Birthday Gurl

By Miss Bee

Published on Apr 18, 2019


This story is fiction. Any similarity between charactors in this story and real people is coincidental. If you enjoy reading this, please make a donation to nifty so that those of us who are blessed with gay or bisexuality can continue to thrill, enlighten or disgust you. Feedback very welcome to:

BIRTHDAY GURL - Part two By Miss Bee

I awake on Saturday morning to an unfamiliar bellowing sound. The cow takes another breath and repeats the gutteral roar.

A whisper reminds me of my situation. "Morning sweetie."

I open my eyes to find Michael's handsome face just inches in front of mine on the same pillow.

"Hi," I reply as my brain begins to absorb my surroundings. "Morning handsome dude," I whisper.

He smiles and my heart skips a beat. "Did I ever tell you that you are very handsome?" I whisper.

"Did I ever tell you that you are a very pretty gurl?" He counters.

I giggle. "Yes I believe you did say that several times last night as you delivered my sexy birthday present!"

Michael fakes a shocked expression.

"I don't recall that. Maybe you could recount what I said....and what I did?" He whispers.

I start giggling. "I seem to have forgotten now too!"

Michael laughs. "Then maybe we could resume here again now so as to refresh both our memories?"

I feel his right hand reach for me under the sheet. Before I can react, he's got his arm over my shoulder and is pulling me towards him.

"Michael, please! I need to visit the...." My words are cut short as Michael plants a kiss in my lips. I return his affections but I do worry about my appearance. After last nights intimacies and shower, I haven't had a chance to redo my makeup. I must look very masculine despite my babydoll nightie!

Fortunately, Michael releases me after a few minutes and I sneak off to the bathroom. After emptying my bladder and restoring my feminine semblance to a resonable standard, I return to the bedroom to find our bed empty. A tinkle of cutlery in the kitchen leads me through the door, where I discover Michael, with a dressing gown concealing his naked body, busy preparing some breakfast.

He spots my arrival. "Sit down my darling. Breakfast is on it's way!"

"Hey, you would make a good husband!" I say.

He laughs. "Honeymoons don't last forever!"

I sit down at the table.

"Is this our honeymoon?" I ask as he brings tea, toast and poached eggs to the table.

"Well it certainly felt like we had our wedding night last night!"

"Yes I must thank you for that darling." I say.

"I should thank you. Last night you provided the opportunities to allow us to move closer together than I have ever been with a same sex partner. Before last night, being in your company was always fun but now I am in love with a very special little gurl !" Michael blurts.

"Thanks darling. I have believed I was in love with you for a long time. But last night allowed me the chance to cement the bond." I say.

We eat in silence for awhile as we gaze upon the view. Several black cows have moved up close to the cottage and I watch as one wraps his tongue around clumps of grass and tears it from the plants. I wonder what would happen if the plant's roots were not secure and the cow got a mouthful of dirt with the grass?

Michael disturbs my childish musings. "What do you fancy doing today my sexy baby?"

"Oh, I hadn't really thought about it. I'm just happy to be here in the presence of my lover." I reply.

"How about we make up a picnic hamper and go for a long walk along the beach to the north?"

"Sounds delightful! But what should a gurl wear on such an adventure?" I ask.

"Something short and able to lift in the wind!"

"You are awful!"

"Hey, what you really need for trip to a beach like this is a proper ladies swimsuit!" Michael says.

I try to sound disinterested. "Do you really think so?"

But Michael's imagination is stirred.

"Oh yes baby. I reckon you would look bloody gorgeous cavorting about on a beach in a rather tight one piece ladies swimsuit!" Michael says.

I continue with my sham. "But I can't swim at this beach."

"Never mind that. Just to walk, sunbathe and titivate your randy partner would be fun enough, wouldn't it?"

"But I haven't got the right figure for one of those things. My masculine bits would bulge out in all the wrong places!"

"Of course they wouldn't! You could tuck your cock between your legs and then your fabulous slim figure would fill out all the right places in one of those garments!"

"Anyway I didn't think I would ever get a chance to wear one in the right situation, so have never looked at them in the shops." I lie.

"Now that's a real shame," Michael says.

We clean up the breakfast dishes, then I duck into the bedroom to shower and change my clothes.

I remove my babydoll nightie, bra and panties, then reach into the bottom of my blue suitcase and remove my blue floral swimsuit.

I brought this one with me because I love the bright colours and the very unique crossover front panels, one of which drops to form a tight overlay or 'skirt' across the lower front. This relieves me of the need to fold my cock back into the narrow crotch between the legs. A restriction that could become uncomfortable after an extended period of walking such as may occur here on this long beach.

I step into the swimsuit and pull it up my legs, stretching the brightly coloured nylon/elastane fabric to spread across my hips and hide my cock. The suit feels tighter than when I last wore it, indicating that I must have put on some weight recently. But with no alternative suit with me, I determine to struggle into it. When I lift the shoulder straps to rest across both shoulders, the fit is so tight that I become fearful that the material may tear. But the sensation of being enclosed and held tight by a garment is one feminine experience that I always enjoy. I reach beneath the neckline and pack my silicones into the cotton built-in bra cups, then do my makeup again. A final check of my reflection in the dressing table mirror shows up a few unwelcome bulges and that the skirt has risen whilst I had been sitting. But I do feel that my femininity looks rather convincing, especially with that bold colour and bright leaf patterns splashed across the front panels of the suit. I push the skirt back down into it's correct place and head for the door. Michael is in for a big surprise!

I find Michael packing some sandwiches into his backpack when I make my grand entrance.

He looks up. "Oh you cheeky little bunny. You fooled me big time there!"

I laugh.

I watch Michael's eyes survey my appearance, then spin around quickly to offer him a good view of the plunging rear panel.

"Wow! Love that open back. Goes right down to your waist!" He says.

"Thanks darling."

"Miss Bee, you continue to surprise me! You look fabulous in that! I am really looking forward to escorting my lady to the beach now!"

"Thanks darling. But I hope that beach is as deserted today as it was yesterday!"


"Don't know whether I would pass if someone got close."

"With your fabulous figure filling those bright coloured panels like that everybody would be fooled for miles around! Anyway who would expect a crossdresser to be wearing a ladies swimsuit?"

"Yes that's a good point. And it will certainly look bright and feminine from a distance." I say.

"That is for sure!" Michael exclaims as he continues to perve.

My confidence is raised but I still can't resist reaching my hands to the swimsuit's tiny skirt and attempting to stretch it down over my crotch area.

"I don't know about this though. This swimsuit looks pretty from a distance but because this skirt is the lower edge of one half of these very stretchy front panels, everytime I straighten my shoulders or bend, it lifts, exposing my oversized pubes!" I say.

Michael laughs. "I will need to watch this. I prefer ladies with heavy pussie lips!"

I laugh. "So I've noticed!"

He walks into the bedroom to dress, whilst I load some drinks into my backpack.

When he returns to the kichen, I look up to find him wearing a tiny yellow g-string style swimsuit!

"Wow, you bloody sexy brute!" I exclaim.

He copies my turn routine and I notice how the lower half of the wide 'string' at the rear of his costume has sunk between the cheeks of his arse.

"Got to try and match your beach style somehow darling." He says.

"Yes but I feel all covered up and you are next to naked!"

Michael laughs. "Well you could have worn a bikini!"

I excuse myself and return to the bedroom, where I stuff a bright red bra, panties, camisole, a short slip style dress and some makeup items into my backpack, stowing them alongside my beach towel.

When I return to the kitchen area, Michael has his backpack on and is waiting to leave.

"You got a towel?" I ask.

"Yes. But don't know what for. You know we can't swim." Michael replies.

"I know that too but for something to sit on for our lunch stop." I say.

I grab my backpack and we head off out the door.

