Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Dec 8, 2000


Hi everyone it's Stu!!!! Well, I got many replies to my last chapter of this ongoing saga, so thank you to all who did send me an e-mail. For those who didn't, and read my story, please!!! Just send me a quick e-mail this time! And if you forgot the new address it's

Legal Stuff: This story is that of pure fiction and is not to imply on any of the characters, living, dead, or fictional, within it. If you are considered a minor in your area of habitation, then please leave right now! For everyone else, please stay and enjoy this chapter. Also, if this sort of story doesn't ring your bell, then please leave.

Onto the story!!!

Black and Blue Chapter 9

I woke suddenly as I heard a large screech. By looking out the window, I saw we were at our next destination, wherever that was, I'll ask Brian later. Anyway, I looked over to my side, and there, as always, was Aaron, clutching to me like a small child and his favorite stuffed animal. I turned the other way and opened up the curtain that gives us 'privacy' if that's what you want to call it, from the rest of the bus. I stuck my head out and peeked into the kitchen, Kevin was already up, Howie was fast asleep on the couch opposite of where Kevin was sitting, at the table. Brian was probably asleep, along with Nick and AJ. I managed to slip out of the bunk without waking Aaron up, and after doing so I put the blanket over him and walked out into the kitchen.

" Morning Kevin" I whispered, he looked up from the papers he was reading.

" Morning Zack, you're up pretty early, it's only quarter to seven." he said, looking at the clock on the microwave. I looked over and was pretty shocked myself, this was pretty early for me to be up.

" Oh well, no use going back to sleep, is there anything to eat, I'm starving." I asked and he chuckled and pointed to the fridge.

" There should be some bagels or something in there, so how do you like the tour life so far?" he asked as I opened up the fridge and pulled out the half eaten bag of cinnamon and raisin bagels. I popped one in the toaster and replied,

" Hmm, it's different for me. I'm kinda used to sleeping in something that doesn't move in your sleep, and all of the food we get tastes weird, it's not anything like I used to eat back home." I explained as I sat down. By this time Kevin had put down the papers he was reading to give me his full attention. He spoke up,

" Yeah, don't worry, you'll get used to it eventually, but life's not going to be the same for you Zack. This is how we lived for the past seven years, and it kinda grows on you. When we're on vacations I can't sleep like a normal person, I'm always up thinking that one of the guys will need me or that one of our management guys will be calling me tell me where the next concert is, or what photo op we'll be doing." he explained as the bell dinged on the toaster.

" Sounds like hell." I said before grabbing the bagel and splitting it in half. I offered a slice to Kevin and he took it. As I grabbed some cream cheese from the fridge, Kevin kept talking.

" Zack, you may not realize this now, but soon this life is going to get to your head and mess you up big time. The same thing happened to all of us, except Aaron and you. I think that out of the whole band, Nick was the one who took it the worst. But hey, you're young, not like us old dinosaurs." he said with a laugh and snapping me out of thinking about when I would 'crack'. Anyway we chuckled a bit as we ate our small breakfast.

Aaron's Dream-

We ran together hand in hand, the rain pored down upon us, my hair which is usually spiked had loss it's stiffness and was clinging to my face. I looked over at Zack and his hair had the same affect, I still can't believe he had gotten his hair bleached, god he looks so cute with it like that. As we ran, I could still hear those cop sirens chasing us, we had to hide. I don't think it was such a good idea covering that guy's house in toilet paper, now that I think about it. Zack and I ran as fast as we could through the woods, we jumped over a big tree trunk and landed right in a huge puddle, if that's what you want to call it, of water. When we got up we were both completely soaked, head to toe. I looked at Zack and got hard by doing so, the shirt he wore was left open and it clung to his thin body, along with the khaki pants, and the wife beater he wore too. He looked at me, heard the sirens getting closer, and grabbed my hand, and off we were again. I thought we would have to keep on running forever, but as we got out of the trees and into the opening, I saw a barn in the distance. I guess Zack did too, 'cause he was running for that as well. Thunder and Lightning was added to the weather as we got closer to the barn, and I got really scared, I honestly hate thunder and lightning. I ran as fast as my feet could take me, and finally we got to the barn, Zack and I together tried to pry the doors open, but they wouldn't budge. Zack cursed out loud and then looked around for another way in, and his eyes were fixated on a wooden ladder that lead to the hayloft I guess. We climbed up, first Zack, then me. He got up in their and as I reached the top, my foot slipped on the wet wooden dowel and I lost my grip on the ladder. I thought I would fall back to the ground, but like a flash Zack had grabbed my forearm and had pulled me up into the loft. I looked at him as I knew I was safe and I kissed him as hard as I could, our tongues wrestling around like crazy. He broke off and we slipped more into the loft so we would be shielded from the rain. Zack found a small blanket and brought it over, placing it down on the creaky, wooden floor. I sat down on it, as did he, and I looked at him, a grin came to my face.

