Bitch Boy Breaker

By Alpha Spirit

Published on Jul 26, 2023


Disclaimer: This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males of consenting age 18+. It involves domineering, rough sex that both parties, at some point or another, consent to. It contains strong language and other adult situations. If the material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

If you are under the legal age to view this story, stop now.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Bitch Boy Breaker - Chapter 2 - Breaking the Blonde

I carried the unconscious sissy up the driveway to my place, taking the opportunity to squeeze his bubble butt. Firm, thick, and perfectly fuckable: I knew I was going to have a grand time gutting this boy's ass tonight. The little cunt moaned, but didn't wake up.

"You home!" Before I could put the key in the lock, the door was opened by a svelte, dainty Asian. "Charm so glad to see you!" In full makeup, short-shorts, and a cut-off crop-top, the effeminate stunner clapped his hands and jumped into my arms. I was a little surprised to see him, but caught the skinny sissy. Two hands, two sissies.

"Back already, Charm?" Charm had been a Thai streetwalker before I upgraded him to my personal bitch.

"You bring home new boy!" Charm played with the unconscious boy's golden blonde locks. "Very yellow hair! So pretty!"

"I'm putting him on the coach. You know the drill."

Charm and I had a perfectly open, symbiotic working relationship. Charm came and went as he pleased, but he cooked, cleaned, and offered me his holes whenever I wanted them. Fully accepting of his faggot inferiority, Charm was a wonderful coach (or a fluffer, in my case) - a much better long-term trainer of bitch boys than I. I broke them, gave them their first taste of sub life; but Charm stayed involved in the process all the way to the end. In fact, Charm earned quite a great deal more than I did, although, like a good bitch, he handed over all his earnings to me.

"Charm make dinner: you favorite!"

Knowing the blonde twink was in good hands, I took my time on my meal. Steak, almost tartar, and some vegetables. Charm's cooking, like his English, left a lot to be desired, but a man will look past trifling faults for a hot plate the moment he steps foot back home. I cracked open a beer and, when I headed back into the living room, Charm had nearly finished the initial setup of his work.

"Boy name Justin. 18. From Nebraska." Charm always goes through the wallets first, identification and basics. "Ohhh, what we have here?" Charm pulled out two small baggies of white substances from Justin's wallet. "Naughty, naughty, Justin!"

From a quick taste, I could tell one was cocaine, and the other ecstasy, MDMA. Neither were great quality. Spitting, I instructed Charm to replace Justin's drugs with stronger substances. "And, Charm, prepare the consent forms and go through the kid's phone. See if he's into--- What happened to your eyes?"

The Asian beauty smirked, twinkling. "You like?" Charm changed his look the way a schizophrenic changes his mind. Today, his hair was burgundy red and spikey, like a video game character. Tomorrow, who knows? But Charm's eyes were... well, the irises were pink, the pupils too, pink and shaped like hearts. The effect was cartoonish, provocative. Charm batted his long, press-on lashes at me. "New in Switzerland!"

Charm is big on augmentations. It's his number one hobby, and our biggest household expense. Botox for fat, plump lips; butt injections; a modified, extra sensitive prostate.

"Are they real?" I asked him.

Last year he spent two months in South America getting his tongue extended. He could already suck a golf ball through a straw, but his rimjob had been taken to a whole new level. With his extra long tongue, Charm could pay tribute to a man's hole, or prep a sissy's, like it was an Olympic sport.

Charm shook his head. "Sad but no. They contact only." I was slightly relieved. Charm's eyes were naturally a deep green... not like I gave a damn. "Charm buy ones shaped like stars, too!" He bubbled excitedly.

"All right, Charm, all right. Go see what's on the kid's phone." Turning my attention to the new boy, I stalked over to the couch where he lay, still knocked out but breathing shallowly.