We lock the cabin and head off over the first style. Michael follows the same routine as the day before but with a swimsuit on there is very little for him to perve at that he hasn't already seen.

"Wow, you sure look girlie today darling!" He says as he follows me over the style.

We dodge some old and some very fresh cow shit in the field, climb the second style and then thread our way along the sandy trail to the beach. Michael follows behind as usual and I imagine him watching my arse bend and flex where the elastic leg openings of my swimsuit bite firmly into both of my arse cheeks.

"Wow! That swimsuit fits your feminine figure the way it was designed to do!" Michael says.

As we approach the beach through the final valley of sand, we get a shock. The tide is in! Waves are crashing onto the soft sand just below the sandhills. Walking on soft sand is going to be an ordeal we had not envisaged.

"Oh well, we will just pick our way along and beachcomb for a bit," Michael suggests.

"The tide will drop later," I say.

We turn to the right and plod slowly along the soft sand, skirting around pieces of driftwood and dodging the odd rogue wave that threatens to wet our feet. The beach is littered with the usual human detritus mixed with marine foliage torn from the ocean. Plastic soft drink cans reflect the sun where they gather in clusters amid patches of dried seaweed. In places, seaweed has become entangled and dried then collected wind blown sand to form raised beds several metres across. Brighter pieces of plastic catch our attention and when we disturb them, many turn out to be plastic clothes pegs.

"Sailors must hang their washing out a lot!" Michael says.

As we move on, my swimsuit continues to make it's presence felt, clinging like a glove to my figure, creating a very sexy closed in sensation that is a constant reminder of my sexual status. Crossdressing can be fun enough at home but to be granted the freedom to walk along a beach dressed in appropriate beach clothing is absolutely wonderful!

Michael discovers a length of braided fishing net cordage and attempts to untangle the knots in it as we walk.

We move on and find an area covered in a quantity of large shells. We drop our packs and attempt to spin them into the wind. Michael discovers that his superior strength is not helping with his spinning ability!

I discover that bending to pick up shells forces my swimsuit's skirt up, revealing my pubes! Michael laughs everytime I struggle to force it down again, but just toying with my tight garment is fun enough for this gurl.

When we move on again, I attempt to ignore my skirt and concentrate on my immediate environment, looking for interesting items that the ocean has deposited on the shore. But whenever Michael's masculine body looms into view, I find my concentration slipping. At one point, whilst I am thus distracted, my feet catch on some lengths of dried seaweed and I nearly trip up.

Michael laughs. "Watch where you are going there gurl!"

When Michael discovers that he has left his length of cordage behind where we had paused to spin the shells, I laugh at him.

About an hour passes before we stop, lay our towels out on the sand above the high water mark and sit to enjoy a drink. My swimsuit reminds me of it's presence where it stretches to accommodate my bent torso but I enjoy every tug and tight grip upon my frame.

"This place is certainly deserted!" Michael says.

"Yes, just us and the birds!" I say.

"After all that walking I don't see that we have made any progress along this enormous beach."

"Yes, I see what you mean. This place is so devoid of features." I say.

"I don't totally agree with that. I can see some very interesting features from here," Michael says.

I look up to ascertain what he has discovered and find him looking at my legs!

"Michael! You are awful!"

"But hey you really do look fab in that swimsuit darling!"

"Thanks Michael. I feel super, super gurlie today!"

"I can see that in your expression darling. You've been on a high since we left the cottage!"

We finish our drinks, pick up our belongings and start walking on.

By now the tide has dropped sufficiently to allow us to walk on the top edge of the hard sand. Although the odd bigger wave still sweeps up the beach occasionally, forcing us to vear off onto patches of dry sand, where our feet sink into the softer surface.

As the novelty of wearing a tight ladies swimsuit begins to wear off, I turn my attentions upon Michael more frequently. The wide 'string' at the rear of his swim trunks has sunk into the lower half of his arse crack, highlighting the muscle structure in his bum as he walks. For a while, I wander along behind him and fail to notice any interesting items amidst the flotsam at my feet, or bother to push my swimsuit's skirt down!

We trudge on for about another half hour, then Michael stops suddenly.

"Hey this is crazy. We could walk all day here and the view would still be the same!"

I stand alongside him and look up and down the beach.

"You are right. But walking is rather therapeutic though isn't it?" I ask.

"I know something else that we could do that would be far more therapeutic!" Michael says.

"Sex?" I ask.

"Now you are awful!"

I look up and catch a grin on his face.

"Lets run around in that shallow water and kick it up like we did yesterday!"

"Lets do it!" I yell. Why didn't I think of this before?

We race off to the dry sand above the high water mark and drop our packs.

"Go!" Michael orders.

I race off down to where the waves are sweeping up the beach and begin kicking the shallow water. To be able to frolic about in a ladies swimsuit at a real beach is so exhilarating, I ignore Michael and run about like a silly schoolgirl.

After several minutes of splashing, Michael calls out: "Hey your skirt is riding up!"

I feel embarrassed and stop immediately to push it down.

Michael seizes his opportunity. He comes up behind me and deliberately kicks water against the back of my legs!

"You cheeky bastard!" I squeal.

I race off to circle around behind him to effect my revenge. But Michael spots my intent and turns to charge toward me. We approach each other kicking furiously and pass within arm's length squealing like children. I run through a shower of frothy water that smacks into my legs, my swimsuit and some even reaches my chest! As I turn to face Michael again, my closed in sensation raises my confidence. I feel dry and immune to whatever he can throw at me!

On my next pass, I ignore the wall of water that Michael generates and drench him with a well timed kick. At our next pass, I notice how magnificent Michael looks when he is gleaming wet. After this I become so distracted by his appearance and giggle so much as he approaches that my acuracy and timing suffers badly. Michael attempts to distract me with reminders about how my swimsuit skirt has lifted as he begins his charge but I ignore him and charge toward him regardless.

In time though I notice how my swimsuit has absorbed enough water to reach my dry skin underneath, adding a new experience to today's adventure. Being able to wear one of my swimsuits at an appropriate location has become even more memorable. Being a gurl at a beach is great fun! My suit feels heavy as well as tight now yet the increased awareness I feel encourages me to continue with our crazy game. I squeal and yell and attempt to wet Michael with every pass but eventually admit that getting soaked in the other's spray is half the fun.

Eventually I tire and return to our packs. Michael joins me and we dry ourselves with our towels. Well, I dry the half of my body that is not covered by wet, stretch nylon/elastane!

"Shit that was fun!" Michael says.

"You were brutal!" I say.

Michael laughs. "You gave as good as you got my darling!"

I sit down with my towel draped around my shoulders and watch Michael finish drying himself. His wet, muscle bound chest looks positively gorgeous in the sunlight. His pectorals overhang his rib cage like broad breasts. Below his flat belly, his cock and balls form a bulge in the front of his tiny swimsuit, concealing his nakedness yet offering this gurl a strong hint of the masculine weapon lurking inside.

"You have a very beautiful body!" I say.

"Thank you darling. Everything about you is beautiful too," he replies.

"Thanks but I must look rather less feminine after that soaking you delt me!"

"Don't worry my sweet, I know how you feel inside and that's what counts."

He sits alongside me and we look out upon the sea for several minutes, each alone with our thoughts. His words have confirmed my perception of this man as my lover. I firmly believe that I have found my lifetime partner. As only a part time dresser it is important that any lover of mine can see past the masculine image that society demands I must present during a large part of my life.

We pick up our packs and continue walking north.

I soon discover that wearing a woman's bathing suit that has been soaked in water is not much fun at all. It feels cold and clammy now, but I resist mentioning my discomfort to Michael as I have determined to wear it whilst we are still on this beach. I may never get another chance like this!

We stop to investigate sawn planks of timber laying half buried in the sand.

"Looks like frames from a boat or ship." Michael says.

