Birthday For Roger

By Jack Santoro

Published on Dec 29, 2004


Birthday for Roger Part 2 By

I awoke next morning feeling Roger's fingers delicately tracing the outline of my erection. At my age, I rarely woke up hard, but the relentless stimulation had made my prick swell as it roused me from sleep. Even before I'd opened my eyes, I felt his fingertip circling the end of my foreskin, gently stimulating the nerve endings. Then he placed thumb and forefinger on either side of my foreskin-covered glans and squeezed firmly

"Oooohhh, that feels good," I said as I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"It's supposed to, Jack. Anyway, I enjoy playing with my birthday present. I like to feel the head through that thick skin." He squeezed again, provoking a responsive throb in my cock-root.

"That made my prick jerk," I said.

"It was supposed to. I saw it jerk when I squeezed. The head throbbed between my fingers." Now he grasped my scrotum and pulled down on the thick, wrinkled skin. I did the same to him, grasping the end of his low-hanging sac and tugging gently. He was hard too, although I hadn't yet touched his prick.

"Let's see what this does for you," I said as I pinched the end of his foreskin pucker and pulled it out away from his body.

"It's nice we both have enough skin to cover the head even when we're hard," he said as he shuddered.

"That really reached you, didn't it?" I asked as I tugged his scrotum again while pulling on the tip of his foreskin. The double stimulation made him shudder again.

"That reached me even more," he said as he squeezed my glans again, making it throb between his fingertips.

"We both have to pee, but I think we're too hard for that," I said as I began pulling his foreskin back off the head. Now Roger cupped my balls as he squeezed my swollen tip again.

"No problem, Jack. Full bladders just means we won't be able to hold off as long. I bet I can make you come damn fast, the way you are." He was right. Although I often held off my orgasm by consciously relaxing my muscles, to prolong the feeling of anticipation, this time it would be impossible.

"The tension in my bladder won't let me relax," I said. "You know that. It'll be the same for you." Now I had his foreskin drawn back halfway along his glans. I saw a drop of clear fluid parting the long lips of his slit as I felt Roger's grip shift on my prick. I felt the tension on the foreskin's nerve endings as he drew mine back slowly.

"Your slit's already pouting," he observed. "It's got a teardrop shape, but you're not leaking." I rarely leaked lube, unlike Roger's copious flow that now had begun to run down his glans and spread between his foreskin and helmet. We shifted into a "69" position, letting us get closer views of each other's pricks.

"I love the smell of your prick and foreskin," I said as I inhaled deeply. "It's so rich and masculine."

"Yours smells nice too," he replied. "Good thing we're bot uncut. Our willies wouldn't smell this good if we'd been cut."

"They wouldn't be as sensitive, either, or as much fun to play with," I said as I rotated his foreskin around his helmet, first one way and then the other. I felt him begin to pump mine, stretching it forward over the glans and then pulling it back firmly to uncover the corona.

"Yours has a nice rim, just like mine, and you've got those sexy little bumps on it too." His eyes were very close to my prick as he studied it intently.

"Yeah, those little nerve endings are really sensitive," I said. "You've got them too. Last night when I ran my finger over them, it got you really hot."

"Okay, now let me make you come first, like I did last night. I really enjoyed watching you come and feeling your dick throb, and I want to do it again." He shifted around and spread a towel over my stomach.

"Okay, then you want me to let go of your prick?" I asked.

"You'd better let go or I'll cream while you're coming," he replied. "Now I'll use a little Astroglide on your tip, like I did last night. That'll get you lubed up so the skin'll slide nice and easy." He picked up a plastic bottle from the bedside table and poured several drops on my swollen helmet, working the foreskin up and down to spread it evenly.

"That Astroglide feels warm on my prick," I said. "That feels really nice." His fingers had completely encircled my swollen prick, and now wer expertly pumping my foreskin in a steady rhythm that fueled my fire.

