
By Joyce Devries

Published on Jan 22, 2002




A time when I was the birthday surprise for a girlfriends, boyfriend.

By Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure that was fun and exciting, I was approached at the time by a woman that got my name and address from Tapestry magazine, the TV/TS magazine. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, but this was really a fun and exciting time. The following is taken from my diary entry at the time.

April 1988

A few months ago, I got a letter from a genetic woman that was quite the letter I must say, and included in the letter was the thought of an idea she had and a picture. Her name was Debbie, and was a year older than I. She was attractive, not "supermodel" attractive, but had a cute face, and shoulder length straight blonde hair. She went on to describe her particulars and wanted to know if I was interested in helping her give her boyfriend a special birthday present. She told me that if I was interested to mail her back and we could go from there. I sent her a letter with my own picture and particulars and due to the fact she lived in the city next door, I offered her the chance to call me, and gave her some times when it was best to call. About three weeks later on a Friday evening around 8pm, I heard the phone ring and let the answering machine pick it up, and it was Debbie, she started leaving a message but I quickly picked up the phone and in my feminine voice started talking with her.

Right off the bat she told me how sweet my voice sounded and it certainly matched the picture I had sent along. She said that she could not talk long, as her boyfriend was due home any minute. She thanked me for the interest in helping her surprise her boyfriend on his birthday. She said that she did not want to talk about the details over the phone and wondered if I was available to get together with her for lunch and we could talk. I told her that was not a problem as my work schedule was flexible, and to just name the day. She explained that she was a real estate agent, and that her schedule would somewhat be determined by her clients, but that the following Friday was free so far and generally those are slow days. So we penciled in the following Friday and she said that she would call, before we hung up I explained to her that I do not drive when I am dressed and she would have to pick me up. She was surprised that I would go through the trouble of getting dressed, however, thanked me for being so considerate, and that she indeed would pick me up. I gave her my address and she told me that she should know by the Wednesday before if things were a go.

When I hung up the phone, I immediately started wondering what the heck I was going to wear?, with only a couple of fancy skirts, a few formal blouses, and four formal dresses, I really had nothing to wear for a lunch meeting. I tried on a few of the outfits that I did have and the only thing that looked right for a lunch meeting were some nude pantyhose and a pair of kid leather 2 1/2" black pumps. I gave the idea a thought of going out dressed up shopping, but realized that everything I had in my closet was not appropriate for that either!. As the days lead up to the meeting came, I decided that if on Wednesday Debbie called, I was going to go "shopping for a birthday present for my girlfriend".

I came home from work on the Wednesday evening and there was a message on the machine from Debbie, telling me everything was a go and that she would pick me up a 11:45am and at that time we would pick a place to go for lunch. She also asked to bring any other pictures that I had, as the one I sent her was "darling". After listening to the message I realized that I was going shopping, and that day was probably the best time. Then it struck me, I had no clue what my size was, as all of the clothes that I did have, an ex-girlfriend got me and she did all of the shopping!. I checked all of the tags and found for the most part I was an 11/12, and measured my waist and knew what the size was. After dinner, I had a stiff drink to gather my courage and headed to a local mall to find something appropriate to wear for the lunch meeting.

In the mall was a ladies store called Reitman's, I always loved walking by there and seeing all the lovely clothes. I got to the mall and headed right for Reitman's, and as I walked in and started looking around, a cute blond teenage sales clerk, in a denim skirt and white sweater came over and asked if I needed any help with anything. I blurted out that I was shopping for a birthday present for my girlfriend, she did not even blink and asked me was there anything in particular I was looking for?. I told her a skirt and a top, then she asked me a question that I had to pause and think about, she asked, "is it for work or something more casual". I then thought about Debbie and the fact she was a real estate agent and that she would most likely be wearing something more appropriate for the office rather than casual. I told her it was for work and she lead me to one area of the store that had some more dressy skirts and blouses and such. She asked me if my "girlfriend" had any favorite fabrics she liked to wear?. I had no clue what she was talking about, and she could see it on my face and then said, "you know, cotton, leather, suede, polyester?", always having a soft spot for leather or suede, I quickly said leather or suede. She then took me over to some darling looking light brown knee length suede skirts, and asked what size, and I told her 11/12. She pulled one out, and said, "these are in style now and perfect for the office, I know the exact top to go with it".

She lead me over to a rack of sweaters and pulled out a red turtleneck, and asked me if my "girlfriend" ever wears turtlenecks, and I of course told her yes!. She said, "great, then if there is nothing else, I'll take care of you up at the front". As she rang in the skirt and the blouse, she informed me that both were on sale, and then asked if my "girlfriend" had any red dress shoes. I told her I did not think so, and then she suggested that I might go to the shoe store across the hall in the mall and see if they had any red dress shoes, as it would "really set off the whole outfit".

I thanked her and as I left the store, decided to take her suggestion and went across the hall and entered the shoe store and started looking around. The sales girl was busy with another customer, but I found a pair of 2" red pumps that matched the colour of the sweater perfectly. About that time the sales girl came over and asked if I needed any help, and I explained that the girl at Reitman's sent me over to find a pair of red shoes that would match the outfit I just bought for my girlfriend for her birthday. She asked to see the outfit and she complimented me on a good choice and suggested the same pair of red pumps that I was looking at, and then asked me my "girlfriend's" shoe size, and that I knew, and told her 7. She went in the back and then I met her at the counter and I paid for the shoes, and as I was leaving she said, "thanks, and I hope she enjoys them", I smiled back and told her, oh "she" will.

When I got home I immediately stripped and changed into some nude hose, a bra and the new outfit, I left the tags on in case it did not fit and lone behold it was perfect. The skirt fit at the waist was perfect and the length was right at or just slightly below the knee, so it was conservative and the turtleneck was perfect and had shoulder pads to help make my shape look nicer. I then slipped into the new red pumps and it was so perfect I almost cried, I certainly looked like a woman ready for the office!, I could not wait for the lunch meeting on the Friday.

Friday came, and I took the whole day off work to make sure I would look great for when Debbie came. I started the day off with a long shower and made sure my body and my face were "squeaky clean" and lounged around until 10:30am and then started to get ready for Debbie to pick me up.

