Bitch Training

By Evan Parks

Published on Jul 3, 2008


I was excited to be heading out on business again and heading to Brad's city. We had kept in touch by email and messages on the all male dating site that we had first connected on. I had let Brad know that I was coming back and that after my initial bitch training with him I wanted more. I had kept cruising male web sites to learn more about being a bitch and what things men did out there. Through messages Brad told me he'd look after me and just to contact him once I got in town.

Once checked in at my hotel with my toys and hardware that I had had before with Brad, I sent Brad a message. He must have been waiting as he answered back right away. He said to shave and shower, douche well, and to brush my teeth, etc so I was all clean and ready and he'd be over shortly. I quickly got into the bathroom and ripped my clothes off, douched with a portal kit I'd bought and got all clean and then didn't know what to wear so just waited for my master naked. I thought it better to be ready to service him and be a lowly naked slave for him when he arrived.

A knock at the door resounded in the room and I quickly gave a quick look at the peephole and saw Brad. I got on my knees and opened the door slightly and kept my head down and greeted Brad, "Hello Sir, I'm all ready as you wished." He pushed his way into the room and forced me back and flung the door open and just left it there as he walked passed me. "Good boy", he said. "Nice to see you are obedient and ready for me." I should make you crawl out to my car just like you are, but that would cause a stink in the lobby and parking lot I bet so throw these on." I was embarrassed and afraid of being exposed with my door being open still and Brad sensed my nervousness. He told me to pick up the bag he had dropped and to go into the bathroom and put on what he had brought.

I answered, "Yes Sir!" enthusiastically and crawled on my hands and knees with the bag and got into the bathroom leaving my hotel room open. I got into the bathroom and opened Brad's gym bag. The bag contained a leather cock ring, a black leather strap with a metal D-ring on it, a medium sized butt plug, a leather collar, a white T-shirt and some biker type shorts. Both the T and the shorts were worn looking and had small holes here and there in them. I put on the cock ring and the T-shirt and then asked at the door, "Sir, what's this smaller strap for?" Brad snapped back, "You fucking stupid whore, it's a ball stretcher for your nuts. Put it on and make sure it's snapped on good and tight." I did as instructed and then pulled on the tight fitting biker shorts and then the dog collar. I then got onto my knees and crawled out to Brad.

He looked at me and said, "You all ready slut?" "Yes Sir", I answered. Brad said, "Okay then let's go", and started to walk out the door. I hesitated. Brad told me to "Get the fuck coming!" I started to crawl very hesitantly. He stopped in the hallway and returned to the room. He grabbed me by the hair made me look up at him and said I could stand up and walk with him to save me the embarrassment of being his slave in public, but that I had better be especially excellent at serving his needs today. Brad knew I was totally bitch-minded for him behind closed doors, but he also knew I was a married man and needed some discretion. He was a kind master to me in that regard so I hoped to please him as best I could to show my gratitude. I dared not ask where he was taking me.

I followed Brad out of the hotel and into the parking lot where he told me to get into his car. He knew by my look that I was embarrassed on having to go though the hotel lobby and parking lot with a collar around my neck and fully visible to those people standing around. I got a few stares, but kept on walking hoping I wouldn't be recognized by those guests again during my stay. We reached his car and he ordered me to sit in the front with him which I did.

Brad started the car and began to drive out. He told me to take off my shirt, kick off my shoes. I did as I was told and then Brad told me to put my face into his crotch as he drove and to lick and kiss it to show my obedience in public and to get myself into practice. As he told me this, he grabbed my hair and pulled me towards him. I was concerned of being seen, but complied and began to kiss and lick his pants and zipper as I felt the car moving. I gently nibbled at the soft bulge I knew was that wonder cock of my Master's that he had plied with me a couple months back when we first met and I was trained to be his bitch.

I continued to lick and suck at his crotch as we drove for several minutes. I could felt the car turning a couple times and then accelerating as if we had reached a highway. Brad then told me to unzip his pants and to suck his cock. I loosened his belt, opened his jean's metal button and undid his zipper and began to kiss and lick his pubes and cock shaft that was exposed as I started to pull his pants away from his hardening manhood. I felt him lift himself up a bit so I slid his pants down to expose his cock and balls completely and immediately took his semi-hard cock all the way into my mouth. I voraciously gobbled his cock down and sucked it lovingly in appreciation of being able to serve him. Every once in a while the movement of the car and hitting bumps caused my head to jam down on his pole. Brad loved that and patted my head even though it was often unexpected and gagged me. After a few minutes longer I felt the car make a turn and slow. We then turned twice again in a short distance as I continued my work on Brad's dick. A minute or so later, I then felt us stop.

