Bitch Boy Breaker

By Alpha Spirit

Published on Jul 26, 2023


Disclaimer: This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males of consenting age 18+. It involves domineering, rough sex that both parties, at some point or another, consent to. It contains strong language and other adult situations. If the material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

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This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

Bitch Boy Breaker - Chapter 1

The sexy blonde twink dancing his fat, perky, bubble butt away on the dance floor was sub-human rapemeat, I decided. Young, slim, smooth, he moved tantalizingly to the music, tossing his golden locks in front of his eyes, shirtless, just a wisp with skin-tight white pants on. I knew to myself that, by night's end, I was going to be fucking the living hell out of that boy, abusing the little cunt ruthlessly until he broke. And he was going to love it.

I took a sip of my beer, rearranged my ragingly hard boner, and waited for the future sissy slut to catch my eye. It didn't take long. He could feel me looking, eyefucking his lithe frame, breaking down his body with my eyes. He saw that I saw him see me, and he was mine.

I beckoned him over with a finger. Excusing himself from his friends, he obediently came straight away. "You ever been told you're a subhuman piece of rape meat before?" When the blonde boy made his way across the crowded nightclub floor, I didn't gesture for him to sit next to me, despite an open seat. I just asked him the question.

"Uh- like... You..." The blonde was young, 18 on the nose. Barely 5 foot 2, under 140 pounds, a fat ass and a trim waist, taut and limber arms from a flat stomach. He did that limp-wristed thing subby faggots do. "What?" Hot, but a stupid little faggot.

"Rapemeat, boy, for real men, like me."

"Uh, I-"

"That's what you are."

The blonde was a vapid sort, no doubt had gotten by on his angelic face and his willingness to suck a dick whenever he was in a pinch. He was dumb, but that's why there are men like me in this world: to teach cunts how to act.

"If you say so, Mister." He blinked his baby-blue eyes at me. 'Mister', like a well-behaved schoolboy.

I turned around and faced the boy. A young adonis, really. Half a step was all it took to close the gap between him, and I reached up with my hand and took him by the neck. Not hard, not fast, but commanding. Just the soft pressure of my massive, manly paw around his little neck was enough to make him gag, then shudder and squirm. The little faggot probably creamed himself.

"You got that right, faggot. If I say so."

The blonde teen's hair fell in front of his face, riveted blue eyes staring out like a deer in headlights. I let go of the little faggot's neck, and he seemed to lean in as though missing my abuse already. Throwing money on the bar, I turned away, turned back to the boy and said, "Say goodbye to your friends. You're coming home with me."

"Uh... my name's, like, Justin, Mister." in my car, the young boy gawked. The license plate said 'BrKH1M' and there was no seat-belt on the passenger side, only mine. He'd found a shirt: a loose flimsy thing, as white and thin as he was.

"I don't care what your name is, faggot." Reaching across the gear shift, I grabbed the twink sissy by his shirt and pulled him halfway into my lap. Throwing him down over my right leg, I pointed to the bulge in my jeans. "Show me you're worth bringing home tonight, slut."

"Uh, O-Ok, Mister." Justin got the point. He pushed blonde hair out of his eyes and licked his tongue across his lips. He'd seen what I was packing, but he was about to get far more well-acquainted with it.

I don't wear underwear, and I hadn't washed that day. The boy would have choked on my dick anyway, but the sheer smell of my manhood overwhelmed him on its own. I slapped him across his unblemished face. "That's what an aroused man smells like, faggot."

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes! Yes, Mister!" Stuttering, the boy took a deep breath of fresh air before he went to work on my dick. The little cunt's mouth was small, his lips hardly the size of the flair around the knob of my cock. Grabbing the little faggot by the back of his scrawny neck, I pushed Justin into my cock, mashing him against it, rubbing my scent all over his angelic, sissy face.

"Listen, boy," letting up so the little faggot could find the head of my dick and get his quivering lips around the head, I decided it was time for a little introduction. "I'mma tell you a little bit about me. I'm a Breaker, Ok? Now, I know you're too dumb to even guess what that is, so let me explain it."

Little Justin whimpered a little because I had started to force his face further and further down onto the length of my cock. The boy was hot and eager, even if he didn't know it. "No teeth, boy. I'll punch them down your throat if I feel even one."

Struggling to get breath already, the little twink gurgled his assent, pursing his lips and thrusting his gullet further onto the thick stick of man meat. Resting my hand around the back nape of his neck, I let him know there was no going back. This cunt was going to take all of my meat, or he was going to pass out trying.

"I break in hot little pieces of boy pussy like you; it's both a passion and a career. You need to be taught your place in the world, serving real men. That's where we're heading now. I'm bringing you back to my place to fuck the living daylights out of your young, tight cunt and show you that you'll be much happier being rapemeat for men like me."

Justin squealed, protesting maybe. It didn't matter. His tiny cock was probably busting in his pants. Sub bitches are all the same. That's why I knew what I'd found the instant I'd laid eyes on him. With my overpowering brute strength, I jammed another inch of cock down the blonde twink's throat, pinning his tonsils to the inside of the back of his head. He really started to struggle then.

"Oh, you'll love it. Secretly, you've known that this was your destiny all your life. I just get to break you in and show you how much fun you can have."

Probably running out of air, the kid really started to panic. At first he screamed, his humming around the throbbing head of my dick only nursing more precum into his throat. Legs kicking wildly in the passenger seat, his hands flailed out, uselessly striking weak, limp-wristed fists into my meaty legs.

"It doesn't matter if you fight back, boy, some guys will like that even more." I told the kid, feeling he was maybe on the verge of passing out. Woozily, the little sissy's attempts to break free grew weaker and weaker. His legs twitched instead of kicking. "And I'm one of them." Withering, the kid's head and throat started to go slack. I clapped him on the back of the head, getting him down to the root of my manly balls. The kid drooled, his tongue lolling out past his parted lips.

Now, most men would probably let the kid up for air at this point. That's the biggest mistake you could make. You relent due to their bodily distress, you're telling them their physical needs might, just might, come before your desires. That's not how I do things.

"Go to sleep for now, boy." I told the skinny twink fading out of consciousness. "When you wake up, I'll really start to break you in."

The kid lost consciousness with my dick choking him out. I gave the back of his head a poke with my rod, but we'd arrived just arrived outside of my place. Dislodging the subhuman twink rapemeat off my dick, I tucked my dick into my jeans before making he was still breathing. Stepping out of the car and into the night, I slung him over my shoulder and carried him up towards the rest of his life.

end chapter 1

Next: Chapter 2

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