Bitch Boy

By Robin Buckman

Published on Jan 15, 2017




The drive to the spa I knew that catered to the TG set wasn't long in the light traffic in Hollywood at this hour. Pulling into the parking lot he followed me inside where the beautiful woman who owned and ran the place greeted me. Other than a slight hardness around the lips and eyes, few guessed she was actually a he', a transsexual. She' ran the place like a military barracks and didn't permit any sexual high jinks between the staff and the patrons on the premises. It was her way for keeping the place off the police radar and she'd only been raided once in ten years, and that was just after she opened the place. If any of the staff and patrons wanted to get together, they did it elsewhere and that was none of her concern as long as she got paid.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Franklin."

"Nice to see you gain, Mistress Angelica. This is this young man's first visit to a spa, so treat him gently." I smiled.

"We treat all out guests gently." She answered with a slight smile. "So what is his pleasure?"

"Oh, he wants the works." I answered winking at her where Jack couldn't see.

Not that it mattered as his attention was on the beautiful young females walking about in the tight, white shorts and pink high cut tank tops that showed off their titties. Little did he know they were all TG, TS or just plain CD's as were most of the staff and guests. Angelica led us to a changing room and motioned us inside.

"Please undress and put the robe on you'll find behind the door, and I'll come and get you in a few moments. Oh yes, before you get undressed, please drink this." She said as she poured a greenish liquid into a glass from a bottle she took out of her gown. Jack looked at me and I shrugged.

"It's just grass extract and juice. They believe in a healthy diet here and its part of the treatment." Jack looked at it suspiciously but did as he was told as Crystal departed.

I waited for him to start undressing before doing the same myself, as I needed to get a sauna and a massage myself. Jack stripped off his tee shirt first, then pulled his shorts down and much to my surprise he was wearing a pair of the colored unisex panties he had hidden in his draw.

"Those to, Jack."


"Don't argue. Take them off. You'll be going to the sauna first, then the pool before your massage so you won't need them."

Saying that I dropped my shorts and casually put the robe on, seeing him look at my cock out of the corner on my eye. He gulped and blushed, as my seven-inch member put his little sissy cock to shame. He quickly grabbed the robe I held out for him and put it on to cover his semi stiff cock. I'd have loved to know what he was thinking at that moment to give him a stiffy, but that would have to wait. Angelica returned and led us to the small, individual sauna.

"You are in number three, Mr. Franklin, and you will be in number four, Jack. If you should need to go to the toilet in the next half hour, you'll find a stall at the end of the bench." She handed us each a bottle of water, smiled and left us to it.

I knew Jack would be sitting on the toilet very soon as the greenish liquid did its work to clean him out. The water had an added ingredient and very soon, he'd start to feel sleepy once he drank it, and he would with the wet heat in there. I only stayed in the sauna for ten minutes before exiting to find Angelica waiting for me.

"He's nice looking boy, but once we've finished with him he'll look ever nicer. New one is he?"

"Yes, very new and very virgin."

"That's good. We need a few news faces around here. She laughed. "I take it you want me to give him a full make over?"

"Yes, the works. I have his new clothes in a bag in the truck of my car. Would you have one of the `girl's' get it for you."

"I'll take care of that. You go and have your usual massage and I'll take care of little Jack." She looked at her watch. "I'd better check up on him. Don't want him falling sleep in there." She looked in and nodded to me, and a moment late came back out supporting Jack and he stumbled out. Now the fun would start so I relaxed and went off to get my massage.

After, I took a long cool swim and a shower before getting dressed and had a light lunch out on the patio, chatting to one or two people I knew over a nice glass of wine. At last, Crystal signaled to me that Jack was ready to go, and saying goodbye, she helped me walk him out to the car supposing Jack by his arm, as he was almost awake now.

"He's such a cute little sissy now." She murmured as I settled him into the passenger seat and made sure his seat belt was secured.

"He give you any trouble?"

"No not really, had to spank him a little and make him drink his juice to put him to sleep again is all. By the way, he didn't have much body hair but we removed what little he had, so he smooth and clean all over."

"Good, just as a good sissy should be. Anything else?"