When I bend to investigate the pieces closely, I feel my wet swimsuit chafe the skin under my arms, adding to my discomfort.

We walk on. But then Michael stops suddenly.

"Lunch?" He asks.

I am relieved. This swimsuit has lost it's novelty merits!

"I think we should maybe seek some shelter from this hot sun first." I say.

Michael stands up to scan the area beyond the sandhills, searching for trees.

"There appears to be some trees just over there that we could check out." Michael says.

We pick up our belongings and plod up the soft sand between the hillocks. Michael leads the way, leaving me free to concentrate on the sight immediately before me. With the string of his swim trunks still part way into his arse crack, his tight cheeks flex and shimmer as he walks. Memories of last night's powerful performance come flooding back. The thumps, the deep penetrations, the squeals of joy, the... I find myself staring at an empty valley of sand when Michael turns left abruptly!

Back with my leader and feeling a little sheepish, I follow him into a deep valley between some large sand dunes and I am surprised to find patches of wet sand under my feet. I sense that there must be plenty of shade here somewhere. When some stunted trees appear to our right, I assess that we are headed in the right direction.

Michael stops suddenly. "Look at this!" He says.

I step up beside him. Nestled between the walls of sand is a tiny narrow lake! To the left, a very steep wall of sand runs down to the lake edge and to the right a gentle slope leads to several stunted trees with perfect shelter from the harsh sun. My view of water terminates where the lake curves to the left after about a hundred metres, it's true extent concealed by a jumble of trees, flax and pampas grasses.

"This must be one of those lakes the owner mentioned." Michael says.

"It looks like a perfect place for a picnic," I say.

"More than just a picnic." Michael adds.

I look at him, then back to the lake. "You got something else in mind?"

Michael laughs.

We walk over to the stunted trees on the right and drop our packs in the small patch of shade.

Michael turns toward the lake.

"Be careful! There could be tree stumps or logs hidden in that water!" I warn.

We enter the lake cautiously, testing the temperature with our toes, then entering slowly. The water is certainly cold, but appears very clean. Being able to swim or even just splash about in my swimsuit encourages me to ignore the clammy sensation now.

"It's great to get that salt off!" Michael says as he wades in.

"It's great to get into real water!" I say as I sit down on the sand bottom with the water lapping over my shoulders. I feel relieved in not having to admit my problems with my swimsuit to Michael.

"This looks about as deep as it gets here." Michael says as he stands in water up to his armpits.

I get up and assist Michael to walk around in the lake testing the bottom for hidden dangers. When we find none we begin splashing freely around in our own private pool. I attempt to keep my face out of direct contact with the water to preserve as much as possible of my makeup. But after those splashing games in the sea, I wonder how I must look?

"All that sea air and running around has made me bloody hungry!" Michael declares.

We return to our gear and I look at Michael. "All that naked masculinity has made me bloody randy!"

He laughs and hands me a ham sandwich. "Get that into you my sweet and you may just get your wish!"

As we eat, I find my mind flitting back and forth between what my eyes interpret about my immediate environment and the anticipation building within my sex glands for what lies in store. I begin sneaking glances at Michael and dreaming of what it will feel like when his cock is inserted into my body later. I muse over how exquisite it feels to be linked to a man by insertion of his cock, then wonder how such a perfunctory insertion, usually achieved only because of sexual lust, can carry such dramatic emotional connoctations for me.

Michael seems to read my thoughts. "Is my birthday gurl happy?"

"Oh yes very happy thank you Michael." I blurt.

He laughs. "You sound a little distracted! Is the natural beauty of this place leading you astray?"

I laugh. "You know very well what is leading me astray!"

He reaches across and lays his right hand across my shoulder. "You want to go back to our little love nest and make passionate love for the rest of the afternoon?" He asks.

"No. I kind of been thinking how naughty it would be to make love right here beside our own swimming hole!"

"You and me think along similar lines!" Michael says.

I turn my head and we share a brief kiss. The salt from the sea has added a wonderful tang to his masculine flavours.

"Best we let our lunch settle a bit first though." Michael suggests.

"Shall we explore our surroundings?" I ask.

Michael gets to his feet, catches my left hand and helps me to my feet.

"You are the perfect gentleman!" I say.

We head off to our right first, but beyond the shade trees, we encounter a tangle of gorse, flax and pampas grass bushes similar to those alongside the cottage. A smooth green hill in the distance indicates farmland beyond the barrior. We retrace our steps, cross our path leading to the lake, climb a steep wall of sand and pause atop a ridge to view our surroundings.

To the north, a confusion of ridges, valleys and flat plains of sand stretch as far as the eye can see. To the north east and closer, glimpses of sparkling water can be seen through stunted trees, with farmland beyond. Evidence that our 'lake' is only the arm of a bigger expanse of clear water.

"This place is very remote and deserted isn't it?" Michael says.

I squeeze his hand. "But with my big strong man at my side, I feel no anxiety!" I say.

He turns toward me, wraps his strong arms around me and kisses me again. The salty flavour is reduced now but Michael's arousal shows up in the way he presses his intentions upon me, his tongue exerting control of my mouth.

We run off back towards our belongings laughing and giggling. Finding this hidden gem has raised our sense of adventure to extreme levels!

Michael surprises me when he veers left as we approach the lake. I pause to watch him race down the steep sand slope to jump and land in our 'lake' sitting upright. The tiny strip of water explodes as if hit by a bomb. Waves race up the bank almost to the level of our towels, then slide back in.

"Come on in! The water is fine!" Michael calls.

I follow his route but soon find it difficult to lift my feet from the soft sand quick enough to match my increasing body speed. Half way down the slope, gravity wins and I stumble, falling flat on my face! Sand smacks into my face, enters my eyes and my mouth. Then just as suddenly, my world lies still. I feel like I've been caught by an avalanche. When I attempt to get up I find that my steep downhill position makes lifting my head difficult.

"You okay?" Michael calls.

I roll over onto my side, then sit up and attempt to clear my air ways and eyes.

"I guess I'll live." I blurt as I spit sand from my mouth.

I feel like a total idiot as I stagger the last few yards to the lake and plunge in, eager to rinse my body of all the grit that clings to it.

Michael comes over. "You okay?" He asks again. He appears to be genuine in his concern but I suspect that he is laughing underneath!

I giggle. "I think that only hurt my pride!"

He puts his arms around me and kisses me whilst we stand waist deep in the water. His tongue slurps and slithers around inside my mouth as my levels of anticipation soar.

"Happy birthday baby." He whispers when he permits my mouth a respite.

I look deep into his eyes. "Your birthday gurl has falling in love." I blurt.

His response is rapid. He increases his grip upon me, lifts me and then spins me around in the water whilst he looks into my eyes. "I love my baby gurl too."

His ability to lift and spin me reinforces my desire to submit and I anticipate what lies in store.

Time appears to stand still as we embrace in the water and kiss and cuddle, the water helping support our bodies and ease our weight.

When we finally emerge onto dry land, we reach for our towels and dry ourselves. Michael spreads his towel out upon the sand and sits down as I rummage through my pack for the feminine repair kit I brought along. I am eager to freshen up my feminine semblance before submitting my body to the hulk whom wishes to ravish it. After splashing in the sea and falling in the sand, I expect that my face must be a real mess.

Michael watches as I take out a tiny mirror to check my apperance. As expected, I look dreadful. Only a few streaks of colour around my eyes remain to indicate that I am attempting to be a gurl today. My lips have been wet and kissed so much, only a faint pink impression remains.

"I will need to change and brighten myself up," I say.

"There really is no need. I know you feel like a gurl underneath, regardless of your exterior appearance." Michael says.

"I'm a gurl and gurls love to make themselves look attractive." I say.

"Did you bring something to change into?"

"A gurl always carries a few things with her in case she gets lucky!" I say.

Michael laughs, then gets to his feet. "Let me help."

