Bitch Boy Breaker

By Alpha Spirit

Published on Aug 17, 2023


Disclaimer: This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males of consenting age 18+. It involves domineering, rough sex that both parties, at some point or another, consent to. It contains strong language and other adult situations. If the material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

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This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental.

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Bitch Boy Breaker 06 - Buff Gym Bitch 04

Later, much later, Red would sign a sworn document. It contained a great deal of coerced statements, but also numerous truisms. He'd wanted to be raped. He'd fantasized about it before. He knew he was going to get fucked by me when he, a consenting 19-year-old, agreed to go home with me from the gym. All the bruises and marks were consensual. All the cries of 'Please don't rape me' were false, part of the sex play.

But in the moment of turmoil, deep in the sweaty bowels of my apartment building gym, confronted with my unilateral desire to break in his boy pussy, Red bolted. I pounced on him. There was a lot of struggling, grappling, cursing, and "Please don't rape me!"s on Red's part. Pinning him up against the wall first, we were both stark naked and his smooth skin slipped and rubbed against me as I ground him into the cool concrete. Red fired elbows backwards, corded his rippled back muscles to buck me off of him, shifted his dexterous thighs and corkscrewed his flanked calves to escape my grasp. It was all useless. I pressed my hairy chest against his back, toppled him over his own torso with surges of my midsection, and trapped his foal legs beneath my own, shoving him up against the wall.

"Please don't rape me! Please don't rape me! Please don't rape me!"

Red's elbows sent fiery searing pain into my arms and shoulders as I pinned him against the wall. Under the influence of the soma, ecstasy, they felt stimulating, the pain alive and charged with the tension of the moment. I pushed Red's angelic freckled face up against the dirty gym wall and growled in his ear.

"Shut up and take this fuck, you little muscle bitch. This is what you were born for."


"This thick, beefy ass of yours is going to be a boy pussy from today on."

"No- no- no- I'm not-"

"You ARE, you faggot! You ARE a foul, fucked-up, cock-craving homo boy."

"No! No! No!" Red started to give up on the third 'no'. You could feel his tone shrink, fight start to leave him. His struggling less and less fierce, his words less and less defiant, Red knew that it was all true no matter how much he denied it.

"You adore the male physique: it's the driving force behind everything you do. All the hours at the gym. All the minutes masturbating to porn. Your routine, your diet, your whole life. All of it."

"No... No..."

"You're a hot little gym rat stud. When was the last time you ever really checked out a broad in the gym, in class?"

"I do, I'm straight. I fuck girls. I swear."

"Yeah, I'll bet you do, fantasizing about how a real man fucks, picturing him instead of the cunt you're fucking." I thrust my torso against Red, my iron-hard erection against his hips, the sweaty cleft of his fat ass. My perspiration dripped onto his quivering brow.

"No, no, no. I hit on girls all the time, dude. I swear."

"Keeping tabs on your competition, you slutty himbo. Comparing yourself and hoping the dicks pick you."

"No! That's not true! I-"

"You have a pussy back here, you little bitch." Red's thick, hairless, jock bubble butt was jamming out as he was trapped face-first against the concrete wall, and I cupped the jiggling ass cheeks with my much larger hands, stroked the globes of his boy butt. "This is the hole where you really want the fucking to be done."

"No... No... No..."

"This fat, bitch booty of yours is made for being plowed."

"... .... ..."

Quiet now, Red couldn't even protest. He'd stopped fighting back, the muscles in his arms slack as he crumbled a little from my weight over him, keeping his chest pinned against the wall. Gripping a handful of Red's gorgeous ass cheeks in my hand, I jiggled his bountiful behind. The reflection in the mirror caught my eye, and I lowered my voice, softened my touch.


Red was sniffling. I couldn't see his face, but it sounded like he was crying.

"Look; you can see us in the mirror. It's so fucking hot: this big, burly man folding this young, sexy muscle slut over in a corner."

Red shivered, but he didn't look yet. Instead, he shrank further towards the ground.

"My huge, hairy body, all sweaty and ripped. My massive thighs framing your smaller hips."

Digging my boner into Red's back, I took a deep inhalation of his scent formed off a pool of perspiration in the small of his back.

"You're such a sexy little boy," I cooed in Red's ear. "Your biceps, your sick pecs. Your rock hard abs," I grazed a hand from said pectorals down to Red's six pack. The boy's breaths were coming shallow and ragged, the adrenaline leaving him. "This hard little boy cock of yours..."

Red started to cry in earnest, sobs that wracked his 19 year old hardbody. It was true: Red was pitching an unstoppable boner, even after he had just climaxed moments before and was being quote-on-quote raped. He could deny it, had denied it all his life, but it was happening to him, finally. He was turned on.

"Please..." Red begged. To me? To himself?

"And the cherry on top, the most extraordinary of all," I let my tongue lick Red along the ridge of his collarbone. He was still sobbing, but also looking up now at the sight in the mirror: an alpha god and a hunky boy on the precipice of depraved rutting. "This fat, slutty boy butt of yours..." I rubbed Red's derriere gently, my one hand dominating his flank. "This faggot pussy. So hot, so ready."

"Please... please don't rape m-"

I grabbed Red from behind by the neck, jerked him in the direction of our reflection in the mirror. I made him look, made him see.

"It's not rape, boy." I locked eyes with the redheaded dreamboat in the dirty basement gym mirror. "You can't rape the willing."

"No, please... please..."

The boy's mouth was repeating pleas and denials... but his OTHER hole was twitching and jumping in anticipation. Red's twink cock was bulging and drooling underneath him. I took my gristled, thick pointer finger and traced the outline of Red's perfect rosebud, making the virgin ring flare and tighten wickedly.

"No! No! No-oooohhh!"

The muscle stud's protest turned into a guttural, wordless cry, both agony and extasy. I shoved most of my finger straight into Red's ass. It was honestly tough going. The little ginger's cunt was so tight that it felt like it was trying to break the bones in my finger. Red's ass was hot, a furnace. The lube and spit from Charm's tongue had traveled down from the depths of Red's hole, I could feel the dissolved capsule's lubricant drip down as I roughly worked open the boy's shitter. Red groaned and thrashed, but I held him still against the wall, relishing the taut resistance. Red struggled again, fighting with fresh vigor against his manhood being ripped out of the back end of his bubble butt ass.

