Birthday Licks

By Donn Mack

Published on Mar 28, 2017



Birthday Licks by Essfitcee

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" bitch, bad and bougie..." Migos rudely awaken him from his dreams. Yet still, he happily wakes. Today is a special day, today was his fucking day. He removed himself from the confines of the sheets, looked to the other side of the bed, "Yo ass better be out preparing my birthday party." He thought to himself as he had risen without his boo lying beside him.

He looked into the mirror and soaked in his birthday glow. Slim waist, but thick in all the right places, in both, front and back as he slanged his dick in circular motion, "I have a feeling you gonna get a good nut today, my nigga." He said to his loyal pal as he excitingly gripped it giving it a few pleasurable tugs. As he finally exited the master of bedroom of his 3 bedroom apartment, with his ass jiggling with each step, entering the shower with thoughts that fully affected and erected his groin area.

"Damn.I should've touched you." He said to himself thinking back on a certain cultivating night. As images flashed in his head, the need for that touch was urgent. With hands going from his dick to his ass, the soap suds made it so easy to slip in his finger. "Fuuuuck.No, no, no. Let me stop." He denied victory to the temptation. He would not jack off, save that nut for later, he thought.

Upon completing his morning ritual he figured he would just throw on some red basketball shorts and a white wife beater and top it off with his red "B" [for his name Braylon] Boston Red Sox fitted. Simple for his birthday, but he wasn't getting turnt just yet, not with it being 11 in the morning. He'll have enough time, but now he would just chill. He sat at his desk, powered up his laptop to view all the countless amounts of people that only knew it was his birthday because of a Facebook notification. He kept his phone in arms reach preparing for the countless amounts of calls and texts of the Happy Birthdays from family and real friends.

Later that day it was still no sign of his baby until he heard keys fondling at the front door. "FINALLY!" Braylon promptly heads towards his boo that brought along damn near all the alcoholic beverages that existed, a brigade of party favors and some guests in tow. "Hope you don't mind, I invited two of my co-workers." Braylon answered waving his hand signaling that it was fine. His eyes bucked out as the guys entered the apartment doorway. "This is Julian and this is Michael." Braylon gave the two men the infamous `homeboy handshake' as touches lingered. Bray thought nothing of it.

Michael was a muscle stricken black dude who's pecs were damn near about to explode from his shirt and sexy plumps lips that plastic surgeons strive for, but his lips was natural. His friend, Julian, an Afro-Latinx man whose body was leaner, but body just right and tight.these dude were sexy as hell. Braylon blocked those thoughts.or tried to.

Throughout the night Braylon tried to avoid any close contact with the two. "!" He thought to himself as he saw Julian downing a half bottle of Fireball with the front of his shirt lifted as he was rubbing his abs.he knew Braylon was watching him.

"I really need to use the bathroom cos between the pressure on my dick and watching him." He thought as he excited the living room where everyone was partying.

"Someone in here.oh, sup man." Braylon came at the wrong [right] time. He had interrupted Michael in the bathroom. "Su.sup." Braylon gulped and he tried to not look down at his dick. At this point Mike was done pissing and just stroking his dick. "I'mma gon'head and get out your way." Michael stated giving his dick one last tug for his one man audience. Braylon was sweating beads and Mike, on the slick, lightly touch the bottom of Braylon's back as he exited.

He let go a hard sigh as he closed the door behind him. "Lord, please let me make it through this night!" he silently prayed. "Damn his dick, let me stop.but shiiiit. No, STOP!" He went back and forth with himself, cursing his bae for bringing them.

As the night wind down and more people began to disperse from the birthday party. Tenants of the complex had to have complained about the loud music a dozen times by then, but no complete fucks were given. Throughout the entire night Braylon tried to keep his eyes off of Julian and Michael, but could not succeed. It didn't help that the two was also touchy feely with him throughout the whole party.

"Oh man! Damn, we still haven't gave you OUR birthday licks." Julian announced as he gave a sinister look to his partner in crime, Michael. "Nah, I got enough hits from everybody else.I'm good." Braylon concluded, having no idea what Julian TRULY had in mind.

