Bivouac Troops

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Feb 18, 2021


Bivouac 4


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Bivouac 4

Parker lay before me, no longer a virgin. I'd taken his cherry and he had begged for a second round. Who was I to deny him? For an hour I used his body. Out the window I could see police and military vehicles coming and going. I knew that soon Gil would return to claim my body as his own property. I filled the young man's ass twice and brought him to three orgasms. We were both exhausted. I suggested that we both needed a shower. We pulled on what little clothing we had and made our way to the boy's locker room. I heard the showers running and knew that we would not be alone there. We both undressed and walked into the shower area. There were those same two soldiers I'd had fun with earlier. They smiled when they saw me approach. Their cocks were stiff with anticipation of another round of sex. Parker walked in behind me, now naked. We were four naked men in a shower. Parker's cock stood at attention when he saw the two, fit bodies. His own cock rose to hardness at the sight. The two soldiers were hesitant seeing a stranger with me. I smiled and nodded at my young companion. Parker took the shower head between the two others and my own shower head. The four men with stiff cocks pretended to be normal. But Parker, the once shy virgin, was not able to resist temptation. He knelt before me with the water running over his pale body. I nodded my approval and the other two quickly joined the two of us. Parker was treated to three very horny men. He went from one stiff cock to another tasting each one. The two soon lifted Parker up from the floor. They turned him to face me and bent him over to service my hard cock.

Parker's ass was now exposed to the two. One reached to the soap dispenser and got a handful of liquid soap. He lubed the young man's hole with the soap and pushed two fingers inside. Satisfied that he was ready. One of them asked my permission to continue. I nodded my approval. The brown cock, now lubed with soap, quickly took the place at the offered hole. He pushed in with no resistance from Parker, just a moan. I watched as the young man was brutally fucked. My own need now renewed, I moved to give Parker my cock. I smiled at the man inside the hole and said " No uniform, no rank, just men. " They moved away to give me access and I plowed into the now familiar hole. One of the two lubed my own hole with a soapy finger before slowly entering me. I leaned against the tiled wall to take the cock.

We gotten into a full swing when another man entered. He smiled , saying "Room for one more?" I looked up seeing a monster black cock hard and ready to fuck. He walked up to the man fucking Parker and together they lifted Parker up. He was carried back into the locker room and placed on a low bench. He begged for cock from both men. My own fucker and I followed to see what would happen. The two lay down, their cocks lined up together. Parker wasted no time before mounting both dicks. His soap lubed hole slide down easily on the offered dicks. He moaned at the new sensation of two cocks inside his body. My friend slipped behind me and once again pushed his stiffness into my receptive hole.

The locker room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping skin and the moans of five sexually starved men. I came first depositing my cum over Parker's bouncing body. My ass muscles forced the cock inside me to offer up his own load. Parker yelled out as his own dick sent waves of his sperm into the air. The two inside his ass screamed as they both sent their loads into the overstuffed hole filling the young officer and stimulating another orgasm from his body. We were all a mess of sweat and spent juices. I moved to get a quick shower as the others recovered. I left the men and returned to my office. I walked in to see Gil at my desk watching the TV. He was wearing just his wife beater and loose boxers. He looked up and said "From the smell of sex in here, I can assume that the lieutenant was able to take care of your needs. I guess you won't need me tonight?" I let the towel around my waist drop to reveal my stiffening cock and said "I think that there is one need that stiff cneeds you." His cock popped through the opening of his boxers. He stood and walked to me. He kissed my neck and shoulder saying "I've needed you all day, Chris." He reached behind me to finger my hole saying, "You been a naughty boy, haven't you?" I moaned as I felt him slide a finger into my recently used hole. He pulled me in for a deep kiss. I offered no resistance to him. "Chris" he whispered "I want to have you again and again tonight. Are you ready for an all nighter?" He pushed me back to lay on the conference table. I lifted my legs to wrap around his hips pulling him in.