"No. Just that we had to use a small cock sleeve. I'm surprised that a boy that age didn't have a bigger cock. Oh yes, I did give him a couple of injection in his throat and larynx so he should have a nice femmy voice now as well."

"Oh nice. I hadn't thought of that."

"We don't want him thinking he's a man now, do we?"

"True, but that's a sissy boy for you. Never was going to be much use as a real man anyway." She smiled, and with a little wave walked back into the spa."

"See you against soon." She said over her shoulder.

"Not to soon I hope."

I drove away, smiling to myself. As I'd told him, the new Jack or Crystal, as he be from now on looked a lot different from when I'd taken him in. His shoulder length hair was now cut, shaped, and permed to frame his soft, girlish face and now a dark honey blond with golden blond ends. His ears were pierced with two-inch long gold strands hanging from each ear. His eyebrows were plucked into a nice thin arch and he had his eye lashes lengthened and now a jet black to contrast with his power blue eye shadow and thing black eye liner. I particularly liked the frosty pink lipstick he was wearing, the lower lips having been glossed to make it look more inviting. Overall, his face was much softer and girlish now, what with a few collagen injections around his eye, lips, and the bridge of his nose to soften the outline of his face. His lips were definitely fuller now and had a slight pouting look that I liked. He'd soon find out that the makeup didn't wash off and took a special solution to remove it, again trapping him into his new persona. I could clearly see the black lace, open bra and his redden nipples under the loose fitting, sheer cream-colored blouse, and they were definitely bigger. A short treatment with a breast pump and saline injections made them a size larger then when he went in, and the perfect size for playing with. I also knew he was wearing two pairs of panties. The first were black lace crotchless panties, the second pair puffy, pink frilly panties with lots of ribbons and yellow bows and a pink lace garter belt under the short tan mini shirt he had on now, seeing as I'd brought them for him. I could also see the tops of his tan stocking, but I particularly like the strappy black high heels he was wearing, locked to his feet, as I could see the frosty pink nail polish on his toe nail that match the color of his fingernails. All in all, it was a sweet package, and I was looking forward to seeing his reaction when I got him home and he saw himself in the mirror for the first time. Now he looked more like a 15/16 year old teenage girl, and I knew how older men loved fucking young tight pussy without the risk, even if it wasn't a real girl.

Pulling into my carport, I lowered the door behind me, and helped him into the house and sat him on the couch. He was almost fully awake now and already looking down at himself and touching his breast.

"Oooo... w...what happened?" He moaned.

"As I promised, you'll feel like a different person coming out than the one you did going in." I replied, pouring myself a stiff drink.

"B...but...I look like a girl." He sobbed.

"Yes, you do. Now you no longer have to pretend you're a real man any more, do you."

"B...but I am!" He said, looking up at me with pleading eyes.

"No you're not. You're a cock sucking little sissy faggot. Now you don't have to pretend to be anything else." I laughed, seeing his expression of disbelief.

Putting my drink down I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the bedroom, forcing him to stand in front of the mirror-covered end wall and look at himself. Jack sank to his knees in shock, unable to belief his eyes at what he saw.

"Oh god! I'm...I'm a girl." He stuttered. "How could you do this to me?" He sobbed.

"Why not. You're a failure as a man, useless to a woman, love prancing around in slutty underwear and sucking cock, so what else can you be but a crossdressing sissy faggot. I just helped you get what you secretly wanted."

"I...I didn't...I..." He stopped and started crying instead.

"You want to leave? You know where the front door is and you can walk out any time you want." I lied. He looked up at me and shook his head.

"I don't have anywhere to go." He blubbered.

"True, and if you go, you'll have to go dressed as you are. I threw all your other clothes away."

"Oh god."

"I'll even give you a hundred buck to help you on your way for the nice blow jobs you given me." I laughed. Jack/Crystal dropped his head and cried. "When you've stopped feeling sorry for yourself and you're ready to behave, come back out, and start getting things ready for dinner."