First was a matching satin pink bra and panty set that was my first I ever got, next came the sheer nude pantyhose that set my legs off perfectly. I then moved to the bathroom and started on my makeup, which I was really careful with as it was going to be a daytime meeting and I was so used to applying heavier, more formal makeup for the more formal clothes in my wardrobe. I applied my eyeliner really thin, and did my eyelids with a light mauve colour, then a coat of mascara, really set my eyes off well. My blush was really light, just to add a little colour to my cheeks, and finally a light reddish pink lipstick set the makeup off perfectly. I put on my "hair" and fluffed and combed it so it looked perfect. I checked the time and saw that the time was 11:30am, only 15 minutes to get dressed and final touches.

I spritzed myself lightly with Halston's perfume on my wrists and behind my ears and then moved back to bedroom to get dressed. I slipped into my outfit and heels and then grabbed a pair of long gold dangly earrings and put on my watch and headed to the mirror to see how I looked. I pulled out a new gold anklet that I recently bought and slipped that on my right ankle, then went back to the mirror and said, "perfect" to myself. I took my mini photo album and packed into my purse and just as I finished doing that, the buzzer to my apartment went off and when I answered it, it was Debbie waiting for me downstairs, and she told me she was parked out front waiting. I slipped on my long winter coat slipped it on and went downstairs and met Debbie in her waiting car.

I opened the door and she immediately complimented me on how pretty I looked, I returned the favor and sat down in the passenger seat. Debbie had a cute face and the way her blond hair framed her face made it look so soft. With her jacket on I could not tell how big her breasts really were, but they certainly were not pushing out her blouse. I had guessed right, Debbie was dressed in a lovely blue business suit, below the knee, with a nice blazer to match, with a pretty cream blouse, I would later see that she had on black heels, almost the same height as mine and sheer black hose.

We right away decided that a roadhouse just up the road from my apartment was where we were going to go for lunch and she proceeded to drive there. We made idle chat for the short ride there, but she did make mention that she loved the smell of my perfume and asked what it was, when I told her she mentioned that she would have to pick some up sometime.

When we got to the roadhouse we walked to the entrance and I loved hearing our heels click together as we walked. I noticed we were almost the same height even with our heels on. Once inside we waited for the hostess to come and escort us to our table. We had just made it in time, before the lunch crowd and we had lots of choice of seating. When the hostess came, Debbie took the lead and asked for a quiet booth as we had some business to discuss. The hostess then said, "right this way ladies" and we were lead to a booth near the back of the restaurant, business to discuss indeed!. Once at the booth, Debbie slid in and I took off my coat and hung it up and right away she complimented me on how well I was dressed and how my "fashion sense" was perfect, and that she loved my accessories, especially my anklet!. I smiled back and thanked her and slid in to my side of the booth.

The conversation was cordial and general as we waited for our waitress and she asked all the "usual questions", how long had I been dressing?, did I have a girlfriend?, when do I dress?, etc. She kept saying how if she had not known, she would not believe I was not a genetic woman. I blushed over and over and thanked her, and when the waitress finally came, and I heard the lovely words, "and you will have mam?", I ordered a glass of white wine and a house salad, and smiled over at Debbie, she placed her order and we were alone again.

After we placed our orders, the real interesting conversation started, about what she was really planning for her boyfriend's birthday. She went on to explain that they both lived at home and that for his birthday she wanted to rent a hotel room so that they could have someplace quiet and romantic rather than trying to make out in the back seat of his car. She planned to take him out to a fancy restaurant, get herself all "dolled" up and then after dinner go back to the hotel room for some romantic "fun". I smiled back at her and asked, "so what is it you need from me to make his birthday special?".

She just smiled and toned her voice down and leaned over the table towards me and I did the same and here is what she said, "I want you to be his 'present'". I smiled and said, "in what way?". She then bluntly asked, "are you gay?", I answered, "depends, I consider myself a woman when I am dressed like this, and I am attracted to other females, so I guess the answer is yes". She sat back and smiled and took another sip of her drink and I could see were she was going with this. She then leaned forward and again bluntly asked, "well, as a woman than you must have had some experience with men in the past?", I gave a little smile back and said, "once". She smiled big and said, "no dear, you are BI, just like me, I too like women and men". She then said, "would you do it again?", I told her if the occasion was right I might. She then smiled wide and asked, "is this occasion 'right'". I smiled back and told her, "how can a girl resist getting all 'dolled up' and taken out for a romantic evening, so maybe?".

After that conversation, she went on to explain that she and her boyfriend had been together for only 8 months and that one night in the heat of passion she let it slip that she had sexual encounters with women in the past. She also told me that not only did he go wild sexually, but that for weeks afterwards he was begging to see her with another woman, just so he could watch that woman lick her to orgasm. He eventually stopped bugging her but every once in a while he would bring it up. Debbie told me that the last woman she was with was a few months before they started dating and that she thought his birthday might be the time to have another encounter. Also she said that it would turn her on to no end to watch another woman give a blowjob to her boyfriend while she sat back and watched and masturbated.

I was confused at this point, and asked, "so why me?", as I explained to her that there was probably tons of BI genetic females out there that would fit the bill. She had a big smile and explained that she thought her boyfriend had a "thing" for she-males, as she found a video tape under his bed one day when she was at his house cleaning up. I asked her if she knew what the difference between a she-male and what I was, a TV. She thought she knew and I went on to explain that I had no desire to get all dressed up and have some male "suck me", if we were to proceed my panties had to stay on no matter what happened. She agreed and after meeting me and talking with me she understood how feminine I was, but still wanted to move forward.

Debbie proceeded to tell me her plan, basically, she would surprise her boyfriend, Carl, with me in the hotel room, then we would go to dinner, the three of us, then back to the hotel room for some romantic, erotic fun. The logistics still had to be worked out, and as the time got closer, Debbie told me she would be in contact with me to work out the finer details. When she was done I just smiled and licked my lips and said the plan sounded "delicious".

Lunch arrived and we carried on more small talk as we ate, then afterwards I excused myself and grabbed my purse and headed to the ladies room. I did my business and applied another coat of lipstick and joined Debbie back at the table. She smiled as I sat down and said, "I cannot believe you?, you use the ladies room and everything?, even knowing to freshen your lipstick?!". I smiled back and said, "well I cannot simply walk into the men's room in a skirt and heels and touch up my lipstick!". She shook her head and smiled, then excused herself and used the ladies room, leaving me to wonder what I was getting myself into.

When she returned from the ladies room, I noted she too had touched up her lipstick and she smiled at me as she sat down. She stared at me and said, "so are you still willing to be his present?". I just smiled back and told her as long as my conditions were met that it sounds like a fun and exciting time. She grabbed my hands and smiled wide and said, "thank you" over and over again. She told me he was a great kisser and that I was in for a treat!. She sat back took another sip of her drink and said, "now the fun starts, all of the careful planning to pull it off". His birthday was the second Saturday in March, so we had a few weeks to set things up and I told her if she needed any help to just ask and she said she would.