Gil kissed my neck and then nibbled my ears whispering, "If you were mine we'd never leave the bed." I responded "If I was your lover, we might starve because the kitchen would be too far away." His hard pole breached my ass with ease. The familiar feeling returned to me again as he began to slowly take possession of my body. I moaned feeling him fill me. I knew that there was something special about this man. Here I had found something that had been missing from my life. It was no longer the physical need that was satisfied. But now emotions had taken over. I needed this man in me to complete me. Gil made sure that I knew the intensity of his own need as he plowed telling me how good he felt. He paced his self so that we both would reach our climax at almost the same time. He was good at this. We screamed at that moment letting our passion take over. Hearing the noise and fearing the worse, Parker rushed in still wearing his tank top and gym shorts. We were not even aware that he had entered the room. Gil fell onto my body breathing and shaking. I was in the same condition. Parker stood watching, his cock pushing at the thin fabric of his shorts. "Sir" he began "I was afraid someone was ill." We both fell apart laughing. I said "No one was ill. But maybe a little tired from our exertions, Parker" Gil motioned for him to shut the door and enter. He smiled at me and then at Parker "I want to thank you for seeing to Chris' needs today. Come here and sit with us. I think we need to talk." The young man did as he was told. He looked both nervous and excited at seeing out naked bodies. Gil began "Parker, I think that what you saw was not according to the regs. But since we're all men and in an unusual situation we can overlook the regs. Don't you agree, Chris?" I nodded agreement as I watched Gil edge toward the young man. He slowly pulled at the leg of the gym shorts. Parker lifted up so that they could be removed. I moved over to lift off his tank top. Out popped his hard cock, the tip wet. Gil began again "I know that you and Chris engaged in off the books sex. That's fine with me. I'm not the possessive type." The stunned boy just looked at our naked bodies and nodded that he understood. I began "When this problem is over and all of you are back to your civilian lives I want you to promise to visit me. I think that we can enjoy ourselves a lot." Parker nodded his head and moved in to kiss me. This position left his ass exposed to Gil's vision. Gil licked his lips and dove in pulling those pale globes apart to reveal the pink hole. He could not resist. He shoved his tongue in licking the puckered hole. Parker moaned at the sensation of being rimmed by a man he so desired. I pulled away from the kiss and asked him "Is this what you've dreamed of? Is this what you want?" He mumbles "Yes, Yes!" Gil pulled the young man up on his knees to give him access. He then let a dribble of spit fall on the puckered hole. He used his cock head to spread the moisture around the hole. Parker moaned at the feel of the cock he had for so long dreamed of. I pulled his lips to my own and buried my tongue in his mouth. As I did this Gil removed his cock to the entrance and slowly penetrated the young man. Parker moaned and pushed back to accept all that Gil offered.

This was not to be a fast fuck. All three of us knew that fulfilling the dreams of the young man was an important moment. Ever so slowly Gil pushed his monster to the goal. Parker moaned as he felt each inch enter his love tunnel. I held his head with both hands. He reached out for my shoulders to brace himself for the invasion. Realizing that the way was clear Gil began a steady in and out motion on the boy's body. I could feel the tension ease from Parker's body. He smiled up at me as his hole was plowed by his commanding officer. I knew the joy he felt. I'd felt that same joy when Gil took me that first night. Gil leaned over the boy's body and kissed me passionately. We three were lost in the moment. It was the knowledge that sexual satisfaction brought to all horny men.

I felt Parker move to reach for my hard cock. He looked up into my eyes with the need on his face. "Sir" he asked "Can I have both of you in me at the same time? I want you both to take me and give me your combined loads." Gil pulled out smiling at me and asked "Chris, do you think we both can fit in his tight hole?" Parker didn't wait for my answer. He twisted around and I lay back for him. He sat on my stiffness taking all into his eager body. He moaned and pleaded "Captain please, please fill me to the brim." Gil did not need a second invitation. He moved and placed his cock at the boy's already filled opening. Parker leaned forward and kissed me. This left his rear to Gil. Moving slowly, he inched his cock on top of my own imbedded cock. Parker screamed as the thick head of Gil's cock entered atop my already buried dick. The pain was intense but joyful for the boy. He had what he's always wanted- both of us inside his body.

It took a few minutes for Gil to bury himself. I felt his stiffness glide atop my own inside the tight space. Parker's kiss became more passionate as his deepest desire was fulfilled. He had the two men he wanted most in his body. Both were ready to give him their gift. I felt Gil's ball brush against my own knowing that we both filled that tight space. Parker was ours at this moment. Gil began his in and out motion stimulating me as he did. Parker yelled out but not in pain. He yelled knowing that it just couldn't get any better than this. His two men, the men he desired most, were going to make love to his hole. Gil, despite his need to make the moment last, began increasing his movement. This caused me to move slightly inside the boy. This new stimulation sent Parker over the edge. His cock erupted over my chest and stomach coating me with his juice.

But Gil was not finished. He wanted all three of us to cum. He increased his pounding calling out my name. "Please" he begged "Please fill him with me! I need to feel you cum with me!" This was all it took. I felt my cock expand next to Gil's own. I yelled as my load filled the tight space. Gil knew that the moment had arrived and he pushed in as deep as possible and exploded his load to join my own. Parker felt both of us explode and his own cock once again delivered a load onto my body. We held this position as all three of us came down from the fantastic experience.

Finally, my cock softened and fell out of the boy's overstuffed hole. I felt the first dribble of the combined loads. Gil pulled out and lay next to me. Parker lay on my body. His breathing slowly returning to normal. He raised up and looked at both of us, his friends, his would be lovers and said "That was so intense!" We laughed and Gil pulled him down for a kiss. Parker was positioned between us. Gil reached over to touch me. I pulled the sleeping bag over the three of us. I felt a closeness for these two men. Was it possible to have a relationship with two other men? Was the intensity a thing of the moment or something more?

Next: Chapter 5

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