Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Oct 8, 2000


Alrighty everyone, Stu here with your fifth chapter to Black and Blue!!! Now I haven't been getting as many e-mails these past few days as I had expected. But I know there are a lot of you people out there who are reading this and not sending me feedback. Come on, you know I live for getting e-mails, lol. If you don't know my e-mail address, it's

Anywho, from the feedback that I have been getting I really want to thank all of you. And this chapter is dedicated to all of the fans out there of mine, but most especially Blake, who just loves this story, and to a fan of mine since I started the famed 'Nick, Lance and JC' series, who's name coincidentally is Nick(of course not Carter). Nick and Blake this chapter is especially dedicated to you guys.

Legal Stuff: If you haven't figured it out by now, this story is pure ass fiction. As I said in the previous chapters it is not to imply anything about personalities of the Backstreet Boys and Aaron Carter. If you are not of legal age, then please don't read this, aight.

Now onto the story!

Black and Blue- Chapter Five

We arrived down in the lobby and I looked outside the glass door and saw hundreds of fans cheering loudly. 'Do they ever give us a chance to relax?' I thought to myself as Kevin spoke with some hotel management. He directed us to the back parking garage where a Blue Chevy Blazer was awaiting us.

" Well this will be better to ride around in than a limo." I said hopping in the backseat, Aaron right behind me.

" You've got that right. I'm telling you, how in the hell can they find out what hotel we're always staying at?" Nick asked with Brian just shaking his head.

" You know Nicky, it's like a sixth sense to them. Besides, they see you coming a mile away." he said earning a light punch from Nick. As we rode to the mall, I thought of what had happened in the past few days. I had found out that Nick and AJ were gay, and for some reason that didn't surprise me.... after all I'm dating his younger brother. My career as a singer couldn't be better, I've got a new single that is heading to management and possibly to the stores. From what I take it, from the audience's response, I'd say that the tour was off to a great start. I wonder what everyone back home would be doing around now. Mom would probably be still working on that dreaded midnight shift at the hospital, and all my friends, how few there are, are most likely having that so boring routine of going to school, life couldn't be better.

" Yo Zack, we're here." Aaron informed me, waking me from my day dream. I smiled and we all got out, lucky for us, no hordes of screaming girls around. We entered the mall and separated, AJ went with Howie, surprisingly, Brian and Kevin went their own ways, while Nick stayed with me and Aaron. We cruised around the mall, stopping in many stores, Old Navy, Gap, Foot Locker, and of course Abercrombie & Fitch. After buying god knows how many dollars worth of clothes I had bought ten different shirts, fifteen pairs of pants and shorts combined, two brand new pairs of Nike's and Sketchers, a few pairs of silk boxers, ranging in color, and to top it off a brand new disguise, consisting of a Green Bay Packers cap and some silver sun glasses. I also got Aaron a necklace, with his initials engraved into a pendant on it, it was sterling silver that I thought would look nice on him. Anyway, while carrying about ten bags full of stuff together, Aaron, Nick and I managed to find a nice secluded place in the food court,

" Alright guys, stay right here, I'll go get us some stuff to eat. We have to hurry 'cause we only have about thirty minutes before we have to go." Nick said while walking away to a Burger King stand, not surprising because they had just done a big promo with them. Meanwhile Aaron and I sat there talking,

" Wow Aaron, I haven't shopped like that in years. And what is the deal with shoes and Nick? I swear he bought like ten that looked alike, save the color stripes." I said leaning back in the chair. He giggles at that comment, boy is he giddy at times.

" Oh Nick just has a thing for shoes." he said with a laugh, man he was good at making me laugh. He lightly laughed 'till Nick came back.

" What's so funny?" he asked while placing a tray full of fast food down. Aaron grabbed a cheeseburger and dug in.

" Oh nothing much, just talking about your shoe fetish." I laughed out, and got tapped on the shoulder from him, with a smile. As I picked up and handful of fries, AJ and Howie jumped over the wall and slid in the seat next to me, AJ using his patented scream from "Larger than Life". I threw up my fries in the air in surprise.

" Jeez AJ, you scared the crap out of me!" I exclaimed while picking the fries from my lap. Him and Howie chuckled to themselves and took some stuff from the tray too. As we talked and ate, I spotted Brian and Kevin coming towards us, from different directions. Kevin looked like he'd been ran over twice. They both sat down and Nick spoke up,

" What happened to you Train?" Nick asked, using what I took as a nickname for Kevin. He sat there for a moment, catching his breath.

" Girls....screaming.....lot's of" He panted out as the rest of us chuckled. We finished up and headed back to the car, lugging along a lot of bags with us. Barely managing to get them, and us, into the Blazer, we headed back to the hotel, where a bus seemly was waiting us. We got out, Kevin had been driving, and there was another 'suit' waiting for us. God don't these people have other lives?