Brad opened the car door and got out. He stood there with his pants half way down to his knees and reached in and grabbed me by the hair. "Get out you little whore! Get on your fucking knees and suck me off right here. Show the world that you are my little slut and my bitch and will do anything I tell you." He pulled on my hair quite hard so I crawled awkwardly across the seat and onto the ground outside the car at first using my hands to balance myself and then out onto my knees before Brad. He pulled me forward out past the open car door and then towards his erect fuck muscle still glistening wet from my saliva. He then raised his voice, "I know you are worried about being seen, but you are my fucking slut and you'll do this for me now! Do you fucking understand? Obey me if you want to be my bitch." He slapped my face with his palm and then his back hand as he held my hair and forcibly guided my mouth to his cock and raised his voice more, "Fucking suck me now bitch!" "If somebody comes by and sees us, fuck them! Maybe I'll invite them to get sucked off too. "I've changed my plates so the cops can't trace me. Now fucking suck me off!"

I reached up, scared as hell of being seen and caught, but obeyed. The thought of voyeurism and being exhibited like this was exhilarating even though I was scared shitless of being caught. I opened my mouth and started to take Brad's cock when he just grabbed the back of my head and shoved his cock deep into my throat gagging me. He held his cock deeply seated in my throat and gasped out, "Yeah bitch! Take my dick, you cock-breathed slut. Yeah baby, swallow me all the way. Oh yeah baby!" At that, I heard the car door shut and Brad began to face fuck me. I couldn't believe I was kneeling at the edge of a public road at about 5 pm in broad daylight beside a car gagging on a man's cock with him actually face fucking me. I was so turned on by being in public and also so fucking afraid of actually being seen or worse, arrested and exposed to my wife and work.

As I sputtered at trying to adjust to having cock thrust in my mouth, Brad then pushed me backwards as he took small steps towards the car and eventually had my head pinned between him and the car door. He continued to fuck my face and yelling out words of encouragement to me. "Oh yeah, slut, eat my big dick. Take that hard meat and swallow me down. I am going to throat fuck you and cum down your throat right here." I could tell Brad was very excited so I eagerly sucked his cock and reached up and held his cock shaft and gently pulled his balls as I worked my face on and off his rigid pole now more accustomed to having it invade my throat. I had little choice really as my head was pinned against the car door and Brad still held my hair firmly. The exhilaration however was driving to me to do what I could to please my Master.

Brad then abruptly pulled out of my mouth and said, "Strip you whore!" I just looked at him, horrified that he actually wanted me to strip naked at the side of a road. He slapped my face hard and grabbed my hair and yanked up. I started to get up because he would have ripped my hair out of my head. This was a side of Brad I had not seen before. He had a raging hard on and wanted sex and was going to forcibly take it.

Next Brad put a couple fingers inside my collar and yanked me by my hair and collar down to the trunk of the car and bent me over it. "Sir", I said, but Brad pushed me down hard against the trunk and then pulled the bike shorts I was wearing down to my knees. Brad was more muscular than I was and could manhandle me easily. He again pushed on my head and shoulders forcing me to bend over his car trunk. The trunk was warm from the sun and slightly hit actually. It wasn't hot enough to burn but was quite warm.

Then I felt Brad's leg come up between my legs and then his foot pushing down on my shorts basically pushing them down to my ankles. "Kick them off you fucking little ungrateful bitch! You are disobedient and now you will pay the price. I felt his saliva coated cock at my ass and he poked it at me a couple times, missing my hole. "I am going to fuck you raw you stupid whore." I tried to resist, but my body and head were slammed down on the trunk again as Brad over powered me. "Kick the fucking shorts off now! Brad yelled leaning over me and into my ear. "Don't you resist me or I'll fucking really get fucking angry with you. A bitch should know his place and you'll one way or another. Now fucking get naked all the way and give me your mancunt. Take my bare cock willingly in your ass!, Brad screamed. He was spitting from yelling and getting angry.

I started to try to get the shorts off and pulled my right leg out of them as his foot pressed down on the crotch of the shorts. As I struggled to get the shorts off, my left ankle by pulling my leg up, I felt Brad's cock head at my hole. "Give me your ass boy! Take my dick in there willingly and help me get inside you!" Brad frenzied attitude scared me and I started to push back on his cock.