"Check it out, faggot," I managed a hand to twist Red's face, forcing him to witness his violation in the mirror. "Isn't that hot? Hot virgin boy pussy getting opened up for the first time... Mmm..."

"Nnnnoohhh..." Sliding my calloused finger tip in and out of the entrance of Red's asshole, I stroked the boy by his newfound pussy. The gym rat's cock bobbed and blurped a gross drop of pre-cum. The Viagra had Red still hard even though he'd already orgasmed once.

"Yeah, boy, doesn't that feel good? You like having your ass fingered, don't you?"

"No.. no..." Red was resilient, but he was fighting less, breathing more heavily. His heaving muscled chest, his contracting six-pack abs, everything was on standby while the nerve endings in his pussy took over. He closed his eyes and sobbed, "No. Please..."

I cracked open a bottle of poppers, the toxic chemical aroma filling the small, damp room immediately. Red's sweat-matted head shot up, either from the pop of the bottle opening or the smell. He started to struggle again, shaking his shoulders and hips against my raging erection.

Grinning, I teased the struggling ginger gym rat, "Oh, so you know what these are, do you, boy?" I crooked my finger inside of Red's ass, pulling back on the sinew in his spasming muscle cunt. "Done these before, have you?"

"No! No, no, no, no no." Red was on auto-fight.

"Of course you do. You said you've fucked sissy boys before. I'll bet some of them used this stuff, right?"

"No... no..." Red shook his head, trying to escape as I brought the opening of the bottle up towards his fresh, freckled face.

"No? Really? I'll bet you tried them, made one of those little homos give you a whiff or two..." Demonstrating, I brought the brown bottle up to my nose and took a small hit. "Yeah, makes a man really hot and ready to rut. Mhmmm." The rush of the poppers went straight to my head, and I instinctively started humping Red from behind. My finger probed even further into Red's butt, making him squirm and inhale just as I secured the bottle right under his flaring nostrils. "And it makes a sissy bitch really crave getting fucked."

"Hnnnnngh," Red's drawn in breath was a crucified cry of forced submission. Making the boy inhale from the bottle, I could feel his hard body go rigid at first, and then, reflexively, slacken. Red's green eyes rolled back a bit, he grew more pliant underneath me. His hole, only having taken half my finger, went lax, welcoming my full length. "Nnnnghh." Red groaned, flying off into slut-land.

"More, boy, another hit." I lightly banged Red's face against the concrete wall. He jerked and looked around wildly, but took a hit, ragged, shallow breaths. My finger bottomed out in his twitching, pulsing bubble butt. "Good boy. That's a nice, open cunt for your man."

Red grunted but his eyes were unfocused. I was flying high too on the poppers, and, feverishly expectant on devirginizing the muscle twink's backside, I started to piston my finger in and out of him roughly. The boy stiffened, but not to fight back, only in automatic response to his pussy being cultivated underneath my touch. His sticky, tight innards flaring and gripping me, the boy's pussy was welcoming, but inexperienced. I could tell the boy was loving it, he was totally focused on the pleasure spreading from deep in his hole throughout his stud body and to his drug-addled brain.

"That's a good boy," I whispered in Red's ear. "This is going to be a good pussy for men. Nice, fat, thick bubble butt. Sweet, tight, hungry hole..." Red moaned and his eyes fluttered while I stroked his ass chute from the inside. His cock was spilling rivulets of precum, ready to burst again already. "You're really turned on from me playing with your hole, aren't you?"

"Ohhh, god, fuck," Red shook. His biceps and tris flaring from holding up both our weight against the wall. Fingering his ass for another minute, Red finally started to come down a little bit. He found his words.

"You... did you put something in those drinks?" Red didn't outright admit he was getting turned on, just tried to shift the blame.

"Yes," I gladly accepted the responsibility. "But don't forget, you took the soma and speed all on your own."

"What the fuck was in those drinks?" Red would always be a fighter, a challenger. A high maintenance little muscle cunt that needed physical and mental manipulation.

"Viagra, Ecstasy, some more soma." I started to trace the rim of Red's hole with another finger, outlining the greedy entrance already snuggly welcoming my thick pointer finger, working the gym rat's butt from within. The tight pucker trembled, both tense and eager for another invader.

"Tha... that's fucked up..." Red trembled, but from the drugs or the stimulation?

"Yeah, it is fucked up." The boy had a point. But there was also this: "But don't you like that? Doesn't it make it even hotter?" My right hand, having been pinning Red's face against the wall for minutes now, was starting to get sore. Red was complacent enough now, I decided, and I gave my hand a stretch and a flex as I took the pressure off the side of his face, running the hand over Red's lats and shoulders. "Isn't it more fun when it's really sick and fucked-up?"

"Wha- what..." Was Red confused by my words, or by the fact that I was essentially letting him up by releasing his face? He looked back at me over his shoulders as though expecting me to pin his freckled face against the wall again. His red hair was pitched dark from all the sweat.

"I'll bet you're into some stuff like that, aren't you, boy?" I teased Red's ass with stretching, circular motions, starting to ply and push his tight hole open with my thick forefinger. "Nasty porno videos, dirty erotic stories."

"I- I don't..." Red was going to deny anything and everything. Turns out, it was true.

"Filthy, borderline rape porn," I sneered, jabbing my finger as far in as it could go. "Stuff where the boy's never been fucked before," twisting it at the knuckle. "But the top knows the kid wants it..." I leaned forward and licked the sweat off of Red's smooth face. The boy moaned. "Or doesn't care if the kid's anything more than an outlet for his masculine energy, a rape toy..." I tapped my second finger at the entrance of Red's rosebud. "You ever get off to stuff like that?

Silence from Red, his closest thing to admission. But he was arching his back onto the finger in his hole, praying secretly for me to shove more into his resistant boy pussy.