" Zack, we've got to get out of these clothes, or we'll get really sick." I said while taking off my white Starter mock turtle neck, exposing my wet torso, I knew this would get him going... hehehe. Zack blushed redder than I have ever seen, so I thought that I would give him a hand or two. So, I scooted over to him, and took his shirt, slowly taking it off of him, his body starting to warm up a bit. I got on top of his lap and brushed the hair in his face out of the way, he smiled at me and I kissed him quickly before going back to work. I got off his lap and slowly pushed him on his back. I grabbed one of his shoes and took it off, along with the wet sock accompanying it, as for the other foot. With those out of the way, I slowly moved my hands up both of his thighs, seeing his dick get hard and the imprint of it on his wet pants, god I love him so much. Anywho, I got to the button of his pants and undid it, slowly my hands brought the zipper down, his white boxer shorts coming into view. As his khakis came down to his ankles he started to get up, well both of what you think :o), but I pushed him back down. Removing his pants, I straddled his crotch and leaned down, placing small kisses over his chest, licking his now hard nipples. I let my tongue loose and it moved all around his chest and stomach, starting at his right nipple, then to his left, slowly down the center of his body to his belly button, where my tongue moved inside. He let out a giggle, or I think it was a groan, not sure.

" God Aaron, stop teasing me." he said, now I know it was a giggle. But he was right, so I went for the gold. I grabbed a hold on the elastic band and hauled them down, Zack's hardon coming up and hitting me in the face, which turned me on even more. I grabbed it in my hand, I slowly stroked it, hell I know this really feels good, I've done it a lot of times. Slowly my hand went up and down his shaft, Zack's back arching up. As the slit on his dick started to leak semi- cum, I think that's what it's called, I pointed it towards me and started to move down.....

" Aaron!!!" (End Dream) Nick screamed from the front of the bus. Aaron woke up startled and nearly cracked his head on the roof of the bus, his cock was at standing at attention.

" Now that is what I call a dream." he said to himself before 'adjusting' himself and getting out of the bunk. He saw everyone getting off the bus, Nick standing in the doorway,

" Come on Aaron, we're at the hotel, you can sleep some more inside." he said before walking off the bus.

" So is he up?" I asked Nick, while he stepped off the bus. He looked at me and grinned,

" In what way?" he said. I thought for a minute and then it hit me.

" You're so sick!!" I yelled at him, gaining a laugh from him, and Brian, who was standing next to me. I shook my head and waited for Aaron to come off the bus so we could go inside together. As he got off the bus, he ran to me and was about to jump in my arms when Nick grabbed him by his collar.

" What did I tell you about stuff like that?" he yelled quietly at him, and Aaron's head drooped down.

" Sorry Nick, I'll try to be more careful. Can we go inside now? It's freezing out here." Aaron said while rubbing his shivering arms. Nick nodded and we all went inside, and up to our rooms. As soon as we shut the door behind us, Aaron and I ran to the bed and started jumping on top of it. I felt lightheaded after a while and soon fell down onto it. Aaron kept jumping though, so I grabbed his legs and dragged him down to the bed, but he came down on top of me.

" Aren't we a little feisty this morning?" I asked with a laugh and then he leaned down and gave me my first kiss of the day, god I love him so much.

" You know," Aaron started, " I had this incredible dream early this morning, and maybe later on tonight, we can make that dream a reality." he said in an incredibly sexy voice that got me revved up. He moved his hips and grinned.