I felt his dick head slip in past my sphincter muscle and it hurt without being lubed beyond what was left on my saliva from me sucking him. I groaned a bit from the pain and tensed up, but Brad continued pressing his hard cock into me very slowly. "Take me bitch! You deserve to have it hurt now since you disobeyed me. Show me you are grateful for my attention and push back and take all my bone in your whore manhole." I pushed back onto his rigid pole, taking the pain. Once his erect cock was completely in me, Brad said, "Now that's more like it. You know you are my bitch and you'd better slut and whore for me when and how I want it from now on eh?" Then he pulled out part way and rammed his cock home deep into me again. I grunted and let out a scream from the pain. "Answer me bitch", he said again and again pulled out his throbbing cock and rammed in deep into me yet again. "Ahhhhh", I gasped out in a long slow exhale and shook from the still painful fucking I was receiving. I then replied hurriedly to avoid further forceful ramming strokes, "Yes sir. I am your bitch and will slut and whore for you. I will be an obedient bitch for you Sir." "Good boy", Brad quipped back and then slammed me twice more quickly with his hard pole. Again I reacted and let out a sigh of pain.

I was absolutely terrified at this point. Here I was at the side of a public road bent over a car, naked with a man plowing my ass. Essentially, I was being raped by force other than I had gotten myself into this situation by free will by agreeing to meet Brad and go with him. He had emails from me telling him of my desires to be dominated and role play raped. It then hit me; that I was getting what I had told him I wanted. Brad pulled his dick from my ass and spit in his had and slathered it on his cock and then pushed it against my raped hole. I struck my ass back and took his stiff pole again afraid of being powerfully taken and punished. But this time he slid his cock in more gently and the extra spit helped lubed its entry into my man cunt.

I endured my Master's fucking for a few minutes and actually his attention to my hole started to feel good. All the time, I worried another car would come along and also that I was being done bare back. Because Brad had rammed my hole and took me in a rape-like frenzy, I feared that I would get anything disease wise that he may have. That forceful fucking would have for certain ripped my ass walls and I would be vulnerable to disease. I was stuck and had to comply as fear of any protest may enrage Brad to who knows what? Brad stopped his fucking of my ass with one long deep thrust pushing his cock as far as he could into me and hold himself there. He was moaning and grasped my shoulders to be able to thrust as deep as he could into my guts.

"Yeah!", Brad exclaimed with a low soft voice as if he were close to cuming. I figured I would get his load deep inside me, but Brad pulled his throbbing rock hard dick out of my ass and said, "Get on your knees boy! I obeyed and he held his oozing cock at my mouth. It was glistening wet from his spit and from my ass juices. I could smell the recesses of my ass lingering on his dick as it stood there erect in my face. I knew I was going to suck it, but waited for instructions so as not to do something I was not to do. "You know what I want boy, so do me nicely", Brad grumbled and then grabbed my hair. I opened my mouth and went down on his cock. I began sucking his cock with earnest and swallowed it whole and wiggled my nose into his pubes to please him.

Brad tensed up and thrust his cock deep into my throat and held my head tight causing me to gag a bit. He grunted, "Oh fuck! Suck me hard and take my big load." With that, Brad began to cum as I felt his cock begin to pulse. He just pushed his dick into my mouth and held it deep in my throat. I tugged at his balls gently and worked his shaft with my other hand and sucked on his cock using my tongue to work the underside of his shaft and cock head while creating a greater suction. He yelled, "Oh fuck, oh fuck yeah." As I eagerly took his cum load and swallowed all I could as I felt his cock repeatedly pulsing and tensing up. He pulled out and pulled my head back as he fired a few last volleys of cum onto my goatee and face. I then took him back into my mouth and gently sucked him as he grew soft and relaxed a bit. He then pulled his dick out of my mouth and brushed it up along my goatee and smeared his cum and my own saliva onto my face and then inserted in back in my mouth. He repeated doing this a few times as he calmed down.

Just then I heard a car approaching and I started to react, but Brad told me to stay put and suck his softening dick clean. I was really fucking scared and went to plead, but Brad stopped me by grabbing my hair and banging my head on the car. "Fucking shut up and stay put or I'll leave you right fucking here you fucking whoring bastard. I'll expose you as a little fucking gay whore that you are, so fucking do as I say bitch – got it. I ain't playing games here boy. You're my bitch when we meet as we agreed. So fucking do as I say – got it." With that Brad then banged my head against the car again. I nervously stayed where I was as a car got closer.

