Birthday Gurl

By Miss Bee

Published on Apr 18, 2019


This story is fiction. Any similarity between charactors in this story and real people is coincidental. If you enjoy reading this please make a donation to nifty so that those of us who are gay or bisexual can continue to thrill, enlighten or disgust you. Feedback very welcome to:

BIRTHDAY GURL Part three By Miss Bee

When I awake on Sunday morning and find Michael still sleeping soundly, I take the opportunity to return the previous day's favour. I slip out of bed very quietly and visit the bathroom. After using the toilet and freshening up my makeup, I sneak through to the kitchen area to prepare our breakfast. When I gaze out the window, I note that although the sun is shining at present, there are a lot more clouds in the sky today.

I find a tray and load the breakfast on it.

But then Michael arrives in the room with his dressing gown concealing his gorgeous naked body.

He sees what I am about to do. "Well you would make a good wife afterall!"

"What do you mean by afterall?"

"Well after seeing you running around on the beach last night without panties on, I was beginning to wonder about your suitabilty!"

I laugh. "My lover is a sexual deviant! He not only steals ladies panties but does so whilst they are wearing them!"

We both laugh.

"Thank you for this darling." Michael says as we sit at the table to begin eating the breakfast.

"Looks like the weather has changed today," I say.

"Oh no! I was hoping to play that splashing game again today." Michael says.

"Well it isn't raining yet."

Michael gazes through the glass doors. "Looks like our great spell of weather is at an end."

We finish our breakfast, carry the dishes to the sink and wash them. Then Michael visits the bathroom. I have finished sweeping the wooden floor by the time he reappears wearing a bright blue pattered shirt and grey shorts.

"Wow, you are looking good this morning." I comment.

He wraps his arms around me and plants a brief kiss on my lips.

"Hey thanks for that breakfast darling." He says.

I join Michael at the glass doors and we study the view.

"What we going to do today then?" I ask.

Michael turns toward me. "Well we could go back to bed and make love all morning or we could go for a walk along the beach and hope those clouds are not as serious as they look."

"I like your first suggestion darling but we can do that at my place any day. I feel we should make full use of the opportunity offered here now before it is gone forever." I reply.

"You are right. We must ignore those clouds. Go and get your pretty little arse into a pair of flimsy panties and a skirt that will flare up in the wind!"

I walk into the bathroom for a shower then I move to the bedroom and search through my cases.

I choose a sleeveless pale yellow top, matched with a cream, tartan patterned skirt that contains many gores and is about mid thigh length and lay them out over the bed. I fit my masculine frame into a matching bra and panty set that features cream stripes. I redo my makeup, this time using a lighter pink shade to highlight my lips, then dress myself in the skirt and top. White sandals complete my ensemble.

When I return to the main room, I find Michael looking at the view. But he looks up when he hears the bedroom door open.

"Hey you look nice!" He says. He wraps his arms around me and plants a very wet kiss on my lips.

Then we both look outside. "Those clouds don't look any worse." I say.

"I don't think it will rain soon and we have to be back here for lunch today anyway," Michael says.

We grab our packs and begin packing some drinks and and towels.

Watching Michael jogs my memory. "Can I have my white panties back from last night now?"

Michael hunts around inside his pack. "Oh dear, I think I may have left them on that sandhill last night! It was rather dark there."

"Oh well, we will call in there on our way today and pick them up." I say.

We lock up the cabin and negotiate the first style in the usual way.

"Wow, looked like a flash of candy stripes there! I need to study them in more detail!" Michael says.

"I have found myself a pervert!"

Michael laughs. "You're a tranny gurl! Tranny gurls love being watched and perved at!"

I don't respond to his statement because I acknowledge that he is right.

We navigate along the winding cattle trail with caution, stepping over cow shit and dodging the sharp thistles. At the second style, I act like a slut, deliberately flicking my skirt up as I step over the top wire.

Michael laughs. "I will need to study those striped panties in detail later!"

I lead the way along the narrow track where it winds through the valleys lined with a tangle of flax, pampas grass and lupins.