I laugh. "You just want to make me naked!"

"Well yes that too but I want to learn how and why you do what you do."

I stand before him and catch the excitement in his eyes as he reaches for the shoulder straps of my swimsuit. He slides the left strap slowly down and helps me lift my elbow and then my arm through the opening, then repeats the procedure with the right.

"Take my silicones out now," I instruct.

He reaches into the chest area of my suit and lifts my fake tits out and puts them down on my towel. Then he attempts to slide my swimsuit down my torso but discovers how tight it is.

"Hey babe, this is tight! You must have struggled to get into this!"

I laugh. "I think it must have shrunk a bit since the last time I wore it!"

Michael laughs. "A typical feminine response!"

Michael tugs and heaves so much trying to remove my swimsuit that I eventually get the giggles.

"I'm surprised that you have endured this whole morning being pinched up inside this tight tube!" Michael says.

"Gurl's put up with many discomforts to make themselves look good."

Eventually I have to assist in getting the suit down over my hips. The wet material seems to be sticking to my skin. Michael completes the slide down my legs and I step out of the bundle of nylon at my feet.

He picks up his towel and pats the wet patches on my body left there by the wet suit.

"Darling you have the body of a teenage gurl." He says as he kneels to dry my legs.

"Thanks." I say.

"Now what did my little gurl bring to excite her boyfriend?"

"Not much I'm sorry. Just something to wear under my mini slip dress in case my swimsuit became too uncomfortable to wear all day." I explain.

I reach into my pack and remove the bright red bra, red floral panties and matching camisole.

Michael picks up the tiny bundle and inspects each garment closely. "Your clothing choices fascinate me. Even out here in the wilds, you seem to match everything nicely."

He holds the bra aloft so I can thread my arms through under the shoulder straps. He then clips the two hook and eye fasteners together at the back. He holds the panties open so I can step into them, then pulls the flimsy garment up my legs and ensures that my cock is comfortably placed in the front. He picks up the red camisole and slips that over my head, making sure that the shoulder straps are aligned with the bra straps and then tugs at the hem at both back and front to ensure it hangs correctly.

"You look very pretty now." He says.

"I still need tits" I giggle.

Michael reaches for my silicones and fits them into the bra cups.

"Your breasts are fake but they seem important for your sense of femininity?" Michael muses.

"Bras and makeup are my most important enhancements. Many heterosexual men wear ladies panties but only a man whom wishes to proclaim his true bisexual identity wears a bra and applies makeup to his face."

"Many women say that bras are uncomfortable things to wear." Michael says.

"I find that too but I relish the discomfort as it acts as a constant reminder of my sexual status."

Michael places both hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes. "You continue to amaze me with your revelations, and commitment."


"I'm learning things about you on this trip that a million visits to your home would never have revealed." He says.

I reach into my pack and retrieve my makeup kit. I dab a rather generous application of liquid foundation onto my face and rub it in as Michael watches. Then I return some colour to my lips with a deep red lipstick, once again attempting to add conviction to my appearance without over drawing the natural outline of my lips.

"You going to wear the dress?" Michael asks.

"Over to you lover boy."

"No maybe not. I kinda like what I see here now!"

Michael steps closer and I spot the way his eyes scan my body. When the smile upon his handsome face increases, my heart begins to race.

"Hey, I'm really glad you freshened up now darling." Michael says as his eyes continue to scan my body. "I believe the image I see before me now will stay in my memory forever! Here we are, miles from anywhere, just the sound of the sea as a background and with the smell of trees and salt laden air in my nostrils. Against this setting, the gurl of my dreams is standing before me wearing nothing but a bra, camisole and matching panties! The situation is ridiculous but in that bright red ensemble you look bloody desirable my darling!"

"Thanks." I whisper.

He steps up close, wraps his arms around me and brings his mouth to mine. The kiss begins with some gentle brushes across lips then gentle lips sucks. The slow start indicates that Michael shares my view that this is only the preliminary to a long and extended love making session. As our kisses develop into deep tongue incursions into each other's mouths, our grips upon each other strengthen. Each appears determined to fuse their body and their soul into their partner.

Yet as Michael's tongue takes control of my mouth, I suddenly relax my tight grip upon him, eager to sense every aspect of his growing passion. He reads my body language quicker today, allowing me to enjoy my submissive attitudes. Within seconds, I feel as if I am suspended within his embrace, feeling frail and compliant whilst continuing to soak up the vibes being generated by his kisses. Michael asserts his ascendancy further by pressing his pelvis firmly against my pelvis, giving me an impression of the bulge that threatens to burst free of his swim trunks. A quiver races through between my legs as I contemplate feeling that solid shaft being employed to bond our bodies.

When Michael suddenly releases his powerful clamp upon me, I know my role. I bend my head to kiss upon his broad left shoulder, lingering there to taste his skin, before shifting my mouth to both nipples upon his broad chest. Then I slide lower, tonguing his pectorals and kissing his flat belly.

"Yes please darling," Michael says as I lower myself to kneel in front of him and look up.

I reach both hands to his swim trunks and release the tool I need from it's tight enclosure. It springs out pointing to my left, then curls back and straightens as I drool over it's rising strength. Eventually it points almost straight ahead from within a base of thick black hair looking powerful and raw. I use the tip of my tongue to reaquaint myself with the flavours of my lover first, before running my tip into every split and crevice of his knob. Then I open my mouth wide and take his solid shaft in, sliding his sensitive dorsal channel along my tongue. Fully aroused and desperate to relay my enthusiasm, I bob my head up and down on his weapon in rapid strokes.

"Hey go easy darling! I want this to last for more than five minutes!" Michael says.

I lift my head up and look him in the eyes. "Sorry. But everytime I taste your masculinity, I get these powerful urges!"

Michael laughs. "What urge is that darling?"

"To be taken and used by the best lover this gurl has ever met" I reply.

We change places and Michael moves his face up close to my panties. Unlike my urgent approach, Michael takes his time. He kisses my cock through the thin material, then slips my growing erection through one leg opening to pop the knob into his mouth. He rolls my knob over his tongue, then sucks on it gently.

"You bloody gorgeous beast!" I squeal.

He takes his mouth off my cock and laughs. "I always enjoy finding a cock in your panties!"

I feel his fingers gripping the waist elastic and then he pulls my panties down to my thighs. As always, the half on/half off sensation feels very naughty, increasing my arousal.

Then he returns his mouth to my cock and exerts a strong grip upon my knob. When he slides my cock to the back of his mouth, my arousal rises even faster.

"Fuck that is nice!" I hiss.

Two, three, four such applications of tight mouth muscles upon rigid cock and I am forced to capitulate. "Please darling...enough!"

I feel a gentle tug at my panties and then feel them being slid down my legs. When they reach my ankles, I step out of them.

"Lay on your front on your towel darling." Michael orders.

I follow his directive and spread my legs apart.

A tingle runs through between my legs as I contemplate what lies in store. When Michael's fingers, hands and or mouth fail to materialise immediately, my sense of anticipation rises to extreme heights.

"Please come and take your pleasure from my body!" I squeal into the towel at my face.

The smell of damp sand below my towel reminds me of my outdoor situation and I begin to fantasize again....

But then I jump with fright when a hand contacts my bare left thigh!

Then there are multiple contacts with both fingers and hands upon my arse cheeks. Michael is getting between my legs to rim my arse. Another birthday treat is on it's way!

I feel my cheeks being parted, then a tongue tip sweeps through my slot. Michael's tongue returns to tickle my hole, lingering there as if uncertain of acceptance.

"Yes, please!" I call.

His tongue presses, withdraws, presses again then is withdrawn.

"Please don't leave me!" I squeal.

His tongue licks my left arse cheek, teasing me with it's closeness, yet failing to deliver what I so desperately need. I feel my cheeks being parted, then his tongue stabs hard. I feel my entrance stretch, then a wet warmth invades my rectum. The intimacy projected by such contact is profound.