"I'll do it the same way I did before," he said. "I'll keep pumping your dick until you're close, then I'll skin you back the way you like." I'd let go of Roger's prick and lain back, giving him total access to my crotch, and I felt his other hand cupping my balls as he maintained the steady and delicious up and down rhythm on my foreskin.

"Ohhh, yeah, I really feel that," I said.

"I can tell," he replied. "You're hot to pop. I can feel the head swelling even more and getting harder through the skin, and when I pull the skin down I can see it's getting darker." He was right- I felt the tension building in my body, and the blood pumping into my prick the make the glans swell and the shaft stiffen even more.

"Slow down just a bit, Roger. I want this to last." I felt his fingers slow down, and he shortened his stroke, now expertly flicking my foreskin over the corona and back.

"Your shaft's very straight," he said. "Mine curves up a little."

"Yeah, we're different, but still alike." Now even his slow stroking was having its effect, pushing me inexorably towards the brink.

"Your head's very dark, very swollen, Jack. I think this is the right moment to keep you skinned back." He swept my foreskin back behind my rim and pulled down hard, stretching the tender skin and its delicate nerve endings.

"Ohhh, good," I said. Trying to remain relaxed even as I felt my legs tighten.

""Now I'm going to bump you rim a few times," he said, and I felt the shocks begin at the base of my glans. As he continued alternating between stretching back my foreskin and bumping my rim, I felt my glans begin to ache for orgasm. My prick was totally swollen and felt almost ready to burst.

"Man, your dick-head's all dark and swollen. It's really shiny, and I can tell you're right on the edge." Each bump on my sensitive rim sent a shock wave of sensation through the head, and I felt myself withdrawing from the world as my attention became totally focused on my prick.

"Your eyes just closed," he said. "You're right there. Just hang on a few seconds loner," he coached me. The sensations in my prick built up, and now I felt a strong tickling sensation begin in my rim.

"Your balls are really tight against your body," he said just as the tickling feeling changed to a hot tingle and I began to moan. I couldn't speak any more, and barely understood what Roger was saying. When he pushed my foreskin collar against my rim and then over it, compressing the nerve endings, the tingling feeling in the glans exploded.

"UUUUUGHHHHH!" I groaned loudly as the first shock of orgasm wracked my cock-root. A hot jet of cream burned its way like lava up my urethra, tickling the inside at the upward curve into my glans, before erupting from my gaping slit. I cried out again as Roger's skilled fingers dragged my foreskin back all the way, stretching the nerve endings within and producing another contraction in my cock-root. My hips bucked as I shot again, and then I felt Roger bring my foreskin all the way up over the swollen, throbbing head.

He snapped my hood back sharply, and another massive throb went through my cock-root and prick as I felt another hot jet rush towards the tip. I was unable to speak, just moan "AH-AH-AH!" as the thick gush squirted from my engorged prick. Roger snapped my foreskin back again, holding it taut way down my shaft, leaving the purple helmet exposed as another burning stream poured from my orifice. The head was now super-sensitive, and it would have been painful if he's continued to slide my foreskin over it. Roger sensed this, and he held my foreskin tightly back, stretching its many nerve endings, as my orgasm ran its course. I gushed a couple more times before the ejaculation turned into a slow dribble, and I began to come down off my high.

"I counted six," he said as I opened my eyes a minute later. "The first two shot about a foot," he continued. The last two just poured from your hole."

"I know you enjoyed watching that, just like I enjoy watching your shoot," I said.

"I felt every throb, too. That big head of yours was really pulsing under that foreskin. Then after I held your skin back, I felt the throbs in your shaft." His fingers were still tight around my shaft, keeping the skin taut as he began milking the residue from my tube. He pressed a fingertip into my urethra behind my balls, working forward, pushing the thick creamy liquid ahead of it. When he reached the middle of my shaft, he began sliding my foreskin forward to cover the head, and I watched the thick drops flowing from my slit.

"You're softening now," he said. "I'll just dab the drops from your tip." He touched a wad of tissues to the orifice, and we watched the thick viscous liquid soak into the soft paper. His fingers were pressing into the vee groove under the head through the foreskin, forcing the oozing liquid from my slit, and when he'd gotten the last drop he skillfully brought my long foreskin up to cover my shrinking helmet. I noticed that his prick was still hard.

