Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Dec 4, 2000


Well I'm here y'all!!! It's your old pal Stu bringing you another chapter of Black and Blue!! I know you're all excited and everything, but I know some of you are a bit depressed that I haven't updated the story with another chapter, but things got so tough for me what with having to deal with a lot of things, including a new boy friend!! Well anyway, I hope you're not mad at me for being this late with an update, but hey, better late than never. So when you're done with this chapter, please e-mail me about it at my new email address

Legal Mumbo Jumbo: Alright peeps, if your 18+ then stay and enjoy, if you're 17- then please leave. Also this doesn't imply anything about the sexuality, wether be true or false, about the characters within the story.

So without futhur ado, I bring you.... Black and Blue Chapter 8

Black and Blue: Chapter 8

Well the concert went without a hitch. I sang like none other and so did Aaron and the rest of the guys. I can't believe that when they walked out onto the stage, before they even spoke, they had the crowd in the palm of their hands. Showmanship, maybe, I think that it's just because the fans obviously love them. Anyway, after finishing the concert, and signing a bunch of autographs in the crowd, we all got onto the awaiting bus, that was parked outside of the arena. Surprisingly, well to me, they had packed our luggage and put it in our respective bunks, cool. So we were off to our next destination.... I forget where, but it doesn't matter, 'cause I'm with Aaron. As corny as that may sound, it's the freakin' truth. Well anyway, we were both laying down in his bunk once again, looking out of the skylight window and chatting.

" Wasn't that a fun concert?" he asked me with the usual enthusiasm. I smiled and nodded. " What's wrong?" he questioned me, showing a slight bit of concern.

" Oh nothing, just a little tired, that's all." I replied, we layed there for awhile, before the curtain which divided us and the rest of the world, suddenly opened up. It was Brian.

" Hey guys, you still playing Truth or Dare with us? Or are you chickening out?" He asked with a sly grin on his face. I smiled back and then jumped out of the bunk, tackling Brian to the ground and starting to tickle him. Brian has always been such a friend to me, he's so nice. But I continued my tickle torture on him because we're such good friends. Hehehe. Anywho, I helped Aaron out of the bunk, his blonde hair brushing wildly against my face which made me laugh. We then joined the rest of the guys in the 'lounge' area of the bus and I cracked open a bottle of Dr. Pepper, my favorite drink on the face of the planet. As I drank, Brian laid out all of the rules, if someone choose Truth, they had to tell the truth no matter what, and if they thought that person was lying, then they were forced to do a dare. If someone choose dare, then they had to do the dare, unless it was completely out of the question. So, we all agreed and then sat down on the floor, all in our pajamas, or sleep-wear. Howie picked to be the first one to ask 'the' question. So he turned to AJ.

" Alright J," he started, " truth or dare?" he asked which AJ replied 'Truth'. " Ok, have you and Nick ever done 'it' doggy style?" he asked and a round of 'oohs' went throughout the the circle. AJ looked at Nick and smiled,

" Is there any other posistion?" AJ replied, and we all broke into hysterics. We calmed down and then it was AJ's turn.

" Alright D, truth or dare?" he asked quickly.

" Dare of course." Howie replied.

" Ummm," AJ said while grabbing a bottle of chocolate syrup. " You have to lick this syrup up." he tried to explain before being interrupted by Howie.

" Child's play!"

" Off of Kevin's neck." AJ finshed and Kevin turned more red than a Communist in China..... I hope that euphemism works. Kevin then laid his head down on the couch next to him and AJ poured a plentiful amount of syrup on his neck. With his eyes shut, Howie quickly leaned down and licke all the chocolate as fast as he could. I could help but laughing out loud, neither could Aaron. Howie looked over at the two of us and grinned evilly.

" Zack, truth or dare?" he asked and I said, 'dare'. I never pick truth, it's not that much fun. " Ok, I dare you to, give Aaron a nice big hickey, right on the side of his neck." he said and the color just drained out of my face. Nick and AJ instantly shot looks at him that could kill. Well this was pretty weird, I loved to pick dares but now, I mean to do something that.... intimate with Aaron, in front of everyone...... I would go for it, but I don't think Aaron would. And just as I was thinking that, Aaron grabbed the back of my head and brought it to his neck. I just kissed and sucked on one small area of his sweet smelling neck until I could see the redness come to the surface. As soon as I knew the hickey was... in tact, I pulled off, and was greeted with five sets of stunned eyes. It was then where Aaron spoke up,

" What? I told you we could do this." he said before everyone started laughing, I joined in, he was right. We played the game for the next hour or so, then it got kinda boring, Kevin always picked Truth, which was dull. Brian on the other hand was laying into Howie with all sorts of funny dares, like having him stick the whole tray of ice down his pants, which by the way reminds me not to want a cold drink. Anyway, as we stood up Nick said to Aaron and I that he wanted to have a serious talk with us. I gulped down a lump in my throat and we went into the back, where Nick shut the curtains behind us and asked that the rest of the band to stay in front, including AJ.