" Alright guys, this is your driver James," the 'suit' said pointing to a large, somewhat middle aged man, standing next to him, " and he's going be on this tour all the way. So we'll see you all in Savannah." he said before leaving us. Kevin then mentioned to a bunch of bus boys that there were a lot of luggage in the car that should be put on the bus and not to forget it. I approached the car as the guys got on the bus and got the necklace that I bought for Aaron, then headed on the bus. I ducked under an overhang while getting on. And as soon as I lifted my head I was, again, in awe. This bus had everything, a kitchen, bathrooms, a mini media setup, and like eight bunks in the back!!

" Man does everything in show biz get bigger?" I asked Brian with a smile. He laughed and headed to the back, as did I. Aaron was back there, trying to get on the top bunk. I went from behind and pushed him, on his butt, up into the bunk. He turned around and smiled at me.

" So, what do you think of the place?" he asked, while helping me up into the bunk as well. It was big enough to fit the two of us, but not too comfortably. I grabbed a pillow and stuck it under my head for support.

" It's sweet, the only bus I rode only had seats and they weren't very comfortable." I said looking into his eyes, another part I liked about him. He giggled, yet again,

" Yeah, this is the third time I have ever rode on one of these, and it never was for an overnight thing, just for a trip with Nick." he said.

" But what about your other tours?" I asked a bit confused.

" Airplane." he responded while turning on his back, there was a skylight in this bunk. I turned on my back and looked out it too. " Zack?" he asked.

" Yeah Aaron." I answered.

" Have you ever noticed how clouds looked so much like things you love?" he said while staring into the sky. He lifted his arm up a bit and pointed at one cloud. " See that one? Ice Cream." he said. I smiled. I lifted my arm,

" You." using the highest level of cornyness ever. He looked over at me and smiled, then snuggled up against me, we soon fell asleep as the bus began to move.

" Well they're both asleep, Aaron is snuggled right against Zack, it looks so cute." Brian laughed as he walked into the "kitchen" of the bus, where the rest were sitting. Brian took a seat next to Nick. " So Frack, when are you and AJ going to tell Zack about you two?" he asked, while grabbing a newspaper.

" We already told him." Nick said like it was nothing. Kevin almost choked on his coffee.

" You did!?! When?" he asked with a worried face.

" Last night, well we didn't really tell him, AJ sorta blurted it out when we...uh." Nick said while trailing off.

" When you what?" Kevin asked impatiently.

" You really want to know?" Nick asked and Kevin nodded while drinking more of his coffee. " AJ blurted it out after we found the two making out." Nick said quickly and Kevin spitted all of the coffee in his mouth to the side of the bus.

" What were they doing?" Howie and Brian said at the same time, their jaws lying down on the table in front of them.

" They were, you know, sucking face. Guys please don't bring this up when they get up later, I really don't think that they need you to ask all of them questions and stuff, nor do I think that they're ready to uh 'face the music' yet." Nick pleaded with them. Howie, Kevin and Brian all sat there speechless for awhile, " Come on guys, this is exactly the same thing as when AJ and I came out to you."

" Well Nick," Kevin spoke up, " it is a little different, I mean they're like, younger than you... way younger." he said, and it was the truth, both Zack and Aaron were pretty young for people like Nick or Kevin to even think that they knew what true love is.

" Yeah but Kevin if you see the way they look at each other, or how they act together, I don't really think that he have anything to worry about." AJ said, stepping up on Nick's behalf.

" Come on Kev, if it works out for them and they are happy like this, don't you think that we should just act the same way like you did with AJ and me, just the same as before?" Nick continued to plead with him.

" Alright Nick, I won't say anything, I can't speak for everyone else here, but I won't. But you just make sure that they don't act as if they were 'together' in public, ok?" Kevin informed Nick, just as much as if Nick and AJ's homosexuality leaked into the public, Zack and Aaron's would be just the same. Nick looked at Brian and Howie,

" What about you two?" he asked, worryingly.

" I won't say anything Nick, I promise." Howie said truthfully, he looked at Brian.

" Nick to tell you the truth, I think it's great that they're together, but I won't say anything about it until they are ready to officially come out to us." Brian announced, bringing a smile to Nick's face. He was glad that his brother and Zack both wouldn't have to get the third degree from everyone, nor that anyone didn't like this whole 'scenario'. The conversation turned back to normal as the bus continued on it's way to Savannah.

I awoke to a slight bump, my guess was..... well I don't really know what had happened. All that I knew was that I could see the stars fly by in the skylight window above 'our' bunk. Aaron was still asleep on top of me, I couldn't even move because of him, oh well. All of a sudden the stars stopped moving in the window and I heard the hissing of the brakes of the bus. Then along with some footsteps, and a few grumbles, the curtain opened up. My eyes squinted and adjusted to the light.

" Hey Brian, where are we?" I asked, groggily.

" We're in Savannah, come on, we're getting of the bus." he said offering me his hand.