"Your boner didn't go down at all," I said, "Even though I haven't been touching it."

"Just working on your dick's been enough to keep my excited. If you'd been playing with mine while I did you, I would have shot all over the place."

"Well, now I'm going to play with it and let you come," I began. "Just lie back and let me spread this towel over your stomach. I'm going to try something with you that my friend Stan did on mine a few years ago." As I spoke, I began drawing back his foreskin, gradually uncovering the purple bulb. Stan was supine now, arms outstretched, as I worked avidly on his prick.

"That feels good, the friction against the head and the stretching feeling in the skin," he said.

"It's going to feel better," I went on as I drew his foreskin all the way back. "Now I've got your foreskin locked behind your ridge. Good thing your prick's like mine, and the foreskin stays back. That makes it a bit easier to use this technique."

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

"I'm going to rub your helmet directly with my fingertips while your foreskin's all the way back," I replied. "I know your tip's more sensitive than mine, and this should really work well on you." As I explained the technique, I began running the tip of my index finger in small circles around his slit, spreading the clear fluid that was flowing freely.

"Oh, that's really nice," he murmured as I applied friction to the nerve endings in the dome of his helmet.

"Good thing you lube a lot. There's no chance of your running dry. Dry friction would be irritating. Still, maybe I'd better use a couple of drops of Astroglide to make your helmet feel warm." I reached for the bottle.

"Good idea," he said. "I like the warm feeling it gives me on my tip." As he spoke, I poured a couple of drops right on his slit, gently spreading them with my fingertip, circling his orifice relentlessly.

"There, you're very wet now. Just brace yourself. This gets very intense." I now used my thumb and third finger, rotating them around his front dome, caressing the hard surface of his glans.

"AH-AH-AH!" he exclaimed as the sensations hit him. This was exactly what had happened to me when Stan had caressed my bared helmet to orgasm with his fingertips years ago.

"I told you it gets intense. Does it feel like you're about to come any second?" I continued caressing the blunt tip of his prick as I spoke.

"Yeah!" he muttered through clenched teeth as I applied all five fingers to may t ask.

"OH-OH-OH-OH!" he shouted as the full force of the stimulation poured into the head of his prick.

"You're not going to be able to talk from this point on. It's going to be so intense all you can do is gasp and moan," I said as I ran my fingertips around the flaring rim of his helmet, causing him to cry out:

"HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH!" The sensations were hitting him hard, and I wasn't going to let up.

"It's almost too much to stand, isn't it?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't be able to form words to reply. His loud moans filled the room.

"I'm keeping my fingertips moving all over the helmet now. That's the most important part of the technique because if I stayed in one spot I'd tire out the nerve endings and it wouldn't produce fresh sensations." Now I pressed my index finger into the vee-groove under the head, working on his hot spot as my other fingers circled the body of the glans. His loud moans stifled anything he might have wanted to say.

"I know it's really intense now," I commented as I grasped his rim lightly and rubbed it sideways with all five fingers. The muscles in his legs had tightened and he was moaning even more loudly under the assault from my lubricated fingertips.

"This takes about a minute before you come," I explained as I eagerly massaged the nerve endings in his hardening glans. "I can feel the head getting harder and it's also getting darker." His slit was pouring lube now, diluting the Astroglide, bit it didn't matter because my fingertips were giving him all the sensations he could stand.

"Your eyes just closed, Roger. That's a sure sign that you're going to explode any second. Just try to stay relaxed, though. It'll last longer if you can relax, and it'll be hotter when you start to cream." I noted that his legs were trembling, and that the tension had spread to his entire body. His fists clenched, and the cords in his neck stood out.