" Well, do we really have to wait until tonight?" I asked and he leaned down to kiss me. Oh crap, a knock at the door,

" Come on you two, we have to go downstairs for breakfast, so get some clothes on and meet us in the restaurant in the lobby." Nick's muffled voice came from the other side of the door.

" Damn." I whispered, " Alright!! We'll be there in a jiffy!!" I yelled as Aaron got off of me. He opened up both our suitcases, that were on the other bed, and pulled out some clothes for himself. As I reached for my suitcase, he hit my hand.

" You just stay right there, I'll choose what you were today." I blushed and sat down on the bed next to him. He searched through my bags until he found a pair of cargo blue jeans, a blue long sleeve shirt, a red A&F tee shirt to go with, and then my favorite pair of black boxers. He put his clothes on as did I and then we were off. We hoped in the elevator and I glanced over to see his 'apparel' and saw that he had a green and blue 'preppy' shirt on, that was left un-buttoned and underneath was a plain white tee shirt. He also had on a pair of my Sketchers, that looked a little too big on him, along with some carpenter khakis.

" So, you're wearing my shoes now?" I asked with a grin as the elevator came close to the ground floor. He looked over at me with a smile,

" You shouldn't be worried about what I'm wearing, the same for you. 'Cause later on tonight, we won't have any clothes on to worry about. Just as he said that the elevator bell 'dinged'. He walked out of it and I gulped down a large lump in my throat, man when I'm with him those things always seem to pop up, amongst other things. Anyway, I joined Aaron and the rest of the guys in the restaurant. Luckly for us it had been only opened up for us, and there was no screaming fans bugging us, not that I don't like that the fans scream my name. I sat down at the same table as Aaron, Nick and AJ sat. We all ordered, AJ and Nick got the same thing, two eggs and four pancakes, Aaron got some Belgian waffles with strawberries on top, and I got three eggs and a bagel with blueberry flavored cream cheese. As we waited for the food to come, I kept noticing Nick glance at me and Aaron to see if we were 'behaving'. Aaron left the table to go to the bathroom and AJ said,

" That's a nice outfit Aaron picked out for you." my eyes nearly popped out of my head! How the hell did he know?

" Hhhow did you know?" I babbled out. AJ and Nick both shook their heads and chuckled.

" Oh come on, it's so obvious," AJ started to explain, " your dating Nick's brother. When Nick and I started out, he picked out almost everything I wore, except for a few times but that was an isolated incident...." AJ said as Nick cut in.

" I still don't think it was right for us to streak across the green of that celebrity gold tournament. Had we not been wearing masks, we really would have been in deep sh..." Nick said before AJ put his hand over his mouth.

" Well anyway, if you two get any cuter, I think I'm going to barf." Brian said from sitting behind me. I blushed deeply and put my head down on the table as the guys laughed at my expense. Thank god the waitress came when she did or I would not have been able to look at them anymore. Aaron came back as I plunged right into my eggs, which I covered in ketchup, ain't nothing like it I tell you. As we ate AJ and Nick talked about what we were doing today, we were going to be signing some autographs before a little question and answer session with a few fans that had been set up by some local radio station.

" I just hope they don't ask any questions like the last time we did something like this. Can you believe that one guy asked if my face was like this naturally, or if I had any plastic surgery." Nick said while everyone who heard that laughed so hard they couldn't breath.

" That's freakin' funny." I said almost knocking my plate on the floor. As we continued to eat, the laughter just kept going on and on.

" Welcome to Charleston, South Carolina (btw, there is a Charleston, SC if you don't believe me, go check a map)" The bus driver announced over the loud speakers, " For all of you music lovers, the Black and Blue 2001 Tour is here tonight and tomorrow night, featuring the Backstreet Boys, Aaron Carter, and Zack Maither. Thank you for choosing Greyhound for your traveling needs." as he put the microphone down, the man sat up from his seat and stretched, making several joints in his back, crack.

" Well Zack," he mumbled, " Dad's here to get what he wants." and he got off the bus.

To Be Continued...

Well, there is chapter 9 of my ongoing saga!! So Zack's dad has finally arrived in Charleston and what will he do now that he is there?? All of that and more will happen in the very next chapter of Black and Blue!! Please send all of your questions and comments to

Thanks for reading!!!

Next: Chapter 10

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