"Whorrrr! I love you Michael!" I squeal.

Encouraged, he repeats the stabs multiple times, breaching my entrance and creating a warm, wet sensation that raises my need for penile penetration to extreme levels.

My next plea is inevitable. "Fuck me now Michael."

He gets up from between my open legs. "Stand up darling," he requests.

He takes my hand to help me to my feet then leads me from the lake edge to under the overhanging branches of a tree. I am so excited and randy, I don't question his motives.

He lifts my camisole off over my head and tosses it aside.

"Hold tight to that branch up there darling." Michael instructs.

I am still unsure of his intent but I follow his order without hesitation, gripping the high branch as if my life depends upon it. My legs spread apart as if on autopilot.

Michael disappears for a few minutes, allowing my imagination time to speculate upon his next move. My mind forms a picture of his wet greasy cock in all it's magnificence, standing tall and ready to strike.....

But then two very wet, greasy hands land upon my arse cheeks, shattering my dream! Suntan lotion! The smell is the giveaway. Michael's hands move up my back, the flat of his hands kneading my skin, working higher. He pulls away to add more lotion, then his hands spread wider across my shoulders, massaging the lotion into my skin and even reaching under the rear strap of my bra.

"Your skin is remarkably soft," Michael whispers.

Another pause and then very slippery hands return to my arse cheeks to work the lotion in deep. He moves to my front and smoothes lotion over every inch of exposed skin.

"You have the body of a teenage girl," he says.

Finally, my legs get his attentions. Starting beween my thighs, he runs his wet greasy fingers and hands down each leg. My cock is standing tall but he ignores it's presence.

He disappears for a few moments and I attempt to anticipate his next move. This time the wet greasy fingers that part my arse cheeks are expected but still cause a flutter within my sex glands. He runs wet finger tips through between my legs, massaging my sensitive perenium and teasing my senses by brushing his finger tips lightly across the back of my balls. Then his fingers return across my perenium and pause at my anus.

"Does my sexy birthday gurl want to submit to her boyfriends cock now?" He whispers in my left ear.

"Please darling, I need you on me, in me and fused to me!" I plead.

I feel his greasy cock enter my arse crack and slide up and down. It feels huge! A tingle of fear runs through my lower body as I contemplate having that monster breach my tight sphincter.

But my mind is still connected to autopilot. "Please fuck me!" I whisper.

He ignores my demand for several minutes, deliberately teasing by running his cock up and down my slot. I feel his knob pause at my entrance several times but then it moves on to press against my right arse cheek. My heart begins to race.

"Please!" I repeat.

Suddenly his cock head is in my arse slot again and I quiver with anticipation. He spreads my cheeks with both hands now and I brace for his attack. But with both hands covered in sun lotion, his hands slide away across my cheeks, allowing my cheeks to gradually close again. But then his knob is there at my entrance again and he is pressing his intent. He stabs his cock at my entrance, pauses, then stabs again. Eventually his knob forces hard and remains tightly pressed. He applies his greased hands to my arse cheeks again and forces then wide open. I feel exposed and vulnerable. He increases the strength of his press and my sphincter pops. He pauses longer this time, giving me time to appreciate the strength behind his erection and time for my sphincter to adjust. When he completes his penetration, pushing his fat cock deep into me, the pain of entry blends into a heated sensation which warms my insides as well as my heart.

"Does my birthday gurl like that?" Michael asks as he pauses again to allow my body to adjust.

"Just the best birthday present a gurl could ever ask for!" I squeal.

When he begins thrusting gently, the reason for the sun lotion becomes clear. He has coated himself too and with each thrust, our bodies slide together in unison creating an extremely erotic body slide experience. Michael slowly builds his pace, letting his cock absorb the heat and friction generated by each thrust within my finely textured rectum. As his thrusts increase in velocity, I feel my body being lifted off the sand on occasions, forcing me to renew my grip upon the branch. The friction within my rectum generates heat, affecting every surface and every nerve ending in my lower body. The body slide adds greatly to the impression of total intimacy. Each flex of Michael's shoulders, hips, thighs and legs is relayed to my body. This is a contact sport like no other! Meanwhile, my back absorbs the thump, thump whenever Michael's pelvis smacks into my bum cheeks. I grip the tree harder when Michael steps closer to wrap his arms around me.

He lifts my body off the ground several times as he follows my desire to fuse our bodies together.

"My god I love having sex with you! You absorb everything I throw at you!" He squeals.

"Submission as a gurl can be extremely satisfying!" I say.

Suddenly he holds me still with his big cock fully embedded in my arse. I feel as one with my lover and tingle all over with satisfaction.

"Darling that's what I call submission!" I say.

He relaxes his grip upon me, transfering more of my weight to his hips and pelvis. My sphincter protests with a burning sensation as it stretches around the rigid base of Michael's cock. But I ignore the discomfort as my submissive needs overide all physical discomfort.

"Let go of the tree darling," Michael instructs.

I follow his command and find myself being lifted off the ground! Now the base of his cock and pelvis appears to support the majority of my weight, giving the impression that I am truly impaled upon my master. I feel like a doll in the arms of a dragon!

Now I am carried, fully embedded back toward the lake!

Each step Michael takes sends a shudder through my arse and appears to force his cock forever deeper into my body. To be connected in sexual harmony can't get any more physical than this for a gurl with submissive tendencies!

He sets me down upon our towels, where I assume the hands and knees stance whilst still fully connected. After a very brief respite, to reposition himself, Michael's thrusting continues. Now at a different angle, the friction appears as tingles and minute shudders as my prostate gets prodded and squeezed more directly.

"Your cock is doing wonderful things to me now darling!" I blurt.

"Your arse is doing the same for me too baby!" Michael says.

But then he pauses. "Arh fuck darling. This is too good! My glands keep wanting to shoot my cum into you!"

"That sounds like a perfectly natural response!" I say.

"Yes but I want to remain intimate with you all afternoon! Don't you feel the same?" Michael says.

"Yes of course I do. I want to trap you in me and never let you walk free again." I say.

After many minutes paused, Michael returns to thrusting with smooth, controlled deliberations. Each stroke intended to titivate both our responses yet retain sufficient control to extend the session. The fire in my rectum simmers, sparks and flares in response to his every push.

"I love being your gurl at moments like this!" I squeal.

"And I love being your man!" Michael squeals.

He pauses frequently to whisper sweet words of affection and let his responses cool. On several occasions he pulls his cock clear of my body in a desperate bid to extend the session. Each time he does this I await his next penetration with excitement, counting the inches as he slides his weapon back to where it belongs. But after several minutes, it becomes obvious that despite Michael's best efforts, his orgasm is approaching. I feel it in the way his body is tensing. I hear it in his whispered messages. Confirmation arrives when he suddenly pulls out and lifts himself away from my embrace.

"You're too bloody hot!" He explains.

I feel abandoned.

He lays on his back on his towel alongside me. I turn toward him, eager to learn his intentions. He looks frustrated, unable to decide how to extend this session.

I drool with lust when he uses a thumb to press against the back of his cock and make it stand verticle. "Come here my love. It's your turn now. Sit right down hard on this and pleasure yourself."

My heart rate soars as I get up and straddle Michael with my knees each side of his waist, facing him. I watch his face as I lower my arse towards his beautiful cock. Using one hand to guide it to my hole, I impale myself on his beautiful weapon with one plunge. My sex glands race into high alert as they feel Michael's cock reach deep into me. That amazing fullness returns, together with a burn and tingle that appears to connect my arse to my cock. Michael understands that connection too.

"Now wank yourself darling. I want to see your eyes flash and your body convulse when you cum. But don't bounce on me too much or you will get your arse full of cum but then lose my erection to play with!"

