Black and Blue

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Jan 18, 2001


Hi everyone, Stu here, bringing you Chapter 13, oooh unlucky number, lol, just kidding. Anyway, I'm here with the next chapter of my story, and thank you so much to everyone who responded to my last chapter, small as it was, but thank you again. By the way, if anyone hasn't noticed, the Boy Band Story Awards have commenced and the Nomination Forms are out. It would mean so much to me for my readers, if they think this story deserves it, but it would mean so much if you would nominate me and/or my story, and if it does get on the ballot, vote for it. I know this sounds kinda cheesy and all, but hey, I'm just trying to get my voice out there. Speaking of which, I have made it to the dance before and won a BBSA for my single story 'After The Concert' for Most Romantic Love Scene between Justin and JC, though ALL of N Sync got involved, hehehe. So if you haven't read that one, by all means, go and read it. And here's a list of some other stories I recommend.

"Grand Central High" by Adam Irwin - Great original high school story, using members from BSB and N Sync as if they were normal high school students.

"A Step Out Of Time" by James - Most Original BSB Story that I've read in a long time, a must for people who like a surprise here and there.

More to come soon enough, but right now, let me get some 'legal issues' out of the way.

Legal Disclaimer: This story is that of pure fiction, it is not to imply anything about the characters, living, dead or fictional, within this story. I do not know the Backstreet Boys or Aaron Carter for that matter, but I do own Zack Maither, since he is my created character, made up of my own imagination. If there is a living person, known as that person, it is purely of coincidence, and I apologize to that person. But since there isn't anyone, that I know of, who was born with the name, Zack Maither, I will continue to use him in my story. For those people who are not of legal age in the town, city, state, country, etc etc etc, then please leave and do not come back until you are of that legal age. Also, if you do not appreciate this sort of reading material, then please leave too. I try my best to keep the 'relationship' as morally sound as I can. Now that we got that all taken care of, let's get to my story.

Now to the next chapter!!!

Black and Blue - Chapter 13

As I slept, my memory replayed some of what had happened while I had been abducted by my father. First him taking me away in the hotel, then slamming me over the head with something. I recalled weeks on end of countless beatings from that man, and a couple days ago, I remember him saying something about killing my mother........ no, that couldn't have happened, he was in the house all the time, he only left once a week. How could he have killed her? But then again, why didn't she visit me in the hospital? Why?

" Why!?!" I screamed as I quickly sat up in my bunk, Aaron sleeping next to me, out like a light.

" What's the matter Zack?" I heard Brian say as he rushed to the side of the bunk, from out in the hallway of the bus, which was still in motion. I felt sweat trickle down my forehead as I stared at him, my eyes, probably bulging out of my head. Brian put his hand on my wrinkled jersey covered shoulder, " Zack, what's wrong?" he repeated. I threw the covers off of myself and swung my feet off the edge of the bunk. I was about to say 'I have to talk with all of the guys.', Kevin rushed into the room,

" Guys, you've got to see this." his worried face said before rushing back out into the front of the bus. Brian turned away from me and followed Kevin, as did I after getting up. I walked into the front and sat down on the couch where everyone was sitting, there eyes glued to the tv.

" I'm Brian McFayden with MTV News, though last night, young 14 year old Zack Maither, who is currently touring with the Backstreet Boys and Aaron Carter on their 2001 Tour was recovered with minor injuries, much to the relief of everyone on that tour, and of the fans, Zack's father, and kidnapper, Jack Maither, is still at large and is presumed to have killed 34 year old Detective Robert Marks of the Tallahassee Police Department. Upon entry to Jack Maither's Florida Hideout, the following note was found. Two names were on it, Zack Maither's and his mother, Cindy Maither's name. Cindy's name was crossed out on the note. When police entered the home of Cindy, in Clearwater, NY, the house had been ransacked and the body of 39 year old, Cindy Maither, found dead at the scene with multiple stab wounds. Jack Maither remains at large and is armed and dangerous. For more news go to, and there will always be news at the top of the hour, every hour, here on MTV."