I remembered the pictures and pulled the album out of my purse and handed it to her, telling her there was only a handful that my ex- girlfriend took and I hoped she liked them. She was looking over the pictures and could not stop complimenting me on how well I looked and the fact that most of the blouses and skirts were more pretty than anything she had in her closet. The last three pictures, was when her face lighted up and her eyes grew bigger, she obviously came to the formal dress pictures. She flipped back and forth through them, fixated on them, then looked back up and me and said, "oh my God, those dresses are gorgeous!, even I don't have one as pretty as those in my closet!". I told her I had a new one that I bought from the Fredricks of Hollywood catalog but did not have a picture of me wearing it, and showed her the clipping from the catalog. She just smiled big and said, "I was going to ask you what kind of dresses you have, but girl, that is the one you are wearing for Carl's birthday. Don't get me wrong the other dresses are really pretty, but this one oozes sex, he will probably cum in his pants when he sees you in this one".

The dress she was referring to was a Frederick's of Hollywood, hunter green number, crushed velvet, figure hugging and really short, the bodice and the rest of the dress was crushed velvet but the sleeves were long and lace, there was no back to the dress, it was wide open. With all of the right padding the dress looked like it fit me perfectly and it certainly looked hot.

I told her I had already accessorized the dress with 4" sparkly silver heels and some long crystal and green earrings, a matching bracelet, and a small sparkly silver clutch purse to match the heels. She was impressed that I knew about things like accessorizing an outfit, she smiled at me and said, "already chose a lipstick as well?", I told her "of course, what outfit would be complete without that?". We both laughed and she went on to ask me about the 4" heels and that how could I walk in them, after all they were, "come fuck me" heels. I told her that I usually wear those and one other pair of 4" heels all the time around the apartment, sometimes all weekend long and am quite comfortable with them. She shook her head and smiled and told me that the highest she had ever worn for an extended period of was 3", and even those killed her feet, and that I was "something else".

By this time, the restaurant had started to thin out from the lunch crowd and we continued our conversation and sipped on our drinks. She then told me that if I was going to wear the dress she liked that she was going to be going to the ladies boutique in the mall near her house and get the "little black dress" that she had been eyeing for some time. She described it as a figure hugging dress much like mine, strapless with little spaghetti straps and maybe a little shorter than mine. The dress was $145 and she was reluctant to get it, but after seeing what I was going to be wearing she decided that she was going shopping later today and get it. She also mentioned that she just might go and try and find a pair of 4" heels just so that I was not outdoing her on the night of the birthday. With outfits somewhat set, we talked about what kind of hosiery we both were going to be wearing, I told her I already tried my dress with a garter belt and stockings as the dress was too short, so it was ultra sheer pantyhose for me. She just smiled and said, "my you think of everything, I suppose mine will be too short for stockings and a garter belt?", I just smiled and said, "if the dress is definitely shorter than mine, then yes".

I took one last trip to the ladies room, did my business, fixed my lipstick and as I came back and sat down, Debbie was settling up the tab. Once that was done, she said she had to make a trip to the ladies room and to meet her at the front door. I slipped on my coat and headed for the door to wait for Debbie and about 2 minutes later she came back and smiled and me and said, "ready to go?", I agreed and away we went to her car. As I slid into the car I could feel something between Debbie and I, a kind of "electricity", my coat was open and my suede skirt rode up completely by accident as I did not tuck it under properly as I sat down in the passenger seat. I tried to fix it and Debbie just smiled and grabbed my arm and said, "no need to worry Joyce", I sat back down with my thighs very exposed, almost to my vagina.

The car ride home was definitely different than the ride to the roadhouse for lunch. As Debbie drove she gently caressed my arm up and down and eventually her hand ended up in mine, she squeezed it and looked over at me at smiled. She then softly said, "well if we are going to be lovers in a few weeks, perhaps we should get to know each other a little more before then?". I smiled and started to think what she had up her sleeve and she asked if I was "busy the rest of the afternoon?", I smiled back and told her I have the whole rest of the day off. We were about 2 minutes away from my apartment and I started to get excited, and her pager went off, damn!, she looked at it and told me it was one of her bigger clients and we would have to cut things short. I was disappointed, but was encouraged when she drove by the driveway of my apartment and then found an out of the way parking lot at the back of the building.

She pulled into the secluded back corner of the lot and turned off the car, and all the while still holding my hand. She then looked over at me and slowly caressed the side of my face with her other hand and looked me in the eyes and our eyes locked together as she continued to caress my face. She then softly said, "I was hoping to spend some special time with you this afternoon, you look so pretty and smell so delicious, and your legs are so pretty, it would have been a treat". Our heads then slowly moved together and we gently kissed, then she flicked her tongue out a little and I followed her lead. As we kissed she started caressing my breasts outside of my sweater, I reciprocated and gently caressed her breasts through her silk blouse. Her nipples were pushing out through her blouse, and I concentrated on them. She then broke the kiss and said, "my your breasts are cute, just like mine, a full A cup, and Carl always says, more than a mouthful is a waste, he is going to love yours, just like he loves mine". She commented on how lovely my lipstick tasted and wanted to know if I would be interested in switching lipstick and perfume for the evening of the date, as it would drive Carl nuts if he new it was mine. I said that would be great and she apologized and said that she really had to run and started the car and drove me back to the entrance to my apartment. Once back at the entrance to my apartment we gave each other a quick kiss and I left the car and went back upstairs, relishing a wonderful experiencing.

Over the next few weeks, Debbie would call me every Tuesday and Thursday evening, when she knew her boyfriend was playing hockey and we would talk for hours. We talked about everything from sex to fashion and work, we were really beginning to build a friendship between us. On the Thursday of the week that we were to get together we had a 4 hour conversation, she told me all of the final details of the Saturday evening that were set. She also told me that she broke down and bought a pair of strappy 4" black heels to go with her dress and she had been practicing so she would not break her ankle on Saturday night and had no clue how I walked in them all day long.