The car approached, slowed and then just crawled up to us and I heard a man's voice, "Hey, what are you two doing? I kept my head down and tried to look away so this guy couldn't see my face. I turned bright red from embarrassment and thought my life was over. The man in the care continued, "What the hell is going on? What are you guys, a couple of faggots. I'm calling the cops. I have your licence plate. You two assholes can't do this in public. Get the hell out of here." Brad responded, "Fuck off you old bastard! We can fucking well do what we want when we want and how we want it so get fucking out of here and call the cops if you want. I don't give a shit. I was so fearful of being caught, yet also so exhilarated at being seen naked in public and having sex with another guy. I suddenly felt the urge to do something outlandish, so I reach up and took Brad's soft cock in my mouth and reached both my arms up around his ass and hugged his ass, cupping his cheeks with my hands as I sucked his cock. Brad placed his hand on my head and the other guy, "Yeah this is my bitch. We have rights too, even if we are gay or not. So take a royal fucking hike or we'll both jerked you from your car and make you suck us both off!" With that I heard the car squeal to a start and blast off down the road.

Brad then pulled his dick from my mouth and lifted me up. He kissed me by encircling hi lips over mine and thrusting his tongue into my mouth and tasting his own cum. "Good boy! You did very well and survived sucking my cock in public view and then having some old prude seeing you give me head with my cum shot all over your face. I think you are ready for what I have in store for you later. Get in the car and let's get lost. I don't want the cops stopping me from taking you to your next training lesson."

I grabbed my shorts and we got in the car and Brad did a U-turn and headed around a corner and then another shortly after that. He told me he liked my new obedience and hoped I learned not to disappoint or resist him again. He told me he had arranged my next lesson in being a bitch and a slave. We were both quiet as he drove along. He then turned down another gravel road and went past a few farms and then turned into a farm lane. He drove down this lane a ways before reaching a house which he went right past and then pulled up to a smaller barn/shed type building a hundred feet or so from a regular looking barn. "This is my place", he said.

He parked and turned off the engine. He then turned to me and asked if I trusted him. I said I did even though he surprised me back there on the road. Brad said, I wanted a Master and he was mine. He had done nothing more than I had encouraged him to do in my emails to him describing what I fantasized about. He asked if I no longer wanted to bitch for him and I said, "No. I am your bitch and want to experience more with you Sir! I just was surprised to be with a real dominate master and although concerned about my discretion, I so enjoyed the treatment he gave me. Brad again said to me, "Do you trust me?" I looked at him peering into his eyes saying, "Yes my Master, I do!"

With that Brad said, "This is your next stage of training. I will look after you, but you need to obey me and be a whoring bitch for me without question." He went on, "You will enjoy this and it is what you asked for. It will develop you nicely as a true bitch. My Bitch! I am going to get out now and if you do not wish to continue as my bitch and being a slave, slut, and whoring little prick, then stay put. If you trust me and truly want to be my bitch, then come look for me in the building once I go in. If you decide to follow me though, there is no turning back. I have arranged something that you told me you wanted so here's your chance. When I leave get dressed and then follow me in if you decide you want to continue your training." Brad then just opened the car door and got out. He headed for a small door and went inside.

I remained in the car pondering my future. Should I go? What was Brad going to do to me? Should I stop this since I was married with a family? My sexual desires begged me to go ahead - throw caution to the wind and trust Brad. Go in there and do what you've dreamed of doing – being another man's bitch and giving up my mouth and ass to another man like a slut and whore would. I had gone this far with Brad and was exhilarated from sucking him off and getting fucked naked on the side of a road. I found it so exciting to know I just reached up and sucked Brad's cock in front of a perfect stranger in public. So, I opened the car door and got out. My heart was pounding and I had to shut off the little voice in my head screaming for me to stop. I could feel this anxiety, but also an adrenaline rush of being a bitch once again and experiencing something new in the world of sex with men. I truly wanted to be a secret slut and whore when I got out yet still be a happily married man at home. Brad had given me so much pleasure, so I owed him. I opened the shed door and stepped inside ready to greet what ever was set to happen. I totally wanted to experience more man to man sexual adventure even though my conscience was screaming "No!"

Next: Chapter 3

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