I felt like a sack of bricks had hit my in the stomach, " NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as tears flowed out of my eyes, and I fell to the ground. I heard several people jump up and grab a hold of me as I fell, but it was no use, my body felt limp and I wanted to throw up. Sobbing and trembling, I was lifted off the ground and carried into the back of the bus, I didn't care who it was, my mother was dead damnit, my father killed my mother!! I want to crawl into a hole and die, just to get it over with. How much more can I take? I have been put through hell for the past two months, and now?? I can't think anymore, all's I know is, someone is holding me, probably Brian, it doesn't matter anyway, I want to die.

Aaron awoke as he heard a scream from someone, he looked next to him, and Zack wasn't there. Panicked, Aaron jumped out of the bunk and headed into the front, seeing everyone but Zack and Brian.

" Who was that screaming?" he asked, still standing in the doorway going to the bunks. Nick stood up and walked over to his brother, putting a hand on his shoulder,

" Zack, and the rest of us, just found out that his mom was murdered...." before Nick could finish, Aaron ran to the very back of the bus, a sort of sitting room, where Brian was sitting down on the couch, cradling Zack like he was a little child, a scared and lost child. Brian looked up at Aaron, his facial expression telling him that this was definitely not good. Aaron sat down next to Zack, and put, what he could, his arms around Zack and squeezed him tightly.

" Zack, baby, I'm so sorry about your mom. I have no idea about how much you have lost, I just want you to talk to me, please, Zack. I love you so much, please just talk to me." I heard my angel talking to me over my sobs. I don't even know if I wanted to talk with him, I was hurt so much. But, I'm going to try and be strong damn it, mom would have wanted it that way, I know her, she was always strong at hard times, and so will I. I sat up and noticed it was Brian who had been holding me all this time, isn't he something? After letting go or Brian, I slowly turned away from him, my eyes facing the floor, I hated to be like this in front of my angel, even though what I have just gone through. But, i had to be strong, so as I turned, my head slowly faced up towards his, and he had a few tears coming out of his eyes.

" Whhh why are you crying, Aaron?" I asked, while standing up and pulling him into a hug. As I did, I felt Brian moving out of the room from behind me, there wasn't much room in the back of the bus for three people to stay in, plus with all of the our carry-on bags, that was way too little space. Anyway, we sat back down on the couch,

" I just hate seeing you like this, Zack. I'm sorry about your mom, but please don't cry, it hurts me when you do." he said before I put my hand on his cheek and gave him a kiss. He smiled and blushed, just like always.

" Aaron, as long as I have you, I will never cry. Just say that you love me, and that's all I need to feel better." I said looking right into his eyes, my chest, slowly heaving up and down, and my right hand still on his cheek. Without words, he put his hand on it, moving mine to hips lips where he lightly kissed each fingertip, his tongue caressing each finger. Then, he slipped my index finger into his mouth, slowly sucking on it, first soft, then harder and harder. Soothing sensations rippled throughout my young body, as he slipped my finger in and out of his mouth, his teeth grabbing onto the very tip each time. Each time Aaron did that, his face got closer to mine, as I pulled my arm back to me. As soon as he got close enough, Aaron let it slip out of his mouth, and our lips clashed, pressing hard together. His smaller tongue made it's way past my lips, entering gracefully into my hot, steamy mouth, making contact with my eager tongue. They swirled around on top of each other, our saliva mixing together, making the touch feel even that more velvety smooth. Our passionate kiss only increased as I soon found myself leaning against the wall to the side of the couch, and Aaron had climbed on top of my lap, his hands, having grabbed the bottom of my jersey, slowly lifting upwards. At this time, I wasn't going to protest, I felt in my heart that this was the right thing, and I knew Aaron felt the same way. Aaron had lifted the shirt over my head and tossed it carelessly on the floor. He was now laying a trail of small kisses down the center of my chest, stopping at my belly button, where his tongue slowly entered, wetting the small crevice to the point that it sent tingles through my body. Aaron then moved southward, his hands stopping at the waistband of my jogging pants that I wore to bed.