Realising that we must vacate the cottage and return home this afternoon, concentrates my mind upon my immediate situation. Being able to walk in the outdoors whilst dressed is very special for a transvestite who is mostly housebound and I determine to make the most of this opportunity before it is gone. My tight bra, feels wonderful where it bites onto my flesh across my chest and under my arms and when I look down and see how my silicones are creating gorgeous bumps in the front of my soft blouse, I feel gratified that I am finally able to express my true sexuality outdoors. Meanwhile my pleated skirt sends regular reminders of my feminine status whenever the breeze lifts it slightly or presses it against the back or front of my bare legs. As I soak up these sensations, I am not surprised to feel my cock begin to swell and make it's presence felt inside my thin panties. B

When we stop to remove our sandals, instead of crouching with both knees bent and my legs together, I give in to temptation, going down on one knee and with my legs parted, facing Michael.

Michael spots my tease. "Miss Bee, you are a bloody tease!"

I close my legs immediately, hoping to pass off my tease as just carelessness.

When Michael laughs, I can't help but laugh too revealing my true intent.

When we walk on, the sand between my toes adds a carefree notion to my sense of euphoria.

But then Michael distracts my thinking. "My god you look sexy today!" He exclaims.

"I'm just loving being a gurl in this place!" I say.

Michael laughs and reaches forward to clasp a hand to my bum cheeks!

"Hey you really are a sex maniac!" I protest but permit his hand to remain when I notice how the trail has begun to widen out sufficiently to permit walking alongside one another.

We reach the end of the wide trail a few minutes later and once again find the tide rather high.

Michael takes his hand off my bum and clutches my left hand as we turn left onto the narrow strip of dry sand between the sandhills and breakers.

That's when I spot the people! A man and a woman are about three hundred metres away and coming directly towards us. I quickly assess that to turn and run would draw immediate attention upon us.

Michael spots them too. He squeezes my hand to reassure me of his presence.

"Don't panic darling! Keep walking. Let me handle this." He says.

I grip Michael's hand firmly and grit my teeth. My deportment, clothes and makeup skills are about to be tested under the harshest lighting conditions possible!

I attempt to look relaxed and distracted by my environment, looking out to sea and down at the sand at my feet. When Michael squeezes my hand again, I steal a quick glance at the people. They look like a middleaged couple who both wear long trousers. They are only a hundred metres away now and will pass with only a few metres separating us in a few minutes.

My heart is pounding as I stare out to sea again.

When I steal another quick glance at the people I am horrified to see that they have changed course slightly and are heading directly for us!

I look down at my feet those last few steps before Michael stops.

I lift my sight from the sand at my feet to find a middle aged couple standing only about two metres in front of us!

"Hello, enjoying your walk?" Michael asks.

"Yes thanks! It's lovely here isn't it?" The man replies.

"Yes very remote, but nice too!" Michael answers.

I scan my sight back and forth between the two faces, searching for that stare that proves my cover is blown. I see the man's eyes steal a glance at my legs but then both sets of eyes appear to remain mostly focussed upon Michael. Perhaps they suspect that I am very shy or have a disability!

"Have you seen any of these on this beach?" The woman asks. She holds a small shell out in front of her.

"We collect shells." The man explains.

Michael studies it closely, but I am too frightened to step any closer and remain where I am, gripping Michael's hand.

"No we haven't but then again we havent been looking that closely." Michael says.

I am still too frightened to speak lest my rather masculine voice blows my cover. So I turn my head from side to side in the accepted fashion for negative.

I see the man sneak another glance my way, then the woman takes another look at me. I feel that my cover is blown and begin to cringe with embarrassment! But then I realise how very different I must look in this beach setting. Both people before me are dressed in what I would describe as unisex clothing. Shirts, long trousers, and boots. I am certainly the odd one out here!

"Okay, enjoy your walk!" The man says.

"You too! Hope you find something!" Michael says.

I watch with relief as the couple turn and resume their walk.