Justin was going to make a remarkable bitch boy. Short and smooth, his arms and legs had just enough meat on them to make you feel like you wouldn't break the kid if you twisted him backwards the wrong way. His puny chest lacked definition except that, laying on his back, you could just see the outline of his ribs when he exhaled. His puerile, angelic face had a pout on it like he was having a bad dream.

I wanted to wake the kid up to fuck him anyway, so I poured the backwash from my beer on his face and, when he sputtered into consciousness, I simply said: "Wakey wakey, little faggot. Time to have some fun."

"M- M- M- Mister, uhh, I..." The boy was discombobulated, but it was good he recognized me right away. "Where... oh- oh fuck, oh my god, my head..." Putting a hand up to his boyish face, Justin squeezed his eyes shut in pain. "Wha- wha..."

Being choked out can make for some stinging, bad headaches when the cunt awakes. I handed him some painkillers (well, one painkiller and a special mixture) Charm had left out. "Take these. They'll make you feel better."

"Uh, thanks, Mister," the boy popped the pills obediently.

"Good boy," I patted him on the head. Breaking in a bitch isn't all about being rough and randy with them, after all.

"Uh, like, what were they?" Looking up at me innocently, the blonde twink voiced his concerns only after taking the drugs. Dim-witted and gorgeous, two good traits in a boy-toy.

"The pills?"

"Uh, yea," he tossed his hair out of his face, but it just fell right back in front of his eyes again. He was sitting up on the couch now, blinking his blue eyes and taking in the room around him.

"Soma, good for pain and to relax your muscles." Running my hand down the silky skin of his neck to his shoulders, I rubbed the twink reassuringly. "Some Viagra and X, too." The one pill had a little more in it, too, but no reason to worry the pretty boy's little head over a chemistry lesson.

"Oh, cool. Thank you, Mister." The boy had been taught his manners, that was for sure. I took off my shirt, just a wife-beater underneath. The little fag's eyes lit up; a natural slut, he drunk in the sight of a burly, strong male towering over him.

"Come here and touch me, you little faggot." I spat.

A little unsteady, like a baby deer finding his legs, the boy struggled to sit up and leaned over to me. I stepped back four steps, but urged him. "Come on." The boy threw his twinky legs over the side of the couch and stood to approach me, but I froze him with a command. "No. Stop."

To his credit, the boy did as told, halting halfway from the couch into a standing position. His wide blue eyes stared at me in confusion, his mouth open in a dumb, vacant expression.

"Crawl, on the ground." I pointed a finger to the polished wood floor. This was always a major moment in a sissy's submission. Sometimes, oftentimes, the temperamental ones would fight you on this. Insults and slurs? Fine. Rough, unrelenting fucking? Naturally. But a nonsexual, debasing act? Not a sure thing.

But he did. The twink was a nature submissive. Unbroken, but organic in his subservience. As if unsure, the sexy, lithe teen crouched and placed his arms on the floor first. Slipping his feet off the couch, he crawled toward me across the living room floor. The boy's face turned a shade of crimson as he did so, the act sinking in. Palms hot against the cold floor, body afire with desire, controlled, content.


The boy did.

"Kiss my boots."

Justin gave but the faintest, softest peck. Afraid to be dirtied, but already submitting, he offered up his reverence hesitatingly, but willingly. Those soft but still tender teenage lips had only known mouth and cock and testicles, but this was what they had been born to touch, the lowest realms of the altar of pure man. The boy shuddered, aroused and no doubt beginning to feel the spurs of the drugs starting to kick into his system. More than anything, he was taken with the act, this simple depravity, this debasing of himself.

"Good boy." I let him wait like that, a blonde Adonis on his hands and knees with his mouth on my foot. "You can thank me when we're done."

"Th- thank you, Mister."

Fuck. What a little angel. I thought to myself, reveling in the height of my sexual dominance and power: a slim and taut twink at my very feet, eager and inflamed with lust for whatever I could dish out on him. I smiled, bit my own lip. I couldn't wait to tear all of his wings off.

