Black Cock and White Ass

By Alan Barns

Published on Oct 13, 2008



Darren had just turned 18, that same week he had started work as an office junior for a large insurance firm. He wasn't what you would call academic but he was smart enough to know he needed a job unlike his college drop out freinds. Darren was innocent looking fresh faced permanent red blush about his cheeks with pale blue eyes, his naturally dark eye lashes made his eyes stand out, his hair was short cut a dark blond colour. His most noticeable feature was his full red lips when he talked you could see one of his front teeth had a small chip on the side this made him look kind of cute when he smiled. He was a young guy who wasn't aware of his own cute good looks he stood about 5'8 he was short compared with the guys he was at college with the year before. His young body had just become a man it was firm and tight, hairless except for his small amount blond pubic hair and a light dusting of fine white hair on his smooth ass.

After work Darren would go home to his small one room bedsit, spending hours looking on the internet at guys, He had no experience with guys and was desperate to have a guy fuck him. A pattern had started to develop where he would find himself getting mostly aroused when looking at black guys. He never understood why?, he had been exposed to a lot of hate and racism towards blacks during his youth. He even joined in to be part of the gang. He felt exited when ever he saw a cute black guy, and wondered what his freinds and uncle's would think if they knew. Darren had never even spoken to a black guy before. Each night he would trawl the net looking for more and more sites eventually he came across the word 'interracial' this opened up a whole new world, he was quickly feeding on images of white guys getting fucked by black guys. He was late for work most mornings after spending hours during the night cumming to these images.

One day Darren was on his way to work riding the bus, still in a daze of sleep from the previous late night on the net. Staring out of the window he never noticed that the bus had stopped to let on passengers, one of which was a dark black man tall about 6'0, he walked along the isle of the crowded bus and sat himself down next to Darren. Darren tried to sit still and look ahead all the while aware that his cock was growing beyond his control, his thin grey work pants no disguise. He was sure the guy would notice, he tried to concentrate on other things but instead ended up concentration on the guys leg touching his, this only made him harder. His red cheeks where burning a bead of sweat roll down his face. He drew in air through his nose but instead of this making him feel relaxed instead it drew in the guys aroma a kind of dull sweat smell covered by cheap aftershave. Eventually the guy stood up to get off the bus, Darren's eyes flicked from side to side hoping no one would notice him looking at the guys ass his eyes fixing on the guys round ass. he imagined what the guys ass would look like under his shorts and what it would be like to touch. As soon as Darren arrived at work he went into the toilets undone is grey work pants his boxer shorts wet with precum he tugged out his stiff cock and jacked a load of hot cum onto the cubical wall he cleaned it off and went to his work, he never felt so exited in his whole life.

Looking in a local news paper later that week he noticed personal ads most where for strait's but the last paragraph read Male to Male he quickly scrolled his eyes down the page looking for the magic letters BLK nothing, week after week he continued to look nothing. It occurred to him to place his own ad 'looking to meet black guys'. He got himself ready and taking time to word his ad finally it was in print. That next night he got home and rang the number to see if he had any replies a voice said you have one new message, his heart was pounding a voice said Hello my names Akin" immediately it became apparent that this was a foreign accent Turns out Nigeria, I would like to meet you my mobile number is, then his number. Nervously Darren rang the number a man with a deep voice answed. The conversation was quick Darren felt shame and exitment because this was the first time another human had known about his passion for black men. They arrange a meeting time and place.

The weekend came and Darren spent hours getting ready new clothes and fresh white boxer shorts hoping that Akin would see them. He left the house feeling fresh his mouth tasted of mint after washing his teeth at least 10 times just in case he kissed his first man. He arrived at the rundown looking bar sugested by Akin. Opening the door he glanced around the room, sitting at the table in the corner of the bar sat a large black man about 6'3 large bulky guy dark black skin, Akin looked over at Darren and nodded. Darren's heart was pounding he felt as if it was going to jump out of his chest his armpits where wet he was so nervous, Sitting down facing the guy Darren could see that he was around 50 he hadnt thought about age until now but it didnt seem to matter, he felt an instant attraction to him. He felt scared because it was his first time, how would react if Akin wanted him. After years of masturbating to black guys here he was sitting facing Akin. They spoke Akin's accent was strong he born in Nigeria and had been in UK for 2yrs. Darren sat holding his glass of cola looking at Akin, this large built man his hands where big and solid, his finger nails looked thick he noticed the little finger nail on each hand where longer than the rest almost to a point like a womans he wondered why. The chat was awkward what does a 50+ yr old African have in common with a 18 yr old white guy from England. Akin stood up and Darren realized the mass of this guy he stood 6'3 large with and stock not fat but chunky was so big compared with Darren's small 5'8 slim frame. As Akin went to the toilet Darren looked at his ass it was big and round just as he had imagined. The two men left the bar Akin stroked Darren's back as they left. Darren knew he had to tell Akin that he was a virgin. Darren didnt drink alcohol but he felt strange as if he was intoxicated. Akin on being told that he was a virgin became more talkative, he was more direct in his questions, "you like Akin then" Darren replied Yes. I knew this was going to be it, "come to my place tonight".