"Yeah, it's the best.... especially if the top is unrelenting..." I pulled Red's boy pussy open to one side with the pointer finger deeply embedded in there, used the tip of my thick middle finger to slowly pry open the muscle boy's rim. "Especially if the boy is a sexy little stud, not just some limp-wristed feminine piece of cunt." Failing to resist, Red's rim flexed, expanded, and I was barely able to jam the tip of my second finger into his fighting butthole. "Much better when the boy's got some muscle on him, when he can fight back..." Red was breathing hard, gritting his perfect, white teeth.

"Like you..." I pushed.

"Gaaahhh!" Red screamed a pathetic grunt of a cry. His cunt gave way and I unceremoniously sank both of my fingers straight into the core of his burgeoning bitch hole, sliding the knuckles over his prostate.

"Like me..." I flexed my fingers possessively, feeling the hot insides clutch and press against my hand. God, it was going to feel marvelous on my cock...

Red panted and let out "Gahs" and "Aahs" as I fingered his butt into a proper pussy. The drugs had the boy flying, blurring the line between pleasure and pain. Red's cock was rock-hard, standing straight up against his abs, smearing the rippling muscle with a never-ending stream of pre-cum.

"Yeah, that's right." I let my words and Red's moans be the only sounds in the room for a minute, aside from the faint squelching of my fingers turning his guts into a cunt. Then I said, "That'd be a hot scene, wouldn't it? You know what?"

Right at the point where he was close to climaxing from anal stimulation alone, I ripped both my fingers out of Red's hole with a snap! Pushing off the boy and standing over him, I turned (and flexed my wrists and forearms), addressing Charm.

"Charm, get the boy's phone. We're going to shoot a porno."

I think Red must have forgotten all about Charm, because I couldn't tell what shocked him more: the dawning concept of his devirginization being filmed as a piece of pornography, or the fact that my Asian slave, whom Red had been so focused on before, had just been sitting there obediently throughout the entire ordeal.

"Yes, Master." Charm had stayed glued to where we'd left him, on his knees next to the now turned-over bench where he'd been rimming open Red's ass. "I film it. It so good idea." Only now breaking his position, Charm got to his feet and went to retrieve Red's phone.

"Wha- wha... you can't be serious..." Red was shocked, staggering to his feet. He was stunned and on wobbly legs. His abs were stained with pre-cum and his cock was still rock hard. His shorts were wrapped around his creamy, pale, chiseled ankles, restricting his movement. "No, you can't..." He gestured to Charm as though the obedient Asian sissy would heed his words. Through the fog of contraband cloudiness and faggot lust, Red was beginning to understand he was going to get deflowered and recorded in his most humiliating hour.

I watched, measuring the boy. Would he fight back? Would he finally give in? I was really only worried about him attacking Charm; teen boys are super possessive about trifling thing like their phones. His shorts around his ankles, Red wasn't going to be doing any damage to me, but he could probably kill Charm with a few reckless fists, or if he got a dumbbell in his grasp. Red was thinking the same thing, his green eyes looking around wildly.

"Oh, no lock screen? You a bold little boy!" I couldn't see from this angle, but Charm must have found the teen's phone.

That's when Red hit the tipping point, his fight rekindling. He took a step, but I was instantly between him and Charm. Red snarled, cursed. He swung a wild punch at me, not even coming close to landing. Another, closer. The boy staggered, tripping on the shorts that were bunched up at his feet. He flailed his muscular arms and half-tripped, half-lunged at me. I caught him by the arms, gripping him by his bulging triceps and biceps, preventing him from falling to the floor, too. Red cursed again and battered me with half-strength strikes, using only his forearms to hit me meaninglessly on the sides and back.

Still, the boy was pretty strong, and he almost made me take a step back to steady the two of us. I glanced over my shoulder at Charm, pushing Red backwards so he was steady(ish) on his feet. Filming had begun. In fact, we'd been recording since we'd gotten back to the gym, a false compartment in the broken air conditioner housed a closed-circuit recording system that I'd utilized a couple times now.

"C'mon then." I put my hands up, beckoning Red with open palms, egging him on. "I'll give you a freebie. Just one. Make it count. Go on." I put my hands down, puffing out my chest. Red took a couple of steps and punched me with a right fist straight upside my head.

It hurt, but hell, it wasn't too bad. My ears rang but my body was filled with a rush of endorphins and adrenaline, funneled by the speed in my system.

"My turn, boy," I clapped Red across the chest with an open hand, the smack reverberating throughout the small room.

Red staggered, nearly floored by just my open-handed strike. He looked to raise a hand against me, and I lowered my guard, daring him. We stood there for a second. Red's eyes shifted from mine to behind me, presumably eying Charm and the door. His eyes shifted, but he kept his fists up. The redheaded ginger's muscle body was alight with electricity, all of his muscles bulging in the heat of the moment, sweat pouring off his smooth, freckled skin.

Red tried to squirm between me and the rack of weights. He moved like lightning, with the alacrity only a caged or boxed-in animal has when it's truly desperate. It still wasn't enough. I caught him just after the rack of weights, and Red started to hit me with frenzied, unfocused blows while he struggled to make it past me. Toppling over on top of each other, we struggled and scrapped, a flurry of activity in milliseconds. The rack of weights jarred and nearly tipped, and I kicked the incline bench in front of the boy, cutting off Red's retreat. He stumbled and I folded him with my superior strength, pushing him face-first into the workout bench's plastic covering. Red shouted, almost shrieking, one arm pinned under his muscled body as I lifted a knee and shoved it into the small of his back. I wrenched Red's other arm backwards, using it like a fulcrum to crush him, twisting his body downwards and onto his other arm.

I adjusted my knee, keeping it lodged into Red's back. He continued to struggle, but he was going nowhere.

"Lemme go! Lemme go, you bastard!" Red could only shout and scream. "I'll fuckin' kill you! I'll kill you!"

I have a high tolerance for pain, but a faggot screaming threats hits me in the wrong place, and Red's words wounded me deeply. After all of this, he thought he could threaten me? I needed to show him his place, and violence was the only medium the boy would understand.