Michael renews his grip upon me and drags me off towards the south.

"Shit that was bloody embarrassing!" I say as soon as we are out of hearing range.

"They never suspected a thing darling!" Michael says.

"I saw each of them study me closely! I think they suspected something!"

"Yes but only because of how you stand out. You must admit that compared with them, you must have looked rather over dressed!"

"Yes I thought of that too."

"I bet they thought we were just crazy newly weds!" Michael says.

I laugh. "We are!"

It takes another half hour of walking to settle my nerves after that fright and get my brain back to reality. That's when I recall our intention to retrieve my white panties.

"Hey what about my white panties?" I ask.

Michaels stops. "Oh shit yeah. Meeting that couple put me right off looking for them."

"Perhaps we should be heading back now anyway?" I ask.

We turn around and get another shock. A big black cloud has built up over the sea and threatens to dump a shower over the beach!

"Did you bring a coat or umbrella darling?" Michael asks.

"No! Did you?"

"We are crazy newly weds alright! Hey we better hurry!" Michael says.

He holds my right hand and we walk as fast as we can. We watch the cloud roll in closer and closer. When the sea turns from a deep green to a grey fleck pattern, we acknowledge that we can never reach the shelter of the cottage in time.

The first spits that arrive to smack into us feel rather harmless and we laugh at our predicament.

But then the shower begins in earnest and I feel heavy drops smack into hair and onto my face. "Well there goes my makeup again!" I yell.

Michael laughs. "This is a bit like that splashing each other in the sea now!"

I turn to look at Michael. "Shall we?"

He lets go of my hand and races off towards the edge of the sea. I follow behind and we laugh and squeal and kick the water at our feet madly. With fresh water slamming into our upper bodies we don't need to turn and charge each other, so run in a straight line back toward our trail to the cottage. When I feel water soak right through my blouse, into my bra and down through to under my skirt and into my panties, I find myself enjoying the unusual sensation. However when water enters my eyes and I have to keep blinking to see where I am going, I am not so impressed.

We run, walk and then run again as soon as our fitness permits, all the while squealing and laughing like children.

Eventually my pleated skirt clings to my legs restricting my movements. So I lift my skirt to my waist and run along the edge of the sea squealing even louder!

But eventually I feel completely spent and stop.

"Where's our track to the cabin darling?" I ask.

Michael looks up and down the beach. "Don't know. The shower has obliterated many of our footprints."

"Oh nice! First I get closely scrutinised by strangers. Then wet in a shower. And now we are lost on a beach with no way out!"

"You're forgetting something else my darling." Michael says.

"What's that?"

"I have lost your white panties now too!"

I look at Michael and when I spot the mischievious grin on his handsome face, I forget my troubles and begin laughing. He laughs too, wraps his arms around me and we share a rather prolonged kiss as the rain pounds down upon us.

"We really are a pair of crazy newly weds aren't we?" Michael asks when we finally break apart.

"Yes but it sure has been fun!" I say.

"Lets find our way out of here!" Michael says.

As we walk to study the wall of sand above the beach, I notice how the air seems to be getting lighter as the shower passes over toward the north west.

However we find no familiar tracks or valleys between the dunes to indicate our private trail to the cottage.

"What now? Do we walk this way or that way?" I ask, pointing my arms out both ways along the beach.

"Don't know. With all that running on our return, we've got no time frame to match with the distance this time," Michael says.

"Well at least the rain has stopped!" I say.

Michael looks up and down the beach. "I say we go south a bit. I can see the top of a large tree over there and I'm sure that was just south of our entry point to the beach."

We trudge off towards the south. My wet clothes feel heavy and cling to every part of my body, making the walking an ordeal. But the way my skirt restricts my leg movements soon becomes unbearable and I stop.

"Hang on a minute Michael!" I call out. "This skirt is driving me crazy."

Michael laughs. "I know how you feel!"

He watches as I drop my skirt to the sand and step out of it. When I pick it up I notice how contact with the sand at my feet has added a thick layer of sand to the wet garment.

