blood; such smooth skin."

Indeed, in the strange light the thin skin of my cock reveals thousands of fine vessels I previously never noticed; a transparent substance that's rubbed off his gloves makes the whole thing gleam in every place he's touched.

Talisac keeps his word and does not molest me. He's a consummate professional and once I'm prepped for the procedure, he wheels over a table with a metal top that holds a long thin tube of gleaming steel on a white cotton cloth. It has a slight curve to it that matches the natural bend of my cock, and it ends in a shiny metal sphere. Carefully, he wets it with yet another distinct oil that he promises is designed to "prevent infection."

"Will it hurt?" I ask as he takes hold of my dick with his free hand. Because of its size, his palm is engulfed as if holding a large pork sausage.

"If it doesn't, I'd be disappointed," Talisac says.

That scares me.

I try to object but he slips the end of the "sound" as he calls it into my urethra. The tool is too large for me, and the pain intensifies as he shoves it down. "Let it stretch you," he whispers and I clench my jaw muscles tight. The oil he's coated it with eases the passage somewhat, but the invasive feeling of the sound makes my muscles constrict as it plunges into my poor flesh. When he's halfway down, I scream, pant, and then scream again.

The torture continues.

Talisac laughs and pulls my foreskin down a little further from my pink velvety head. The barely tan skin is so tight and rigid it doesn't slide down easily. "And so the dragon swallows the spear," he whispers.

Drool falls from the corner of his mouth.

I squirm in the bonds but can't escape. Talisac continues to push the metal rod deeper inside me. After five minutes, only the sphere remains at the top of my glans, the other thirteen inches is now buried deep inside my shaft, and I feel the end poking at a tender spot far inside my groin. The pressure and need to urinate is more intense than I've ever felt. I liken it to pure agony. He leaves me like this for a few minutes before he brings over a jar of clear oil and starts rubbing it into my skin. He says a few arcane platitudes to his god and then releases my right arm.

"Gently," he cautions. "Rub yourself until you cum."

"I can't," I say through a line of tears. "It hurts. Please...sir...take it out."

"Do it now," Talisac orders. "Or your friend will suffer. This doesn't come out until you've produced milk. Best to get it over with if you want to see him in one piece."

I nod, realizing that this is no threat. Talisac is perfectly capable of backing up everything he says with actions I may regret. I spit on my hand and then take my slippery cock in my palm and slowly start rubbing it up and down. I do so as gentle as I can, but it still hurts. I can't get my fingers all the way around it. No one can when it's erect like this. But I don't need to for the sensation to build. I lie still, moving only my fingers up and down as instructed, tears dropping from the corners of my eyes. Surprisingly, after a while the pain fades and is replaced by pleasure from both the inside and the out. My eyes flutter, my toes curl, and I can't stop from moaning. Halfway to my moment, Talisac sets the jar down and licks between my flexing toes. Despite the fact I find him repulsive, the feel of his velvety tongue on my feet is luxurious.

"You taste so good," he says.

Sweat pours from my face, from around my nipples, and between the cheeks of my ass. It pools in the cleft my neck forms near the top of my pecs. My Adam's apple jumps. Talisac realizes that I'm close.

"Yes, my boy. That's it. You must cum to break the gland and release the jelly."

I feel my balls seize up and I cum. But instead of a long ribbon of white streaming from the end, the ball on the end of the metallic sound jumps about an inch and settles down. Then it jumps again, only to slam down onto the meat of my dick head. It jumps a third time, a fourth, and a fifth. I make it jump nine times in total, and each orgasm builds pressure inside me that makes my balls ache until I feel something burst. Of course no semen emerges. The sound keeps it in place.

Unable to hold back the tide of pain, I scream and my hand drops limp onto the table.

" hurts...," I utter between desperate breaths. "Please...," I sob, "take it out."

Talisac cackles in glee and points to a bruise forming at the base of my dick. As I watch, it spreads through my scrotum. "You did it boy. You broke the gland."

Carefully, he pulls the sound from the end of my penis and a long stream of unusually thick and sticky cum follows with it. At first I don't see the effects of the jelly but then I see how white my cum is and I'm startled. It's so white it looks like fresh snow, and it's so thick and voluminous that it forms stringy bridges between Talisac's fingers.

"You've survived the oiling," he says to me. "Now go and make your master some money. Go and fuck your boyfriend's brains out and thank Chagidiel for what you're about to experience."

I slip out of my bonds and put my armor back on. All the while I wonder how the jelly will affect Talen and whether or not I've been lied to about it. When I escape from this place, I'm coming back for this guy and I'm going to make sure he tells me what he did with the jelly and semen he harvested from me this night.

Here ends Chapter Thirteen. Next week I shall post Chapter Fourteen. I hope you're enjoying this so far. Send me a message if you have questions about the royal jelly. It's quite interesting.

Next: Chapter 14

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