I grab the lub and follow his order. My pleasure builds quickly with the dual titivation. When I lower my arse cheeks down upon his pelvis gently, the extreme fullness sets off a gorgeous heated sensation which gathers momentum as I progress. Michael smiles in encouragement. As my excitement increases, his cock appears to expand and reach deeper into me, increasing my pleasure.

I refrain from slamming my bum down upon his pelvis too often in a bid to delay his orgasm and gain maximum pleasure from having it there. But I soon find real pleasure in resting a great deal of my body weight on his hips, forcing his cock to spread my spincter wide. Here I rest and wank my cock at my own pace, slowly building toward what I hope will be a mind blowing orgasm.

Michael spots my intent. "Yes impale yourself darling! My god your arse feels good there!"

I bounce again then pause, deeply seated upon my lover. My glands are on fire!

"Oooooo Michael! I can't hold back much longer! Ooooo shit!"

"Blow it baby! Blow it all over me!" He says.

I bounce one, two, three times, concentrating my mind on the large intruder inside me. Michael's cock seems to grow to immense proportions as I stretch my sphincter wide. Four bounces and the monster appears to be stroking my prostate without respect, setting a fire that threatens to shatter my soul!

"Oooooo fuck!" I squeal.

I wank my cock strongly as Michael stares at my knob.

"Please darling!" He squeals.

One more wank and a strong shiver races through every nerve receptor in my pelvic region!

I scream Michael's name as my pulses begin. Euphoria envelops me. A tremour begins deep within my sex glands, grabs wildly at the cock that tickles it and then fires a great strip of cum from my cock! It splatters across the broad expanse of chest before me, catching in Michael's hairs.

"That's it darling! Get it out! Get it all out!" Michael squeals.

Suddenly I am lifted clear off the ground as Michael gives in to temptation and allows his sex glands to react the way nature intended.

His cum shoots up into me as mine flicks a second, third, fourth clump upon his chest.

"Arrrrh! Arrrrh! Fucking hell!" Michael squeals.

My cum shoots again and again, stimulated to excess now by the shudders and thumps and spurts being shot into me. My rectum is getting it's reward afterall!

"Hooley fuck baby, that was incredible!" Michael says as his body begins to lie still again.

I look down and see several strips of my cum lying upon his chest and belly.

"Thank you darling," I say, "That was just the best birthday present this gurl has ever received!"

Michael smiles. "Watching your face just then was the highlight of this trip thus far!"

He dips his fingers in the clumps of cum that lie in strips across his belly and chest and brings them to his mouth, tasting his gurl's seed.

I remain fully impaled upon Michael's cock for several minutes, unwilling to break that magic bond that only lovers experience. With my internal glands still tingling and quivering where they sense contact with an intruder, I am in no mood to break my link with my lover.

"I could stay here all day!" I blurt.

"Help yourself." Michael says.

It's only when my knees remind me of their anguish where they are bent back, that I finally admit that our session is ended. I climb off Michael and turn to study the tool that brough such pleasure to my internal glands. It curves gently to the left as it softens, looking wet and greased and with a rim of cum around the base. A lot more cum is caught in his pubic hairs and is coating his balls.

I help Michael to his feet and we walk down to the lake to wash the spent juices from our bodies.

After drying myself, I pull the panties up my legs, replace my camisole and slip the dress on over my head. I grab my mirror and lipstick to add just a semblance of femininity to my face.

"What's that for? You look very serene and extremely beautiful after your sex session." Michael says.

"Just in case we encounter someone on the beach. Might fool a half blind person at a half mile distance!" I squeal.

Michael laughs. "Miss Bee, you are so enchanting!"

We shoulder our packs and set off down through the dunes to the beach to begin the long walk back to the cottage. After nearly two hours of trudging along the hard, wet sand and encountering no half blind people, Michael spots the path to our cabin. His navigation is correct and we reach the cabin at around dinner time. We follow the same routine as the night before.

I choose a rather different garment for tonight's dinner date. A body hugging, mid thigh minidress in cream with rows of delicate, silver roses embossed upon the material.

Fawn coloured pantihose add glamour to my legs, a white bra with silicone inserts adds appropriate bumps to my chest and a pair of white stretch satin panties flatten the bulge created by my cock and balls. A fresh application of cosmetics transform my masculine features to my best possible semblance of a pretty female.

"Wow, you look young and sexy in that!" Michael says when he spots my entry to the kitchen area.

He turns to give me a rather perfunctory kiss on the cheek, before rushing off to freshen up. By the time he returns, I have the table set and am about to serve our meal.

Tonight my lover wears a freshly pressed pale blue shirt and dark brown trousers.

"Wow, you look young and sexy in that!" I say.

He laughs. After our long day out and rather prolonged sexual encounter, conversation over the dinner table is rather muted compared to the previous evening. We discuss the beauty of our immediate environment, recent world events and the latest sport results.

After washing up, we retire to the settee to check out the latest news and weather reports on the TV.

Michael puts his arm around me and pulls me closer. "Hope my birthday gurl is happy?"

"Yes darling. I am very happy with my real live birthday present." I reply. I slide my arm over Michael's shoulder and pull him closer. He turns toward me and our faces approach. I expect to kiss, but the serious look on Michael's face warns me that he has something to say.

"This trip has taught me so much," He whispers.

"About what?" I ask.

"About you my dear. I am very impressed with your commitment. Last night you dressed for dinner, today you dressed for the beach. You surprise me every day!" Michael says.

"I like to experience life as a woman in as many moods and situations as possible."

"Then this afternoon you stunned me by insisting upon redoing your makeup and putting some lingerie on before making love."

"I guess that is my way of convincing myself that I am not gay in the true meaning of the word."

"I believe there is more to it than that. Some feminine traits like deportment and demeanor can be studied and learnt, but a high percentage of your femininity is a natural response."

"Thanks darling. I guess I was born like this." I whisper.

He smiles. "I really do believe I have found my perfect lover!"

"Me too!" I whisper.

The kiss begins with some gentle lip sucking, progresses to more robust nibbling and playful bites. When I feel the tip of Michael's tongue attempt to enter my mouth, a battle for ascendancy ensues. I put up a spirited defence, meeting each thrust with a similar strike.

But when his attempts to claim possession of my mouth increase, I feign a sudden weakness. His tongue reaches into me, asserting his dominance. Within seconds, a familiar stir develops within the glands between my legs. Michael was right. My feminine urges are automatic!

Michael places a hand upon my right knee. It lingers there for a few moments as if testing my response before sliding higher and curving over to that rather sensitive area between my thighs. I am rather surprised at his enthusiasm after our extended sex session by the lake. But when the stir between my legs grows in intensity as his fingers creep under the hem of my dress, then along my nylon encrusted thigh, searching for contact with my panties, I accept his intrusion and relax my guard.

Michael takes possession of my mouth with an increased expression of passion and desire, then reaches his hand higher between my thighs. I attempt to dislodge it, but find it braced and ready to resist the feeble effort that my feminine fingers employ. The strength I perceive in his arm establishes my role beyond doubt. Once again, Michael's observations are proven. Submission feels natural when I play the gurl role with a man like Michael!

When his fingers encounter the soft gusset between my thighs, I find myself facing the same contradiction. Do I encourage his advance by opening my legs wider and enjoy the contact, or do I repel his advance and endeavour to play the role I have choosen for this session?

But before I make my choice, Michael pulls his fingers away, removes his tongue from my mouth and speaks. "Hey what about that sunset on the beach? Remember how we mentioned it last night?"

I look up from the settee and note how the sun has already changed to a yellow hue.

"Lets go!" I say and leap to my feet.

Michael grabs a picnic blanket and something from his pack.

Then I remember that I am wearing pantyhose and high heels!

"I will need to change!" I say.