"Wow those striped panties really are sexy! Especially when wet!" Michael says.

I look down and see how my cock and balls are clearly visible through the wet fabric!

We trudge on with Michael leading. The sun breaks through the clouds, highlighting a rather different beach surface above the high water mark. Heavy rain drops have created a pock marked texture to the former dry wind blown surface.

Then Michael calls out: "We're back at our entrance!"

I stand alongside him and am relieved to see that he is right. The heavy rain drops have altered the surface of the sand, but the deep footprints are still clearly visible, heading up between the dunes.

"Wait here. I will fetch your white panties for you." Michael says. He drops his pack on the sand and goes bounding up the bare sand face of the dune, following the half hidden footprints we made the night before. I drop my pack and watch as he searches around amongst the marram grass where we made love.

The sun feels delightful where it warms the bare parts of my body, but my blouse continues to feel heavy and clammy. So when it appears that Michael is having trouble locating my white panties, I lift my blouse off over my head and stand with my back to the sun letting the sun warm a lot more of my skin and hopefully my lingerie too.

I watch Michael's head appear, vanish then reappear as he hunts around on top of the dune. It appears obvious that we must have accidently stood on my panties at some point, pressing them into the soft sand or they are hidden under a thick clump of marram grass.

When I return my sight to my immediate area, I catch sight of something yellow to my right and turn my head to investigate. Two people wearing yellow raincoats are about a hundred metres distance and walking away from me along the beach! The two shell collectors have come up behind me unoticed and must have passed within two or three metres of me whilst I stood in bra and panties, drying my back!

I hear a loud yell from the direction of the sandhill and divert my eyes that way again. Michael is standing on the highest point and using both hands to hold my white panties aloft for all to see!

I look back at the shell collectors and see both people turn their heads to see what the crazy man is yelling about.

Michael spots them now too and hurriedly squeezes my panties into the ball of one hand and comes bounding back down the steep sand slope toward me.

"Well that was fun!" Michael says as he arrives beside me.

"That's okay for you to say! Those people got a very close up view of my back whilst I was only wearing a bra and panties!"

Michael scans his eyes over my lingerie clad body. "Well at least you were wearing great looking lingerie! I bet that man was stealing a few glances at your big soft bum in those gorgeous candy stripe panties!"

"I just hope he didn't see my cock and balls in the front!" I squeal.

"Yes but your bum cheeks look very feminine!"

We pick up our packs and begin the walk back to the cabin. As usual, Michael offers me the lead position so he can perve at my bum cheeks moving inside my panties.

"Wow, those wet panties really have become see-through!" Michael yells.

As we trudge along the sandy trail, I replay this morning's events in my mind and try to assess what the shell collectors would have made of our antics. Did they see us as a newly wed couple with a very shy wife, or a gay couple with one making a very amature attempt to be a girl?

Michael distracts my thoughts. "Those candy stripes are making me feel hungry!"

"It isn't lunch time yet." I say.

"I wasn't thinking about food!"

We negotiate the style into the field and begin picking our way past the thistles and cow shit.

"I can't wait to remove these wet clothes and get under that lovely shower!" I say,

"I can't wait to get my hands on the beautiful body that walks before me!" Michael says.

We reach the safety of the cottage just after eleven and I head straight into the bathroom. I dump my wet clothes on the floor and turn the shower on. But as I reach across to adjust the water temperature, I find my privacy invaded by a naked man!

"Hey! What are you doing?" I squeal.

My invader laughs, wraps his arms around me and lifts me into the shower box and under the water.

But it quickly becomes obvious that this showerbox was never built for two people. Our elbows bang against the walls as we wriggle and squeeze ourselves between the three walls and under the stream of warm water. The curtain is pushed aside roughly then falls with a clatter to the floor! But once in place and firmly locked in an embrace, we ignore the discomfort and likely damage. Water bounces and splashes off our bodies onto the floor and everywhere else it was never meant to go as we kiss.