The redhead was squirming and thrashing against the padding of the incline bench chair. His body was trapped under my knee, his chest twisted from where I wrenched back on his arm with my dominant, more powerful appendage. But his face thrashed against the plastic fabric, and spit was flying from his mouth as he fought for breath, cursed, and shouted 'I'll kill you!' at me. I had my left hand on the rear of his neck, and so it was only a minor adjustment to move it up along the back of his head. Gripping him by his short, red hair, I arched Red's head back.

Then I slammed his face forward into the bench. "No! No! No!" SLAM SLAM SLAM. Red's head bounced off the bench's padding as I whipsawed him, keeping a grip on his hair was the hardest part. Like a doll, I repeatedly banged his beautiful face into the plastic padding.

"You NEVER speak to a man that way." SLAM SLAM SLAM.

"Ah! God! Oh God!" It was hard to make out Red's words, garbled grunts half-muffled when his mouth ricocheted off the exercise equipment.

"Get it through your head." SLAM SLAM SLAM

"Ah, ah!" The fight was gone from Red that quickly. I was actually a little disappointed.

"You're a faggot." SLAM SLAM. "I'm a man." SLAM SLAM.

The boy's face would later be bruised blue, but, for the moment, it was a beautiful crimson from all the friction, the shock of cheeks and forehead against covered metal. Rattling his brains like a rag doll, I snarled as I repeated my words, punctuated each time by the soft 'thwap' of Red's sweaty face bouncing off of the plastic padded bench.

"You're a faggot. I'm a man." SLAM SLAM SLAM. "

"I'm going to fuck you." SLAM SLAM.

"And you're got to love it." SLAM SLAM.

"And you'll come crawling back to me for more." SLAM.

Red sniffled, discombobulated, writhing against the inclined bench. His young freckled face had left indentations in the plastic padding, but, much later, he'd tell me that this had turned him on more than anything anyone had done to him before. He loved being manhandled. His cock was still hard, leaking.

"Charm, more soma, more amph." I ordered.

"Yes, Master." Charm gracefully set the camera down, whirling around and, in seconds, producing two capsules of drugs at the side of the prone boy's mouth. "You take, feel better. You strong boy."

Red, to his credit, looked up at me for approval. I twisted him by his head. "Take them or I'll snap your neck." The boy gobbled down the drugs, swallowing with a little bit of difficulty.

Charm cooed and whispered encouragement, fluffing the boy for his imminent destruction. "It okay. It good. You like this. You feel good soon. You like. You feel a life by this." Charm ran his soft hands over the gym rat's muscled body, massaging the hunk's shoulders and biceps. "It okay."

A minute passed, a second, a third. Gradually, I let the pressure up off of Red, first from the back of his head, then the arm keeping his dominant hand trapped in the pit of my shoulder, then the knee in his back. Red didn't move, he just laid there, panting and breathing heavily, more drugs than he'd ever been on in his life coursing through his veins. Defeated.

I took a step back to survey the scene. The red-headed muscle boy was a sweaty mess, marks on his face, all over his chest. You could see on his pale, smooth skin where my hands had been, where my leg had kept him trapped. His bulbous, bubble butt shimmered in the light of the basement gym. Both of us were rock hard, horny from the conflict.

I let the time pass, the drugs undoubtedly gripping Red more and more, the helplessness of his situation sinking in, knowing what had to be next. Finally, with a sigh, I said, "It's time. Present that hole, boy."

Red refused. "No." I had known he would say that. The boy could barely sit up, but he managed that, half-leaning on the incline bench which was soaked in his sweat now. Charm moved away, sensing it was about to get violent again.

I lashed out before Red could defend himself. My left fist sunk into his gut, pulverizing the shield of his abs and rearranging the organs in his stomach. One punch, the boy's wind was gone. He tried to scream but didn't have the air to do so. I picked him up off the incline with a hand around his neck and slung him around.

"What did I say, faggot? Who's the man here, huh?"

I slapped Red across the face, slapped him again. His green eyes danced wildly and he stumbled as though drunk. I tightened my grip on his neck and pulled him toward me. In a sitting position, I draped the muscle stud over my knee, elbowed him in the back and slid my right hand in between the fat cheeks of his bubble butt. I hoisted him by the smooth skin of his ass, lifting him frontways over my knee until his head fell forward to the concrete floor. The shockingly cold sensation of the hard ground reasserted Red's awareness. Like a misbehaving boy over his daddy's knee, Red was about to get a spanking.

"No, no!"

I put my foot down on his face and neck, shoving the boy's head into the concrete. He froze. I could have killed him with ease.

"You only say no when a man tells you he wants some rape-play."

I started with a light slap. Man, Red's ass jiggled and jumped, that booty could take abuse above and beyond anything you could imagine. Red exhaled, a groan, a moan? Somewhere in between. Red twisted and struggled, but bent over my knee and with my foot on his neck/face, there was nowhere he was going. I cracked my knuckles, ready to beat up his muscle butt.

When you spank a bitch, there are a few schools of thought. First, make it as painful as possible, teach them your power and strength. Well, I'd already done that to Red, and he'd enjoyed it. If the spanks were going to go over anywhere as well as the nipple twisting had, Red was likely to enjoy a 'painful' spanking session. The other approach was to use the posture of the event itself, lord the authority and disparity over the victim. Well, I'd already done that to Red, too.

So, I settled on straight up mind games. I swatted Red's ass playfully at times, with intense veracity other times. Sometimes I would just hit him repetitively in order to then change up the timing and catch him off guard. I mostly slapped and spanked around his broad, thick ass, watching the boy's bubble butt heave and shake in the light. Other times I would only feign a blow, starting to bring my hand down only to hold up and possessively caress the 19 year old's ass cheeks. Red barely cried out, except when he was surprised or it was a truly vicious blow. He shut his green eyes and stifled his voice. From most angles, he was taking his beating like a man.

Only thing was, from the angle he was laying across my knee, I could feel the muscle teen's rock-hard dick pressing into my thigh, jumping and shaking with each slap and every false spank. Soon, the ginger's white globes were shining and red, but, something was missing.