"I want you to touch my body slowly, deliberately; take it in, worship your man." Deep and reassuring, my voice sent shivers down the boy's spine. I could see the beads of forming sweat freeze on the arch of his spine. "Tell me what you experience."

Justin, almost trembling, clumsily kissed higher up on my boot, then on the hem of my jean pants. "I- I- I-" The thin boy was shaking, unsure of how best to please me. "I taste your jeans, Mister. I- uh, I taste where you've been."

"You don't know shit about me, boy. Use that fuckable mouth of yours to tell me better how you feel to be on your knees before another man."

"I-I-I-I-" the boy stuttered and stuttered. Beautiful he was, but weak, not yet accepting of what he was. "I- uh, I don't know, Mister."

It was time to tell this sissy bitch boy what was what.

"You feel good." I paused.

"I-I-I..." stammering again, the blonde twink suddenly caught hold of the idea and, recognizing it to be true, simply murmured in a soft breath, "I feel good."

"Yes, you like subjugating yourself like this."

"I-I-I-" the boy didn't know what 'subjugate' meant. But he turned it over in his mind, heard my words repeat themselves, embraced the descent. "I... Yes... Yes, I am."

"You belong on your hands and knees, submitting to superior men like me."

"YES!" it was the loudest he'd ever spoken, and it scared even him. "Y-y-y-yes..." The blonde twink shivered at what he was going through. Poor thing.

"Tell me why I'm superior. Focus on pleasing me. That's what you're here for."

Justin's blue eyes shot up to me then. I think it really hit home for the boy. Young, dainty, remarkably feminine in his beauty; had he ever truly understood what he was or what he was here for? He'd wondered. He'd wondered. and now I was shining a torch full on the shadow of the notion he'd first gleaned when he initially, as a young thing, no doubt, had looked inwardly unto himself. What was he here for?

"I'm here for you, M-M-Master..." the boy breathed the word out slowly. He hadn't misspoke; but he hadn't meant to call me that, either. "I'm here for you," he repeated, more to himself than anyone else.

"Tell me why, Justin." I think that was the only time I ever called him by his name. I could be wrong though: I've broken the seal on many a bitch boy in my day.

"You're so... strong." Justin's hands threaded his fingers through the fabric of my jeans, feeling my sinewy legs beneath them. "You're so... ... powerful." The blonde angel kissed my legs, arms entwined around the trunks of my legs. His golden locks fell in front of his blue eyes as he kissed me reverently again, purring, "You're such a maaannn..."

"And you're a slutty little bitch, ready to fuck men like me."

"I'm a slutty little bitch. P- Please... please fuck me."

The boy was devoting himself, literally having thrown himself at my feet. But that wasn't enough. It wouldn't have been enough in time, so why hesitate and pretend like it was enough now? I decided I wanted to really break the boy's spirit before even fucking him.

"You're ready to fuck ALL men like me." Speaking slower, I intentionally stepped back from where the young pup was practically humping my leg.

"I--- I..." Finally, the denial got to the boy. He wavered. It happens to all of them; that's why it's my job to break them. "Not ANY man, Mister!" Cute, little Justin finally protested. Clear stopped kissing my body.

"Oh, no, no. You so wrong, stupid, stupid boy. Just he, you say?"

Electrified with fright at the intrusion on this most intimate moment, little blonde Justin nearly shot up my leg upon hearing Charm's voice, the sexy Thai sissy strolling back into the living room casually.

"Wh-Wh-Who are you!?" Justin, to his credit, didn't look at the leggy Asian sissy he was so startled by, but instead looked at me in his fright and surprise.

Clearly having overheard everything, Charm took a dramatic step into the room, hiking his long, shaven, bare legs high into the air as though prancing at a competition. He looked down at the shocked blonde sissy cowering at my feet, and both he and I smiled.

"I am call Charm, boy," Charm spoke flirtatiously, enticingly. "And you and I: we are the same. We are here to serve man; we are here to do what man please, to make man, our man, feel good, feel like God he be." I had not known Charm to put together a complex-compound sentence together before in his life: even I was a little impressed. The stunningly feminine Asian crouched in front of the boy and whispered, "You sissy, boy. You sissy bitch boy for men. That what we are."