I left him there for him to work out in his tiny sissy brain. Have to leave dressed like that, he probably wouldn't get ten blocks before he got busted by the cops as a hooker, especially in this neighborhood. They throw his sissy ass in jail for prostitution where he'd probably get raped by all the inmates, especially looking like he did. After that, he'd have little choice but to end up as a hooker on Hollywood or Sunset Boulevard selling his sissy ass and giving cheap dirty blowjobs on his knees in some dirty back alley behind the smelly dumpster just to earn his enough for his keep. But then again, maybe he'd love that lever of humiliation. I relaxed with a drink and watched the news and an hour later Jack/Crystal tiptoed out, puffy eyed and looking all weepy.

"Go lay the table and start getting dinner ready." I ordered sternly to prevent any argument from him. He gave me a look and silently tiptoed off to the kitchen. I smiled to myself, as despite the way he was dressed now, he knew better than to disobey me. I guess a submissive is a submissive no matter how he is dressed.

I watched him lay the table, particularly liking the way his pink panties peeked out from under his mini skirt and thought about how I'd enjoy his tight little ass under them after a good spanking. I helped prepare dinner, brushing by, and touching him as much as possible as I did and letting him know he was my property now. There were no chains on him, except in his mind and he knew he could walk out the front door any time he wanted. At one point just before taking the plates out to the table I grabbed him and pulled him tight against me before pulling his head back and kissing him on the lips, hard, slipping my tongue into his mouth. He moaned softly but didn't try to stop me. A quick squeeze of his ass, and brushing the back of my hand back and forth across his panties cock was enough to stiffen it. I smiled at him as I let him go, seeing him blush, knowing his body had betrayed him. Yeah, the little fucker was mine no matter how much he protested. Dinner over and the plates washed up and put away, I ordered him to make me a cup of coffee and settled down on the couch to watch a porn movie. I pointed to the cushion beside the couch and he knelt there, stiffly for a while. I stroked his new hair and he slowly relaxed and leaned against my bare leg as I was only wearing a pair of shorts. The hot CD movie soon had me semi stiff, seeing all those lovely boys I panties getting fucked or on their knees sucking cock, so I took his hand and placed it on my member. He knew what to do and started squeezing me through the shorts, but that wasn't good enough, so I slipped them off and threw them aside and opened my legs. A slight pressure on his head and he moved between them, my semi stiff cock no more than three inches from his mouth. All I had to do was tap him on the back of the head and he opened his mouth with a slight sob. He might hate it but he couldn't help himself now, and with a lick of his tongue to get it wet, the head slipped into his wet, warm mouth. I sighed as he went to work, licking and sucking as he took more of it in. He whimpered softly as I pushed the back of his head and all seven inches sipped into his mouth and down his throat. I didn't even have to hold his head hard for him to keep it there and I wondered what he was thinking at that moment. He was a nancy boy now, and this was what good little sissy queer boys did. They sucked their owner cock for as long as he wanted. At last he came up for air, sobbing a little before taking it all the way in again and not even gagging now. He kept that up for ten minutes before I had to stop him, not wanting to cum in his mouth. I wanted to be stiff and hard so I could pop his cherry properly, and grabbing him by the hair I lifted him to his feet, heading for my bedroom. Jack knew what was going to happened next but he didn't fight like I expected him to. Pushing him inside, I closed the door and turned the light down low, wanting an intimate feeling for the fun tonight.

"Strip. Down to your slutty underwear, bitch." He looked at me and shook his head, trembling in fear I suppose as I walked towards him. I half expected that and simply grabbed him by the back of the neck and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling him over my lap as I did. He let out his first squeal, then, and another as I pulled his skirt up and tucked it into the waistband.

"Crystal, the first thing you have to understand is obedience. You no longer had the right to say no, and you will do as you're told without argument from bow on, understand?"

"P...please... I will, I will... please don't spank me." He whimpered in a femmy voice, so I knew the injections worked.

"This is for your own good, Crystal. The sooner you learn to obey the sooner I'll no longer need to spank your cute sissy bottom, will I." That was a lie of course, I loved spanking him.