I walk into the bedroom, lift my minidress off over my head, lower the panties and pantihose and step out of them and then return my panties to hide my cock and bum. But then I hesitate. What should I wear for a romantic evening at a beach?

I hunt through my suitcases for something romantic and sexy. Despite Michael's very amorous advances on the settee, I don't expect to be having sex again tonight after that prolonged session by the lake. But then...yes he was coming on strong there just now! The dirty rotton gorgeous rascal!

I uncover a very short red dress and hold it aloft. It has a tie at the front immediately below the bust to form a very high waist. From there the skirt falls away with multiple gores to a hem that reaches to only about eight to ten centimetres below my crotch. I am tempted but I feel the high waist and multiple gores would allow the skirt to move too easily to wear on that windy beach!

I discount several other dresses as being either too formal or made of fragile material. Two top and skirt sets remain undisturbed for similar reasons.

A call from the other room disturbs my concentration. "Better hurry up. The sun is setting and your lover is waiting!"

I grab the red dress and slip it on over my head, hoping to make a decision when I study my appearance in the mirror.

The 'woman' looking back at me from the mirror decides for me: "Well woman, if you want to get laid again tonight, wear this!" She seems to say!

Michael is waiting by the outside door when I make my grand entrance. "Boody hell! You sexy fox!" He yells.

"Fox? I thought I would be a sexy bunny tonight!" I say. I do a little turn to offer a hint as to how the hem flares out from below the high waist.

"Like I said, you continue to stun me with your outfits and your attitudes!" Michael says.

We lock the cabin and hurry to the first style where Michael follows his usual routine, remaining below to scan his eyes up my legs.

"White!" He yells as I swing one leg over the top wire of the fence.

"Well you certainly aren't colour blind!" I yell.

We cross the field, negotiate the second style in similar manner then follow the trail down to the beach. The gentle breeze within this area catches under my dress hem often, billowing under it and swirling through between my legs. For a gurl who has rarely ventured outdoors before, the sensation is extremely stimulating.

Michael trails behind and I magine his eyes fixated upon my constantly moving skirt hem.

When we reach the spot where we disturbed the rabbit the previous evening, Michael calls out. "Are you a happy bunny tonight darling?"

I grab the hem of my dress at each side and flick it up momentarily, giving Michael a flash of my white 'tail'.

Michael roars with laughter, then races forward to grab my white tail with his right hand!

When I attempt to run off, Michael reinforces his hold, gripping the waist elastic of my panties firmly. Giggling and squealing, I lunge forward in a desperate attempt to shake off the 'buck' who has sexual intention upon my body, only to fall face first onto the sand!

I manage to keep my face clear of the gritty stuff, but when I wriggle forward to escape the clutches of my 'assailant', I find myself having to concede possession of my panties in return for flight!

Squealing and laughing, I wriggle myself forward as my panties slip down my legs. Then I get to my feet and run off at high speed toward the beach.

I hear a roar of laughter behind as my 'assailant' gives chase.

My dress hem frequently billows up but with my lover watching, I ignore the usual impulse to force it down.

A roar of laughter behind encourages me to run faster.

When I reach the beach I turn left, then find the tide is quite high again, leaving only a thin strip of wet sand to run on. After just a few metres, my dress flies right up to my waist!

I hear another loud yell of approval from behind which spurs me on. But after about a hundred metres I begin to tire. So I stop and turn to take in the scene behind me.

Michael is twenty to thirty metres away and holding my white panties aloft. "You silly gurl! You left your panties behind!" He yells.

But only about two hundred metres behind him and coming the same way are two strangers!

I turn and run, heading straight for the giant wall of dry sand above the high water mark!

But climbing the soft wall of sand is very strenuous, so I curve away towards the right, climbing the dune at an angle. My dress attempts to fly up but now I keep tight reign on it, gripping the hem with both hands. Michael catches up, arriving alongside me, puffing and panting.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Two people were coming up behind you!" I gasp.

He stops to look back as I continue my slog up the slope. With each two steps up, I seem to be sliding back one. Michael catches up again just as I reach the top of the dune and pause to look back.

But then Michael embraces me, reaching his broad hands under my dress to grip my bare arse cheeks. "Love my bunny!" He squeals.

"What are you doing?" I squeal.

"We must convince those guys that our chase routine was only a game."

I smack my mouth against Michael's and pretend to kiss him. Michael opens his mouth and does not pretend. When Michael estimates that the strangers are passing us on the beach below, he breaks off our kiss and we both steal glances at the men.

They look like two male trampers. Long shirts, long trousers and large backpacks. They are still walking steadily along the sand above the water's edge and don't appear to be agitated after witnessing our chase routine. Then one looks up and waves his arm. Michael returns the greeting, whilst I force a smile, hoping my makeup still looks convincing.

But relief soon gives way to embarrassment as I imagine what they must have seen when my skirt blew up. Did they spot my cock swinging and bouncing between my legs, or only see my bum and assume it was the bum of a female?

I shiver with embarrassment whilst Michael takes advantage of this unplanned opportunity to take possession of my body. I feel his fingers knead my bum cheeks and his grip upon me tighten as his arousal increases. Only when I am certain that the danger has passed without incident, do I return Michael's show of passion.

When Michael finally releases his grip upon me and lets me turn around, I immediately look both ways along the beach.

As expected. two figures can be seen retreating towards the south, but I identify no other walkers.

"Whew, that was embarrassing!" I say.

"No, that was hilarious!" Michael says.

"It's okay for you to say that darling! That was my bum those people were looking at!"

Michael laughs. "Yes I bet those guys were stealing a few furtive glances!"

"Now what about that sunset?" I ask.

"Oh yes, forgot about that."

Michael spreads our blanket on top of the dune and we sit together to look out to sea. I spread my legs out flat in front of me and then push my dress hem down to cover my cock and balls.

Michael laughs. "You are so cute!"

"Can I have my panties back now?" I ask.


"You're a bastard."

The sun is sinking lower, surrounded by multiple patches of cloud, which reflect yellow streaks back into the sky above us.

"Oh darling, that is so beautiful!" I say.

"Not as beautiful as you my dear!" He answers.

Michael slides into position behind me facing the ocean, spreads his legs out in front of him and invites me to shift into between his legs with my back to him. He puts his arms around me and snuggles his face up against my right ear.

"Is my bunny happy?" He whispers.

"Very happy thank you, but I think I will need a few minutes rest to recover from that shock."

We sit in silence watching the sunset unfold in the sky and observing how the colours change progressively as the sun sinks toward the western horizon. The constantly heaving ocean reflects similar hues but with the addition of movement, shimmer and sparkle.

"Isn't that magnificent now," I whisper as the orange glow turns to a golden red.

After another twenty minutes only a dull glow offers a clue to where the sun went. The breakers appear to reduce in size as darkness descends upon the sea, the troughs seeming to merge with one another to flatten the rollers. But then a gust of wind lifts spray from several breakers creating a shower of red sparks that refect the last rays of light.

"Wow! Now that is magnificent," Michael whispers.

When the fancy light show vanishes again, Michael draws my body in closer to his and nibbles my right ear lobe.

"Love my bunny," he whispers.

"Can I have my panties back now?" I ask.


"I might get a chill."

"I could light a fire."

"There's very little driftwood on this beach."

"I wasn't thinking of using a match."

I get the giggles. "You going to rub two sticks together?"

"You're almost on the right track."

"Well what you going to do then? I'm develping a shiver in the area between my legs."

"Thought I might create some heat in that area by manipulation of body parts."

"Manipulation? You mean penetration!"

Michael laughs. "Now there's an idea! Lay on your side right here darling," he suggests. "I will cuddle you to warm your cold area as we watch that heaving ocean and sparkling light show together."

Although still uncertain of Michael's true intent, I develop a sudden desire to feel connected with my lover again, even if only for a very close cuddle. I lay on my right side facing the sea and feel Michael snuggle up behind me.