Michael and Julian walked stealthy towards Braylon and without warning. Lick "ONE!" Michael counted. "TWO!" Julian counted immediately after. "AH, eww.y'all gay af, man. Stop. Ha!" Braylon backed off, playing it off like he wasn't at all aroused, thinking they were joking. Oh, but shit was about to get really real.

"Three, four, five." Julian counted as him and Mike pushed Braylon down on the couch behind them. "Six, seven, eeeight." Michael counted, licks starting to get seductive and heavy.

"Woah, WTF ya'll doing, man.okay it ain't funny anymore. Stop. Man." Braylon laughed nervously, not sure what was happening.

They both started to fill up on him. He was not liking this at all. Well, he was.but he didn't like the fact that he liked it. This is so not right at all, he thought. My girl is here.these niggas are too bold, he thought.

He jumps from them.or he tried to. They held him down. "Get the fuck off me, bruh!" He yelled, but no success from being released from their grasp.

"C'mon, wha.what you doing? Julian? This ain't cool, bruh." His whispers were a noticeable contrast to the yells that just escaped his mouth only seconds ago. Hoping the commotion didn't stir Keisha from the kitchen.

"Oh it's more den me." Michael shot back as he held him from his left, Julian held him from his right as they both licked each side of his neck while pulling his wife beater up feeling on his sweaty and slippery pecs. Braylon body was shaking from fear, nervousness and sexual inhibition. He fights to keep his moans from being conceived in the pits of his throat. Keisha entered the living room and Braylon again tried to jump up off the couch, but again failed. Mike started to kiss and launder his abs with his tongue. "Bab-Keisha-"

Mike and Julian had pulled him back down. "Enjoying yourself, baby?" She asked of him as Michael gave him one long lick, "Thirteen." He counted. Jul grabbed his steady growing bulge through his shorts. Keisha smiled at the sight and Braylon stared in confusion.

Julian reaches inside the bottom of Bray's shorts up to his dick. Braylon jumps in shock. Easy access, he was free balling.he pulled his dick out.not from the waist band, but from the bottom leg of his shorts. He always found it hot and appeasing to suck a guy's dick this way whenever they're wearing shorts. Julian starts to jack his dick from the bottom of his shorts while licking his neck. "Seventeen." He counted.

"Shhhh.Happy Birthday, baby."

"Keisha, wha.what is this?" Struggling to get out his inquire and battling to not moan.

"Thinking back to that threesome we know, with that guy. The way you looked at him. I think you were holding back something. Made me think back to the fantasy I used to have." She trails off, she readies her camera.

"What fantasy is that?" Braylon asked, still completely dense about what exactly was about to go down, right in his very living room. "Ahmmm." Keisha mumbled as she winked at Julian.taking the hint, Julian engulfed Bray's dick into his slick mouth. Braylon gasps and clenches his teeth. Mike twists his head towards him and plants his lips on his. Braylon was not willingly inviting of it, so Michael forced entrance of his tongue. Bray's resistance only last 2 seconds flat as he relaxed and proceeded to flick his tongue into Mike's mouth as Jul was joyfully sucking up a sloppy storm on his, now, wet dick.

"The fantasy of seeing my dominent boyfriend getting fucked by a guy..." Keisha admitted making Braylon moan from her confession.

Jul withdrew from the dick as salvia and precum imploded from his wet mouth with the sound of a wet `pop.' Bray moaned as his dick waved in the air like a blooming flower, causing precum and spit to flicker off his dick between the three of them. Some splattered on Michael's face which caused to him to eye his dick hungrily, as he licked his lips then dived to devour him. Mike took the wet black slab of meat into his mouth, taking in what was left of Julian's spit and Bray's precum. Bray threw his head back as he sucked his teeth. The warmth from his mouth gave his dick tingles up and down his spine

As Julian kissed Braylon, Keisha looked on pleased at this set up, beaming. "Umphmmm." Bray moaned into Jul's mouth, this was too much. They both were great kissers and suckers. Mike and Jul began to bring Bray's shorts off his waist, down to his ankles, lifts Bray's legs and took the shorts off, but kept his legs lifted as Mike put his dick into Bray's mouth as he tried to play the `resist, but I really want to' game again, Mike finally slipped his hard dick into his mouth. Jul wasted no time dipping his tongue into the abysses of Braylon's welcoming hole and twitching hole. ".ahhhhh." Braylon softly whimpers around Michael's dick. "Twenty-Five." Julian concluded the counts. 25, today he turned 25.