Justin's mouth opened and closed, but the boy didn't protest.

"Charm lives with me." I figured I'd might as well add some contextual cues for the boy. "We go way back: Chiang Mai at the- oh, yeah, eh... that's in Thailand, ok? So, let's see... Well, wait. Okay, so, it was the summer of---"

"I- I don't know if I can do this!" We almost lost him for the minute. Justin bolted straight up, all 5' 3" of him. "I mean, I- I- I- I wanna..." he stammered, his pure blue eyes raking over me again hungrily. "I wanna, I wanna hook up with you, Mister. I really do, but-"

"But what- boy? You're afraid it's too much, too wild? You know you want that."

"You want get fucked hard." When the boy hesitated, didn't make for the door, Charm took him. The exotic Asian put his hands around Justin's lean torso, pushed his long, snake-like tongue through the blonde's falling hair, whispering. Charm hugged him, reassuring him. "You want submit. You want become."

Unclear, but effective, Charm's words seemed to take effect on the boy. I saw his pupils flash, dilate, a conviction pour over him, his arms drooping and his jaw going slack.

"I do." innocent little Justin murmured, a sissy on his wedding night: finally wed to his fate.

"Good boy."

I gave Charm a meaningful look. It was showtime. Straightening up to tower several feet above the sissy duo before me, I dropped my left hand to rub over the pouch of my pants. "It's time for you to get reacquainted with my cock, boy."

"I-I don't know if I can take it, Mister," Justin tensed as he watched the bulge in my jeans grow, throb. He remembered the car ride and how he had been forced to take my length down his throat until he had nearly passed out for good on it.

"You sniff. Sniff the poppers." Charm swooped in, the good little fluffer. He bent down next to Justin and opened a long, deep brown tube of the sissifying substance before the angelic blonde twink.

Instinctively obeying for a fraction of a second, Justin put a dainty finger to his nose, threw the blonde hair out of his face. He naturally made for the drugs, to get into the wallowing pit, but he hesitated for a moment. The 18 year old blonde's eyes shot up at me, abject.

"I lose all control whenever I do these things, Mister."

"Then lose control, bitch." I told him sternly, "Do it."

Justin sniffed those poppers deep, and he never came back from being a depraved, wild, sissy slut boy. If you've ever been with a proper bitch in heat, that's what I was in for that night with what the tight blonde sissy boy became. Justin inhaled, his chest rose and fell.

"More," I commanded. Unblinking, the boy took a second hit, then a third. When he finally opened his eyes, cheeks flushing crimson from the chemical rush, he looked at me, finally ready.

"Kneel." I pointed to the floor in front of me. Justin threw himself on his knees, his upper body wavering slightly. His senses were inflamed, the slut lust thrumming through his veins like fire. I unzipped my fly and pulled out the thick, mean cock that had savaged the sissy's throat earlier. His tongue lolled out, lips parted instinctively. "Make love to my dick. you little faggot."

Justin shivered, moaned. Scooting on his knees to be directly at my feet, the blonde didn't break eye contact as he took my cock in both hands and brought it to his lips. The boy kissed the underside of my shaft, running his boyish hand over the throbbing, bulbous head. Getting a dab of precum between his fingers, the much smaller twink boy used both his hands to jack my dick, slowly at first, but then faster and more assuredly, all the time kissing the meaty pole with his full, innocent lips.

"Your dick is so big, Mister. It's so fucking big," the boy murmured, lost in passionate adoration.

"That's right, boy. This big dick is going to turn you into the bitch you've always dreamed of becoming." I spat, giving him some lube to continue jacking my raging man boner. The kid looked like a doll, blue eyes peaking out from the blonde hair falling in front of his face, cheeks glowing. My dick was huge next to his angelic face. "Get that dick ready, boy." I spat again, a thick glob of phlegm. The boy's hands were working feverishly up and down my rod. "You're going to take all this cock this time."