I slowly peeled the pink panties down over his quivering bottom, seeing him clench and unclenching his cheeks in anticipation of the spanking as I carefully arranged them around his white thighs. His ass looked perfect, framed by the pink lace garter belt, the black lace crotchless panties, and his sissy pink panties. The spanking was slow, hard and deliberate and it didn't take long to have him sobbing his eyes out like a baby. Tonight he was going to learn the meaning of obedience even if it took all night. The sooner he got on his hands and knees in the center of the bed and begged me to fuck his sissy pussy the sooner the punishment would stop. I let him kick this time as I like to see stocking covered legs jerking in time with my spanking. Of course he squealed and cried, but I didn't stop, even when he begged until I was satisfied he understood. Standing him up he immediately grabbed his bottom and stood there hopping from foot to foot to try and relieve the pain.

"Now go stand in the corner with your hands on your head until I tell you to move." I pointed to the corner on the mirrored wall so he had to stand there and look at himself.

He shuffled over taking small step due to the panties around his thighs and tried to bury his face in the corner to hide from the image of himself. That would only work for a while and I knew he'd be examining every inch of his appearance. I walked out to retrieve my drink, freshening it up with a little more Vodka and ice. Returning, I sat on the bed and looked at lovely pink bottom, so exposed with his skirt tucked up. I glanced up and caught him looking at me and he knew what I was looking at as I opened my legs

"Come here." I said a last, unable to contain myself any longer. He shuffled over to stand in front of me looking over my head. "Are you going to behave yourself and do what you're told, Crystal?"


"Good. Take off your blouse, skirt and high heels and be quick about it."

After a slight hesitation he did as I ordered, giving me a short strip show as he did. I took the blouse, skirt and high heels and threw them onto a chair and looked him up and down. As Mistress Angelica said, he was such a pretty little sissy boy now. I love the added touch off the coral colored o the nipples now standing proudly from his lovely girly titties.

"Open your legs, sissy bitch." I said, putting my hand between his thighs and pushing them open as I spoke. He did and I stroked the back of my hands up and down his stocking covered legs, feeling him shiver.

Despite himself he started getting hard, seeing his little sissy clitty stiffen and lift. "Oh, the little sissy likes that, doesn't he." Crystal moan and shook his head as I reached to stroke his cock and caressed his balls with my other hand. He winced a little as I pulled him closer by his balls and took his left nipple in my mouth and sucked in as much of his little girly titty as I could. He whimpered as I licked and sucked each one in turn, turning the nipples into hard round cherries that I wanted to bite off and eat. Between my administrations to his cock and tits, Crystal was getting so turn on despite himself as he started wiggling and moaning.

"Get on your knees between my legs, bitch." He didn't hesitate and sank to his knees and knelt there with his mouth no more than three inches from my stiff cock. Looking down I saw him wet his lips in anticipation of my next order as he placed his hands on my bare thighs, feeling them shaking. I stood and Crystal lifted up on her knees to keep his mouth level with my cock. I knew what he wanted better than he did.

"Open your fucking mouth, sissy bitch!" He let out a soft moan and slowly opened his mouth. I didn't wait until it was wide open, just thrust the head of my cock between his wet lips and forced his mouth open all the way. That's what he wanted, for me to rape his mouth, so I did, holding his head tight with both hands and slowly thrusting all seven inches of my man meat inside. He only gagged once as the head hit the back of his throat, and then I was in and gradually working it all the way down his throat. I did it slow at first, letting him breath in as I pulled out, loving the feeling of domination as I fucked his lovely wet mouth.

"Oh yeah! What a fucking sissy bitch you are. Suck that cock you filthy little cunt." I panted, dearly wanting to shoot my load down his throat. Crystal moaned as I pulled out. "Oh yeah! You're a proper little cock sucking faggot now, aren't you Crystal. Look up at me cunt!" He looked up and I saw the tears running down his soft girlish face. He knew what he was now, and hated how easily I'd turn him into a cock sucking pantyfag. That was his shame, knowing he was no longer a real man. I'd stripped him of all traces of his supposed manhood, reducing him to the status of sissy cunt.

"Oh yeah, get on that cock, bitch... get me nice and hard to I can fuck your boy pussy." Crystal/Jack tried to shake his head but found he couldn't with my cock buried in his throat.

"Yeah, you're going to get on the bed with your head down and ass up and beg me to fuck you, bitch."

"Please... no." He begged as I pulled my cock out of his mouth.