Hot sweet sounds of wet tongues licking slobbering on bare flesh. It was a sight to see and Keisha was catching it all on camera. Julian knew Braylon was finally REALLY beginning to come around when he let go of Bray's legs and he voluntary kept his legs in the air and Jul continued to feast on his hole. He spits on his finger, sliding them in, licking his outer bud as he slide his finger deeper into him. Braylon moaning with his mouth still around Mike's pulsating dick and even began to spread his legs wider in the air. In which, the satisfaction made Julian moan in his ass, the vibrations from Jul moaning in his hole made Bray moan more and legs tremble.

"Let me get ah taste of dat ass." Michael said to Julian as he removed his dick from the grips of Braylon lips as it waved like a flag on windy day. He already missed the dick in his mouth, but he wouldn't admit it.

They switched and Michael licked, ate and spat. Braylon hole puckered and leaked from the spit of both men. Michael wanted it wrapped around his more games, but he must get that dick wet.

"Put this dick in ya mouth." Michael demanded as his stiff dick protruded onto his lips. Braylon, of course, refused. "Bruh-"

"Boi, if you don't put yo mouth on dis dick!" This time taking the back of Bray's head and bringing it towards his awaiting slab of entity. "Noo-Ahmphhhmm." Bray's stubbornness will be of no use tonight. Mike threw his head back and raise his arms behind his head in awe of how beautiful Bray looked with his dick deep in his throat.

Julian pushed Bray's head to "encourage" him to go deeper. "Ammph." Braylon gagged, but he continued on. "Damn girl, you sure this his first time?" Julian jokingly asked Keisha, who stood proud of how well her man was sucking dick. Julian began to kiss on Mike's neck, traveling down his body until he took his dick from the confines of Braylon's mouth and put it into his mouth. "Sheeeeeit." Mike moaned. Braylon was good for a first timer, but Julian was experienced. Braylon, after a few minutes staring at the two.mentally taking notes, he took the dick back from Julian and started using what he learned. "Fuuuck! He learns quick." Mike said to Julian.

By the time both Julian and Braylon were done with his dick, it was wetter than water itself. It. Was. Time.

Braylon's hole was still slick from being both Julian and Mike's main course meal, but they pushed Bray back on the couch. Lifted his legs again and gave his tight, winking hole a few more licks and spats for good measure. Mike is lining his dick up and Braylon looks down between his legs. "Wai.wait. What are yo-Shhh, relax. I got you, I got you bruh." Mike and Julian kissed his neck so peacefully as Mike was planting his dick inside him. More and more and. "SHIT!" Braylon yelled out.

Braylon still battling not to moan, still wanting to hang on to every bit of dignity he thought he was losing from this event. Yes, he had kissed them. Yes, their dicks had been acquainted with the inner warmth and wetness of his mouth. Yes, Mike's dick was being allied to the inside of him and it felt good as fuck, but he would not give in.he would not. He would not moan. Not with his girl watching. He still got to be a "man," right? He would not let another dude make him moa-"Ahhhhhhmm.shiiiiiiiiit." Braylon moaned as Mike's dick had sunk so deep, hitting that spot never before touched.

"Yeaaaaaa, there you go. Give me dat ass nigga." Mike growled as he plowed into him. He loved this, when dudes resist giving in.oh, but when that DICK hits that spot. No more denying. Braylon covered his face with his hands shyly, embarrassed. It was cute to them. "Nah, bruh uncover that sexy ass face." Mike demanded.Bray did not oblige.

Michael cocked his head to the side thinking, "Oh so it's like that." So he pulled back his dick until only his head remained a resident inside him.

"I said."