He cuddles me for a long time, whispering sweet words in my ears and when I perceive no prod from his cock to between my arse cheeks, I begin to doubt my earlier perception of Michael's sexual intent.

Meanwhile I watch darkness descend upon the beach till only the white water created by the breakers reflects the moonlight. I feel that we are alone in a vast wilderness, yet the strong arm over my shoulder and the masculine body moulded to the shape of mine assures me of immediate protection and warmth. Moments like this will be remembered for many years to come.

But then a wriggle from my partner disturbs my dream.

"You still cold down there?" My lover whispers.

"Yes. You stole my panties!"

My lover laughs. "This should help."

I feel Michael reposition himself, then a sharp prod between my arse cheeks wakes me from my virtual slumber. A large round object forces against my sphincter. I feel a succesion of wriggles, a pressure sensation and then a rapid heating envelops my lower body. Michael is inside me again!

The effect upon that cold area between my legs is striking. A beautiful warm glow develops down there which becomes even more welcome when I pick up the lubricant and stroke my own cock. Many minutes pass as we flex our bodies together in unison. Michael gripping my body so as to mold his into the shape of mine, whilst I stiffen my back whenever I estimate he needs to penetrate deeper. But then for many minutes, Michael barely moves his cock as we exchange whispers of love and devotion back and forth and watch the ocean move and crash upon the shore. My greased hand remains on my cock but I refrain from wanking it. Finishing this blissful session seems like a silly idea!

Michael seems to share my sentiments. "I could stay here all night like this."

"So could I. That connected feeling is so good!"

Michael wriggles his cock. "You still cold between the legs?"

"Hell no. Your cock feels like a red hot poker thrust between this gurl's legs!"

Michael wriggles his cock again. "You're my hot little gurl now too darling!"

"Please stay in your gurl for as long as you can manage please!" I plead.

"I'm with you on this one!" Michael says.

He pauses again. The connection is all this gurl needs.

"Doesn't that ocean look magical in the moonlight?" I ask.

He repositions himself a little to get a better view. "Yes that is the perfect backdrop to being intimate with the love of my life."

"You are just so romantic." I say.

"You are just so captivating! I want to love you and fuck you and love you and fuck you over and over again!" Michael whispers.

Many minutes pass as we watch the ocean heave and break upon the shore and exchange whispers. Michael's cock lies within the hot tunnel that I provide, rarely moving yet bonding us together as lovers and keeping our hormones flowing at sustained levels.

"Thank you for this wonderful birthday present." I say.

Michael stirs and wriggles his cock. "I'm the one getting the birthday present right now!"

"That's what most men think! Being on the receiving end can be far more satisfying for a transgender gurl!"

"Darling, you must tell me about things like that. I am ready to learn."

"Having the seed of life injected with passion onto me is the ultimate feminine experience." I say.

"A compliment to your femininity?"


"Thank you for sharing your secrets darling. You are a very unique transgender." Michael says.

I feel Michael stir. It's just a gentle flex of muscle but with my hormones flowing, my sex glands react instantly and my body stirs.

Michael reads my body once again. I feel his back stiffen and he makes several further small thrusts. His cock feels exquisite where it reaches into me.

"How's that darling?"

"Absolutely fabulous! I've got a rod of fire lighting up my prostate and everything else between my legs. But more important, I feel like a gurl!"

"You are a gurl!" Michael says.

Encouraged, he continues thrusting gently. I feel the fire grow in intensity around the fat intruder.

I grab my cock and begin wanking myself very slowly.

Michael can feel my movements and continues with his gentle thrusting.

"How is that darling?"

"Bloody gorgeous! You're in me and with me on this ride now darling." I blurt.

"Your arse feels bloody gorgeous too! Fuck yes it feels like a finely textured tunnel is wrapped around my shaft and is pleading for my seed!"

"You are learning quickly!"

I feel Michael's body tense.

"What you gunna do darling?" I ask with a giggle.

"I gunna keep myself on the edge for as long as possible."

I giggle. "Then what?"

He laughs. "Then I am going to blow all my hot cum up you back passage!"

"You got lots for me?"

"Oh yes baby! I going to flood your pretty little arse with half a gallon of cum!"

"Oh yes please Michael! Give it all to your birthday gurl!"

"Oh shit! I am loving every fucking minute of this trip! You continue to astound me Miss Bee!"

"But I'm not ready to cum yet! Let's cum together!"

"Hurry up babe. I'm on the edge!"

I begin wanking my cock in ernest. With that burning rod in my rear passage it doesn't take long to reach that highly sensitive point.

"Nearly there!" I whisper.

"Oh darling...I gunna blow! Ooooo fuck yeah! I love you so much! So fucking much I can't stop myself flooding your arse!"

I grab my cock and wank it strongly. "Now darling! Now! Give it to me!" I yell.

Michael grips my shoulders, wriggles his cock and staggers against me!

"You fucking beautiful gurl!" He yells.

This time, I actually feel his cock pulse where it squeezes through my tight sphincter! Wow, there it goes again! Pulse...pulse.

Another stroke of my cock and I feel my glands convulse around the shuddering cock in my arse. I nearly pass out as a single spit of watery cum flies off into the darkness!

Micheal swears again and repeats his transfer of male seed to my body as my orgasm repeats it's violent release, now thicker and onto the blanket.

Michael holds me tight for many minutes as our bodies calm down from their respective highs.

"Oh fuck darling. The intensity there was unreal!" Michael says.

"I thought I was going to pass out there for a moment!" I report.

"Miss Bee, you're a bloody sexy gurl! Picking up on your vibes is so easy when you reveal your intimate thoughts the way you do."

Several minutes pass as Michael retains his hold over my left shoulder and his body aligned with mine. Neither partner appears willing to break the spell that has just united their bodies and stirred their emotions. Although soft, I sense his cock still remaining within the confines of my rectum amidst the pool of cum that my body claimed as it's reward.

"I'm all wet down there baby," I whisper.

Michael stirs. "Is that bad?"

"Hell no! I love the wetness. Hold me close. I need to wallow in that wet sensation for longer!"

Michael renews his grip upon me. "You are an amazing gurl!"

He clings to me for many minutes as I clutch to that beautiful wet sensation.

I watch the sea heave and the waves break until I feel Michael's cock slip from my rectum and the wet sensation spreads to my inner thighs and over my right bum cheek.

But even now Michael appears unwilling to move.

"I trust you brought the torch?" He asks.

I laugh. "I thought you did!"

"Looks a bit dark out there." I whisper.

"Bloody dark!"

The thought of having to find our way back to the cottage in the dark means that many minutes pass before we get up, search for our belongings and begin heading back.

Guided only by a rather hazy moonlight, we head down off the dunes, tripping up on clumps of marram grass before laughing and then staggering on.

Once safely off the dunes, the cool night air draws my attention to the wetness between my legs. Without panties under my very short skirt, and with my arse still leaking and tingling from where Michael's cock has stretched it, I feel rather lewd!

When Michael directs that I lead along the wide path between the dunes, I run on ahead into the darkness, giggling, squealing and lifting the hem of my dress to my waist!

However I soon find that the trail looks a very different place in the dark and I quickly become disorientated. I choose a right turn but then great walls of sand loom up all around with no logical way through!

"Over here you silly gurl!" Michael calls from somewhere in the dark to my left.

Michael's laughter helps me relocate both him and the correct trail as I retrace my steps.

"You are a crazy, crazy gurl Miss Bee!" He says as I resume my walking lead along the trail.

It is nearly midnight by the time we have picked our way along the trails in the dark and negotiated both styles to regain the security of the cottage. Another ten minutes pass before Michael locates an outside tap to wash the cow shit off his sandals and I get a chance to reassure him of my sanity.


Next: Chapter 3

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