Bivouac Troops

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Dec 14, 2020


Here's another one -btw what happened to the guy who was in charge?

Bivuoac Troops


If you've gotten this far you know the drill. This story is a work of gay fiction containing sexual acts between consenting adults. It is the sole property of the author and may not be reused or reprinted without his written permission. If you enjoy the stories on the site please consider a contribution to keep it going. Comments welcomed- Now unzip and enjoy.

Rioting and Looting had broken out in the city after 6 weeks of the lockdown. People were justified and frustrated. The governor had called out the National Guard to aid the police in restoring order. It was 10PM when I got the call at home. The mayor was on the line "Chris, we need you at your school" he sounded nervous but continued "The governor has called in the national guard from across the state. They need your school to bivouac the soldiers. You have the keys and a police car will pick you up in ten minutes." He hung up. I was at a loss but quickly packed a bag not knowing how long this would last. I called my next door neighbor and good friend explaining the situation and asking him to look after my dog. I rushed to the backyard gate where he was already waiting. I gave him the spare keys to the house and my dog telling him that there was plenty of food for him and the dog in the house.

Just then I heard a police car in front of the house. I grabbed my bag and rushed to the car. Inside I saw that they had picked up the custodian already. We talked on the 15 minute drive to the school. The boilers would have to be turned on and we would need to check supplies of food stored in the kitchen. We arrived just as trucks loaded with soldiers and supplies pulled up. The commanding officer, a young captain, greeted us. We told him that his men could unload their gear at the side loading area next to the garage. The custodian rushed to open the loading bey doors while the captain and I went to my office. He used his radio to notify the mayor's command post that they were inside the school.

I put a pot of coffee on expecting it to be a long night. From my office window I could see fires burning across the city. The captain explained that most of the troops would be using the classrooms for sleeping and a communications command post would be set up on the top floor. I offered him a cup of coffee and we sat at my conference table to talk about what was needed. He told me that cots would be brought in for the troops and that he'd like to stay with me in the office to handle any problems. As he spoke two soldiers brought in 2 cots and set them up. He said that he'd prefer sleeping in the office with me to insure my safety. I thought that seemed strange since there were plenty of classrooms empty.

As we talked two other officers came in to ask about unlocking doors. I used the PA to call the custodian to take them around and open which rooms they would need. I explained that the gym lockers and showers would be available as soon as hot water was ready. They also had the use of the cafeteria and kitchen. My bag had been brought in by one of the police men.

After things settled, we took a tour of the building with some his men. It had been only two hours but things seemed to be settled. I was in my office glued to the TV watching the news when the captain walked in with his duffle bag. He began to undress down to his military issued boxers. I looked up some what confused. He smiled and said "It looks like we're going to be room mates for a while. I usually sleep in the nude at home. But being polite I'll just wear these." I suddenly remembered that in my rush I hadn't packed any thing to sleep in. Blushing I admitted this to him. He laughed saying "In that case guess I can revert to my normal habits. That is if you don't mind" Saying that he locked the office door and dropped his boxers. Standing before me was a perfect specimen of a muscled Greek god. Only this one could not hide his equipment under a fig leaf, even a giant fig leaf.

He stood naked laughing at my embarrassment. I didn't know what to say as I stared. "Ok, I guess this is too much for such a short time knowing me?" he chuckled. By this time I had gathered myself and laughed. "OK", I began " I think we should get this out in the open and you might want to sleep in one of the classrooms. I'm gay." He kept laughing and said "So what else is new. Do you think I'm some hick from the farm? Welcome to the modern army man. We have gay soldiers, gay officers, and probably a few gay generals. Let's drop the bomb right now. So am I." We both broke up into a fit of laughter. I reached into the bottom drawer of my desk and pulled out a bottle of bourbon along with two glasses. He smiled at that. I said "a drink to the modern army" and poured two shots. We downed them and then he insisted that I undress and get some sleep since the troops would be up in three hours. I undressed noticing him watch me closely. He whistled saying "You know for a school teacher you're in pretty good shape." I know that J blushed again. I turned off the lights and stubbled to the cot. I couldn't get comfortable to sleep. He sensed this and finally asked "What's wrong?" I mumbled "I guess I can't get use to sleeping in my office." He moaned and said "We're perfectly safe there are 600 soldiers out there." I sighed "That's not what bothers me. I haven't slept with another man in the same room since college." He suddenly sat up staring at me and said "You mean that you're gay and haven't been with a guy yet?" I mumbled "Yes!"

He shot up and just stared before asking "How is that possible? You're a good looking man. There must be men clawing at your door!" By now we were both fully awake. I mumbled "Been too busy and who wants a school teacher?" He stood up, grabbed the two sleeping bags from the cots and threw them on the floor. Naked he walked over to me and pulled me up against his body. I felt the heat from his skin press against my own skin. He grabbed my head and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. Despite my lack of experience my cock grew hard. I felt his own stiffness against my body. He put both hands on the sides of my face before kissing me again. He whispered "If you let me I can show you what being with a man feels like?" I nodded from the anticipation and also felt a fear. I barely knew this man. Did he have someone? He pulled away and fumbled in his bag. He finally found what he needed, a small tube of lotion.

Next: Chapter 2

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