"-Ah." A muzzled moan escaped from the lips of Braylon.


"-shit." Braylon whispered ashamed of his moans.


"-AH ..fuck." Braylon almost completely losing it, but he's hanging on.



"Hands Nigga!!!"

Braylon had removed his hands from his face and bite his lips as he stared into the eyes of Michael. Bray's facial expression read something along the lines of, "Why you doing this to me." Michael favorite look when he was breaking in newbies.

"Open your mouth, bruh" Julian demanded as Bray, this time, willingly opened that mouth. He took his dick in his mouth hungrily.

Bray moaned on Julian's dick and he was getting closer. Julian's dick was about to burst, the way Bray sucked and sucked as he was getting fucked by his friend. "Ah, fuck..ahhh. Keep doing that. Keep.Fuck" His cum began to paint the insides of Braylon's mouth like Van Gogh's Starry Night. Braylon moaned as he swallowed and swallowed, his body shaking as he happily drunk his hot, warm cum.continuing to suck hungrily wanting more.

"Yeeeess, swallow him, swallow that cum, baby." He moaned from the encouragement of his girlfriend and his body shook and his hole twitched with on Mike's dick with meek joyous excitement. The pressure on his dick prompted him to fuck harder and deeper.

Bray head turned that sent Julian spent dick flopping out his mouth. "Fuuuuck." Braylon head turned to his girl as she stood recording as if to ask her permission to let loose. "Take it baby. Take that dick for me." Again, she encouraged. And with that.

"Fuuuuuck. Me. Fuuuck me. Ahhh shit." Braylon gracefully took that dick and moaned as he stared right into his girl's eyes. Michael turned his head to him and gave him a deep kiss. "Ahmmmmahmmmfmm." He moaned in Mike's mouth.

Mike switched his mouth to his neck, to his ears he whispered. "Fuck, bruh. Shiiiit. Thiiiiis assss. You gon let me get dis shit again, huh? Huh? HUH?!"

"FUUfahh. Yeeees. Yah. Yah, Ah fuck!" As Michael continued to fuck, Julian was bent over just above Braylon's head, his knees balancing on the armrest of the couch, he kisses Michael as he rubs Braylon's chest. All the while, Braylon's hard dick tapped and flopped on his abs over and over from the thorough fuck he was getting. His abs glistening from sweat, he put his arms behind him rubbing Julian's booty as he still bent over him. His armpits were shining from perspiration. "Hmmmahmm." Both Mike and Bray's moans began to echo in unison.

"Fphhh. Fuuu.I'm bout to nu- Ahhhh." Mike moaned as he nutted. Braylon moaned from the feeling of his hot, thick cum renovating the inside of him like a HGTV home makeover. "Fuck!" Mike yells as he pulled out.

"Damn bruh! I wanted to nut in him first." Julian griped. "My bad, man." Mike giggled as he tiredly sat on the couch, jacking his spent dick.still hard. Braylon was still in another world as Julian sat next to Michael. Jul broke Bray's dazed by tapping his dick on his face. Taking the hint, he took his dick, engulfed it and lick, sucked, kiss, twist and turned his mouth on it like a nut to a bolt screw.

When done, he left Julian dick leaking, dripping with so much precum and spit. Braylon wanted him to be inside, he slung his legs on the sides of his body, sitting on his dick. "Ahhhh, PHUuuCK!" He moaned.

"Yeah bruh. Get dat dick! You learning!" Julian sat back on the couch and encouraged him.

Braylon was clearly getting more into this, as he grinds and grinds on top of him. He grinds for his own pleasure, he grinds for the pleasure of Julian and for the pleasure of his audience.his girl, Mike, and the camera.

"Shh..fuc. Kies." He called out to her.

"Yes baby." She answers he beckon call.

"Dis di.dick is goooood as fuck. Baby..phhhuuck. Ahm." He grinds his hips on the dick, staring his girl in the eyes. His hard dick flopped off and on his sweaty body as his abs flexing. "I know baby. Take dat dick for me. Fucking sexy." She cheers him on. She gets closer to the scene with the camera. Michael cum that was still planted deep inside was beginning to seep out and form a wet, greasy ring as Julian's juicy dick fucked him. The cum dripped down his dick, down his balls, Bray's hole was so wet and sticky. Julian was moving in and out of him like nothing.