"Charm, lube." The Thai sub brought me some over, and even coated my hand for me while I passed the time spanking Red from behind. Greased up, and even at this awkward angle, my pointer finger slipped easily back into Red's rosebud, probing the virgin depths again. Eager for the main event, I added a second after a bit of struggling. "Feed him poppers until I get three in there."

Red was forced to hit the brown bottle continually, almost passing out in delirium while the entrance to his backside gave way and accommodated three of my fingers, side by side. The boy couldn't speak, simply moaning and murmuring against the sole of my foot.

"This is a real nice hole, baby boy." I coaxed Red's prostate directly, fingering the kid's joy button while I spoke to him, continually raining down slaps across his blistering ass. "Such a nice, fat ass, and a greedy, sweet hole..." I upped the tempo on my fingerfucking, cupping Red's prostate between my joints and working his hole open with twisting, sweeping motions. "And your little boy thing is so hard. It's like you're going to cum from just having your pussy worked over..."

Red was too high to manage words now, but his hole pulsed and twitched around my fingers. His hips began to sputter backwards, anticipating the spanks. Red was a typical muscle painslut, it was only a matter of this being his first time. I used my other hand to rub over his muscular figure, the tender spots of his back, the sides of his chiseled obliques. I could feel Red's cock twitch against my inner thigh, oozing precum endlessly. I'd work the boy to the brink with just my three embedded fingers, diddling his prostate and raining down heavy-handed slaps to his rear. The moment he seemed ready to cum, however, I held back, slowed with my hands, lessened my assault on his hole. Red would moan, in frustration, in lack. He was going past wanting it, he was needing it.

"Please... I'll do anything you want..." Red was strong, but he was breaking. His words were slurred, heavy with spittle, riddled by chemicals and lust.

"You're doing exactly what I want, you little bitch." I told Red, and then I jammed my fingers into his prostate so hard you would have thought I'd pop it straight out the other side of his fat jock ass. "Cum for me."

Red shot; thick but short spurts. He'd already cum. How long ago was that? Not much. And he had more in him, his youth and the Viagra would keep him going all night long.

"Tell me that felt good." I held my grip on his prostate, massaged the tiny inner button with alternating fingers. "Tell me honest."

Red didn't have the words at first. "It... ... it..." Taking a full minute to get up the defeated spirit to muster what was all too evident from the semen trickling down my legs, Red finally whimpered. "It felt good..."

"Imagine how good my dick is going to be."

Red's hole convulsed, hungry, greedy for more. The boy spasmed, too, going slack. I pulled my fingers out from inside him and slowly took my sneaker off of his face. Almost comically, there was the imprint of the bottom of my shoe smudged into Red's freckled face.

I stood over him, but Red just kept his face on the floor, as though my boot were still trampling him down.

He was ready.

"Look at me."

Green eyes under fiery red eyebrows, hair dirty and slick with sweat. Red's freckles seemed to have been smeared into marks and scrapes all over him: his cute little face was marred with future bruises from my slaps, dirt from the gym floor. Huffing and reeling from all of the drugs, Red's chest and the bridge of his nose were all popped blood vessels. You couldn't tell where the effects of the drugs ended and where the indications of the beating began.

"Stand up, boy."

Red teetered to his feet, awkward and clumsy. He'd been beaten into submission, only to rise in submission, too. He avoided my eyes as he massaged his thick, burning ass cheeks with a tender, numb hand.

"One more thing before we get down to it, boy. I want you to acknowledge a few things."

"Y... yeah, ok."

"Yes, and Sir. Say it!" Stronger than any physical blow, the affront of my indignation made the teenage gym rat flinch.

"YES, SIR!" Red shouted.

"This isn't just an isolated incident, okay, boy?" I narrowed my gaze, scanning Red for any defiance. I would beat the living tar out of him until the last bit was permanently snuffed out.

"Y- yes, sir?" Red's green eyes showed little to nothing besides confusion and tortured pain.

"Yes, indeed. Don't get me wrong; you'll claim it was all the drugs I've given you, that I forced you against your will. Those things are true, but you understand this: nothing that happened here today was beyond the course of destiny, it was meant to be. Your boner is hard because of the Viagra, yeah, but also because you're a fag, and you're in the presence of a muscle god. That gets your pathetic little dick rowdy. Got it?"

"G... got it, sir." Red stared down at the floor, couldn't help but see just how painfully hard he was despite having cum multiple times now.

"I've got you jacked up on amphetamines, but you're a meathead, you're practically an energized ball of testosterone anyway. You're rolling on MDMA, but you're a horny, young boy. You just feel even better from having taken some drugs. And the soma made you number to the pain, but you're a masochistic pig, deep down in your soul. You enjoyed the pain even before you met me, and you're going to live for it from here on out, for the rest of your life."

Red stood, blinking. I grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him towards his reflection in the mirror. The gym rat homo shuddered to see himself, but he knew now not to resist. "Look at yourself. See where I slapped you? Pinched you? Wrung your neck? Did it hurt? Yeah. But did that feel good, exhilarating? ....Yeah. So, let's take it up another notch."

In my arsenal of tools I had a couple of items for special occasions. Every bitch loves poppers, cocaine, alcohol, and so on, but this was a little bit different, something more cerebral. Charm had prepared a bag with a few things that Red would need a gradual introduction to: chastity cage, hood, but I wanted the belt and a small bag of fine, white powder. Locating both, I saw Red's eyes focus on the belt first, but with more scrutiny on the powder.

"You'll take some of this, and we'll have a really grand old time," I instructed, tossing the baggie at Red's feet.

The boy bent down to retrieve it, but also asked, "What... what is it?"

"Ketamine," I told him. "You sniff it, it'll make you feel like you're in a far-away, alternate reality, but no hallucinations or anything like that." Red wasn't sold, but it was going to be the ideal gateway to his ultimate submission. "It's not a high that lasts long, but your sensory input is going to be extreme, way more than MDMA or cocaine. And it's nice that it isn't addictive and has no side effects..."