These are the exact details she told me about, Debbie would go and check in at the hotel and pick up two keys and arrange things in the room. She would then come and pick me up, around 5:30pm, ready and dressed and give me one of the keys and drive me to the hotel. She would then drop me off, and would then go to her house and dress and get ready for Carl picking her up at 6:30pm, dinner was set for 7:15pm. Her house was only about 10 minutes away from the hotel and told me that I should be waiting for a single ring of the phone indicating that they were on the way. Once they arrived, Debbie would have Carl close his eyes and she would lead him into the room, and I would be standing in the middle of the room with a "Happy Birthday Carl" sash on, she would tell him to open his eyes. I was then to sing Happy Birthday to him in my sexiest voice and then move to him and kiss him. The plan was then to leave for dinner, and then after dinner come back to the room for some romantic fun, Debbie had even gone out and got us matching red satin and lace peignoir's to change into when we got back. The big question we both had was, when do we tell Carl about me?, at what point?, we decided to leave that to the events of the evening and what would happen and when. The Thursday evening was the last Debbie and I talked and I told her I would be ready to go for the Saturday when she came to pick me up.

I tried on the dress for Saturday night several times over the next couple of days and since I had never worn it outside of the apartment, I realized that with the wide open back, I could not wear a bra at all!. I thought and thought about what I could do and decided to sew a couple of breast pads into the dress to give myself a little more shape and it would look natural. I already had the breast pads and on Friday evening I sewed them in and got into all of the pieces of the ensemble for the next evening. I looked hot, I had to admit it, even I would have gotten excited if I saw a woman that looked like I did.

When the Saturday came I was getting really nervous, but in an excited way, never in my wildest dreams did I think I was going to be doing something like this. Around 3pm came and I decided to start getting ready, as 2 1/2 hours was more than enough time to get dressed and ready (or so I thought). I took a nice long shower and made 100% sure my body was really clean and smooth. Once I was satisfied, I moved to my bedroom and after putting on my "hair", started to slip into my lingerie for the evening. First was a pair of hunter green satin and lace panties, I thought, "to match the dress", I put on my really tight girdle that helped "tuck" me under so my front appeared smooth and feminine. I then slid on the 10 denier, nude, ultra silky and smooth pantyhose that made my legs feel like silk to the touch. I slipped on my pink silky makeup coat and headed for the bathroom for my makeup. I looked over what makeup I had and changed my mind as to exactly what I was going to be wearing. At first it was going to be hunter green eyeshadow, but I decided on a pretty fusia colour. Firstly I applied my eyeliner, much heavier than the first time I met Debbie, but not too thick to make me look like a slut. Once that was done, the eyeshadow, then a formal application of blush, and I applied a little bit of my light reddish pink lipstick, just to give my lips some colour, knowing that I was going to be putting on Debbie's later.

I made my way back to the bedroom and looked at the time and saw that I only had about 45 minutes before Debbie was coming to pick me up. I then put on my jewelry, which included my anklet, sparkly long green and rhinestone earring and matching bracelet. I then slipped on the dress, which fit and felt like a dream as I slid it up my body. Once it was on, I slipped into the 4" silver sparkly heels and then grabbed the matching purse and started packing it for the evening. In the purse I put my blush, my formal lipstick, some nail polish that matched the lipstick, my Halston's perfume, and finally a small comb. I was just at the front hall mirror fluffing out my hair and making sure it was perfect when the buzzer went off and it was Debbie. I told her I would be right down and opened the closet and grabbed for my black faux fur, slipped it on, then one last minute check of my little clutch purse and I headed downstairs to meet her.

She was waiting for me at the front of the apartment and as soon as I slid in the passenger seat she was gushing over how sexy and pretty I looked, and "loved my coat", and could not wait to see how the dress looked on me. Debbie was in a button up shirt and blue jeans and we certainly did not look right together, but I knew in an hour or so that would change. She told me that she loved my makeup job, and I had to compliment her back on her looks, as she had her hair already done, teased up in a French curl, with a couple of wisps down each side of her face. Her makeup was done to perfection, except her lips were like mine and not with the final colour on them. After I complimented her, she smiled back and said, "it's amazing what a trip to the salon will do!". I giggled back and told her "she cheated", and she told me it was all for making sure Carl would be more than ready for the evening.

She drove me to the hotel and on the way told me that there was wine on ice, glasses and such and to make myself at home. She told me the sash I was to wear was on the bed and she seemed as excited as I was. We pulled up to the entrance of the Hotel and we got everything finalized, I handed her my lipstick and nail polish and perfume, and she did the same, I looked at the perfume, "Eternity", and smelled the top of the bottle and complimented her on how pretty it smelled. She just smiled, and said, "when Carl smells that, he gets an instant erection, he loves it". I made sure I had everything ready to go and Debbie leaned over to me and gave me a light kiss and said, "see you in an hour or so". She then handed me the key and told me it was room 401 and I left the car and entered the hotel.

The hotel was nothing special, and I made my way to the elevator and got some looks from guys checking out my legs as they peaked from under my faux fur coat. The hotel was not that crowded so I did not have to wait long for an elevator to take me to the 4th floor. The elevator ride was interesting as the one side of it was open to the foyer of the hotel and I wondered if anyone could see up my skirt as I rode up?. It was a short ride to the 4th floor and I used my key and entered the room, looking around seeing a couch a king sized bed and view overlooking the nearby highway. I found the sash and put it on, it did look cute as I stood in the full length mirror admiring it, the writing was all in sparkly letters, I giggled as it sort of matched my heels. The room had a table and I sat down and started applying Debbie's nail polish and I noticed right away, Debbie and I certainly had different tastes in colour. The nail polish I was applying was more of a mauve colour than a pink or red that I was used to. After doing my left hand I pulled out the lipstick and had a look and the colour was a definite match and wondered how the heck it would look on me?. Once my nails were done I opened the chilled bottle of wine and poured myself a glass and started looking around the room.

I noticed in one of the dresser drawers in the room, were two pink boxes with red ribbons around them and I was pretty sure that they were the matching lingerie that Debbie got. It did not take that long but before I knew it, the phone rang once and I knew Debbie and Carl were on the way. I got a shiver running up my spine as I made my way to the bathroom to put on Debbie's lipstick and perfume. In the bathroom, I made sure everything was perfect, my hair, blush and of course a healthy coat of Debbie's lipstick. The lipstick looked ok, was not exactly my colour, it more contrasted my complexion and skin colour. I then took the perfume and dabbled it everywhere I could to make sure it could be enjoyed everywhere on my body, it smelled pretty, but much different from my own.