Only a sudden cold sensation as the hot water runs out breaks up our silly game. Laughing and cursing we shut off the shower valve and squeeze back out of the narrow box. Water continues to drip and splash off both of us as I survey the damage. A lake of water stretches all the way to the door, making the sand coated clothes that I dropped appear like islands in a pond.

"Shit that was fun!" Michael says.

"Yes but this room is a mess!" I say.

Michael picks up the shower curtain to inspect the damage.

"Only came unpopped from it's rail!" He declares.

I grab my towel and begin drying myself as I watch a very wet, very sexy naked man reach to reclip the curtain. With water reflecting the light off every muscle and compound curve in his body, Michael looks fabulous. I feel a tingle begin in my pelvis area as I anticipate playing the role of his gurl once again and claiming my reward from that beautiful cock that dangles before my eyes.

By the time Michael has refitted the shower curtain, I am becoming seriously aroused.

Once I am dry, I attempt to distract my thoughts by mopping up the flood with my towel. I make two trips between the floor and the hand basin, where I wring the excess water from my towel before Michael stops me.

"Hey darling, I will finish this and then make us a bit of lunch. Why don't you start making yourself pretty for your new husband?" Michael says.

I give him a big smile and walk into the bedroom.

I open my cases and search through everything I brought with me, looking for something different yet suitable for a gurl to wear who desperately needs to get laid. But as I lift items to inspect their suitability, I begin to acknowledge that I have developed a growing desire to be forced over a chair and fucked senseless this time! After my morning of embarrassments and disasters and our reckless antics in the shower, I feel in the mood to make this last session at this cottage rather memorable!

When I find a black g-string, I find myself on a mission. I need to dress in something black and saucy! When I uncover the short black nightie that I brought with me as a back-up I am sorted! I search out a rough match in a bra and a black lace suspender belt. I step into the suspender and draw it up to my waist then begin gathering up each black stocking, fitting my feet into them, then pulling them up my legs and attaching them to the suspender. The stockings are embelished with hundreds of tiny black dots which seem to add a speckled refinement to the shape of my legs. I pause to indulge myself in a favourite distraction, running my hands over my stocking clad legs and luxuriating in the femininity that I sense. My increasing excitement eventually makes it's presence felt when I draw the g-string up my legs. I find I have to tuck my swollen cock and balls into the tiny vee shaped front panel. When I reach my hands to my arse cheeks and confirm that the string has indeed sunk between my cheeks, my arousal is racing into top gear. My hands are shaking as I fit the bra around my shoulders and pack my still rather cold silicones into the underwired cups.

Once again, I have to deliberate to control my nerves when I sit to apply my makeup. But then a heavy application of foundation is followed up by a rather heavy application of most everything! I end up with dark, broody looking eyes, bright cheeks and slightly overdrawn pinky-purple lips! But when I stand before the dressing table mirror and study my full length image, the heavy makeup seems to match the outrageous intentions that fill my silly head!

I lift the black babydoll nightie from my blue suitcase and slip it on over head. This nightie has a beautiful vee shaped lace panelled front which reaches to the waist, with a double layered, pleated skirt that falls from the waist to....well nowhere near far enough for a lady to wear! In fact the hem is so short, it conceals only about half of the front of my g-string, leaving the tops of my stockings and all four suspender straps in full view. When I turn and steal a look over my shoulder into the mirror, I get confirmation that the bottom half of my arse cheeks are in full view too. Perfect!

I slip my feet into medium heel, silver shoes and fasten the buckles. I check my appearance in the mirror one last time and then open the bedroom door.

Michael has the table set for lunch and is looking at the view when he hears the door latch click. He turns and I watch his eyes scan my body as I stand before him.

"Bloody hell woman! You keep surprising me with your outfits!"

"Thanks." I reply.

"Hey turn around darling! Give your husband a preview of how your pretty little bum looks in those cute little black panties!"

I shuffle myself around slowly. When Michael catches sight of my bare arse cheeks, he yells: "It's a bloody g-string! My lady has become a slut!"