Justin took a deep breath, possessed, hyper-focused on the cock that was his very world right then. He opened his mouth, angled my meat toward his mouth, and began to go down on me.

The feeling of breaking into a hot, tight mouth is phenomenal. Especially when it's a sexy stunner whose pretty face is dwarfed by your dick, the feeling of power and pleasure are intoxicating. Justin stuck out his jaw, his pouty lips jutting out and over the ridge of my knob. Entering his mouth, I took the sissy bitch by his naturally blonde hair and began to guide him. Fucking just his boyish mouth with the head of my cock, I made sure to go slow, keep him engaged on the thick fuck stick. Taking my time, savoring breaking in his hole for real, I began to make the budding sissy give me a long, deep blowjob.

"That's right, you little faggot. Suck my dick."

Struggling to accommodate just the head, Justin breathed, surprisingly patient. Maybe it was the poppers, or the soma, or the E, but the boy was fully engaged in cock-sucking mode. He wanted to please me, to do a good job and take all of my length. Not totally inexperienced, the boy lustfully strained his face forward, his pink tongue sliding along the shaft and out over his bottom lip.

"Hnnnnghnmm," Justin moaned as, inch by inch, the long and turgid flesh filled up his mouth, pushing down into his throat. Watching my huge cock disappear down the tiny faggot's face, I brought a hand to my pecs and rubbed myself.

"Good, faggot. Take that cock." I hit the back of his throat. Justin's eyes closed instinctively. I signaled Charm.

"Here, poppers. More." Sliding onto his knees next to the boy, Charm held the brown bottle for the cocksucking twink. One huff, a second, longer. I could feel the energy flow through young Justin's lithe teen body, his throat relaxing. "Yes, good." Charm cooed encouragement, too.

The wet, tight orifice slackened a little around my invading cock, and I yanked the twink forward, burying my dick in to the hilt. Drool running down his lips and chin, Justin's throat spasmed around my throat.

"Good, faggot. That's good. Take all of that dick." With my hand in firm control, I began to fuck the teen up and down on my cock. The boy was languid, relaxed. Even while choking, his blue eyes watering, he stayed placid, buzzing off the poppers and the thrill of being used.

Picking up the pace, I began to fuck the boy's face a little harder. Extracting my spit-shined boner until only the head was in his mouth, the blond would slurp and coo, sloshing his tongue around, nursing the precum he was so desperately coming to crave. His lips gnawed greedily around me. Sliding into his hot, hungry mouth, I could feel the boy gag and the walls of his throat constrict around me. Tears of joy ran down his angelic face and he gacked and struggled whenever I would ram myself fully down his throat. The drool from his chin puddled on the floor beneath him.

"More poppers," I commanded Charm, fisting my hand in the blonde's hair and sawing him back and forth up and down my rod, facefucking the 18 year old twink viciously. The Soma and the E had relaxed him that he could take my full length with only tremors from the gagging, the flesh inside him molding and contracting around my dick naturally. Buzzing from the high of being dominated, Justin was putty in my hand.

I didn't want to blow my first load down the cunt's throat, and the frenzied sissy was hungry for my load. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, and the spit hung off his lips down onto his arm as I pulled away from him. He looked up at me.

Grasping my spit-slick, rock hard weapon by the base, I began to hit the blonde angel across his boyish face with my dick. Across his cheeks, over the bridge of his nose, on his puckered, upturned lips. Leaving a trail of cockslime and the boy's drool on his cherub face, I smirked down at little Justin.


The boy moaned and shivered, accepting his being beaten across the face and skull by another man's dick. He'd need more soon, I thought to myself. A slut like this had little patience for delays.

Once his cockslapping had ceased, the boy looked up at me. I promptly spat in his face, hitting him right between the eyes. The gob of slobber ran down his forehead between his two discombobulated blue eyes.