About 15 minutes later I could hear some activity outside of the door and knew Debbie and Carl had arrived and it was time for some fun. I positioned myself as best I could in the center of the room and made sure my sash was on straight. The door then opened and there was Debbie leading Carl by the hand, Carl was in a gray suit and red tie, he was as handsome as Debbie had described him, 5'6" and built pretty well. Debbie on the other hand was stunning, the black dress she got fit her body like a glove, her hair was perfect and the sheer black hose were really set off by the 4" black strappy heels she had on. Her jewelry was sparkly like mine and set the whole look off. She lead Carl into the room telling him to keep his eyes closed and she smiled at me with her red and pouting lips, sporting my own lipstick, and it really complimented her complexion.

She then backed away from Carl and told him one the count of 3 to open his eyes. Debbie then counted, 3, 2, 1 and Carl opened his eyes and stared at me for a second and then I started singing Happy Birthday, slowly walking towards him all the time. Carl was smiling but kept looking back at Debbie who was just standing off to the side with her arms folded, smiling and watching. I finished my song and was standing right in front of Carl and smiled at him and said, "Happy Birthday", and leaned forward and started kissing him. He immediately broke our kiss and looked over at Debbie, who said, "yes dear 'Happy Birthday', she is your present, so enjoy". He then blurted out while smiling, "you got me a hooker for my birthday?", I looked over and Debbie smiled, and said to Carl, "no dear, she is a good friend that was thoughtful enough to give me a hand".

Carl looked back at me and moved his head to mine and we embraced for a long and longing kiss, Debbie was right, he was quite the kisser, his hands were all over my velvet backside as we kissed. Debbie then said, "alright you two, enough, or we will never get to dinner". We broke our kiss and Debbie came towards me and softly said to Carl, "and guess what Carl?", she then took my hand and smiled at me and before I knew it our lips were locked together and she embraced me. Our tongues danced together as she grabbed my backside and I did the same to hers, were certainly were enjoying each other. It felt really weird smelling my favorite perfume on another woman, and tasting my own lipstick as we kissed, but it was so erotic. Carl watched and I could hear him groan, "ohhhh that is so hot", Debbie then broke our kiss and said that dinner was close and that we should leave.

Debbie and I excused ourselves and went to the washroom where we touched out our lipstick and fluffed out our hair and made ourselves presentable for dinner. We both giggled as we fixed up and she said, "I think Carl likes his present", and just commented back on how well he kissed and she smiled back as she and I closed our purses, "told you so". When we were done, Debbie took a long look at me and complimented me on how sexy and hot I looked in my dress and I had to return the favor. We then left the bathroom to the main area of the room and there was Carl sitting there waiting for us. We both noticed the bulge in him pants and it got a little bigger when Debbie told Carl that we had switched perfumes and lipstick for the evening. Carl helped us both on with our coats and we all walked to the elevator and the lobby to the parking lot. Debbie insisted that I hang off of Carl's arm the entire evening, which I did and Debbie walked along side of me, she did not have on a faux fur, but rather a long winter coat. Outside was really cool and Carl made sure I was warm as my stocking covered legs were exposed, and hugged me all the way to the car.

Once at the car, Carl opened the passenger door for me, and Debbie immediately commented, "I am driving, you can take your 'present' in the back seat and enjoy her all the way to the restaurant if you want". So Carl opened the rear door and motioned for me to get in, I slide in, tugging hard to pull my dress down as far as it would go. Carl slid in the other side and I saw Debbie get into the drivers seat, as she started the car, she looked in the mirror and at us smiled and said, "now be good you two".

Debbie started the car and turned on the heat, and so did Carl, as he snuggled up close to me and unbuttoned my coat and started caressing me all over. He complimented me over and over about how smooth and silky my legs were and told me my lips were sweet and needed to be kissed. He started kissing me, and his hands were all over my body, I kept moving his hand away from my crotch when he tried to find it, but he felt up my tits and legs as we kisses passionately. I lost sight of how long it was to the restaurant and "accidentally" brushed my hand against his crotch, which had him groaning. I looked in the mirror and saw Debbie looking back and smiling and saying, "having a good time Carl?", he broke our kiss and moaned back, "yeeeessss, she is so hot!!!!". Carl and I were in the middle of a passionate kiss that I don't think either one of realized that we finally arrived at the restaurant. The next thing we heard was Debbie saying, "alright you two, let's eat dinner before you enjoy dessert!". Carl and I broke our kiss and I did up my coat and Carl got out and ran around to open my door and to give me his arm, and we walked to the entrance of the restaurant.

When we got to the door, Carl lead the way and Debbie and I followed, we were greeted by the head waiter and he shown where to hang our coats and Carl helped us both off with ours. He then showed us the way to our table, which was actually a booth in a quiet secluded part of the restaurant. Before we slid in, Debbie announced that she was escorting me to the ladies room to fix the damage that all of the heavy kissing did to my lips. We giggled and headed to the back of the restaurant to the washrooms. As we entered the washrooms, we both had to pause and look, I had only been in about three different washrooms, but this was so different, a there were tons of well lighted mirrors and sinks for fixing your makeup, and the faucets were brass and really fancy. Both Debbie and I commented how pretty the bathroom was. Debbie had to take care of some private business, but all I needed to do was go to the well lighted counters and fix my lipstick. Debbie came back from the stall she was in and joined me at the counter and applied another coat of lipstick, she had to comment on the taste and look of the lipstick, saying that she would have to get some for herself. She asked me if Carl was hard and ready and I told her he was, and she commented, "after all that heavy petting and necking in the back seat I should hope so!".

We packed up our purses and headed back to the table to join Carl, he immediately complimented us both on how lovely we looked. Debbie and I both slid in on either side of Carl and sat really close to him and looked around the lovely ambiance of the restaurant. The place Debbie had chosen was a really upscale steakhouse, with waiters in tuxes and soft romantic lighting, and a single candle on each table. The menus came and I nearly died when I saw some of the prices, but Debbie saw the look on my face and leaned over and said, "remember, it is our treat, or shall I say you are our treat!". I knew what she meant but being a small eater, I found a chicken dinner and a small salad more than enough. We ordered wine and champagne and chatted all through dinner, and Carl could not keep his hands of either one of our silky legs and kept on commenting about how he enjoyed them. We made idle chat and dinner was served and it was all really "unreal" for me, but I soaked in the atmosphere and could not help but wonder what would happen later. Dinner was finally over and I could tell Carl was getting hotter and hotter by the minute.