They arrived at Akin's place a large red brick house with rows of door bells to the differnt rooms. Darren walked behind Akin looking at his ass as he followed him to the top of the house, Akin opened his door, Darren's nostrels opened with the smell of man, a musky damp smell it reminded him of the locker room at his old school gym. By this time Darren's stomach as doing butterflys and he was trembling. Akin slammed shut the door locking it from within. Akin turned to Darren and leaned towards him, Darren shudder's as he felt his moist red lips kiss Akins large full mouth, he felt Akin's black stubble rub againt his chin he'd never felt this before, next he felt Akins toungue pushing into his mouth it felt huge and tasted sweet. He could feel Akins cock pushing against his stomach it was massive compared with his own. Akins big hands where cupping Darren's ass Akin then slid his hands inside the back of his jeans, he started pulling apart Darren's ass cheeks he felt the air on his wet asshole. Kissing went on for what seemed like a ages Darren's stiff cock was dripping with precum his cock head was poking out of the top of his jeans.

By now Akin's cock was free it was massive its head was still covered with forskin as is swung before him it looked heavy and thick. Akin rubbed his thick middle finger onto his own cocks precum ousing out he then ran it across Darren's red lips Darren then licked his lips. his first taste of black man cum. The light in the apartment was very dim this seemed to make Akin look even darker. Darren didnt know what came next as it was his first time experience. Akin spoke to Darren in his deep African accent and told him that he was going to be inside him tonight. Darren new he couldnt refuse he wanted it but was scared. Into the bed area Akin started to undress his fat cock stood upright and was twiching with exitment. Darren undressed down to his white boxer "come here" Darren walked towards him Darren's young milk white hairless body contrasting against this huge mature black man. Pushing Darren's head down towards his cock Darren dropped to the floor now on his knees he stared at this monster cock looking at him, slowly he kissed the end, the forskin was now rolled back to reveal a thick mahogony coloured cock head glisining with precum opening his mouth he took in the whole shaft he rolled the forshin back up and slid hit toungue inside rolling it around the head. Darren could smell the aroma of Akins musky balls and began to lick them. He could see for the first time the age difference between them as he licked his tight black curls under his cock he saw some where grey. The taste was like nothing he had ever tasted but it was good. Akin wanted to look at Darren's virgin hole. It wasn't oftern that Akin would have a virgin white bois ass in his bed. He layed him face down on his cum stained mattress. By the side of the bed where old porno mags of white guys open butts, pages stuck together. Akin was looking down on Darren's small tight butt through his white boxer sorts he began to pull them down. His hairless white ass made Akin nearly cum he began by sroking it slowly. His huge black fingers gently pulled apart his ass cheeks. Darren's glissing pink ass hole tightened Akin open his mouth and let his saliver drip down onto Darren's asshole. Darren couldnt beleve he finaly had a black man playing with his ass. Darren felt someting he hadnt expeceted as Akins toughue touched ass hole "relax he said" he was extatic as he felt Akins big full lips kissing his ass hole finaly he felt it relax and his toungue was pushing in and out deeper each time Akin was groaning with pleasure. Next he felt someting harder it was Akins finger then two finger he was getting him ready. By now they both started to smell of strong sex sweat.

Akin climed on top of Darren's this large solid black man pushing him into the mattress Darren was almost limp his legs trembling by now. Akin positionioned his huge cock head againt Darren's tight ass, spit and precum was all he had for lube. Akins cock slowly pushed inside Darren screamed with pain, Relax Relax Boi... no way was he going to stop now.

Deeper and deerper he went inside. Akin got up a rythom faster and faster as he pownded this virgin ass, Akins balls slapped against his cheeks. All Darren could focus on was pushing back onto this massive cock. Akin pushed as hard and deep as he could, the bed was slamming into the wall the whole house of African men could hear this white guys virgin ass being fuck filled. Akin who hadnt cum for a week delivered his full sack of black man seeds deep into this virgin white ass. Darren was well fucked after his breeding, his ass was full of seed he felt complete. He'd always wanted to do explore a black guys ass as Akin pulled out and lay face down on the bed. Darren took his chance his ass raw and full he went down on Akins hairy black round ass cheeks. he pulled them apart revealing a black hairy asshole it was wet and smelled rich and deep of African man, he slowly burried his face between the ass cheeks and kissed the black asshole within slowly he tasted it, he licked and kissed it, his toughue went deep in this african hole he felt his own cock explode onto his leg. That night and for the following week Darren never left that room the whole time the old black African continued to fuck his young white pussy ass

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