I spat on the faggot again and told him, "Thank me, faggot. Thank me for allowing you to suck my cock."

Justin didn't hesitate for even a second, or to wipe my spit off his face. He simply leaned forward and looked up at me adoringly with a sweet, smooth gaze. "Thank you, Mister. Thank you for letting me suck your cock."

"More drugs." I grunted. Me, too. Charm was there, fixing us up with another hit of poppers each, a pipe and a lighter, and a beer for me. On the glass coffee table were two lines each, no doubt cocaine. I took my line, the longer line, first. The surge of energy and power flared through my veins instantaneously.

Justin, on his knees still, inched over to the table to take his line of blow. But he eyed the pipe with suspicion. The boy was already rolling from the Ecstasy earlier, the Soma, and whatever he'd taken earlier in the night. He didn't bother to brush his hair out of his face anymore, and his cheeks and chest were blush red in spots. I grabbed the pipe and lighter, took a long burn of the substance to show the boy what was what.

"You ever smoke Tina before, boy?" I asked him.

"No, Mister. What's that?" The boy was sucking and sniffling still from the throatpounding and the line.

"Meth, Crystal. Surely you've seen Breaking Bad?"

The boy looked a little embarrassed. 'I- I... I've heard about it. Th- that show was really popular when... when I was in middle school." Fuck, time flies. But the young sissies all stay the same age and I learn more and more ways to exploit them. "My parents never let me or my little brother watch it, though..."

Filing away that this sexy blonde piece of fuckmeat had a younger sibling, I passed him the pipe of Tina and lighter. "Take a big hit. Suck it down like it's the last breath of air you'll ever get. You'll love it."

I watched the boy smoke. Time seemed to slow down: the way the flame illuminated the soft curves of his face, his tiny nipples frozen erect. The boy's flat stomach moved with the inhalation. He coughed; a picture-perfect epitome of an overwhelmed sissy slut on the door of the beyond. His eyes bugged, fluttering, red from the throat fucking and, soon, the drugs.

"Naked, faggot. Take off your pants and show me that pussy I'm about to destroy." I commanded him. "It's time for me to break that bitch hole of yours in." I smacked my free-hanging cock meaningfully.

Justin, eyes never leaving my body, started to fumble with the front of his jeans. Stumbling clumsily towards his target, the 5'3" fuckboy stripped down to his tiny briefs and soon was stark naked in front of me. Justin's blonde pubes were whispy, barely there. His pathetically straining cock barely more than a male clit, hard as Hades.

Placing the glass pipe to the boy's mouth, Charm exhaled a long hit of his own before whispering in the twink's ear: "Present you hole to him. Beg him to fuck you." Slack jawed and mindless for anything involving my brutish, manly approval, Justin placed his smooth, cherub face to the wooden floor and, raising his bubble butt in the air, mumbled for me to fuck him.

"Please, Mister. Please fuck me."

Justin's tiny pucker was twitching in anticipation, a tiny hairless star winking greedily from between his ample buttocks. "You shave that hole often, faggot?" I asked him, stepping forward and putting my boot to one of his cheeks.

"Y-y-y-yes, Mister."

"Why, faggot?" We both knew, I just wanted him to say it.

"M-m-m- men like it, Mister. They like when my asshole is shaved. And I uhhh hhnnn-"

Sticking my middle and pointer finger straight into the blonde's boy pussy, I was thrilled to find it was just as pliable and tight as I had imagined. "Nobody cares a shit about you, boy. You were right with the first part though, you do it because men like your sissy bitch cunt shaved and hairless." Digging into the first knuckle, I flexed my fingers, lifting and massaging the lips of the little boy's asshole. "This bitch hole was made to be raped by men, and you'll do whatever you can to keep making it pleasurable to men."

I dragged my fingers out of the boy's fleshy back-end, watching it flare open, shuddering for more.

"It's time." I nodded at Charm to get the boy a heavy whiff of poppers ready. His tight little bitch hole and my dangerously mammoth cock meant he was going to need them.