Debbie looked over at me and said, "Care to freshen up Joyce?", I smiled back and grabbed my purse and followed her to the ladies room. This time I had business to do and found a stall and afterwards joined Debbie at one of the mirrors. As we touched up our lipstick and dabbled a little more of each other's perfume on, Debbie could not help but comment, "Carl is making a mess of the front of his pants". I smiled at her as I put the cap on my lipstick, and said, "I know, he is so hard". As we finished up and packed our purse, Debbie looked me over, and again complimented me on how sexy I looked and told me that Carl and I should have fun on the ride back to the hotel room, and that I should try and not start without her. As we walked back to the table I could tell the heels were getting to Debbie and she almost tripped, was it the wine or just the fact she was not used to them?. She almost fell into a table with a older couple sitting at it and I grabbed her and held on to her all the way back to the table. As we walked back to the table she whispered to me, "thanks, my ankles are killing me, I cannot believe you wear these things all weekend, are you not feeling it?". I smiled and told her, "my dear, your ankles are not going to hurt later, wait till you feel what your calves are doing!, and all I can say is 'practice, practice'".

We got back to the table and slid onto either side of Carl and he immediately noticed we both freshened our perfume and lipstick and gave us both a light kiss. None of us felt like dessert, but we all ordered a special coffee to end the evening and as I sipped on mine, could not help but enjoy the atmosphere and the company. The evening was already special and I knew it was going to get even more special really soon. When our drinks were done, I had to use the ladies room again and grabbed my purse and Debbie followed.

This time I was the only one that did her business and Debbie waited at the mirror and touched up her makeup and was fluffing up her hair as I came out of the stall and joined her at the mirror. Debbie smiled at me and said, "so, ready for the real dessert?", I smiled back at her as I applied another coat of lipstick and said, "you mean, the rock hard ice cream of Carl?, of course!". We both stared at each other and giggled a little, and then Debbie got serious and moved close to me. She gently kissed me and said, "you are the real dessert I want tonight, you are so hot and so feminine, you kiss like any other woman and I cannot wait for your tongue on my pussy". I was stunned as she looked so sexy and hot as she said that and I now started to think what she was expecting of me. She left me in a daze as she started walking out of the washroom, she smiled and back and said, "come along Joyce, dessert is waiting, oh and by the way, I shaved this afternoon", she smiled back at me and motioned for me to follow.

I followed her back to the table and Carl had already settled the tab, and looked at us and said, "ready to leave ladies?". We went to the front of the restaurant and Carl helped us with our coats and we were off to the car. I was thankful of the cool night air as I was so hot and turned on by the comments from Debbie. I took Carl's arm all the way to the car and as Debbie slid into the drivers seat, Carl opened my door and I slid in the backseat, he made sure I was nice and comfortable and walked around to his side and slid in.

Carl was immediately all over me, kissing me, feeling me up and a couple of times his hands tried to wander to my crotch, I could see Debbie looking in the rear view mirror and smiling, and I did not want Carl to find my "secret" yet. I too started feeling and found a large lump in Carl's pants, he groaned and moaned as I touched it and decided to go into "offensive mode". As we kissed, I slowly undid his belt and pants and pulled down his zipper, I knew Debbie knew what was going on as I could see her in the rear view mirror looking back, smiling and biting her lower lip. I felt around and eventually got under Carl's underwear and pulled his cock out. The head of his cock was so wet and his cock was rock solid, he groaned and moaned at every touch. I decided that if I did not take things further my secret would have been found out for sure and broke our kiss and slowly leaned over and opened my lips and gently started sucking on Carl's cock. He was not that big and I could manage to get him all the way in without gagging. I was sucking for about 5 minutes or so and could feel Carl's hands on my head as I bobbed up and down, when suddenly the car stopped. I though we were at a traffic light, but then the engine shut off and I continued to suck. Debbie let me continue for a couple of more minutes, and I could not see her face, but I knew she was watching me suck on Carl's cock. I heard her say, "looks like you are really having fun Carl?, how about letting me have some of her tongue?". Carl stopped me and I sat up and fluffed my hair as Carl did up his pants, we then left the car and walked into the Hotel.

I took Carl's arm and he escorted myself and Debbie to the room, and as we entered the room, Debbie grabbed my hand and said, "my turn now Carl". She kissed me for a long time, our tongues danced and she felt all over my body, and I did the same to her. She finally broke our kiss and gave my hand to Carl's and told him that I was his until after she got the champagne ready to go. Carl lead me to the sofa and sat me down and started making out with me heavily, and I was constantly pushing his hands away from my crotch. Debbie saved me by coming and announcing it was time for a toast, and Carl and I broke our kiss and got up and Debbie handed us both a glass and we toasted Carl's birthday and to good friendship.

When we were done our drinks, Debbie came over and gave me another long and lingering kiss, her lips were so sweet and her hands were all over my body, I could hear Carl groaning and heard him sit down in the lazy boy chair. Debbie broke our kiss and looked over at Carl and said, "Joyce and I are going to get into something more comfortable, why don't you as well, mmm, say like nothing?". Debbie then opened the dresser drawer I had opened earlier and handed me a pink box and grabbed one herself and grabbed me by the hand and lead me to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, I closed the door behind us and turned around and Debbie asked me to unzip her dress, which I did and as her dress slipped down I undid her black strapless bra and that allowed her tits to become free. She turned around and as she slid out of the rest of her dress, she pulled her pantyhose and heels off at the same time, she smiled at me and told me to open my box. I opened it and it was the lingerie we had talked about, "fire engine" red and really silky and sexy. Sitting on the top of the lingerie was a brand new pair of nude stockings and a pretty white lace garter belt. I looked over at Debbie as she was opening her box and she smiled back and told me, "Carl LOVES stockings and I could not resist, consider it another present from me for making this evening special", I just smiled back. I slipped out of my dress and turned my back to Debbie who was pulling her stockings up and slipped off my pantyhose and heels, carefully making sure they did not snag. I put on the garter belt and slipped the garters under my panties and proceeded to put on my stockings, which were ultra sheer, and carefully snapped them into place, noting that the garter belts were not cheap and the clasps were metal, these would last for quite some time.