Red knew he didn't have a choice, but always had to say something to resist. Nonetheless, his shaking hands popped open the baggy, he was past denying my orders. "I'm not big on drugs..." the muscle teen said, "But I'll try it..."

Charm made a small gesture, a repetitive pressing of his thumb. He was indicating the plunger of a syringe. I must have missed that detail, somewhere on Red's body that Charm had caught them, the needle marks. I filed that one away for later.

"It'll hit you pretty hard, so before you sniff it up, let me tell you what we're going to do... I'm going to hit you in that jock chest of yours. I don't want to rough up your pretty little face more than I already have. You've shown me you like your nipples played with, your chest manhandled. I'm going to see just how much you can take. If you can't take it, you can say so, and I'll stop."

I paused. Red knew this was a dare, but the boy was never going to back down. It was what would make him such an excellent submissive.

"But if you want me to hit you harder, just say so. If not, I'll just keep the same pace, same strength. You want it harder, you better ask for it harder. Got it?"

Charm handed Red a spoon, like a tiny sugar spoon, but even more adapted for drugs. "One spoon, full spoon, good." The Thai boy instructed Red, standing next to him and helping the teen's unsteady hands. Red brought the spoonful of Ketamine up to his nose and inhaled, snorting the powdery substance down in a heartbeat. Charm took the baggie and resumed recording.

Impatient and a little scared, Red took a moment to look around nervously before asking, "When does it kick... oh, uh, ohh."

Ketamine isn't a slow-acting chemical. Red's mind was being warped and twisted instantly by the sweet-smelling substance. His lips drooped open and his eyes took on a distant-stare, a vacant expression as the muscle twink became lost in his sensations. "Oh fuck, this stuff..." unable to complete a thought, Red was a little unsteady on his feet, but he still had the horny sense of mind to stroke his dick and rub his hand over his abs and lower torso.

I started out with light touches at first, tweaking Red's nipples, manipulating his head via his neck. Red just breathed hard, eyes unfocused, somewhere else. I slapped him across the chest, once, twice. Red was checked out, and I needed to remind him of the singular purpose of this little experiment: "I won't go harder unless you say so." Slap. "Is this too much for you already?"

Red's green eyes flickered with consciousness, only a brief moment of thought before he decided what I'd already determined to be his natural inclination: "Harder, please." The boy was a masochist, pain was pleasure, especially under the influence of the soma and now the Ketamine. I reached back and struck the boy across his already blistering pecs, a moderate chop, but one that would have knocked a smaller person over. "Harder. Hit me harder!"

There he was, in all his glory. Red was coming out, like a butterfly from his cocoon. I began to thump and slam my open first on Red's body, my own appendage stinging as I railed on the teenage muscle slut. Red bristled like fuel catching fire, his breaths quick and his nerves surging from the drugs and physical abuse.

"If you want it harder, you need to make it sound good, you muscle cunt." I slapped him in the face. Red barred his teeth, leaning into the next blow, craving the violence. "Beg like a whore for me to beat you up."

"Hit me, punch me, fuck me up, man," Red was in the zone, sub painslut heaven. As my strikes came more frequently and with more force, Red's lust grew and grew. "Fuck me up, beat me up. Brutally, don't hold back. Really hurt me. Hit me with everything you got."

Red was growling as I struck him, mouthing off about how I should go even harder on him. I was using a combination of both my hands now, a right fist into his stomach, a left backhand across his youthful face, raking fingernails over his nipples, thunderous chops and slaps across his collarbone and pectoral muscles.

"More! More! Hit me harder! Break me, dude, fucking do it!" Red was psychotic, crazed, somewhere else almost all together.

I grabbed the weight belt and straightened it with one hand, clenching the strap.

"Do it! Do it! Beat me up! C'mon!" Red was going to be a marvelous 'power bottom'.

The exercise belt sailed through the air and came down across Red's chest from his shoulder blade on one side to the top of his six-pack on the other. The redheaded gym rat growled and snarled in pain, clenching his arms to his sides instinctively, but almost immediately releasing, straightening up for another blow. I beat him like a runaway, whipping him across the side, back, and especially the chest. His entire upper body was a red marvel of popped capillaries; the kid was going to be a walking bruise for a week plus.

Off in subspace, Red just stood there as I whipped him with the belt, grunting, absorbing the pain like it was life-giving sustenance.

I don't know how long this went on. The guy I sold the tapes to said he had to cut this part down, it wasn't what most people wanted, even the real sick perverts. At some point, I must have gotten a little sloppy or overly exuberant, because I hit Red in the side of the head and cracked him open. The boy didn't notice, either. He just started getting woozy and weak, and just around the time I noticed he was bleeding from the head, he started staggering and reeling from the blows. The Ketamine was losing its effect, and Red was starting to register the pain more normally.

I helped the uncoordinated, bruised muscle slut to the incline bench I'd bounced his head off of. Red finally seemed to remember where he was, what had been going on prior to submitting to his beating. He looked around and caught a sight of himself in the mirror, bloodied and whipped raw.

"J... Jesus," Red chewed on the thoughts, the reality. He was coming down hard from the Ketamine. I signaled to Charm to get ready for the finale. "That... that was so intense..." Remembering, but not truly believing that it had happened, he started to ask, "Did that really happen? Was I really...?"

"It's real, kid." I told him. "This is the real you."

Charm stuck out a second spoon of Ketamine under Red's face, a much larger one than the first. Red looked at me; I nodded. The boy snorted the gagger of K with only a little difficulty. I held a bottle of poppers under his nose and Charm pushed another capsule into his mouth. This was it: the boy was either going to be a slut for life or turn into a born-again-Christian.

Red started inhaling the poppers, leaning back on the bench and spreading his legs. I stood over him, between his still creamy, muscled thighs, dipped a finger into the welcoming asshole and lifted one of his calves in each of my hands. Red's head snapped back and he twitched, his hole snapped into place around my second finger, then a third. The boy's cock spat precum all over his abs. I lined up my cock with the entrance to his virgin bitch cunt and looked Red in the eyes before telling him:

"You're never coming back from this."