Before I have time to complete my turn, I feel strong arms reach around me and I am lifted from the floor and carried over to the table and placed upon a chair.

"Now get some of these sandwiches into you before I get anymore excited!" Michael says.

I pick up a sandwich and take a bite but notice how my appetite seems to have waned! With a tight bra making it's presence felt under my arms, smooth stockings encasing my legs and with my bare arse in contact with the wooden chair seat, I am in crossdressing heaven. When my lover smiles at me across the table and I anticipate feeling him embracing me upon the bed, I loose all interest in food.

"You not hungry today darling?" Michael asks when he sees me staring into space.

I get the giggles. "Sorry!, your sandwiches are great!"

I take another bite from the sandwich and pretend to enjoy it but my distraction is impossible to ignore. The urge to spread my legs and let this gorgeous brute that sits opposite me force his magic weapon into my body is a compulsion!

Michael reads my mind. "Hey, we could come back to this later if you like?"

I put my half eaten sandwich down on the table, get to my feet and race out through the glass doors to the far end of the wooden deck.

"Hello cows, hello world come and see Miss Bee's cock!" I squeal and lower my g-string to my thighs.

I hear a loud roar of laughter from behind me.

I turn around and bend over at the waist. "Hello cows, hello world come and see Miss Bee's arse!"

"Come inside you silly gurl!" Michael yells.

I lower my g-string to my ankles, step out of it and kick the skimpy piece of cloth away across the deck using my right shoe. I feel my cock dangle and swing about freely as I pretend to dance about on the deck, giggling and squealling.

Suddenly two strong arms grab me from behind and lift me off the deck!

I squeal with delight as Michael carries me back through the glass doors. Within a few moments, I find myself being deposited upon the settee facing the back and with my knees on the seat. I grip the back of the settee with both hands and await my fate with my heart thumping.

"You're a crazy gurl Miss Bee!" Michael exclaims.

I jump when several fingers contact my bare upper thighs! When I feel the fingers attempt to spread my thighs, I shuffle my knees further apart along the seat.

"Hey darling this nightie is really fucking sexy!" Michael says.

I feel a soft tongue contact my arse cheeks and begin kissing and slobbering back and forth across my bare, sensitive skin.

When one of Michael's hands reaches for my dangling cock and bends it back to reach it to his mouth, I interrupt.

"Don't worry too much about my responses this session Michael." I say.

"Why darling? I love arousing you as much as fucking you!"

"Yes I know and thank you for that. But this time I just need to feel that gorgeous cock of yours in me and making that amazing connection for the maximum length of time!"

"Whatever you wish my darling!" Michael says.

He disappears for a few moments and my imagination runs wild. I see his wet, greased cock poised to strike at my tiny hole...

When a hand lands upon my lower back, I jump with fright. But then I feel his wet, greased cock contact my arse slot!

It feels fat and swollen and once again I question my sanity. Why do I encourage men to plunder my body like this?

But when he presses his intent harder and I feel the power behind his threat, I plead with Michael to continue. "Oh yes! Fuck me darling!" I squeal.

I bite my bottom lip and hold my breath as he forces his great weapon against my resistance. After three or four good thumps, I feel a suddenly release of pressure then a gorgeous burning sensation as my body is invaded. After two days and numerous instances of rather blatant abuse, my sphincter seems to have given up it's struggle to resist!

"Oh baby! Yes baby! I really do love that connected feeling!" I say.

Michael thrusts slowly for a few strokes, then quickens the pace.

"Fuck darling, that really is good!" He says.

In a few minutes his pace slows again and I relax my strong grip upon the back of the settee.

Then suddenly he pulls his cock right out. "Lay yourself back along this settee darling with your bum at that end and your legs raised," he suggests, pointing to the armless end of the settee.

I follow his directive and watch with excitement as Michael kneels to bring his shiny and beautiful cock up to bury it into the tingling hole below my balls. When I rest my raised legs against his big hairy chest, and take in the view before me, I feel as one with my lover.