I was naked from the waist up, and felt Debbie come up behind me and cup my bare breasts with her hands and nuzzle my neck from the rear and kiss me gently. She caressed them and whispered in my ear how cute they were and how Carl would love them as well, she kept caressing them and then started pinching my nipples and then started sucking on my neck. I was in total heaven and had no clue what Debbie was doing, when she stopped, she spun me around and gave me a long kiss and then whispered in my ear, "something to remember me by". I turned and slipped on the really lovely and sexy lingerie and started applying another coat of Debbie's lipstick and I noticed that she had given me a large hickey on my neck!. I gasped and looked over at Debbie who was just slipping back into her heels and she just smiled and said, "like I said, something to remember me by!". I slipped on my own heels and we both freshened our perfume and took one look at each other in the mirror on the bathroom door, and it was quite the site, we were both in identical lingerie, made up to perfection and in 4" heels. She took my hand and said, "ready to go Joyce?, I know have been ready for you, for over a month". I smiled at her and squeezed her hand and told her said, "I am ready for your pussy right now".

We entered the hotel room and there was Carl, naked sitting in the lazy boy chair with his semi erect cock in his hands. He almost became instantly erect when he saw the two of us hand in hand. Debbie looked at me and smiled, and then looked back at Carl and said, "Carl, Joyce and I are going to enjoy each other for a while. So no playing with yourself, I want to watch Joyce suck you off after she is done with me, so I don't want you to cum". Debbie smiled and took me in her arms and we started kissing deeply as we stood. I could feel her hands all over my body and I mimicked her caressing and eventually it got too much and we both collapsed onto the bed and crawled up to the top. We lay on the bed and my fingers found their way to her pussy and I found her clit through her lacy panties and started gently massaging it. I could tell that I was getting her hotter as her groans and panting as we kissed got louder and louder.

Eventually she broke off our kiss and looked me deep in the eyes and gave me one last deep kiss and said, "Joyce I am ready, GOD, I am ready". I slowly started sliding down her body, concentrating on her nipples, which were huge compared to mine, but her breasts were literally the same size as mine. I got to her pussy and she helped as I slid the negligee up around her hips, as I moved my head to her pussy I could smell the strong odor from it. I pulled her panties down and they were wet, soaked as a matter of fact and pulled them down to her ankles. At this point I forgot all about Carl and concentrated on pleasing Debbie. Debbie's pussy was beautiful, bald and smooth and glistening with her juices, I pulled back the skin to expose her clit, and ever so gently started licking and sucking on it. Debbie was very receptive and loved the sucking I was doing, she was groaning and squirming and I could feel her hands on my head as I licked and sucked for all I was worth. I slid a finger into Debbie and heard her groan even more, I must have been sucking for at least 15 minutes or so and finally Debbie started bucking and moaning and crying out my name and she came. I did not let up sucking until she begged me to stop, and at that time I crawled up next to her and we kissed long and hard and she licked all over my face to clean up her own juices that had made a mess.

When she calmed down, and we were laying side by side, she brushed the side of my face and quietly whispered, "you lick pussy like a woman too, are you sure you are not one?, that was the one of the best pussy licking's I have ever had". I quietly assured her I was not a woman, then she quietly pointed out, "Carl is over there waiting for some relief after watching us, I want to watch while you suck him off". I looked over and Carl's cock was totally erect and he was groaning and slowly caressing his cock. I reminded Debbie that this was only the second time I had done this and hoped that I did not make a mistake. She assured me that I would do fine, and told me that, "it is like riding a bike, a woman never forgets, the size of the wheels just change". I looked over and slid myself out of bed and walked over to him while he stared at me.

I stood in front of him and told him that his girlfriend had a delicious pussy and he was a lucky guy. He just groaned and told me how hot and sexy it looked seeing his girlfriend getting licked by another. I leaned over and slowly brought my face to his and we kissed, and as we did, I lowered my hand to hard cock and grabbed it and used my thumb to caress his very wet tip of his cock. He was moaning and groaning and finally stopped and we broke our kiss, I looked over my shoulder and there was Debbie, rolling her clit between her fingers, smiling at me. I slid the chair around so that Debbie could get a side view of me sucking off Carl, and then turned to Carl and said, "your girlfriend said you like these", as I slid off the outside of my lingerie and lowered the spaghetti straps and exposed my breasts. Carl simply groaned even more and quickly leaned forward and started licking and sucking on my breasts, massaging them telling me that they were perfect. Eventually I pulled up the straps and stood up and asked if he was ready?, he simply groaned and I licked my lips and slowly lowered myself till I was kneeling in front of him.

I slowly started licking up and down the shaft of his cock and he nearly jumped out of the chair when my tounge first made contact. I remembered the first time I did this and every once in a while I would stop at the tip of his cock and lick off the pre-cum and concentrate on it. I spent several minutes licking and sucking his balls all the while slowly stroking him. I could hear Carl getting hotter and hotter and his groaning got louder and decided that it was time to start bobbing up and down on his shaft. On the last time I was licking up his shaft, I opened my lips and started sucking and all the while flicking my tounge. I remembered something my ex-girlfriend used to do and started moaning as I sucked. Well Carl certainly liked that and only about a minute or so later, Carl, came and came and came, I had no clue how many times and how long. I sucked for all I was worth swallowing each and every drop until he stopped and fell back in his chair. I let his now limp cock out of my mouth with a "popping" noise and stood up and looked over at Debbie, she was laying flat back on the bed, her fingers furiously rubbing her clit.

I lay beside her and moved up and started kissing her and massaging her breasts through her lingerie, she broke the kiss and moaned in passion, "lick them, suck them and nibble on them". I pulled back her lingerie and did as she asked, I was kneeling beside her on the bed and she was moaning and I could feel her shudder as she came. Right after she came I crawled up to her face and we were kissing and then it finally happened. Carl moved up on the bed and I could feel his hands moving up my legs, towards my crotch, this time I did not stop him. I was still kissing Debbie when Carl loudly said, "what the hell?, no way!!!", he had found my surprise. Debbie and I stopped kissing and she said to Carl, "yes way!". Carl got up off the bed and sat down and was still in shock, Debbie then got up and walked over to Carl and folded her arms and said, "do you like your last surprise?". Carl turned beat red and defiantly said no, Debbie just smiled and told him that she had found the she-male videos. Carl smiled and started to relax a bit and finally admitted that he had a "thing" for them, Carl then said in disbelief, "God he is so hot looking, can I see his cock?". Debbie then explained the situation and told Carl to always refer to me as a "she", and declared it was time for another round of champagne.