It wasn't easy going, breaking open Red's virgin fuck chute. The kid was tight and tense, his hole meaty and taut. If it hadn't been for the persistent fingering I'd given to his boy pussy, all the lube and drugs shoved up beforehand, and the constant deluge as I made him inhale hit after hit of poppers, I wouldn't have made it. Like the rest of Red, his jock hole was tough and defiant. With his beefy calves up on my shoulders and his hairless, muscled 19 year old body perpendicular to mine on the bench, I dug my meaty dick into his hole, cunting the redheaded stud.

"That's it, faggot. Open up for daddy."

I popped my cockhead in past the puckered rim and Red threw his head back in a yowl. The boy had a white-knuckle grip on the side of the incline bench, and his abs contracted with sharp, deep breaths.

"That's a sweet pussy. Nice and sweet and open."

The freckled redhead cursed and groaned and growled, sucking in waves of poppers as I kept the bottle right under his nose. Fogged and flying high off the chemical bombardment, Red's innards gradually readjusted as I sank inch after inch of my boner into his sticky, steaming depths. It was like heaven around my thick length, boy pussy cloud nine.

"Breathe, faggot. Hit those poppers. I'm not stopping until I'm buried in that jock cunt of yours." Red groaned, spitting stupidly on himself, eyes squeezed shut under the assault. "Give me that hole, boy."

Just past halfway, Red started seizing up. Probably hitting his prostate with my man hammer, I made the boy jump and reach out, holding on to me tightly as he let out a whimper. His legs went into spasms, the white flesh of his calves shaking involuntarily on my shoulders. Red wasn't a very flexible kid; all those hours in the gym don't do much for being bent in half and banged out.

"Oh my god, oh my god," Red looked at his shaking lower half in shock. "What's going on? What's happening to me?" The boy's green eyes were scared, frightened. He'd never experienced anything like this in his life; the lack of control and total submission was terrifying.

"I'm breaking you in," I told him sincerely. "Just relax and focus on how good you feel. Relax."

Red couldn't relax, however. Instead, he only got more nervous and skittish, his legs continued to tremble like a baby deer's. The boy looked nervously at me, past the fog of the Ketamine and the poppers, needing something, but not knowing what it was or how to voice it. For me, it wasn't a bad situation at all. My dick mostly embedded in a firm, fresh bubble butt, a hunky teen looking up at me abjectly, his muscled chest heaving, abs flaring. I put my hand on Red's tits and tweaked them, stabbed another centimeter into his hole. Behind Red's green eyes, something clicked. Visible to me, but hard to come to terms with himself, Red struggled with the thought for a minute.

"Hit me." It was almost a whisper, so soft.

"You sure, boy?" I know it sounds hot, looks great in porn. But when you're trying to split open the confines of a virgin hole, the tension and pressure from slaps or hits is usually counterintuitive. But Red was nodding, eager, hot for the abuse.

"Hit me, please." Red's second whisper was stronger, surer. "Rough me up. Please."

I was really proud of my work. We'd made a great deal of progress, and Red was going to be someone's perfect muscle bitch in the not too distant future. I cracked my knuckles, huffed some of the poppers myself. Before I brought my hands down all over him, Red managed to make one more request, "In the face, too, please."

I smacked him across the jaw with a sickening thwap. The redhead jolted almost off the incline, but I had him pinned at the waist, and he was holding onto the bench himself. The adjustment worked and, after the initial surge of tension, Red relaxed. I plunged forward and staked my entire cock in his quivering ass, my balls pushed up against his ample butt cheeks. Red moaned and, when I was still fully encased in his pussy, started cumming as I slapped him in the face again.

That was it. It pushed me over the edge. I hit the boy with a forehand, a backhand. I bucked my hips, withdrawing several inches from Red's boy depths before ramming back into him. "Yeah, you little slut. Cum from getting dicked by a real man." Using his face like a punching bag, I made the ginger's head bobble and snap side to side as I grunted and hate-fuck slapped him.

"Oh, oh, oh, yes, yes, yes!" Red was ecstatic, pulling at his erupting dick while I gave him the first fuck in his young life. He leaned into my blows, hungry for all of the pain and torment. Red was shaking still, but in top-tier orgasmic throes.

"You're built, boy," I mauled Red's pecs, squeezing the muscles of his chest and kneading the nipples roughly. "But you're a bitch. Through and through."

"Yes, I'm a bitch. I'm your bitch. Fuck me. Fuck me up." Red pleaded. I spat in his face and he moaned, his hole clenching down on my rod again.

"That's a good faggot. Tell me how much you like being a fuck toy for a real man." I started slamming him harder and faster, ripping my cock in and out to the hilt now.

"I'm your cunt, your toy. You're such a man, a stud, an alpha god. Ahhh!!!" Red shouted as I pulled at his tit so hard I thought the nipple would come off in my grip. Red was loving it, lost in the passion. "Fuck me. Rape me. Hurt me."

"Careful what you wish for," I spat, hitting the redheaded stud in one eye with my phlegm, blinding him. Red moved to wipe the spit, and, not balancing himself, almost slipped off the bench when I clocked him upside the head with a left. "Woah, woah, steady there, boy." Red was still rubbing the spit out of his eye, unsteady.

Not wanting to lose the position, I brought my other hand down onto Red's neck, already marked with welts from his beating earlier. I secured the boy by the neck, cutting off his air as I pressed down on his windpipe. The 19 year-old's eyes flew open, even the one encased in my spit. He looked panicked, helpless, perfect.

"Hang in there, bitch. Don't pass out on me like a pussy." Red gurgled in response, always answering the challenge. Vicious, unyielding, I started to fuck Red like a discount streetwhore. His hole kept fast around my length, mostly meaning I could fuck deep and fast, but not really extract myself fully for a long, proper dicking. With both hands around his neck, I flapped Red's head up and down, slamming the back of it into the bench. "Yes, bitch. Take, this, dick."

Red couldn't speak, but his eyes pleaded for more. I took opportunities to slap him whenever he was on the verge of passing out, twisting and tweaking his tits with savage pulls. Red was so hard, he was throbbing and producing a steady dribble of pre-cum while he masturbated to his brutal deflowering. The kid was going to need to go in chastity one day, soon.