" Well thanks, but," I said with a laugh, " I'm kinda stuck here." I finished, motioning to Aaron. Brian laughed and he motioned for Nick to come over, because he did. Nick then managed to pry Aaron off of me and he carried him out of the bunk. I then took Brian's hand and got out as well. I yawned loudly and walked through the bus and off it. It was pretty chilly outside and I shrugged because of it. I quickly headed inside, where the heat was on, and followed Nick to the elevator. With Aaron still asleep, and over his shoulder, the three of us headed up to the rooms. The bell dinged and we got out, Nick opened a door and went in, before tucking Aaron in bed. He handed me a key card.

" Here's the card to the room," He whispered, " the guys and me are going out clubbing. You and Aaron should get some rest." he said walking towards the door, " And don't get in any trouble." he giggled out as he shut the door. I smiled and shook my head. I looked at the clock, eight thirty, god we we're on the road for quite awhile, and boy does my neck hurt so much. Well nothing like a hot shower won't do good. So I went in the bathroom and turned the shower water to too hot for comfort, just perfect. I stepped in and let the hot, stinging water douse my body, soothing each and every muscle. I grabbed the bar of soap and started moving it all over my torso, then my dick sprang to life. 'Well ain't that something' I thought with a smirk on my face. Then I took the soap and rubbed it along the throbbing erection, which had to be like five inches, more than less. Decent size, I thought, hell I liked it. Then, with it all soaped up, I grabbed myself and started to stroke, adding some thrust to each stroke. More and more I thought of Aaron as the blood rushed through my hardon. His looks, the way he dances, everything. I stroked hard and harder, and I could feel the time for climaxing was here, then as I was about to cum, the shower water turned freakin' ice cold. I screamed and tryed to shut off the water, finally it went off. I stuck my head out of the curtain and there was Aaron, laughing his ass off at his newest prank.

" You little punk, I'm going to get you!" I yelled and he bolted out the door. I got out, quickly dried myself, and threw on my jogging pants. Running out the door, my hair still wet, I saw Aaron, still laughing, on the bed. I pounced right on him and pinned his arms over his head. I probably looked as if I was going to kill him when he spoke up.

" Got ya good, didn't I?" He asked, with a cute laugh. I grinned and kissed him on the tip of his nose. I then let his arms free and sat up on the bed.

" Well now you ain't getting your surprise then." I said crossing my arms and looking hurt. He reached his arms around me and sqeezed,

" Ohhh I want my surprise Zack, I really do." he pleaded with me. Turning around I still gave him a hurt look.

" Then tell me your sorry." I said, grinning on the inside.

" Zack, I'm really, really sorry." Aaron said holding onto my arm and at my feet.

" Mmmm not buying it." I said, looking down at him. He then grinned and stood up, leaned forward and planted his lips on mine and slid his tongue in my mouth. Man where ever, or from whoever this kid found out where to do this, I aught to thank. He moved his tongue in and out, touching every little piece of space in my mouth. Then, by bringing he tongue out, Aaron moved it over my lips.

" Now do you believe me?" he ask, smiling too. I nodded and told him to close his eyes. He did, and I got up from the bed, reached into the pockets of my pants, which were on the bathroom floor, and got the silver necklace I had bought for him earlier today. Then, sitting behind him, I placed the necklace around him and told him to open his eyes and look into the mirror in front of us. I saw his eyes open, by looking at the mirror, and he placed his hand on the necklace, the pendant to be more specific, and did a half smile, half blush sorta look. He then turned to me and kissed my lightly on the lips.

" Thanks Zack, where did you get this for me?" he asked while still looking at the necklace.

" Today when we went to the mall, while you and Nick were trying on shoes. I hope you like it." I said, wrapping my arms around him.

" Zack, I love it. I just wish I had something to give you." Aaron confessed, while turning to me.

" Aaron, just the look on your face is good enough." man how much more corny can I get? Aaron blushed even more and kissed me again. Then his face lit up,

" Wait, I can do something. This is something a buddy of mine told me that he did with someone else. I need you to lay back first." he explained, and I did. " Alright now close your eyes and don't say anything," and again I did. From there, Aaron was in charge. I felt his little hands slide down my sides and hook the waist band to my pants, then sliding them off, leaving me just in boxers. I felt him get on top of me and kiss me on the lips. Then he began to rock back and forth, grinding his hips into mine. Faster and faster his hips went, slamming right into mine, I could feel his hard prick bash against mine. I kept my eyes closed, just as he said for me to do, and then before I could warn Aaron, my cock fired load after load right into my shorts!! He had just gotten me off, I couldn't believe it. Yet it had happen. I opened my eyes and Aaron's greeted me.

" Thanks Aaron, that felt great!" I exclaimed and he giggled, damn he was so cute when he did that. " But now I have to change my shorts." I laughed.

" Yeah me too, but next time we do this, you're going to be on top." he said before walking into the bathroom. I slipped my boxers off, took some tissues and wiped my cum off myself, threw them in the garbage, and then put some clean shorts on. As soon as I slipped into bed, Aaron came out of the bathroom, and got in him me. Then, for the second time of the day, we fell asleep.

To Be Continued

Well there was chapter five!! I hoped you all loved it. So what did you think?!?!? Like it or hate it, well just send me an e-mail to

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 6

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