"Now I'm going to rub my palm across the front of your helmet for a change of pace." As I did this I felt his glans throb. His cries became louder yet:

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" he cried out as my fingers clasped his glans, twisting to enhance the sensations that were already dominating his consciousness. Roger's shaft was rigid in my other hand as I stabilized it, and I held it with thumb on top and the tips of my other fingers underneath so that I'd feel the pulse in his urethra when he began to unload. His cries became more high-pitched as he approached his climax. Now he was following a rhythm in his cries, inhaling and moaning on each exhalation, an intense "AH-AH-AH!" that filled the room. His balls were drawn up tightly against his body, tighter than I'd ever seen them.

I felt a powerful pulse in his urethra as his first ejaculation rushed up his shaft. His glans throbbed hard against my fingers as the first white rope shot upward from the straining helmet. Roger cried "HHHAAAAAHHH!" as the orgasm gripped him in its fury, and his hips bucked on the bed.

His steely shaft and glans throbbed again as another thick stream shot into the air to fall back onto the helmet, where I rubbed it in with renewed vigor because I knew he needed the stimulation to make his orgasm intense. I also knew that within seconds his helmet would become too sensitive, and I listened for the change in pitch that would alert me to this.

Roger cried out helplessly as his third gush erupted from his distended slit, slamming through the lips before arcing into the air, and my fingers danced over his tortured cock-head to bring forth another gush. This time, his voice rose as the stream gushed from his dark purple helmet, and I removed my fingers, instead pulling back harder on his shaft skin to stretch the already distended nerve endings.

As I pulled back hard on his shaft skin, the gee-string under the head pulled his helmet down towards his balls, and he cried out again as he let go another stream. The thick white juice shot a foot into the air before arcing down to land on the towel covering his stomach. Now his prick throbbed again, and another gush erupted, but with less force. I gave his shaft skin a quick yank to make his helmet bob and bring forth another discharge which this time merely gushed from the slit and ran down the head and shaft, covering my encircling fingers.

I held his prick tightly as his orgasm ran down, feeling the pulses weaken until the lips of his long slit merely drooled cream. His body began to relax and he stopped moaning, merely gasping to catch his breath. I knew that now he'd be sinking into the profound daze that inevitably followed an orgasm this intense, and that he'd calm down in a minute or so.

"Wow, what hit me?" he asked as he opened his eyes a minute later. "I thought I'd never stop coming."

"That was the idea. It felt the same way for me when Stan did it that way." I remembered how the orgasm had ripped through me, the mind-numbing sensations seeming to go on forever, until I was semi-conscious at the end.

"That was really hot," he continued. "I felt like my dick was exploding."

"It did explode, Roger. You should have seen it. I was watching every second, watching that big helmet shooting its juice and feeling it in your shaft too." I reached between his legs with my other hand, seeking the beginning of his urethra to milk him down. I found the bulge and pressed my fingertip along it, driving the remaining liquid up into his shaft. Now I milked his shaft and watched the flow seep from his softening tip onto the towel. I dabbed at it with a tissue, provoking a gasp from Roger:

"Watch it! It's still sensitive!" I removed the tissue and pulled his foreskin up to protect the tender head.

"We can get the rest of it out in the shower," I said. "We both have to pee, I think."

"I'm still too tight to pee," he said.

"Let's get into the shower. Once that hot water starts running over your prick, you'll relax and let go. That's going to flush you out." I helped him up and we went into the bathroom. I adjusted the water and we relaxed under the warm spray, facing each other. The moment the hot water began sluicing down my prick, I felt my sphincter relax and my bladder began draining. I looked questioningly at Roger, whose prick had now softened.

"I'm still too tense to pee," he said. "I'd better skin back so that the water hits the head." He carefully drew back his foreskin and I watched as it locked behind the rim of his shrunken helmet.

"It's nice the way our foreskins lock back behind our rims, even when we're soft," I commented.

"Yeah, it's because we both have such big rims," he said as the first trickle began seeping from his slit. The flow increased quickly, and within seconds his stream flowed with full force, flushing out his urethra as mine was doing to me. We let the water rinse the sweat from our bodies, and when we'd finished, we both pulled our foreskins forward to protect the precious heads. We dried ourselves and went back to bed for more sleep.

End of Part 2

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