" Alright guys," Nick started as Aaron and I sat down in my bunk across from Nick's. " I want to talk to you about your relationship with each other." oh man, I hope this isn't the 'sex talk', because it didn't go so well when mom tried to explain it to me. " First off, I think it's great that you two are a couple," wow, this is shocking. " I think it's great but there's a few things that I have to make you's understand. Firstly, I have to talk to you guys about sex." Aaron and I groaned at the same time. " Yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking, I was the same way when mom and I had this talk, but it's better coming from me, than her." how true that was. " In the first place, I don't really think it's a good idea for you to be having sex at this age, you should wait it out a bit longer. But if you can't, and you use your best judgement, in these days, you have to be prepared. So..." he was saying before reaching back in his bunk and grabbing two brown paper bags. After pulling it out, he handed one to each of us and we opened them. I looked inside and found a box of condoms, along with a tube of... I read the label, KY jelly? What the hell is this stuff. " Use those to make it easier, and safer for you two." well this isn't what I had expected. " Now the second thing is, you can't show your affection for each other while out in public."

" What do you mean?" Aaron asked as his head snapped up in attention. Mine did as well, in curiosity.

" Well the thing is, your kind, as well as mine and Alex's." ooh he's calling him Alex, how cute is that.... man am I corny. " Well if the knowledge of this got out, it could be the end to all of our careers. The media, as well as the public, their opinions about gay relationships are really, really bad. It's not good for us to be open with the public about this sort of thing. I know you guys might not understand this now, and I know that, but you guys have to be careful. SO when you're in public, you can't hug, or kiss, or even hold hands. Anything like that can be bad for us. Understand?" he asked us, after explaining the reality to us, and I felt like a ton of bricks hit my chest. I felt tears begin to form.

" So what you're saying is, we can't be like we are now, when we're in public?" I asked, and Nick nodded. My head sank really fast and the tears began to fall. I slightly leaned my head to Aaron, and he was exactly like me. Boy how do you like that, two gay boys balling their eyes out, how stereotypical this is. Nick's arms fell across the both of us at that time, and Brian came in as well. I think he knew what had just been said to us, and he pulled me into a hug, what a friend he is.

" Shhh, it's going to be ok Zack, this was exactly how Nick and AJ was when we told them the truth about the whole thing too." he said squeezing me tightly. He looked up and wiped the tears away.

" Thanks Brian," I said while regaining my composure. I looked at his shoulder, and it was soaked. " Oh damn, I'll get you a new shirt for that." he looked at his shoulder.

" Nah, it's ok Zack, I've got plenty of these things, now you two get some rest, we have a long day ahead of us." Brian assured me. Damn this really sucks, I wanted so much to tell the whole world that I was dating Aaron Carter. But now, well, now that I think about it, it's kinda the truth. This world is a bit unfair. I mean, think about it, Nick and AJ are so happy together, and they can't even show that out in public, for fear of their careers going down the crapper. Still feeling like I had just been ran over by a pickup truck, Aaron and I layed down in our bunk, and Nick shut off the lights before leaving us alone.

" Zack?" Aaron asked in the darkness, his warm body cuddling up against mine.

" Yeah Aaron." I replied

" This really sucks. I didn't really seem to notice how much this sort of thing affected my brother and AJ, but now that it's happening to me, it's a whole different story. Does that make me self centered?" he explained and asked me.

" No," I sat up and leaned against the wall behind me. " No that doesn't make you that. Aaron, as much as I hate the situation we're in, I'm sure..... I know that we can get through this, or at least around it."

" What do you mean Zack?" he asked sitting up and looking right at me.

" I mean, so what if we can't hug each other out 'there'. At least we know that we love each other. Don't we Aaron?" I asked him, stupid question though, 'cause I know he would say yes.

" Of course I love you Zack." he said and then we kissed each other goodnight.

" So, how'd they take it?" Howie asked as Brian and Nick walked out into the lounge. Brian sat down on the couch and turned on his laptop computer while Nick found a seat in between AJ's legs, of which they wrapped around Nick's torso.

" The same as me and Alex did." Nick stated, " By the way, don't ever think about pulling a stunt like you did earlier today. How could you even think about daring those two to kiss right in front of us, not even six hours before we found out about them?" Nick expressed his feelings, filled with rage. Howie's eyes nearly popped out of his head as Nick unloaded on him. He had never seen Nick like this, ever since he knew him. Howie looked around the bus, and all eyes were fixated on him, like daggers being pierced through him.

" I'm sorry Nick, I was just getting into the spirit of the game, I never did that intentionally." he said as what seemed to be a sincere apology. After that, nobody said anything. Kevin had fallen asleep on one of the couches. AJ and Nick soon thereafter went to their bunk, as did Howie and Brian.

The man sat in the window seat of the Greyhound Bus. Staring at the latest copy of Rolling Stones Magazine. There was an article about the Black and Blue Tour, with a schedule of all of the tour dates and cities. He ripped the page from out of the magazine and stuffed it in his pocket, before taking out a cigarette. After lighting it, he took a puff and mumbled,

" Soon Zack, soon."

To Be Continued

Yes I know, another short chapter. But I'm not a machine, well maybe in some areas then others, :o). Anyway, since you're done reading this, sent your responses to my NEW EMAIL ADDRESS

Thanks for reading!!!

Next: Chapter 9

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