Consequently, when Michael looks down upon my prone body and smiles, my heart beats increase dramatically. I consider asking for the tube of lubricant so I can wank myself as he fucks but decide instead to concentrate all my attentions upon the satisfaction of being fucked as a gurl. Spending all that time on the beach as a gurl this morning has reinforced my visions of myself as the submissive gurl in this relationship. Right now I can't believe that I could ever be satisfied again by a single masculine orgasm.

When Michael smiles down upon me again, I decide to pamper myself with a few of my secret passions.

"Pull you cock right out darling. I want to see the beautiful weapon that transmits so much pleasure to my internal glands."

Michael pauses, smiles and pulls his cock clear of my body, shuffling his knees to bring himself forward a little to offer me a better view. When I look through between my raised legs and I see his cock hanging there just above my balls, I begin to drool with desire. Men's cocks always impress me with their brute functionality but bare and wet after it's immersion in the soft, wet folds of my rectum, Michael's cock offers an expression of intimacy like no other. This impression is further enhanced when I spot the slotted hole in Michael's knob. For many minutes I stare at this hole and imagine the powerful shots of creamy liquid that will soon be shooting from there to enter my body!

"Thanks darling. Sometimes I just need a reminder of why I love being a transgurl."

Michael smiles. "You are such a delightful gurl to fuck!"

He reinserts his cock very slowly, giving me time to count the length as his shaft forces it's passage through my rectum and then appreciate that gorgeous full sensation when he pauses.

"How is that for you darling?" Michael asks as he holds his cock fully embedded in my arse.

"I love that sensation darling! We are connected as true lovers now!"

Without warning, Michael stuns me by thrusting fast, thumping his pelvis against my bum cheeks whilst he searches my eyes for my reactions. When I smile, he smiles in return, confident that I approve of whatever he desires.

When he slows his pace, I acknowledge that he is pacing himself whilst savouring the experience.

"Oh darling, looking down upon your gorgeous slim body and feeling that connection that we share is exquisite!" Michael says.

"I love being your woman in every way possible darling! This trip has enabled me to relax and express my transgender status like never before." I say.

Michael pauses in mid stroke to look into my eyes. "My god, I really do love fucking you Miss Bee! You commmunicate your feelings so well!"

He pulls his cock right out and then presses it fully home again. The stretch sensation is great when he powers in but it's that fullness that I love the most.

"Oh fuck, I love fucking you Bee!"

"Oooo darling that was exquisite for me too! Do that again, do it again!" I plead.

He pulls out and I feel his swollen knob bump into my left bum cheek briefly, before sliding to the right and entering my hole where it powers all the way into me, maintaining a powerful left stretch sensation all the way to full insertion.

I get the impression that I am being teased! "Oh fuck!" I say.

Encouraged, Michael expands his tease. He pulls out and dips his cock low in my slot, maintaining pressure so that his shaft bends slightly as it slides up my slot. When his knob finally rises sufficiently to encounter my anus, it pops through my entrance with a rush, filling me in an instant!

"You bloody tease!" I squeal.

Michael's tease continues for many minutes, each withdrawl leaving me feeling empty, yet each carefully choreographed new entry adding to my sense of being penetrated as a woman. My arse feels soft and pliable as it is bent and stretched one way and then another, yet all the while appearing to grip and take pleasure from the powerful shaft that invades it.

When Michael returns to regular thrusting, his cock creates a gorgeous friction in my rectum that surges, wanes, then surges again without any means of control or limitation. Yet this lack of control fits well within my feminine aspirations. If this is what women experience during sex, then I want to be one!

"Oooooo yes darling! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" I yell as everything burns, tingles and jumps between my legs.

When Michael follows my demand, increasing his thrust rate, I feel minute shudders join the other gorgeous sensations. It's much like the initial tremours of a male orgasm and I hold my breath awaiting the full explosion!

But then Michael breaks my concentration by suddenly pulling out and stepping away from my raised legs.

"Get your pretty little arse out on the deck darling. Lets give those cows something to watch!"