" Zack...." he started looking right into my eyes, I looked back at his gorgeous baby blues, and nodded before he could say more. With that, his hands moved inside my pants, slowly bringing them down, to my knees, ankles, and off me. I laid there, clad in nothing more than some midnight blue silk boxers, god these felt really good on, but what felt even better, was Aaron's heavy breathing mouth on the fly of them, my dick rising to attention, very quickly. He brought his nose down and it touched the fabric covering my hardon, rubbing it, in an up and down fashion. My hands ran up and down my sides, as I stared directly up at the ceiling, the sweat was nearly pouring out of every gland on my body. I felt his hands rubbing my inner thighs, closer and closer to my crotch, then grabbing the elastic band of my boxers, he removed my shorts without me even feeling it. My dick was staring right at him in the face, which brought his tongue out yet again, this time, touching the very tip of it. I had never felt anything so pleasuring, next to jacking off, in my life. His tongue soon had slithered up and down my shaft, even licking both of my balls. Aaron now had grabbed 'me' in his hand and put the head right into his mouth, and he sucked on it! For some reason, unknown to me, my hands moved up my chest and I roughly pinched my nipples, harder and harder as more of my hardon went into Aaron's mouth, I'd say only half of it made it in before I started shooting cum into his mouth, and down his throat. Shot after shot, I spewed cum into him, I hadn't gotten off for over a month, since I had been kidnaped. As I was shooting, I put my hands behind his head and ran it through his hair, moaning loudly. I think so loud the guys up front could hear it. As I slowed down with shooting cum, our heavy breaths subsided, and sweat trickled down our bodies, I felt re-energized! I quickly sat up, grabbed Aaron almost too hard, by the back of the head, and bought him in for the most exotic kiss I could give him, my tongue bursting in Aaron's hot and steamy mouth, practically pinning his to the bottom of his mouth. Harder and harder our tongues wrestled around with each other, playing tonsil hockey, if you will. His hands on the back of my head, as were mine to his. I could taste the sweet and sour mix of saliva and cum in his mouth, and it turned me on even more. Our kiss broke apart and I looked into his eyes.

" Aaron, that was sooooo great, would you like it if I did the same to you?" I asked, with all hopes of a yes.

" Of course." he replied in his usual chipper voice. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before laying him down on the couch, as he did to me, my hands busy with removing of his plain dark blue tee shirt. With that off I tossed it to the side and he arched his back up so I could remove his sweat pants, and as a surprise I saw that he didn't have his boxers on underneath. As soon as I took them off, I noticed his dick was already rock hard, both us of were running on a sexual high that neither of us had experienced before. I grabbed his shaft and gave it a little tug before my tongue came out of my mouth and slid up and down it, stopping at the head and swirling around it, tasting a bit of precum. His dick was close to five inches hard now, and was a bit thicker than the last time I saw it. Regardless, I slowly put the head into my mouth, sucking on it like a lollipop, a very sweet tasting flavor, lollipop. Then, a small amount at a time, I had more and more of his hardon enter my mouth. Slowly it came in, and when I noticed that I felt like gagging, I saw that all of it was in! With moans coming from Aaron's two sweet lips, I sucked down on him, his hands grabbing my hair in a urge for more. I came up and down on his red hot cock like nothing else mattered, that's all my mind was focused on, pleasuring my angel. As more and more moans came from him, I kept speeding up, my jaw starting to become sore. On and on, with as much in me as I could, I sucked down on him with all my might, and by the sounds and movements coming from Aaron, I knew he was enjoying himself. Finally as I felt was cock twitch,

" Oooh, Zack baby, I'm cc cccuming!" he declared before shooting volley after volley of cum down my throat. As it came in, my mouth drank up his sweet nectar. It tasted better to me than Dr. Pepper, and that is pretty damn hard to top. Soon, though, his dick stopped shooting and went limp and I let it slide out of my mouth. As I lifted my face from Aaron's crotch, I looked up at his angelic face, highlighted in sweat and a big smile. He looked at me, " Zack..... that felt incredible." I replied,

" I wish I could make you feel even more incredible." and with that a brown paper bag fell out of one of the suitcases, it was the one Nick had given to Aaron and I a month ago, the one filled with condoms and KY Jelly. I looked at it, then turned back to my angel.

" Zack?"

" Aaron?"

To Be Continued.....

Well there was Chapter 13 of my saga, and now I just want to lay out some props in this story. A big one goes to my boyfriend, who has been giving me more and more ideas for this story. But now this is where you readers out there come into play. When you send me an e-mail, I want you to send me, along with your comments, a vote on what should happen in the next chapter. Should the two boys keep going? Or stop while they are ahead? The choice is up to the majority. By the way, nominations are almost over for the BBSA's, so don't forget to nominate your favorites, hehehe. Well here's the e-mail address again

Thanks for reading!!

Next: Chapter 14

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