Thumping my boner on the flare of Justin's winking asshole, I dropped onto a knee and began to mount the 18 year old sissy, fulfilling his destiny. Forcing the head of my bulbous cock past his hole, I could feel the teen's hole snap back snugly on me as he cried out.

"Oh god oh god oh god oh god," Justin repeated retardedly, feeling his hole really being turned into a pussy.

Sneering, I swayed my hips, digging just a fraction more into his impossibly tight ass. "That's right, bitch. This cock is your god now." Savoring the flavor of really breaking in the boy, I used one hand to grab him by his slight hips, reaching out the other to grab him by the golden scruff at the back of his neck. Pulling him up by the back of the neck and dragging him back by the hips, I was able to fit another inch into the boy who began babbling while I took spaced out, deliberate stabs further into his quivering sissy hole.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck you're huge. Oh my god." Stab.

"Fuck, fuck, please! Oh god, please. Please slow down." Stab.

"Y-y-y- you're ripping my ass open, Mister. Jesus!" Stab.

Stab. Stab. Stab. Three consecutive, rapid jolts pushed my cock in to the halfway point. Throbbing inches still stuck out obscenely from Justin's ass, but the other half felt perfect being embedded deep in this kid's insides while he screamed and cried out.

"Ah, ah, ah! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts, Mister!" blue eyes tearing, red and glassy from the Tina and all the other drugs, Justin was on the edge of breaking.

"Tell me you love this, faggot." I craned the boy backwards like a rag-doll, forcing eye contact.

"I - I- I love this, Mister. I love your huge dick breaking my boy pussy innnn..."

Shoving his head down onto a wickedly wide-nosed bottle of poppers, I held the boy down and began to, without stopping, force the rest of my massive dick into the tiny twink's blossoming bitch hole.

"Gohhhhhhd," Justin mindlessly slurred as he opened up like never before. The poppers, the muscle relaxant Soma, and all of the booze and drugs he'd ingested had him right on the edge of brainless fucktoy, conscious but barely sentient. Only feeling, hardly thinking a thought in his pretty little head.

Bottoming out in the boy's pussy, I flexed my rod and grinned at another cunt conquered. Nodding for Charm to pass the poppers to me, I took a long drag while the blonde fucktoy got used to his hole being fully possessed by a real alpha male.

Then, I started to fuck him.

I started slow, not for the boy's sake, but so I could feel the initial stretch and tear of the boy's ass guts as emptied his inner rectum. Pulling my hips back and back, I dragged the long, curving length of my cock out of Justin until only the head was in. Repeating the process, the only difference was that Justin's hole was just a little broken in than before, only a little more pliant and less resistant to being fucked open. Still ridiculously tight, I relished in the sensation of the tight teen's ass muscles parting before my invasive cock.

Hitting the bottom, I released the back of the boy's neck and, reaching underneath him, began to maul and pinch the kid's tiny, rock-hard nipples. A true whore, young and overstimulated, Justin literally started shooting his first load of the night as he shrieked girlishly.

"Oh god, Mister, I'm cummmmming!"

Picking up the pace, I started to thrust harder into the boy's burgeoning bitch hole. My balls slapped into his pathetic package each time I bottomed out, and I could feel his breaths coming in ragged and quick as I began to fuck him in earnest.

"You're never going back," I told him. "This is the new normal for you, bitch."

The boy's hole must have been on fire, but he was in fuckboy heaven. His little cock flopped around as I began to lay waste to his guts. Sluicing in and out, I kept a firm hand on his shaking hips and slapped him in the ass, a red hand print dwarfing the pert, bubble butt cheek it landed on. Man, there's nothing like breaking a slut in and spanking him when your dick's still stretching him out. Another slap, Justin's cunt tightening again.

"Gahhh," SMACK. "Gawwd," SMACK. "Mishtahh," SMACK. "Pleassse," SMACK.