I lower my legs, get off the settee and race out onto the deck.

I lean over the handrail at the end and spread my legs.

"Hello cows, hello world come and see Miss Bee being fucked!" I squeal.

Michael laughs.

When he hands me the tube of lubricant, I understand the finality of this position.

When I grease my right hand and grab my cock, I am shocked at the sensitivity already apparent and relax my grip immediately. I need to concentrate all my senses upon being a gurl now.

When Michael's cock enters my body again, I notice a dramatic change in awareness. My sphincter acknowledges being stretched wide again, but the different angle of Michael's cock within my rectum is very noticable. His knob appears to be forcing a new path along the upper reaches of my rectum, adding a sense of power and dominance with it's every move. The stretch and burn is great, but the impression that my body is being used for my lover's pleasure exceeds all other stimulous and I let go of my cock, to grip the railing with both hands. Within a few moments, I have tears of joy building in my eyes as my body reacts to what I consider the ultimate pleasure of being a transgurl.

"Fuck me darling! Indulge yourself in my body's pleasures and deliver your gratuity!" I say.

"You had better grab your cock and wank yourself baby, because I gunna cum soon!" Michael says.

I grab my cock and begin stroking it gently in sequence with Michael's thrusts.

"Oh baby, I love my little gurl!" Michael says.

When Michael increases his thrust rate, I give up serious wanking again to concentrate on the spirit of giving pleasure as a female. This was my role for this weekend, wasn't it?

"Oooo yes baby! I gunna cum! I am gunna cum up your arse! Can I cum up your arse darling?"

His question seems so impertinent, I get the giggles!

But then I feel a strange 'pat, pat, pat' sensation on my bare shoulders that I recognise as water drops. It's beginning to rain again!

Michael recognises it too and pauses.

I expect him to withdraw so we can run inside but my lover determines to make this last love making session very memorable indeed. He grips me to him, laughs and increases his thrust rate as the rain drops turn into a deluge!

"Love you Bee! Love you!" Michael squeals.

I feel water splash over my shoulders, trickle down my back and seep into my nightie and bra. But rather than discomfort, the wetness adds a sense of craziness and hilarity to our love making. The rain is cold but my body burns with passion! I grip the railing with both hands and jump about with glee as Michael increases his thrusting speed. His cock burns a trail of exquisite pleasure through the connected sex channels between my legs now. Suddenly, those obscure shudders return! They race through between my legs and appear to embrace the strong intruder in my rectum. I squeal with joy, then grab my cock and wank myself rapidly.

"Now! Squirt your cum into me big boy!" I scream.

Michael laughs. "Oh fuck yes!"

He thrusts wildly, staggers against me then squeals into my soaking wet blonde hair! "Oh baby! Baby! I love you!"

I feel his pelvis jump and his cock twich inside my rectum. My latest gift is being delivered!

But then my own body convulses from within and my sex glands overwhelme me with pleasure.

"Ooooo Michael, I love you! I love you!" I squeal as my orgasm takes hold and my cum shoots from my cock to splatter against the deck pailings.

I feel Michael's body flex, then stagger against me again.

"Oh yes, give it to me Michael!" I plead.

"Oh yes baby!" Michael says.

I feel his body shiver as he delivers his last squirts of cum into my body.

It is only later, when we begin to calm down from our sexual highs, that we become reminded of our situation. Still locked together in sexual harmony and with the rain continuing to pelt us, we begin laughing.

"Oh dear we really are a pair of crazy love birds aren't we?" Michael asks.

"Maybe, but I sure enjoyed this session!" I reply.

"I have enjoyed every godamn minute of this weekend with you Miss Bee!" Michael says.

"Me too. Miss Bee is in love!" I say.

Michael reaches his mouth to my neck and kisses my wet skin. "I'm in love with a very funny little gurl!" He whispers.

Two hours later and dressed in male attire, I hold the gate open and watch the tyres on Michael's silver BMW leave deep tread marks on the wet gravel as he drives his car back through the farm gateway.

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