"You were meant to be fucked hard, slammed by a serious man." I felt myself getting close... and Red wasn't doing so well in the breathing department. "You hear me, boy?"

I released my iron grip on the muscle sub's neck, and he managed a pathetic, "Yes, Sir. Anything, Sir." I slapped him in the face and he smiled at me, sputtering for air, but happy. Almost warmed my cold, evil, sadistic heart.

"Time to do some work yourself, bitch." I had one thing in mind, I was ready to unload, but the Soma and the Ecstasy combined to help me hold back and savor the muscle teen's newfound pussy. Red looked at me, unsure. I shrugged his calves off my shoulders and, with just a grunt and a hand on his solar plexus, unearthed my rock-hard boner from his Himbo hole.

"You're on top this time, like you're doing squats." I gave Red instructions as I laid down on the floor, the coolness of the gym mat a welcome contrast to the stuffy, funky gym air. On shaky legs, Red stood up. "Any K left in there?" I indicated the discarded bag. "Finish it." I wanted the boy spun and sloppy while he worked himself like a hooker on my dick.

Red snorted it down, two, three gags. Shit, there'd been a lot left. He would be fine, but the ketamine was going to rock him mid-fuck. I just hoped he'd be able to maintain his balance...

Beckoning him over, I said, "Sit that fat ass of yours on my cock." Red stepped, setting one foot on each side of me. "No, you stupid faggot, the other way: facing me. I want access to those bitch tits of yours while you bounce like a whore on my dick."

Red smiled, a dreamy, pearly white smile. He was going places in his mind, bitch slut zone. No return ticket. It was a little difficult, rolling on ecstasy, poppers, and numbed by the soma, for Red to get my slick, hard erection back inside his greedy hole. His butt was so thick and fat, a huge and obscene mound that was bright from my spanking. Holding my sturdy dick so the muscle sub could aim his pucker at me, I felt the heat of his cheeks encasing my knob well before I even made contact with the hole.

On top, Red was struggling to get my cock in him. He was trying to go about it delicately, trying to find some easy way to fit the bulbous weapon in his narrow orifice. Contacting the fist-sized flare to his entrance, he would circle and swirl his pulsing pussy lips around the tip, not sitting down hard enough. When he had it lined up right, I yelled, "Now, boy. Sit on that cock!"

Damned if Red didn't tear himself a new asshole, because he flexed and sank his entire cunt right to the base of my double-digit monster. The boy growled and threw his head back, I did the same. It was erotically disgusting how little regard the boy had for his own body, how he just impaled himself on my thick meat like that. The pain and thorough filling must have shot straight to the kid's brain, because he started maniacally thrusting himself on my cock, feverish, insane.

"Yes, yes, fuck yes. Give me that dick! Oh my fucking god!" Red snarled, placing his hands below him on my broad chest, steadying himself.

I bucked my hips up into the bouncing boy hole, meeting his squats with my own thrusts. Jarring him with my movements, I pierced the deepest depths of Red's slut core like a lance gores an animal. My balls thumped up against the fat orbs of the boy's butt on every downstroke. It was a righteous, nasty defloration.

"Fuck yourself on my meat, you bitch," I reached up and grabbed Red by the pecs, his tiny nipples protruding perfectly. "Make yourself cum, but don't you dare touch yourself."

Red did one better. He still needed one hand braced below him to keep steady, but he took the other and started hitting himself in the face. Slapping himself sadistically, the dull sound of flesh on flesh echoed that of his ass meeting my hips over and over again. Red was beating himself up instead of beating off, but the effect was the same. My meat was practically driving the semen out of the boy's balls, pulverizing his prostate every second he fucked himself on my dick.

"Harder." Red used those legs of his, his calves, thighs and those fat, juicy glutes, to piston pump his torso up and down the length of my fucker, coring himself open on my dick. I obliged, meeting his thrusts and tugging on his nipples, twisting them down in an unrelenting, steel grip. "Yes. Yes. Fuck. Hard. Yes."

Red came, I could feel it as he dropped down lower and rode me like a bitch in heat, sawing his hips while he kept me embedded deep in his ass. Constant contact with his prostate, and the twisting tightening of his muscles sent me over the edge. The redhead had only had a hands-free cum once before. But, fucking himself on his first man, punching himself in the face abusively, Red did it twice in the span of minutes. He started firing rope after rope of jism from the depths of his already well-milked balls. Crying out, Red needed to briefly stop beating himself to keep steady from falling off. It was quite the sight. Unable to waylay my own orgasm anymore, I arched my back and thrust into the boy, using his slick, hot, restricted confines to empty my first copious load of seed.

"That's it boy, breeding you good."

Red groaned, no doubt feeling the thick torrent of cum coating his formerly virgin insides. He shook and continued to cum, completely succumbing to sub slut meltdown. It felt like an eternity, the boy bouncing and cumming nonstop, milking a serious load out of my bull balls with his deflowered boy cunt.

Finally, we both began to come down. I reached up and put a hand under Red's chin. He was still riding me, but slowly now, almost sensually. "There, wasn't that good? You like being a bitch, don't you?"

Red's green eyes flared, but he was still wrapped up in post-orgasm, not answering. I put my hand flat on his chest and pushed him over, toppling him backwards and freeing my erection from his quaking hole with a 'pop'. The boy looked up in confusion until I grabbed him by the back of the head and flipped him onto his front, pushing his still hard cock into the concrete. Jacking him up by the hips, I spat on my hand and fisted my meat, ready to mount the boy doggy-style.

The 19-year-old muscle boy raised his butt into the air, his heaving buttocks glistening in the light. The rosebud hole winked and shuddered, hungry for more even as my first load dribbled out of it. Red looked back at me over his shoulder, defeated, devirginized.

"You're going to be my bitch whenever I want it."

I slapped his fat bubble butt, and the boy moaned as I entered him again.

It was going to be quite the workout.

--end Bitch Boy Breaker 06 - Buff Gym Bitch 04

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Next: Chapter 7: Aftercare 101

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