Jamming my dick in harder with every downthrust, I began to really bring my weight down on the infinitely smaller figure, fucking him prone into the wooden floor. Justin, writhing and crying out, continued to cum again and again as I mounted his petite frame and began to long-dick the snot out of his pathetic, sissy dick.

The force of my thrusts, and the fact that Justin was and head been sweating profusely, meant that he began sliding across the floor each time I reached the innermost depths of his bitch hole. Most would have already let loose inside the blonde teen's tight shitter, but I was fueled up and ready to really rock. Deciding there wasn't going to be enough friction this way, I cranked back on the boy's slender hips (already turning black and blue from where I had manhandled him) and, reaching forward, grabbed him by the jaw with my fingers.

"Ahhhhh!" with his head wrenched back and his lower torso still under my bulky frame, Justin must have experienced intense pressure on his little cock and balls as I drove him into the wood. "Myshtahhh!!" Almost incoherent, Justin began to flail slightly as I fishhooked him back towards me, keeping him in place with one arm while I began to piston in and out of him harder and harder.

"That's it, you fucking piece of faggot rape meat. Take that fuck."

Justin's mouth, gaped open by my hand, began to loll and drool all over me. The boy's tongue lashed out, licking my hand like a puppy would. Sinking my fingers into the boy's cheeks, I began to pull back, pinning the boy against my thrusts with just his young, smooth, angelic face to take the beating. Unable to do more than sputter and sputter, the blonde faggot's head flew back as he gasped and groaned.

Slamming the boy harder, I hit my momentum while maniacally mauling the boy's ass and face simultaneously. Getting off on his struggling, orgasming flinches, I felt myself get close and, wanting to hit the height of my alpha control, finished fishhooking Justin, slapping him across the face instead.

On one knee again, cradling his tiny frame (his ass lips gnawing possessively around my dick), I put my arm around Justin's head from behind, hooking his neck in my bicep. Flexing, letting him know I could snap his neck if I wanted, I arched the bitch boy backwards and, forcing his blue eyes onto mine, demanded him to tell me.

"What do you want, bitch?"

"P-P-P-P-..." Shuddering and desperate, the 18 year old twink finally accepted his destiny and let out the words that sent me over the edge just as I pummeled the last of his pathetic jism out through his prostate. "P-P- Please break me!!!"

Squeezing him by the neck so hard that his blood-shot, blue eyes nearly burst from his boyish face, I began to jackhammer into the bitch mercilessly, my huge nuts slapping forward and walloping his meager ones on each downstroke. Choking and cumming, Justin began to spasm, his ass squeezing like wild around my dick as it swelled and began to empty my man load into his willing, ruined boy pussy.

Nothing is like the rush of cumming inside a newly made bitch. It was a few full minutes before I let up on Justin's neck and dropped him face-first onto the wooden floor, twitching and convulsing. Placing the paw that had been around his neck on the fat, sweat slick ass, I rudely removed my entire length with no regard for the cunt struggling and fighting to keep me inside. The boy's hole gaped, insanely distended and bubbling over with the froth from my fuck juice.

Getting to my feet, I surveyed the scene: the damaged, wholly fucked out twink simply a spread out akimbo. Justin had shot multiple loads all over my wooden floor. I made a mental note to punish him later for making a mess and cumming without permission. Instead, for the moment, I simply stood over him and put the heel of my foot to the back of his neck.

"Say thank you, bitch."

Justin took a full minute to get out the words: "Th-th-th- thank you, Mister."

I turned to Charm, my dick already hardening. "Call the crew, this bitch will be ready for more by the time they get here." I went to my room to put on a sleeveless exercise shirt.

Charm nodded eagerly and, seeing me grab a pair of shorts and start putting on my sneakers, asked, "You got out now?"

"Gym. Be back for more in a little."

-end chapter 2 "Breaking the Blonde"

That's it for Justin's introduction story. Muscle faggot up next.

Next: Chapter 3: Buff Gym Bitch 1

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