"You think you have a choice? You don't. Obey or I'll keep spanking you until you do." Jack/Crystal moaned, knowing that was exactly what I'd do until he gave in. "Get on the bed, bitch." He shook his head again, so I sat down and hauled him over my lap and started spanking his bare bottom. He squealed, whimpered and begged but I didn't stop.

"P...please... stop...I will, I will." He blubbered. I stopped and stripped his pink panties off and threw them aside.

"Get on the bed. Head down, ass up and your legs spread open wide." He did, crawling to the center of the bed on all fours. He put his head down and cried into the covers as he spread his legs open for me to climb between them. I did, stoking his sore butt and caressing his cock and balls.

"Beg me bitch. Beg me to fuck your sissy pussy."

"Oooo please..." He squealed as I slapped his bottom.

"Say it, bitch. Tell me what you want me to do." He sobbed for a moment.

"P...please... sir... fuck my boy pussy."

"Say Daddy."

"Oh god.... Please... please Daddy, fuck my boy pussy with your big Daddy cock."

"Yeah, that's it. What a little fag you are." I murmured as I slipped two oiled fingers into his pussy. Jack squealed and wiggled his butt as I slipped my fingers in to open his tight hole. A little more oil on my stiff cock and I was ready. Gripping his hips, I placed the tip of my cock against his ring and pushed. The oil and my fingers had done their work and it only took a little effort to slip the head inside. He was still tight, and moaned as the head stretched the ring open. He squeal as the head popped inside and he tried to pull away. I wasn't having any of that and held his hips tight, pulling him back towards me as I pushed a couple more inches of my cock inside him.

"Just relax, sissy bitch."

"Oh god... it's so big... please... not all of it." He begged.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm going to breed your sissy cunt tonight and fill you full of hot cum!" I grunted, thrusting in deeper. Jack/Crystal struggled to stop me, but it was useless in his position with me holding his hips.

Pulling back out a little, I thrust back in, fucking my way into his tight boy pussy until I had all seven inches buried balls deep in his ass. Once there, I held him tight as his struggles weaken and his ring relaxed. Once it did I started fucking him with long, slow strokes to get his use to the feel of my cock inside him. At last he knelt there, limp and compliant as I transferred my hand to the back of his neck. This would give him the feeling of being controlled, someone property and with no say so in what happened to him.

"Oh yeah. Now this tight cunt belongs to me, sissy bitch. I own it."


"Say it, cunt. Who owns your sissy cunt now?"

"Y... you do, Daddy."

"Say it, tell me." I growled, starting to fuck him faster.

"You... you own my sissy cunt now Daddy. It belongs to you."' He sobbed.

"Oh yeah!" I let go and just enjoyed fucking his sissy cunt, gradually speeding up until I was pounding his ass with my rock hard cock, all the way deep inside him.

"Fuck yeah. What a pathetic little sissy faggot you are. Take it cunt, take all my cock... Oh fuck... I'm going to cummmm." I moaned, slamming my cock all the way in, balls deep and held it there as I shot my load deep inside him. Jack felt it and squealed out loud as my cock swelled up just before I came. filling his sissy pussy with my hot load. I felt his wiggling under me, his hips bucking back and forth and it took a moment before I realized the little fucker had shot a load across the bedspread, despite the restriction of the cock tube. He might pretend he hated it, but in the end he was turned on as well and he'd cum without even touching himself.

"Oh yeah, little sissy jack liked getting his boy pussy fucked." I laughed as I pulled out and gave his pink sissy ass a sound slap. He moaned and slumped to the bed, ashamed, humiliated and spent and lay there crying as he faced the truth.

"Hello Mistress. How are you today?"

"Find, Mr. Franklin."

"How is Crystal working out?" She smiled at me.

"Very well, and a good obedient worker."

"Good. Anything I should know about?"

"He definitely has a liking for dressing up in a schoolgirl uniform for his evening entertainment, and a lot of our clients like that."

"Good. I hope they keep him happy."

"Oh they do. Well spanked and obediently happy. Would you like him to give you your massage?"

"Yes, I'd love that. It will give me a chance to chat with him. I might even take him home with me."