Debbie and sat on the bed and sipped champagne while Carl, still nude sat in the chair and stared at us. Every once in a while, Debbie and I would kiss as Carl looked on. When we were done, Debbie excused us both as we needed to "freshen up". I closed the door of the washroom and Debbie turned me around and gave me a long and hard kiss, after breaking it she thanked me over and over for making everything so special. As we fixed our lipstick, Debbie asked if I liked the taste of Carl when I sucked him off, and I had to admit, I did and told her. She then asked if I wanted more and if I was ready for round #3?. I said yes, but my jaw was getting sore and that I didn't think I could suck Carl off all the way again. She paused then looked at me and smiled and said, "well then how about a compromise?". I smiled back and asked, what exactly do you have in mind?. She then said, with a sly grin on her face, "well, firstly, I want to watch you suck Carl again, and you want to taste him again, and I want another pussy licking by you". I then had no clue what she was talking about, and asked, "and how do you propose we get all that done?". She then said, "simple, you 'fluff' Carl, get him at least hard with your mouth, then bring him to me and let him fuck me and cum in my pussy. I never really cum when he fucks me anyway, and then I can sit on your face, and you can lick up the mess and make me cum". I agreed and we left the washroom to a waiting Carl that commented on how long we women sometimes take in the washroom.

Debbie just smiled and told him that he would like the reason we took so long in the washroom and as she sat down on the bed, I slowly moved to Carl and once there began to kiss him. I caressed his cock and heard Debbie explain, "you see Carl we girls get what we want, Joyce is going to suck your cock hard, then you are going to fuck me, then she is going to clean me up and get me off again with her tounge". As she finished speaking, I broke our kiss and got on my knees and started licking and sucking Carl, who again did nothing but moan and groan. I sucked on Carl for about 15 minutes and eventually he got harder and harder until he told me to stop or he was going to cum. I got up and took Carl's hand and lead him to the bed were Debbie was still slowly massaging her clit.

As Carl stuck his cock into Debbie's dripping wet pussy, I knelt next to Debbie and started working on her tits as Carl pushed in and out of her. We kissed and she was groaning as Carl pumped in and out of her. I let Carl's hand move up my thigh and to my crotch and let him feel on the outside of my girdle and panties, but that was as far as he got. Eventually Carl started grunting and both Debbie and I knew he had cum. As Carl pulled out of Debbie, I moved down and as he lay back, took his now very limp cock in my mouth and cleaned it off, and the taste was so unique, Debbie and Carl mixed together. I lay back and Debbie positioned her body over mine in a 69 position and I started lapping up her juices. Most of the cum in her pussy came out right away filling my mouth but I managed to swallow and lick at the same time. The whole time I was licking her, I could taste the combination of Carl and her. Carl was still on the bed and was pinching and caressing my nipples and breasts. Every once in a while Debbie would sit up and play with a nipple herself and when she did I could feel Carl's lips sucking them. Carl left the bed and the real licking started, and I licked really hard as I wanted Debbie to cum. Eventually she started shuddering and shaking and I could tell she was having an orgasm. When she stopped, she came and lay next to me and again licked all over my face to clean things up. We laid in each others arms kissing and caressing one another and eventually we stopped and broke our kiss.

Carl was getting semi erect again and I glanced over at the clock and saw that the time was almost 2am, and apologized, but told Debbie that I had to go. Debbie assured me that was not a problem and told me that she would take care of Carl when she got back, and grabbed my hand and lead me to the bathroom to get dressed again. I helped her into her dress and slipped mine on and we both decided to leave on our garter belts and stockings as both our coats covered them and quite frankly neither one of us want to both with struggling with pantyhose at 2am!. I packed my negligee and sheer pantyhose into the pink box Debbie had given me and looked in the mirror at my makeup and saw it was a mess, so was Debbie's. Neither one of us decided to fix it, not even our lipstick and came back into the room, Carl was still sitting on the chair, this time watching television. I walked over and gave him a long goodbye kiss and caressed his now semi limp cock and told him I much I enjoyed it. We said our good byes and Debbie helped me on with my coat and I did the same for her and we left for the trip home.

Debbie and I held hands all the way home and talked about how much fun the evening was and eventually we were sitting in front of my apartment and it was about 2:30am and not a sole in site. We had one last long and longing goodbye kiss and after we broke the kiss and gently moved a hand up my stockings to my crotch and gently touched it and asked, "are you sure you wouldn't like me to come up stairs with you and take care of this?, it is the least I can do". I assured her that it was not necessary and would ruin the illusion of the evening if she did. She then told me that she herself has cum with her panties on and mine would not have to. She gently squeezed my hand and said, I think I have something that will "do the trick". She reached back in the car to a travel bag and pulled out a vibrator and turned it on, and as it buzzed away, she pulled up my dress and slowly rubbed it against my crotch. I must have jumped so much that I thought my head hit the roof, I squealed and it felt like a bolt of lightning must have gone through me!. Debbie giggled and said, "thought you would like that", and proceeded to open her door and came around to mine and opened my door and grabbed my hand and pulled me out.

We walked hand and hand to my apartment door and as we entered, Debbie suggested I change into my lingerie she got for me and that she would "take care of me". After we hung up our coats she gave me a light kiss and asked that I change and she would wait for me. I told her to make herself at home and we to the bathroom and quickly changed. When I came out of the bathroom, Debbie was sitting on the couch looking around at the apartment with the vibrator in her hand. She smiled at me and suggested we get comfortable on the bed, and took me by the hand and asked me to show her the way. Thank heavens I made the bed and the room was semi neat, I lay down and Debbie came and lay next to me. We lay side by side and started to kiss and caress each other's breasts. She then broke our kiss and grabbed the vibrator and switched it on. As we continued to kiss she slowly brought it to my crotch and pushed my lingerie out of the way, and started slowly moving it around, again I jumped. She must have know exactly how I tucked and found exactly my "sweet spot", now it was my turn to moan and groan, and did, as we continued to kiss. She then somehow managed to pinch my nipples one at a time and continued to use the vibrator. Finally I could take no more and came in my panties and shuddered just like every time Debbie did. Debbie waited until I stopped shuddering and turned off the vibrator. I thanked her and we both got off the bed and I headed to the bathroom to changed out of the cum soaked panties and put on a fresh pair. When I came out of the bathroom, Debbie was waiting for me, and was in the middle of putting on her coat.

We shared one long kiss and eventually the evening had to end and Debbie and I parted ways and I saw her walk out the door and then watched her drive out of the parking lot back to the hotel.


Debbie and I continued our close friendship and she told me in weeks to come that Carl was so hot that evening that they actually saw the sun rise and made love a few more times when she got back to the hotel.

The evening you have read about was totally 100% reality, and was exactly what I enjoy when dating my dream date,

So here is the offer: This 36 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

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