Julian grabs Braylon to lean him back while he rode him. Bray's back was to his chest and he began to really fuck him. Keisha made sure to get a good angle. "Shiiiiiiit, bruh! Fuck me fuck me. Fuuuuuuu.Aaah Fuck, ah fuck. Juliaaaaan!"

"GET DAT SHIT, BRUH!!!" Michael spectated and rooted on. Julian continued to penetrate and puncture, and harass that ass. Hitting that certain spot. Braylon had never felt a feeling like it. Braylon's body was soaked, inside and out, with his precum dripping onto his abs.he was beginning to reach THAT point.

"Ahmmm. Ahmm. Fuuuuc." He moaned.

"Take dat shit." Keisha said.

"Phuck." He moaned.

"Take dat dick, take it for me, baby." She cheered.

"Kei.Fuuuuc, baby. Dis dick, dis diiiiiick."

"I know." She knew what he was feeling.

"I'm bout to cum, I'mma cuuuum." Mike ears perked up, he grabs his dick and puts it in his mouth. Down his throat went all of what Braylon had pent up. "Fuuuck." Julian, he too, was busting his nut.

"Yeah, nigga.gimme that nut." Bray demanded.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck." Julian moaned as his dick was drained, clenched by Bray's tight hole, now completely filled with two loads of cum. Braylon moved to the side making Jul's sticky wet plop out.

Keisha gets a close up and pans between Braylon, Julian and Michael. "There you have it. My man just took some good for the first time." She narrates for the viewers. "Let'em see dat ass." Mike suggests as both he and Julian pulls Braylon up and bends him over on the sofa. "Push that nut out. Yeaaaaah." Braylon did as he was told and they began to lend their tongues to his already cum soaked hole, licking and sucking up their own mixed batter. "Shhei-Damn." Braylon moaned. When they were done with their own fun, they took Braylon and turned him around, they both commenced to kiss and swap all their cum with him. "Ahmmmph." They all moaned and Keisha was gushing watching the scene.

"How was it?" Keisha asked Braylon as they continued to tongue the rest of his body.

"That was good as fuck." He answered in a daze. They stood him up from the sofa and turned his ass to the camera, had his legs spread in a frisk pose, gave his ass 25 smacks. Cum was still leaking from the inside of him, seeping and dripping down the living floor. "So you liked dat shit, huh?" SMACK! Michael asked. "HUH?!" SMACKED! "Yeeeeeeees, shit." Braylon moaned. They finally let sit back down and gave him one more kiss before Julian and Michael began to get dressed.

"Thank you, guys." She thanked her co-workers. "Anytime.ANY.time." They responded, exiting.

After a more than adventurous night, the couple sat up in bed thinking back on the day in summary and reviewing it. Particular questions echoed in Braylon's head. "Why? How? WTF?!" His girlfriend would answer without him actually saying a word.

"It turned me on to see you get fucked, ya'know? To see the man who dominates ME, be got me going. Seeing a man make you moan the way you make me. Holding you down and dicking you the way. you dick me. You getting fucked brought out a different you. It was one of the hottest fucking things I ever seen." She told him.

".You know how guys like to see their girl go at with another.but maybe a girl likes to see her guy go at with another for once." She shyly giggles and he laughs with her. Braylon interrupted her.

"Baby, It's not gonna be awkward now is it, cos-" Keisha interrupted him, "Of course not." Her assurance was everything to him. They began to replay the video on her camera. And they ended up fucking after getting turned on.

"So..think we should post it?" She asked after catching her breath. Due to the huge following they have with their amateur porn, they both admitted that it would turn them on to post a surprise video of him getting fucked by two guys for everyone to see.

They uploaded the video under `Birthday Licks.'

This will surely turn out to be an euphoria that they both will surely enjoy for many a times to come.

c 2017 Donn Mack/Essfitcee. All rights reserved. This work of fiction may not be redistributed.

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