"I'm sure he'd love your strict attention." We both laughed and I went off to get undressed.

"You wanted to see me, sir?"

"Come in, Michele and close the door please." He came in and closed the door behind him, looking a little nervous, and so he should be having been called to come into the boss's office just before he was about to go home for the day.

"Take a seat, as we need to talk."

"Yes, sir." He sat, nervously rubbing his damp hands on his pant legs.

"You've only been with us for a month, Michele, and I thought of making your temp position permanent."

"Yes, sir." He looked up at me expectantly. With nothing but short term temp work and sitting around waiting in between jobs was stressful and hard of the pocket book. Just then, the phone rang.

"Hi, this is Gary Franklin."

"Gary, hi, this is Arnold. How is that young man I sent you working out?"

"So far so good. I'll let you know later this week."

"Great. I'm glad the last one worked out so well."

"Indeed. He'd now working across town. I hear a happy little camper now."

"Great. I look forward to a profitable arrangement with this one as well."

"If things work out they will. Bye for now." I hung up, smiling to myself. Without know the other side of the conversation, Michele had no way of know what we were talking about. Now back to my new prospect.

"One thing I told you about when you started was about tardiness and dressing properly. Not jeans and a tee shirt, yet in the last month you have been late eight times."

"Yes, sir, but some morning the traffic is very bad..." I held up my hand to silence him.

"I'm not interested in excuses, Michele. Knowing the traffic is going to be bad, you should leave for work earlier."

"Y...yes sir." He murmured, looking down. I looked at his employment application on the screen, seeing he lived less than eight miles from the office. At eighteen and just out of high school this was probably his first full time job, and from the address his apartment was in a less that desirable neighborhood, but the rent was cheap.

As the office gofer, it didn't pay that well and between his rent, the running cost for his junker of a car, insurance, food, gas, and electricity he probably didn't have much left over. Getting fire from this job would put him in a real bind if he couldn't get another job right away. This gave me a certain amount of leverage over him and I meant to take advantage of that if possible. It all depended on how desperate and pliant he was. One thing I'd noticed was how meek and susceptible to intimidation, backing down when the more aggressive guys in the office picked on him. I'd already fired two on them so he looked to me to protect him to a certain extent, which I did. I used this to make him work late, run out for food or coffee when I needed it or any other make work job I couldn't think up. Jack was a rather effeminate young man, slim, medium build with small hands and feet and overly long, light brown hair that almost came down to his shoulders. Not that it was unusual nowadays, as a lot of young men wore their hair long. Jack's was rather unkempt, as if he hadn't taken the time to comb or brush it before coming to work.

"I'm trying to decide what I should do with you, Michele. Fire you for this continued lateness, or some other form of punishment." He jumped when I said punishment rather than when I said fired.

"Please... I'll do better I promise... it's... it's just the traffic. Please don't fire me." He pleaded in a soft voice."

"Jack, you only live eight miles from the office, so please don't use traffic as your excuse for coming in late. Staying up playing video games or watching porn would be my guess. Which is it?"

"What... no... I don't..."

"Not that it matters. My son use to stay up late doing both, but putting him over my lap and giving him a bare bottom spanking a few times cured him of that nasty habit." Jack's face turned bright red and dropped his eyes hearing that.

"Yes, sir."

"I suspect your father had to do that a few time to you, right?" Jack nodded. "Thought so, but seeing as I'm not your father and can't spank you like you should be, my only alternative is to let you go." I almost held my breath wondering which way he'd jump. I sat silent and let the image of him getting an over the knee, bare bottom spanking percolate through his brain until he came to the inevitable conclusion that is was a spanking or getting let go. The prospect of not being able to pay the rent or put gas in his car to get to work if he found another job reached its logical end.

"Please sir, I'll do anything you want, but please don't fire me... I won't be able to make the rent or pay for me car this week if you do." He almost sobbed.

"The labor relations act prevents me from applying any other forms of punishment, Michele, and as I said, not being your father nor having the right to punish or spank you, I have little alternative but to let you go." He looked up at me and took a shuddering breath, his face turning red.

"Y... you could spank me, sir." He murmured very softly. I kept my face stern, smiling inwardly. I had him and closed the trap.


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